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VOL" l


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~ '1. 1.;.5


BRADBURV, lEVAN,s~ &: CO.I! I I" iBOlJVE.liUE ST.~ £;C. :1186&

I GHO J tW1~ Se~D. :~ o¥er, The WIOO]~ mu b~ pu:t intlOc:Mn'l:Z;, 'fhe:unl Cha"!!iice]l>o:t ow; l.a:idI.lJ(l!1 :hls mg rull .. ia~! :M!cljpew~p~~ :lletI~ tll.e g'i't:a!t: sr:1ll1,tCl his hak~. T~(l !!l::!l~,lC:Q$ of tbe: Speaker,'s, ~hMr 'ha\''e ~nNm.edt!p:sW!e d()\~ j M'ld th."I1t m15rtterio'l;!ss.ymbo~ of th Eri.tish, ICl:l:nrilmt~O:!l\"tffiI.e S--~r~m:ar,,¢:1 has bem ':I,lJtt~!:! .. its ,greeD. bag ;(!Ind. !'i@IH off t(!!~~e f~gjtonsof ,llijlO, The p:;(fJ[arn:eorliijr ICOIm'Ip i:s.ltro'~en ~:p'j, audtbe: d[stffiEigntlshed ~;(I!bIJLmitGn 3i!Dd ~U~lH)'oe'DJ 'who,fi:om J,llllilWJ' til JllIDy~ d:o u~till(l Irtoll!1l1i.!l' of la,QlI:.lng s~ O!IJ!W ri'g)b:t.s a!:id ~'Ii'aeges~ of ~ql ~tlI.di tttal1l1w.g £m: u~ oflfl~tmgMm:is'ie~l' iU!id '~D,g us ,iO!JW, foUind~ b~, .. e ~tul7,ll~d~ AEit~s,liJt~." toO I1'lntJ1t~1' ~,,;md] fur theDle~t, ~'O 'wtih:I>~e~Q[!lt'hi5· flIlay be f~!:!IQd ~!:!pe~jii!ick.e~, a:Jld OOWlief hats; hli. ~ Ihmjp.'~ldaii!d 'dle :sliUbble, en ~he moore of th.e Higjw'Ild5;, !l!n;~~e:Slnndoiw '0£ M~t IltlDC QF the: fy:renees, ~nyad'l:ts Oll.tiliI6 Mooiliei!fan~IIl~ of on 'Ilae ~k9 of :NOiFW~gia!l ;!!itte.l!m\\~th it s:al~OiDi ~ iii!! 'th~:if ka.dlsjlpic-n~cm!1l' und!l'il' ~e :P~~i:d:iJ or l~ki~ a:JIlie~ 'b:b:£kpm.!!i~n nlimois. A \II~lJI'p:~~nsant !i~ of: m:(l>~ and all ~ahle :re'~r ffQ~ the POOli(iil.((i~Q~~,e~Diite:ilitI.eillt of _pMllin:n'~IliUUy wm:kJ' wned on,~ by di~rut~~I.baI]~, M!di te~~d~~

I'eroi,\\'!ij ~ttIDle~.I$t b,liU$b litroa.y 100k ,li:kiilla ~cril.~ o.f :sellil.t;~t" ,avlQlaticl)l1I. of all the. pfl)prieties (ll£ t.1iL~ rooo~~o! taU;, 01 ~. H DSlIinfS I)iliun~Gttl~ Itep.orts" .~n.Au:g!1lliiL Yet, HansaMJ ,<li:~ .1lIDj liike the h\~!lO:II~ I)IiI~yof MIlIl," isoilly II: dUlnl[mok to' du.i:trea;(I£R .n]!i .11, min~. of con~rltUltffiQmlHd! POlitiClliID hr~~oc:ry, !!i AliI OI(~A]m~~act ~i~ Jema.p!i~ i~ O:l'llil' ~1!iI!Ii:SCj' illi ~S~ Y·e:t Wiltt.!ttt '\fiio~d W~fI(!itgiVe: fo:r 'DlG~ek, ~d. RiOQiiMIIHa.nsaNilljl 'wbem W(!lmi.rl:]lt't rum iIlO :6ind hi Pmde:/Q'~. W,i;!msWJiIlIlIiI: be iim:d to say about lie poUcy ,ofth,~ lPe]Q~ilIl'i&Si.a;D 1\! OJ"lo~eMII th.e. speecilu;lj o£tne 0i.'OO'!l! 'Ii~ C:i~J ,and. me 'Ca'hlli. in dlil'll't, pand .Re:fi~~ (lQn"liIov~~ywhtim ~ ~11Ii3,tlgtJliiTIrlit:OO b,~1 dn.e G~~, a!ll.di broJ!.lgb~ ~omis:rue by the 'Cati:l]o~ :1ud, C~rn who, ledt:he PQPtJ~pal'1;y ~ A!lldi haw the OitibofiS" :tile FTQt!l.d:~!'l~ and ~b~oola~ @ftThletllimeth ~ej[lutymn ,rl~m. oM \'O]IIDI'lM~J; o:rl~ Hansard" if tb~p:mp.hetic ,tg\ii~ruLeI" ftom, NeW'Z~!lllnfid, afl~ !ibtM~g·th~' wiu of'!St :P~ijf¥~ ;~bQuld Cil~a:Reeoo6f:1d in fiht! 'West" miuter. .ma.i'Sbcs aa:llItb.entic ~~libiOlitim:~o11l; o:f thi!!i :s~oo.mes of 'tile'


~rlia.merilaiy Q:l:;;I.t~ ~f ~l day ~~the {ra:! ad the lTiii!! Cffiu:llldn, ~

FuliaroenWy repQns ,~ to iU1! as,~monplHe:as R~lIitef5 t. ,gJam!!l. lihou_gb !liIe ,~i~n 1l!f;!:n~papet!i;~v~mGmmg ~ us: mth,fifteen" lwenty'!,;);nd. ~iol!lally ~. ~~, (;Ohtm.ns ,of the: ~l(liqlll!!!n.ceJ wit! mdwisd~rn! Qftbe l.Gtds; ~dl CbnJm,oas" TIu~1'ie l,t d on Ol1irbreik~ I~Ifi1l1es ,31!lregulaifly as 'QYlf fiOUi'll ;lind ,00, oJ r(Xlffee. "fheN,,~\laooQIDpmyl~g the tq)Q~ ~,~ l~~Q~a:ndbrill:iMt ~ti,cism$" i~all t.l~e~1!IJhQrilyau_d ,dulg~oel 'of 'OOurgeQuand ~ upon, the:S~Khe~th~!lUt!~~~i and ~:p'h!ie d~iP'ti®s of '~he, min 'E~ SW;t of tle I~~ lww tbey]ook~,h(Jiw~~y~k!ej and, 'who ~c in ~,e'p1~i~ 10' see ~d ih~ t~

