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--- '. .'. I i~" "-'<1 ..

_ e.lora.


Ethical"Bconomic:al, Political, and Ameliorative A,spects,.


{iI'llUi" liJ~ m. falb., i. ",00,



a W,,, P.A RTR] DOB" '9" PA T'ERNOSTER ROW"A 186,3,.

M' , '1··'



..... :'-" ,'-,-,' _-

I. - '1 i' .1 ! ."

e_lora, .


AliT. 1 TieHuwfJ_ 'Of .JJriUsl ,Joar_um. By .. o\.lex:ande.T'

Aill.dJrew:S. In.2 ,'om. Lond!ou : Bamdey.

·Si--.O .muclh iloo 'been wrt~ten ia:t~y ~ti~g the pro~ of th!e i' _ FfJUl"~h Estue,~tbtthe lllJagaiine~r;Mder enmlll.ot fail to ~e' w,eU~1!i!a.~nted witl its, bisw-r:y. - ReeenHy, mOI'OOVCI', t;Wl) ~~ks

luI. '.m. I_WID. : .•. eb ... gi~~1 sbu.ncbn. t. ,_in&~ti.~;~_Upm1.;I=" ~hi&l._.,.snbjQ?ft.

Mr ... , _1lWt:s "Wi1!I~kDO'WD book had.. ~GJi!lteou~tOO. so 1M'

00 ~~~., ·t)he . ~!!Ijt 'prnllltiJo;li1I (I,i. the lIe'm _p~ woe-a

Mr: Ale~~der .A..n~ews ,uhUsbed .h.~ilI "_ _ _ " _ J3riti~ j,o~~

naHsm.,~ which whlleil!t oorreots Mr .. HU1lIt:i fb:eqm:~n,t lb1:!Jnders,·lt,. se1If famlll'(J)imoo . some curious m~smla, ibrinr -down~lIDe Dj14,.a:~be:

Ymy .•..•.•... : .lll~~~ .•... to'. ~.·,_e _:~ .. _ .. __~t .~me.-,..Mr. ... EM .. ]De M .. ' '8.1'6.'. ~(1LI .. ~.t~lt.U.' ... tiQna~, History ,m EnglMd~ from [760 to 1860,' .,lbich ""~e have

f'eoon,tly ~ericewoo, oo1l!m~lIsa1!so a. most inm~cQve ,chapter tl'D dUll !sb"I!!gg~e:stlbe E.lishjoUl~t b;as,under:gp~e in esmo.Whlhing ·th.e fie~aper upon its ]leeerli; brc03dl and, :fiinnfo~ndntdoiill.

We ]m~"wtlutt tll.e l~poner,~~ 1eJ1' ws . !DOW as. ,esseD~~l a pad of

thifltwl) H~ ~9i tJJ~ %"0 O~ th~ ,s'J.Xlak~t:fl ,(lha~r. - 'rhe

M,P. 'OOll nil) IOiD.r hope to eseape ~.e or,i.r:Uamee of his OO'll~ti.tijj~ts, 'oor beka.y ·t!be iPnDmpJ~ 'wbiAll'fb, lle w,as elected! ro !le~nt wi~b.!luit his ·o&'enree lieing·kl1!own. Qe 'day .r iJ!t is c<Jm9!!1'tted. TIle InQl,eased. &coouiIltabiiJit, of the rep~mta;~ve ·to·:ru8 OO:l'lst:i~ij;efits;.a. ipd·thi~,g In i~se~f,._1S ~ :so,m~ e:x.n~ 'OO''1b_al~~ byao ~vH of' ItO slight :magnitude. The 1PUbUMt~o:~' :o:fth.ede1b~te8 has iforobtless led, te, 'tie increase, of dehatimg, ,a'D!d t~o dec:reu:e or 'lii't.,i&J~£lu.Tibe um'OOdlY speSl'trrWo~1d, nfi~ iIlii€;t his stam.m~IDg ntW,R'llJoes upansome :fifty wearied! gentWemIGin if he did! ~~t kn.ow ;Uw:tt:h~~ud be: oon~~d hij~Qs~oo~bl'~'IGW~ng pm-3Fa:pM 'by .

......... ,_.~,.. - I

'W'iIi~ ,~,~

~'die.;;ellJMemen oft-he '~es' ¥ awns mot, :ruwte~~" ,d,r.j»~slmeES

:Jdy.· pa!. ;Jliai!., :d!.ed. I ~ . 'W:O ...• ~. ](1., ~.: .. ·c !lli.'.~.'rot. aUy .... '~. '.~' ed ... 't~e.:. mralit{l:r~ea.· ~.J.. e .. Il .. (]Il" ... c~s, of

. . ] II' '. .11 1. " ~ 2' "-11. &.1L ht i' L."

• m~ ~'II,!hJiIi~O, _:s~,wer, w~re l]ll<n~~J]~,!dI)e~woug_" 0. {llllS

wwom fueiwg rooo~~ed r~50@~OOO broad :s';heBextmO'il·lIlm~. T,~ti. the botl~s that stwn·.ld begmvo to. ,the, W:SCUB.W_ of \Ile'Wb~ih

aile ~l~ntiD dec~n~ti;Ql'J>talld each ~i{m wit~~ tb@... U"OID.

,of tha;t crueltmgedy 'The Silla\lm,~h:te:r ,of tke li1!~~e~m.~ 'We!'-

t'e'[~~~ eV,0l1l. thl~ miseibie:f has some allcii<lll.bOD.. 'The }f.P'. w,ho 'Wi$tl~ to speak ~81 OOIWW. lruo.t 'to make a fliIi(ll ,of hlm~eH. .r,..mnon wiU l'IlOtGaJIUJe, 'b~m let be aa!!lenJ~ :e;p~r~,b~t it win~~eni Dim 'illoma)hmnd.mis;ta:~es... Tbenew.:f'eT:w~ich~ hldes,_ aU defects of Gra;t<!Iry mak,esllntOWDaU ,(lI'MrB of lam· 6oouJgh,tne lengt:hudc ~e br,oo:d~-~. of' t~e: lOOU!~by .P.ubiliMtifm ,0&0, eilli.'l{JIU"ll~ooth0 .runMt' wb~ID1lu~ ~Vol1l.1d, Wtevbe s,i,le:n.t; Wp.Wioo~rJlm

ahID"~lf)llI:,- • .' 'g,_be ,a061lmoo, ~he~ he ~s.. '.

Ohner' ,bJeJJti€lllS bai!'{;e ~ fal1ml!st, '~e :E!,PRaii <of ,JO='Uo-

nalim,.. It Bas, ibeem.ur-g,ed, lK't'lurp . lsome of 'fmth,.

fIlmtoewspa:pers .fll--a 'roomplmg the place '0'f mii It "t pdi th1!l:t

w~ ,~r,~ i~dam;:;eror.~OO'miJ1lS silpecliciill. lW4W'~\le:r KU{l:t:.h]!s lila,' be, ~t is 'c~m~n thflit t.he 'D:ew~~l' ~ooat€a ~ ~ t'ba:u it d'egellun-a:oo,s. ,K!lM: peJ'WBJ3 rure, gti~bf it out lif .p(Ii'anoo t!!)!tl1!l m?' mast.lij;],,Y of tM ailph~bet tilim:J. ,ft_N; he~ou~Qf ootid ~,tli~ 'Rp~@;m~ral ~~g. 'h:reO'VI1~t·~ ~:t must be that _ ,8 ~eat deal 'Ilf ~&t 'HOW .. avp~am i:ID1, O';M' ~eW!Si~ W,l}1]]dl flfrty ~1Qars ago ha¥c lileellpbliQe:d. :In (lOEavos"and WiOuld have oowl tble, lib~a~'y ~hel.W!Sinstmd .mbei~g'OOI!~~d '00 t-h!e .. Tb.e .~ BI'lH~b .E~'fis~ ~a:[leoonsirlel~{l tJk.e bes~mmle[S 001 ... esse Englis]l f.j)J.' W;b.~ 'stoo~~t. iBm tibe,' 'T'a;t;ile.r/ the iSp.e.etoJoor~~ t~e 'ldID~{\':/tbe'! l~bl~r," ll:"~ ~~t plJi~,f WJ~nB.~· :E'!ll~lisbuwd~6ltcl thoo; 'nl~y. ~~. finuw. anI ~ool i~tb.e .. '~ l'imes;~~bel ',Satlli!,i'itiiay Be"l£j;CW, tile~. Loltld,on Itevllilw~'~:e ;!: ,Specfator/ ,a:Ilid,~e" Exa,,miner.' ~rhe f .Le,~rem .of Jtmms~ t w'b.ieh. ,atFenow in every l~bI7MJ,. appoo:redM:.&t ilil.tbe! co.~iU;mtls. rat ,(I) 110W--S;P&pm',. Q\Dd tThlGr-.e ~s no reasen why w,e.oul~. not, ,eolleClttwali~YiY()]iU.€5 ®:f €li!ltlQl meri.t w~t~·~tar~m.e, ( Lettem' hm, the .leading ',uti"~~s .lDOU!' -daily' and we~lIdy pp .• u~ .. rfie deba.oosa~~~ o'V~ '~0Dg and woroyt;&.!!lll h th~y ;OJ@e''l\l are~ do ,;eta.l'i:r~dl 'ilLx;arID,les of O'f&OOll ,quiLoo\ll'(~~ -

. .' . .'~11!. L·. .. . .cB' .e ". "I

e~mp.m'f&ii,'ll.wl~J!. tL!l:e g~te8't 'e[[!om (l~' OUlI' ,gr'Mte9t~{I"atJrtra. ' Ime

wiH ltfltpeiba;~llreServe M ~~fuU.fth.e ~~.~9, of' Gla:dstmlte, De~~),'t Bl~jght~ ~~ ~rael~) as it h!flls ;pregenoo the sJle(}ch,eso:r fitt~ ~BliWrke', FClx~ ,BInd SiheridilulJ; '~rt 'tlloe!T-e wi:~~be ,due m~~e ' thlllt et(lqneooen(lwmD~ttl~e .mre th~n: that .It noodtlll 'be ~n tbl1l ,d,(l'YS W~]e:n.t];w pal'!lb~igj'y iJ'e,an.oc Wl'I:El an. ~; tWlteD~geut Ccl!l!l,'" tr,mllh'u]tt.' '~'i' eiIDE.t not ·(!l1f,er~():okDI1@Mlfl\r 'Feaw:re ,of due mod~m 'l.le\'\':s,aJper. r'~e letters nom, 'OU[ own 'OoroospondaJitlEl, ~ th(i)l]Igh ~:beV:lll'<>.' nnbJ~~hAil In,A. 1Il~wlil'mxfiiW,p wihir:h tif i.~in:bi'!iI flIIn~tlM.w, ..

,~, "rerislwes ill, 't~e, llsilDg,are ',as ~utcb, s;u~l'iGl'wthe "dJffia~a

. ,_J:neut pelliS£liJ:liS t half oru oe:lI!~uy ,3.00, QS the :f~t 'ex~s' Wld~ .~fF'~rnmI JAnjo,g to Leber. irD .. ro~'hO:1U~ moo. 'the ,o-ldls.Mlat 'took fQur da~w do, '~e .~.. These, letters ~, u!dee~,

.story 'Wl'.~.tOO!ll ('1onclilI'reuU., L'eeljl,oBt.a,;,e~ ·of eam-

"ai~. Wl'.}lbten., (10 ... ·~.'e :im[.dl;., '. ;.lto~.~.'s~ .)~/ae.'.,:.t,,_ w.W. '00.;. if. __ .the.!y. _ do Bl!Je ta~e tJJa:~ place, o,f ~1L~mloNi filn:is]},e;ci,lTII~lJ,gto be eotD1P~e1lef1l

~:r, .do V~l)' :m;uilJib assist the artig,t. V\T:~.ou:, . so' far as

to ' w~,th Mr. CoMen a ilf: 01: tl19 .~ T~Jlll~j' ftooooob

of "ueydidl~ \llB IIl1IlIY obim f~r ~e n13w~ t~3t~t ms '~el'J mtWb. _oreaC',m~Lr,l\~e than ~~t of ,the ,~e ibmb) N~lI Mil We ,~ ,a~y ~6 wb} it ~hQ<t'ild. hetboulh~ ,6i mar~, '0,1 s~pedciaJ~ mess w, 'be' as well ~l!I!mimted, wi,ththe hmtQ'l'y ,01 ,au o·w-o, time dd mailltcry as '!_j:Ml tib.ebis'OO1'J '0£ .. G~reeoo and Bose It.O&O~ Jea .... ~.) og& .. , ". T.,. ~.'eI cOme m£l.M1." Otlil)g;eftliBOO .~. ,':et, the., n.e.'W8'f3 .' i '.

press b,.~, f€w 'peD'Q:E!, . T.he . E.>T' is, ~saii_ ~ If!iDeh, W' ootJme

~31!1! of imm£l'm1~:tiyMdl . . d as Souch ttngGlljecWmset

Ul6. U. face ,ag.~,a. j.'~ .. ".'Y. fj.Mtl. mr de .. ¥e.'.lo. pm.,., ~]]t.' '. of .. ,p':.'.m .. ' mJis.D!IJ.. Tw .. , cb:a:rge, if i'~ !Wlere e~er :tam jJo rtiwes ~ .~s,. in me :majlIl, mQit, tt'OO

~w. Fol't'y J!ea~f:!' .~. tlhe,MW:i!S F-.Qta!nd. for dm OOQ'1ll'Sati<lm'o The' Joho B~~ ~ '. ~d the, 'W ook~y D'k;p~tith ~'~F th~t time,w~ B d.ii~oo tID tiJ.flLtu1h ,t}Sta~; l;mt, .~ _ ~je IWw~r titne:Fcssi;u.. 'mltl&Sed, itsee:med! to iak.e a. mgh.e~· vLmv fi 1M ree'p<!lMibm~es~ and m ,;here 'day:s,of ~Dy De Fraa, m@F,e strict, ~gani 'was

ev,e.r ~e.ror~.~bo.'~. , .. 'i .. B._~(JIW '.' .'. '.". '~' .• ~~. ·.m!F~ •.... I.nm.c.' .• II,. ,_t.'.ll.c .• , bappy.,. f:~g;e dIDat bas lIee1l . ,ooma, 1S dJUle In I~ea;t mea6UM~othe

'eh~p prress:, w.b.l00bas SMmOO.tbe hlglb"Fl,oed joru:malsint{J:;'tWQ'J'€

s~.egmll. t. ~5n;liRG".-.risi.Oh.1 .. o~f '~lPe.· .• -,tiooa. '. '.-:ble :1J~,$[)Ons .... atld} .• •. v'~.~.~.,

timTil!l;6n~ .. The u~udieed :IHliw, er <i1ml~g 'l;Jke ID~t five

"ean must ac'im~t, t.tth.e .~d . . M'l\Mf~ ~a:ve .. file..

