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What This American Rightly Expects of Politicians

By David Holmes October 20, 2014A.D. POBox 117 Cross Plains, TX 76443

Christian Morality: Honesty, Truth, Faith, Gods favor, Confidence, Chained Government

Government of the people, by the people for the people under God

Why this Manifesto: Liberals and Democrats are corrupting and destroying America by their contempt
for God, Life, Decency, Law and order and thefts of private properties. It is time for duty-done and change.

America was established as the land of liberty, free men and private property with the
Constitution limiting government to defined powers and duties of a Christian understanding.
Leaders are ministers not tyrants! We are Americans! We have a Republic not a democracy.

Forthright and on-going allegiance to the revealed God of the universe vs. present contempt

Clear timely obedience to Constitutional law at every level vs. present contempt, oath-breaking
and lawlessness

Respect for Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness at ones own expense vs. handouts

Inequalities are not inherently evil, they are usually the result of achievement or lack thereof.
Let all be free to work, excel and enjoy the fruits of their accomplishments.

A Federal Budget is mandatory

Encourage employment and self-employment. No Amnesty, $1,000 fine per day for every
illegal hired, Stop the handouts and vote-buyings

Stop FICA Fraud with individual accounts and investings, Stop Government Redistributions,
Crony Capitalism,

National Security priority: borders secured, friends recognized, threats addressed and punished

Voter picture ID is mandatory, violators are felons

Disband the Education, EPA, xxx Departments

Stop the paying of interest by taxpayers to the Fed for government-created-debt fiat currency
Establish Sound and stable money, Reduce national debt, interest rate set by market

Abolish the CAFE standards for vehicles, mandatory use of ethanol in fuels

Revitalized the Military for military accomplishments

Repeal ObamaCare and limit insurance regulations of the Federal and/or state governments to
enforcing the defined promises of the insurance company vs. attempting to operate the
insurance industry.

Punish Promise-breaking Politicians and oath-breaking, law-breaking government employees
and union thugs. They are not above the law and are not somehow special.

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