"\~t i!lW,:r~btln: is Inm~tQ'Y I: ]f dl.~ .~ or C-a!~ ad. WOot. tal.! afPt"J and h[;S OOFp~1 ,of r~~mt !l1m~.' 0[1, th'r!! 'bad;:. kllich~ij oftffiiC' MP~~' ,g~lli~ry, ~$ the ,sh:l:d~ ~r ~i~1i'f;Qtmrl ~h(l S~~r'~: ~h~" llQ1iI'~Y must !rnt1~~ at th~ .~ by ~hiih ::I., ~.d_f\l!l gf I~']iit~ ~Pt~ taking D.Q~ iill!t~~iir'~, ::tllld a:i\effl.-& wrlti:Qig tb~ ~"I!ltbythe nick~,g ~Igh:t of :Ii, bar, ·1"jot .. l"'liIr: ,(1".-'-',11 .~.,.t" '._~' C-. " : ... -l-'--:'fbra:nd;:-c.,and~'I!'Ilall:--.rhw;beenl

1-"-""'-"'--.1'-' er -- r-' ""'" F""'l'"""" Ql a:. ~JJ:!S5 0_ - - - )! . ~ . ---

d.eve:lo.ped mtQ' ene ,(Iii the Inostpowe&l ,~te~ of ' the lil!ll.lm.1 \\~ th(jihistory or th~ Engmish~, i~ m1ittell ~ ilt ougkt~OOOj,lIl;m m bits ann: ~F!!: ~r pefOOnai biiogpp~ ;)llmllt:[risib: l'il!prut~ ,~ SeoWb. cdiWfi\, bu:t H IB, great !:I'Ocial ,jJ;I)_d paU'tieil mstt1'ilJ:t~~ p00p1e IlU:I ~Mk--,a.nd took!h~ ~:(iIIM::aauk7 {Of .~.

~'b.. ~ • "-11 . . '" .4' ,. ..."' ....... L.~

m~~ ~l~l~ ~fig :~~ggesuve .~. y~'i;pI~og ow, ~~essQl, l'Vf'~

notions· m p'v~mm~t" an d." II ~1 add" In the gentlell'art5 ,and ~_, nillin (Jf poli;triC(l.j lire", '~Jl is. ~o be ;f~!).d i~ tbe rn~ 11M ~.Qr:

IDUirnewspape;-r pR~, TIilI~~:;)', $pe~ In ·th.e: .Ho~ 0:[ COOmmo.D:S :[tl! t~ .papeD Lllltltt!:M}l'5 O~I'!!S].ow'~ i:li5~U@SQ.r ~ ¥inst; theg~wriHen la1!V' o:rp:~,t Nit~l:v a;n the:~l't~_ wehalv~ I!!),f th~ Ispeet:; afro)!; ~d Pitt; ;~ ~~titf~ ~, SeViem mt~e!i'f!O~ mmO'U>s mth~ I~e~ we :klf!.ow~ :rm.m,th~: ~ f~ioI!:s of d1e ~~f:rI!,~~ to b~ ~ than, :Sl:UUpIli~ rQ~ th.e}'ilN :r.c.tlidou~ tjhc ~Q!1!:~Qction_$ ,(If rili~ ~rt'e~,thems;e-J~ !it V-:~ •• !itim, :nl;.~n.s, ,of the .ap>eeaea: madJ;~ mems H0use j: It; ~. ii1i, ()onspimcy lI!l11m~ePM~iame!'ll 'ool'JitempciIMe in. th.e eyes. of ~ natlon.fI!' 'That :ilg, the'liigh~ in 'whi.ohpar~nt'alJrropom ~ looted. upnn ·bf QV repR-8i!mtUii.",es, [t5:!l til an a cen;tury I1p. ~. d~ the reports: ,of 'Ifle GrnJ/l_JINm wbe ~'n 'msmt to the. Ho~ Wp.~ .!pwlI.ol1llced them. lliigh:ly i.udoocm;ms. l'.be Sq!l!i:res 3m, '&~ij~~ ~h.etePOl"ire1'!!.l, The: Speaketl~~dthem, at 'ldti:: bait. The ~~t.a:tArm:§ :imprimndthem. lbo~haml iD ~: RfJ,patt

_I:' 'l.~ ._-:M1_;!' .' ".dL~~'· ,_ t_·'·· .,. "L ~ . , ,

'gil ~S ~eil'~ was ~l;lU 'b;i!o 'O~' .~Qt ~~~ll(8; o~ UM< rcportem; ~.

OIl ith~V--:e:t'J ~,~ of'tm,e ~b~isb!'.!i!ent ,of pa~ ~er 'by' theR:~J~]Iiiil llilll Qf ~.1:2'~iliL'! H~ m'" Lom_smatkoo &ei!.' !reuse m Wl :~lUUlt ~.Qut by 'tJlIe nfJU;j_~t one: ofltheir o:rd)er "y mmliD,g' out aw:hole t~ !Of' geDtl~!} ,ofthe .~ The'iPeeP.'!, loo~ t1~ 'Il.~ ~~ ~,e11 ·p:oottymu.cb iH.tbe light tlJit!,t tlleyS'~in, look, 1!I,pti'mI '~~, T~!fiY' ilht:f ,dine ~th them O];t \villjS.'s,lltoom:SJw~r '~e ~d~qr@f ,a, .Duikt'~il,ndtoasttli~"m;s as the FGunlil ESmte-.

