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Ulfa Nur Asyifa | Ekonomi | Bu Surti | X 9 1


Question ( Price Index )
1. What is the price index?
2. Please list the types of price index
3. What's Producer Price Index formula
4. Attention development and the amount of demand for oil and chilli in 2004 and 2005 below!
types of goods
Price ( P ) Quantity ( Q )
2004 (Rp) 2005 (Rp) 2004 (kg) 2005 (kg)
Oil 4200 5700 30 24
chilli 3000 4500 50 46

Based on the above data, if in 2004 the base year for the year 2005, the index numbers in
2005 according to the calculation of Laspeyres experience
a. increase of 20.39%
b. 56% reduction
c. increase of 43.48%
d. increase of 43.99%
e. 26.33% decrease
5. Table consumer price index (CPI) as follows.
Year Consumer Price Index
2010 114%
2011 120%

Based on the above table, the rate of inflation year is 2010 2011 with rounding upwards ...
a. 5,89%
b. 5,34%
c. 5,22%
d. 5,21%
e. 5,26%
1. A ratio which is generally expressed in a presentation that measure one variable at a certain
period of time or location relative to the same variable at a time or location.
2. The consumer price index, wholesale price index, index of prices paid and prices received by

o o
o t
4. C
5. A
Ulfa Nur Asyifa | Ekonomi | Bu Surti | X 9 2

Question ( consumption function )
1. What is meant by consumption
2. What factors affect household consumption
3. What formula MPS
4. Pak Marno have no income and have to spend money amounting to Rp 300.000,00 for the
purpose of his life. When it worked and earned their spending to USD 1,250,000.00 USD
750,000.00. Make a function of consumption!
5. At the national income of Rp 200 billion Rp 150 billion level of consumption, when the
national income of Rp 250 billion Rp 180 billion level of consumption. Determine the break-
even point!
1. Activities use or use of goods and services directly to meet human needs
2. Level of income, education level, level of needs, habits of society, prices of goods, Method
3. MPS = 1 MPC
4. C = a + by 36 , 0
000 . 250 . 1
000 . 450

C = 300.000 + 0,36y

5. Y = C
Y = 30 + 0,6y
Y 0,6y = 30
0,4Y = 30

) ( 75
4 , 0

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