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Prncct dcsIgn by Jcff Grubb wIth AndrIa Hayday

Prncct cdItIng by AndrIa Hayday

Cnvcr art by Frcd FIc!ds
B!ack-and-whItc I!!ustratInns by Kar! Wa!!cr
Cartngraphy (pnstcr maps and cards) by DavId C. 5uthcr!and III
AddItInna! cartngraphy (cards) by DcnnIs Kauth
DccnratIvc bnrdcrs (pagc and cnvcr) by RnbIn Raab
Pagc dcsIgn by AndrIa Hayday wIth 5tcphanIc Tabat
Cnvcr dcsIgn by Dcc Barnctt
Art cnnrdInatInn by Pcggy Cnnpcr
Typngraphy and prnductInn by Angc!Ika Lnkntz, Jnhn Knccht, and Ju!Ia MartIn
5pccIa! thanks tn DavId C. 5uthcr!and fnr hc!pIng tn shapc thc !and nf Zakhara, tn DnrI Watry fnr cdItIng Chaptcr 4,
tn DavId WIsc, Jnn PIckcns, Jnhn Ratc!Iff, DnrI Watry, Thnmas RcId, MIchc!c Cartcr, TIm Bcach, and 5!adc Hcnsnn
fnr prnnfrcadIng and prnductInn assIstancc, tn DavId HIrsch fnr hIs assIstancc wIth ArabIc.
T5R, Inc.
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UnItcd KIngdnm
This naleriaI is prolecled under lhe copyrighl Iavs of lhe Uniled Slales of Anerica. Any reproduclion or unaulhorized use of lhe naleriaI or arlvork conlained herein is prohililed vilhoul lhe express
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lrade in lhe Uniled Kingdon ly TSR Lld. Dislriluled lo lhe look and holly lrade ly regionaI dislrilulors. AD&D, ADVANCLD DUNCLNS & DRACNS, and IRCTTLN RLALMS are regislered
lradenarks ovned ly TSR, Inc. AL-QADIM, DUNCLN MASTLR, DM, and lhe TSR Iogo are lradenarks ovned ly TSR, Inc
Copyrighl 1992, TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved. Irinled in lhe Uniled Slales of Anerica.
ISBN 156O76-329-9
Im1noouc1Iom, G Chap1en A: Desen1 TnIbes, 3G
TalIe 1: Characlers in Shorlhand, 7 Triles of lhe High Deserl, 36
House of Asad (ChiIdren of lhe Lion), 36
Chap1en 3: La o[ 1he Lamo, S House Bakr (CIan of lhe Young CaneI), 37
Iealures of lhe Land, 8 House of Dhil (Sons of lhe WoIf), 37
Iealures of lhe Coasl and Sea, 11 House of Dull (House of lhe Bear), 38
House of Nasr (IeopIe of lhe LagIe), 38
Chap1en : LI[e Im Toum, 3 House of Sihr (}ann of lhe High Deserl), 39
The DaiIy Rouline, 12 House of Tayif (Chosl-Warriors), 4O
Leadership, 14 House of Thavr (ChiIdren of lhe BuII), 4O
Land, 15 House of Uqal (League of lhe VuIlure), 42
Alliludes and Cuslons, 16 Triles of lhe Haunled Lands, 43
Hone, 16 House of Hanif, 43
HospilaIily, 16 House of Holek, 43
ToIerance, 17 }ann of lhe Haunled Lands, 44
Respecl for Aulhorily, 17
Allire, 18 Chap1en S: Goos amo FaI1hs, AS
VeiIs, 19 Iallerns of Worship, 46
Archileclure, 19 Cuide lo Cods and Iailhs, 47
Wonens RoIes, 2O Creal Cods, 47
Marriage, 2 1 Hajana lhe Courageous, 47
IoIygany, 22 Hakiyah of lhe Sea Breezes, 48
ChiIdren, 22 Haku, Masler of lhe Deserl Wind, 48
Divorce, 22 }auhar lhe Cenned, 49
SIavery, 23 }isan of lhe IIoods, 5O
Nonhunan Races, 24 Kor lhe VeneralIe, 5O
War and AI-Hadhar, 25 Najn lhe Advenlurous, 51
SeIan lhe BeaulifuI Moon, 51
Chap1en 3: LI[e Im 1he Desen1, S Zann lhe Learned, 51
The DaiIy Rouline, 28 Cods of lhe Ianlheon, 52
Migralion, 3O LocaI Cods, 53
Raids, 3O BaIa of lhe Tidings, 53
BIood Ieuds, 31 Kahins, 53
Sheikhs, 31 TenpIe of Ten Thousand Cods, 54
AI-Badian HospilaIily, 32 ValaqalaI lhe Warrior-SIave, 55
Allire and Vanily, 32 Savage Cods, 55
Marriage and IaniIy, 33 Iorgollen Cods, 55
CaneIs, 33 Cods of lhe Crovded Sea, 56
TraveI ly CaneI, 35 WiId Cods, 56
CoId Cods of lhe LIenenls, 57
Ajani Cods, 57
Chap1en G: CI1Ies o[ 1he Hean1, SS
HaIva, Cily of SoIilude, 58
HiyaI, Cily of Inlrigue, 6O
Huzuz, Cily of DeIighls, 63
Wasal, lhe MiddIe Cily, 69
III. The Cily of Ieace, 12O
IV. The Voice of Hislory, 122
V. The Dragon and lhe Cenies, 122
AppemoI B): Lamguage, 3A
Chap1en 7: CI1Ies o[ 1he Non1h, 7O
Hafayah, Cily of Secrels, 71
Hava, Cily of Chaos, 72
Lihan, Cily of SoIdiers, 74
MuIuk, Cily of Kings, 75
Qadil, Cily of Wands, 76
Qudra, Cily of Iover, 77
AppemoI C: The Zakhanam CaLemoan, 3G
The Coffee Cerenony, 31
Cilies of Zakhara, 59
IearI Diving, 89
GuIoe 1o Najon LLLus1na1Ioms
Iage 21: SuIlan of Qadil.
Iage 26: MoraIisl Ieading crusade.
Iage 32: IaIcons.
Iage 38: Deserl veII.
Iage 48: SeIecled synloIs of najor gods.
Iage 49: SeIecled synloIs of najor and IocaI gods.
Iage 53: Ruin found on AfyaI, IsIe of lhe
Iage 56: HoIy varrior Ieading charge.
Iage 61: SuIlana of HiyaI.
Iage 65: Crand CaIiph and key nenlers of his
courl: Irince Tannous, Anlassador
}iraad, Crand Vizier AIyana, and vife
Tanya (fron Iefl lo righl).
Iage 74: Hava, Cily of Chaos.
Iage 79: Lnir of Qudra.
Iage 82: Irice of nagic: a narid and his prize.
Iage 87: CaIiph of Ajayil.
Iage 91: IearI divers.
Iage 98: Iriesless of lhe Ianlheon.
Iage 1O1: Lnir of Iliraf.
Iage 1O7: gre-gianl.
Iage 112: MonoIilh.
Iage 126: Culling a frankincense lree. (While sap
lIeeds fron lhe lark. Monlhs Ialer, lhe
resin hardens inlo cIear dropIels caIIed
lears, vhich are lurned as incense.)
Unara, Cily of Knighls, 81
Ulaqa, Cily of Iree Men, 83
Chap1en S: CI1Ies o[ 1he PeanL, SS
Ajayil, Cily of Wonders, 86
Cana, Cily of Riches, 87
}unIal, Cily of MuIliludes, 89
Sikak, Cily of Coins, 9O
Tajar, Cily of Trade, 92
Chap1en D: CI1Ies o[ 1he Pam1heom, DA
Iahhas, Cily of Searching, 95
HiIn, Cily of Kindness, 96
Hudid, Cily of HuniIily, 97
Iliraf, Cily of Confessions, 99
Mahalla, Cily of Charily, 1OO
TaIal, Cily of Quesling, 1O2
Chap1en 3O: CI1Ies o[ 1he AmcIem1s, 3OA
DihIiz, lhe Calevay Cily, 1O5
Kadaraslo, Cily Mosl Sinisler, 1O6
Medina aI-AfyaI, 1O8
Rogoslo, Cily of Spires, 111
AppemoI A:
Ieges a TaLes c 7akIana, 33A
I. The Maiden of Beauly, 114
II. The Boy and lhe Cenies, 116
he deserl resounds vilh lhe hoofleals of raiders as lhey descend
upon a IoneIy oulposl. SaiIs snap and unfurI as expIorers journey
lovard lreasure and lreachery on lhe Crovded Sea. In lhe Crand
Bazaar of goIden Huzuz, nerchanls haggIe over siIks and spices and rings
of siIver, lheir vords nerging vilh lhe din of lhe crovd. Then lhe gongs of
lhe nosques legin lo sound. A hush passes over lhe cily as lhe priesls
caII lhe failhfuI lo prayer. WhiIe lhe enIighlened nasses lov lheir heads,
niIes avay-anong lhe ruins of lhe Haunled Lands-a vhirIvind rises,
shifling lhe sand lo reveaI anolher idoI, anolher lrilule lo sone naneIess,
forgollen god.
WeIcone lo Zakhara, lhe Land of Iale.
This grand, exolic vorId is lhe officiaI canpaign selling for lhe Araoian
Atcn|urcs ruIelook. Il forns a pernanenl lase for AL-QADIM
accessories and advenlures, as veII as a ready-nade selling for lhe Dungeon
Masler vho vishes lo Iaunch an Aralian canpaign of his or her ovn
The |an cf |a|c loxed sel conlains lvo looks. The firsl, in your hands
nov, is lhe Atcn|urcrs Guic |c Za|nara. Wilhin lhese pages is an
inlroduclion lo lhe peopIe and gods of lhe Land of Iale, as veII as a guide lo
Zakharas cilies. The naleriaI is designed for aII expIorers-pIayers and
Dungeon Maslers aIike.
In conlrasl, lhe second look, |cr|uncs an |a|cs, is prinariIy lhe province
of lhe Dungeon Masler. The look descriles Zakharas Iavs and hov lhey
affecl ICs. Il aIso expIains hov lo handIe high-IeveI characlers, and provides
novenenl rales for Zakharas lerrain. Iurlher, Iorlunes and Iales inlroduces
nev nagicaI ilens and reveaIs sone of lhe secrels lehind currenl laIes and
evenls in Zakharas cilies. In shorl, pIayers shouId nol see lhis naleriaI unliI
lhe DM decides lhe line is righl lo reveaI il.
|an cf |a|c aIso incIudes lhree posler-sized naps of Zakhara. The firsl
provides an overviev of lhe enlire canpaign selling. The olhers offer a cIoser
Iook al lvo inporlanl regions: lhe IearI Cilies and lhe CoIden CuIf, and lhe
High Deserl lo lhe norlh. AddilionaI cIoseup naps appear in olher
AL-QADIM advenlures and accessories. (Ior exanpIe, Gc|cn Vcqagcs, a
sourcelox inspired ly lhe laIes of Sinlad, fealures a
nap of lhe Crovded Sea.)
Iurlhernore, |an cf |a|c incIudes 12 fuII-coIor
reference cards delaiIing lhe archileclure, allire, and
equipnenl of Zakhara. Lasl lul nol Ieasl, lhis sel
incIudes eighl Mcns|rcus Ccnpcniun sheels. Iealured
on lhose sheels: djinn, dao, efreel, jann, and narids~
lhe five najor races of genies-aII suilalIy enleIIished
for lhe AL-QADIM canpaign.
Advenlure avails, honored pIayers and expIorers.
Lislen for lhe lIasling of horns and lhe lraying of
caneIs. }oin lhe caravans as lhey journey lovard
danger, inlrigue, and even ronance. The Land of Iale
Iies lefore you Iike a greal feasl. Lnjoy!
Charactcrs In 5hnrthand
Allrevialions descriling characlers in lhis look appear in lhis order: race, sex, cIass, kil, and IeveI. Ior exanpIe,
hnI/f/2O neans hunan naIe fighler, faris, 2Olh IeveI.
f fenaIe n naIe
Wizard (Mage )
i r
Ajani nage
Deserl rider
IIane nage
HoIy sIayer
nk ManIuk
nr Merchanl-rogue
nl Malrud
o ulIand priesl
ov ulIand varrior
r Ravun
san Sand nage
sen Sea nage
sh Shair
5! SaIuk
so Sorcerer
vn Wind nage
DMs Nc|c. LeveIs refIecl lhe slandard range of 1 lo 2O, DMs nay choose lo aIler experience IeveIs lo suil lheir
canpaigns. WhiIe a characlers descriplion gives insighl inlo his or her lasic nalure, aIignnenl is nol Iisled, DMs
nay assign aIignnenl as lhey see fil.
CIap1en 3
Ia c 1Ie Ia
akhara is a vorId of exlrenes. TraveIers nay cross a seeningIy endIess
sea of dunes, cresling vave afler vave, and lhen suddenIy find an oasis
as Iush as any inagined paradise. They nay cIinl snov-capped
nounlains lhal soar alove 15,OOO feel or discover lhe deadIy Iil of lhe
ChuIs, vhose nurky deplhs pIunge veII leIov lhe IeveI of lhe dislanl sea.
The lexl leIov descriles lhe synloIs and fealures depicled on lhe posler
naps in lhe |an cf |a|c loxed sel. The key for lhose naps is on lhe lack of
lhis look. Movenenl cosls for each lype of lerrain are delaiIed separaleIy for
lhe Dungeon Masler in Iorlunes and Iales, see TraveI Across Zakhara.
Fea1unes o[ 1he Lamo
nvI!: The Land of Iale conlains lvo greal anviIs ~lhe Cenies AnviI
of lhe High Deserl and lhe Creal AnviI of lhe Haunled Lands. These
are inhospilalIe and deadIy pIaces, searing ly day and oflen freezing ly
nighl. Neilher anviI ever sees rain, and duslslorns conlinuaIIy sveep across
lhen. Lven lhe loIdesl and nosl experienced deserl riders lhink lvice
lefore venluring inlo lhese regions.
Bad!ands: Sharp and forlidding, ladIands are Iaced vilh sleep ravines
and deepIy eroded canyons lhal are sliII leing carved ly erralic dovnpours.
Barchan Dunc: See unc, oarcnan.
Barrcn: A rocky lerrain nol doninaled ly any parlicuIar Iand fealure, a
larren is arid and rough. Sone Iighl vegelalion nay exisl, lul il is lypicaIIy
insufficienl for grazing Iarge herds.
Batt!c 5Itc: The synloI of crossed svords narks lhe sile of a greal var or
an inporlanl confIicl, sone recenl, olhers Iong pasl. Ruined sleeI and oId
skeIelons oflen Iiller such areas, haIf-luried ly lhe sand.
Brush!and: Iound prinariIy in lhe vaIIeys of lhe Ruined Kingdons, lhis
Iand is overgrovn vilh lrush and vines.
Caravan TraI!: 5cc |rai|s an rcas.
CIty: AfyaI, HiyaI, Huzuz, and Qudra are greal cilies-lhose of inpressive
size or inporlance. Lach is represenled ly a Iarge ovaI synloI. lher cilies
are represenled ly snaIIer ovaIs. (DMs Nole: Cilies counl as cuIlivaled
lerrain. This incIudes lhe snaII ranges scallered across
lhe pIaleau of lhe High Deserl, lhough lheir acluaI
eIevalion nay le up lo 3,5OO feel. The TunlIing
Mounlains of soulhern Zakhara reach heighls lelveen
5,OOO and 6,OOO feel, lheyre nediun nounlains. The
WorId IiIIars have peaks exceeding 15,OOO feel,
lheyre high nounlains.
Fnrt: See qa|a|.
GassI: This is a rocky, larren lrough lelveen lvo
seifs, or svord dunes (see unc, seif).
Iand for nonenl purposes.)
C!Iff/P!atcau: In lhe deserl, lhis synloI (a
fringeIike series of shorl verlicaI Iines) indicales a
sharp lransilion lelveen IovIand and pIaleau. Where
lhe nain eIevalion Iine inlersecls lhe cIiff synloI, lhe
cIiff represenls a sleep rise of 2,5OO feel. (The average
eIevalion of Zakharas deserl pIaleaus is 2,5OO feel.)
Cu!tIvatcd Land: Zakharas agricuIlure is
concenlraled around ils najor sellIenenls, lhis fealure
is unconnon eIsevhere.
Dcscrt, Opcn: Deserl Iands shoving no olher
lerrain fealure on lhe naps are open lracls of sandy
deserl. In generaI, such areas conlain shifling sands
and a variely of snaII dunes.
Dunc, Barchan: This is a crescenl-shaped dune,
lypicaIIy Iocaled al lhe deserls edge. The horns of
lhe crescenl poinl avay fron lhe prevaiIing vind.
When lhis lerrain synloI appears on a nap, il neans
lhal larchan dunes are predoninanl in lhe area, vilh
each of lhen arching in lhe direclion shovn.
Dunc, 5cIf: A seif (or svord dune) is lhe Iargesl
of aII dune lypes. Like a vhaIelack dune, il runs
paraIIeI lo lhe vind. UnIike a vhaIelack, hovever, a
seif has a sharp peak, is very rugged, and can exlend for
hundreds of niIes. The space lelveen lvo seifs is
virluaIIy svepl cIean of sand and forns a rocky palh
knovn as a gassi.
Dunc, 5tar: A lvisled nass of rising sand lhal
resenlIes a slarfish, lhis lype of dune is crealed in an
area lhal has no predoninanl vind. Mosl slar dunes Iie
al lhe very hearl of a deep deserl or al ils edge.
Dunc, Wha!cback: This greal, curve-lacked dune
resenlIes an enornous leached vhaIe. The dune can
neasure up lo 1OO feel high and lvo niIes fron end lo
end. Ils forn runs paraIIeI lo lhe prevaiIing vind.
E!cvatInn: nIy one najor eIevalion Iine appears
on lhe |an cf |a|c naps. Il narks lhe Iocalion al
vhich lhe eIevalion reaches approxinaleIy 2,5OO feel.
(Il does nol necessariIy depicl a cIiff-Iine. CIiffs are
represenled ly a fringeIike series of shorl paraIIeI
Iines.) Iulure naps nay aIso depicl lhe precise
eIevalion of najor nounlains, using lhe + synloI
noled on lhe nap key (for exanpIe, +5,5OO feel).
Mosl of lhe Iesser nounlain ranges in Zakhara rise
no higher lhan 1,OOO feel alove lhe deserl fIoor
around lhen. In gane pIay, aII are Iov nounlain
Grass!and, 5casnna!: This grassIand is larren nosl of
lhe year. During seasonaI rains, hovever, lhe apparenl
vasleIand cones aIive vilh viIdfIovers and grasses.
Haram: A haran is a hoIy sile. Il nay le a pIace of
reIigious niracIes or Iegendary heroics, or il nay le lhe
sile of pasl lriunphs over lhe unenIighlened. Sone
harans are veneraled ly kahins and cerlain nyslic
groups, vho viev harans as pIaces of pover. TraveIers
nay oflen find a hospice al a haran, especiaIIy if lhe
haran is near (or is ilseIf) a popuIar slopping poinl.
Zakharas nosl significanl haran is lhe CoIden
Mosque in Huzuz, vhich conlains lhe House of lhe
Loregiver. AII enIighlened AI-Hadhar (cily-dveIIers)
slrive lo visil lhis nosque during lheir Iifelines, and so
do nany AI-Badia (nonads).
Anolher fanous haran is lhe Deserl Mosque,
Iocaled al an oasis nidvay lelveen lhe cily of Qudra
and lhe Cenies AnviI. The Deserl Mosque is
frequenled ly enIighlened nonads, caravan drivers,
and olher lraveIers.
Harrat: A harral is an area of voIcanic delris. Il
nay conlain lhe vealhered renains of oId Iava fIovs
or lhe sharp, nevIy Iaid naleriaIs of recenl eruplions.
In eilher case, lraveI nay le difficuIl.
Hngback: See p|a|cau an ncgoac|.
IntcrmIttcnt RIvcr: See ritcr.
Jung!c nr Fnrcst, Dccp: These Iands are lhe hearl
of lhe jungIe, lhick and oppressive.
Jung!c nr Fnrcst, Out!yIng: nce a region of scrul
or cuIlivaled ground, Iand narked oulIying foresl or
oulIying jungIe is Iand lhal lhe foresls or jungIes are
recIaining. (The lerrain is considered Iighl jungIe or
nediun foresl in gane pIay.)
KavIr: A kavir is a crusly saIl fIal lhal Iies direclIy
over a sea of lIack nud, naking lraveI lreacherous.
The saIl has cryslaIIized and roulineIy expands and
conlracls, giving lhe surface lhe appearance of a
gIacier. The sIiny nud lelveen lhe cracks nay appear
shaIIov, lul il rareIy is, leing nore deadIy lhan lhe
noorIands of lhe far-off IRCTTLN RLALMS
canpaign selling.
In Zakhara, lhe grealesl kavir Iies jusl vesl of lhe
WorId IiIIar Mounlains, hone of lhe savage yak-nen.
The kavir and nercifuI Iale have heIped isoIale yak-
nen fron lhe resl of Zakhara.
Lakc, A!ka!Inc: This is an evaporaling, nineraI-
Iaden lody of valer, usuaIIy surrounded ly saIl fIals,
vilhoul an oulIel. The valer is liller and undrinkalIe
unIess il is nagicaIIy enhanced.
Zakharas nosl fanous aIkaIine Iake is in lhe High
Deserl, al lhe lollon of a vaIIey caIIed lhe Iil of lhe
ChuIs. The surface of lhis Iake Iies nore lhan 1,OOO
feel leIov sea IeveI. Though ils edges are shaIIov, lhe
lollon quickIy drops lovard lhe cenler, and lhe
uIlinale deplh of lhe Iake is unknovn. The Iake is a
source of vaIualIe nineraIs, incIuding lronides and
lalIe saIl, lul ils resources are sliII unlapped. Lel lhe
nane le a varning lo aII vho nighl vander here: lhis
vaIIey is leening vilh ghuIs and reslIess spirils.
Lakc, 5casnna!: A seasonaI Iake nay le nolhing
nore lhan a saIl fIal during lhe dry season. During lhe
rainy season, il nay provide drinkalIe valer and
lriefIy give rise lo vegelalion.
Mangrnvc 5wamp: This svanp represenls a
nazeIike foresl of lrees vhose rools are parliaIIy
sulnerged (usuaIIy leIov dark, aInosl opaque valer).
Such svanps nay spread lo creale nev isIands
leyond lhe Iand fron vhich lhey originaled. TraveI ly
loal or nounl is reslricled lo cIeared channeIs.
IndividuaIs noving lhrough a nangrove svanp on
fool nusl cIinl fron loIe lo loIe.
MnuntaIn: See c|cta|icn.
OasIs: An oasis is a pIace vhere naluraI surface
valer exisls in a pernanenl valerhoIe. Vegelalion
surrounding an oasis is Iush, and pIanls lhal couId nol
olhervise survive in lhe deserl lhrive lhere.
Opcn Dcscrt: See cscr|, open.
P!atcau and Hngback: Much of lhe High Deserl is
Iocaled alop a greal pIaleau, vhich averages 2,5OO feel
in eIevalion. In addilion, lhe deserl is lroken ly rocky
hoglacks~ proninenl ridges vilh sleepIy sIoping sides,
naned for lheir resenlIance lo lhe lack of a viId pig.
Qa!'at: The vord qa|a| is a generic lern represenling
aII forls, forlificalions, and caslIes found in lhe Land of
Iale. Many qaIals have leen alandoned (usuaIIy vhen
lhe valer suppIy dried up or crops faiIed). These are
narked unoccupied on lhe naps, lhough sone are sliII
lhe hones of landils or fouI crealures. lher qaIals are
narked occupied. Such forls serve as oulposls for lhe
niIilary forces of nearly cilies.
QuIcksand: In lhe deserl, quicksand is a fine,
povdery sand lhal galhers in depressions, posing a
hazard lo lhose vho nay slunlIe inlo il unavare. The
quicksand synloI on lhe posler naps denoles areas in
vhich lraveIers have a 2O percenl chance of finding
quicksand. An unencunlered person can fIoal on
quicksand, provided he or she renains caIn (aninaIs
viII panic and lherefore sink). An encunlered or
panicked individuaI sinks lenealh lhe sand in Id4
rounds. (DMs Nole: Moving cauliousIy lhrough a
quicksand area cosls lvice lhe usuaI anounl of
novenenl poinls.)
RIvcr: Zakhara has lvo lypes of rivers: reguIar and
inlernillenl. ReguIar rivers foIIov an unlroken palh
over lhe Iands surface. They are aIvays fIoving,
lhough lhe valer IeveIs nay vary lelveen seasons. In
conlrasl, inlernillenl rivers disappear and reappear
fron lhe surface, fIoving underground for a slrelch, or
lhey nay disappear enlireIy as lhey fIov inlo an
aIIuviaI fan or oulcropping. Inlernillenl rivers are nol
vadis (see leIov).
RuIn: nIy veII-knovn ruins have leen depicled
on lhe posler naps. Mosl have leen picked over ly
generalions of expIorers, lul lhey sliII nay conlain a
fev secrels of lhe deep pasl.
5a!t F!at: A saIl fIal is an evaporaled Iake lhal
forns a IeveI, snoolh, fealureIess expanse. TraveI
across lhis fIal lerrain is easy, excepl vhen lhe nidday
lenperalures are exlrene.
5a!t/Mud F!at: See |atir.
5nrccrcr's Tnwcr: Maps vilh a scaIe of 3O niIes per
inch incIude a guide lo lovers lhal are knovn lo le
lhe hones (or hideouls) of sorcerers. This is nol neanl
as a visilors guide-quile lhe opposile. The synloIs
have leen provided lo varn lhe unsuspecling lraveIer
avay fron lhe area. Mosl sorcerers vaIue lheir privacy
highIy, and lhey have sel up shop in lhe viIderness lo
le free of neddIesone individuaIs.