!~p$no i~sti,turiQIl, has ~ :~! :~t~lQgly failluedaUdlefmta5tk ~imor:l:S, thstlili"e.OO pfOll,~ed. ~ ~t5. ~d1e. ~whicb, SIr Rooert P'eei dmoollce.d OU! t~e in~tn.l~JiIl:l]!l of '~~be very ~ and. ¥ilm-te31 or d,._."lili"fi'lI ,'~ s&: RcII,C.~. :1!>,l!eJ"-;-;:, ·pH. Mil" 1r.:!I~.iI~~·

~~~~ ... -~~Ii~' ""'"4 - '. !;>!!;1Tt .!r --- rll ill,J'Jil. ~'.~ _ ~. y~wne.

now piiOJum'OOO!! 1il111>C, ,of the most d@cUve i,~e~b of plfpmaT'

'~I"""''''t. ~,' 'Ir't' ,;:.. ~ .... " ,.~-. '_"c·!l.. .. _ -- (""'ii<I! '''" .... - .... '_"'-""""'-~ .. ,!._ ...

,lj,""''''''!r!!,H~",;;,~~·,::_ --' .J.L, .. 1..ilI; ~lIi~~ ~ .1!Ui ..... L-ilL 'I~ ~Y' ,,'~;i~ llQ'~!' 'u~~-~~CL',Itl.L~

the: ad!:Orii. of a po~a:r _ wd~dlilc:tOO ~. aJ.cel'S.~ntioill' ~.~ nature ,orth~ rela:liU:ll$ ib£1tW~n ~h~ ~T;Il(!!l'$ and .~.~. g~~ fl~en~ b~~~ Ri)' J.o;~11 d~ty to' be: ~o~ed~~~IOlX!d

'. 'b II' ..iI. ""b 1._ •• "" ~~. _ . .,l1. ~ ~~~.;J.". .. _~' oJll._

'~ "'~!.ln~ss. '~fU~ ~w~!!rie 1~'v,emID'e!Il;t, 'i,li~. p~~~!:!p UJ.L.I1U'iO

Legiila:t~,JUte: their daily a:p~~'h the ,dailJi!1~~il:o ile ~lind .and. llI;11d~dling of ~ ~-m'ber (If the ~ty;. wca:v~ n~til!!I of lDi~Hr.l5il;: rua'liedion betrw,~e:n~hep.riwteindi.~ vMlJ:!.l Uld~e! puiiMk _Jthiorit;~ wWe'J' wblcl), .1lI:e~lVes, aond ~,ve a. ne~W' I~!! tosocl~ty .andl 't\1! the Wt'l.eTtltedi .In!timtius ·ofthe .coontry;.1' ~t: is 1Ml". G1ad!~imu~'s opinion upon iIlbe aCliiQD (If the n~]i~!t ~;~y" 18 'ClJin:tmdistmti:!ti:'ltIIJ,wthe ri:i~t~ <U[liti.r;;rpa.ttom of str ,RabeR Feet jand it, e;qn~s:seI mth d~,I.1C11cctihe~w opmi~l!II, oJ the· !§~ng, cC~~ '1'Iia.e~~ws;pape. pKS!; U, the: great ·~.wai:tof P'O:~ .~rV.el'ml1~t .i~dth~ml.l: Hil sOUli or tlhegcw~~p~S ue 1J!i@ P1lIrlia~.f1wynllfXlt~e~j' 6lempmentati:¥tl:S or th_a~ ill hoo;de oJ b.a!ampts;. ]QU~--QiI~ k~p~ :tbatIDne~ gd,decayw:d '~M~'i!r wljo lla1lf~~~ r~ ,~cit~.t'he OOIlit:em,t MC de_ibof' ·tIae hJ~~l1]e.d \V~bm.

·\Wto md. w~a:re tb~ men. bY' whli)liiiI ·this. system m'parlWaaol:3fy' ~iWlg hM b~ll d~Loped. .tQ its~,t d!egt'~ ~'l:I!ldIllIDess: &d ~tttl~ 1.lIM wW~S th~ pra.diicol~' Qf the:5]liSkm i!'

.~. ~,plT];l'1 :tepQI1e.B ~ in the:~m:c: mWJ!l~ ( fiC@d 'Ill.()\ ~f:. HU d~pti<m b ~clm11dY Fip:fi£c .. r., '.'~ .. @'I.lfC;n.tb-:l1!. - II..,~-'f'''r ~ ·thanW.c. C'. ~,'I'I!I :mriffl .. lilt ~ve' dlSCQ:ve~.

'''''':I .. - - .. -f--r a ~._ ..... - ~'I~' ... ---- .. ,1i'F!- . ''''''''0'

.... ,o,'Il._. '"""". ..- --r .. ;j'·_··,lh ~.:l." b;m..--h'i. "_'-.--. ,_t'i!>. :"~_""'''. ' ..... '1. ... ...... .."..~ . _ .. ' t·_d'- .. ,I!,;.g !II,Y._~: I~,~~pl U.ii .£.......Q:S~ Lif.U'~'~~~~ ,~~~iIIl~ ~N.U ~nJI'K~~'''-y,ulnIU. '_~

m~lilo ~at like, I~ OJ!! the; .~ bl! of the: gaLl~lYt ~ hig rtothe: dit!iba!t~s ~d jQ~ .~. ~tiili~ ~,of""~t 'Ui!.ey'

Jt,-.:il iT--i~ - ~ . I ' - r: ~"),-"'t.- - - c t-- ~ !l.1ir:!fH","<, -,"n . _~Iw:.- _d;

~1iW~1.!,!'.WJi1I~en o~ ,~ ...u~J!r ,~,~ ~ ~ ...... _ ...... "",.

IQE"OJrlt Cam,brni~ ,EdinbulI'gl\, DWilm ;mw. ~iho Ilave ~ ill'" tiined the' hlgil1!:s:t h01lwJ:S or th ~a.Ml" lot j;ite~~~ ;liii1!,g out.

