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Unit 4a Vocabulary

missionaries A group of people who set out to spread the Christian

exploration The act of setting out to discover new places
navigation The method of determining position, course, and
Prince Henry A key contributor in the quest for a sea route to Asia.
He opened a school for sailors and hired
cartographers to make new maps of the world
colonial empire All land holdings overseas that a particular European
country claims
colonization To make or establish a colony
imperialism When one nation controls the government and economy
of another nation
A dark skinned group of people native to Australia;
oldest primitive culture in the world
slave trade the transportation of Africans to the Americas from
the 16th to 19th centuries to work on plantations and
in European Colonies
mercantilism An economic policy where the colonies helped the
mother country by providing valuable natural
resources and a market for the goods produced in the
mother country

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