,q~e~~y h~~a,l~ ~mugMt~, _by~~!kJ,wa'~'l'}j~, ~t hLi~'~a~ twad. OO'rlmWpOl:&l"les. Attb.eprefJe-nt M~'~ \\118 f~l~y ,cha1l~n:F ,oomparison ootweo 't:hetw(I.'~, 'Vheth~ :~t D~the Tory , SitawC!i1m~' M ti1-w Radlw 'StilT)' _auy otIiID' of the I1eD!DJ .ftiliM ioL1nd<!,ll cOl', intheJINI¥illloo~. :few ~f~emhav,e&TlY - ~u,re to 3lt..r~~ ~routlhe doaest IIllJ",esUgaQlllt!lc. NOF had, ,theyoofo.lItl tl~e r-epaJ >oi~he p..,€l;u~" .:mdwhm 1tb~l' ~pr~th"e,Iit~]lo.fif.alWellOOS 'to tiiIlei:r ,r~:pri.ef ilB 0'1eood.3 strnNI ~d;J'l~m~Dt to· lIublis~~ Ii ~G.':f' :re,@:L'\ts of ~ pluMmdi~~ itp th3!t, M(H'raJI c~tbe DJivo,~ OfI)Wri:, .aJ!!dhL~ 8d.llmF~eMl)!:llts t1lcat welle, aJ:w,ays 'WeU

_d~ __

,rrhe dis:tribIIU~D 'o.filll~~N ~krniJugho'U't theoountty doesD~t atimt ~. to depend urPOU IDlJ!"wIDe. T,ne 'Writer: .~~~ dJraWD :up f'01' • L!S!'JIWnliige a -mbJe wli~e~!I. .81liO'ws 1i1oepropol"iHon o£lIeWS,.,

pre .. · ·.rs, to.the ."",.uktJ~~, .~~.'dl. w._ ,~~~, . ?~I'~~ ... 00. ~!~._I,e~r.iom _ s.~s'tm.· •. ·c~. or OO~ the ,ootuaJ,~umim"O'fd.I:6ti.~c:t, JQm:'naJs 1!$, Jar;er ~~ the

rBAAI .ro~

'lIir'.P.I~.. .~ --.£' ._,__,t~~r~'.'- i ... -'.I

large. (lOOm·tl!taD ift 'the· !mII.., Y~~m:w I'" L-aeashi.M hs i5, andmo ~!lDl,mtiles: a~ these! 'Pres,;_ IQWWl!Ilg':I ·of ~~,SUmy Mull, Mid!tl,ea@~~, whi~fmm tooM 'IUJJt t.~~y 'eo~

.b>~: ,o,'L .. IU'" t,MM11· --j, L~ & __ ~, ... _.l----.- - ~.~,jl ...... _,_;;11.. .. ' ,t

~1I1J: me ,lD~E!iJ. ''';1f'''''Jlli!, mu'sa. 0= '~ sepam' ~~I> li!~1Di lIiI:ex •

~,, - ~t" bJld 39' papea. ." ~ta:n.d Devoo,

oom~ nut 'witlh 99' ~bl;~ - OO\!ml'llies ~~. ill tllile,eca.Je af:ter

:.uJtllBl!d~~hi4!bs _ aota a: -Ie! paper t 8N: cambridgew~th :£f)~F~ aDd l:Iui9,tllugdonwit'b two.. '. _ wh'01l1J 'we 'oome wa oom~btO"e 8U'.ysl_S" La~~a'w,d_Y:(}rtbhim ~"][O' .etmI!I.skmd.Mgli, ~rlng' endl,llm,tOD~ ~_r 'to 2ti~~OO 11ll1bu~i& wilde. Bue;ks .fiIiilS ,one in 20,1"SOI):, Deifn, onete. !l6,100,~ lVl!iIlI:!, one to '2I)!~0001' G~,OIll~ ,nem :iIl:SI~,4:OI~)i' Ket'ilt,ef! 'bJ; l8,~,SOO" Slimlerset '1l111~m Ui)50o., D~,y 0,n8. to lm"~OOf O~m',~fJiat:l.d.o:neto lILf;i,,'~·n:J(!I'. _ It SieieIDS, .. ~ m~le-tlmt wlll[~ (,\lmlbetlned ,aiioulld MW!: 1tb.e ~ugest~umber ,~f ppm in 'pr'0pw~iol1l, 'to 1m mDbbit.a~t.a, ibevru-y similar oo~mty. (i" 'Q)i11!w,aU ~h,n1dbmfeby"er:r fat thes~f,Ji,Mnel}!',. ,(melD '61,.2[10 iBWlablluw, 'm' enl, '!:iIJi!e·,f;o.urih theDUol~~.f (;~OOr.IDll11d.

Tru ,. . .l'."~' tj1!.-.· 1L '" __ '1 ~ -

~le~'WO· oouid:es &renO't '~!mtmrt~m" .~II'. 1PJlyiS:r~,J!oo~ ':

(,~lmOO~]mld hE, ~ts, 'nl~U1!l!tidDS"CO:AlJ'Wa:u. DB hi~ gia;~w!te .~ ,;and. dIe JPo!plllla~i~Ofi ~ ~eacll _oom:rty. ig ... m ,8 '. ~f~teDtejj)ga, miD ~ ·."'1he.,ret~ isa:!ll)" di1Fere-JlGe;;iitis;a :rall(flll" of Clll:r~ wa~:l ~ .~. .Ds: o.flibie 'OOuintyaJie, not sopreeJi,i'bo\issstbose. ,of (hm:heibnd, eo:~uet1ltlyl(loom{ltio'l. is fle:& .00 diftietJiit,; :it[) other w0l'U"lihe ,e~r:ell]atii!ln ,of :no 3:pM'S' ismON easy. Trmlsitt, more,",er,. ,is not h..dered, ~nwaU bft;~ ~Dten:eD~in"l)f .targe

""!Xl-, ...... "'- ,'!':~'wa"'!:~ : - 'i!li"'1,. " - '"'II!; -, ,C'I,.~iL ':',11_ -.:Ill_1:" . .~'b c ,~.1 imai1e:of ',,", p~S!in: __ ~_~!!' !LJ;;.u a3 ~U,e .li.Uu:LPi:ir,Ilal'LUi .wJ,l;\ei~. we ~_. _ __ __

'OO'rnw81n is al&l~ m_ijlder~, ,aRd '~e llOOdiamrarely impedoo. by win~erS!lowiS.lntan th~ ei ream sts1!loes, really 'knJ!tlt~e othfll'

1f~~'~. '.' 11 ""]. _ .•• 111 '.' 1'~ • f .~:._" ~

~~y. _ ~1~~~ ,.1J~\'\O~ve~'liOO;UOlll i!l,'~~r~u" new5~~~

tho:yp,a dlmlDil:S~OO clmn~a.Uolll fOf 0aCin. Tbe hil'~ly OOl!EUtclCS ,of D~iVon Q ,-~...,,~,t," ·0' "'-l,o,"o[!"'''~'''''' 'ri.""-blll1 '~T ....,~m'i"--~ 'il"""",fi ... . .,11 P''','''''' ., '_' _ ,. ~iH~~-~'_.1 '.> -,!U~~,IJ~I ~"J",/t '\1'~!W ~W"Wl.RJ_~'I!r.t, ~J!U, ~ "I!I'~

lm.a msaid:t {.1umlre]'lmd~ oollltMn Hnl!~h 8ioove dle ~"e:r9.ccrc 'flumhe:r

~. ~.n.,ewsIJ~re. c~ra ~ wh. Ue', ea the .. _olii.'b.·~.~.'u.'d~_. ~e. ~.J r:t,countJes. _. !. :f 'OIi .• ~. b1!c~ll~ ~x,antl. No.R0~k:ooJ1lta~n (fIlly ,MOU~; balf ~ne JJ~r~m.oo1i'".

'Vhe:t'>CJ tow~9aM ~mt~d hM. ~~eb ,(loth~ 'Y lbad ro~d$" o:r ~~$es ·QimooteJ' 'e-"', beOO1llIl.68 a l~ttIDe ~pital .b!:. itJsel'f~ aJ~d. has its 'OW:U . "rga'l1l"ew~ed. by theo:ne prinGeF,.who is aburningnnd.. sMni~g 11!'ltc IDn tilrlee,~es, 0'f his jfenow3tGwn~n, .aod. wWlobs, eon~e!llt, wi:t:blie lBImaU pro:lrit thalt~e der~.~ hM avery rimirtedclrewrntio1l. n i'S[I,ot easy 'Ii? dedn~t any :mle f"om~b.e :tliglll'€i, lmr~n~e us i.m~. it

m.:Ftmt .•.. be-re.~tne.JiD._be.~. '. tbat '~\b ... ~D .• um.bel'. c.' 0.· .. [. D .., '.'.-. fa .. 1i. ~'. q_.~U!lte ibg.- .. '. ' bnct matter fi'ro:m the lIuIllOOrl)fnewilipape:rr.eaders. Te'J). paper.:~

withal} ,Q;v'erage ,eirceuJ,atJ~OIDI of 500~ is -,fobalblya fa~:r ,eomr,uta;tio:n f~o~ost of the jOUiFnnlspubUe:b.ed in - ,BU tl]~e. agrleultum,. ,co:~n~y

. towns ors.n a:~~.m7.ied iIlO'Il.lillt~·. On the D,trh(tr .ba;ll,d, ina la,l'ge

~i~!!ln'l1li.faeturi~ .'. W-w.!til (aiDe 1 : :_: >, . ~ll)l!e win. ha.w ,0, ci:rou1:a,tlo:n: .0.£ ,from

30,000 t'O 100ll000.. Ml}roo"V'e[',.j~ rom~,ti:m~ lfJ']JeiMt~lul:!t alOOlUmty

·ma.". ; .. ,.~·.(! ,~~ s i~.p,Fljew.~.,' _',al:m 05t .. 'e'ol{j'._.·· .. :'e .. ~y._ .. ,tN.m,.a, wW1~.nD,}t.'

'~'1tb:ru!Ui! the m~m!~,ts iQ,f oouuty ~ but. om tIte 'bo:Nl01'8 ,m( Jit. ~I. himm

remsrlmbly :see~ ilnthe ,oose of CmD!waU. . T.hil! eDUll!~'y ~ wMeh!,as

W~I . .. '. _ 8;w.d. ' s'm .. ,~ .. 'dJs._. l?_w ·est.".in. J .. t.l.~e U.s .t,. (1,1 D~,w._e,fJ3'.'.:e~~ .•. p~,'h!.' ,.~.lislIl." .mil. '.e

mtNnthe oount!~ di6nw-s 11m news ,c.nIDeiy hm tlm:e In:rge MId.

tlrivi:D;1 OOWiIl o~ Pl'mou·th" whi_ is! _ se,Mraimrl fRnn CQmwaJ~l)li], by a. t,rveI'. ' ,A ]argew~kIYMptrM 61"'t ~a,~ble: same a~~le as the!~: TilDeS)' Ilndlpu blishoo, at PlJf1DOlltli, 'bios a mJ'eurna:moo iflIil,Ool'E1" w,aU 'e~ooediDI tI~at~f "n the &ixCm1lJiSh papers uR.itetl ,~ml~IRrJy

::~n~:ti;~~'C=~&~ ~~!°rt,:~::fP!e: Ua!~!:


'T.he llIDln'MSe of' newspapm! dluri!D.g tbe last '00n, Y'M"rs,botbin numbersl'tdin ciRl!IhGoD~ ·~~.l!IllU'fenOUE. T@(fJJyea:ft! ~g;o the number of [brood. slfteeta 'pn:b,ushOO d~ily"p.ftimhJydid ,8fJt ~oo~ ~~OOO. The' Tige9'~ alQnenQwpniilibU,a:t t!~um.~r,. ·the ".IlJo.Jiy T~ "h 'MOlle thanbolfas 'mSllllY Ag:M~, .. Md.~bQ toitallu,uulber y ~l)e~,ts ~S9Jued. fr·om . tJhe l;ondo~ .andth~ IOCI'6l!inchdc d~Uy ,re,8;9' 18 estrmatJOOi at 560~iOOO. The ~.II~M!il: Ul:the wecldyandl 'bi,;weeildy FU'e2s, 18 far ~r.E'ferydi!9mct 111J. LGnoon no~'ha,s ~m own ~ o~·~ ."."tIicl] givm more fUllytihafl tIle o~€l\"~ta'blishM. London pap~m ea"n a~m m ,do~r.eport:s iQf~JI)ealm -.' - ,ve~rjes., . . a!dpoliee . C2$S. ~. ThLm' w~@ .have thn, ,. Bays-:-' .J,e, t ~'l3et'!Iln]! G~fi Time9,~ ~. Oi!tyPres8~'i CIefkeB~eU. jOl!lfrmd,,~ "Cl~!rk~1il~Jl .N ew,s/ '~~ End. N ~wia,' '!~;n8t LOiDdon O~e"er~.~ .~ Easoorn, t ~ Hm.wy Indlepe-iIldoot/' ~. H! News,J

:l.:D~,epenj.· ~n~_~.. ~~b. ·ii1he. dl .... 1. .•.•..... Che.C.~!ie;BI: '.' ~ .1.~~i:f[I .• ~m.,.:.~.' G.·.~~. _.t~e. ':

hIll Times~ ..• Lambe,th 0 ",. . .Ma.ryl~bollJSHeIcu'Y~

~.M lesc:!. ~fonlele t ~cLre~latlng ill_l.m81ow, .D~le\l'};tj'~rdt &e')t

~ N~ ...•.... ~ .. of.·· tch0l. !V ... ·.oo.:.ik.· ....• ' .. (.a .. lmm. .••.. _ .. I .. iio ... :IlI!.'m. a~ .~Ii"" :B.'l~.6i.'BS.'~. ~y) 'I. 'Pad~.I~.n. '.1" ton 'Ftmee~' , $hored!:ireh Ai'¥ert!se;r/' S~~redJreh Ooo:elR'F~i ~. Sw~h

Landon a!l1I'oZ).tcle,~ '&mth. kndo.n J~lJlrmil/ .~ South Lof}~iloll

'N .. ~ ,Cl~ 'D ··.···""'1-~-~·Ii~ p------- 'D' .'~ '7'

l< e~J' ,Olt. L'.3>l'liIH'U J.."IIEl'WSi"0.... ._ 8,Lll!IiJ"P'8i$ .P,,' oWler

lIa_odms Ex~' ·"N', Lnlldon Obsener',~' at Midi~e;;eK

.~~. ;~~~ .• ,u~. ·eh .•. ~&e~~. :~;i : ... !~p::": •... t~~:O ... =·b.!:S.f

lit IS, ~(la m he'~ nmre-aJ:~y Di OOPl'taJ but a. «Int\~n of 001iVl!s, each. of'l.ts t.owns'ire !buUrs own ·O;i~n andotwn moroe; thn flue.