j bow no, Isingle wmt:5:!"iimllrmt in we :~ of ~e ~t [aNy m' :I:iDy yean; has" eomiderin,g im own ~U!m~pWdMed ,oJ ~e" ~ pisMd, gmlliP' 10f' mm ~ ilhc ,~M!~!!!:l:)b;ty fie,PQH.e~fQ!:rIzy~lh~~ lIte~'te, land S1ii,eDm~ha.;ve ,aiU !replenished theit ~i" :frg:t!l the gallery j and, ,the :liImt~ of most 0f~ men ale ei:0Q:U!!nt 'of geni~ "Take ~t!I'Y:th.~:re a:r(l Sil:mlt:et Ta:}'~W" CQ~eriU:ge ,Bd 'l'hQm.1-"l!, !.lOUll, 'T2foW'd. Th:ese He. the IOl'lIy~ls that I CB ~ t-a wilnd '09thl:, sftl-l of the, mo'I11!U!l'lt J bllt:ttte:Yli'iep:reseI.1Jt al. lilost in 'libcm_s;elves:. h, ~Im .Utemtll!re of an a!l!lC! sclen~~i!t[sj enwg_h tOI jlefuoo, M". S. C. ~jthe eclliwl'· of thcA:rfJf)l!ll'"l14'/~ ;md DT, FQ_~,Wl~e.w. ruW:~dl.alor i!l~l Bmy'sta:nd ,EltiUite ,f/tfiR'iSem.tJltiv,e of 'D~!~ Ie :~~ in 'Ulie la;wutl ~h¢ ilHemtumaf ~gmati~ that: 'we :6ind dle most dits.d:ll~[~ Dam~ of fHlmam~n.taty~prr~. At .ll11.e riI@d 'm m~ list ~Qi~ld~ plai.n ]QllIllJ {;3imp~'[I. Lonj HJjg:l'ru C~nceUmr; B:uoo.

'~ - -

A.Jd~r.l(In aDd M:f. ffiusdcc Taitfi01il:fd IO-tand 'b-y kis sid~.; and I ,c:ouJd

~lec:-t mo~ 'tfl~fI!)nC ~e .!'ToOm the p~~t U~t .0£ Jt'I~: ]_n'V:~l~ minstet Hal~ ~ br.l:C!kI=t ~thl fh~~ Th~.~ dO~l!ts ofmm aJ"t. ilhe ~w.hgbep!l: tlleir ~.~ ~~. dt~ :Re(1Q~p!,' Glli!I~IY'. J[:~ ,I!liletn!li::l!I~l! Ilecdo~ly ~~(f 't~1 Cha~~~iS: Dfct~~ Si1~r1e:y Bmrib"ud 1J&', H. 1::~eJ!~.. Ed~t(K!l;) ,tb~ 8a.n~WJ fuls: pTOOUC~, 'by ith~ •• ~.onli _;; .u,di, ~¥~~ of tbICSC: ~ ... ve' altaiJ!!~ we hlgb:~ pa-s!llS ;i:DJ tlL·~·tmfe~D~ lime cihai~ofli,e. :l!lflM$~ IJ:ail;}l N~~ ~ffgfflit18· Pd#~ ~V'i,.nti;Jjg Atk"tt'· ~~ ~dj in ~iI;s; day~ gt. ml1l'AIiltming C7tf'qllidt;

OF ~Qln'ffje! w.itbm~t oJ :t~~menl :re~mtclg ·w.;UIm~~1 th:c ~ClipatiliO!l ,of 1~Si]~ h~.Q. Th@y w~ ~,,,,i.Mng ff)vbrieifs" WAiiting' f:Qi' py~l~~~~ 1It~~rti~g"ras: I;Q rili~wm~ Mr.. GI;a.MtGE~ once 1c8I~ed: ~. a p~,oressi:oD ,of ~~i~~IlI,'" !It ~ n~t; tJ1t~tna~i'I"J:~ ,of I:lIH:tr liVCSl, n ~~; tb:a.f:. til) man1r'~i:!!.J 'tD()USb not ~o :the I~tm'lit: it: 'l'i'Q5 {otm:erly'. YOI,li:may $til]I,~rhaI!~Il~d in ~b.~pllmy Camipbt~ls, ~d TalftnudoS_ :P!II,]S;I't!: Jtt(],~!i ad eh:i~ jiw<tl~,j<JDen ,oEg@m:s' whQ, ~ve }~t: k.lmlkllltib~ir ma.rk ]fi Iilit~t1;I1I1e!. 3;$;Cha:r~e:s: Diet,ens S'ld Silk1ey ~ooks, b:w£ a,on¢.M'3;11If Qi' ilbt-$@ mm~,mil ,~ ~m£imi~ readi~g 'U~p (b.t ilhlll· hall',. Qf: W[i th¢ oowts, 01 Wi!Stmiinst~ H~l!L Hcn:e ,lme!, itOOr~ }''OO :m;ty fi-;fi:d a cootribuitQJ' ~o w:r :rw~gmll~ .~ :Lm.dOB CI;)],~sPQ\l;!d.~QItS,J ~ he~~ by the d~Zdl"A.nd,su,~g a Imm has l5tml:il')iilO ~I'J lilll1l t"Q:f' die wort, wbatttairuillg is ~~ O!}u_al .t(lQ Ufe oft!h~ O:F f(!!otllD' :i~~(lf!S in 'UlC:fiiID~ry .:fmil1h e htgbl9: .~. of jO\'lma.l1sm~ fQl; ItJ1Ie '~Q~ ~r(J:l" itcmtli'm? :&it of' -OOU_m! ~~'IS the :mbl O,IliLy men, :mti~t: :p:rim~ oJ h.erutllit3;lld.m~J'iltal

l t.h G-' ~kry'"

-. ,-.'- ,,' I''', ,-. "".- " '

, n'e .'0. __ -~ .. ,

li'lgotlf are >!l:q~, to, 'tbe Uiu. ~'; 0f cim'(l :i!lId ~~~ting WMk'!' wnril:t;ha,t ohn, ,e-:X!tf)udfi: mwe thaI!! half ~ghclleftl!jgb~ ]~ oliIl ¢JI~;!;l;ltliill'ga.t!ltO~er~I' wifhEd]you1i faeuiltile!l, of QbS~~t~M,mellll!M'Y~ aDd ret1cctiO-JruOl:! ilihe stte~~ wln 'by -the hallmf!st aon~'lii· rn~ffion. A pcnedpadiQieiil:aiy r-e,poen-u oqghtt'O be liike~jaca\llny~ ,.,. 'bQok~D b.u~!,'!$\, H~! ~gb~ 19 '1::Ie Qllj <'!L '~' in pernlltt of l1ThfQ:rmatl~3.I!d ~,difigwit1l,~;t 'nigl1~t, ~!lltu~ o£tWi,e house. H:'e ou:ghrt w, iiQowthe: :bl'll, and ,(1tU~ If.If ~-~' tQ'~ic m ,dlisCI'I:1$io,n-nrna:nce:j 1~d'[a!l1" rt\!:t'~[p poli~~ ceodes:bsti,cs],<J;n.d. civ,il, blll'~ :anm his.tnry;He '~l"!ghlt iW ibc 'qmck I;l~ol!ghwiit;bn:is pen~il 'wtakee'l"e:ry ~'wd ,(If oml~, ~i\!