Fea1unes o[ 1he Coas1 amo 5ea
nasta! C!Iff: This is forlidding lerrilory al lesl.
Crafl can nol leach here, and allenpls lo do so
resuIl in running aground on lhe rocks.
5tnny FIc!d: This rough vasleIand is doninaled ly
louIders lhal have leen snoolhed ly vind and valer.
TraveI here can le lreacherous.
Tnwn: A circuIar synloI depicls a lovn. These
appear onIy on naps vilh scaIes of 3O or fever niIes lo
lhe inch.
TraI!s and Rnads: ulside lhe cilies and civiIized
areas, Zakhara has no roads lo speak of-no greal
highvays or lridges. The deserl is very unforgiving of
paved or pernanenl roads. More connon are sinpIe
palhs, lrod ly lraveIers and caravans.
TraiIs narked on lhe posler naps are IillIe nore
lhan dirl palhs kepl cIear ly frequenl use. These run
aIong nosl coaslIines, lul lhey are nol usuaIIy found in
sandy lerrain. Wadis can serve as lraiIs in lhe deserl,
hovever, and nay le lrealed as such. (DMs Nole:
TraiIs haIve novenenl cosls for lhose vho lraveI
lhen, lul lhey have no effecl in farnIand.)
Caravan lraiIs cross lhe deep vasles of lhe High
Deserl and Haunled Lands, narking lhe passage of
nen and nounls. The lraiIs are exlreneIy vide,
neasuring up lo lvo niIes across. Thals lecause lhe
roule is good, lul lhe lraveI nay le easier on cIear
sand. Caravan lraiIs reduce lhe novenenl in lheir
area ly -1 (lo a nininun of 1 poinl).
Vn!canIc DcbrIs: See narra|.
WadI: This is a seasonaI valercourse lhal fIoods lul
once or lvice a year, and is olhervise dry and soIid.
Many caravan lraiIs foIIov lhe course of vadis, since
lhe ground is reIaliveIy firn and even. (DMs Nole:
WhiIe a vadi serves as a lraiI for lhose foIIoving ils
palh, il counls as a ravine for lhose crossing il, and as a
river vhen fIooded.)
Wc!!: Waler fron a veII nusl le lroughl up fron
leIov ground lo lhe surface, usuaIIy ly a nechanisn
lurned ly hunan hands or ly leasls of lurden. nIy
najor veIIs are narked on lhe |an cf |a|c naps. In
generaI, a nunler of snaIIer veIIs nay le scallered in
lhe vicinily. The Iocalions of such veIIs are oflen
secrel, knovn onIy lo lhe nonads (or crealures) vho
have cIained lhen as lheir ovn.
Wc!!, ArtcsIan: Here valer fron underground rises
lo lhe surface lo creale a naluraI founlain. A fev of lhe
IearI Cilies are lIessed vilh arlesian veIIs, lul lhey
are rare eIsevhere. Like oases, arlesian veIIs nay hosl
a rich diversily of vegelalion.
Cnra! Rccfs: This area off Zakharas coasl is lhick
vilh coraI. TraveIers nusl nake a seavorlhiness check
al -2O percenl lo avoid slriking lhe reef. Reefs are hosl
a variely of sea Iife, fron fish lo nonslers.
Dccp Occan: The seafIoor Iies nore lhan 1OO
feel leIov lhe surface. Whenever seavorlhiness
checks are caIIed for due lo vealher, lraveIers in
deep ocean suffer a -1O percenl penaIly (in addilion
lo aII olher nodifiers). Ior lhis reason, nosl crafl
hug lhe shore.
Lagnnn: A coaslaI valer narked as a Iagoon on lhe
posler naps is a varn, shaIIov pooI. Il is usuaIIy caIn,
for Iagoons are sheIlered ly a reef, a sandlar, or lhe
arn of an isIand. The lollon of a Iagoon is lypicaIIy
Rncky Cnast: Sulnerged rocks and oulcroppings
doninale lhis coaslIine. Large crafl (lhose vilh a
seavorlhiness raling) cannol noor here.
Rncky 5hna!: This area is doninaled ly rocky
oulcroppings. TraveIers nusl nake a nornaI
seavorlhiness check lo avoid hilling a rock.
5and Bank: This area is doninaled ly sandlars.
TraveIers nusl nake a seavorlhiness check lo avoid
leaching lheir crafl, lul lheir ships lake no danage:
Crafl lhal have leen leached nusl le hauIed off or
Iefl lo fIoal free vilh lhe nexl high lide.
5andy Cnast: Sand leaches and dunes doninale
lhis coasl. AII crafl can le noored here. Al Iov
lide, Iarge crafl can le leached and cIeaned of
5cawccd: In coaslaI valers, lhis is a spol vhere
seaveed lhrives, leconing a lhick nass lhal can snag
ships. (DMs Nole: Seaveed culs novenenl rales in
5ha!!nw Occan: The seafIoor Iies 1OO or fever feel
leIov lhe surface.
Nc|c. Sone synloIs (a nangrove svanp, for
exanpIe) appear on lhe nap key lul nol on |an cf
|a|c posler naps. These synloIs nay le used in fulure
AL-QADIM advenlures and accessories.
LI[e Im Toum
akharas peopIe are divided inlo lvo lroad groups: lhe nonads, or AI-
Badia, and lhe cily-dveIIers, or AI-Hadhar. This chapler focuses on
lhe Ialler. WhiIe lhe nonads dveII prinariIy in lhe high, ronanlic
deserl pIaleaus, AI-Hadhar, for lhe nosl parl, inhalil Zakharas IovIands and
coasls. Il is cooIer and veller lhere, vilh frequenl norning fogs and heavy
lul lrief rains during lhe nonsoon season. Life is nol driven ly lhe search
for valer and green grass, as il is for lhe nonads. Though irrigalion and veIIs
are sliII required for agricuIlure, in generaI, lhe peopIe of Zakharas
sellIenenls have easy access lo valer and olher lasic necessilies-lhings lhe
nonads hoId so dear.
AI-Hadhar are sedenlary as veII as sellIed. A nan oflen Iives in lhe sane
house as his falher, and in lhe sane connunily as his grandfalher. There is a
grealer sense of conlinuily here lhan in lhe deserl, vilh luiIdings and
lusinesses offering proof of nans aliIily lo lane lhe Iand. Trade is nore
eslalIished in lhe sellIenenls, vhich oflen have suqs (covered narkels) in
addilion lo open lazaars. The popuIalion is nore highIy concenlraled here
lhan in lhe viId Iands, giving rise lo slronger ruIes of order and Iav. Zakharas
AI-Hadhar aIso are nore cosnopoIilan lhan lhe deserl-dveIIers, for lhey have
leen exposed lo foreign visilors. Traders fron far-off Iands rareIy venlure inlo
lhe inhospilalIe deserl, lul lhey frequenlIy visil Zakharas greal cilies. As a
resuIl, AI-Hadhar have gained a lroader, nore praclicaI oulIook.
WhiIe lhey are oflen referred lo as cily-dveIIers in lhe lexl leIov,
Zakharas AI-Hadhar Iive in sellIenenls of aII sizes, fron lhe crudesl
coIIeclion of nud-lrick hoveIs lo lhe goIden lovers of Huzuz, lhe Cily of
DeIighls. Iron lhe perspeclive of lhe AI-Badia, lheir Iives are lhe sane-sofl,
sedenlary, and reslricled. Indeed, lhe siniIarilies lelveen AI-Hadhar vho Iive
in a viIIage and lhose vho Iive in a greal cily far oul-veigh lhe differences.
The DaIL Rou1Ime
day in lhe Iife of a lypicaI cily-dveIIer legins vilh davn lreaking over
lhe rooflops. Those vho are nol aIready avake are roused ly lhe sound
of gongs in lhe ninarels and lhe norning caII lo prayer. AI-Hadhar vho are
very reIigious, and lhose seeking favor of lhe priesls if
nol lhe gods, are aIready al lheir nosque ly lhis line.
Ior nosl, hovever, lhe norning caII invoIves
proslraling oneseIf lo ones chosen deily al hone,
refIecling upon ones chosen palh, and asking for
No one nay le uncIean lefore prayer lo an
enIighlened deily, alIulion is required (see Iallerns of
Worship in Chapler 5). Servanls of lhe veaIlhy carry
fresh valer lo lheir naslers chanlers aloul an hour
lefore lhe davn, vhiIe olhers vash vilh evers of valer
lhal vere fiIIed lhe nighl lefore. Mosl Zakharan nen
shave, and lhey do so al lhis line.
Breakfasl is usuaIIy foods served coId: lread, curd
cheese, oIives, and dales. Anong lhe poor, a fev dales
nay suffice. Those vho are nore prosperous nay eal
lread sneared vilh jans and preserves. During cooI
vealher (or in higher aIliludes), lhe norning nenu
nay incIude soup. Rich or poor, nearIy every Zakharan
drinks a lil of dark, liller coffee vilh lreakfasl. Afler
lhe neaI, il is cuslonary lo vipe ones leelh vilh a
Nexl, lhe AI-Hadhar lurn lo lheir vork. Merchanls
lraveI lo lheir slaIIs or slores, arlisans go lo lheir shops,
vhich nay le Iocaled al lhe fronl of lheir houses,
pulIic funclionaries go lhe courl or lhe lazaar lo
nonilor and lax lhe lransaclions of lhe day. Wonen in
lhe lradilionaI roIe of vife and nolher lurn lo nallers
of lhe househoId, lending lo lhe chiIdren and
preparing lhe evening neaI.
In ruraI areas, lhe chief occupalion is agricuIlure. In
urlan areas, lhe najorily of AI-Hadhar devole
lhenseIves lo veaving, seving, and seIIing lexliIes.
Wood is al a preniun lhroughoul nosl of lhe Land of
Iale, so lhe preponderance of goods in lhe lazaar are
eilher nelaI or nade of voven falric.
Tvo hours pasl nidday, a gong sounds. The inans
(priesls) in lheir ninarels again caII lhe failhfuI lo
prayer. In sone najor cilies, il is sufficienl lo face a
nosque vilh a loved head and uller a siIenl prayer.
This haIf-hearled efforl is frovned upon ly nosl
noraIisls, hovever, vho feeI a visil lo lhe nosque is
required (al Ieasl for nen).
Afler prayer, il is line for Iunch, and nany of lhe
open-air narkels cIose againsl lhe heal of lhe sun. Ior
lhose vho can reach hone, Iunch usuaIIy consisls of
lhe rehealed renains of lhe previous evenings supper,
oflen nade inlo a soup or ragoul. Those vhose
lusiness keeps lhen avay fron hone nay carry vilh
lhen an onion, dales, and sone lread for a nidday
snack, or lhey nay purchase a lil of slev fron a
cookshop or a peddIer.
The aflernoon scheduIe for lhe AI-Hadhar is nuch
lhe sane as lhe nornings. To escape lhe heal, sone
engage in lusiness neelings and connerce in lhe suq,
a narkel sheIlered ly larps or rooflops high overhead.
Ior olhers, lhe earIy parl of lhe aflernoon is a line of
Ieisure. Sone visil lhe nannan (lalhhouse). lhers
reIax and enjoy lhe diversions of lhe narkelpIace.
Bazaars and olher pulIic squares usuaIIy have areas
sel aside for sponlaneous pulIic speaking. Those vho
vish lo leach, harangue, or enIighlen lhe nasses nay
do so quile freeIy. TraveIers leII of greal discoveries.
Hakinas and dervishes descrile lheir vondrous
encounlers. n lhe nore praclicaI side, lhe arrivaIs of
ships are aIso announced in lhese open-air foruns. AII
is pernilled vilhin reason, according lo lhe Iavs and
cuslons of lhe area. BIasphenous, olscene, or
revoIulionary speech is forlidden, of course., and lhe
cily guards renain nearly lo handIe naIconlenls.
Iurlher, even lhe nosl exenpIary caIiph relains a fev
priesls vho are arned vilh si|cncc, 15-fcc| raius spells,
so lhal healhen speech need never offend lhe
Lnlerlainers are aIso connon sighls in lhe lazaar.
These incIude poels, laIe-leIIers, nusicians, and young
dancers. The dancers frequenlIy arrive vilh lheir ovn
nusicians. lher dancers nay acconpany lhenseIves
vilh druns, lanlourines, or vooden cIackers, or ly
hissing pIeasanlIy as lhey dance. Mosl enlerlainers viII
agree lo perforn al a privale engagenenl in exchange
for lhe pronise of an evening neaI. The lruIy laIenled,
hovever, nay calch lhe eye of a high-ranking courlier
and le connanded lo perforn lefore lhe IocaI caIiph
or enir. Thereafler, such enlerlainers viII le alIe lo
denand high prices for lheir perfornances.
Wilh lhe approach of sunsel, nosl of lhose vorking
in lhe cily or lovn relurn hone for lhe evening neaI.
Whalever lheir slanding, enIighlened AI-Hadhar vash
lefore ealing. Where appropriale, lhe nasler of lhe
househoId says a-grace lhanking lhe gods for lhe
faniIys lounly and good forlune.
1 3
The evening neaI is lhe Iargesl of lhe day. Anong
nenlers of lhe upper cIass, il nay consisl of a nunler
of courses, especiaIIy vhen guesls are presenl. A Iov
slooI forns lhe lase for a Iarge lray lhal is lroughl
fron lhe kilchen. The lray is Iaden vilh pIales and
lovIs, vhich are overfIoving vilh neal, rice, and fIal
lread. A nunler of courses are served in quick
succession~ ragouls, piIafs, and soups. If il is a speciaI
occasion, vine or kouniss nay le served (lhough nol
in lhe Ianlheisl League). Desserl consisls of candies
and spiced or sveel coffee.
AI-Hadhar vho are nol as veaIlhy eal a dinner of
fever courses, lhough lhis is sliII lhe Iargesl neaI of
lhe day. They devour a good deaI nore rice and far Iess
neal lhan lhe upper cIass. Though desserl nay le
skipped, coffee is nol.
In a veaIlhy househoId, a servanl nay prepare lhe
coffee afler lhe neaI. Hovever, il nearIy aIvays lhe
hosl vho acluaIIy serves lhe coffee. (A ruIer nighl
appoinl soneone eIse lo lhe lask, such as a favored
son.) This is a cerenonious affair in vhich lhe hosl
lakes greal pIeasure and pride.
In lradilionaI househoIds, nen dine separaleIy fron
vonen, vho lake lheir neaIs in lhe narin afler lhe
nen have leen fed. In nore IileraI and cosnopoIilan
areas, nen and vonen eal logelher. A servanl or sIave
(or lhe youngesl vife in a poIyganous househoId) nay
lring lhe lrays.
AI-Hadhar rareIy use dining ulensiIs. Spoons are an
exceplion, lul lhese are seen prinariIy in lhe cilies of
HiyaI and Qudra, vhere peopIe eal a good deaI of
soup. Mosl food is ealen vilh lhe fingers or scooped up
vilh pieces of fIal lread. CiviIized peopIe aIvays eal
vilh lheir righl hands (unIess lhey have leen
nained). To do olhervise is a serious lreech of
eliquelle. Many a ravuns laIe legins ly descriling a
guesl vho eals a neaI vilh his Iefl hand. When his
hosl denands an expIanalion, lhe nan reveaIs lhal his
righl hand has leen rendered useIess or conpIeleIy
severed. This, in lurn, Ieads lo lhe slory of hov lhe
nan cane lo le in his vrelched slale.
IoIIoving lhe evening neaI, faniIy nenlers vash
lheir hands. Then lhey nay galher lo leII laIes or
enjoy snaII enlerlainnenls, oflen reIigious in nalure.
AI-Hadhar vho engage in evening crafls or lusiness
lypicaIIy do so al lhis line.
Tvo hours afler lhe sun louches lhe horizon, lhe
gongs of lhe IocaI nosques sound for lhe lhird and Iasl
line of lhe day. This signaIs lhe connencenenl of
evening prayer. Cilizens are nol expecled lo visil a
nosque, evening prayer shouId lake pIace in lhe hone.
Aflervard, nosl AI-Hadhar relire for lhe evening.
Sone lry lo finish handivork ly lhe Iighl of an oiI
Ianp. The nighl valch is aclive, loo, palroIIing lhe
slreels lo seek oul nefarious characlers.
Mosl Zakharan cilies olserve a curfev, during
vhich no one is pernilled lo vander lhe slreels. The
curfev legins an hour afler lhe evening prayer, Iasling
unliI lvo hours lefore lhe davn. Those vho are found
vandering lhe slreels during lhis line shouId le
prepared lo expIain lhenseIves-eilher lo lhe nighl
valch or, Ialer lhe nexl day, lo a qai (judge).
Through lhe passage of line and lhe seasons, lhe
rouline of lhe AI-Hadhar varies IillIe. The sound of
lhe gongs provide a franevork and a conslanl rhylhn
for lheir daiIy Iives. ulsiders-especiaIIy deserl-
dveIIers-viev lhe AI-Hadhar as cIockvork
aulonalons, lrapped in lhe sane rul lhroughoul lheir
Iives. WhiIe il is lrue lhal sone AI-Hadhar are
prisoners of lheir rouline, nosl find il reassuring lhal
line passes in an ordered fashion. This shovs lhal aII
is correcl lenealh lhe eyes of lhe gods and under lhe
valchfuI and leneficenl ruIe of lhe Crand CaIiph.
he uIlinale spiriluaI and lenporaI Ieader of aII
enIighlened Zakharans is Crand CaIiph KhaIiI
aI-Assad aI-Zahir, Scourge of lhe UnleIievers. He
foIIovs in lhe foolsleps of his falher and of his falhers
falher lefore hin, leing lhe eighleenlh nan in his
lIoodIine lo ascend lhe LnIighlened Throne. The
Iirsl CaIiph, vho discovered lhe vord of lhe
Loregiver and spread ils visdon lhroughoul lhe Iand
so nany years ago, vas hardIy nore lhan a loy. (He
vas aIso a deserl nonad, a facl in vhich enIighlened
AI-Badia lake greal pride.) The cily vhere il aII legan
vas goIden Huzuz, sliII lhe hone of lhe Crand CaIiph
and his vondrous paIace (see Huzuz in Chapler 6 for
furlher delaiIs).
ne slep dovn in lhe hierarchy of pover are lhe
ruIers of Zakharas cily-slales and liny enpires~
a coIIeclion of kings, caIiphs, enirs, padishahs,
suIlans, khedives, and lhe Iike. WhiIe each pays
lrilule and laxes lo lhe Crand CaIiph, nany ruIe
lheir connunilies vilh a surprising degree of
Lven Iover in lhe hierarchy of pover are lhe IocaI
qadis (judges). Despile lheir rank, lhey nay have a
profound effecl on lhe Iives of an
vonan. Qadis are arlilralors and
average nan
pronouncing judgnenl in virluaIIy aII civiI and
reIigious dispules. (nIy lhe Crand CaIiph or lhe ruIer
lhe qadis serve nay override lheir decisions.)
Qadis are chosen in one of lvo vays: ly lhe
connunily or ly lhe ruIing lureauracy. The forner is
a connon praclice in sellIenenls lhal have cIose lies
lo lhe deserl nonads. Qadis chosen ly lhe
connunily are oflen schoIars, nerchanls, or sages vho
are grealIy respecled for lheir visdon and slrenglh of
characler. Because lhey have supporl, lhey
nay hoId lheir posls indefinileIy, lheir posilions are
essenliaIIy pernanenl.
Qadis appoinled ly ruIers nusl ansver lo lhe
lureaucracy. They nay nol hoId lheir posilions Iong.
Those vho faiI lo pIacale lolh lhe lureaucracy and
lhe connunily al Iarge are sviflIy repIaced. (Ior nore
on qadis and juslice in lhe civiIized Iands, see The
Lav in |cr|uncs an |a|cs.)
akharas AI-Hadhar adhere lo an eslalIished and
reguIar syslen of agricuIluraI produclion. Connon
crops incIude vheal, naize, rice (vhere valer is nosl
alundanl), dales, Iegunes, and cilrus fruils. In lhe
lerraced pIanlalions of lhe IearI Cilies, fragranl
Ienons and ponegranales fIourish on lhe Iover sIopes.
High alove, coffee grovs.
Mosl of Zakharas agricuIluraI Iand reIies on
irrigalion, fev areas receive enough rainfaII lo grov
crops vilhoul il. In sone viIIages, a singIe valervheeI
lurned ly a donkey nay supporl a snaII farn no Iarger
lhan a gIorified garden. Near lhe cilies, vhere
agricuIlure occurs on a Iarger scaIe, lhe grand civiI
vorks required lo irrigale lhe fieIds are nore lhan an
individuaI farner can handIe.
In lhe Land of Iale, lhe uIlinale and officiaI ovner
of aII Iand is lhe Crand CaIiph. He is granled lhis Iand
ly lhe gods in exchange for guiding Zakharas peopIe
aIong lhe palh of enIighlennenl, in accordance vilh
Lav of lhe Loregiver. In lurn, lhe Crand CaIiph granls
ovnership of lhe Iand lo pelly shahs, suIlans, Iesser
caIiphs, and enirs, vho are lo nanage lhe parceIs
granled and provide for lhe Crand CaIiphs peopIe.
These IocaI ruIers in lurn provide granls lo sliII Iesser
nagislrales and vorlhies (in Iarge areas) or lo
individuaI farners.
A farners granl connonIy slales lhal lhe farner
viII forvard a porlion of lhe crops grovn or noney
raised lo lhe crealor of lhe granl. This noney lakes lhe
forn of a lax. Iunds raised in lhis nanner are used lo
creale irrigalion dilches, dig nev veIIs, fund pulIic
vorks, and slrenglhen lhe cily vaIIs vhen necessary.
They are aIso used lo pay lhe granl-givers ovn lax,
forvarded lo vhoever slands one rung higher on lhe
Iadder of ovnership. In lhe cilies proper, a siniIar
syslen appIies lo space in lhe suq and in lhe
varehouse dislricl, as veII as lo faciIilies lhal are used
for nanufacluring or arlislry. In olher vords, lhrough a
series of granls, lhe connon nerchanl, lusiness,
person, or arlisan can ollain a IillIe pIol.
Iarners are nol lound lo lhe Iand. They are
essenliaIIy renlers, fev of lhen ovn lhe ground on
vhich lhey loiI. They vork soIeIy lo earn a IiveIihood,
and nuch of vhal lhey earn goes lo lhe Iand ovner.
Because lhe Iand ovner nusl aIso pay laxes, il is nol in
his or her lesl inleresl lo appIy loo severe a lax, or lo
insisl on receiving fuII paynenl vhen lhe farners
yieIds are poor. Harsh nagislrales soon find lhal
farners are drifling off, produclion is dovn-and lax
coIIeclors are hol on lhe nagislrales lraiIs.
ResponsilIe nagislrales gain enough funds lo pay lheir
ovn granl-laxes vilh sonelhing Iefl over lo inprove
lhe Iand, lherely lringing in even nore funds. In
generaI, aII Iand conlracls are fIexilIe and can le
revrillen lo avoid disasler. Crops nay faiI, and no one
vanls lo see farners slarve vhen such faiIure is leyond
lheir conlroI.
The governnenl of Zakhara provides lvo lypes of
Iand granls: lenporary and pernanenl. The lenporary
granl is enforced as Iong as lhe granlee Iives up lo his
or her olIigalion and pays vhal is due in laxes. If lhe
granlee faiIs lo fuIfiII such olIigalions, lhe granler nay
choose lo canceI lhe agreenenl. Tenporary granls aIso
end if lhe granlee dies, noves on, or ceases lo use lhe
granled Iand in lhe inlended fashion vilhoul firsl
ollaining lhe pernission of lhe granler.
The recipienl of a pernanenl granl is a faniIy
ralher lhan an individuaI. The granls lern is
indefinile-il renains in effecl as Iong as lhe faniIy
conlinues lo Iive in lhe area or uliIize lhe Iand. Il nay
le rescinded, hovever, if lhe faniIy dies lo a nan or
faiIs lo pay ils laxes. This lype of granl is Iess connon
lhan lhe lenporary variely. Though a pernanenl granl
lypicaIIy invoIves Iover laxes, il requires a higher
iniliaI paynenl fron lhe granlee. Because a pernanenl
granl aIIovs a faniIy lo luiId on lheir Iand, lhree or
four generalions oflen Iive in lhe sane cily lIock.
This orderIy syslen of granls and ovnership vas
eslalIished under lhe Iirsl CaIiph (lhough lhe
lradilion of granling Iand is nuch oIder). A group of
advocales and judges~lhe qadis~ arose lo handIe
confIicls lelveen granler and granlee. The qadis
dulies quickIy expanded. Today lhese inporlanl figures
adjudicale crines againsl lhe slale, againsl failh, and
againsl feIIov nen and vonen.
A11I1uoes amo Cus1oms
he Araoian Atcn|urcs ruIelook inlroduces nany
of lhe alliludes and cuIluraI lhenes shared ly
civiIized nen and vonen lhroughoul Zakhara-
lhenes such as faniIy, hospilaIily, and propriely. Ior
inslance, nearIy aII Zakharans feeI lhal offering
hospilaIily is a naller of honor. In praclice, hovever,
lhe inlerprelalion of lhese lhenes frequenlIy varies
lelveen lhe AI-Badia and AI-Hadhar. This seclion
descriles lhe alliludes and ideas lhal prevaiI in
Zakharas sellIenenls. WhiIe lhe lexl leIov nay painl
lhe AI-Hadhar vilh lhe lroadesl of slrokes, il is, for
lhe nosl parl, lrue enough lo le represenlalive.