-The inere~tnthe e\e ~mri~eta\lp.o"l.peN also ~s wry ~a~ge· .

. Ev,eryl1tde· bown ,of 1,.00 .,.3~OOO inlHt~~tp.ts n!l)W l1as. its (it~'n

j~i~. :.I1'.·.rID .. '.~ .. w.~e8,~.·~.o .. · .. ~~. ,ro.·.fe~.- _. :.d~y. ,fU._ .•. b .. l.·is.h. ~dl ~.'n. ·lb .. ' ~ .. plaoe~_ .. i .. ~ .. really three' lPalta, pnnmd !lJR Wnd.o:m ~ltI!e ·£QUli'll-ll. ,a.;ge bel.D\lf ~t lJ1 c

a:t,the!-u.omi.J181 alice ·OIf Jlu.b]i-catcion'~ MId. being ~~"edfor

'm~s· .&.-1);. d u.-dvemS!.~meD.~ ... T.~~e ..• SUJP'P.l:]Y:. ~ _.,o~_ "·.!, .. ~ll~~~lD:~s-p.·a~~ ,ba:sllOW' beoorne q •. !W an e:xieIi~'!''Ve L;,!odQJl. b~en~e~3i Toe ne:ws·

is lse~ '11, i~ undl'olit e~ ,dll"~ and! il.\1"mngadl .5Ii!Ithatthelaied lllr1GlHgcnoo 1H.Y ~ ~ . 8u"t~ed . ,[CO'. ~heJW'Or¥_in~ ipropieOO1',t Btl m\ll~'ijerw:h~t da.~ ie,~~ma]1 iis ,ll1olisnei. lie mll;Y ha,Ye o:n.e~two" tllN@, ,01' '~ve!IDI oU, {OM mde.e ,nIlJood in l.(mdoUi; tJu.t ,as ~mle, 01l1![Y twa (W' 'thme!!'ideB' Me pirIDll:tl!ld! there~ the!;'spa.ce hel~g remrvoo. loJ!' ]'oooID lewsand! t,tlhe' d!oH'n, 01" scare iflf ad,'Ve'l':E~oo'm.ents: w.ih~he [~~ ~d!.~$ilU~fIJ~allie ~np:l'0v8iU~d l!jJpa 'bD :g~'e, H!l!It: l~r 'the mk;e (if gett~ng add iltif!~al mLSw.~rrs, fW"tlil~y aN tooweU

lmlJ~ ~,n tll0:W OW~. t~WHS biI, ".' ,any .U1ip mom' iJlle ,ub:Hei.1y

w'l~h a l£lMl :~-e~~11Je1' Cim ' u. ~,bu~ f~ir tcbe HIke ,o1 'seeDj:'

,t.heil' .... OW .... D. na.Mes . ~D very ·, iPr~nt indeei" .~urm.,o .. ~.'nited .. ,by. 3J.' dev~ce wbio'b i!;l It~t. ~,atbi~:ql (lI;t OO'8Jm!ty} Tlhe&ll lIeq I~heats are

slfpp;lied. te the pooY1Dcl.aJ pubr~duaft! ut a rare;riIHy .to/W' 't-fA' ~rmi,t~hi6m to. seU .th.m_ jmmlBlID~ at,. a '~;ny;, lint ~e~'the ~':.~rired ~p:rie'kl~ t IDs go, 'f~t"m~ate alSOO lW"e ne ii,'!!nJ], he 1e:~j,0J'S the ~H:1lvanmle ·0:f ~h~ mool~j!" by ,whtiDg ,o:n all. eocUa haJ]f~,~y", !H~ ~esenewli! shoots atfce! sDi~ppil~ed, fu, !SQ' ,tmalny ,d~Wer~t ,~,oIid~~~ t~J!iIleoemrJ ths,t '~he1 :sbo'!:lItd\ 'oo!ilh\~n~!!):th:iJ!g!' w~c~~~h sbooti.

::~~d~:~;~=;~~:e~~~::.:~ ~~liJt;iwelf'a;ii~:~:~~:;:~l,

W B. 1Illli.®JJd.' J It .. ~~g ~pp.ill].I~d ~.1 tI., ~~.' Ioea ~l ~h~ .. ~ln~r .. :·J w.,.h .. ' 0',.n.ot. (a~.,~ml.i~D.g. '.'

to dealw:!:tb, q_u~tWJll!i I!1E mmpenal iIl~~couli~es hnm~s.elfm

vestry :~lIa;bbles; m~ if t!~e OOWD be ,aFUamantsi~ lroro~gi\l1 '~D theftd96m~e,~logy II!I'Fod' 'it{l~able' Wl.d hQFliOnR.dropooaen .. bfwe,,~ '{lirtothellli~Sfllri!Dg ,abtlSEl_. 0:£' ~~rUi(i[$l'l1p~ilou _m-.F,e,-~~

sm]!'t[~;h"i'ie~' .a-, . a~ tlite, IIl!1ib~l.el!' :ffi a ~u,,~rGl'" 'IlJ"Cln~~t

,afthe it]? wh(l; s in th~ .. r '" 'b~R ~bwbly 'ne~r@~p@1iLs it ..

]',af IUtih.-, pa,pemas .t_b.c.~ t'e '. . ,merm ... OVaD. !f~t hailS.'. heu.,. a !eal mndrw~L . Th(w>oDev,erw,as :Sll~ an . ~ ,ortullity Wf(l'N 'fur pr~ ~Mi\tiThg local. ,oom'brird~ a~d. Ill~t.~ .Il~~ .. eeb~bnt!oo ,,'bly the JmeTt~6:n '!l"tOO~F Blim~, ii~' o~r lecall 'D~ oolfit:IDmDs •. ~ "",{lry fe-w 1iiI~ tlJheinhaMt'anu 01 a IS1'IIllU to'WflI 3fe po~t agillmsttbe sed1ieMo:n @f seeing' tlmir lIla.mmillll priint.rlJ].:vaQb! lonea,· s 'Jriefnidis we.J!1e ,arwa!N 'efol'e tile!'~ ,~'GarzettejtGla.tbem~ ~n& he badm6de '1 jp@iltils nt.llie lest :s~.Qoifl~g~mh;. 'n~~ilillleJ~ 'ri.¥&OOJOll0.S Uk!cc& W_s (rmends to be ~uroo.. Q-f file fact iiBbWaeK a\Jl:d. wbli~, MO:~lI1e-w, dones bas fr..~e!Jlds in. A-ni~i~aHd, B'tiWll Odumbi'3J, and. :60, he pwrcbiooeS ~£ewe~tr&oopies, u~de:m~res a ee:r~n ~mR@"amI m~..tbereveDuee, of. hev M81~ty Ib" 'OODslpt. ,the ooilJ. ,oo'Pies tathe Po:st Office. "rib.€: fO(JIIdD'@~ or ~m.aU.~w:n5 j'i)r ~:eiDg thehr BmaU dmr:lgJSf:'econied.iD pri~lt if! a re.markabI.e iunstmH:le Of iIumihD! 'Vanity. N~vel' is ti}\,e' Au'bUrnt efu:~n~oi]e; IDoolre.d, f~1'l~lui

m. ::'wh. hh.~o'~ .. m .. ;~ah.a.v.'.id'ty .. as.,_. W .... hg .. itre.~,em'd_ .. ~. t~e. sa.)1i'm~a"lild ~.". ~'~.'~ . .}) l?'f the ~]) ha~~tllBt:s of ~. sweet A~tnl~rn.· Nomt\ifl~' 'tlTItat 't.$e :m."Y'"

lI']]gsa~d, do~HgiS are1penoody kll0Wll to 0¥lery1mti" 1110, mnttcel' tW they h~vebe.@ntaThit!:d, ,!,}'II'iE:l and. l~ 'Med:uJ!!.t~1 :~()'tb:ill. 'llUQle ean

po-illy if,ma.m to 1m m',id" soU iMl· ~DtGdJ, au.f! l}nl11:18Ib~d rn000m is, Rud.with aU the in~ieE<t .' ,a,I])'omanet}. 1l"J;1I1!1 ,d.ea;tbJ of 'GgliiI~ M~C~GU9[) and Qf Oei!!Ull'm Be3~repr:it i'g~,pitJllheQ ba:tt1:e, W<lw!ill!!d, ~re9JtlM~-e' oftoo~n're~~t wmeh .~s felt l~- re~~,in;g tbe. rre~l'toif a y ollHtJ@eI'~, .. or ,0£'9., f&m~y lIaU., . Woe 110 .tcheu~bappl t~r~ if he .~3i¥e om~ltmd the 'Dame olfa Slugle gal~an.1l dMetluet' OIi 'the CQU!(!,try~ or (If a. s~lIIg1~ fall' ~~~!! .He bag ~m ~m;~y m.'illd~, _ enemyf~,r life, hut he 1l3~1lI~d ,~f all l{l:rulB, of IBi'M&te~ fil~rih!,e-S.,

If®he'fQ\"ci{j~ots ,(i ;smaUpll~illO~8~. papeiN oovee flO$ a .~, .: ad:~e:~,tirsilil:g b\i!riJl~. tlwy do DO'~ "~,t~o'oo¥ertme 'tiWlehr j;o:tlI

,It ~~ rum. ,tl.'$mg',to.~~. wm.t the .. IP~ .. e .. ' '~f.) Snliob. .. ~ _w ~~.koo_~ .Mlteh.~U~a.,

N eW~p1J1~ Dillecw.:ry ;8Wlid see how t_h~ b~le 10U

d~m~be'. t~emsehrei!.. ,We :t1ir!:d. ~m~ pnb~i8hoo i~ oe '~lae d ~.n@-St

klWlHS@i S~mer.s@ts:&ue. amrrollli~cjDg w~t:h a g:r.oo:t, IOl!1!ris~ o:f

:flnI . ~ ·~1rta.tiw oirel!Ji~,a;tion e-~oos I ,000 oruwook, 3Ild\ t~t :i:& is

de to mlnlY !!l:aze;lls o:f ,opg~e]!:~. pr€lf~ion~l, and, tr~rliDg ;in!ha;1)$tanits in tbeneigl1JJbo:ll'i~r 'fulw~s. . An~,tih~r }m'per pubYishedl, in Ch~kil'\e. ~a,}'$C~a.~~~,tb~ . me:rit ,~t~i~glhe Iilm~y a,wnlpe4

pape1' 1PDIMislh~d, in,MI;e (lbitrict Owe lJaIplllr ..... 3. W, be the

'0:IiIJy peony ]m,el i~ the. district;, 3D~t~~r' • . . . it&el,r'tile O:fiI~.y

.o~pmi!TI(YpaJe-l", Dnt pe1'h.~ps 'lli@nu0i8~ si~]aII' eltUm.oo tihe

-teo. e.'J1ibl~. e, . is ~~~_fol'MI!.by Et.,~f>tU" lmibli~h;~.d.l ,;n,6.' ~3l'~ OO'M.!, ·wlneih8$lgi1!!8 M J!fs clue:f Hl§1!.t, tb.~t It ~.the iDr~]y

p:p:e~ rb~is:h~. 0wly 'q1itOO iEL w,eek :in th~t t6wlhBlIt lD :sp~'be ,0{ .aJl tjh(l1l' 'trhiaJitiJes, and. b~ ;spre af m,u'Cih POJ.!1Ig, ani ,eElpOOlaUy . 1i!hatmo-st, d~~ugi"e fmom {'If :hi., .~~~ ,amiimg ,eft"l€! stam:p' NMrGS;, 'Wlmicll a.lleleO iad!ex whareve:1':' O'.fi'h:e ~eslieeU.v'0 ciM'lil~ti(f:n ·O'f n.e.'IIV'~

_ . .. .~iiEtuw~h ,00 ma:~yilTe¥,er U5e!SW.lcnps ,0.1, :aU, ,~~ is. 'De

~ tt~ait~be i~\9;j, '01' t~e Fvirnc~aJlp]jess, has Hell 'Nduet~ve <li'.ueb g0od., Thepeawywoolly p&pt.'1", be@

UnQDflj._ Is roaJ~y a ll'{!ry weti..;mamag'€1i epiDWl:B1J;e! Gf~e w'liD'l'IDd.·s newa. By m~a1iliS of M,tth@ lI'iIlr.mI. IDaooU!fiell';tM . miner:; and. tile "~nnll11!.- Bre! made~uMDt;edwi~b tlhe ,e~enta, !(I,I t'~eiv e,w~ time.

.~ .. ~ .•.... , ~.e. ,.er .. ~ .... ~ .•. ,tb. e ~gb",Jlriood .. _.,L. 'Q[!do~_ .. pape. ~.~. _ ~.u_ ...• ~ .. reE?.a. _~~D€~_._.il1 ~lJtter ~PQr:lUll:00 of aU 't;bd WM raOO1~1 e~ceFit Ilfmtbe:Ui' O'Wll!:

nf!l'lbhMll'hood ' tibe ~hea,pross :fu_dJ irtB, way mlM .tk@. nUlrk~~

~:W .•... H~ •..... 111 .. 'bu .....•. '.·.·.ntil ... w,.·~ .. o' . .m gre .. ~_. :'. -at .. · .. e~~.·I!.' t~fI!.·~~~.··c._i~" .. '.t~~.· .. t)hje. ~,g.,.- .. , abhll,tItili~a"QM 'w'ha ,w,~ cireulQ1ioo_hy the bawk€'l' '~Q diD:e a't

d*iiment of m,_mat~d religlw.The, pe'm.,y paper IDs.. -. ,I ~a,p,y !M1b-s~~te f{l~'me ptli~Uess.tambHI!,d(ln.~, 01' for the :mMoent 3nd bhw~molls, 'ooille2,wWehl $hieireqU'Gllfe1'S, 0J1 V~]]~ iiftfll811l:eJedto repe'8Jt to. each 'I)tller.. Tim: pelIIly:weeiJ:l,pa.peJ" has ~'Y~da valooble~BwmGt l~ t.he '!1llerg,)1'mlli8i.tI!amd 'il{l aM.o(DIrMMter, ed~8 WOJtl~ ill dJ}!eD. mFmlO!:DS &gai:ngtdrumkoo~ ·aln.d 'ilce". WIld ado!Z~11~~n rotts. On, ais}IKll!fiIt Hr .. J.H'e~tmdm' A F1d1~'\lI~makee .a. '-'c:tinentNmatrk.He mI" .·.·.1 ~. The di6reJiloo UlW,001lt;wa,:eHe!

,nAB.' ~D'

6fij, .~. ise ~tbe ~w~rld~gnmm ~deb .. ,eam 'thnl! m:(!i1ll'~~ me'lI,mor m~r1B Iclu~ )IDU,ticius, cam,t1I1.vme. .He oould. ~&d. a

~~.'~'.'" "apg. ,tb. 'croup. "."'."h ~1.:~'~.[l.· ,.d. i~ .•• ',' eDGe .W.t, a.- ,UlbUI1l.".-b01llBe ;: .. bB~t.

