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Project Management Tool


Grade/ Quarter:
Project Title:



PART I: Begin with the End in Mind

Craft your Driving Question
What essential question will guide your work?

Academic Rigor
What do you want to learn?
What knowledge will your project address?

What skills will you acquire through
completing your project?

What Personal Qualities will you
develop through completing your


What will your project address?

Plan your Assessment
How will you be able to demonstrate that you learned what you set out to learn?

Imagine your Project Completed
What does your project look like when its complete? (Remember to use all of your senses and write in the present tense)

Above you covered 2 of the 5 As now use the remaining 3 to enhance your project

How is your work important to you, your LTI site or the community at large?

Active Learning
How does your project engage you in the learning process?

Adult Relationships
How will utilize the expertise of adults to complete your project?

PART II: Manage the Process

Start at the end and plan backwards.
Establish major checkpoints in your project.
Create a product to evidence your completion of each task.
Put all of your work in your project binder.

Task Product/ Evidence Due Date

Checkpoint #1

Checkpoint #2

Checkpoint #3

Presentation of work

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