In lhe viIIages, lovns, and cilies of Zakhara, a Iove of
faniIy is cIoseIy Iinked lo a Iove of ones hone. To lhe
nonad, hone and faniIy are synonynous. To lhe AI-
Hadhar, hone neans having rools and conlinuily~
a safe and conslanl haven lhal heIps give a person an
idenlily aInosl as nuch as his or her faniIy does. Lven
lraders vho vander lhe seas on voyages of nany years
pay lrilule lo lheir hone lovn.
Hone aIso represenls faniIiarily. Civen lheir
sedenlary lradilion, AI-Hadhar can usuaIIy lrace sone
reIalionship-lhrough lIood, narriage, or nuluaI
hislory and experience~lhal Iinks lhen lo nosl of lhe
peopIe in lheir viIIage, lovn, or cily. WhiIe such a lhin
lond nay nol open lhe paIace doors lo a leggar, il
does creale a sense of connunily, and il heIps lhe AI-
Hadhar in galhering infornalion, conducling lusiness,
or nereIy gelling around in lheir hone lovn or cily.
Like lhe deserl lriles, lhe peopIe of lhe cilies and
IovIand sellIenenls leIieve an honoralIe person nusl
le hospilalIe. AI-Hadhar nake nuch of veIconing
visilors al lhe cily gales-even slrangers. In praclice,
hovever, individuaI cily-dveIIers do nol feeI as greal a
sense of duly lovard a slranger as lhey do lovard a
guesl lhey knov. flen, an AI-Hadhar nay discharge
his responsiliIily lo le hospilalIe ly direcling an
unfaniIiar or sonevhal dispIeasing face lo lhe nearesl
nosque or hospice. (Though lhe nan has nol
veIconed lhe slranger inlo his ovn house, lhe lovn
has veIconed lhe slranger, and lhal is vhal lruIy
counls.) A knovn lraveIer, hovever, is aInosl aIvays
veIconed ly lhe AI-Hadhar.
Cuesls vho have leen inviled inlo a cily-dveIIers
house receive lhe sane respeclfuI lrealnenl as an
honored guesl of lhe AI-Badia. n lhe firsl eve of a
guesls arrivaI, a greal feasl is Iaid oul, oflen alove lhe
neans of lhe hosl. If lhe guesl renains on lhe second
and lhird evenings, snaIIer neaIs ensue. The
alnosphere is feslive. The lraveIer leIIs of his or her
journeys, and faniIy nenlers or hired ninslreIs
provide furlher enlerlainnenl. n lhe lhird norning,
lhe guesl is expecled lo deparl. The guesl nay Ieave a
gifl of sone lype if he or she is so incIined, lul lhis is
nol required.
If a guesl has no olher lusiness in lhe cily, lhe hosl
nay requesl assislance vilh lhe faniIy lusiness:
naking deIiveries, carrying nessages, ninding lhe
slaII, and so forlh. This oflen exposes lhe lraveIer lo a
nunler of differenl professions. ccasionaIIy, a
vanderer viII arrive in lovn, lecone inlrigued vilh a
parlicuIar crafl, and renain as an arlisan. Advenlurers,
on lhe olher hand, have oflen discovered lhal
innersion in such a rouline inlerferes vilh lheir deeds
of gIory. Ralher lhan lecone gIorified nessengers for
lheir hosls, lhey slick lo inns and hospices.
As Iong as a guesl is vorking on lehaIf of a hosl,
lhe hosl is responsilIe for lhe guesls aclions. In lurn,
lhe guesl nay nol shane or endanger lhe hosl in any
vay. The guesl nay nol sleaI fron lhe hosl or lhe
hosls conrades. Nor nay lhe guesl drav a veapon
excepl in defense of lhe hosl. Such are lhe ruIes of
HospilaIily is cIoseIy reIaled lo a cily-dveIIers
viIIingness lo le loIeranl. A guesl need nol share lhe
leIiefs or raciaI herilage of lhe hosl lo le accepled and
veIconed. Indeed, a feIIov Zakharan vilh varying
reIigious or sociaI leIiefs~vho venerales a differenl
enIighlened god or cones fron a differenl parl of lhe
civiIized vorId-can counl on severaI evenings of IiveIy
discourse lul nolhing vorse. (Visilors lo lhe Ianlheisl
League frequenlIy encounler exceplions lo lhis ruIe, see
Chapler 9.) Though agreenenl anong civiIized peopIes
nay le unconnon if nol rare, loIerance of olher ideas
is in effecl a Zakharan lradilion.
ToIerance does have ils Iinils, hovever. In generaI,
il exlends lo lhose vho profess a leIief in lhe vords of
lhe Loregiver, a leIief in lhe aulhorily of lhe Crand
CaIiph of Huzuz, and a leIief in a god or gods,
regardIess of lype. An individuaI vho does nol leIieve
in sone higher divinily is vieved vilh suspicion and
perhaps even hosliIily. A Iack of leIief indicales lhal a
person aIso Iacks lhe noraI anchor lhal separales
civiIized foIk fron larlarians. To lhe AI-Hadhar, il is
leller lo leIieve in an anlilhelicaI posilion or a
conpelilive god lhan lo leIieve in nolhing al aII.
UnleIievers can expecl lo le denied hospilaIily ly
nosl, lo le senl on lheir vay ly nany, and lo le
verlaIIy or physicaIIy allacked ly a righleous fev. A
vise unleIiever, il can le said, keeps his or her
phiIosophy privale.
Respec1 [on Au1honI1
An AI-Hadhars nolion of vhal is civiIized (and vhal
is lo le loIeraled) harkens lack lo lhe recognilion of
lhe Crand CaIiphs uIlinale aulhorily. This is
sonelhing of a paradox: AII civiIized nen recognize
lhe grealer aulhorilies vho heIp lind lhen inlo a
cohesive reaIn caIIed lhe Land of Iale. Yel each cily,
cily-slale, or isIand nalion oflen feeIs a greal
independence fron lhe resl of Zakhara~and
frequenlIy a sense of superiorily.
Dislance accounls in parl for lhis allilude.
Zakharas oulposls are far-fIung. Thal dislance, coupIed
vilh loIerance on lhe parl of lhe Crand CaIiph, gives
IocaI ruIers a fairIy free hand in allending lo lhe
denands of lheir connunilies. The lasic
independence of lhe Zakharan peopIes aIso pIays a roIe
in eslalIishing lhis regionaI aulonony. Like lhe AI-
Badia, nany AI-Hadhar are accusloned lo choosing
lheir ovn ruIers. If ruIers and lhe aulhorilies vho
acconpany lhen are unfil, fev connoners have
quaIns aloul renoving lhen. A Ieaders posilion is
lased on an infornaI conlracl lelveen lhe Ieader and
lhe peopIe he or she Ieads. The peopIe agree lo foIIov
a chief or lo honor lhe ruIing of a qadi or a reIigious
aulhorily. In relurn, lhe Ieader is expecled lo nake
choices lhal are vise and fair lo lhe peopIe.
Anong lhe AI-Badia~ vho choose lheir sheikhs for
lheir neril and nol necessariIy for lheir lIoodIines~
lhis denocralic respecl for aulhorily is al ils finesl.
Anong lhe AI-Hadhar, hovever, lhe lureaucracy is
veII enlrenched-overseeing lrade roules, coIIecling
laxes, and keeping records lhal span generalions. In
lheory, lhe Crand CaIiph can choose his successor fron
anong his sons, naning lhe nosl conpelenl. Bul for
lhe pasl five generalions, onIy lhe eIdesl son has
succeeded his falher. In keeping vilh lhis lradilion, a
IocaI ruIer reguIarIy chooses his eIdesl son as successor
and groons hin accordingIy. (LocaI ruIers vho are
fenaIe, hovever, have aIready lroken vilh lradilion.
flen, lhey choose vhichever successor lhey deen fil.)
Iurlher dovn in lhe hierarchy of pover-lenealh
lhe courls of kings, caIiphs, and enirs~ a nore
denocralic forn of ruIership occurs. n a IocaI IeveI,
lhe qadis (judges) are arlilralors and nedialors. As
noled alove, lhey are chosen in one of lvo vays: ly
lhe connunily or ly lhe ruIing lureaucracy. The
connon peopIe frequenlIy viev lhe Ialler group vilh
suspicion, for lhe goaIs of lhe lureaucracy do nol
aIvays coincide vilh lhe desires of lhe peopIe. A
connunily oflen ignores lhe ruIings of judges lhey
donl respecl. Qadis vho faiI lo earn lhis respecl are
usuaIIy renoved fron office.
akharan allire nay vary lelveen regions or cilies,
lul severaI connon lhenes predoninale. WeaIlh
and slalion are slronger infIuences lhan geography.
The foIIoving descriplion generaIIy hoIds lrue for
civiIized AI-Hadhar lhroughoul lhe Land of Iale. (See
Chapler 6 of Araoian Atcn|urcs for furlher definilion
and delaiI.)
Anong Iover-cIass nen, dress is a sinpIe sel of
lrousers vilh a dravslring vaisl, a Ioose-filling
overshirl, and a sash al lhe vaisl. Whenever possilIe,
aII lul lhe pooresl nan vears sandaIs or Iealher
sIippers and a sofl cap or headcIolh, cily-dveIIers do
nol reIish having lare heads and feel.
IeopIe vho Iive in lhe greal cilies of Qudra, HiyaI,
and Huzuz usuaIIy vear lurlans-incIuding lhe Iover
cIasses and a handfuI of fashionalIe ogres. In cilies lhal
feeI lhe press of lhe deserl, vhere lrade vilh lhe
nonads nay le inporlanl, keffiyehs and agaIs are
nore popuIar. (In lhe IearI Cilies, for exanpIe,
keffiyehs and agaIs far oulnunler lurlans on lhe
slreels, lhough lhe gaudy nen of lhese lovns have
leen knovn lo vear headcIolhs of siIk~sonelhing a
lrue nan of lhe deserl vouId nol do.) Where nen don
keffiyehs, lhe vonen oflen vear a shavI draped over
lheir heads. The richer lhe vonan, lhe sheerer and
nore ornale lhe shavI. Collon is repIaced vilh siIk
and cIolh-of-goId. Anong lhe upper cIasses, shavIs
oflen give vay lo pecuIiar ornanenlaI headpieces
adorned vilh lriIIianl fealhers and gens.
The vorking or niddIe cIass-conprising Iesser
nerchanls, lureaucrals, craflsnen, larlers, caravan
vorkers, and siniIar lradesnen-aIvays dress nore
eIaloraleIy lhan lhe Iover cIasses. Men vear
lrousers-eilher knee or ankIe Ienglh. Shirls are
connon, lopped ly a sIeeveIess role or a doInan. The
vaisl-sash is lied over aII. Men luck lolacco and
veapons inlo lhe sash. They keep lheir noney in a
snaII purse or pIace il in a foIded handkerchief, eilher
vay, riches are connonIy lucked inside lhe shirl or
role, in a pockel forned ly lhe sash, jusl leIov lhe
lreasl. Lealher slockings allached lo lhe lrousers
connonIy adorn nens feel. MiddIe-cIass nen aIso
don Iealher sIippers vilh sofl soIes. Ior Iong lrips on
fool, harder shoes of yeIIov Iealher or even Ioose lools
are connon. When lhe vealher is incIenenl, a caflan
is vorn over lhe enlire ensenlIe, again secured ly a
sash. A lurlan vrapped around a sofl cap is
predoninanl anong niddIe-cIass naIes.
MiddIe-cIass vonen usuaIIy vear fuII lrousers and
snocks. SIippers and overshoes are connon on lhe
slreel, lul around lhe house, lare feel are nore
popuIar. A shavI draped over lhe head conpIeles lhe
lypicaI ensenlIe.
Anong lhe upper cIasses~greal nerchanls, courl
officiaIs and courliers, highIy skiIIed arlisans, and
heroes of renovn-dress resenlIes lhal of lhe niddIe
cIass. Lach garnenl lecones nore eIalorale and
expensive, hovever. Censlones adorn lullons and
luckIes, lIouses are adorned vilh goIden lhread, and
caflans are enlroidered and decked vilh snaII jeveIs.
Turlans are vrapped around a fez inslead of a skuIIcap,
naking lhe lurlan (and lhe nan) appear laIIer.
Wonen don fine siIks, and lheir jeveIry lecones
opuIenl (excepl in lhe Ianlheisl League, vhere such
vanilies are considered inproper). Bolh nen and
vonen carry lejeveIed IillIe purses lenealh lheir
roles or doInans, lhough peopIe of especiaIIy high
slalure nay have servanls vho acconpany lhen lo lhe
narkel. In lhal case, lhe servanl carries lhe purse~an
aclivily vhich nay le his or her soIe jol.
As noled, IocaI varialions in cIolhing exisl, usuaIIy
in lhe favored coIors of lhe coslune or in lhe choice of
headdress. This is especiaIIy lrue in lhe Iree Cilies,
vhere niddIe- and upper-cIass nen prefer fezzes lo
lurlans and keffiyehs. Lach cilys fezzes and sashes can
le idenlified ly lheir coIor (see Chapler 7 for delaiIs).
IronicaIIy, il is lhe connon foIk of lhese cilies vho
vear lurlans, vrapping lhe cIolh (oflen lallered)
around lheir fezzes.
of propriely of lolh nen and vonen. In lhe Iree
Cilies of lhe Norlh, across lhe Creal Sea fron lhe
larlarian nalions, neilher nen nor vonen cover lheir
faces. These are defianl cily-slales vhose peopIe feeI a
ralher fragiIe lie lo lhe Crand CaIiph of Huzuz. In lhe
gaudy and feslive IearI Cilies, upper-cIass vonen vear
veiIs, lul lhese are no nore lhan fashion slalenenls~
fIirlalious visps of lransparenl siIk designed lo le nore
aIIuring lhan nodesl. In lhe League of lhe Ianlheon,
ly conlrasl, lolh nen and vonen are lhickIy veiIed.
In lhe IearI Cilies, dyes and falrics are inporled
fron norlhern Zakhara as veII as fron lhe far-fIung
Lasl. The vasl array of lriIIianl coIors dislinguishes lhe
IocaIs, nol lhe cul of lheir coslunes. Ianlheisls across
lhe CoIden CuIf frequenlIy refer lo lhese peopIe as
peacocks, vilh no conpIinenl inlended. In conlrasl,
lhe heaviIy noraIisl cilizens of lhe Ianlheisl League
can ly idenlified ly lheir lIack garl, vhich lefils lheir
sonler and seIf-denying nalure.
In lhe greal cilies of Qudra, Huzuz, and HiyaI, a
cosnopoIilan nix of slyIes can le seen. Wilh lhe greal
infIux of visilors fron olher cilies and olher Iands,
IocaI lradilions have lIurred over line. Here one can
find a lroad array of coslunes, fron lhe sveeping alas
and fIoving headcIolhs of deserl riders lo lhe dark
chadors of noraIisl vonen. In lhe greal cilies of lhe
conlinenl, lhe kaIeidoscopic designs of lhe IearI Cilies
lIend easiIy vilh lhe connon and sinpIe dress of lhe
caravan drivers and piIgrins.
IsIand cuIlures and lhe renaining snaII cily-slales of
Zakhara lend lo foIIov lhe provinciaI varianls of lhe
nearesl Iarger cily. UsuaIIy, lhe fashion of lhese snaII or
isoIaled sellIenenls is severaI years oul of dale. Lven
AfyaI, vhich loasls a rich lrade in siIk and olher falrics,
lends lo cul ils oulfils in a fashion lhal vas oul of slyIe
during lhe Crand CaIiphs ovn grandfalhers day.
ne group is roulineIy an exceplion lo lhe generaI
ruIes of allire. Advenlurers, heroes, and olher
rouslalouls in Zakhara usuaIIy dress as lhey see fil, in
vhalever, nanner nakes lhen conforlalIe. As lhe
Loregiver once said, Never argue fashion vilh one
vho sings lhe song of lhe Svord.
The lhickness and pIacenenl of veiIs in Zakharas
sellIenenls leII a greal deaI aloul lhe slalus and sense
Indeed, nosl Ianlheisl vonen don lhe lradilionaI
chador of lhe noraIisl faclions-a garnenl lhal
conceaIs lheir lodies fron head lo loe, reveaIing lhe
eyes and hands al nosl.
SellIenenls lhal cane lo
as lhe cilies luiIl anong lhe
enIighlennenl Iale-such
ruins of Nog and Kadar, as
veII as sone civiIized isIands in lhe Crovded Sea~
olserve a gral
veiIed lul nol
lag of cuslons. In sone pIaces, nen are
lhe vonen. LIsevhere, lhe reverse is
lrue, or lolh are veiIed, or neilher. In AfyaI, lradilion
denands lhal
lhal she vear
a vonan natc a veiI al aII lines, lul nol
il. Her veiI sinpIy hangs aside. Thus,
vhal is a synloI of nodesly and propriely in sone
pIaces is IillIe nore lhan a nore fIirlalious pIoy on lhe
IsIe of lhe LIephanl.
Cuslons vary even anong lhe greal cilies on lhe
conlinenl (Qudra, HiyaI, and Huzuz). According lo
Qudran cuslon, neilher nen nor vonen vear veiIs.
Such garnenls are inappropriale friIIs in lhe Iife of a
sIave-soIdier. Iurlher, veiIs nay conceaI lhe faciaI
lalloos denoling each nan and vonans nanIuk
sociely and rank. Snoky HiyaI and goIden Huzuz
olserve a variely of cuslons, loIeraling lhose vho
choose lo go unveiIed, and respecling lhose vho do.
VeiIs are nore prevaIenl in HiyaI lhan in Huzuz~
vhich is nol surprising vhen one conpares lhe open
alnosphere of Cily of DeIighls lo lhe cIandesline
aclivilies in lhe Cily of Inlrigue.
hroughoul nosl of Zakhara, vood is al a preniun.
Hardvoods of vaIue nusl le inporled fron isIands
across lhe Crovded Sea, or nusl lroughl overIand fron
lhe Ruined Kingdons of Nog and Kadar. Such
consideralions affecl lhe vay luiIdings are conslrucled.
The sinpIesl luiIding naleriaI is unfired nud lrick,
shaped inlo a one-roon luiIding vilh a roof of voven
filers or cIolh and a fIoor of packed dirl. LasiIy
conslrucled, lhis is lhe pooresl forn of housing. This
slyIe of archileclure is nosl oflen used for oulposls and
lhe houses of poor viIIagers.
MuIli-roon luiIdings of laked cIay lrick are an
inprovenenl upon lhe previous design. Their roofs are
nade of lranches voven inlo a nal, vhich is lhen
cIad vilh cIay liIe. Woven nals cover lhe earlhen
fIoor, and niches in lhe vaII serve as conlainers and
cuploards. This is lhe nosl connon forn of housing
in ruraI areas and agricuIluraI connunilies. Such
hones oflen loasl a snaII cenlraI courl.
In lhe cilies, housing slyIes inprove dranalicaIIy.
Baked lrick is sliII lhe luiIding naleriaI of choice, lul il
is usuaIIy vhile-vashed on lhe oulside and pIaslered
vilhin. Arched ceiIings lecone connon, aIong vilh
liIevork and olher inlerior ornanenlalion. The house
gains sinpIe vooden furnishings, usuaIIy jusl a lalIe and
a chesl of dravers. Sone of lhese slruclures rise severaI
slories laII, housing generalions of lhe sane faniIy.
WeaIlhy nerchanls and officiaIs of lhe cilies can
afford lo luiId hones using slone and linler. The
inleriors are richIy liIed, vilh painled frescoes on lhe
courl vaIIs. The cenlraI courl lecones an oasis of
greenery, an exlensive garden vilh fIovering pIanls,
pooIs, and lullIing founlains.
The grealesl luiIdings of Zakhara are ils paIaces and
nosques. These are vorked in slone, richIy delaiIed
vilh nosaics and hand-painled liIes, and decked in
precious nelaIs lhal are oflen inIaid vilh ornale
pallerns. IaIaces generaIIy lear lhe nark of
generalions of ruIers and lheir individuaI lasles. They
are greal, conpIex spravIs of individuaI luiIdings,
aparlnenls, and privale courls.
Mosques of Zakharas cilies are Iarge slruclures
vhere lhe failhfuI can galher en nasse. The ground
fIoor of a nosque usuaIIy conlains one greal, singIe
roon vilh arches and piIIars soaring high overhead.
Mosl nosques aIso have ninarels: laII, sIender lovers
fron vhich lhe priesls caII lhe failhfuI lo prayer.
WhiIe lhe lenpIes of Zakharas lovns and viIIages nay
nol le as grand, nosl have lhe sane lasic fIoorpIan.
The cenlraI garden courl is a connon lhene in
Zakharan housing, found in sinpIe alodes as veII as
grand paIaces. (Lven lhe pooresl viIIagers nay slrive for
lhis Iuxury, grouping lheir sinpIe one-roon houses in a
cIusler lhal surrounds a connunaI garden.) Life in a
house vilh a cenlraI courlyard focuses upon lhe courl.
uler vaIIs have no vindovs on lhe ground fIoor,
giving lhe hone lhe appearance of a snaII forlress.
Lven lhe upper slories rareIy have vindovs facing lhe
slreel. Inside, hovever, each of lhe roons on lhe
ground fIoor has a sel of gIass doors or vindovs lhal
open onlo lhe courl. Roons of lhe upper slories
overIook lhe garden courl vilh laIconies and verandas.
In ils sinpIesl forn, lhe garden courl is no nore
lhan a coIIeclion of polled paIns grouped around a
cislern. In Iarger hones, il nay le an opuIenl garden
of fIovering shruls and founlains, Iaid oul in a
geonelricaI array. In lhe paIaces, acre-Iarge courls are
fiIIed vilh roses and olher fIovers, founlains, pooIs,
ornanenlaI lrees, and lane leasls. The garden is an
oasis for lhe inhalilanls of lhe house, an isIand of cooI
lranquiIily in a hol and oflen hosliIe vorId.
Anolher fealure connon lo lhe sellIenenls of
Zakhara is lhe cenlraI narkelpIace. In lhe viIIages, lhis
nay le no nore lhan a sIeepy open courl sel aside as
lhe lazaar. In lhe cilies, hovever, lhe narkelpIace
oflen incIudes suqs~greal shopping areas lhal are
sheIlered fron lhe sun ly roofs pilched high overhead.
Vomem's RoLes
n unenIighlened lines, lefore lhe vord of lhe
Loregiver spread lhroughoul lhe Land of Iale, lhe
roIes of nen and vonen vere sinpIe. Men ruIed lhe
househoId and vere responsilIe for ils IiveIihood.
Wonen kepl lhe house and raised lhe chiIdren. The
coning of lhe Loregiver and lhe eslalIishnenl of lhe
Crand CaIiphale have lroadened vonens roIes
anong lhe AI-Hadhar, lul a good deaI of lhe
lradilionaI cuslons renain. The Land of Iale can le
said lo provide an opporlunily for equaIily, lul any
lovn-dveIIing vonan vho desires lhal equaIily nusl
le viIIing lo grasp il for herseIf.
Today, lhroughoul nosl of Zakharas sellIenenls, a
nan is sliII is responsilIe for his vife and faniIy, and
he is expecled lo provide a Iiving. The vonan is
responsilIe for uphoIding lhe nans honor lhrough
noraI lehavior. She nainlains lhe house and rears lhe
chiIdren. Though an upper-cIass vonan nay oversee
servanls vho vork in lhe househoId, rareIy does she
reIinquish aII dulies vhere her chiIdren are concerned.
According lo Zakharan lradilion, vonen Iive aparl
fron nen in lhe sane househoId. Wonens quarlers are
lhe narin. (A siniIar concepl for nen is lhe sc|ana or
sc|an|i|.) The narin is a separale area vhere onIy vonen
and chiIdren nay go. (The nasler of lhe househoId nay
enler, lul in generaI, even he does nol, or he nay ask for
pernission lo enler oul of respecl for lhe vonens
privacy.) In a poor househoId, lhe narin is no nore lhan
a roon vilh a lapeslry hung over lhe door. In lhe Crand
CaIiphs paIace, lhe narin is a nagnificenl conpIex
guarded ly ils ovn eIile unil of eunuch nanIuks.
AI-Badian vonen have aIvays had a high degree of
equaIily vilh nen, lhe nonads harsh, inpoverished
IifeslyIe denands lhal every person do his or her parl lo
ensure a lriles survivaI and success. This kind of equaIily
has onIy recenlIy cone lo lovn-dveIIing vonen.
NonelheIess, loday lhere are loId vonen anong lhe
AI-Hadhar vho acl as nerchanls, arlisans, and ner-
cenaries-vho lake up nany of lhe sane roIes as nen.
A vonan nay receive Iand granls and nainlain
lhen under lhe sane condilions as a nan. A vonan
nay choose lo serve in lhe arned forces in lines of
peace or var. (In conlrasl, nen of suilalIe age nay le
drafled inlo service.) Though cerlain groups and
feIIovships excIude lhen, vonen have served as
deadIy assassins, vise viziers, and lrave generaIs. They
have leen as caIiphs, eniras, and suIlanas. The laIes of
Zakhara are fiIIed vilh vonen vho vere viser, loIder,
and nore capalIe lhan lhe naIes in lheir ovn faniIies.
Ierhaps il is leIIing, hovever, lhal a vonan has yel
lo hoId lhe lilIe of Crand CaIiph (lhough severaI have
acled as regenls for lheir sons unliI lhey had reached
lhe age of najorily). Nolhing in lhe phiIosophy of lhe
Loregiver prevenls a vonan fron leing Crand CaIiph,
lul lhe nen of Zakhara are sliII resislanl lo crossing
lhis finaI lhreshoId.
arriages are essenliaIIy conlracls lelveen lvo
faniIies, arranged ly parenls even vhiIe lhe
chiIdren invoIved are young. In nany regions, lhe
lesl narriage is sliII a lradilionaI one: lhe union
lelveen a girI and her firsl cousin on her falhers side.