Jl!IW bel mIl :.t llit le~s1il1'e:~,y 3D.' ". at bom.eFolf the: :sa;m;e'

mo:uy* mklebbeoould :~t0f. do .'. . ~ he grudgedtilte

ex,~a. ~nm.y/ T~is~li'g~i"m~~t 8:"lh~$' 'witb~mrold, 1€ll'OO- bJ' ,the peDDy ~~,apl1". .SfJ las 'tw~pwf)ly JlIIpcrs, were the lehOO:fJOOi,

llie 'WG:l'ki:qg·mao. miipt h' - m.ried,to .. read fche pruperact

thepoblie,.j,.oue hcausre ~e Wlo;' lavebndaiie, llNleIi". as w~]l~:

Il~., new.,,! r. ~:m.,'ollleIY" .B~~DO'1I!!".he ~ •. -.,a,;P8 .• ·."pe~.,.,Q(,~ ~.isowm. ,a,lild M"~,a pmtliy IDtot~0 ~g81R., .,g~ It .lS ~t lllFJi' .Al!lbewa" a.ltm' bo:vw,g :m.nd!.e: flU, jfit,-nfiootioDt. soould. ha:.¥e Mid on the 'Fery neatpoge' ~ ~ In tlre,~ocv:i:neoo ,eav~ new 'p!'ooy pn~~ ,roMe dally" :SPl'~1 ~P' onthere~d 01 ,'thel 'Bt8mpdlW~Y, ,rI~~ipaJny iD tb~ manwadm'iDl towns; but only \tw~ ,Oil 'three af tJbese" 'we heli~ll~., ~li!1"V~V~~J 'I'll]!;! NmDlrnbl~ :~isetakme6Jt I;S pnruleled.

? ' bi ~llI1Qt. :her '~f '.~~t1 .. I .. ~e.'.\l~"~.~.t.~.,., ,of.".MD.i·." .~ .. }~~~ wh~~n tbewrJ:~ wwsm~' 'Glod~peed, to the BDmu Proa,. ~oo.ks £Qr.;~,ud

to t'het.]m~whm~e adv~~e~t s'halhe r~cd!

.B'U'tm fm-man a.deq[Wl:re idlea. of t:be ~E6 of'jowmaIilIDl we ll'I,Wit, ~tlil~Y the b.~id.Qry ,~~t!be.dIUy ~ ... aIJ~l ~ly~f the cheapl dm~y JRS& ~'he :b~glt-p?:~ood papers fl.}ralo~~t!M'1l' ai'edre~ m look ,i(!IWn wiith ,oonmmpt '1iip:onliilileir e~M,ri"ah" the old!'"

fash.,.'. Ili~~ed.w.,eek.lJPapel'S le,v ... elIl.' ~a!i'. cged.'.·c. 'lliei.irwu.~yc1Jm. p6It.,i.tIDn ... · wooth atesJ~n~_ the n~ws, ... ,f~nl. '.Qmsei'~~ a,.,ehar~ Mlleilmd by .aD. COOODt~J]~ JI.P.,Ul!t.h~, llc<~ of Olnl;m~a,m_.. 't6~ .Last y~ 'GIl! ,tw:Q) altho~h, M the dmlypapexs, we'oopllMish:e!li ~'D, :antic~.ptl,OQ ,o:f t;}l{!weekly,. :~t. was, d,eutet the the&- m,ll!.~ ,bafebeeoMiLe o.tlb,er w,ay. But such.a.h5,lIfi ab-usei ,E.,is oouldba:ve mil) effect M~I!Itoo

0 .•. ~.~.' oots ~.~!t.. T.,b0.-.Y-~.·; .1. :8._6;.5 ~~.' •.• ·'~0p ... IlI!.lbl. '.~. t('4 ... ~,t~on _'~l·. th0."r.Dm:~'.I' T!e~~,];" m, LmdoRJ,ud of: d~uiy papers, ~n .~\!~:lWl4

~ch'8!iOOr~ aU ~ld f~po, ~~ny.. 'These w,e"lie f'OUo,wedl by <other gimU3i( paPlCS, in.ili~ same pbwes,. mill also in. Otbe,Tt:OW~'il5t inollJd .. iog .NeweMtle,. llfmm~-1 Bit'miI~ghatm., Shelield~ Plym,outh" Notimg.bam,. LeOOJs, BWJ~ and Sunderbmdl. A~ . tib:e ~nlt t~metb.~r>e;

~~:~ ~:h~~: l~~ WJ~~~~n~~'~~~,:~~eti i~ ~~~d~

and 2~ :~D the ChDJ1.ucl. LsIDa:f:lds='"5.2 iiDaU-wmcb" wid~ the 20 pU:b~' ll~ed! . iu Lolld~lt~.,ea. ,t~otal ,of 72 dm~! p&poc&. fJ~y J0M'S ago them w,e:r,e but }'8~ or ,exactly (fM-fo~'fdl. '~'6 ID!ll~)h.U1il!'" @i~W:, dloeg, tll~t'V,erJ lnadequtelyre,rn&ent . t~e ,rn~ of dIe; JI~ in8Sm!!.lCD m!'.e clreldati€i'u ,of tlle da!~y 1I!e~;:spaper1S bas iR~ in a> farm' pNport.ioQ tb..1l.l!thc -numlrer ICl'ftllem,. UD:tn~he end of' .. , .'. the .Loo.donpenDJdlWUes.had eo:lls1st.etll o~~J o:fflijllltr "'i?i8. B~:t,at the begmDing,~r 1.838, the :Fielw~Nad_.., ing ~rlj was stm;.d! II the a(,,·o. 'oo!l:ir a.d()ubm eh~et .... ~

l~Bhmi 'tt,t the :SADm pr~ ~.' S~da~;' 'wMch, 8'~,th(! 'e~iji~g '~. _~ _. __,.of._ j . ~ .. _ =.' ~r~"lifim" .had. ,C, £~I,.e.n 1 .•. 9.'l~ &. "fi.~. h~ 'el.'f~oo.a.'i,.~~ . "'ws. '. t.h. US.~i. ~b. :.t~ _.~._o the .. DO .. ' sm.8 .. J .. [ .. ,d.' ~1:.9:UB.t .. a£ •. _th ..... ~".(I;~.e .. 1'.' .. " 1.0._ .·ufhm r. peFS._ .. '~,,, but; IiffipeclllUy of~e pemly pape~., wl:ueb ,bi~theli'tD lmd ,reallypmi

their waY'~ Dub ~u1d Dei bope to do 00' ill tbis elllrurcpd - ronn. Ne¥' (bey ~e~ 'Gliged 10 fliU6Wceu~t, for-:cthe ~ 81and~ .~. was 'I[ot-timg away the: gT6tml from. 1[Mde~ tlhem.. TIl;e " Tel~~aph p fiEst, enkrged. a:Rdtlmm the ~ Stair' ;,t and.tihen 6rilSU,e;d,tim r,e~~ of ~le paper" unrooda.!ble type, and ink' tnt r~nde!ed!~;tneeessal1 f .. ," there~r mue .sa a, g_.dlwa~te.r ,U :SOOD, as, he bad l~l1u[ed tbe Bews ,N'the:_day. lor tb~y~th~oon:tm:W!d!"b.u,Q--Qd uf by

,the h.:.'o.;.'.~ .0.'.£ ,.,tH:re.peld. Q.f. til.;e. PB.I:P€.'.:D.l1IItY.· i.:.'" :M .. chiOOl!l!."ea abo.' 1lW.'lt.' ~.!) be rnlwd. ml.s60~, lboot 'WmI 160refy d~9ppolmed. bT'" th!e lmexpected

mel almost 1J1i!!pmoo:d~n!Weo~d.u>Citolt1ie Hcrue.e (I ·to:rds in 'lwmwm ijog out 8l mon.ey biltl. ]It 'w:a:s ,at Ie:Dg~ilreaJi:zed .M] 'the tintm .october, _n~61,. a. ,day l~;' 'to be, remem:OOreQ fUji ·the rremoval cif tlh.e, 1ast shae!lde frcmn '~be (JMS8 •

. 1"0 ... · •. - ~H.'. dud: .• ·. 81._ ... eh.eap ,- .' ra.·~· .. liper. in .• _.,. Ltmd:onwas.~.·.. sl.~.m._. _pJ ... y.o, €I.' U\~.'

ti.OIl'lJ of ,Mit and ~oss. . _' If"r,e'~,, c~:;~,h ~ had. groott; faeili,tfes

mr ,oolleenn,g l1i;liWsm th~m$,I)~~~! [w' f$p-omng tie de1ba~ and f~t (llimining Nmm;erjj)'bu ililJoonige~oo as the· ~'Tim,es.~BllJit with tcb.e!ooftnrCiwdJatUypaper.s, (he ,~e wa.s. fa~~ diilerent. . T~el

_I -~ ~&.., .." - , .• ' ,,~tt- .,', ',£ .j,. .,!

VtII!.lltl'e u,~m:ese ppe:mWM 1ft ~!!llvenfl' :r,a;t~.0 00' .lien·prox.~m'1~II.l·o~ne

ca~piT.ail;" 1]lI!It tb~rl' ramU~esFo(l' ool1ieetmg luet.wpolitan ne~6 wooe 'pf'CIJ~ Wlor~d 'ii, .cmtamre .. Nel'~id)he1e~ if the pr(li\\liDC.tG~ punallt 'o,pedma'Ii!J~,etpUet~e, Lcr.lI!!do;o ptpers, .he mllStoontn~-e SOmel!1le~od, '1lf'~WlaimJing tidin,~ ·o,f ev'e~ts mk~Dg I!hioo peirbaps

'~~.' _e •. hund .. _/ •. ~ed.lI)nes _a. :w._aYLu.~p, to!. t~~, ~ou.~ {I.t~l~ ,~mgtn .. ,~s.~

~~ .. ,gt.,' .\! ,e._., ·Ib 0 .. S1l .. Rtmt." ' •.•. ·.~~.oo. el .. f ~. C." ,. .•... ' 1.~e.m._.l_tliiJ. _ G:. '.eba. _ .• tes._ .•.. ·u I!1I!1 .. a __ .. t.:h.,e _ {h~].';-.

a.muwas n f.~.llI!l,$I,te f,Qr ~U~eS$. E'u,tth~ WbOoon~EM,V«ll t:he

bold itt.ea. '.' ~.fa 'dW~pa!pe.:r out ef.' JAB.ebB.·. "'''ere ...•.. DM to., be .... bdl.- i .' I~dlb.,y.·.'.~> BUy ,.d:iflioolti~. 'Theyw~re_ lP~~ .1[l'pO~ their; mel.~ m;oreo,ver,.

b. y ·dl._, fI._. prop1'le.·'.. ..·OOl'.:-::SQ.,:r ·Mire.· ".' (I~. do.' .'~.·'Hw. ' .. b.'~£I.m:.' e. d.h Jih t"r.-J!oo .. • ..•. d., . w. eek1. ]~. I pa.; .. ~'p._. o .. ft!.:_>

ll. .11 -L:Jd th b'" .:aI r ' fl' -,

'Ii'Il(~1liI ,uelrili.!!.e .t - e ne,w ,oomen:;, pNpJies1!.ew'Jal!l.1U'e~ am.· I' "fll\%l~U'$;,

when!UlCooes ~as eerw~ atcieWpted to S!h3iOO~:t, udg:eo.eraUy s~~ .. , llaiyf:ailedl '; .foP'tliteplblie prel.eRed, 110. s~prortthepaper wbi~b. bad-beel~efirst 00 oodrdrl.e .,advm~1 of .. an e.a;d~'.gfl'd ,daU,

- sUfPW,o.r news" TheeJlt'mtrieb31egr:a.p~ :BO,l:ved~e dili!eul~y.A SUlmary of'tbe 4eba:~es ioo:m.a:ne t'i),tW'(!l OOlUtnilB Im~g:~ b:r~e(f

·~~.'ces.' ·~f hn. ~.,. ~.~.-.-~e. l'iOO .. --,~._.~. ,.,-:_u.o ... ~~o~ .... ,.:.,l)l_. tJ.~.' ... fi!!J.~i~d. s,_ ~d. '.lead." .' t. n~. r- .. lseook_~ 3bstra.c~ 'Of the leaden; lH the L:lndw p~, ~nd. the

rOil'e:~gn ad, ma~l. 'D.€,W8, from. aUpa.rts oF. thewetFld wereka;o:smitted by t~s OJ j, so tka~ 'Ilel reaaeN~nDiIl.'~iDJ' El.dmbu.rgh, Ma1Il.~ clltMWj._,(elpoo.lI, ,N ewcastle, u.dP.~.y • .0!!)Jtih, we~em.ade ,~~UB~nt:ed, wi! .htestnews at the :6tlim0 tUne as tie 00.00 ,·fa... O'l:I!redi liil'lmiJ.O>llIN"


n~~he tMi;n JSBOt al;, -tb.ev s • .m:eUi by 'the Wepallh. 1J;n~e:oo e;xmuJ,w, and, speedy , is,l'eqJ,Wmd" sam, m ,oJim mMe oo:nieMJlle, tlimD e~Emt<ri,ci,~, ~ wu], by't~el aplley, 'Illi _ f&at '0"" JFGSS,UDS ~m~t do~melilJtsn,~ :m,ppe,m, JmIb1islred t\Mill MlJndred, and ifty mUcs, ~WlJ lmiId~n_ 'ml~eillRDi~a~r ,t.b~ hA~'el boon preseD~lol :Mtin;~ lOt' Pmrbamemt, and ah!sWMIeI" W~re th:ey' ,3,1>pea:r luthe, l.~ndJ.QD, ,a.pem., T~ IS~JunpellitWD.$for ,early iIiI(1:!JlS, ~~oiti~g '~ t:heoompet~,~ t_~*e ~endml8 k1ii:Qiw "fiod\ing of ,eU.":~MaliWd ,rost,t~t, b~ ~'~,' iacn~ fot"lUa cUlrlms emtmat t~, the dllillcu!,tim ,m ,a, Plav:i~led~hR '& MwndFed yOO18 .0. T.,lll~ _ ,ehleftro~~~e 0:ft.~e- j~,U:l',nUst I~f ,'_ ,lIa:y \Viil8~' gmn:eWflQ11I1IUP, to cfiU ,bi8pape:r.