~, G]<Id!~'tQn~ Disra,dil" and Le,we. He ,o~.ght: Il-o I;i~@ th~, 'w:!.t IQ :~~ 'tn't'), ~iqt ()f 'l'be.-iJ:' keenest: ~t!;d!mQs~ :sY!btle ~~JII5ioo6~olJ~d '(0. OOE;l it ~~a molfiem:. He ~"Ulg:Eit-!lQ:I: to .1Cio:v~r <i !bit ,(!If L:!;ti!i! Qf- Gr~k~ ,;t ~g~ r!I'QQ:!I BiI)I:lQC'!l Virgi]~. f):~ HO:~!:le • . b.d 1!.Q (:nI~ fiji., he ~JU ,to beab'te t.Qwt!w Ol(lil; 'his 1;0iP'Y a~ legibly i!!5 ~1:p,im>and.M opedi.d.oIlSly asa t!~i~:p:h;'I)~ed~foi'. l'e~hililu.I l!l~ not ::lIdcl. 'lba:!: all lb(: p:m:~j:rone~ reperters do :no:t:~~ss ~bJi;g, ~'31l~tty of rjI:ls: and qudttica:licu'l!s. Some' ,ofth~n:], ol.XaSlo:n<JiU:lf ~t:e ~cniMe IIiI'M.:b of t~@ Tn.!!! lBishap ,of )Ely r5aiyS ,tbey sy;gt~ ~tie;:d],f omlm: ~he :po:i-iirt: or an hi.s~1iIH~ruS:., and. :mlsrql~senJt'm;l~y of his rStJ;t~,cmts... 'F1~eyiU~, ,t:o nUI.k:~ MaGai.tlby' tal~k nQ\Il:!j~. They QIiI,acfml:dcb1m:tm,~ t1u: pr,Ullcipte Qf~m!r SW:~~ of LWIitUiQ~s nom ,~. l~$I:atiQfI o:f' the' M:e:dcal1s imd Fe'J::1;!J'ii'ian~,~ ,atW ~~" ~ap:3~ by 'way' ,of varryi1!lg t:be mon.otO':ny oj)' hii~ biist:ON'Gru, tb~:ry .• tfmr:n tnrCl:'·Pandec.ti'; iIJ);£ tlri,eBienares." 't'l::!ey OOl:le made L01i~ :Dmy eall NEt'; (jil'~fOne thl':m?olyphemlt5 ofclJi,e Llbef'~ party~ O~.e ,[ia:v 'this Sie~n ,thel"~o~dthe ~t>:l'ke o:f' dre :f~nd8 ~ e~_~h P!!!~1(

;~' .. .,~ 1"".'; _ ""

~mt:. by the Qlbjn.t~~u,~i.on (If ~[ewwmds ,~r Mr. Wa.clid Hunes

~pond'!e A~iIllillI!l! ~!lit~t,(\!'lj; anda day or two '"'S0;l,lpmfc$!wi' 01\7 O~ld $tit all hi'll u!n~iVt~i:~y 'fri.e:Il.d:s aghast: by' t~e gj:]m:tld and (),():m·· ~~1lr!l ~tl~tmloUigh I!:.hc :nm'li!£. ,~~ 1:h!:i!;; ~~!i1mlll\lliTml:it,:r!;'i!3iS ~:perluo:rto, the; m.om1ity of nm¥ rel~giGniProt~tant ,mk.oRl<l!f1I, '('-a~eli.;~!!_____a Pf'rve:rdOilii o:fthe v:e_iI'J simpi~:i<W¢m.:eI1l,t in the: UQuse ,oJ 'CommOIl!> ~, dlal 'Dallu:al mowjJty W<l!S s,uperior HI tbeffill_wi\¥ (If .my,Jri4ll :(l:;ither :P,mt£!ltlSin,t or Ro:rna:1lI Ca:thoic."

'Yet ~k! tbm :Ei]W in all 'Ute pn:!rlj:tmel!ita~)' 1i:~ or our d;:dly papers ,a,mI1hsiT¥,dliOUSi in.tiIe<i.' arllp~:iwd!!!: ,nld aCClu;acy. 'There ~s Datling .lite f~!CBI1 eithe.r:ill, :Fmnee O-J' ,A:meri,~..TQtakc .Ol!. :;]~gl~ m~nIl.. The Timr:; Df' F:rld.a:1~' the :;:idl,Qt JUlll~.sgVe Urp pg l~~ ·1ibn~~fI,¥e of iu (lOillllilml~ '~olihe [p.lrll.a.meDiliu'y d'l:~a~~:::i ,oil the pr~m;~rt j :~d liMa ~Iq'Je :l~.~f' Q.:l1~UW~__8~gt:e ~o cm:reCl! a ~Ie o.fthe,1i'fil file ~p~kHS them!!cilivl'!-Il <ue .foc,-{rUli!:nt!.y

~1~8; ~.~

il,U·rl1iliiag tun ~~t ell)(nti.0ll~u.. 'Tiley ~wmc:1iiHllt:5 "IiIith th~i:r bacti UI dlt: g~ij.¢lJ.. "They ~eakl~-Y 'of ~ J8a~OW~ :smi~'1 3!!1dhe1litating~m~. Lofid:D~y" ~d Qig~ ~ .LmlI. G:t:u!1- w~e, ~. :<1 l'Iil1e~spe* ldistinctl!, 1~D.ongL'_ 11' I@.tIJ~:rhfm:'e:Rq' ~t1Jklible ~h~y bm¥~,t(l' isay ;:F,~t ~ m1lJlt bil: aptwifih fOlIT pencill 'ei) ,all! yooiileM:. Bu.t Lord! J;;u:~elillagdLo~d Grey hum and ~ ~~ta'l!~1 and ~mg Q<¥e,l' ~ 'Word. t;n' . .!llfh1i'll$e~ Wit h:!Q;f!e], Md, 'O:~ i!l&ll:tJ:Hbly.. M:l'~ 'G~dQ.QJ!!.~ g~~~I,y ~ !(;lI~dym, ~ :t:Omnllt oocl, whidm"ndi ~r 'p;tl~Qm.fl'!.l~ :~m.d .H.b!t}'~ 'h~3tan. M ·the· tilib'le and ~m'S alU.,. :stte\I!ln ofllo:l!gJlt ad, ~M]j), ~Ol!,laeeplng !iEm~n~. HIs ¥ei!u~;mo!"Jnlt i~nt :Ih;l&; an ,apt: eCbo ·~~a dear_d. musical~Dunclati(H'I!. .Mr., Di~H :!!i:pUICs~n qtl[~W t(l~ ~ hit cli'e~' wo:rd ~s:3' and ~~ sentm~1! is p!1fect.Mt. lIm,ght:1\s m2Sfll~i'M Si:'l!i'i$!