If lvo young peopIe vilhoul lhis reIalionship desire a
Iove-nalch, lhe parenls nay sliII approve-provided
slalion, failh, race, and profession do nol sland in lhe
vay. In generaI, a civiIized nan can narry lenealh his
slalion, lul a vonan does nol. A lad nalch nay
voided ly parenls or aulhorilies. In poens of lhe
ravuns, such a parenlaI inpedinenl is oflen lhe slarl
of evening-Iong laIes of hov lhe Iovers are spIil aparl
and pass lhrough aII nanner of advenlures lefore lhey
are al Iasl reuniled and narried.
As in nany areas of lheir Iives, heroic and
advenlurous nen and vonen nay ignore lradilion and
do prelly nuch as lhey pIease. r perhaps il is lhe
olher vay around: lo avoid an unvanled narriage, an
average cily-dveIIer suddenIy lecones a free-vheeIing,
far-ranging advenlurer.
If a vonan is independenl (usuaIIy defined as
capalIe of naking her ovn Iiving), even if she narries
she is considered a separale IegaI enlily under lhe Iav.
She can hoId properly aparl fron her husland. In
conlrasl, a vonan vho is dependenl on her spouse
nusl share any properly she allains during her
nar r i agevilh lhe exceplion of lhe anounl she
lrings vilh her lo lhe narriage. A husland nay aIvays
have properly or possessions lhal are considered
separale fron lhe vifes.
IoIygany~lhe praclice of having nore lhan one
spouse al a line~is rare lul loIeraled in nosl of
Zakharas sellIenenls. The lradilionaI arrangenenl-a
husland vilh nore lhan one vife~is nore connon.
Iour vives is lhe unofficiaI naxinun. According lo
Iegend, lhe firsl shair had four genie vives, and
Zakharan lradilion refIecls lhal Iegend. In generaI,
onIy veaIlhy nen can afford nore lhan one vife (in
parl lecause every nev vife nay lring forlh nore
chiIdren). Many upper-cIass nen feeI one vife is
sufficienl, hovever. The firsl vife nusl approve of any
addilionaI vives in lhe househoId. If she agrees lo
share her husland, she sliII relains aulhorily over lhe
Sone nen keep courlesans (as do sone
independenl vonen), lul onIy vilh lheir vives
pernission. WhiIe Zakharan Iav does nol prohilil lhis
praclice, il doesnl endorse il, eilher. Tradilion
denands lhal a nan le narried lefore laking a
courlesan, lo avoid narriage enlireIy is nov considered
In lhe pasl, Zakharas Crand CaIiphs rareIy narried.
Inslead, lhey nainlained Iarge narins of courlesans and
conculines, sone of vhon vere gifls fron Iesser ruIers.
This aIIoved lhen lo nealIy lypass lhe four-vife
Iinilalion of proper sociely, and lo onIy recognize
offspring vho shoved pronise or vorlh. Bolh chiIdren
of courlesans (free-lorn courliers) and conculines
(sIaves ovned ly lhe Crand CaIiph) have risen lo
pover in lhis fashion. Todays Crand CaIiph does have
four vives, hovever, in addilion lo a Iarge narin. This
praclice has heIped endear hin lo lhe connon peopIe.
WhiIe a poIyganous narriage generaIIy pIaces aII
vives under one roof, a second lradilion is connon in
nany lrade cilies on lhe CoIden CuIf, especiaIIy lhe
IearI Cilies. In lhis arrangenenl, each vife Iives in a
differenl porl of caII, she vorks as an independenl
vonan, seIIing lhe goods her husland conveys. These
vives knov of each olher, lul lhey nay never neel.
Upon lhe dealh of lheir spouse, each fuIIy ovns lhe
lrading posl she operaled during lhe narriage. The
noraIisl governnenls of lhe League of lhe Ianlheon
have oulIaved lhis praclice in lheir cilies.
IoIyandry~lhe praclice of having nuIlipIe
huslands~is a cuslon on lhe isIe of AfyaI. This
praclice arose lecause nany of AfyaIs nen are lraders,
vho are oflen far fron hone. A vonan is aIIoved lo
lake nany huslands in lhe course of her Iife (lhough
aIvays vilh consenl of lhe firsl). She ovns and
nanages lhe lrading conpany for vhich aII her
huslands vork. This syslen has resuIled in a lighl
circIe of fenaIe-doninaled nercanliIe houses. Their
conlined pover rivaIs lhal of lhe padishah of AfyaI
The chiIdren of AI-Hadhar are raised in lhe vonens
quarlers unliI lhey reach lhe age of five. Al lhis line,
loys Ieave lhe narin and Iive vilh lhe nen in lhe
sc|an|i|. Separale inslruclion legins for lolh loys and
girIs al age five. Tulors (if lhey can le afforded) leach
lhe chiIdren aloul nallers of Ianguage, failh, cuIlure,
eliquelle, and Iav. In veaIlhier faniIies, lhese earIy
years of inslruclion heIp delernine vhere a youlhs
inleresls Iie and lo vhich IiveIihood he or she is lesl
suiled. CirIs legin lo reveaI if lhey are nore inleresled
in Iiving as independenl vonen-I-lherely gaining an
educalion siniIar lo lhal of lhe loys, vhich is nore
sociaIIy and econonicaIIy lased. A girI vho is deslined
for a lradilionaI roIe nay focus on househoId skiIIs and
lhe genlIe arls. Ior lhe niddIe cIass, arlisans, and lhe
poor, such a choice in educalion is a Iuxury, any
lraining for loys or girIs lakes pIace in lhe faniIy lrade,
le il pol-naking or caravan driving.
If nen or vonen of a cuIluraI group vear veiIs, lhe
loys and girIs legin lo foIIov suil al age 12. A loy is
connonIy considered a nan, and a girI a vonan, al
age 16. They are aIIoved lo narry al lhis line, lhough
lheir unions nay have leen arranged years earIier.
Irior lo lhe eslalIishnenl of enIighlened civiIizalion,
a nan of lhe coaslaI cilies couId divorce his vife
nereIy ly decIaralion. She vouId le lhen senl packing
2 2
lo reIalives or friends (laking vhalever she ovned
lefore lhe narriage vilh her). Under lhe Lav of lhe
Loregiver, vonen have grealer proleclion. Bolh
parlies nusl agree lo lhe divorce, or one parlner nay
ask a qadi for a ruIing. ShouId lhe qadi ruIe againsl
such a spIil, lhe pair nusl Iive logelher and allenpl lo
reconciIe for lhe nexl year lefore asking again. A
vonan vho is granled a divorce nay rejoin her
originaI faniIy or lecone independenl (lhough a
vonan does nol need lo le divorced lo le
independenl in lhe Land of Iale).
Iavery is a facl of Iife in lhe Land of Iale. Il is nosl
connon anong lhe AI-Hadhar, lul il is nol a
doninanl fealure is nosl areas. ManIuks, of course,
are an exceplion, lul lheir roIes as soIdiers and
adninislralors nake lhen unusuaI. A person nay
lecone a sIave in one of lhree fashions: ly dell, ly
lreaking lhe Iav, and ly Iacking civiIizalion.
IeopIe vho have incurred a greal dell and are
unalIe lo pay il off nay le ensIaved and soId, usuaIIy
lo lhe group lhey ove paynenl. Such ensIavenenl
Iasls unliI lhe dell is considered paid lhrough Ialor or
unliI lhe sIaves faniIy finds sufficienl funds lo sellIe
lhe naller. A dellors reIalives are never ensIaved in
his or her pIace, and chiIdren vho are lorn lo dellor
sIaves in Zakhara are considered free.
Those vho have seriousIy lransgressed Zakharas
Iavs nay aIso le ensIaved for lheir crines. The lern of
ensIavenenl is Iife. In nunerous cases, hovever,
ruIings have leen reversed in response lo a sIaves
sincere penance and good deeds. Again, a crininaIs
faniIy nay nol le ensIaved as a resuIl of lhe crine,
lhough in a sense lhey are punished, for lheir honor is
slained. (Sone faniIies averl lhe vhoIe issue of sIavery
ly doing avay vilh lhe one vho connilled lhe
crine.) ChiIdren lorn of sIaves vho are crininaIs are
considered free. The sIaves ovner oflen raises lhen as
his or her ovn.
IinaIIy, sone peopIe in Zakhara are ensIaved sinpIy
lecause lhey are unciviIized. They Iack underslanding
and acceplance of lhe Loregivers Iav and, lherefore,
are in need of firn enIighlennenl. Nalives of various
isIands, cerlain nounlain lriles, and unleIievers vho
vander lhe Haunled Lands are oflen caplured ly
sIave-naslers and soId inlo servilude. The Lav of lhe
Loregiver prevenls a civiIized person fron leing
ensIaved in lhis fashion, lul a sIave nay Ialer le
enIighlened and sliII nol gain his or her freedon.
SIavers vho are lruIy unscrupuIous nay sonelines
caplure piIgrins and cIain lhey vere healhens al lhe
line-asserling lhal lhe vays of civiIizalion cane
Ialer, spurred ly lhe desire lo escape sIavery. ChiIdren
lorn of such sIaves renain sIaves onIy if lhey faiI lo
enlrace lhe Lav of lhe Loregiver.
SIave-ovners have a nunler of responsiliIilies
under Zakharan Iav. They are responsilIe for lhe
heaIlh of lheir charges, and faiIure lo conpIy nay
resuIl in fines. SIaves vho are slarved and olhervise
alused are poor vorkers vho nay evenluaIIy releI,
qadis have leen knovn lo granl lheir freedon in Iighl
of lheir naslers innoraI conducl. SIave-hoIders are
aIso responsilIe for lhe aclions of lheir sIaves, if a sIave
danages anolher persons properly, lhe sIave-ovner is
heId accounlalIe. SIave-hoIders nay nol casl oul or
seII a sIave due lo iIIness or age, and lhey nusl provide
for sIaves vho can no Ionger perforn lheir nornaI
dulies. Hovever, sIave-ovners nay free heaIlhy sIaves
al any line, and sone ovners have granled vhoIe
groups lheir freedon. A sIave nay receive lhe ovners
pernission lo narry a free spouse, and lherely aIso
lecone free.
WhiIe il is lrue lhal lhe Iav requires sIave-ovners
lo lreal lheir sIaves veII, lhe nanIuks~a nuch nore
langilIe pover~are lhe grealesl enforcers. The nosl
eIile niIilary forces in Zakhara, nanIuks are
lhenseIves sIaves, properly of lhe Crand CaIiph. They
vere caplured as youlhs ly olher nanIuks and lrained
lo lecone perfecl, IoyaI varriors. The forlified cily of
Qudra on lhe Creal Sea is ruIed ly nanIuks. SIave-
hoIders vho nake porl in lhis cily nusl le honoralIe
and fair or suffer a price, for lhe nanIuks do nol
loIerale anylhing Iess.
Qudra, in facl, is hone lo lhe Iargesl aclive sIave
narkel in Zakhara, vhich lhe nanIuks run.
Conpanies of nanIuks roan lhe nounlains near lhe
Iree Cilies and leyond, seizing youlhs fron lhe HiII
Triles. Youlhs caplured in such raids vho lurn oul lo
le Iess lhan suilalIe for nanIuk lraining are offered in
lhe sIave narkel as personaI servanls.
Ianlheisls aIso pronole sIavery~and nol jusl lhe
ensIavenenl of dellors, crininaIs, and lhe
unenIighlened. Wilh provocalion, lhey are viIIing lo
ensIave anyone vho does nol agree vilh lheir five-
pover Ianlheon.
The isIand of AfyaI engages in sIave-lrading, loo,
inpressing crininaIs inlo servilude and raiding
unenIighlened isIands lo lhe soulh for polenliaI sIaves.
LaslIy, lhe raiders vho haiI fron lhe Ruined Kingdons
and lhe Haunled Lands oflen engage in sIaving, and
lhey lend lo le very IileraI in delernining vho is nol
civiIized and lherefore suiled lo sIavery.
Though il does nol endorse il, lhe IegaI code
lhroughoul nosl of Zakhara pernils sIavery. Ior lhis
reason, sIavery is loIeraled in Huzuz, HiyaI, lhe Iree
Cilies, and lhe IearI Cilies. No officiaI sIave narkel
exisls in any of lhese IocaIes, hovever. SIaves vho are
lroughl lo Huzuz are oflen enIighlened. Whenever
possilIe, lhey are aIso purchased and freed. fficiaIs of
lhe IearI Cilies loIerale a fair-ninded visilor vho
ovns sIaves, lul, unIike lhe peopIe of Huzuz, lhey
nake no allenpl lo inlerfere. Ior ils parl, HiyaI has no
officiaI sIave narkel. Il does, hovever, nainlain a
shadovy lIack narkel lhal deaIs in sIaves-incIuding
sIaves vho have leen caplured iIIegaIIy.
Mosl of lhe cIans of lhe High Deserl do nol
recognize sIavery. If lhey caplure sIaves in a raid, lhey
free lhen. Triles of lhe Haunled Lands keep no sIaves
lhenseIves, lul lhey lreal caplured sIaves as looly lo
le lraded. The Corsair Donains are slrongIy
aloIilionisl, and sIaves vho faII inlo lheir hands viII
le freed and recruiled lo serve in lheir ships.
Nomhumam Races
osl of lhe enIighlened residenls of Zakharas
cilies are hunan, lul nol aII of lhen. AInosl
aII senlienl hunanoid races vho recognize lhe nalure
of Iale, lhe Loregiver, and lhe sovereignly of lhe
Crand CaIiphale are considered nenlers of lhe
connunily (if nol vhoIehearledIy enlraced as such).
The differences lelveen lhen do nol presenl a najor
prolIen, nor do nosl hunans deen lhis nuIliraciaI
nix lo le vorlh nuch conlenpIalion. Hov one acls~
nol hov one Iooks al lirlh-is nosl inporlanl in lhe
Land of Iale.
AII Zakharan cilies have nonhunan residenls. In
nosl najor sellIenenls, nonhunans accounl for aloul
1O percenl of lhe popuIalion. Qudras popuIalion is
aloul 15 percenl nonhunan. In HiyaI, lhe figure rises
lo 2O percenl. The League of lhe Ianlheon-vhiIe
supposedIy loIeranl of olher races-faiIs lo allracl
nany nonhunans. In facl, no Ianlheisl cily has a
nonhunan popuIalion lhal surpasses 5 percenl of lhe
Who are lhe nonhunans of Zakharas AI-Hadhar`
In nosl cilies, lhey incIude a snallering of eIves,
dvarves, haIfIings, gnones, orcs, koloIds, ogres,
holgolIins, golIins, hiII gianls, Iizard nen, and gnoIIs.
Iorl cilies nay aIso hosl a snaII connunily of
nernen and Iocalhah. Though lhey are rare, olher
races nay aIso le accepled nenlers of lhe popuIalion,
provided lhey do nol pose a lhreal lo lhe resl of lhe
connunily. Such unusuaI residenls nusl le inleIIigenl
enough lo undersland lhe nalure of Iale and lhe
Loregiver. In addilion, lhey shouId nol le
phenonenaIIy poverfuI.
InleIIigenl or nol, sone nonhunan races are
enlireIy unsuiled lo Zakharas sellIenenls. Those vho
are conlinuaIIy and unrepenlanlIy eviI (such as
sahuagin and yuan-li) are never inviled lo dveII
anong lhe enIighlened. Iurlher, individuaIs vho are
very rare in nunlers (such as Iarger gianls), vho are
viIdIy nonhunan (such as lehoIders), and lhose vho
ly nalure seek lo doninale olhers (such as nind
fIayers) are never counled anong lhe AI-Hadhar.
Wilh fev exceplions, lhe nonhunans lradilions,
failhs, occupalions, and alliludes differ IillIe fron
lhose of hunans. The lvo groups Iive and vork cheek
lo jovI. NaluraI aliIilies do encourage sone races
lovard cerlain professions, ogres and gianls, for
exanpIe, nake exceIIenl porlers and varriors. Bul il is
nol unusuaI lo find an eIf vorking as an apprenlice (or
a nasler) in a foundry, a dvarf serving as a poller or
gardener, or an orc serving as a nursenaid. In facl, one
of HiyaIs nasler jeveIers is a slone gianl, vho can
oflen le found crouched al his lench, vorking vilh
fine-lipped, gianl-sized looIs.
The Lav of lhe Loregiver does nol forlid
nonhunans lo narry oulside lheir race, nor do nosl
individuaI failhs. SliII, lhis is one naller in vhich race
does naller. Marriage lelveen hunans and olher races
is frovned upon. Il is aIso exlreneIy rare. Mosl
inlerraciaI narriages can never produce chiIdren~and
a Iove of faniIy is firnIy enledded in Zakharan
cuIlure. Iurlher, nosl narriages are arranged ly
parenls, vho vish lo enhance lheir faniIies slanding.
Civen lhese consideralions, inlerraciaI narriages lhal
do occur are nallers of deep and aliding Iove. Iev
such nevIyveds can renain vilhin lheir forner circIes,
usuaIIy lhe coupIe nusl Ieave lheir faniIies far lehind
lo seek a Iife logelher. Wilh lhis slain upon lhe
faniIies honor, lhe Iovers reIalives nighl veII hunl
dovn lhe coupIe and sIay lhen.
rcs and eIves are exceplions lo lhe ruIe, narriages
lelveen orcs and hunans as veII as eIves and hunans
are reIaliveIy connon, perhaps lecause such
househoIds can incIude chiIdren. (f course, orcs and
eIves aInosl never narry each olher, in generaI, lolh
groups find lhe concepl Iudicrous.) The union of eIves
and hunans is nuch nore prevaIenl lhan lhal of orcs
and hunans. The narin of lhe Crand CaIiph has oflen
incIuded eIves, lhrough lhe years, haIf-eIvish lIood has
leen nixed inlo lhe Iine of lhe LnIighlened Throne
severaI lines. Iurlhernore, sone nolIe fenaIe eIves
keep hunan nen as courliers and conculines in
sc|anas (counlerparls lo narins).
In generaI, lhe Lav of lhe Loregiver recognizes no
difference lelveen hunans and olher races, a nan is a
nan, a vonan is a vonan. Before a qadi, for exanpIe,
a dvarfs slanding equaIs lhal of any olher enIighlened
person. Nonhunans nay le punished and ensIaved in
lhe sane nanner as hunans. In sone snaII
connunilies, eIves and dvarves serve as qadis eIecled
ly a hunan popuIalion, vho acknovIedge lhe vaIue of
lheir Iong Iifespan and respecl lheir accunuIaled
visdon. (This is anolher case vhere a naluraI aliIily
or quaIily has guided a nonhunan race lovard a
parlicuIar profession.)
MiIilary unils, nanIuk socielies, hoIy sIayer
feIIovships, nerchanl houses, navies, shops, church
hierarchies-aII lhese can counl nonhunans anong
lheir nunlers. No enIighlened failh in Zakhara
excIudes nonhunan nenlers. Zakharas arned forces
aIso incIude nonhunans anong lheir ranks. The enir
of Qudra, lhe nosl respecled nanIuk of his cily, is a
dvarf. WhiIe foreigners nighl find lhis unusuaI,
Zakharans speak of lhe enirs race naller-of-faclIy, as
if lhey vere saying, He has red hair. Race is
descriplive, nol defining.
Van amo AL-Haohan
ornaIIy, lhe Land of Iale is al peace vilh ilseIf and
ils surroundings. Il is a unified connunily, ruIed
vilh visdon and enIighlennenl ly lhe Crand CaIiph.
No najor opponenls of lhe LnIighlened Throne Iurk
vilhin ils Iands. The ajanis of lhe dislanl Norlh and
Lasl do nol pose a lhreal, for lhey are separaled ly
greal oceans and nounlains.
ReaIily, hovever, is Iess prelly lhan lhese officiaI
courl pronouncenenls. Zakhara has a pIelhora of Iesser
ruIers-caIiphs, enirs, suIlans, khedives, khans,
padishahs, and sheikhs. Which of lhese is superior lo
lhe olhers depends on lhe person you ask. Mosl are
IocaI ruIers acling as if lhey are lhe suprene pover in
lheir ovn region, even lhough lhey recognize lhe
uIlinale aulhorily of Huzuz. As a resuIl, lhese snaII
povers frequenlIy lecone enlroiIed in pelly vars
vilh each olher. When lheyre nol varring vilh each
olher, lhey nay do lallIe vilh lhe snaII larlarian
faclions on lheir lorders.
As a ruIe, lhe cilies of Zakhara are veII defended.
AII nainlain a connon niIilia and a valch. The
forner is caIIed upon in lines of crisis lo repeI
enenies. The Ialler is a pernanenl force of soIdiers
serving as paIace guards and cily palroIs. In addilion, a
nunler of Zakharas cilies have lheir ovn slanding
arnies, navies, or lolh. Sone cilies relain lhe services
of nercenaries and nanIuks for proleclion. Mosl
niIilary unils consisl of infanlry and cavaIry, vilh an
occasionaI nagicaI unil or an airlorne supporl ving.
Siegecrafl is nol connon in lhe Land of Iale, and lhe
nalives of Zakhara generaIIy Iack lhe var engines of
norlhern nalions.
The lexl leIov offers an overviev of Zakharas cily-
slales and lheir forces. Chaplers 6 lhrough 1O provide
addilionaI delaiI.
Afya!: The IsIe of lhe LIephanl loasls a heaIlhy,
prosperous navy lhal prolecls ils lrade roules in lhe
Crovded Sea. This navy acls leller lhan any
forlificalion lo repeI raiders. Il lurns ils nagnificenl
face lovard lhe Iands of lhe far-fIung Lasl, dispIaying
lhe pover and veaIlh of lhe Land of Iale. AfyaI aIso
has a Iarge slanding arny, one of lhe fev alIe lo use
eIephanls as noliIe and effeclive nachines of var.
(The isIanders skiII vilh lhese leasls is uncanny. So
are lhe aliIilies of lhe leasls lhenseIves.) n lhe delil
side, lhe padishah of AfyaI is nad, and he uses his
arnies lhe vay a snaII chiId uses loy soIdiers. His
currenl pIan: lhe conquesl and coIonizalion of Sahu,
IsIe of Serenily.
HIya!: The greal, snoky cily of HiyaI is ringed vilh
a vaII. The cily can le enlered lhrough jusl four greal
gales, each of vhich is guarded ly lhe IocaI suIlanas
hand-picked guards. HiyaIs grealesl proleclion is nol
ils vaII, hovever. Many deserl raiders have lreached
lhis reIaliveIy Iov larricade onIy lo discover HiyaIs
lesl defensive slruclure: lhe squaIid sIuns lhal ring lhe
cily. In lhis crovded naze, horses can scarceIy nove.
HopeIessIy slaIIed, lhe raiders cannol reach lhe
lreasure-lroves al lhe hearl of lhe cily~HiyaIs suqs,
nosques, and paIaces.
In addilion lo lhe sIuns, HiyaI has a nore
cIandesline defense slralegy. Slriking fron lhe shadovs
is very nuch lhe vay of lhis cily. This praclice-pIus
lhe facl lhal various faclions of HiyaI reguIarIy
conspire vilh and againsl lhe sheikhs of lhe Haunled
Lands~heIps ensure lhe cilys overaII safely.
Huzuz: The Cily of DeIighls, gen of lhe CoIden
CuIf and Suq Bay, Iooks Iike a ripe fruil for lhe
pIucking. Il Iacks lhe forlidding vaIIs of Zakharas
norlhern hoIdings. Iurlher, Huzuz is open spravI of
parks, easy lo cross. Il has a nunler of gales, lul lhese
prinariIy serve as a neans for reguIaling lrade and
guaranleeing laxalion, lhe gales vouId do IillIe lo
repeI a serious invader.
The slrenglh of Huzuz Iies nol in ils sleeI or ils
slone lul in lhe aulhorily of ils Crand CaIiph.
Moreover, il Iies in lhe hands of lhe genies vho
recognize lhe Crand CaIiphs sovereignly, choosing lo
prolecl lhe cily in his nane. Tvice lvenly years ago,
in lhe age of lhe currenl Crand CaIiphs grandfalher, a
releIIious deserl sheikh Ied a greal endeavor againsl
Huzuz. The sheikh reached lhe pIains lefore lhe cily,
vhere his arny vas nel ly a Ione shair. The shair
varned lhe sheikh lo lurn lack. In response, lhe
sheikh rode dovn lhe shair and sIev hin. Al lhal
nonenl, a hosl of genies appeared: djinn, dao, efreel,
and narids, Ieading an arny of jann. The sheikhs
arny vas deslroyed lo lhe Iasl rider. The Iand vas
decinaled. Mosl of lhal danage vas lhe resuIl of lhe
genies, vho conpeled lo see vho anong lhen couId
sIay lhe nosl riders, using lhe nosl inpressive dispIays
possilIe, Since lhal lIoody occasion, no one has
chaIIenged lhe nagicaI proleclion of Huzuz.
Lcaguc nf thc Panthcnn: The Ianlheisl League
nainlains a uniled niIilary force, heavy in foolnen.
This arny is coIIecliveIy caIIed lhe Svord of lhe True
Cods. The Svords purpose is lo prolecl lhe reIigious
Ieaders of lhe League fron lhe incursions of lrilesnen
fron lhe Haunled Lands and rivaIs in lhe Ruined
Kingdons. In reaIily, lhe Svord exisls as a Iiving
exlension of lhe Leagues slaled reIigious poIicy~
spreading lhe vord of lhe Ianlheon and denouncing
lhe Iesser, incorrecl gods. ccasionaIIy, unils are senl
far afieId, inlo Nog and Kadar and lo lhe isIands of lhe
soulh. No direcl aclion has leen laken againsl lhe
decadenl caIiphales of lhe IearI Cilies and AfyaI, lul
nosl feeI il is onIy a naller of line.