'IillI,1l1m.\' Wiyol!l Mr .. An~ "rIte ,000000tm tl t-hofl "'lLcice~J~:'" ~ ~ 'Gl~~h-''''~Iit ,!If' 'lmitw. mii M '~IJI:~ ~~-g 'the :1Ip;.~~--um. ;fm~ gnt Dill, 'ft!.r ~ 'ilho lfUh ~pter o.f E~f)d.iI!lS bcl"~ tih~1 f!wl~ liIim

,:'Mi,':~,iillm",'~,ifill:,'~ :Irui;,," ~_'Um~, ,00 u,p ,~.iIl1!Lrnfi,'C::_,~l, }tl, ~" of·~,"~, ~~,~rel~,'~,I1l', ~,_,." 'lD ~d®.n bil: be. J!!1'W,rud, ifu.cro bafu,~ 1~1) pl',~ In ;!;lIteimWlll willii."".b '[!j~~ ,S!lI' timet. {li)l~iliIg ~ ~t(Jo~ 11». 'EI\X~pJ!.\ ~Iil· ,~ w~'I;\91 Lci~ to, LmdlIm. O1Ul~lil ,~~w ~d~ ad, 'tilie print~.~ nlllii1;, ~ ~ 8; dRy ,QiI;I~ '~ ~a D.m~ l~ 'MIt :fl~a W!iyl ,md W~.tmI li~ ~ om:.:'

Nuwth:e oo~[ljtryemto!l" T.eU~;~f;S ia ,~1a ,~te~a;ms loomaR, pr~,O,rLtb~'_~iQ_rW,':"-::_, lm,k, ~ows' 'Wha~ 1S_ d~~ng""." i, D _"~ri~l,Vien~, Pans die ~,e til8y; ihll:l ~. the,ikst JlmR, of a. ~l~~~~

~ll'~f"~ I~ W0!'iethgl ,om~tor :bMsat dlMft!,; he 1Irm..ts ms :~a- nnt only in big OiWn 'fi:Qw!l1l, :bm; ly llia o'Wl1:macbio0jl fit tlhB l'~te !(If ·twoth:~I1Sa'g,lidm tWlen:ty tllJonMMtmJ bOIll~. ~a wlu.iIDlittbe·

~iC!i®1 ,dmlyparpe.r ,~m 'd1~erea4m!',fi"e.HDirm. mi:u,away

_ i! LlI.ncl,o:nl,(Jn,a~ mJ~l~li:t;y "Mit.b, '~ M.;o,dooer" u Fe~, aU .bnpi)fte;N~, I:ews" 84005 ii!I(I·t nea-led), t_~wjJ I. i~ 10WD, d.istcric.t., TheetU!tu~. amI' ()fCQITri.mle:nts,~h.o! .if~ sell)t,~be di:lifellenlt,toc'lfll'l3 ·~f.lioonti:t~YMI 1IUUI1I, uti1e' 'Tlimf;fll e()fi]dll;~litt.1l1 e.~polldeJlrtsoo~~t,tbe OOUBmes, in _ 'whiD &9 cBJ'e lBhttlmedl., Ev€ry !right- he receiv€S 'his ~h "mau." a!!~ d~,'W'9. ,~he uri~ railWAYS in, the, neighb;uvhfird;, ma:" l1fl11~lketbe ,edi,~-r ofWle: '~,Leioostd' JmJfBm1~' he ,&ti~ H~t r-dD: a J(]:.eill'th, 'tllIlit run ov~rwh0bnl~:n:g~ em.W-msamell,t 'of 'QOP'Y~:' Obn litel has, ,_ e:n(lllgi\\!, ,iI~8iterial roo:mr~. boo 'to :fiJi two! 'pape:m.T-hls f'M'midab.~e ,ile he bars. t~) rOO'~lOO to ,s'UIT~dim~ns.ns. '~ta, lict& 0'1 everytb~:t':!g :Im>y .~g;o:t, in~ ~ 'M~e ~lIlaali!timMs of et)m.e ,.~, ~ 'tiU. is,p~fed, t~e indignity (~F bel~ wNpther o'i.~ookeL Eff'E 3 DUl,ctter of ,~aU Irn~;ri;a.f1~ as i~, mig~t seem,ro koor' lOR

~ief1.~].Y!~,.,=r~.w,.i,'I~, bis.~,tl:,~·em" .1~Ul, :.:,_' th~," pnr,cVl,':·I~,i'~l;all.~J,', ~,,'Y,"" pP;t' 18,_, '~ [!;'b;dtletll'~ct wha.~ 'the ~ "rimes lS • the ,LfiUdi,ow.€'r. .ll" o:r ms~ m.

a. Q{fllntyoowiI1 • Onmw,aU, wmcb. oot'tlms t'lj!&llQi m.e:mbe_~s;ml 1[)~1iaIm~rw~~ 8JDd ~'lits .~iiie8 holdeutwlQle n :)"EmF "IlIDWy Que oopy ,d~ it'he ~ea~lrr.g!Lo~rl(iJ~Jourm~lbHB. ~u taikieg ,daily f~r' ~,~. TIm; !!<01.irt.ary(lOpyoo!l1ti~es tAl find, .~ts 'wa,'" theE,S,. ,ui mHditimil 0:-


waMS Lot a hu1!t~d ~op~es (lIthe d:it~yP~ymOll1illb ate· :sold ~t~~n~w,c .. , "'. of'th~f:;~OJ~~. . The West. o!'EnlS' '. >~di,:froDl the:

La;.IIDd. a, End ", ",lI1Ieter~ :~a pftr~ap8 .an .. f!XIt~hO!nrul dli,tnet, t\h:er>el 'beImg less .trrulie bet:w~mnmtl!<Irt of '~b@:eoru1]!t:rya~dlLorndID& tlan . dwer,e' ls b>etween~e! mmopo1b and. the midlmlo, the easben1~ '01' the filflrthermll. dismc;tB,

_.n . may be '~eU glliP~~(I that" wIDlth 81mb :~o'm,eUtioni~ aU pains, .of El',glacnd., t~e }'IDS!!tlllll. of th@ Lol'lldon dlrul~J' ~ has been m~eb

~aD!~~._. ~n·t~~ :first .. ,~aoo~tb,c ,aU~in1"~~':tiv~n~ .w~~cu. tb~ lold~ es .. M. : .. Lbl.ts ... h. eA. :_.' pa;pem." " 'onre ~.' '.~ ... s.'. ed.J., an.d .. wme., rD., acdle tho e. :1r'tI.'tliC0ll!. ' seem. ol'ac~] ~ere8_;d~r, bas been sorely waken hythe u,-

:. _.~~:,p1).·.'.8r., :.e.,e .. ~ ... ~o. !n .. ~.~.I.!':~.'.S.~." "~ .. E .. 1~. =!.~.,m;.,.,,'-t.~ ... ::.~.i:'.:1 ~.' Uj;.~.

~re~a.'3ittat.]B'" 11.i(JI Jon;er p~S$3S '~:vereign ~SiWa:y SIilU)l m~te1'y t in ·t.he I?[\IOV~llil1les. Bamre the '~'l'lml.'!S ~'~as u'a.Mml the ~MtJb oil.

the west <I,r En,gbmd~. (I;tl:Ie:r ome]ies, have spOken, ofte:n ~re, dif-

ftll'mtlly ,a~dlpefflll!ps :m~re t~~thfunY~:ill];d."CDpy the 11 mind"

ad. 'rutl:bfimlOOthe public ,oond.u.rtc. 'few ~~w~~u .deny' tha:1i. this ~nad''lit1i!lUlW;~~~' ,c~!:l\ng(l. A~1!U't~ mona~chy ia bad fu1\' tbe ro]eT 3lild. mr thernle(i,: it lbegetsa raee oftyt&nm .and a na.tion of slave~ . Sla'v,e:l'Y 'U) the· pross was f1ol8lt OOeo_rin; a 'V>e,ry. ubdeMra;b1e .RLl'Mirerh~tic of tlli}e free~ :E~cglid.l!!ud;iQn!. !IlI'hen the mulliHp~i'Mti:o!n o,F m8iSter~ ,d.lmints'/bed the, pow~ .,f eae;lh and. _yet. p~e greater nberty to the ca:pt~ye.. . When opinioJllis Uit~e~imy adtv~t"OO a~e su.p~ned by an ~qu:JJ~weight of _tborl:ty, '~][e n..e~nty illilt'QfellOO isthaltoBf: :~~stb~WN~,~ID]dl t~,u~lheheHef.iw theili~faJllbilfuty O~'Pl']iDlt._is Ull(b.~,1'Mtl1J;@d. nle ~o:es OfU'liH~e~ce' lIsproba!biy far mOl'>e t!ble ~lI!rnOO ~r ~ament~ti6n:J:mGmgtb.e!l~d jo~maIl!Bb t~runthe! ~€IS'SM' cireuwru~ fiQ;~. [ll. realty ,~he ·,e:[tcU}~riiO·Qj 'aif t~(l .~ nmes,~ .. QitaU e!venm" ~ me1iloo·ood. Qf ~a:re yooa~iliO'~, I·~~t nem-1'l"W that ex~t b~ wbi~' itwolIlJ[d, ha;veifiet'>eased if Lltld~.o~ ha.dstiU bee'D tke'Gllly fOllfi:ila.hlt-

- heajaE' drulyuews. Oreul!1itlon is without pf,oit to~e P"O'Pr'ielors wl),eil1 e~.ghtem pages a~e sold[ fb:F' t'reepn<ll!! by dw:!Dewwe.n.dor.

'~e ..• ·. _ ~~b~L~P ...• d.·.ailJr. ' ... ~re ..... f'S, 3,JremuCh .••.... i~ .. the' snm:. I e .... em.' ?dw.·'tt~n ... ;: ~nd .... It m,

stat'l8d. tha,t (I'[Ie of 6.e Mdber-n papers :1:01'01 \l·es ~. ~.!iJ$S o.f

-tlD:Y pounds u:p:on its, eicreul ~J on tfuat (lne day in mcD. weel:.

wh~r;@on ~t ~pMra as a d.Q'ub~.e: s'eeit:. DUct eiroola:tfLGaIi ;is& oompm-ive~yun1ln.ptl~~t :SOlU'(le (If 1"'~~:ne,.. ~Thepllerenti. ~ee:llt 'OOlllpati'tio~ S>lltOIfl. j~l1~sJistg has,tedU1emroma'ik:@ ~~ satlfrifi:¢l1s, in Ollldie!l'

m.ol.hta.~n. crew.', 1m.' . ,s;. ~. '~. G:. I'e. '.'lill. Lly. - .•. p,~ .•... ,·.mb .. ~. lffI.... if. t'i~':o.'~ of ~i1. e: p.~ .•. _lper ·-the ad li' ·IOOm. Ti];e mor lnl&Illiess· of aa.vertl51!mf: l$ beoo~

~n.gmolre e:r~etrud!ed eYIIM'Y.':OO,r. O~'ht~ me 4J'll.e~,' i.n,slpj~~e',(Jf t~0' Ol'th~ NtS[ugs of Its ~l'1,! has be~n so. ()~~~eb~:ed by the .1~1" :fi1D: qf caj:ve:tttse:lm;l<gj~.1.~t It ~c_~~eqmFUed 'W!'~0 -,8JlIlextIr,a "WOI p~am.oo a Wllie~. 01 tbese (ltCEi~ tlm.j!l)'lB~al. wm, on. _ avewage"oomltrnIm. 2~20f)Q(lV1~tiae:~tE:,O~@u,ym~'6~ ,0.1' ,67

ooltm!Dil~ 22i "llmes, lOIl(gt , 4:1 'yards,]~gtlb (lfa:dv~ mf}'rm: i'~. e.u& ppl"~whl~'h~ ~fli]iJ! .1\e tUJlmUatiolllat. ~@~(}IJ'Q,

eo. ".~,es,.~(lul~.i, .. 6Gli\~iI",. m ~ l1t~', ~mnei~r ·.,apB .. ~.. ,ebou.t .. 2.t.~. i.~~oo .. '13£.. lb. ~.'~' Tile :b)~&. p'l'I1oowbum.tlile c TlmtlS dem®llds, 'Mr ,advem~l!!lts nu

be:eB. a .f:00i tlbil8" ~fo:r.' the l~hea:~J .wbidi im~e R '~u])Q,itJOB Mi J~(ll! 'UI' ev,en ruarlf: r.fhii:.~.. , 'Tel'~aph," ·ffi'~~nee",. BOWD~t u_l'I&eq]wn~J ., I,. r~)1l!riall'~ of ad,riseJaeD~" But, perhaps the mostrernutaib].e i!lstauOOs- of tJkememaae of t~mmoon: m making kimQw:ntlbew,ant8 MId the dloklp oftbe ICDmmunity ,8.l1'6 ol'e;red, •• TlIc:6mt ,laooj, ~th<ose: '~R'P' ndve.rt~g~pets,whWh euwm. ~]y]\O li1~WS. ,udwbiea me: giv"J11 D:~y by tike,~ pneb:ulS, . Eivery ~,y whleb they dispose 01 is .S!J mwi!. out of their poc:ke_t; "Ili~. 1m ,ei~elllilnt4(1iIL b:cin,p .ad1'e,dsamen.u, dI.ey do BO't ~,lew .giM gr-ntis a leermiD,s~HiM ,parmlimed .DGJMber of ~Plte:B; ano th~ fll,(J.t (J:n~,rco~ .e~J\'l~ blllt mt1:~e a. IDru-ge profit.. T!ie :rre~~d, insmn~ is ~the ,ehea,papeft! pBb!ljflbml m,,~i(lilt!;di~ ilriciacd Llad(ln"wwlhiebJw~ b.o:i'e :a~remily I:·eferred,. We ha~ befOM us' ,an ,av1erage mwn:oo_r· oftll,e ,! lC_ilietikNl~en N:ews~'wMeh 'tS,

a.'.'B.~~@,_~.of ...• f?~ .. pagmI,I-':.:-,1l!I!l1l!!ch ID~ ~.~'.tJ:!a~, fl!)l.lf of ...•. t!Le 'Ti .• ~~ .. ,.",

RDd ~w'lleJJ~ l~ of . D~~B~>e~J~ ., _w~ti, afl.vertlOOJJnI1~tsw the :number lO'.ut l.t'~O(). W~fuID tile ~;ast:frew years 13, 1msiJness '~hatiS! 1jo:t8U(ll~tht;rne,w,t tha~t 0,' dile ad.iemsing ~aeat~

~1l!S been mu~ developed. This . t is a brok1M' betwoofl tine

ad:ve:r~r' 0:00 the ntr~pe._rs. ,bOIS his clien.b woo :~.n~t

l~i:m: wj~btheir adve:di~M~n~ oMid be ~cbtb~ tOI wh~~~f: p6'~IrS he m&, trufilk, . d .. ·· ded1uctl!og£ro:m thepa.ymJen:f. h_~ QWW.~~6S~O:l1Ij w~isusu \. 10:rr ,ooot. hI t~is way neail.J ,alli 'tJae 1I@'W:6 ;·.c ,--,atums and oo:mpmle5 81m .eOO lm(!lw.~~oo,~e pubji~ a~d 't"hthe ·sanle agency the F'o,prie~o,rsofCJtu:aek

med[emoop.i '.. . ' 1108'trl!l!W. .. .

