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Definition of Genre: The style/category of art, music or literature

[derived from the French language, originally from Latin word for
kind/or class]

Steve Neals theory of genre is that art, music and literature are
placed into genres in order to pleasure the audience repeatedly
because they will be getting what they expected from those
genres. Genres are instances of repetition of difference; this is
what pleasure for the audience is derived from.
John Hartley looks at socially grouped audiences and genres
bringing types of people together because of love of the same
category of art, music and literature. However he argues that
films cant be fully enjoyed by all audiences when they are put
into types as it only aims at that class of audience that love that
particular genre Genres are agents of ideological closure they
limit the meaning-potential of a given text.
John Fiske Genre attempts to structure some order into a wide
range of texts and meanings that circulate in our culture for the
conveniences of both producers and audiences. Fiske supports
Hartleys views on genre. Fiske suggests audiences with
different social backgrounds and identifies with enabling them to
receive texts differently.

How can these theories link to the horror genre?

These theories can be linked to the horror genre because genre allows
lovers of horror films and all things horror, to come together to enjoy
their favourite genre because they feel certain expectations will be
met. Thus, social aspects can be derived from this, like horror genre
blogs and sites connecting audiences across the world from starting
debates, conversations etc

On the other hand, placing text in a particular genre may prohibit
others from enjoying it, because they may be expecting the genre
horror to be more frightening than it will be. Although, this may not
be true because some texts categorised as horror are really more
thriller or action types, but classifying the text as horror kind of excludes
audiences who love those genres (thriller/action).

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