Pcar! CItIcs: The IearI Cilies of lhe CoIden CuIf
and lhe Crovded Sea are prinariIy nerchanl and lrade
cilies. They gain lheir arnies lhe oId fashioned vay~
lhey luy lhen. Mercenary unils, navaI unils, deserl
cIans, and unlelhered nanIuk organizalions are pressed
inlo service as need denands. UsuaIIy, such a need
caIIs for a Iiniled aclion, over vhich lhe caIiphs and
suIlans of lhe IearI Cilies have fuII conlroI. Their nain
foes are lhe sporadic deserl raiders fron lhe High Deserl
as veII as each olher, vilh a Iooning lhreal fron lhe
League of lhe Ianlheon across lhe CuIf.
Qudra and thc Frcc CItIcs: The liered cily of Qudra
is lhe grealesl forlress in lhe Land of Iale. Ils slaIvarl
vaIIs have leen slrenglhened ly nagic, and lhey
presenl a forlidding face lo lhe norlhern larlarians
across lhe Creal Sea, reninding lhen of lhe slrenglh of
lhe Crand CaIiph. Qudra is ruIed ly nanIuks vho
eIecl an enir fron anong lheir nanIuk socielies. The
nain foes of lhe cily are lhe Corsair Donains and
releIIious ruIers anong lhe nearly Iree Cilies.
Much lo lhe annoyance of Qudra, lhe Iree Cilies
reguIarIy fighl each olher. This is prinariIy Iov-IeveI
varfare, laking lhe forn of raiding. Lach of lhe cily
slales knovs lhal a Iarge-scaIe niIilary aclion vouId
cerlainIy pronpl a reaclion ly lhe nanIuks of Qudra.
Il nighl aIso lrigger a unified allack ly lhe olher Iree
Cilies. Ior lhis reason, lhe ruIers of lhe Iree Cilies
expend a greal deaI of energy on poIilicaI inlrigue.
Lach slrives lo convince Huzuz (and, nore
inporlanlIy, lhe generaIs of Qudra) lhal his or her cily
deserves lo le Iefl aIone and granled free rein (vhiIe
aII lhe olhers deserve lo le valched nore cIoseIy).
UIlinaleIy, lhese inlercily scuffIes are lriviaI. Crealer
lhreals exisl. n Iand, lhe Iree Cilies nusl conlinuaIIy
fend off raiders fron lhe HiII Triles of lhe Iurroved
Mounlains. Al sea, lhe Iree Cilies nusl lallIe lhe
chaolic and cagey pirales of lhe Corsair Donains, vho
vreak havoc vilh lrade and lraveI.
RuIncd KIngdnms: The cilies luiIl upon lhe ruins
of Nog and Kadar are hone lo a nixed lag of pelly
lyranls. Sone of lhese lyranls seek lo ruIe vilh lhe
lIessing of Huzuz. lhers seek lo regain lhe gIories of
lheir predecessors~ savage ruIers fron a dislanl and
Iong-luried pasl. This a Iand in vhich a nan can raise
an arny ly lreakfasl and see il deslroyed ly nighlfaII.
HiyaI, Huzuz, lhe Ianlheon, and even AfyaI neddIe in
lhe poIilics of lhis region. A generaI in lhe forces of
Kadaraslo, Rogoslo, or DihIiz is cerlain lo receive gifls
and suppIies fron al Ieasl one of lhese vouId-le
infIuences. Quile oflen, lhe sane generaI accepls lhe
gifls of nore lhan one.
Chap1en 3
LI[e Im 1he Desen1
he deserls of Zakhara are vasl and foreloding. Tenperalures
frequenlIy cIinl alove 13O degrees during sunner days and
pIunnel leIov freezing during vinler nighls. No olher region is as
crueI, yel lo lhe deserl nonads (AI-Badia), no olher pIace is as divine. Many
a vanderer has renarked on lhe perfeclion of a cooI deserl norning: a
cIoudIess sky, gIillering dunes, and no olher crealure lo le seen for niIes,
excepl perhaps a fIeeling gazeIIe.
Mosl of lhe Zakharan deserl is nol dunes, hovever, lul an expanse of dry,
rocky pIains. Here and lhere are fieIds of voIcanic delris-greal, lroken,
lIack expanses. Trees, vhere lhey exisl, are slunled and lrovn. (Tanarisk is
lhe nosl connon vood.) Thorny shruls and grassIands dol lhe region,
lurning green during vinler and spring, lhen conceaIing lheir Iife lehind a
lrovn, crackIing facade. In lhe heighl of sunner, a fev hardy succuIenls and
sprigs of niIkveed sliII grov on lhe dunes, lul lhe graveI pIains are larren.
Zakhara has lvo greal deserls: lhe High Deserl and lhe Haunled Lands.
Bolh are silualed on pIaleaus lhal rise lo an average eIevalion of 2,5OO feel.
Belveen lhen Iie lhe valers of lhe CoIden CuIf, Suq Bay, and lhe AI-Tariq
ChanneI (The Iassage). Al lhe hearl of lhese deserls, hovever, virluaIIy
no pernanenl valer source exisls-jusl a handfuI of precious veIIs and oases.
A Iack of valer is nol lhe onIy danger lhe deserl hoIds. Mirages enlice lhe
unvary lraveIers lovard valers of sheer iIIusion. Sandslorns scour nen and
leasls and lury encanpnenls. Winler slorns fiII lhe sky vilh Iighlning,
fIood lhe hoIIovs, and rip lenls fron noorings. Worsl of aII, perhaps, are lhe
lIack cIouds of Iocusls lhal slrip a paslure lare lo lhe Iasl lIade of grass
lefore lhe nonads and lheir herds arrive.
The DaIL Rou1Ime
day in lhe Iife of a nonad faniIy legins earIy, vhen days are sliII
reIaliveIy cooI. Tvo hours lefore lhe davn, a daughler of lhe faniIy rises
and legins lo nake |cocn, a sour niIk or lullerniIk. Iirsl, she fiIIs a goalskin
vilh niIk and hangs il fron a lripod. Then she rocks lhe skin lack and forlh,
oflen singing, vilh lhe sIoshing |cocn providing a rhylhn. CuIlures inside lhe
skin evenluaIIy lhicken lhe niIk. If she uses sheeps
niIk, she viII have luller Iefl over. CaneIs niIk has
virluaIIy no fal, so il yieIds neilher luller nor crean.
NonelheIess, sour caneIs niIk is an AI-Badian slapIe.
enIighlened nonad aIvays ullers a prayer lo Iale and
lhe gods lefore sIaying il, giving lhanks for lhe aninaI
and asking lhal ils dealh lo le quick and nercifuI.
An hour lefore davn, lhe resl of lhe faniIy rises
and vashes, using sand vhen no valer is avaiIalIe. If
lhe lrile is enIighlened, aII faniIy nenlers face Huzuz
and kneeI upon lhe ground, praying for guidance and
good forlune. Breakfasl foIIovs-usuaIIy jusl a handfuI
of dales and sone niIk for each-person. Many faniIies
share a vooden lovI fiIIed vilh |cocn, passing lhe lovI
unliI il is enply.
If lhe lrile has sheep and il is nol sunner, a loy
assigned lo shepherding Ieaves lhe canp in search of
good grazing ground. (During lhe sunner nonlhs,
grazing is poor or nonexislenl, and lhe lrile slays near
an oasis or lovn.) Having found a good spol, lhe loy
pIanls his slaff on lhe ground and hangs his ala upon
il. The sheep, noloriousIy slupid, nislake lhe role for
lhe loy and are Iess apl lo vander. This aIIovs lhe loy
lo doze or hunl for jerloas (deserl rals). If lhe hunl is
successfuI, lhe shepherd roasls his calch and enjoys a
snack. lhervise, he eals onIy lhe dales he lrings vilh
hin each norning.
share slories.
As evening approaches, lhe shepherds and lhe
hunlers relurn lo canp, and lhe faniIy galhers round
NearIy aII AI-Badia ovn caneI herds. Al nighl, lhe
aninaIs are lelhered or hollIed. In lhe norning, a fev
dales and kind vords encourage lhen lo rise. Mosl
caneIs range freeIy during lhe day, seeking lheir ovn
fodder. As evening approaches, a caII fron a loy or girI
lrings lhen lack lo canp, vhere lhey knov fresh
valer and nore dales avail lhen.
Mosl vonen allend lo chores during lhe day:
niIking aninaIs, caring for young chiIdren, spinning
vooI, veaving cIolh, and nending lenls. CirIs and
loys galher lrushvood for lhe fires. Ider chiIdren
nay lake a caneI lo felch fresh valer-a lask lhal can
lake aII day if lhe source is far.
UnIess il is sunner, nen go hunling-selling lheir
sa|uqis (hounds) afler lhe gazeIIes or selling lheir
faIcons afler hares and deserl luslards. Nol every
nonad has a saIuqi, lul nosl nen (and sone loId
vonen) have al Ieasl one faIcon, vhich lhey raise,
nane, and lreal aInosl as a pel. lher prey of lhe
hunler incIudes lhe naoo, a lasly lul eIusive Iizard
aloul lvo feel Iong, vhich is shol vilh a lov and
arrov. No naller vhal lhe prey is, hovever, an
When gane is scarce (a connon silualion), lhe
hunlers lrain havks or palroI lhe area around lhe
canp, reading lhe deserl for signs of recenl evenls.
Where a lovn-dveIIer sees nolhing, a nonad sees
aII-vhal kind of caneIs have passed, vhal lhey vere
carrying, hov nany nen acconpanied lhen, and
nore. Warriors nay aIso go on raids (see leIov) during
lhe day. Sone, exhausled ly evenls of lhe previous day
or evening, sinpIy reIax in lhe sheIler of lhe lenl and
lhe fire for dinner. This is lhe usuaIIy lhe second neaI
of lhe day, nosl AI-Badia eal no Iunch. If a faniIy is
forlunale, lhe evening neaI incIudes lread, rice, and a
lil of neal. To nake lread, lhe cook lhrovs doIIops of
unIeavened dough direclIy onlo lhe fire. Afler il has
laked and lhen cooIed sIighlIy, lhe ealer scrapes off lhe
ash and sand, and lhen dunks lhe lread inlo a lil of
cIarified luller lefore devouring il. AI-Badia consider
lhis a lreal lecause fIour is expensive. AI-Hadhar cIain
lhal a nonads lread lasles vorse lhan dirl.
The nonads of Zakhara olserve a nunler of
cuslons during neaIs. Like AI-Hadhar, enIighlened
AI-Badia eal onIy vilh lheir righl hands, lo do
olhervise is shanefuI. BeIching is a conpIinenl lo lhe
cook. The lack vaII of lhe lenl is lhe proper looI for
viping greasy hands-lhe nore grease narks lhe vaII
shovs, lhe leller lhe faniIys forlune.
The nonads slay galhered round lhe fire afler lhe
sun has sel, leIIing slories and singing songs. SnaII
chiIdren relire lo vonens quarlers and faII asIeep
Iislening lo lhe laIk oulside lhe lenl. In nosl AI-
Badian lriles, nen and vonen do nol segregale
lhenseIves during lhe evening, in olhers, lhe
segregalion is hardIy neaningfuI, since onIy a lhin
curlain divides lhen. (Ior a Iook inside a lypicaI A
Badian lenl, see Card 12 in lhis loxed sel.)
Nonads are Iean and slrong. They rareIy sil on
lheir haunches as lhe lovn-dveIIers do. Inslead, lhey
crouch, resling lheir enlire veighl upon lheir heeIs. A
lovn-dveIIer finds lhis difficuIl, lul lo lhe slurdy
nonad, ils a naluraI posilion. AI-Badia sonelines
recIine upon carpels and Iean on lheir caneI saddIes
vilhin lhe lenl, lul oulside, around a canpfire,
everyone sils in lhe nanner descriled. (This posilion
heIps avoid anolher lreech of eliquelle: shoving lhe
soIes of ones feel lo a guesl.)
Tvo hours afler sunsel, enIighlened AI-Badia vash
lhenseIves vilh sand or valer, say lheir evening
prayer, and relire for lhe nighl. Ior safely, nev Ianls
are lelhered inside lhe canp (if nol inside lhe lenls).
lher aninaIs are galhered lehind lhe Ianls. nIy
lhe person assigned lo lhe valch slays avake-silling
ly lhe fire lo guard againsl voIves and olher dangers.
uring lhe sunner nonlhs, vhen lhe grassIands
are lare, AI-Badia eslalIish crovded canps leside
oases or veIIs. Their lenls offer IillIe reIief fron lhe
sun, lenperalures inside frequenlIy lop 11O degrees.
Ior nosl AI-Badia, lhis is a niseralIe experience-nol
sinpIy lecause il is hol, lul aIso lecause nonads
despise leing sellIed.
This is a good line lo seek diversion ly doing
lusiness in a viIIage or lovn. The nonads seII
Iiveslock, vooI, voven lexliIes, curd cheese, and
perhaps sone roasled Iocusls (considered good ealing
ly nany). In lurn, lhey luy rice, vheal, dales, and
veapons. If lhe lrile is veaIlhy, lhey aIso purchase
lrinkels and finery.
Wilh lhe onsel of aulunn, a lil of rain legins lo
faII in lhe deserl. Spirils soar, and lhe lrile packs up
lhe canp~lenls, food slores, cushions, ornale carpels,
and lhin nallresses sluffed vilh collon, in addilion lo
personaI leIongings. The nigralion legins. Ior eighl
nonlhs, lhe lrile viII nove fron pIace lo pIace,
lreaking canp every veek lo 1O days. (This is a naller
of sanilalion as veII as reslIessness.) Wilh lhe coning
of vinler, nighls grov vindy and coId. In higher
eIevalions, a lil of snov even faIIs lo lhe ground,
neIling as lhe sun lreaks free of lhe horizon.
Wilh lhe onsel of spring, grazing is al ils lesl.
IaniIies canp far aparl, seeking vhal is olhervise a
Iuxury: privacy. The canps renain cIose enough lo
hear lhe varning lIasl fron a neighlors horn,
hovever. Lach faniIy knovs lhe posilion of lheir
neighlors, and lhey feeI honor-lound lo prolecl lhen.
Triles arrange lheir lenls in a videspread circIe,
naking raids ly lhe eneny nore difficuIl. If raiders
penelrale lhe circIe, lheyre surrounded-vhich
usuaIIy Ieads lo lheir defeal.
Lach lrile nigrales vilhin ils ovn lerrilory, or
iran. A lypicaI dirah covers 2OO square niIes.
Boundaries are unofficiaI, and aIIiances lelveen
neighloring lriles are connon. This heIps ensure
lheir nuluaI survivaI, if lhe grazing in a lriles ovn
dirah is poor, lhey nusl seek il eIsevhere. When
ennily does exisl lelveen lriles, each fierceIy prolecls
lheir ovn lerrilory~ and, nosl inporlanlIy, ils veIIs.
o lhe AI-Badia, lhefl of Iiveslock is nol sinfuI-
Tils lhe nark of lrave, successfuI nen. Wonen
nay aIso lake parl in raids, lhose vho do earn a
repulalion as greal varriors.
AI-Badia roulineIy lraveI over a hundred niIes on
caneIlack lo conducl a raid. AIong lhe vay, lhey seize
anyone vho nighl le alIe lo varn lhe eneny of lhe
inpending allack. If lhe largels Iocalion is cIose, and
lhe raiders ovn horses, lhen lolh nounls are used,
vilh one horse lacking each caneI.
Irovided aII goes veII, raiding is a quick affair: a
svifl assauIl jusl lefore lhe lreak of davn or a harried
allack during a dusl slorn. Ior honoralIe lriles, dealh
of lhe eneny is nol a goaI, lhey raid onIy lo acquire.
Warriors fighl vaIianlIy hand-lo-hand, lul lhose vho
are veaker feeI no duly lo fighl lo lhe dealh. Surrender
is nol dishonoralIe. To shov lheir desire lo go on
Iiving, enlallIed varriors sinpIy pIace lheir lhunls
lelveen lheir leelh and exlend lheir fingers lovard
lheir allackers. (No vhile fIags are raised.)
The AI-Badian code of honor denands lhal vonen
vho do nol fighl le Iefl aIone. In lheir lenls, lhey are
usuaIIy quile safe, for onIy a dishonoralIe nonad
vouId harn lhen. Iols, carpels, and food slores are
suilalIe for Iooling, lul anylhing a vonan vears on
her person (as nuch as possilIe, during a raid) is
considered off-Iinils.
Many AI-Badian lriles aIso conducl raids againsl
dislanl viIIages and oulposls. UnforlunaleIy, lovn-
dveIIers do nol olserve lhe sane ruIes of eliquelle in
lallIe as honoralIe nonads. As a resuIl, lhese raids are
oflen lIoody affairs for lolh sides, crealing an ennily
and halred lhal do nol fade quickIy.
BLooo Feuos
espile lhe nonads ralher civiIized vievs on
raiding, fighls lo lhe dealh do occur. Knovn as a
lIood feud, such a confIicl nay arise vhen a lrile
leIieves one of lheir nenlers has leen vrongIy kiIIed.
r a naller of honor nay lrigger lhe feud. Whalever
lhe cause, lhe confIicl escaIales inlo a deadIy
exchange, vilh each side kiIIing a nenler of lhe olher
unliI lhe confIicl is resoIved.
Sheikhs of varring lriles can rareIy end a lIood
feud lelveen lhen. A lhird, neulraI sheikh nusl
nediale. He or she legins vilh a cerenony of digging
and lurying. Lach side in lhe feud dravs Iines in lhe
sand-one for every lrile nenler kiIIed. If lhe dealh
loII is uneven, lhe side vilh fever Iines nusl pay a
lIood price (usuaIIy a conlinalion of caneIs and
noney) lo offsel lhe olher lriles Ioss. The neulraI
sheikh slrives lo sel a price lhal preserves lhe honor of
everyone invoIved.
I-Badia Iook for four lhings in a sheikh: courage,
visdon, generosily, and Iuck. The inporlance of
lhe Iasl lrail shouId nol le undereslinaled. A Iucky
sheikh is lIessed ly Iale, and aII nenlers of lhe lrile
vouId Iike lo share in lhal good forlune.
WhiIe il is lrue lhal nany sheikhs are lhe sons of
forner sheikhs, in lhe High Deserl neilher a faniIy
conneclion nor a sheikhs sex are as inporlanl as lhe
quaIilies Iisled alove. In lhe Haunled Lands, lhe
posilion of sheikh usuaIIy passes lo a sheikhs eIdesl
son, lul he is nol guaranleed lo keep il. No AI-Badian
lrile viII supporl a sheikh vho is unvorlhy of respecl.
ver lhe course of line, nonads have lanished and
kiIIed nany Ieaders vho vere deened veak, slupid, or
As noled alove, AI-Badia expecl lheir sheikhs lo
le generous. Thal, in a Iarge parl, delernines a
sheikhs honor. Il is lhe sheikhs jol lo ensure lhal no
lrile nenler goes hungry or coId vhiIe olhers have
food and varnlh. The lasic necessilies~food, valer,
The Co[[ee Cenemom
hroughoul Zakhara, fron lhe pooresl AI-Badian canp
lo lhe nosl Iuxurious paIace, coffee-naking is lhe
neasure of a good hosl. If a vonan ruIes lhe house (or lenl),
she nay nake lhe nocha, lul lhis is lypicaIIy a nans jol.
Novhere is lhe preparalion and drinking of coffee nore
cerenonious lhan anong lhe AI-Badia. A prince or sheikh
nay aIIov a sIave lo prepare lhe coffee and an honored son
lo pour il. Bul lhe average AI-Badian hosl does il aII vilh
greal fIourish and pride.
A nonads coffee-naking legins vhen lhe hosl sils
lefore a IillIe hoIIov in lhe sand and Iighls a fire. CaneI
dung is lhe fueI of choice. Nexl, lhe hosl spreads oul his
coffee equipnenl~ liny cups, norlar and peslIe, ulensiIs for
slirring, and a shaIIov nelaI dish vilh a Iong handIe,
designed for roasling lhe leans. The hosl aIso sels oul lvo
coffee pols-one sooly and lallered, lhe olher shiny. AII
lhe vhiIe, lhe hosl asks his guesls hov lhey are, lul he
never inquires direclIy aloul lheir lusiness or veaIlh,
lecause lhal vouId le rude.
Nexl, lhe hosl pIaces sone dried coffee lerries in lhe
norlar and legins lo puIverize lhen. The peslIe rings Iike a
leII as lhe norlar slrikes il. When lhe lerries have leen
lhoroughIy crushed, lhe hosl puls lhen in lhe roasler and
hoIds il over lhe fire. As soon as lhe leans are lrovn lul
nol lurnl, he sels lhen aside lo cooI. Then he pours a IillIe
of lhe previous days coffee inlo lhe lIack pol, adds valer,
and sels lhe pol on lhe fire. When lhe nixlure loiIs, lhe
hosl adds lhe freshIy roasled coffee and slirs. A heIper (his
vife or son) lrings a IillIe cardanon, vhich he quickIy
puIverizes and adds lo lhe sliII-loiIing pol.
When lhe coffee is as lIack as oiI, lhe hosl lransfers il
fron lhe lallered pol lo lhe shiny one. Afler aIIoving lhe
grounds lo sellIe, he al Iasl legins lo pour-a cerenony in
ilseIf. The hosl nusl hoId lhe pol in his Iefl hand, lo do
olhervise is a serious lreech of eliquelle. He nusl lake lhe
firsl svaIIov hinseIf, proving lhal lhe lrev isnl poisonous.
Then he connences serving. According lo cuslon, he
pours for lhe eIdesl guesl firsl.
Afler drinking coffee, a lovn-dveIIing hosl oflen passes
round a censer fiIIed vilh frankincense, aIIoving each guesl
lo inhaIe lhe scenl and lask in ils fragrance. Anong lhe
nonads, onIy sheikhs olserve lhis cuslon. nce lhe lenser
has leen passed, guesls are expecled lo Ieave or relire for
lhe nighl. Tovn-dveIIers, vho have frequenl visilors in lhe
aflernoon, Iighl lhe incense afler guesls have leen presenl
as lriefIy as 15 ninules. AI-Badia consider lhal praclice
exlreneIy rude, incense is reserved for Iong, Ianguid visils.
3 1
cIolhing, and housing-are every AI-Badias righl. A
nonad has onIy lo need lhese lhings, and, if il is al aII
possilIe, he or she viII receive lhen.
AL-BaoIam HospI1aLI1
ike aII civiIized Zakharans, nonads leIieve
hospilaIily is a naller of honor. Though a prince
or a caIiph nay offer nore gifls and a grealer lanquel,
none can approach lhe AI-Badias generosily of spiril.
A nonads everyday neaIs are neager unliI an guesl
appears, lhen lhe faniIy nay prepare a feasl lhal
surpasses aII lhey have ealen for veeks. A sheep is lhe
off, lhey gel a nev one. Washing cIolhes is a Iuxury for
lhose vho do nol knov lhe vaIue (or scarcily) of
valer. WhiIe sand can scour lodies, il does IillIe lo
cIean falric. ConsequenlIy, a nonads cIolhes are
usuaIIy fiIlhy. No one seens lo nind lhe sneII.
nain course of preference, vilh lhe fally, succuIenl laiI
leing handed lo lhe guesl of honor. If a sheep is nol
avaiIalIe, lhe faniIy nay sIay a caneI inslead.
Il is a fairIy sinpIe naller lo gain a nonads
hospilaIily, lul sone ruIes of eliquelle nusl le
olserved. Ior exanpIe, il is lad forn lo approach lhe
lack of a nonads lenl. Inslead, lraveIers nusl appear
vilhin fuII viev of lhe fronl. Iurlher, ils exlreneIy
rude lo approach a lenl direclIy. TraveIers are expecled
lo sland a good dislance fron lhe lenl and vail lo le
noliced, lusying lhenseIves vilh lheir caneIs or
horses. Then lhe nan or vonan of lhe lenl goes oul lo
exlend a fornaI invilalion. If a guesl is inporlanl, lhe
hosless hangs her gayesl frock al lhe fronl of lhe lenl,
Iike a lanner, lo ceIelrale lhe guesls arrivaI.
Cuesls vho approach during lhe day and are jusl
passing lhrough can expecl a lil of |cocn. Those vho
seek sheIler al nighl receive, dinner, coffee, and a pIace
inside lhe lenl. A poIile lraveIer never offers noney in
exchange for Iodging, lo lhe nonad, lhals an insuIl.
Inslead, a lraveIer vho vishes lo shov lhanks nay
offer a gifl lefore deparling. As is lhe cuslon
lhroughoul Zakhara, guesls shouId nol renain leyond
lhree days. ne exceplion exisls: inporlanl guesls of a
sheikh are pernilled lo slay for up lo a veek if lhe
invilalion is exlended. The sheikh offers gifls, and lhe
guesls generaIIy reciprocale.
A11Ine amo VamI1
n conlrasl lo a sheikh or veII-lo-do AIcBadia, nany
nonads ovn IillIe nore lhan lhe cIolhing on lheir
lacks. When a role lecones so lallered lhal il faIIs
Men anong- AI-Badian lriles vear eilher a
IoincIolh, sinpIe lrousers vilh a dravslring vaisl, or
lolh. ver lhal, nosl vear a Iong, lullonIess shirl lhal
hangs aInosl lo lheir ankIes, Iike a narrov snock or
nighlshirl. An ala (role) lops lhe shirl. If lhe nan is
veII lo do, lhe fronl of lhe ala nay le lrinned vilh
enlroidery. RareIy is il siIk, hovever, nosl AI-Badian
nen consider such soflness shanefuI. A keffiyeh and
agaI (headcIolh and cord) conpIele lhe allire.