. Bu,t,;:lCut as the i~Cleare_:mn ,a.d\l'0l'dsin; he 'beenef la'lll!i years., .tbere .oD.eperiDd, ~"h;!ch far ,exOEloo@i. the ':1~[l't. . .DlWring~bJie: he~ght <Olr dl!l~ raihli,&,.t mm:ri.a. 'the sums of m:o:neye:pen.t ln this w,~,'

weireBQ!uaJ]ed ,only thooe sq·!!!.lmd,ecMd oEli1ilt~rrerOl"g ,a:~d ,_. .:'-

meel'\l..All new '. ~clu~~ee a,rereqw~OOl .. ro be... .. ~

th.,ee, time$ du;ing the Month o£ .NQve.tll~r ~uth~ ~~Lolldotrl Ga,.. 2J~tw f m,d .aIil&epNm:zyt~ aM deilrous of grcooWl"J?u!)ruicity tb<lR tcbaet ,ij.tleialpaper 'Would glive them, they 'usllwly aek~t a'{!:metwo

Ol'ilir~O.;.,G:.·_.~,er. _ .. L!IlB. don p3.'p.(ers uf r~~. : le~re .. ;u. Ilao. ~i(WJ.,_ fw tbem&l.rt,l4 .• '~ of thell' P"~ses.,NOi\1'em'e!r~ 184:5,.wImessed mch ,aO.ood ,01

f;· as we. ho~ ~bl' tbepoos,p.eritu of E~l&d, may lIDe'~ ~ lie sooJlJagmo. MI,. ,An.tirews :1[. 1\1l'cU de5mit.edth!:s wUd! 'tim.e. IW says<-

" It. WiIJiI 0.11 W ~il'lilunoodj,hf",.m ~g~ Iif· '.~l!lW .o( ~1il~n:RIlffitW!l,~ ~'!:J m::t-m. "~, m:mld ~ flJl!lV]i>lhecl '001 &twrlELy., the'l:l!t of but: tl!te:J ~M lUI 'W!f1l~;'ij\~ pnt ~ M ~·~·to ,~ th{). :~~J~ ,at ~r~ ~i-

m&eIllil[liblJ :po~ fu:~e, ... ,(Il~.'" WDIiJ.:i.B!nled ,e-ve17 .dlty; ~i: }~ we:ut ~


·wmne 1tihe cTUmm'~ .If!) y,earr1;y i~mpl'o,!mng ~ts_positi:oill;ll£! a p~,~.:St~ oliie_ pM11I~rltY'leve~ d:ill>Ilt¥i1 It. ~S, m08mg' Imfluenoe as a. l)l}lili~e:,al ·Qracle, tIi.e,~eJ']i~need, Londea ,ape:rs bave undoubtedly

~u,tl1. -eredpecu. M.8,ri1r :n~eU .~i.~tuoo.··tiall, _ftcOl~ .. toh.e.'. OO.~~tilio.-[ID of tme ebeap prc$l!, The 'ear Journals at firg[". tlJ • .ted, to illook dQwn,

w.t@h eONteHlpt lpon thJe~r ~nJ riva1!s. 'Th~ cerl&iEi~y had no,t

• I t{ll ~l(lr 8(1 (I~ ~e SOO<l'e ot' ~tiqlli~y. The ,cheap, ~, P!~~ 10 dom' lr~ by It'WlO cen~~fi!leB. '.rh.a name!J~Wk; lvMch

i~,. now .. ~ 319m .. ' M.' e...~y th~. ~G~otaJ.J. .• W€I.,.,.,allild ~ig'., ;,.';. ,,' ny l{Drgmu~. ~s ;.3,

w~1'd of \7el'y hn.bte ,ongrrll.. TIlle first. nei'w,spo'l.]per lID

VeDi,~ealbo~t 'the yeW' 1536~ fort~e purpose ofeDIDig6~nmg t'he, Ven~t~lans on ".e prog~feSB of the: 'W,ar wi~ Tu1:key: It WM. i.n m~Il~$(\t'~ph~lii'~~ il1,m.~eg.~ble hand,re!3ld al~~dJ at pani~ula\r ~tatiOf~ and. appeued once a mo.1Mtli. . I~thi,jl ~1:li:a.lbe~~bi l~b:rary at FIOlfll.oo thirty vol~mes ·of this ja-1!Wmam in .M._', roe $t.1l1 pre;:::ef'ved;, aDd 1t waeont \llntI[ '~e close 'IIf the sideeJi]jth 'OOll:tllry

ti~at .. ·· . t~.e ~n:tiH.g"pre.; .. ss .. 8i .•. 8.~p (~n1ed.'~d.·lthe .. peII " . Th.e priJOO. '.,of .. thes.I·.~

papets~ or®ue foo . for reaiillllJ' 'ili~:lllt WOOD. V:e~e~lan e011~~[ed

,f!i&~, .DJllld sear.e@lyworl~ a ~thlng; gO tba;t .t~e,:presool!. ~~W!!.~~ ~per is :re~Uy a 'h~g~~F.ieedl . .JiOrllt;nal oompar~tl wrth 'l\Ihe, orru~t[!a~ 'sn@ets, of ·news. 'TOie ~~g!b-,prl~ .. l'Omnde of theprese~t da;y 'lEl}~le 00' JTI{lI'e :1I1ghtto .,(I.espIDse 'il~eiF! penny oomFMtws on the :B.t'~e .. of Hter:af ... meri,~ ~U~ on. tlra,t oiunde:l'seIUu- ·~Tbe ,artici1m t~ tbe

~-vi~icll:I ~ wd] as ~~ u.u6 ~m::r _ - ·-·~-·iWM'~qml1,.~, ~~ 'superior, '®-o t]~'Me ,m tb~ o]'~ :·!il1ll.edLm~h~ri ldaili9,~ :Any~Ge who '0omrsed t"beoo-oowts ofdtc rP,eai 'V;(I~u~ree1"

lRe.~-view._wfi. _'Hl~e.- '~~k~tw,~.reaN,.~c_~.-;:! m.~~~ ~u:'w~ ~~.~\&t .. t.b.-e rep:rf1toontaruned .t~e Mlmcn~tJe1I' . G:U_~!8N.. ~ ""my

m.nre p"~pllie :tb9111 t)ll!lfi. .~D lilb{) .~ T~~~~~ Sjm.ilarl, ~'e nan:n:ti~{:; ,of tb.e~ooll1~s w~t_toKmamey, rilicln,;I~-i!d ill, '.tJh~~ .. " 8t.3i1'~~' 3.lJ'ui die ,demrill'tiorul. of the o~ui~S:!)f_.e ID~atio1W iIh11iihitiG~E1tSt M[l(~·, .. wh~. ar~ i:g tihe .• ~. ~~~ 1jel~;.rap'b,'I_ we~ imm,~~y :f!),~r 'M~mo:se . rO[ ,aU the 'oth!C'f IAMln palp-em T-b.e ~tN-mU" JlOIim1t of ~e old j((Iln]'d~i~ '~bei'i!'fU1fe~gJi ~.([i~n~, and inJ. ~,1~ they gE!l'lewly \ta_~ 'r&~ ~~i" . In, tWit me_m.uall~e lutaulCeS diel ~ 'llm~ ~, __!las d,rure ~ood ~W6f! ~bym,ana. of its ~reigin. 'eo~ IB,]_MI'!:diNlIOO.. TWi01ll,ty-one ,!(,ea:m, a~ Mr" O~1y" tke p~js 'Cllue ... '

:SPGmMBt ol'bh.rut Jo~rl!am~nmloul!i!oodltlmt a . f~~ny

hw:l,~en eBtablfu8~ed ,o.utbre (j'(}D~]D9t, 'I' ,of ~DS ,O'f tJb-e

hi:gh~t rarik_d, 1ll8plrute, whom 'ODj0ctW9:S-. to ,l~~he ,COfi:l\i .. ,

fienmlbamb by means ~f'. {\i!I~gei k!tteMof ,eNiit -,- Iei' tG

iruBY,e i1leen. l~Uied by' theL~mtd~IilI.lmnklmGI]yn an';. .' n@Y'

~~.~_ ~." 'th.(;!l .. l~)mit .cd'.th~il'_ ;Sf. i)n.-a,ta}ijilij,t.:li:~. ete1'.IDg~_ Wl~~~, whe~. tbQit ,a;fI'llt'!llnt:!lw)'lddl. be ooaohej"M d,tsSOb'll tlie Jmtt~~mbiJ~,ruld retiire U!oder. vm~~oIlB d~sgui:s~to Ameriea,Indlm,,- wo.d. eJoowhem

O.>~.'.Q ,g~.lle:n. da_y~t~ .. e .. ra .. -nn.,.m'S.n· i~ t .•. hirs. SfOO.1-='D ... '.a.'ti.'C!.'.n 'Yi'~.-_ ~.e:t~o ... O'¥'rM' the C~tl,ll:~nt~ pre~_nlte;d. ,thm ]~tll0rs ,of 'cNti:t1 ~nd, sraeoomed

im. baggi~ ~1Y' :10,0001.. AUth~efa~ts. W{.'I1B ann~umooi:ll ~n the ''fimm,,~ a~dl t~c .,ooDspimtom J;Nclanmedby ~me. .~rmsti~w

t1'e.·,.,~~m.~ew.~ ... _ .. ~tifi. tm~~y~. of.~'~M.;-It.'.i'D~ .proo.'.fu. ,d .•. ' Imi .. ·· ... ·;rg. du._.,:.lit,,&.ni~ 1l'li(!l<Pl~!g t'{!l 0:QI!;hB'-etilew ga_W.@1 ~ . e lmilge-r:, one Q! the oo.n.s,t-

r-a~ors: EGgle, ,~ Eilg~:iWm_" 'wko lad. set u" ,Q, hank ,at Flol\ellYioo~ ~1'Ougiht aii!l. Q(i~.o .ngilliHst ,the 'T:itm~a,~ .~I" m~~l" .~ did . all he eQuId to. ~n thfki:at '1''h.e' Tim.~' ho.we'!.~~r-,. S1:leooOO:€l:Iil. ~m. hil\~i~gthie F'ooeem~ dJIe,~ayed while ew.deBeeW&8beillg~' c!I1:red,. This was d.0'JJe Wi.~Oiut regard fio tfouh~.e 'IJr eKpe~~ The rol~oifilr'ol" 6:e _ ' 1r1.mes, 'Viisik!i ~eady aU 'lillm ,oonttnenbd ti:~ie5 'to eolleet tl1e :!lle6~ryiim!r<llm1!iUOlll" ,ond! w~eDthe 'mdcrume {liDaverold ,,~. virmlly. ~vetll '~hl" tltedef~mduoo:ts.'Thls 'e8lSe

:~._Xcit. 6d... t.'i!.~.e •. ,nt. rn .. ~.fiJ ~.~ ~mft.' tll.:~ro. '.~. g. '.h. ~u. t.· •... E: .. >"[!~:.&aBd.I._ .. ,~, .. ".t ,'.a ~ .: d.c_.I •• '.'. iU., .. b.l.iC '.m.·".' ~@t .. - ~'---'-;-.'

_Hlg)S 'We!re ~o1dl@:DRot lclj;! thus ,eOI[l!Bh'y ,~, '.1 '.', lint ~ a,bl"Cla~. to

l.'&ise ~.~ '~Sti. ·n;mr .•. ~al._i.n .. 'a~~~rw!G~.lgm .. ~~Q1!lJt ,of' ,t .•.. '~.' ._~~ :~~ .. le~.. ' by the . nm~ .to the ,~mm~;~ii~ WQl"ld. A wHof WQiffl tJMH

2', 'iOOl '. '"as ,q~~ld~rMse\1l and, _ olered, tIJ tioo .vmpriewm ,~the Ieadi:figj'O'Ilrmrul... nieY @ecli~fMll bo moo:i:ve ~Jt·fm t'b:e'msel '\1'00, :f;l;nlil . ,thatt it shQ~li be d.e''f'oted,ti@, &f,JmeGlbjooii ,ofg~nem!I . Tw,OI oolu],lm~' wue t!herenp,ou ~ta:b]:~~i1s~ 3J!1,[r C&n~n

~ . ,e _ 'Thnee Sab)l)(l<lj, . ~'. the·. 01il~ fOJ'C:~riBfs Fl(}S.phaJ. at

Odo-ro ~ the otbJlll" for the, (lty ·ofwm:doo SChoo~, at Ca<m hl'idge.

T&biLe\t lMmLmen:m.~' 'bl!le:!e C~~!!lUms~BR~. wer.:e ,ereeted. ~l!1th-0a$ sihoo~ ia the. 'TiMes' fJ~ce, sund, 'i}Dae .ll\Wy~ &eho"llH:~0' .. , Th:e ot'~t' ease 'to whiM ~e M~e .!leferood.w:as~e OO'A1es:p.o:nd.~lioo oilf Mr. RuemU f~o •. t.h.e ICrnea., ~B no doubtthat~Js gc ..... dem9ln~ :e;"l.IVW dL .efftle :m;i~ralble '00uditto:nin w,h:icl~ .oWl ~ w~~,la{led mo:re ibm, ,amytJbh1!g le]~ 't@leti!i3t ,R, ehil:t'!~~ .iu,t.he 'aaDageII!I:C~~, of '0" '~f, aDd iQ, b~~i)!tl' it 'bli!, it'S pFe~;t ,e.ti'ii'eoo~"~&

W,e:bav,e d.w,elIlt o:teom>e l~hu~o ptm'pees t,hn;tw~eeD )ma(te lJ,.ytl.i@1 ,ooss. Tbat propess :~s, sm.ownta B£Im0 exte'~!t 'byt.he MUowhig :~gHOOsrto ~me ox~eillt '(1J,Dl~1' J!le~ue. iib0f do ~ij;t ~~n~~e!l:lt .~e: len.!IJ"'~jJus iAClrease i,g tllle ID_l~latio:ft ill! duise p'~I1B

w,Mclb. were m, ~istenooaitthe oo.'r~j,est ,eri0di. :mell.ti.o:lle.d" .

. lED: 182!1 ~I W~~ ~~~. m: '~~ Um~ :ID~ 2&'i'!i~1!J.,

IIlI. :!l~l... il' ., .• 2"Ji), - ••

lB! j:8:i:l", "" "" i72 "

In lI!:85Jt.. j, 'j §;OO "

hi 186Jl .... '," • 1.1I.'liI2 "

1m. 18621 n " .. 1.165"

S0 tl\lrut ,tWll1'B,gths hstel!e¥ien years the inm"MS€i in'lhe :flW!llhe-r Olf

::w:,~~ei:o~~e:h!Y ::;]:~~!: ~:c:::e~l~:;~~ !:r~l:~r,;

a'Mut£l)I:rty times as rc&pidneJtiJat h~t,wOOl! 1S,21andl 1851. Tb~s ? fea1!l!tse lS (Jrut!£ .. o:f. al~ pro~. '~Uon. te .. · tha ... itlm-e. ;_ase. !of JOt. : pul31ot;io.,_n.,. and :ltiB oo.ummOelt, be soegll£t elsewhere. WhaI!;, th~!!"lS t:Jre cause?

