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Definition of Narrative: A spoken or written account of connected

events; a story.

Edward Branigan describes narrative as not just a chain of events
or cause and effect but as activity that organises data into a
special pattern which represents and explains experience. This
theory looks at films as fairy tales (Such as; the damsel in distress,
the hero etc)
Tzvetan Todorovs theory can explained in 3 parts 1) The fictional
environment starts in a state of equilibrium (everything is as it
should be) 2) It then suffers some disruption (a state of
disequilibrium) 3) New equilibrium is produced at the end of the
Laura Mulveys feminist theory of narrative is the male gaze
the idea men are placed in the masculine subject position in
Hollywood cinema while women are seen as just object of
desires. (1975)

How can these theories link to the horror genre?

These theories can be linked to the horror genre because horror films
often have stereotypical characters (Branigan) such as the villain,
the hero and in many cases the damsel in distress. Also the
disturbed equilibrium is almost always replaced at the end of the
narrative/ story even if a lot of death is involved. (Todorov)

There is also some truth to Mulveys feminist theory because in horror
films the younger women are often beautiful and portrayed as dumb
blondes or the damsel in distress being rescued by the male figure.

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