Wonens allire is nuch lhe sane, lul il nay le
nore gaiIy coIored. Many vonen IooseIy drape a shavI
over lheir heads inslead of a vearing a keffiyeh and
agaI. AII don as nuch jeveIry as possilIe, adorning
lhenseIves vilh siIver, goId, lurquoise, pearIs, and gIass
leads-fron headpieces and nose rings lo ankIe
lraceIels. The veaIlhier lhe vonan, lhe grealer her
finery. Iev AI-Badian vonen vear veiIs. (In facl, in
sone lriles onIy lhe nen are veiIed, vrapping lheir
lIack headcIolhs across lheir faces.) IinaIIy, a nonadic
vonan vears one olher ilen of inleresl: a IillIe key,
vhich opens a chesl conlaining her personaI lreasures.
She vears lhe key openIy, on a chain or siIken rope
around her neck.
The AI-Badian vonan enjoys nany vanilies. Her
kohI-rinned eyes are praclicaI as veII as aIIuring, lhe
lIack Iines heIp shieId her eyes fron lhe sun. Henna
slains her hair, hands, and feel. She lrushes her leelh
vilh a lark lhal reddens her Iips. Ierhaps her nosl
nolalIe vanily is lallooing. Iorehead, cheeks, chesl,
caIves, hands, feel-aII nay le adorned vilh allraclive
and sinpIe pallerns of dols, Iines, and cross-narks.
Lach lriles vonen favor a unique sel of designs.
NannIage amo FamIL
onogany is a vay of Iife anong lhe AI-Badia.
Iev nonads can afford nore lhan one spouse
and faniIy. Moreover, aside fron a handfuI of veII-lo-
do sheikhs, fev of lhen lhink poIygany is vorlh lhe
inevilalIe hassIes. Iarenls lypicaIIy arrange narriages,
favoring a union of cousins. By lradilion, a girI is
lespoken lo her firsl cousin on her falhers side. Bul if
she oljecls slrongIy (and preferalIy quielIy), she nay
convince her cousin lo seek lhe hand of anolher.
ShouId she faII for lhe vrong nan-an eneny, a sIave,
or a nan fron an inferior lrile-lheyII have lo eIope
and alandon lolh lheir lriles lo le logelher.
A groon aIvays gives his prospeclive lride a
jcnaz gifls lhal incIude cIolhing, noney, Iiveslock,
and lhe aII-inporlanl narriage led (cushions and
carpels). These are hers lo keep forever. Because lhe
Iiveslock nuIlipIy, and lecause her parenls nay have
aIready given her a fev caneIs, an AI-Badian lride
soon ovns a sizalIe herd.
Divorce is a sinpIe naller anong lhe AI-Badia.
Nonads conpIeleIy ignore lhe supposedIy
enIighlened vays of lhe AI-Hadhar. If a nan vishes
for a divorce, he sinpIy says so, repealing his desire
lhree lines aIoud. If a vonan vanls a divorce, she
relurns lo her parenls lenl. Her husland nay lry lo
voo her lack vilh gifls, songs, and ardenl pIeas. If she
resisls, heII evenluaIIy lire of her alsence and agree lo
divorce her. No shane is invoIved for eilher of lhen,
and lolh usuaIIy find nev spouses vilh ease. Afler a
divorce, chiIdren over lhe age of eighl Iive vilh lheir
falhers, lul lheir nolher nay visil lhen freeIy. In facl,
she oflen lecones friends vilh her forner huslands
nev vife, offering lips on hov lo handIe hin.
Like AI-Hadhar, deserl-dveIIers vaIue a Iarge
faniIy. Bul lhe deserls harsh Iife neans lhal nany
chiIdren die al lirlh or during infancy. This sorrov,
coupIed vilh lhe nonads fierce noraI code and Iove
of Iife, nakes chiIdren precious lo lhe AI-Badia.
Il is nearIy every nev vifes desire lo lecone
pregnanl. When she does, ils cause for ceIelralion in
lhe lrile. Her husland renains especiaIIy cIose and
valchfuI unliI lhe lalys lirlh. Ior 4O days lhereafler,
hovever, lradilion denands lhal she and lhe laly
sIeep aIone, preferalIy in a separale seclion of lhe lenl.
Like lovn-dveIIers, lhe nonads leIieve lhal
chiIdren are especiaIIy susceplilIe lo lhe eviI eye. As
proof againsl lhis sinisler force, AI-Badian nolhers
allach a snaII lIue lead lo lhe lalys cap and nark
each cheek vilh a Iine of kohI. Iurlher, aInosl every
nolher pIaces a sleeI dagger al lhe lalys side vhiIe lhe
infanl sIeeps. If lhe chiId Iies upon a Iealher nal on lhe
ground, lhe nolher slicks lhe dagger in lhe earlh leside
lhe lalys head. In a cradIe or hannock, lhe
unshealhed dagger sinpIy Iies aIongside lhe laly, vho
is svaddIed so snugIy lhal lhe risk of injury is sIighl.
Ior lhe firsl fev nonlhs, an AI-Badian nolher
carries her laly aloul in a Iealher cradIe, vhich she
sIings over her shouIder. Thereafler, lhe laly spends
nosl of ils line in a IillIe hannock suspended near
lhe fronl of lhe lenl. This arrangenenl nakes sure
visilors can adnire lhe faniIys Ialesl addilion. Il is
cuslonary for a nevconer lo pIace a coin or lrinkel in
lhe lalys fisl. SupposedIy, lhis lrings lhe chiId Iuck.
CerlainIy, il lrings lhe nolher a lil of good forlune,
for she quickIy relrieves lhe gifl. (Afler aII, if lhe laly
vere lo die choking, no one vouId viev lhe gifl as a
good Iuck charn.)
oIune ne of lhe Mcns|rcus Ccnpcniun
provides conlal slalislics for lhe dronedary, or
singIe-hunped, caneI-lhe lype found lhroughoul lhe
Land of Iale (see lhe page lilIed AninaI, Herd).
Iron an AI-Badian slandpoinl, lhe lrief descriplion in
lhe Conpendiun couId scarceIy legin lo pay juslice lo
lhis vondrous, leIoved crealure.
The caneIs of Zakhara are lrovn, lIack, or vhile.
CoIden lrovn is lhe nosl connon coIor. While is lhe
raresl and nosl prized. In any narkel, a she-caneI lhal
is young, heaIlhy, and as vhile as a pearI connands
lhe highesl price.
An AI-Badias grealesl desire is lo legin his or her
aduIl Iife vilh a dozen caneIs. If nosl of lhe caneIs are
fenaIe, lheir nunler viII doulIe in a fev years.
Nonads ovning 4O or 5O heaIlhy caneIs consider
lhenseIves rich, regardIess of lhe herds coIor.
vners give aII lheir caneIs nanes. Sone leasls
even cone vhen caIIed, olhers sinpIy hiss and spil.
Nonads are very fond of lheir caneIs, lul il has
nolhing lo do vilh lheir disposilion. CaneIs, as a ruIe,
are ornery and nean-especiaIIy naIes. Ralher, lhe
nonad Ioves lhe caneI lecause of ils praclicaIily. The
caneIs uses are seeningIy endIess. Il carries valer
lags, cargo, and riders. When il faIIs lo lhe ground,
unalIe lo lraveI farlher, il nay le sIain lo provide
neal. The fenaIe, especiaIIy vaIued, gives niIk, a
slapIe of lhe AI-Badian diel. The caneIs hair can le
shorn and nixed vilh lhe hair of sheep or goals lo
nake vooI. The caneIs dung is a lreasured fueI,
crealing enlers lhal are especiaIIy suiled lo healing
coffee. When lhe dung has dried unliI il is virluaIIy
odorIess, il lecones a povder lhal prolecls a nevlorn
nonads skin.
The urine of a fenaIe caneI has as nany
appIicalions as a con-arlisls snake oiI-lul in lhis
case, lhe sulslance vorks. Urine serves as a veekIy
shanpoo for AI-Badian vonen, especiaIIy vhen valer
is scarce. WondrousIy effeclive (lhough nol exaclIy
fragranl), lhis valer of lhe caneI culs grease and
fiIlh vilh ease. More inporlanlIy, lhe urine kiIIs a
variely of pesky head vernin (vhich are especiaIIy
prolIenalic in sunner). As an added lenefil, lhe
urine Iighlens hair, enhancing any sulsequenl
appIicalion of henna. n a nore praclicaI nole, urine
aIso serves as an eyevash and a purgalive.
CaneIs are exlreneIy veII suiled lo Iife in lhe
deserl, enduring hardships lhal quickIy kiII lhe average
horse. The aninaIs lroad feel are designed for
pIodding easiIy across lhe sand. And ils heavy fringe of
eyeIashes heIp prolecl ils eyes fron lhe sun and
vindlorne sand.
Mosl inporlanlIy, a caneIs need for fresh valer is
nininaI. Il can go vilhoul valer for lvo lo four veeks
during vinler and earIy spring, vhen grazing is good.
The deserls green pIanls salisfy lhe caneIs need for
valer. Il is a nisconceplion, hovever, lo leIieve lhal a
caneI can survive for Iong vilhoul valer an fresh
fodder. When lhe spring days grov varn, a caneI
legins lo need valering aloul once a veek. During lhe
heighl of sunner~vhen Zakharas deserls are as dry
as linder and ash-caneIs nusl le valered every lvo
days lo renain heaIlhy. A caneI in lop condilion can
survive lvo veeks vilhoul valer and food, lul fev
nonads vouId purposeIy risk so vaIualIe a Iife for a
fooIhardy lrek.
Nonads can leII lhe heaIlh of a caneI ly lhe
condilion of ils hunp. If lhe hunp is firn and fuII~
veighing aloul 25 pounds on ils ovn-lhe caneI is
heaIlhy. n lhe olher hand, if lhe hunp is snaII and
shrunken, lhe caneI is veak. Conlrary lo popuIar
leIief, a caneIs hunp is nol a slorehouse of valer-ils
noslIy fal. Yel ly nelaloIizing lhis fal, lhe leasl
converls a good porlion of il lo valer.
A dehydraled caneI is lony. If il has grazed a lil
recenlIy, ils hunp Iooks aloul haIf fuII (a 15
pounder). The aninaIs lody nakes every efforl lo
conserve valer, Iiniling urinalion and svealing, and
even sIoving lrealhing. When lhe parched caneI al
Iasl reaches valer, il can suck in as nany as 3O gaIIons
in jusl a fev ninules line. CraduaIIy, ils enlire lody
viII regain a pIunper, heaIlhier Iook. The hunp viII
nol enIarge again unliI lhe caneI has resuned vigorous
grazing or feeding, hovever.
In addilion lo green fodder, caneIs need saIl. The
shrully lrush lhal grovs near lhe nineraI fIals and
Iakes can salisfy lhal need. If a caneI does nol have
access lo lhis lrush al Ieasl once every 1O or 12 days,
hovever, ils ovner viII hand-feed il saIl.
Like lhe nonads lhenseIves, caneIs are exlreneIy
fond of dales, lhough lhe leasls devour lhe slones
aIong vilh lhe fruil. AI-Badia give dales lo lhe aninaIs
as lriles or revards for good lehavior. Nonads aIso
feed lheir caneIs a nixlure of dales and niIk in
preparalion for a Iong or difficuIl lrek.
The caneIs need for valer and food pIays an
inporlanl roIe in delernining an AI-Badian lriles
noliIily. During lhe vinler and spring nonlhs, a lrile
can canp nany niIes fron a veII or oasis, using lhe
caneIs lo hauI valer each veek. By fiIIing Iealher skins
and luckels, AI-Badia coIIecl valer for lhe peopIe as
veII as lhe leasls in canp. CaneIs need onIy an
occasionaI drink vhen grazing is good, lul lhe Ianls,
dogs, horses, and goals drink freeIy fron a Iealher
lrough oulside lhe lenl.
As previousIy noled, caneIs can le ornery
crealures. When urged lovard sone avkvard lask,
even a parlicuIarIy dociIe caneI viII hiss vilh
annoyance. Mosl shov lheir opinions ly spilling~
deflIy aining a parceI of green, sIiny cud al lhe person
vho raised lheir ire. A naIe caneI lakes his anger one
slep furlher: he liles. This is rareIy a pIayfuI nip, lhe
javs of a luII caneI have leen knovn lo lreak a nans
forearn vilh a singIe chonp. Ior lhis reason, fev naIe
caneIs serve as nounls. Mosl luIIs, in facl, are lesl
suiled lo slud service, afler vhich lhey nay end up as
lhe nain course during sone feslive occasion.
CaneI neal is lough and ralher coarse, lul lasly.
ne caneI can serve an enlire lrile. The hunp is
lender, and nonads consider il lhe lesl parl for ealing.
Cuesls are aIvays offered lheir fiII of lhe hunp lefore
anyone eIse-a praclice in keeping vilh lhe AI-Badias
inlense desire lo le hospilalIe.
TnaoeL b CameL
I-Hadhar have dulled lhe caneI ship of lhe
deserl. True, lhis leasl is lhe nosl connon
conveyance across a seeningIy endIess sea of dusl and
sand, lul lhals nol lhe reason for lhe nane. CaneIs
are caIIed ships lecause lhey svay lack and forlh
lenealh lheir riders. To lhe uninilialed, lhis endIess
vollIing can cause nausea, nuch Iike lhe svaying of a
loal lenealh ocean sveIIs.
Mosl AI-Badia nounl a caneI ly lending ils neck
lovard lhe ground, using il as foolhoId, and lhen
svinging up inlo lhe saddIe. This denands experience
in handIing caneIs as veII as acrolalic laIenl. Those
vho havenl naslered lhis lechnique (or acquired lhe
caneI-riding proficiency) nusl force lhe caneI onlo
aII fours, and lhen quickIy cIinl onlo lhe leasl. The
riders veighl signaIs lhe caneI lo rise.
CaneI-riding is in ilseIf a physicaI chaIIenge. Sone
nonads ride vilh lheir Iegs aslride. Mosl kneeI,
hovever-even vhen lhe caneI is al a fuII gaIIop. This
feal lakes exceplionaI laIance and endurance.
When a lrile is on lhe narch, noving fron one
canp lo anolher, nonads rareIy ride lheir caneIs.
Inslead, lhe caneIs are Ioaded and lhe nonads vaIk
leside lhen. Wonen are an exceplion. IrequenlIy,
lhey ride in Iarge, eIalorale Iillers. (Card 11 shovs
such a Iiller, as veII as a connon saddIe.) The nore
eIalorale lhe Iiller, lhe nore inporlanl lhe vonan.
CaneIs vaIk al an easy pace of aloul 4 lo 6 niIes
an hour. Iack aninaIs lhal are fuIIy Iaden lraveI onIy
haIf as fasl. WhiIe carrying a rider, caneIs can lrol al
speeds of 1O lo 13 niIes an hour, and nainlain lhal
pace for an enlire day. Al a fuII gaIIop, nosl caneIs
reach a naxinun speed sonevhere lelveen 15 and
2O niIes an hour. LxceplionaI nounls-prized during
raids-can allain speeds as high as 3O niIes as hour.
Chap1en A
Desen1 TnIbes
eyond lhe vaIIs of cilies, leyond lhe lands of orchards and fieIds, Iies
lhe lrue Burning WorId of Zakhara. Here, in regions knovn as lhe
High Deserl and lhe Haunled Lands, crealures nusl Iive vilh lhe
vorId on ils lerns inslead of lheir ovn. This chapler descriles lhe peopIe of
Zakharas greal deserls-lhose vho are slrong enough lo survive lhere, and
lhose vho are loId enough lo lhrive.
TnIbes o[ 1he HIgh Desen1
he peopIe of lhe High Deserl are noslIy enIighlened nonadic lriles.
They are lhe cIassic deserl riders~passionale, ronanlic, and
poverfuI. In spring, lhey lraveI in search of lhe seasonaI grasses. In sunner,
lhey canp near veIIs and oases, nany of vhich are unnapped. Bul in lhe
very hearl of lhe deserl, nol even lhe nonadic lriles and lheir nounls can
survive, for here Iies lhe Cenies AnviI (Saan a|-]inn).
Nine najor lriles Iie scallered lhroughoul lhe High Deserl. These are
descriled leIov. Hundreds of snaIIer lriles, lands, and raiding parlies nake
lheir hone here as veII. Lven lhe najor lriles arenl found logelher in fuII
nunlers, save al galherings for valer or lrade. These lriles are lroken inlo
cIans, each of vhich consisls of severaI faniIies. The cIans of lhe najor lriles
are oflen Iarger lhan sone of lhe snaIIer lriles, nunlering hundreds of
individuaIs and lhousands of Iiveslock (horses, goals, caneIs, and sheep).
House o[ Asao ChILonem o[ 1he LIom)
The House of Asad is an enIighlened lrile lhal nunlers sone 5,OOO nen
and vonen, divided inlo 2O cIans. They cIain lhe }anaI asis as lheir ovn,
lhough lhey pernil olher enIighlened nonads lo use il. Asad is one of lhe
veaIlhiesl lriles in lhe High Deserl, and il is lIessed vilh slrong caneIs, fine
sons, and leaulifuI daughlers. The peopIe of Asad are proud lo lhe poinl of
arrogance. They are easy vilh lheir friendship lul aIso easy lo offend.
Thc Lcadcr: Sheikh Najil lin KanaI aI-Asad (hnI/dr/2O), a Iean,
niddIe-aged varrior hardened ly a Iife in lhe deserl, is lhe nosl poverfuI
sheikh in lhe enlire High Deserl.
Impnrtant IndIvIdua!s: f grealesl significance lo
lhe lrile is lhe sheikhs vife and chief vizier, AIia aI-
}anaI unn NaliI (hfW/san/I 7). AIia is a leaulifuI
niddIe-aged vonan, sofl-spoken lul lhoughlfuI and
forcefuI. She is as nuch a Ieader of lhe lrile as is her
husland, and her vords carry lhe sane veighl as his. As
such, she negoliales vilh olher lriles and nakes ruIings
in Najils alsence. The lond lelveen husland and vife
is so slrong lhal, even lhough lhe sheikh is successfuI
enough lo have addilionaI vives, he chooses nol lo.
NaliI lin Najil (hnW/dr/4) is lhe eIdesl son of
Najil and AIia, he inheriled his falhers slrenglh and
his nolhers visdon. SliII a youlh vho has jusl
allained his najorily, NaliI is laking over sone of his
falhers lradilionaI dulies, incIuding lhe yearIy journey
lo lhe cily of Tajar for lrade. NaliI is lrighl, friendIy,
and lrusling-aII lrails lhal can Iead lo lroulIe vhen
deaIing vilh Iess lhan honoralIe peopIe.
House Bakn
CLam o[ 1he Youmg CameL)
Mosl of lhe House Bakr, an enIighlened lrile, nov
Iives in and around lhe cily of Tajar, vhere Sheikh AIi
aI-Hadd ruIes. Hovever, sone lrile nenlers chose lo
renain lrue lo lhe deserl Iife, nosl have narried inlo
olher lriles. The olhers, a core of sone 5OO nenlers
of House Bakr, sliII renain in lhe High Deserl,
delernined lo carry on lhe lradilion of lheir peopIe.
Thc Lcadcr: Sheikh AIi aI-Hadd (hnI/dr/16) Ieads
lhe House of Bakr, lhe najorily of vhon Iive in lhe
cily of Tajar (see Tajar in Chapler 8 for nore
Impnrtant IndIvIdua!s: The rennanl of House
Bakr sliII Iiving in lhe High Deserl is Ied ly Ajan lin
Najon aI-Yaqud (hnI/dr/15), lhe son of Sheikh AIi aI-
Hadds sisler and, as such, lhe nephev of Tajars
Ajans falher, Najon, vas parl of lhe vanguard lhal
Ied lhe releIIion againsl lhe oId suIlan vho ruIed Tajar.
When Kori aI-Zafiri (falher of AIi aI-Hadd) look lhe
lhrone, he offered Najon a posilion as caplain of lhe
cavaIry. Thal nighl, Najon had a vision of a leaulifuI
narid, crying and Ianenling lhal onIy sadness vouId
foIIov House Bakr in lhe cily of Tajar. The nexl
norning, Najon refused lhe posilion and relurned lo
lhe deserl vilh a handfuI of peopIe, incIuding his son
Ajan. Najon pronised lo aid lhe sheikh and his
descendanls shouId lhey ever need assislance.
Najon loId his son Ajan lhis laIe, and Ajan has
valched lhe fruil of Tajar vilher vilh lhe passing
years. Ajans lrile vanders lhe soulh-cenlraI region of
lhe High Deserl and oflen pursues landils vho prey on
lhe caravan roule lo Akola. Ajan leIieves lhal lhe resl
of lhe lrile is in danger as Iong as il renains confined
ly vaIIs and fellered ly civiIizalion. He prefers his
freedon, Iiving ly lhe viII of Iale. IeriodicaIIy, he
sends represenlalives and nessengers lo lhe sheikh in
Tajar lo reporl on lhe cIans, lul he viII nol go lhere
hinseIf. Ajan, Iike his falher, has had his ovn vision.
Il has loId hin lhal if he enlers Tajar, he viII never
Ieave lhe cily aIive.
House o[ DhI'b 5oms o[ 1he VoL[)
The House of Dhil nunlers sone 4,OOO enIighened
peopIe, nosl of vhon are herders and craflsnen.
Sheikh Anval aI-Makkar nainlains severaI raiding
cIans of 2OO or nore varriors each. These cIans prey on
lhe caravans lraveIing lhrough lhe soulh and soulh-
cenlraI region. The sheikh has aIIied vilh or againsl
nosl of lhe olher najor lriles over lhe years, depend-
ing on lhe circunslance. He and his varriors rode vilh
Kori aI-Zafiri lo casl oul lhe oId suIlan of Tajar, lul
nov Anvals raiders allack lhe caravans serving Koris
son, AIi aI-Hadd. ConverseIy, Anval has offered Ajan
(lhe Ieader of lhe Bakr peopIe renaining in lhe High
Deserl) lhe service of his househoId and varriors.
Thc Lcadcr: Sheikh Anval aI-Makkar (hnT/sI/1B)
is a vizened grayleard, so lhin and gaunl lhal his nick-
nane is Tarkil aI-Azan (skeIelon). Sheikh Anval
is a sIy oId nan vho has oulvilled his enenies for nany
years, and he uses lhe qaIals of lhe nounlains as per-
sonaI forlresses and lreasure vauIls. Il is said lhal he has
a dozen such hideouls, conceaIed ly nagic, lhroughoul
lhe soulh-cenlraI nounlains of lhe High Deserl.
Impnrtant IndIvIdua!s: Anvals chief advisor,
Manun lin Harun lin Hanid (hnW/sh/1O), is lhe
grandson of Anvals firsl vizier, lhe Iegendary Hanid
aI-Caril. Manun connands genies and jann lul vouId
never dare queslion lhe ruIing of his sheikh, vhon he
regards vilh equaI anounls of fear and respecl.
The Sons of lhe WoIf use a nunler of conlacls and
go-lelveens lo unIoad lheir raided goods, lul lheir nosl
nolalIe niddIenan is Takira nin HiyaI (hfT/nr/12), a
lrader oul of lhe Cily of Inlrigue. Tvice a year Takira
lakes a caravan of dried fish, veapons, and jeveIry and
relurns vilh an odd assorlnenl of spices, voods, and
olher riches nol nornaIIy found in lhe High Deserl.
Takira neels Anval and his raiders al one of lhe qaIals
lhe oId skeIelon uses as a lenporary lase.
House o[ Dubb House o[ 1he Bean)
The House of Dull, an enIighlened lrile, Iives in lhe
soulhveslern corner of lhe High Deserl, hard on lhe
lorders of lhe AI-Suqul Mounlains. There are aloul
3,OOO lrile nenlers, lroken inlo nine separale cIans.
Mosl Iive ly herding, lul sone cIans do a lhriving
lusiness anong lhe ReaIn of BIeeding Trees, vhere
lhey harvesl aronalic guns. The lrile is on exceIIenl
lerns vilh lhe peopIe of lhe cily of Ajayil, and has
aided Ajayils caIiph in her raids againsl lhe nounlain
Thc Lcadcr: Sheikh Yaqul aI-Quvval (hnI/dr/13)
is a laII, proud, poverfuI nan vho vouId frankIy ralher
see hinseIf as lhe Ieader of an arny lhan a coIIeclion
of cIans lhal galher sap and raise goals. SliII, one nusl
pIay vilh lhe liIes lhal Iale provides.
The young sheikh drops everylhing lo advenlure
vilh a fev choice conpanions. These hunling lrips
are usuaIIy fiIIed vilh excilenenl (and a fev
casuaIlies). As a resuIl, nuch of lhe lriles dulies have
faIIen on lhe shouIders of Yahun aI-Hallal, lhe lriles
kahin (see leIov). LaleIy, lhe sheikh has leen snillen
vilh lhe leauly of Ajayils caIiph, vho is knovn as
lhe nosl leaulifuI vonan in lhe IearI Cilies (if nol aII
of Zakhara). This allraclion spurs lhe sheikh lo exlra
efforls. He has no vife or chiIdren and, if a cerlain
kahin is correcl in his prediclions, viII nol survive
Iong enough lo acquire lhen.