- finds itclng le!(.,UlSsi~ in. magnifi~ent i~toric. He l~5 :3:~d'l,d VQM:e ~ aJld .~. 'l;Ises· i,t mil!~s: prima ,db'~lte is: to my thllMklg themo~tpe:d~ m. attistk: !~rt1'l ~e' :9~ of C'Qmm.onSi, S'-rr: ROI.lIJd!~1 P.aJme:r:a:nd Mt~ tC-Q~~d. ~.ilD! ,alii, ~1~ fl!Qwmg~ ~ p~Ul ~~~ j omd. liB iI1'1qal.'R¥, b~ tht, h~ at :aU~t!~oo yo~. ~ b~ d tl'!~ have: ·tG :5af..But Mi. Wwe i:s the: l¢IOfi"li!'!I)f tl~ ,pI~. H~I(!: Qf:Ie' of~.'C a~le$t ,and.c~ m:en.mPi3:arl:i3m~lJ!t;. but .ru!. Si. :speak~ h.e is 0.. of m~Iin( mmo:~~, He; spW$ veryw~ v~1i1 ~fidi~ct1y!, andi.!j,I"MJ :~IlI'~~.. Flis MticuLati'Olli:s ~ie. Sir :9~a:JF(lFJd NQftlm.;.t:e :~ ~ faibd&Uit.Bc' b!ks,wi:tb(Ha.t sklp~ (!Ii allY d~tl~ :HlS 5~1!u::s am OOIltlaU.~ stfl!n.m.sGf wm-ds. l.Q.lld SitoiIey~i'l, :a~t: of a. OOf'(!Ji; :fQfth.wgh ~, may al1!i1iLf' f~(ilD ufCn ~:fidmilialy5l~~, ymJ! must snalll r'~u:r .!.lMS .~. p~i~e ycm_j'wil~ to iiRte~ ~Mrt~'by ~~~, wll3:t :ll.!! is ~yi~, H~s ~eD! i!it.enW.lfd1~~r,Jing:. ][11 lS .zi.'g!.lgg ~nd bl~Ml'. Stu.:an M.~l1lwa. .~~ 11ih~nvo[~~ :and ~, ~il:d&~g m.{I.!Dn~v. Yet ,all these aR mien ~ iiFh~ 'Oi.!. inber~tin.g ~ ... !iij1om 'iI!N'l!!ry'p~ilhin:b ~t a duty 000 gi¥e if! .I,ihe :~t ~.; a~ ~ a rnlJe~the'spe~he!j: of ~ ,giwn. mth ~kiEg vedmJ. ~~URCy:. Very o:ib:n t'beyread m~d:lmme 'deotiivfq :ID tb: :~ the next morning~. they !Ql'll'l.died In. 81. Step~):lithe~~ ~llght.

:EtnQW:!],Q InMe intmming' :!i.~tM!re .iiD the .Bmtses or Fu):i~ ment '~bf:! tM· ~~1iers m: th.m w,ork. Of 'W1:L~ tl1ey are· ilO ~, ~n ::li,t thtii' best iJiltil.e C9.'ImWlS;,n: :ils,not .~. ,lfjat tJ~=Lo:~ irut~l~ in the dl~f~UH or o:m:tooy. 1~ .~fl!~~Ul;, ~~ .11~/b'gg. It: is not oR.m th3t mey !!t _I :s~riiOOi, wad, 'to do,til~ tirm' {l!og"ys ;a.n.d.~hen p~ople .amnot iB fllete!il'l:per' ~o sit a ~ llinllnlm,g to eloqU$Dt h~es.

'Ibe f1JCl1JlS\'l' ,m Commons til! 'tib(: hl'lal1:, of :(Ill!fF~ta,f1 s:y.stem,~ lad ,till~' bu.~illW!iS is ,tit: ordeor Qftb;~ ~Y" ''r~! 'therer~:uv~" :y:ou. :mm ,gOl\oDnd tilt: ~Qrt~I'S,~ a.nd th~~ .~ i,gbt after. iI~ShtJ alll tlm).~ the ~Ol'l; ~, ~y fillW t!h~ ~b~ ,(i.$be~ Allto1d" ,~l\'l Af{l about 3, h~f;I&,ed of ~h~ a't wmk" e~tihu in tbe: gil11.etY' m ~= ~~~er:;~" riti~g '001 d ooP'Y ~j for tbepril1,~~Tll.e 1im:u b. '!the ~t~i :;Ii~tll.e TiJtNi:;ot;lji genemUy t!Jo:mprls~ '~ tJ_d1e(J,metl! o.fthe P:ll.ezy. 'ne:prr,J~ am.dpa;yo£ 'the ,~ lact: ttlfl;i:otheir:3iS ~ptrW,erfullood:!fto~.e ~I!, atwctm,gan tbebest m!!1II,HcIlm lts sel"ii- ~.,. ,HeRe, th.f! !!IU ....... ri.oJil~ w!rtich d~m!D-'·'::~'If. .. - 'the .' r~-,

--_. ~ce., .~ ~. -~ - t"~~ ~ ,0:1' - - ... ~Iii'-'""S . . par m

itI1lm'l;;Uyil7e~, oftheT:tmtS from lb~ 'of .~ts (;O!lretn:pomri~s., MaD fQ1' ~I!!l~_'ap~, the' DafJ,y .N.miS':, the .Pff,ti, Md Il-he .1l~1,i wuJ:dI, ~ tffiu~:~~t m~ lQifilLlll 'JIJm« staff, I~~th~-.f Mi iho~di, 1I1iter.s or men ,QJf gen~l :iilllt~~ti,el1l!lrl.ce,,:lnd ~h<il; 'Il may ,caIil writfu!!,g pnl!r., 'Elllt 'title ~, ~Hgth I@f a :!".!31'1i:am:nmrruy slaW of 'fep)l1!e!l\S 001 io,r;he :mEik Sid file. I!I t~ r.tnt3:Ddfi~e be '!VIm the' 'r:epom I!Ifth~ ttaft' wlJ]l~let!!i ~, a.whole, '!tie: }~(l: a,nd~ril!lCOlmte, .or ~. ,th~ :Ii~:~ 'w~a!limM:. lite the DailJ N_f'fl~,.and. the PtI'st,