It fuse ~1l~roldFift;t .ani, ,cMef _ is th~, oflep~ J!{.'$tri~ tiOM r&ud ism)!, 1blJ:rd~5 = s~nd". the'(Ive.mel.t of '[lllaC,WlIlel'J::

'iW.1 .~. d,.c __ '.~he. i _'e:. x ..... ~[OO. ,sw.·.-. 11 ... of .. _._. !'. j:e...r~i .. ~w.a~ ~.s. ,~.s; ..• ~.' ' •.•.. ::w ..••• ·.u .... ri.b..~_ the_ . lex. ~be .. ~." ;~ .. iln .... of the dec,trie reIDeg:rmph. . Web&ve! n~t flipaOO no I],i\!'lNttAlOO ~e

,d.)e.~.-:L.s._.,.OJ.=:f·t.,be.;.~.Q.l1!. !.:". s.'.tt'U .. ggle. becwe.m.· ... t._he., ~ .. ltfi.~,~.d .•.. ' .. tttl .. II.!"wers. t.h at.". oo~ IThe d6speraobe elhrb3 made by both IIO'IJj~ (lIP Pw;)ja.eN,t,

;.ad .. ,eortlmu@'d even, 'W Si) 'late .a,period,.~ L8t9~ ~ 'Pl'M'eDt, the

,ub~i. !c.3i.ti.o n. I ... of '. th. ·_e :p. ' •. t.lliam.e.' ... OJwry... de.: '.' ba._ .• ~.s,. w. IG.nW .. u a1o:n.e.Dke p. lo'D~l' ll'J.l'J U1SfI oonldoo ooThd. lin ,oneef ouf ,artieles. It 15

p:ain:fu~ i~. NaiErl!!:g' :Mr. _A:~dlr~ws' ~'m":k, wei .bale :seretill tiira~ '~llm'ij~Wled,t0 itLdl ~ow 'O:ftellJ _ th~ ~.J]1~d Jci~ of U~J1'I~y

hAIl .. , ... e ... be.:. e:m ... OiP .•..• posOO.". ',' •.•. to. ,~e 1. . Ott': . th.i e._ l» .: .'IeS. ':.' .. ca. " c. T. ~.~e... 101lg.' -. dii!5!putes ·~·eratt O~oE!liIel1 8IlQ the '~Tim~ ~ ,exliibitth&t demagogue in 8;

moot _ ~oomiDble . light. :E'~en Mr .. &ebu~k in184l '~a~ened in :thel .Blll.uae,of Uomm,:I'S t,u, horawhip.:Mr. W.alJ~iier~ til:epFo,rretJilil' ofltihe .~ ~flmfi.~ Asa M€, Indeed,. 'llli.elod.m "{I~l'S of m!l'il

;::::r:::' ::ue:z !::oo~oT~e~=:g~~=~~~ ~ ':h~r:;s~h~

r_g~nl of the.hooJ. bU!FiO:ens '~y wbieh the was lUlM~

'pe!ed, ·fJboUSb., lli9te:dendm! O~l'~e!lirtll~ . battle oiU10

~Jm.oot~ !'neplr:te~diGI.,_ WiH yei& vru', _!u~il1m~ WitlIin IO~l' i(l;WiIlda:swe u'feseen , b OE\': tbe '~esl'I-i)nknoi!lll·led~·~

.. Ii •


Npea ... -. 'I.'ed~. .,I"e. strum. ", :'. ".~lut1.'i~.' ~t .•. he ad.". em.,:. s. eJWm. ,.' i _ .. ~ ~ .... ,~. c ~, al,d,,~n. ,last

C--~ dlQiI '~F !!lu!ty. !Qlu'te, mce;nt]y" t\.oo~, die . o:f hlbeJl .bmi· -il~~~~,:";:ii, .~7;,1i .:.-:-,~ :1- . '" .. jj~c ... , ..... '1'~f'I ~.- ",'" with, tli!:01> llaw' 6f . .. ' iUWFt.-'IJl." rum, JlIllllW,e , _D A~Em_' .... _. '"' ...

eo_mt6n sense. .

The im,roveme:nt inmoohhlel'] :isattM ,sameome a mlllliseaud

:~~~~~e~~':e d:::11:t =~::~Dfw" ~;~~~H~:

1h.I.'lD..~n .. d.;.~p .. fesses ...•..• _ ••. w ... oUld .. m,)m~.e :8i.,tl.··.·.l ... ·~, ~ .•. ,e.- ... n.i.11I.'., ~il!e •....... ,~.'m.·I ... ba.'·.vh!~ .. be!J. -.e.-fD.,sulbstil'.OOd~, tt 1ms been JPOSS-~Ible lo~DeM3ge dH:l d,eom,d lOY 8"n

'i~, in, tche SI1JIpIDy. a!t~!.md.ed_ \y' a: :f;MuetiGnintb.e :price..As usual"tibJ0w(l:r~M nlld~l'the old :system wema ri~l~iiJjt1y 'GP~

~O .... iii.~.DY ~bun .. ,~. ,c ... ' .... o .... 8,th. e~ro.8t ~n~.,.; d~.~.:.'.,~ ... la. njj) .. w.~mrs.·: .... ' 'w .. e1' .• ~.' .. 'Eo. t~e.: .~, of th~ .~. ~.s. In,1l8.iAi!~hn 'W'8~t~r~e seoon~ :had. for somel yefmll 00e-.,n at 'WOr:kWl:Il" :some :m.gemous meclham~ upOiua!ilesJgu£'elr lPri1!li~iing 6e I~ times, ~ Dr IBbeam, g3'VC aD opportunity t'o two Samn pril'tef8, mmamre a: sche.e wmdlil. t11t~y .~ad

~rti~l~ heads. . .

I nc l!IiM~'~. mt up in OOCfiOOJ· and, ~:ilEm'oo'" I&JijMr" .~: e a 'I1i " '·.l

~~. , . ~ ~in~ .(m 1IDd .~ nm®mg~b.e ~.;a. ooultlmy' bIiI. nJ)t. " -:

~r to .. ,.tmtd~,~the, .in~im"~ ~on i~di~ ~ ....

8'~ e;l.te.liIlip&!l to ~~~ ~~1!!i~mw theil'~. Ai&:.11u!t. ,!ill '!!!lWI~ym the 6xpe.rlinent. . Tlop:~w ~ ~rtlmred to awo;it the M:ri¥fil qf ~J~ lWe:Igo ~~w~, ~l}t,~ gccloo:i in tiEm lIiI.O:r1ililll!lg" Wo:tml" etlrlif:1."(td! 1bG1 ~_ :!m1ltlll~

m~, 'ilha'tlili.e, '" 1"~" WM '! He, ~I ~~, d~

<clil!milI,hlIili.t !1£ the.y ldd;elln,ted .. 11'.1'. . .. . . p, w repmitj,

~U!l\th{l;t iil'tllny blJmvl;ld qIIre~ 1Th1ci~' 'W!)~13 iili(!lwfl W' OOll>tj~dlwtium.!. gtiJil '~l'!.!.w

:gm, ern,1~mml no moot '.. .. ',t :~1I!ilmrld 1!ID1y lend flltb.eir

~ .:!l,l!ldp~ :m m . Un.e, po'Wer' of ,~U1!. Oil!' lbiar.291 181',

t!he Jreade~. o:i".tbe, ., m,U!3S. ~ ~ro~[~Jlred tim'.· .. . ... &~ ~~I!!ts

tiID-!.~~}=~~l:f~~~ :~~ ~~tI:~~~l~rr:!~JWtf!~~

~ RMtd' ~.I'ffi t~l:m$.1~a .~~ Qf ~ 'lPf_MW~~. wh~

waslnbnd::ki&tby a ~wirru,~tID1, A - .. of mwtihmWJ~t

"!l!t'gt>!~ieh{l!li l)i(!f'A!, . !!IDa!. ~,wtliWb, whit it ~ 'h~ ~ 'Qf

11-11: ~ lnho1'iHl! ,~ in ~iI.J!g. W eliI~l!lj lI!U hWiffin ~1!I'em w. rapiilii~;y !Il;nd

~tch'" ' .

'Since N'ove,m,OOr 29~ 1814, tb~ olmnges tbSltb:3ft! 'boon eff~ed

in . the I, . _ ,~t\iaUy d~rl~g. tJh~~~ttw~flt~ ~~t. airel

almost mero . ·~ou~ ti!1J ,tche m~ebon of t4h.e ~-1J.lICju[a!f

'TlIrin.tlin.'ft .. ' r Du .. .tcl1wes ,8. oou.t. twc'i're.· 'Il!,eflll'S. - tsi~ -. - fb - 'OOSJ.' !1t .. Dum.~oo.'c,-:

l'" p ) -:/---.- ee,_e IT~-- .. ---

'ol.oOrPl·~ .t!hat loo,~,]dbe .pil~md~~n· _ an ho1ll' _was 5~O~. 'rrh~ 'T'fmes,' was oompel!lJ.edto l:.eep a dOl1l'ble :smft' 'Il'f oomp~toI".3\1 a~d.. '!? set tt,all. i:ts. type t,wice,so' as 'bJ. :kee~pl two m;a~'~lleB ~n open ... 'tlO11l:.c FmmthlS!C'JMtlyn11'o,ngemen:t '~e:y we~e ,dehvemd '~y 'the intMdlu~tiiOiD. .of App' ... prl~tmg .~De,. whid\! w_eX~ hiblte41 at the pat . bibH~on. of J.~5[. Im.tJh.i:s the type was ,m.ttaehedm a lal'fg0 ay~]nder:~a~ndl 'was hrought i~~o ~fin-

!fro. '"t~. ~tht ... he ;-pap .•. ~.' .. '.8 ... :t. el~h._.~ - m.~' 't.oo. '1. l~e .•. ~s as .•• Lt. he .'cyli. ~dle. '~, ~.' ~dl~.~.~~ r-e~olution.,Th~ ,r1>dl'!?I~lQr.a ~f O~plef3; t'~, merea:sedto 12\;~OO

an bom.. Dirt thIs ME'llCbme W&:IliSQ'~m :m,er,ooded byan.lim;e'I"Ita,n

inv.~Ni~~~~uHm .~tbe .lIae _ maclamej •• wl1l~0'is ,si~lll1' _in'L ,~~i~e to· that31li$t dlescribed, hut. h_1lS t:he eyh~lde'r pla.'OOd JJmI a. lonzoHltal

i~~~ of .aperpood~~uIDQr .vooittoo)~ . With. one of • thesem~ehi.~f;!s hIll .15,.00.0 '~D 2ij,()OOC~Ples an hoW' may OOprlD!wd.. But t1TIte :power of tli,e 'I!~ .. b~ lbeen .sun fU!rt~.el'. ,del'e16pedl,. and 'bM be~

.ooae. ~r~tieaUy._u. nl .• ~ •.. ilied.' .. ·. :: ib,· t.he in!F?v. c. moobs. w~ic~ha .. ' .• _VE!_ be~n

~d. ~n them;"t 1i1f .. i:j,telIe ng. _It is 110w_p06S~bJe t'O, :Jl!ul_Jke ]jB

a. f'e~ub)JJC(!sa meW ·r~'i, .. of title pa8)e of t~ ._wM~h.QaIll '00

~"'" alt. _ t.~h~. p~., a.a. w~U g tl. __ c. I~~; :Th. _~. '. ':-ra& .. _-, ... ~ .. ~.~m:ll@!8. m1.!!' .. 't.·· be. " .mcFeMed .00 .. anI extre~t;; .a.nd if It . were_requlred,. 8. hl!l!JId.retl

:macmtllM could be 1k.ep~ going at. 0000, each itumif!ll oo~ 20~{)OO' ooPiee. ·an sour.. In the: °riEiies.' olll.oetwo stereotype casts; ,ore WIed.. _raihertba~!l! '~e t\.ype;sO< ·thmt~ewe;rllOUl.d. WA1' oft.h€: 1atter may -. he savced.. These tW'O MSl',s, am '~en t;alk~D to two HOoe' ~hines) whi.e1h ·wlO. ~1ber 'rumGllft50,()O'a to >10,:000 ~~es Ml

t~do~~;=De:k!:n;:~~:I.t:::=, =~ ~~f: ~':

ueedless expe:m.e to ,em.pi(lY ·two sets of re,o:ri.e~ andtW<l ~ts of

• - i!l. - - .t • 1L_", • ':iIL_

~$tkt~u~:l1~e saime.neWs. .4 .. oomFls~. ~,wee~.~re Jl8.~

limnentavy. d·eba.W9 of .e' MotmiDr PIlS~'~ and the ~ DaUy .N e~'S l>. ",11 show that. they -e the satlletj< fur they 8":m printed from.smfBoty~ easH[lg)!' of the same. type ..

- ~&eexirerision '01' the m:i~way ~temhas ~rovoo gHa:t~y 'be1ne .. ~6Wal to ·tle proviinoid daily~. 'There is. mwl'llI.y a IDWnnolt~· lUge oo,'£I!u,gJrt ,of itself to iUPJ,lO:d adaiiy P!llpet, ~bieb iB~ :fr:om :ilts' oom:plete rMlw&!l: •. witb. the Siurr'Oundjngdhlih-ie,t" an· aiuumleOO'ilfbH' i'Om. w.Wehm d~:fum_ the light ,of the 'reM.A~ .a rule, 'tile mil:\;lI:a.y oom.paDli~ .ai:e H.bemID.mrms w.~tib.t:he new.S':p11per r:r-(ipd~to!l'S; roil" ithey .knQw dla"ryti~ftS tbere ·Mie· ST~W ~m'e'. is '. small ch:anoeof tihe:h' reoemving any i:noome .:£ram '~B MUVCfl. Bllttlh~tele,~~ bas ~oniij mom eV6m dnJa;n the ~~mJ)-

ij~~ Rr.f .• '~. ".I'l.'~~~._ JO.>;~'. _.~_.l_'~... '.T .. he.,oovi.~.'.(l1.ia~dJa:. iiy p~e.~ma.y ...•. _he./" Mid to .. _ 0W:€! . ],15 or~~lD. to the !~~ec~c te~e~ap'h,. A paper wrndl pN cn~y the news .~ID. 1m own dLstr1id wo:u~l have, smallebanee or 8~.~3im.t flle L()JJdlon, papers w~th t~eirpalt1~amenmry .de·bt\teB,

~.~.~'~." .• ' e.,- .•• ·~.a.:~_.,":,,".dg. '00 ;.:iI:IJ .••. ~.~~~.~. c.:~.~@~ .. ~.,~~~.:e ~.G .•. _~e~.'.b.e."n.· .. te .. l. '~!. ?rii .•• -.·::; .• · .•. '.r.,,,~d a. tho~ h ,~rat, amd. hM 1bmulatlt. ,chw.n. me: arm~

,~~, of ~he metro}mfmto'.8ft. eq~ltlity w.~th lebe ~enms .Qf tic .~, T.he ·b.1*,y of JuHes ~.Reu-ter ~s. n r-ellB&rbble i.tan.oo (If

d" m~"~~ .• JI .l.~. . ·l.:L Ii.,. ··~.ll , J~w.t\!)ei:l am....,. uisoourageme!l1l:is o'Ve1'OOme~wmc_nmar.l!; ,every peh_Uu:

ill. ithebi~tofJ of the, press.._ hi ho,wev!er~l~joumdis;m wm t~mr ow. -_ ,,-_:,1!8.. Mr. Reurer~ flOr a mong '~~ldnoit

~uRee ·tb.e T: - , iQ j~~ma]sbo .. '. ..~ia, .- Mm.'. TheysdH

uusood .tio! th{latetei~gmms of ._ ~~r ;sp emR'@'SjlOndenm.