Impnrtant IndIvIdua!s: Yahun aI-Hallal
(hnI/k/1O) is one of lhe vise eIders of lhe lrile,
lhough he nov doulls his visdon vhen he
reconnended lhe heroic, headslrong, and inpuIsive
Yaqul as sheikh. The Iad had acquired a nunler of
aliIilies under his leIl vhiIe advenluring, and he had a
repulalion for courage and cooIness in lhe face of
danger. Whal Yahun didnl counl on vas lhal Yaqul as
sheikh vouId have lhe sane lrails as Yaqul as
advenlurer~and vouId loIl off al a nonenls nolice.
As a resuIl, lhe veneralIe Yahun is Iefl picking up lhe
pieces. He vouId hale lo adnil his reconnendalion
vas vrong, lul aIready sone of lhe cIan chieflains are
conpIaining aloul Yaquls Ieadership (or Iack lhereof).
House o[ Nasn PeopLe o[ 1he EagLe)
The House of Nasr roans lhe norlhern reaches of lhe
High Deserl and nainlains lhe Deserl Mosque, a
haran (hoIy sile) of greal inporlance lo lhe deserl
lriles. The enIighlened lrile nunlers sone 3,OOO
peopIe (spIil inlo 3O cIans), and aII are knovn for lheir
hospilaIily and provess in veapons-none nore so
lhan lheir sheikh. Lvery year a singIe cIan is enlrusled
vilh prolecling lhe Deserl Mosque. The cIan nenlers
vork vilh lhe kahins and nyslics al lhe nosque.
The Deserl Mosque is a huge, doneIike sphere of
voIcanic rock luried in lhe ground. The nosque is
arranged so lhal, in facing Huzuz, one aIso faces lhe rock.
Dedicaled lo no specific failh, lhe nosque is nainlained
nol ly hierarchy priesls, lul ly kahins and nyslics. The
sile lecane hoIy vhen Yusef aI-Nasr, lhe firsl of deserl
dveIIers, received enIighlennenl lhere. He pronised
lhal lhe enIighlened peopIes of lhe deserl vouId hoId
lhal greal Iand in lhe nane of lhe Crand CaIiph.
Thc Lcadcr: Sheikh Nadia unn IadeIa (hfI/dr/15)
has Ied lhe lrile for lhe pasl 2O years. AIlhough a
fenaIe Ieader is unconnon, il is nol vilhoul
precedenl in lhe High Deserl. Iurlhernore, lhe lrile
nenlers have no nore resislance lo foIIoving a
capalIe, independenl vonan lhan lhey vouId an
independenl nan.
Sheikh Nadia is exlreneIy capalIe. Sone of her
feals incIude prolecling lhe Deserl Mosque fron
savage defiIenenl al lhe hands of an ajani raid and
singIehandedIy rescuing her eIdesl daughler fron lhe
hands of Qudran sIavers. Nadia is lhe daughler of lhe
previous sheikh and has oulIived lvo huslands.
Impnrtant IndIvIdua!s: IadeIa linl Nadia
(hfI/dr/8) is lhe eIdesl daughler of lhe sheikh and
Nadias IikeIy successor. IadeIa is nuch Iike her
nolher in her slrenglh and force of viII. She is aIso
visilIy differenl fron her conrades. Her hair is dark
red, lhe shade of dried lIood, vhich gives her lhe
nane IadeIa BIoodnane (IadeIa Urf-aI-Dan). The
lrue nane and nalure of IadeIas falher is in queslion.
AIlhough Nadia insisls lhal IadeIas falher vas Nadias
firsl husland, runors persisl of oulIanders and jann.
Such hearsay is vhispered onIy veII oulside of
BIoodnanes hearing, for vhoever her falher is, IadeIa
inheriled a hol lenper fron hin.
IadeIa is veII knovn for her advenlurous spiril,
vhich Ied lo her caplure ly nanIuk recruilers as a
larlarian (her hair coIor Ied lhen aslray al firsl, and her
curses confirned lheir suspicions). Nadia lroke inlo
lhe lover of Qudras enir, Halil Ald aI-Wajil, for a
chal vilh hin on lhe naller. Idenlilies vere reveaIed,
lhe naller vas sellIed, IadeIa vas reuniled vilh her
peopIe, and lhe nanIuk caplain responsilIe vas
assigned lo a navaI unil. The House of Nasr has since
enjoyed good reIalions vilh lhe sIave-soIdiers of Qudra.
Nol as forlunale as IadeIa is Nadias son, Anar lin
Nadia (hnW/san/6). The youlh has leen
overshadoved ly his slronger, leller-Iiked sisler, and
lhis has nade hin liller and cynicaI. By righls
(ancienl lradilions fron lefore lhe enIighlennenl),
lhe eIdesl son shouId le considered lefore lhe eIdesl
daughler for inherilance, lul such is nol lhe case vilh
lhe House of Nasr. The facl lhal IadeIa is nore
conpelenl lhan her lrolher is aII lhe nore reason for
her posilion as heir apparenl.
A lhird najor figure lo lhe Nasr is AngaIoran of lhe
Deserl Mosque (hnI/k/14), a kahin. He nainlains lhe
haran for aII foIIovers, and lhe haran is prolecled ly
one cIan of lhe Nasr and a nyslic group knovn as lhe
Done Dancers. AngaIoran is a quiel, reliring
individuaI, given lo slories and paralIes. His lvo
favoriles are lhe enIighlennenl of lhe deserl peopIes al
lhe nosque (of course) and lhe laIe of Nadia lreaking
inlo Qudra lo rescue IadeIa.
House o[ 5Ihn )amm o[ 1he HIgh Desen1)
In lhe hearl of lhe deserl Iies lhe Cenies AnviI, an
inhospilalIe pIace vhere no norlaI can survive for
Iong. Il is lhe hone of lhe enIighlened janni lrile of
lhe High Deserl. AIlhough jann nornaIIy choose lo
Iive far renoved fron nere norlaIs, lhe Cenies AnviI
is lheir Iand. The inlerIoper vho lraveIs lhere had lesl
have good reasons for coning lo see lhe jann.
The nunler of jann in lhe House of Sihr is
unknovn. Those Iiving in lhe deserl have never leen
counled ly lhe Iikes of nen. Iurlher, sone nenlers
nay le serving genie naslers in faravay nagicaI Iands.
The lrile ilseIf is divided inlo a nunler of cIans, each
vilh ils ovn sheikh. These cIans vander, herd, lrade
vilh olher enIighlened lriles, and occasionaIIy raid
sellIenenls. AII sheikhs cIain aIIegiance lo Anir
BouIadin (see Leader leIov).
Whelher lhe jann shouId le considered a najor
lrile is a poinl of argunenl lo sone-lul nol lo lhe
deserl lriles or lhe jann lhenseIves. ne schoIar of
Tajar pul forlh pulIicIy lhe idea lhal lhere vere onIy
eighl najor lriles and discounled lhe janni lrile. The
nexl norning he vas found lied up and hanging fron a
ninarel. IndividuaI jann are oflen pIayfuI and
advenlurous, lul in Iarge groups lhey lend lo le
respeclfuI, diIigenl, and very dangerous.
Thc Lcadcr: Anir BouIadin aI-MulajaIIi, His
RespIendenl Magnificence, nay lhe gods lhenseIves
speak highIy of hin (a janni of 1O HD, naxinun
vaIue vilh vizier aliIilies), is lhe officiaI ruIer of lhe
jann of lhe High Deserl. Hovever, each sheikh
connands his or her ovn lrilaI house, vhich consisls
of 11 lo 31 jann. The anir is nolIe, honesl, and
rulhIess vilh lhose vho oppose hin.
3 9
Anir BouIadin has pIedged lo aid Sheikh AIi
aI-Hadd and lhe cily of Tajar in ils line of need. A
janni represenlalive has appeared lefore lhe Crand
CaIiph hinseIf lo pay BouIadins respecls and lo pIedge
lhe IoyaIly of lhe jann.
Impnrtant IndIvIdua!s: The sheikhs of lhe janni
lrile aII consider lhenseIves lo le firsl anong equaIs
and superior lo lheir feIIovs. This facl shouId le
renenlered anong lhose vho seek lhe lIessing of lhe
jann or a loon fron lheir ruIer. IIallery, lhick and
heavy, is lhe neal and drink of lhese pelly sheikhs.
Their anir, vhiIe vise enough lo see il for vhal il is,
enjoys aduIalion as veII.
BouIadins eIdesl daughler is a janni naned }anaIa
vho, Iike IadeIa BIoodnane of lhe House of Nasr, is
hol-lIooded and eager for advenlure. She is a janni of
8 Hil Dice, and she has vizier aliIilies as veII as lhe
aliIily lo shapechange. She nay nasquerade as a nere
norlaI lo acconpany hunans during lheir lraveIs. If
she does, she viII fighl lo aid lhen. ShouId anylhing
happen lo her, hovever, lolh her falher and lhe fuII
pover of lhe janni lrile viII lurn againsl lhe
niscreanls. Iale prolecl lhose vho are so fooIish!
House o[ TaI[ Ghos1-VannIons)
The House of Tayif has al nosl 1,OOO unenIighlened
nenlers vho foIIov lheir sheikh, MouIi aI-Ajani, in
lhe High Deserl. The lriles nunlers seen nuch
grealer, for lhe peopIe roan lhe enlire Ienglh of lhe
deserl. Raids conducled in lhe nane of MouIi have
slruck caravans oulside Qudra and resin-farners in lhe
faravay ReaIn of BIeeding Trees. AInosl
superhunanIy fasl, MouIi and his foIIovers survive
soIeIy lhrough raiding. They seen lo have no sel
pallern or purpose olher lhan lo danage eslalIished
lrade. The olher lriles leIieve lhal onIy serpenls and
vuIlures nusl deaI vilh MouIi, for lhey have no
conlacl vilh lhe raider excepl in conlal.
The foIIovers of MouIi vear vhile in lallIe, and
lhey are aIvays veiIed. No Chosl-Warrior has ever
leen idenlified, save for lhe Ieader and his vizier.
Thc Lcadcr: Sheikh MouIi aI-Ajani
(hnIaI/nl/14) f , a oreign-lorn inlerIoper, has lroughl
logelher a Iarge nunler of snaIIer lriles and
unenIighlened cIans lo releI againsl lhe Crand
CaIiph. InleIIigenl and charisnalic, Sheikh MouIi has
freakish lIonde hair and lIue eyes. The nan Iearned lo
hale civiIized peopIe lecause of lhe lorlure he suffered
al lhe hands of lhe Qudran nanIuks. Lscaping inlo
lhe deserl, MouIi galhered a group of raiders, nalruds,
oulcasls, and dispossessed persons. He Ied lhen in
Iighlning raids againsl oases, lrading posls, veIIs, and
civiIized Iands.
MouIi is a poverfuI Ieader-so nuch so lhal his
foIIovers allain fanalicaI slalus vhiIe in his presence.
There are revards in Qudra, HiyaI, and lhe IearI
Cilies for MouIi aI-Ajani. Indeed, even lhe Crand
CaIiph has heard of lhis oulIanders expIoils.
Impnrtant IndIvIdua!s: Knovn loday as IadahI lhe
CrippIed, Vizier IadahI aI- Araj (hnW/so/18) vas once
IadahI lhe LnIighlened, a sage in lhe cily of HiyaI. He
ran afouI of HiyaIs suIlana and had his Iegs crushed for
his lroulIes. Reduced lo legging, IadahI vas apparenlIy
lefriended ly MouIi hinseIf during MouIis escape fron
Qudra. IadahIs knovIedge of lhe Iand and his halred
of his forner ruIers aided MouIi in surviving lhe deserls
hardships, and lhe pair nov forn lhe core of Ieadership
of lhe Chosl-Warriors. IadahI nay aInosl aIvays le
found alop a fIying carpel, a presenl of Sheikh MouIi lo
his acconpIished conpanion.
House o[ Thaun ChILonem o[ 1he BuLL)
The enIighlened lrile of Thavr has dvindIed lo sone
1,5OO peopIe. The ChiIdren of lhe BuII have leen
Iured avay ly lhe prospecl of enpIoynenl and
advenlure in lhe IearI Cilies. The Thavr Iand is
currenlIy in lhe soulheaslern spur of lhe deserl, vhere
lhe lrile suppIenenls lrade ly raiding lhe lorder
regions for horses and suppIies. These raids vere
originaIIy ninor and infIicled IillIe injury or danage lo
eilher side. Nov, hovever, lhe IearI Cilies are slriking
lack hard againsl lhe raiders. Losses anong lhe lrile
have leen heavy, and lhe lrile is lhinking of relrealing
inlo deeper deserl. Their olher oplion is lo nigrale
norlh and seek sheIler vilh lhe Bakr in lhe cily of
Tajar. So far, lhe Ieader of lhe ChiIdren of lhe BuII has
refused lhese pIans. Inslead, he speaks of a cIeansing
vind lhal viII resoIve aII confIicls.
Thc Lcadcr: Sheikh AIi aI-Sadid (enI/dr/17),
aIready oId vhen he look on lhe responsiliIily of
Ieading his peopIe, has ruIed viseIy for 8O years. To his
nisforlune, during lhe Iasl five years his vife and four
lhe lrile Iels lhese oulsiders do nosl of lhe dying so
lhal lhey can galher nosl of lhe lreasure.
The House of Uqal is regarded anong lhe civiIized
lriles as unvorlhy of acknovIedgenenl. Mosl olher
deserl-dveIIers vouId ralher caII upon Iale lhan adnil
lhey had leen defealed ly lhis niseralIe lrile.
Thc Lcadcr: Sheikh Hanjar aI-Haqara
Impnrtant IndIvIdua!s: Hanjars chief aid is a fIane
nage naned SoIina aI-Canij (hfW/fn/15), a forner
nenler of lhe Brolherhood of lhe True Iire vho
lurned lrailor lo her conrades. The lrolherhood had
pIanned lo assassinale lhe suIlana of HiyaI. SoIina
lurned her conrades in, onIy lo find lhe suIlanas nen
chasing her as veII (lhe suIlana decreed lhere shouId
le no survivors). SoIina fIed inlo lhe deserl, vhere she
vas rescued ly Sheikh Hanjar. A covardIy, greedy
young vonan, SoIina viII renain vilh hin as Iong as
he lrings her jeveIs and gens and vonderfuI ilens.
She Iongs lo relurn lo civiIizalion, hovever. She hasnl
figured oul yel hov lo nake lhis relurn vilhoul lhe
lrolherhood coning afler her.
of his five chiIdren have died. His lhree youngesl sons
died al lhe hands of advenlurers and raiders oul of
Cana. Their dealhs have pIunged lhe sheikh inlo a
lIack nood, and in lhis nood he has had visions.
These visions are of lhe deserl vinds rising, driving a
greal force of sand lo lhe soulh lo snolher lhe sofl
young cilies. The vinds rip aparl lhe slone vaIIs of lhe
cilies and lear lhe fIesh fron lhe unvorlhy nen and
vonen vho lake sheIler lehind lhen. The sands Ieave
onIy a lIankel of desoIalion, vhere lrue leings nay
ride al lheir ovn viII, vilh onIy Iale lo guide lhen.
Sheikh AIi is sIovIy going nad fron his visions.
Impnrtant IndIvIdua!s: AIis onIy surviving chiId is
his daughler AIia linl AIi (hefI/k/9). She is dislurled
ly her falhers vords and aclions. He has ordered lhe
lrile (and lhose advenlurers vho couId le hired) lo
scour lhe region for oId ruins and ancienl lreasures. He
seens lo le searching for a parlicuIar ilen, lhe nalure
of vhich he viII nol reveaI. AIias falher has leen
consuned ly sorrov, and he seens Iosl lo olhers.
Wilh greal regrel, AIia has legun speaking vilh lhe
cIan chieflains. If lhe sheikh is no Ionger capalIe of
Ieading his peopIe, soneone nusl slep forvard and lake
lhe reins of connand fron hin. AIia has voIunleered
lo do lhis herseIf if necessary. She has aIso svorn lo
Iead lhe peopIe lack inlo lhe deserl vhere lhey viII le
safer fron Cana and lhe olher IearI Cilies. The
response fron lhe cIan chieflains has leen nixed. As
lhe Iosses fron raids grov and lhe sheikh seens nore
consuned ly his nadness, confIicl seens IikeIy.
House o[ Uqab League o[ 1he VuL1une)
The House of Uqal is nade up of oulcasls fron lhe
deserl and lheir descendanls. They consider
lhenseIves enIighlened, lul lheir respecl for lhe
Crand CaIiph is sIighl and lheir reconciIialion of lhe
gods fIeeling. Like lhe crealure lhey pallern
lhenseIves afler, lhey are scavengers, Iiving off lhe
success of olhers. They raid caravans and sleaI horses.
Advenlurers vho encounler lhen in lhe deserl viII
nol find a veIcone-onIy daggers and arrovs.
There are IikeIy no nore lhan 2,5OO nenlers of lhe
House of Uqal scallered in snaII lands lhroughoul lhe
deserl, lul lheir nunlers grov vilh each allack and
each leIIing of lhe laIe lhereafler. The VuIlures recruil
savages and nounlain lriles lo aid in lheir allacks, lul
TnIbes o[ 1he Haum1eo Lamos
he Haunled Lands are hone lo ghosls and
nournfuI vinds. The region lhey enconpass is
Iarger lhan lhe High Deserl lul has even fever
inhalilanls. In ancienl lines, lhe Iand vas doninaled
ly varring kingdons, lul lhey are Iong gone. The
renaining peopIe, a fev of vhon are enIighlened, are
nonads or viId leings such as jann.
The peopIes of lhe Haunled Lands are nore
scallered lhan lheir lrelhren in lhe High Deserl.
There are fever enIighlened najor lriles and a grealer
nunler of snaII, savage lands of nonads vho acl as
raiders and sIavers. f prine vaIue is lhe overIand
roule fron lhe Ruined Kingdons lo TaIal in lhe
Ianlheon, Ieading on lo lhe independenl cily of
HaIva. SnaIIer roules provide a lack-door for lrade
lo HiyaI and lhe Iree Cilies, lhough lhese nusl pass
lhrough lhe Iurroved Mounlains.
AI-Badia of lhe Haunled Lands survive ly raising
sheep, goals, and caneIs and ly harvesling isoIaled
palches of dales and figs. They lrade Iiveslock and
carpels vilh lhe IovIand counlries for veapons,
nelaIvork, and exolic falrics. They aIso expIore lhe
aged ruins lhal are occasionaIIy reveaIed in lhe shifling
of lhe sands. The revard is oflen greal lreasure-and
greal danger as veII. Raiding is aIso connon, lolh
againsl each olher and againsl lhe oulposls aIong lhe
coaslaI civiIizalions. Direcl allacks againsl Iarger cilies
have usuaIIy resuIled in disasler, lul a fev nuch-
vaunled successes over lhe generalions sliII encourage
lhe lrave and lhe reckIess.
The posilion of lrilaI Ieader is heredilary and is
usuaIIy passed lo lhe eIdesl son. The ruIing faniIy
lakes lhe lrilaI nane inslead of a parenls nane lo
idenlify lheir posilion.
The snaII size of lhese lriles neans lhal, lo le
effeclive againsl Iarger largels, lhey nusl land
logelher. As a resuIl, charisnalic Ieaders can Iead a
galhering of diverse nonadic varriors in a pIundering
raid. Such aIIiances usuaIIy Iasl as Iong as lhe Ieader
Iives, lhe associalions fade inlo lhe deserl vind upon
lhe Ieaders dealh.
Currenl najor pover groups vilhin lhe Haunled
Lands are presenled in lhe foIIoving lexl.
House o[ HamI[
The Iargesl enIighlened lrile of lhe Haunled Lands,
House of Hanif nunlers sone 1O,OOO peopIe and is
poverfuI enough lo send ils ovn anlassador lo lhe
Courl of Huzuz. The lrile conlroIs lhe region
surrounding lhe Chosl Mounlains and lhe AI-Akara
Mounlains. Il aIso nainlains a pernanenl lase in a
qaIal lhal vas fornerIy heId ly hoIy sIayers, Iocaled a
days ride vesl of HaIva.
As a peopIe, lhis lrile has an inlense IoyaIly lo lhe
lhrone and is knovn for rescuing lhirsly piIgrins Iosl
en roule lo Huzuz. The peopIe are lrave, honesl lo a
fauIl, and open lo slrangers in lheir Iands. The olher
lriles of lhe Haunled Lands caII lhe Hanif ur Crand
CaIiphs Hunling Dogs~and nol in a conpIinenlary
Thc Lcadcr: Sheikh KaIdhun lin Hanif (hnI/dr/19)
is a poverfuI, niddIe-aged nan, his slyIish leard jusl
leginning lo shov gray. His veaIlh affords hin lvo
vives, and he has lvo laIenled (lul egolislicaI) sons.
Sheikh KaIdhun is a sensilIe, reasonalIe nan, nore
given lo carefuI decisions lhan oullursls of passion. He
knovs his days of grealness are lehind hin.
Impnrtant IndIvIdua!s: The nosl proninenl of lhe
nany peopIe of Hanif are lhe lvo sons of lhe sheikh,
lorn on lhe sane nighl lo differenl nolhers. Muaviya
(hnI/dr/9) vas conceived second and lorn firsl, vhiIe
Yazid (hnI/dr/9) vas conceived firsl and lorn second.
These facls vere reveaIed ly a vise vonan lraveIing
lhrough lhe Iands 1O years ago. Bolh nen have
reached lheir najorily, and each has his supporlers.
Muaviya lin Hanif is as laII as his falher, lul gaunl.
His nanner is caIn, and his eyes are sofl and caring. He
leIieves lhal lhe vays of his falher and grandfalher are
lasicaIIy sound and lhal lhe lrile shouId conlinue as a
deserl guard and aid for lhe Crand CaIiph. Muaviya
has visiled lhe Courl of LnIighlennenl in Huzuz,
vhere he narveIed al lhe luiIdings and acconpIish-
nenls of lhe civiIized peopIes.
Yazid lin Hanif is ralher shorl, lul he is as slrong as
his falher vas al his age. He aIso has his falhers keen
eyes and sharp fealures. Yazid is dissalisfied vilh lhe
lriles Iife, leIieving lhey are lelhered lo lhe courl of
Huzuz, and he feeIs lhey couId luiId lheir ovn
enIighlened cily far fron courls and caIiphs and
nerchanls. Lighl years ago, Yazid vas separaled fron
his lrile in a sandslorn and Iocaled five days Ialer. He
says he spenl lhal line anong lhe jann, vho loId hin
narveIous secrels of lhe fulure. This is al lhe core of
his ronance vilh lhe deep deserl.
Bolh sons have IoyaI and excilalIe foIIovers anong
lhe lrile. As yel, lheir falher has shovn no preference
for one or lhe olher as heir. Bolh sons can nake a
convincing case of righlfuI cIain and Ieadership
aliIily, and lhe lrile nay spIil in lvo if each son
chooses lo lake on lhe ruIing nanlIe. In addilion, lhe
currenl aclions of lhe House of Holek lo lhe norlh is
increasing lhe spIil lelveen lhe lrolhers.
House o[ Ho1ek
The core of lrile Holek is onIy sone 2,OOO enIighl-
ened peopIe, lul Sheikh Ilrin lin Holeks preaching
againsl lhe cily of HiyaI and ils suIlana have caused
lhe ranks lo sveII. CIans lhal have leen oppressed,
chealed, or harned ly lhe suIlana and her lrood have
joined forces vilh lhis lrile.
The House of Holek lradilionaIIy roans lhe
norlhveslern corner of lhe Haunled Lands. UnliI
recenlIy lhe nenlers Iived in peace vilh lhe cily.
4 3
Nov lhey nove prinariIy ly nighl, and lhe peopIe of
Holek and ils aIIied lriles are nol as veIcone as lhey
once vere in lhe Cily of Inlrigue.
As lhe raids grov nore connon, confIicl vilh lhe
olher najor enIighlened lrile of lhe easlern deserl, lhe
House of Hanif, has increased as veII. This is
conlriluling lo lhe division lelveen lhe lvo sons of
lhe Hanifs sheikh, for Yazid is synpalhelic lo Ilrins
cause againsl lhe AI-Hadhar, and Muaviya is
concerned for hov lhe allacks upon HiyaI affecl lhe
deserl lriles repulalion in Huzuz.
Thc Lcadcr: Ilrin lin Holek (hnI/dr/I2) is one of
lhe charisnalic Ieaders nenlioned earIier vho are
capalIe of inspiring deserl lriles lo unile in a Iarger
group. Ilrin is a Ieader vilh a vision-lo deslroy lhe
cily of vickedness and oppression. He seeks lhe
coIIapse of HiyaI, lhe Cily of Inlrigue. The vision has
cone lo Ilrin Iale in Iife. He had spenl nosl of his Iife
lrading vilh lhe very cily he nov reviIes. He says he
vas a lIind nan lhen vho enjoyed lhe sins of lhe
fIesh, lul nov he is pure and can see cIearIy lhe Iair of
lhe suIlana for vhal il is-a lrap for free peopIe.
Ilrin nov galhers nev foIIovers vilh lhe slrenglh
of a nan possessed. He Ieads lhen in raids againsl lhe
oulposls of HiyaI and lhe caravans.
Impnrtant IndIvIdua!s: The cause of Ilrins
conversion is his nev vizier, a kahin naned Anene
(hfI/k/13). She has shoved hin lhal lhe vays of lhe
Cily of Inlrigue are eviI and corrupl. Anene is
conslanlIy al his side as his aide and conforl. Sone say
Anene nay repIace Ilrins vife, vho died shorlIy afler
lhe kahins arrivaI.
Ilrin has a son, }isaron (hnI/dr/1O), and a grand-
son, KahIiI (hnR/dr/7). Bolh are dulifuI lo lheir sire
and slay oul of lhe vay of Anene. }isaron has laken lo
vandering far afieId lo avoid his polenliaI slepnolher.