Mlcl,it:~, nl"'-tl!j,k~ , ~.'I::h.el R'!-:.~."" .. t.' ... ~\,~;, ]1 "',.- li -,c

~ - ~,. r·· ""r ~. - - ' .. ~po"..,. . ~.~!J~er ,~ve_~

quendy' tiQund. ~m,oJtgIi!~ ~~llill. th~~~e!llQf Mw, D~e:)~ ~ Mf~ GMst(ilIlH,~ mQ-R aoQ1.Ul1teID.r~Qrt.W, if.!, th~ ,Dar" N~'t <);!i!d! the ,Ppn 'tha;ij ,~~ 1he T'mtu. ][Nt td.-e the :~~, aU il:t ~~" ::m.d. ·the Ti'md ~~Q,nd ICC!!lpariiS(lnnmrpleJ' a:nd moreacewrat:e tbn dl~ of aTl!yoF :~emQmil'lg'pa~rs. ,AmI,d] ruls sU!p<eriori.ty~s ~sJ?eCh!llf ~em'bJi!' ~~. Qn'e~Dt The Z'iilMS nevt'I btW),deri~n it!! d.asiii,cal pl:J~l! or h!~tor:i~ alJll~ons.F;QX 1ah:l I,t dow. as am[~ of ~~ntw:y debe.t-etb.:tDi!l m<li.D wght Ijgqu.Qt~ ~ I}]t: of [,actin M I(fl;~k. tt.h:a:t~5i fiQ't ril.mi~bu" <l.51J :hq~~e.ll.old~i)rd liI!, ·the m~1J!ihs ~f ewwy .Etan 'boy ~ ,;:md Sir :R.omm. Peel a!lw@~ io'U@\Ved tba:t, 'roiLIgo FIe: ~evei!' qIlQ~. O~~k at aiIDl J and. nisrneti~ inltiLS ,~, :ur~ of' Lol!'d ~~e h~n¢l.trl.ot~i'O 'dl~ fad: lMt non!!! of 5.11l" R.(I~Pe~]~ latin qI;tQt:l:t!loil'l~ ~re, SO,t\') spea\;origiMl.([u.GWlna:ll1l.. They .bad all ~. w.eU tri@d)in. t~.el .House befjJ~@~ Sir Robert Peel tQo'lth~m ~, N"~w:,ifIlI ~ ti1:letms" th!l!R ~ill, no ,diitlW~t:y. E-vm:y"' .mportm L~ ~.of·l.atin:lind! ! ,r,atcihthe omiug' ql,IDlati,ous. I1ut:you catL:llloi;t!e: .n)~. lite (:;~..msWJil¢, Lowej.and,Colerid~ {kmm totbe !li N ~pap~~ RMd~~' CQm-pa1'lliQ'JI}. :tl'l'~q'take iinth-ewf' km tlu~ whOle £ieid ,af c~ Hemmm; and dmw tbdr il~!15trn:ligns ail: rnn.d.OfIlIj {:i;Qm Vil;giI'I, .H'Q~j' HQm~t aDd ,AilEllopbna You must be. a kiee<n :!m.d~d, Rb,QiW: to ca1m .t.!!:!.~ iillu:slons en .!lh~ :iflStanl1 iOr~ if ~- mi.sI!! them.~ ·fl)·fmow w:here~ ro~ 'QlD. hUl'l!t tllem. up at the· offi!D~' :Ft:i$ TI,OI Nibil onthl! g(mde~H of ,the l!N!lery! lhepe'~ to

~ytba:~ they are not ~~\ffi :keen Oiffi.~ pi'Q(w.nd! sdl61l.l~ i arulI 1 am G,n~!f ~imlg u~n a.wt:oriQ~ ~ wit!~.!l I :~y~at 'illM OJ: two ·o£m~ papers £ysre:ma:ti.a!i~~yshu·e;w!~m:o$t ~f the cl.t'l!ica:I~'H 'w}[ii:b ad:Onl !!he speewes mO!!l![' nun.1 sc.hobilymd <!:c:oom,.nm~, Sf'eJk~, 'nis the :I'im'tS .m~!rer· doos.. I'tk!eeip~[!ltheFl]erya Hm1!l1 of 'tiile h~gbf:St edlu;.a:ti()l'nand (If ilhel m.~~td O!!Ua:_in~ifu;, to ISUpe;n~; the: :re~ of :ict1, 1t.!Jf~ ·to ill YIP ~~,y dlii!L\ m'e' re:po~ :maf' JD,,*i~ iDbi~ ~~,tion!, md ~P,P~1 h~ID with .my quotdicll.1S m: ~31ttI.~, ~theiiJilljls t~) 'tde.'fbi:S Is Oii,!iile~' ,ronr"!l;::Il!i:eI!~j' 'Iihm.!;B)h neassa.rlI~ 'l.~pem~¥e~i!mn"mlen,t; lbllt i~ .adds iDfi~it1cJDy t.o tfle "Ii~u:e and;y of 'the l1'ffui' mports.., iSOC!1le.!:"Ol later~, if the rest of~e: papeo~ ~_lI~ mcompe:l~wi'm the ::nm(:1~ a~ pentd padi:ament3r-y f~tter~. ,tbeY'mm:t fl:iU\'i\1ll the Ti:1JJ,'~' '~fLe J ~pe'rh:a"flS [he .llOOn~f th-e beUer.

'rhe'J;-,e~e~t !i,}~,steID, ~. ~li:.,m<l;ri~ we~i'!:!g :i:s~ .hfiwe'lle!': •• ~Pl'¢~tr:~t:!~ly u;bi"'1fa:.~'1'1!~ S.1i'S~cm. There ~;!:l'e 15ev'e:B or ejgb~m{lmiillil8: new:spape:lS.~ and each ,of ~bese p<lI-per.skeefS a specbll ~',~ rnt~ ~ j~ die gSillL~..m:'Mlia;m~nt:SYl\e~ng U: OlI!l~.qJu:efltl:, one oJ the hea,,.icsl, neD'l.!> of newspape:t m<rl'l!aigeme:nt. It i! i~b]e to d~ 'l!be w~r,k ,at 8i'U w~tb a st3&f of less thanii;it~n o. $i:x,t-em men.; an(ll If:w~ fileD mlt'lt' Ililoo hilM~ PJli:d. Theil" sai~riesi '!!'3l1ff'oomll,'e tt:Q :~e~.~ililea~ S! '~.~l;~ SIi~~ or ~I ~ts .:of reponers OlIWW .i~l,.