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Marisa Mejia

EDIT 5370
Module 6 Part 1

The Addie Model
A: analysis
D: Design
I: Implementation
E: Evaluation

Dick and Carey Model
Instructional Goals
Instructional Analysis
Entry behaviors & Learning Characteristic
Performance Objectives
Criterion Referenced Test Items
Instructional Strategy
Instructional Materials
Formative Evaluation
Summative Evaluation

When comparing two models relevant towards the designing of a distance class, I chose to compare the ADDIE model
to the Dick and Carey model presented in the textbook. The two models are similar in their overall objectives and
sequences. As someone new to this field I would prefer to use the Dick and Cary model only because the steps taken
are more specifically outlined. The ADDIE model contains less steps but each step is elaborated when worked through.
I believe it may be a preference I prefer to look at task list oriented and the ADDIE model doesnt really provide me a
complete list. It is more subjective, I prefer the Dick and Carey model for this reason only. Overall they are very similar,
for example the first 4 steps listed in the Dick and Carey model fit into the Analysis step in the ADDIE model. The Dick
and Carey performance objectives step as well as the instructional materials step can fit into the design step in the
ADDIE model. The varying evaluation steps can be chunked together as well. As your can see the models are similar in
their results, the Dick and Cary model is more specific in the outcomes of each step which is something I would rather
work through.

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