!'1te ,II Times ~ Ei _ I.COllt~nued.-·oo i!l!oo:rthemtlleme wadaily ·st.eMiDe'r

!JQln~ Wn\l!,tm QWmtimm ... f_Q '~pc:tn ~ lUJW~"'~ to i3!1!3lia" Tire U1yeJ.imlrnit~. wed: :in.~~" 1l'l45. '~"':Wmm, "exp~; WN ;SC:lJJt.:u,. the ~mer 1M:ieh OO:'.t'lii~iB! lit SU~ll @illl .~ Ulili1l:~ooJ:.l&!M' 9.. man trli a,B'.WiI.!:~

I.'~ .... :~ ~ .. ~ied 1Al':,~t}'ro ,fj.l~ ... ""' .•. "a., 'iio .. ,. et ... "'~f!i~ .. ~.~.:. t~ .he._.~ ..•.. lJed ~re.

~, wh0~ . ~ho Wzy' ~t~jI' •.. Wwglu):rIi, WaJl:.ii:lI' j ~lj1:1.tll:r. himseli'

~ reil~' 'ttil1.. ..... AJdf.iMl. ,~ilimgrwiatlm ~ID. t1l)lIitl~ ~~oliI IlIt,,~~vml!.

i!i'~, m. ~~I~~ by ,tI_~,gh 111~ hl.lto l:ia, l~ ,ltct·D.llfmo, .~fd.

:~ ~ t.ollJ.~,; Muil li.,l·,' Co • ".'. ~~, :~I'~.~"!i.~

~~ ]~ ·,,·.m.,. !I;~. }" _ ,. ~,:Mo.mJlwjm ifj~h.·.,.'ty . .,fl.'oo.r.

M-m:!, .~ ~ ~ ~ Oo:!oP~W1131 s;pooilll b:wllll" • . 'n~w,lilil:illg

.~ hi'![Q. 'I:iQ ~m1, ~.~.~,pet'J~ ~.e:r~H ~w' 18 Ii); 'tiBW

mmu_ mid, iakf ·~lI.lllii~e. M''!ed im ... Lom&m .. nt. hto.1J.l~ f~W'! Qcl~!iim l:twl .. ::c ..•. m.~~®l'~1Ili~.g o:r ... '. '. . .. Ui .. IUIi .. ~ ... ' iJ..rnl!l.~~; it.Ja.u .. C1.;(![.~.1!inre, t1ll'il'ml Su .. m:-~ ... ·.oo .. 'E~}n,iir.J.l'l:..' rn.'f.oou &p m!"id ~ fc,"'t murW:8. . ME!;!Ul tt\giWm;mnU.~cl.~ onwnro. by o][tibQ

~I,!I~, 0:1' '~ 1)",'0 ~imt'!l8)~, (If'tlOO WlJJl'ld" Wh9 'Wti~~l!' ~, ilie lWailillll' ~.M

~ ~z i!iIt~ ~ 00 ·de&o.t it, MmEI, ,~!t~g' if;.a: 'W~}~ pffi-tiiilly

f!.wl hl.lmkl1.lsli)y fm ~@liilfus,. I)t; did um rw.eb. . e.'I'e]~ ead of itis

fimt .:#0 ru! it ~-tm ~~t eIPJ~ o'~look: WIl .: t]w e~lingQf tu :2msl., Im~, did 1lM .. l(';[&.v6tH!!~ ia,_~:elOOk.'~~··';.. ~~~.'to~ ~i or ~~HliVen,i l.~_~~ -w~.~~~ l:!y~Ml!tU:UilimelJl m ~'"~t-ha.d ~E1. mnrl, ~:wB.y.. A~d. kfuN,tho~ill~ .~hl'W~ on iJti! Wfiy W Lmd.m, ~bE "~r~" 1md IIl~!ZI .~ ~'mnce ftem LI "I ... rith 8 fl!llli~.iMIlm.Q\O' th~c:x.p~ 0:1" too ~,",h1icl:!.~mrillnS brin~llgiirndl 'WbIchd'[d not· ~ to~AluJwntill ill6'\l'@ 'Q'¥ ~ Smnb.y ]]!iWbt, '~put. ·t\ll0,ID'~I1Qh ~~1JIl ~ itls llilC'~~; mn'l

r~~ug :dOOt, ~~~~ ~OO . ~. ~ tJ:.!-9,,~!,~(\if '~(! {!Q00\l,~ ~.~ ~, ':I\il~-

m"" RImliLd.,'· :lite.tilMiedi t. . '. tll·W- pn_lbblilllt its WW.B) ~ tlmnJil Mar-

-'I'l~,,_~, ~.'II...liw - ~ .!tbe .. Tim H mrud" ~licrn·. J,.~,,,.J'I~"b '."'h

.~~ :~""'!iY~.g~~~ '.:l!.I':e. _~, .... ', ....... ~ '. ,._:.glW' _~, .... ,""'l:>;U .. , '''~, '

~, 'l'hiB WM .m. ,Bad !i~ rota1e "''E~'' nfte.~· all- ·the, ac~ It lmd.,~ '00.

lrI. !l!!t th .. -o:m, •. "" '!Wl, :no ;.. 1;liI,!1UQ q. ~O:kI thG i!!!9'1m :I'lrom."'. _.' .tIm.a., "'!R.mia ~ro.JljllU,., c,'~ 3. md. ltik ' 'Ul. :!I.

,hh fij:i'~he :ii.tit ' . m.M!f. .AIi~ ~vernme,nIl Wl.'lB iii_[)W l®ukiYlg Mi.!l.;t

:tbh. :mum wi.m,~i~ A~[I) ~hil, nd lil"l,tt, ~ at O:!K'lll 'tOO .

w,·~.:k Co· £nmlfig ·the, ~. effib.e, tm.m.i!l fimn. the .~ ih ita W"l!'r

1(~d!.gJ.y gUI'VQ .lib stliP]ll(lrt 00, riw, .. Tilll1l,\'!I" d~j !)in:. ji)b)(lGd ill, .. . . . fWd ~ ~. at :ib oorifioo to ~M8; it.<lldeBpfl'OO1i:oo hm. Ata~i1lditb :t01!J.t~. 'D!01~t;'W~ ~Q. W' t.b~ .. ~" to R ~bbk, b:at~.~ "llW . f'll~m. 1hmtum, ~ BWepttlilJe.Med]~~" .an .t1w maL~ !llt~~Oi'. ~ to thci~,OO~Jil.d no.t ~ll~l~ wbti:bt 'tlID AdriOOl f!' willa ·mw.·. dl Timoo~' ~'mM, we:D: ..... ~~ . ~g1y !:ih._. :e .... ~ .. ; ~ ·tilOO A;~mfiitil..IJ. 'Ill.' d .thlliltlm "" ':I~" .l¥M ~b~ W' }OCihliU. 1m IiIi"WiII .• ~ Imtinl~u befuJ~'. ', li'iIiiiI mri.~. !'l did. rouIi. 93:tfletl!10 '\IDwWi_diIiLl.e' ~tiv·@mNiii_ts· ofelil.ctwlII

NUikl!l: !;l!J1d, :l\.fWl,P- ftW-. i.;riollUl.d ~;~r' " thel 'Frieal'ill .I~ w~fuu_[_m.d ~~

J;ImlBiV{llBillfiloo~ IlltWlmi tim.el:l p.eli{~lJ]le, . . . ,!!!.Cd! l ~I.lit we nev-eitt' Ulelml of

'h .. ,,"m.MiI" ~~i "

S:IIJ.' Is ,ll sJpemmen Iilf ~e ,ooe11'Y displayed by' tJhe joumaUsts of the -l'a:st ge~lerati!on~ il"llhm-e .isOQ '~OO~ fO'r~, 'iIlM' l'I.~d ~f~ ISlleh tMmeadQus eUirUGl19! .MldpJ)ofuse : ,," Th~ ooU~timl o:fJile,ws ~ i'J~:HY' k~ ac sya~, ~i~ l1t:rnks. 'to _ thiii 'G~ci!3 mleara~hJ we ma,l" 'nor" ha.:re ·ne~· f.it0:m, the eet 0.£ Inma., ~n eig;h~-en day~

We· had iIl!~~.dled, to, my & few wO'ros about t'blli'~~t~m:ro.!r'ta~t :!!1I8:1 ·eOOJilJieoted.mth ihenew,s.p&~press, ~eD€l"WS!iI'@"IIlId.(ln. Our

• 'I,·'· ~ d. . :.I\m:~ L..:!.Il' nr"L· ..1' ~.

space ISl!!O~lmrUellIW&t we must iiJe Y,ery IJ'J:JJt'lI", ·.Ji.n€ IDeW,~l1\CDwjr~

l!.~.' . c t1 ht!l7ba.¥.0 'D.ot. 00 .. ' '. h .. ' :m.::;h ,u ... 'll.· s'~~o,n as _ new~'pape1',wmJ~ .•. ;{iI~ b~v~ o.ftteflla. m)o:re lUilli'a.hve:'.. ·.The'NiI'ige<i UTnebin wno .:seUs tbe

~J' diaU,. .parn ~Bthe Lm!&un. streeits .~liI.a ,ro,fltof .RO pell'

'Gellic" U;~ll· @iV~~)T tm..t. he selJa. T,hepnilp~eto[', befc:t1@t!he

:re!~ru O'fthepa . ·t~, Imthy eVf!ry oopy. -'\\I" e .~nl~'Q known"

ev~, iU$ tl!WD," .' m~ 'lgO~OOO mbabi_bJ" ,~ mmI, WhOi bI~:ta. :few

mon;w.'bef''OrEI waa ,aDper in t~.ereceipt ,01' ':PM'i8b ·I'~lier~ ea~~ml!i. ~.~ albi~ij~~ in OOmerQ~f Qr '6ve 'm;.~$ by tll~ aal;e 6f 'pa~

1M.1 '_" _~. -.'. _.'. ~rs. '~.'.1d! w~.·.U eun .1!l.\iu.·~ •.. , 'i'.i_.CC.' .. 1i.o, '~.e '~otw .•. ·'ilg.,>~ .,ea.:_!J"

e~.01.tgh ropcrm),~ i!bem ,to sc;boo.Jjo"fmrwams. Tbe est&b]~sh~

meD':t ~, the peRry ppem 'been. ,.' ID:mmreme ,ad.yoohlge tClllh~

wiJ).d~ uDiwlwced,cin.mreu,,.f'!!!Jl' Cbiltben who m!e e&ned~e .Mate '€If' tile 'Btreet\s~, 'Th:ey :ha,e ~owaD. '~JI&tionwhi~ 8ui.fB th~~1P 'wfl\1illierillgbJoitB ami 'dicit' 1mrte ,at iwdepedellDl. T.Iia~J are. ~mmll' nDma5tm's~:t"eY!JIaw.~t'l w~@,Jl 'o.ey,lease~t.ale '8 'Oilld:a~, ¥dl.ce~. theyplease.'lih.ei:r' bus~nlOOSMqorures llItl1 ,ca:pitDA 1iro~ ,two 'Or thne, ~'OOppeN;' ,tMy 'Rul~e i~O 'bd.d'~bts; t;h~tl" fe,tuna ,M'e ire .. n1.M~aije~ ,aitdt:hei1'rrm1b'J ~arge. 'Tli~ ~ew;s~ ,~ 'fii(Jt ''Vl~~ wit.. m:uehiLv'01lLT hy 'ti;e! ,old-mtabR:shed, neWiElNiUlilQl'E!,wbo ~~p

Ja.rg;e !h~ps,and hft:'W! healY! iBOO0UomVi't1h: Rlt ,~u! _ London, -

Bll!!t tilese llalVe, BotliJ~frcBqllte]1tly risen. f'romftUl! mIla The~ .. 'M

osa ,(I,r'tile 1;~11 6ms ,(liTi!~ents jloLooojJ:m~. ,aoo. wIDch mkoo

!.o~.,.ijOp ,~pi.'ee;-( _tl'e .... ~~ .. _.I.l.mes,.t ... @ .•. :~ .... ery. ,m ..• ~ .. i.~.,:",. l~lM .. I-,._.~.i.m.:-.:!!._e}.t ... wbM . .' 1. .. _. kI,]o In 'ftle, :ooale 6f ~lJ0ty ootlhe :_I'p"wrftedl bib! who

8.'l]~;te.e lmsi,ij.ess m:e3 ~n t~e omm&.as whicb. 't.aOOee thoM. lftt0, tlbe' City\"I'.ms i~, w~icl1 :su,p~i~oo 'tihe .~T'Na~]~on. m,th hls E~gbsb ~r,13t Wtlhe'!fflll'J ilIl11t:iilbI~t·(tl'Jg1i1li'J' .mm!i9 n{lw~,we' _po'JW$e, i3Jt th~ wry' bil'hest. sr.:m.m,~,tdtaina1:Jle. Poor Beroof:l; In'-,melD, who, melt -MO~ his d~alth '0:0 'miftje' ofth u-!)t [olll sInce, ·was· 0;060 Imi~ aha:_nJwor, . ·new8lfe:mtor.,wb€l w'Ululd

,fiilft . iv,e mHes witlID a newePJ~p0l'W . a cmrumm". A,t his

deDit&. 'he was· pr.oprie1m1" of the 'Utll .. cOO1drm News,," in UM4f

afo!rWl1te, t!b00Wl!ler of ~ 'Im-ge mhrtt:r~e ~t.tes, ani a rmnll'ber~f' tRe Bn:tiBb Houseot·Comm~rns. lIis,mRm"w8iS ODe of·jw maD]' ~a1Jges WNiugh.t by threprogresfl of Britlsbj0'D!1Ialism. .

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