~ WW~ a1j ~ak:ifig ,down tb,e 1~.meWi1)N:Sl.:J!U 'w.ri~i'llg ou~ for hQU_~: »t~~'~!fbe ~e stn.dmJ (lItwoFds., with. mOlle (if :L~~l'Ia~Cll!_mcy~ and! :moxaI" l€"sslfuh!u~~w1mit ,3, W'ast~ of m~ ~,]1l1ll1laI)G1!.I:r- is, Y* f..;;}J!i)[' is ~:his an. P!!!1lllo.ww,e f>CpoFts of theSi:! !'lp~hesihullll {[he Hwse ,01 C(IDlU]QmSI ~lhe priD:t"i!i'lg' OmCes.:H~Il· Ul~t mV\r!' 111000 ~-t". '!l'¥er' .lind 'O-Y'B' ,::I~iiU!. b~ the oomjmsihlli's.of I~ ,of th~ m~lming :p~. ~:t :i8: a. 8'yste~'Iil orwa""tee\Wilwa~,t:e, of le·:ij:tw.¥agal~Cc ol:i~ e:X!\·~¢e. I~~ ~e~9f~flQrt~r~: and QD,e ~t Qf(~:m~ilo:rn oll~bt UlII.d:tt 3\. p1't'ip{1'r .5f:llWIn (If pjfr1ia~~~tp:o.rti:ng ~,Q doaIl.lhe w!i)lik, They '4lein .Frn;n~. Tt:t¢F ,[IQil.I~. ill bcM~v:e"in Am~clca. But iUMUcrw: ~rem. of ,c:o.m~:it]on ~o.GFJiti:Ofi of th!is desedpti.oID. is. 1: 5cUp~..s:e~ iwp~'Ible..Tbe; Timd tC~rI:: is t:Q~ :I(i[lg ttu du: .Tt/wafo. T:be Sta," ~ciSihe1! to gi~~ t(lI)~'l)(~liiIplmmi:I'I~Il.cel ~iO M!Ir. Brig~II'i!li ~~S, ito, ~m_ilt th@ Slawtlard. The &QMn,d e-¥est.00 mum ~[lmce it!:~ M:r, Di!>mJeH'!l!lfi'e~h;t}8, .~t,); sijit the sm:J'.;'f~~ &ilJ lflnoJ' 3:lla. th~ Auf; !iidl ~e il:~ ~~.thdl~ r~PQrts (g]' :l,\!!!~~siiO:1l o:r 'two; and iI:h~ ~J)'~' d~rl:ns:it:s, l3!,..di:n:glori@~~ 1~~~l't ]Ioinedi l!Iiltb:~ p;!Iitn~· w[lIBu,t ~ tlli5 pm;M ::iY;3{em Ql !Q~~t:io:n: has b:r.Q_k~A: d~)iW!l"in :lb!:s sesslca , a.od no,w' 'M.clrufli~'1'\I'Ilpa-~r gi~tles it5 own I~PO:ft. This ~~.ystem l:;'!l!eedil:es~ly ,(jmtlyand ne~jl:eS'\lyl\i~t. Y'i:!t wii~1 'aU its

weaikn.essall1lid ~QStti~l':~5 :i,t hi: '~j"'O;nc'l ~om:p&mOn, dlil;;1 m.ost {lOmp~~~ ~D'a:, 'per.fect ,system. mpa_1'lia.mclltary :l'~[)l(}:ttiJi)g in 'tbe wmld ~ and it '1ii9, ,3; spffiemdi.d iUuttarUon of~£s:kint and. int:(;JI~~'!JIc'€ of G1:IiI'patliJ... Pllm~arry r~portel1'S~, and of the ~r:tlliiligy and ~n~~l:JIrls.e or u]~ p:r,oI!lri[;OO(.s, (!If (JUT :n!l!wspa;ptil: pRSS. 'Vbat 10 fo:r'(l ign,c 1:$ is tn.'!!, mO'St illeJ!pll(l:1bl~ :pn: Gif' '~(l: system is: lit!; fi:eed,O'M :m,d. ~l'!cl!~~:I!~:nde[lo@l:. .!La P~r.lsilthtl p.arl:iam.{i;r.utoary de.bates a:flI!l takl1fn down by :sborthand 'Ii'lrit~ :IH~v,ised, iby ,t-lil.e ,speakrs themsel~,and. tlh~1"l the go.y,e~HD.1l.elJit expen'lie II!li th~' Mo.nittllt'; A "~1Jl simli~!!i~ syst:ti1m J!)JiC~ a:t Wnsbi~o.n. T.h~ Co:o.g,~sLonal GiWti is is! gov,emmcnt ~.; die ft:pc1lUm, a:rIC ~,emme.l'J!t offi.d.ail;s. HHe ,aU ]s(lfee. Olilr' ~riI:~ are tb~ w;o:rk (! ithemselves. The,:y do not ros.t d:I.~ gmmmm.:ent a (rii:ng,Yd Jp;arliament, ,acting 'IlI,porI 'WYiIl,di:'wn's ti'W:U:y'!. tM!it the CQIlstitU;~Bde! .bve ~!l' 'rigi\!;t to kn~w' .~.(!i'W' their :Rpmsenim:t!¥Cl:!'l spe.ak '01' vete, :st!lUP~ff€'J'! me OOJl,~ St1:tlil1tlo.nalparaod!ci:t of u~~mgp.uH:ml(mtru:y :rnpom ia!ia. vlQI.donm 'the [!Ides o;f die b.~ 'I'h'C .tll:porle:rs are :~~.and 'wiJl:ht.~ ,s~:m mar any dalY 'Ibc tlliJrD~ out 'nf St. S;t(}p]~n";li. :P~lmrs, ml'C ,Wi¥' (h"" .!b~ wiU~t' pat)' (11t~ ~stilite ~pHme.nt Q-Ha:kiDg it lilito ~t:s con:fidt:nCi@' 1.'M.t Is; aU it ca.!) do, all .t;ht It :m.d ,~all u.t ~t w.iIDI, .1[ hope~ ~'er beasklm tlQ dio" ,ex.cqtt pmilaps ml~ a, )'¢H tQ ~.~ with. its['f,!P~~Dm:~'~5 'on a Saturday l~fI!bagi[l, liltl,)!' ~n WiUiIj's :RQc:m~ u1'id~r' ~ p~~IriJ.':J" of a Ro:valDllite e.t iii'!! ~ ]~d~

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