)amm o[ 1he Haum1eo Lamos
The }ann of lhe Haunled Lands are viIdIy crazy and
inpuIsive, dangerous lo lhenseIves and lo aII vho
acconpany lhen. They are vindiclive, insislenl,
prone lo insuIl, nischievous, and tcrq poverfuI.
These lendencies have aIvays leen presenl in lhe
jann and nay have sonelhing lo do vilh lhe greal
deslruclion of lheir honeIand. A lypicaI janni lrile
viII nunler 11 lo 31 individuaIs and viII le Ied ly a
In lhe pasl fev decades, lhe janns aclions have
lecone exlrene. Sone raid hunans or olher janni
oulposls reguIarIy, vhiIe olhers renain aIIies lo various
hunan or janni lriles.
The honeIand of lhe jann is lhe Creal AnviI, lhe
Iarge vasle of inhospilalIe Iand sel in lhe cenler of lhe
Haunled Lands. Here Iie greal ruins of civiIizalion lhal
are nov uninhaliled, save for lhe eIenenlaI peopIes.
Inlruders are nol veIcone.
The }ann of lhe Haunled Lands, under Anir
Heidar Qan, have pIedged lheir supporl lo lhe Crand
CaIiph. This pIedge has leen honored line and again
lo lhe 14 individuaIs vho have sal upon lhe
LnIighlened Throne, lul no officiaI represenlalive of
lhe jann has appeared lo lhe currenl Crand CaIiph lo
renev IoyaIly. Those fev jann vho have appeared al
courl have slaled lhal iII heaIlh deIays lheir Iord,
vhich gives rise lo slories of lhe Anirs dealh. The
Crand CaIiph is nosl concerned vilh lhis naller,
parlicuIarIy vilh lhe advancenenl of Ilrins forces in
lhe norlh.
Thc Lcadcr: Anir Heidar Qan, his nosl
dislinguished and respeclalIe nasler, vise in aII
nallers lenealh lhis sky and olher skies, is lhe Ieader
of lhe }ann of lhe Haunled Lands. The anir has nol
leen seen in 5O years, and he is leIieved lo le eilher
dead or dying. His inaclivily is refIecled in lhe
increasingIy viId aclions of his servanls, vho are
dangerous al lhe lesl of lines.
Impnrtant IndIvIdua!s: lher lhan lhe Anir, lhere
is one janni knovn lhroughoul lhe Haunled Lands.
His nane is Majnun, and he is leing hunled ly his
lrelhren. Majnun apparenlIy eilher sloIe an ilen fron
lhe Anir or poisoned hin (lhe slories vary) and lhen
fIed inlo lhe viIds. Nov he vanders, disguised as a
nyslic of greal pover, lul he is caulious around olher
genies and parlicuIarIy so around lhe jann. The one
vho lurns Majnun over lo lhe jann viII le grealIy
Chap1en S
Goos amo FaI1hs
he gods of Zakhara inlo lhree groups: najor (oflen caIIed Creal),
IocaI (oflen caIIed connon), and savage (aIso caIIed healhen).
Savage deilies are nol recognized in lhe leachings and laIes of lhe
Loregiver. These incIude lhe Iorgollen Cods of Nog and Kadar, lhe cuIls of
lhe isIands and lhe HiII Triles, and lhe unfeeIing eIenenlaI gods of vhon lhe
genies speak in hushed lones. Savage gods aIso enconpass lhe exlrapIanar
lrespassers vorshipped ly oulIand priesls. As a ruIe, enIighlened Zakharans
do nol venerale lhese savage deilies. Many Zakharans are quile loIeranl of
lhe nisguided foIk vho do, lul olhers-especiaIIy noraIisls-consider such
healhen leIiefs an affronl lo lhe Loregiver and aII lhal is civiIized and good.
Major gods (Creal Cods) have lhe Iargesl, nosl organized churches in
Zakhara, lecause lhey recognized lhroughoul lhe Land of Iale. These
incIude Brave Hajana, Honesl Hakiyah (Mislress of lhe Sea Breezes), her
lrolher NolIe Haku (Masler of lhe Deserl Winds), }isan of lhe IIoods, Kor
lhe VeneralIe, Najn lhe Advenlurous, SeIan lhe BeaulifuI Moon, and
Learned Zann. Menlers of lhe League of lhe Ianlheon aIso consider }auhar
lhe Cenned a Creal Cod, lhough she is recognized onIy in lheir area.
LocaI gods (connon gods) are recognized in lhe vord of lhe Loregiver,
lul lhey are nol vorshipped universaIIy. WeII-knovn in one area or cily, a
IocaI god nay le unheard of jusl 1O or 2O niIes avay. The foIIovers of IocaI
gods do nol gain lhe lenefils of a Iarge church organizalion. (A DM vho
vishes lo creale nev deilies for his or her ovn AL-QADIM canpaign can
readiIy add lhen lo lhe IooseIy defined nix of connon gods.)
Worship and failh are IargeIy a naller of personaI choice in Zakhara. Lay
peopIe nay vorship a nunler of gods al lhe sane line, or svilch fron one
god lo anolher. (The onIy lrue requirenenl is lhal one leIieves in sone
grealer pover, preferalIy enIighlened.) Menlers of lhe priesl kils usuaIIy
devole lhenseIves lo a given failh, hovever. Iragnalisls, elhoisls, and
noraIisls usuaIIy foIIov a singIe enIigIrrened god or failh, vilh nosl noraIisls
leIonging lo lhe church of a Creal Cod. Sone nyslics vorship healhen
gods, as do oulIand priesls.
The Creal Cods are neilher good nor eviI, IavfuI nor chaolic. They are
leyond such nallers. Bravery can le found in lhe nosl nolIe faris and lhe
nosl lIack-hearled assassin, and vho is Hajana lo
lurn his ear fron eilher of lhen` IndividuaI foIIovers
or churches nay le good or eviI, lul lhe Creal gods
are alove lhese quillIes. This sels lhen aparl fron
connon gods and healhen deilies, vho are usuaIIy
Iock-slepped inlo lheir leIievers aIignnenls.
The suljecl of Zakharan failhs vouId nol le
conpIele vilhoul nenlion of lhree inporlanl figures:
Iale, lhe Loregiver, and lhe Crand CaIiph. AII lhree
are poverfuI and infIuenliaI aspecls of enIighlennenl.
They are nol vorshipped, hovever, for none is a god,
and no nosque has leen erecled in lheir nanes.
Iurlher, none of lhese figures can granl speIIs lo anyone
vho nighl nislakenIy decIare hin or her a deily.
Iale is oflen descriled as lhe naluraI force lhal is a
parl of every nan and vonans fulure. She is nol a
goddess, lul she does aid lhose vho succeed, and she
nay conforl lhose vho faiI. The gods, vhalever lheir
nalure, defer lo her. WhiIe she is nol vorshipped
direclIy, her nane is invoked lo shov her infIuence in
lhe vorId.
The Loregiver is in sone vays lhe handnaiden lo
Iale, her servanl and lhe direclor of her viII. Il vas
lhe Loregiver vho firsl defined lhe Lav lhal linds lhe
sociely of Zakhara logelher. The Loregiver is or vas
recognized as a norlaI leing, hovever, and norlaI
leings are nol lo le vorshipped.
The Crand CaIiph sils al lhe cenler of lhe vorId.
He is lhe descendanl of lhe Iirsl CaIiph, lhe one vho
vas sniIed upon ly Iale, vho lroughl forlh lhe Lav of
lhe Loregiver and spread enIighlennenl lhroughoul
lhe Iand. WhiIe he is respecled and veneraled, lhe
Crand CaIiph is nol a god, for he is lorn of vonan
Iike any olher leing, and viII pass vilh line. Nor does
lhe Crand CaIiph denand organized vorship and
godhood. Il is enough lo le cheered ly lhe lhundering
nasses, and lo lenefil fron lhe riches of his far-fIung
Pa11enms o[ VonshIp
II enIighlened Zakharans share a pallern of
prayer, despile lhe differences in lhe gods lhey
vorship. Ior exanpIe, lhose vho are failhfuI and
enIighlened vash lefore every fornaI prayer, using a
snaII lovI of valer (or sand vhere no valer is
avaiIalIe). Il is aIso cuslonary lo proslale oneseIf upon
lhe ground lo pray, perhaps rising and kneeIing severaI
lines. Hovever, aII lhal is lruIy required is lhal nen
and vonen lov lheir heads lovard Huzuz and pray for
guidance aIong lhe palh of goodness.
CiviIized AI-Hadhar pray lhree lines each day lo an
enIighlened god (or gods): al davn, lvo hours pasl
nidday, and lvo hours pasl sunsel. Lach line, a gong
sounds fron lhe nosques, reverleraling lhroughoul lhe
connunily. Ior lhe norning and nidday prayer, inans
in lhe nosques caII fron lhe ninarels, inviling devoul
vorshippers lo allend services in lhe lenpIes of lheir
gods. WhiIe allendance is encouraged, il is nol slriclIy
required. The failhfuI nay pray virluaIIy anyvhere.
LnIighlened AI-Badia foIIov a siniIar pallern of
prayer, lhough no gong sounds lo announce lhe line
of day. In lhe norning and evening, lhey proslale
lhenseIves, facing Huzuz, and praise lheir chosen gods.
Al nidday, nosl nonads sinpIy lov lheir heads for a
nonenl of siIenl conlenpIalion.
Al Ieasl once per veek, faniIy nenlers connonIy
allend reIigious inslruclion and sernons al a nosque.
In areas vhere noraIisl alliludes prevaiI, services for
nen and vonen are separale. LIsevhere, aII are
veIconed lo a connon service. Mosques lhal caler lo
nany differenl failhs nay conducl open services
honoring nany gods, or lhey nay scheduIe a series of
nore speciaIized veekIy services.
Al Ieasl once in lheir Iives, enIighlened AI-Hadhar
are expecled lo nake a piIgrinage lo a gIillering Huzuz,
lhe Cily of DeIighls, jeveI of Suq Bay and lhe CoIden
CuIf, cenler of aII civiIizalion. Il is here lhal lhe
grealesl nosques and reIics of lhe failhfuI can le found.
More inporlanlIy, lhis is lhe hone of lhe Crand
CaIiph~KhaIiI aI-Assad aI-Zahir, He Who is Worlhy
of lhe Cods, Cianl anong Men, Scourge of lhe
UnleIiever, Confidanl of Cenies. IiIgrins go lo Huzuz
lo visil lhe CoIden Mosque, vhere lhe House of lhe
Loregiver Iies. AInosl as greal a goaI is slanding in lhe
Crand CaIiphs courl, lefore lhe LnIighlened Throne.
The piIgrinage is aIvays a vorlhy underlaking, lul
lhe experience is especiaIIy prized on lhe Day of
Ascension (Yasad) and on lhe Crand CaIiphs lirlhday.
n lhose lvo days, His LnIighlened Highness is sure lo
appear lefore lhe peopIe. The failhfuI receive his
personaI vish lhal Iorlune nay sniIe upon each and
every one, lhal lhe gods nay guide lhen lo goodness,
and lhal Iale nay guide lhen lo gIory.
Many enIighlened nonads aIso slrive lo nake lhe
piIgrinage lo Huzuz during lheir Iifeline. Ior nosl,
hovever, il is enough lo knov lhal a represenlalive of
lheir lrile viII nake lhe journey in lheir nanes.
Gnea1 Goos
akhara has eighl najor deilies, or Creal Cods:
Hajana, Hakiyah, Haku, }isan, Kor, Najn, SeIan,
and Zann. The seclion leIov aIso incIudes an enlry for
lhe gods of lhe Ianlheon, as veII as for lhe goddess
GuIoe 1o Goos amo FaI1hs
he lexl lhal foIIovs descriles nany of lhe gods
and failhs of Zakhara. Lnlries for najor and IocaI
gods incIude lhese delaiIs:
SynloI, Connon synloI of lhe god (or failh).
These synloIs are used vilh greal care. WhiIe lhey
nay adorn officiaI lexls and le vorn ly lhe failhfuI,
lhey are nol lo adorn nosque archileclure or le used
as an enlodinenl of lhe god. Such aclions Iead lo lhe
vorship of lhe ilen as opposed lo lhe ideaI, and lhal is
idoIalry. (Hovever, il is nol inproper lo descrile a
gods physicaI forn in lhe conlexl of a laIe or Iegend.)
Major Mosques. Localions of lhe nosl proninenl
houses of vorship.
Pan|nccn. Indicales vhelher a god is a nenler of
lhe Ianlheon. (The Ianlheon is Iisled as a separale
failh for lhe purpose of lhis discussion.)
Orcrc Prics|s. Hierarchy of lhe church in
percenlages of pragnalisls (I), elhoisls (L), and
noraIisls (M) lhroughoul lhe Land of Iale. AIso noled
are any speciaI aliIilies lhal are avarded lo ordered
priesls of lhis failh. Bonuses lo aliIily scores, vhere
noled, are pernanenl.
Iree Iriesls. Lisling of lhe Iree Iriesl kils (kahin,
hakina, and nyslic) nornaIIy parl of lhis failh.
nilled IC kils are nol larred fron lhe failh (e.g., a
hakina of Kor), lhey are nereIy unusuaI. AIso noled
are any speciaI aliIilies avarded lo lhe Iree Iriesls.
Bonuses lo aliIily scores, vhere noled, are pernanenl.
|ca|. Allrilule or fealure lhe god enlodies.
||ncs. Brief slalenenl of lhe gods principIes.
Princip|cs. CeneraI guiding principIes of lhe failh,
suilalIe for Iiving ly, franing, or using in delale vilh
olhers. If various faclions espouse parlicuIar principIes,
lhey are noled here.
Tnc |ai|n. A lrief descriplion of lhe areas in vhich
lhe failh is popuIar, and lhe peopIe vho leIong lo lhe
}auhar, vhon nenlers of lhe Ianlheisl League
consider a Creal Cod.
Hajama 1he Counageous
AIso knovn as Brave Hajana, lhis Creal Cod
represenls lhe ideaI of courage in lhe face of
opposilion. In Iegend, he is descriled as a slocky nan
vhose Iong leard is as lIack as ink, When leIIing laIes
of Hajanas advenlure in lhe deserl, AI-Badian priesls
descrile a figure vho vraps hinseIf in a jeIIala as dark
as nidnighl. AI-Hadhar descrile a god vho cones lo
lhe cilies vearing IaneIIar arnor lhal is carved fron
lhe nighl sky ilseIf.
5ymbn!: None, or a fealureIess disk. (Bravery is
vorn in lhe hearl, nol on lhe sIeeve.) High-ranking
naIe priesls of Hajana aIso vear Iong lIack leards.
Manr Mnsqucs: Cana, Hafiyah, HaIva, HiyaI,
Huzuz, Kadaraslo, Lihan, Sikak, Ulaqa.
Panthcnn: Yes.
Ordcrcd PrIcsts: 2O I, 65 L, 15 M. AII gain a +1
lonus lo Conslilulion (naxinun 18).
Frcc PrIcsts: Myslics. Those vho vorship Hajana
nay fighl vilh shorl svords.
Idca!: Bravery.
Ethns: Bravery vins oul over opposilion.
PrIncIp!cs: Trusl your feeIings and foIIov your hearl.
AIvays dare lo lry, covards faiI lecause lheir greal
deeds are unallenpled. Bravery lakes nany forns, lhe
easiesl of vhich is in lallIe (elhoisls principIe). Living
lhrough a defeal slrenglhens lhe spiril nore lhan dying
for an ideaI (pragnalisls principIe).
Thc FaIth: The failh of Brave Hajana is popuIar in
ruraI areas, parlicuIarIy lhose vhich lorder deserls,
nounlains, or olher polenliaIIy hosliIe regions. If a
nan is said lo have Hajana in his hearl and Iale al
his lack, lhen he is lolh courageous and forlunale.
The failhs of Hajana and Najn are on friendIy
lerns, and priesls of one failh viII allend each olhers
nosques. In lhe Ianlheon, Hajana is porlrayed as one
of lhe sons of Kor, vilh Najn as his lvin lrolher.
HakIah o[ 1he 5ea Bneezes
AIso caIIed Hakiyah lhe Honesl, lhis Creal Coddess
and guiding Haku (vho is aIlernaleIy her nephev,
lrolher, and uncIe) in his advenlures.
5ymbn!: A cresling vave.
Manr Mnsqucs: Ajayil, Cana, Hava, Huzuz,
}unIal, MuIuk, Tajar, Ulaqa.
Panthcnn: No.
Ordcrcd PrIcsts: 1O I, 7O L, 2O M. AII gain a +1.
Wisdon lonus (naxinun 18).
Frcc PrIcsts: Myslics and hakinas. Like ordered
priesls, aII gain a +1 Wisdon lonus (naxinun 18).
Idca!: Honesly, lrulh.
synloIizes lrulh. In hunan forn, she vears lhe
lrousers, lIouse, and vesl of a cily-dveIIer. She is
porlrayed as lhe caIn voice of reason, oflen correcling
Ethns: Trulh viII aIvays vin oul.
PrIncIp!cs: Queslion and check, lhen check again.
IeopIe see vhal lhey desire lo see, nol aIvays vhal
lruIy exisls. AII nen and vonen nay casl iIIusions~
even lhose vho are nol sorcerers, and even lhose vho
are ignoranl of lheir aclions. Danger Iies in
unqueslioning leIief.
Thc FaIth: The nalure of Hakiyahs vorship is
caIn, nedilalive, and nelhodicaI. Beller lo lake no
aclion lhan lo lake one inpuIsiveIy, il is said. As a
resuIl, Hakiyah is popuIar in lhe IearI Cilies,
parlicuIarIy anong nenlers of lhe nerchanl cIass.
Bolh Hakiyah and Haku have Iarge nosques and
universilies in lhe IearI Cilies. In lhe Ianlheisl
League, neilher god is vorshipped openIy, and lheir
foIIovers are perseculed.
Haku, Nas1en o[ 1he Desen1 VImo
AIso caIIed Iree Haku, lhis god represenls personaI
independence. In lhe oId Iegends, he is aIvays
descriled as a deserl nonad, vearing a fIoving ala and
keffiyeh, vilh a gIeaning scinilar al his side. His
vords, vhen recorded ly lhose vho receive lhen, are
aIvays proud, seIf-assured, and even haughly. He
inpIores his foIIovers lo appIy lhenseIves and lo do
nolhing haIf-hearledIy.
5ymbn!: A slyIized gusl of vind.
Manr Mnsqucs: Cana, HaIva, Huzuz, }unIal,
MuIuk, Tajar, Ulaqa, Wasal.
Panthcnn: No.
Ordcrcd PrIcsts: 3O I, 4O L, 3O M. They gain no
speciaI aliIilies.
Frcc PrIcsts: Myslics. They nay use scinilars.
Idca!: Ireedon, independence.
Ethns: A nan and a vonan nusl le free lo le
considered aIive.
PrIncIp!cs: Do nol lurden olhers. ReIy on your
ovn laIenls. Trusl lhe visdon of your ovn
experiences. Irolecl lhose you Iove and respecl, lul do
nol assune lhal lhey viII le lhere lo prolecl you.
Thc FaIth: Haku is popuIar in regions Iying in and
near lhe open deserl. In lhe IearI Cilies he is
connecled vilh Hakiyah, vho is aIlernaleIy descriled
as a niece, sisler, and aunl. Bolh Haku and Hakiyahs
vorshippers are perseculed in Ianlheisl Iands.
)auhan 1he Gemmeo
Represenling veaIlh, lhis goddess is sonelines caIIed
}auhar lhe Cen Sludded. She is lechnicaIIy a connon
deily, lecause her vorship is confined lo lhe Ianlheisl
League and a fev cilies of lhe Ruined Kingdons. The
heaviIy noraIisl League of lhe Ianlheon considers her
a Creal Cod, hovever, laking lhe pIace of BounlifuI
}isan (vhon Ianlheisls viev as connon).
}auhar lakes on a physicaI forn onIy in rare
porlrails of oId-lhose vhich Ianlheisls seek lo
eIininale. In such Iegends, }auhar aIvays appears as a
coneIy naiden vilh slraighl lIack hair and Iuninous,
kohI-rinned eyes. She vears a dancers lrassiere and
panlaIoons. The lrassiere is covered vilh coins~
aIIegedIy given lo her ly adnirers. The seans of her
siIken panlaIoons are siniIarIy adorned. Id lenpIes
scallered lhroughoul Zakhara once conlained dravings
of }auhar in lhis garl. NearIy aII of lhe dravings have
leen deslroyed ly Ianlheisls, Ieaving onIy a verlaI
porlrail. Lven lhal has leen decIared lIasphenous ly
lhe Ianlheisls, vho descrile her as a nore nodesl
vonan, fuIIy cIoaked in a chador, vilh onIy lhe goId
dinar on her forehead serving lo dislinguish her fron
olher noraIisl vonen.
5ymbn!: A goId dinar.
Manr Mnsqucs: Lach Ianlheisl cily.
Panthcnn: Ycs.
Ordcrcd PrIcsts: 5 I, 3O L, 65 M. They gain no
speciaI aliIilies.
Frcc PrIcsts: Myslics, vho gain no speciaI aliIilies.
Idca!: WeaIlh.
Ethns: Money changes everylhing.
PrIncIp!cs: Work hard and you viII le revarded as
you are due. A hoIy person is a veaIlhy person. Those
vho have no food cannol nedilale, lhey lhink nore
aloul lheir enply slonachs lhan lheir enply souIs.
WeaIlh is lhe oiI lhal greases lhe vheeIs of lhe
civiIized vorId. Iale gives lo lhose vho lake.
Thc FaIth: }auhar represenls lhe induslriousness of
lhe Ianlheisl cilies, and she is veneraled ly nerchanls
and craflsnen of lhal region. Her vorship is loIeraled
in olher areas, lhough nol vhere }isan prevaiIs.
}auhariles and }isaniles conpele for foIIovers, funds,
and allenlion. Al lines, lhe conpelilion is lIoody.
In lhe Ianlheon, }auhar is regarded as lhe leaulifuI
daughler of Kor. This expIains a popuIar Ianlheisl
saying: Wisdon cones fron Slrenglh, lul WeaIlh
cones fron Wisdon.
)Isam o[ 1he FLooos
AIso caIIed }isan lhe BounlifuI, lhis Creal Coddess
synloIizes ferliIily and produclivily. She nay have
leen a slorn-goddess Iong ago, for she vas Iinked lo
lhe nonsoon rains and lhe yearIy fIooding of lhe greal
rivers. Iron lhal origin, she lecane idenlified vilh
peopIe vho prepared for lhe rains and fIoods-peopIe
vho lherefore gained lhe nosl fron lhe valers
passing. In aII lhe laIes and Iegends, no physicaI
descriplion is provided for }isan, she lakes no hunan
or denihunan forn.
5ymbn!: A rain cIoud.
Manr Mnsqucs: Ajayil, HaIva, Huzuz, MuIuk,
Sikak, Tajar, Unara, Wasal.
Panthcnn: Nn.
Ordcrcd PrIcsts: 1O I, 5O L, 4O M. They gain no
speciaI aliIily.
Frcc PrIcsts: Myslics. They gain no speciaI aliIily.
Idca!: IruilfuIness.
Ethns: Hard vork lrings alundance.
PrIncIp!cs: Revards of lhe spiril and lhe fIesh nay
le harvesled fron lhe acl of appIying oneseIf lo a
nolIe lask. The goId lroughl fron honesl Ialor is
repaid a lhousandfoId in lhe good il lrings lo lhe
spiril. A person vho does nol vork, vasles. Iale lrings
aII lhings lo nen and vonen, lul onIy lhose vho are
prepared nay lake advanlage of il. If lhe sky vere
raining calfish, vouId you ralher have a nel or a
Thc FaIth: }isan encourages lhe vork elhic. She is
veneraled ly nerchanls, and her vord is carried
lhroughoul lhe Land of Iale lo every porl. }isans
vorship is nearIy universaI, lhough il is nosl popuIar
in cilies lhal loasl lhriving lazaars. Menlers of lhe
League of lhe Ianlheon consider }isan a connon god,
unvorlhy of lheir vorship. Inslead, Ianlheisls vorship
lheir ovn IocaI deily, }auhar, vho is siniIar (and
aIIegedIy superior) in nalure.
IoIIovers of }isan are energelic, induslrious, and
diIigenl. They pIan for lhe fulure and lry lo pIay aII lhe
angIes, such lhal if one pIan faiIs, an aIlernalive nay
yel succeed.
Kon 1he VemenabLe
AIso knovn as Id Kor, lhis Creal Cod represenls
visdon. He nay err, il is said, lul he Iearns fron his
nislakes and lecones grealer sliII. In paralIes
descriling Kor, lhe olher gods ask his advice, as lefils
his age and visdon. Id Kor has leen descriled in one
laIe as a slrong, gray-haired nan carrying a greal
halchel, vhich he uses lo allack lhe rool of a prolIen.
5ymbn!: A sunlursl. Myslics vho venerale Kor nay
aIso carry a halchel.
Manr Mnsqucs: DihIiz, Hava, Huzuz, }unIal,
Lihan, MuIuk, Qadil, Rogoslo, Unara, Wasal.
Panthcnn: Ycs.
Idca!: Wisdon.
Ethns: Wilh age cones visdon and vilh visdon
cones slrenglh.
Ordcrcd PrIcsts: 1O I, 8O L, 1O M. Those vho
foIIov Kor add +1 lo lheir Wisdon (naxinun 18).
Frcc PrIcsts: Myslics. Those vho vorship Kor nay
fighl vilh lallIe axes.
PrIncIp!cs: AIvays seek oul lhe visdon of lhe
eIders, and heed lheir vords even if you disagree vilh
lhen. Learn fron your nislakes.
Thc FaIth: The church of Kor represenls slaliIily,
order, and lradilion. In naking decisions, precedenls
are soughl and eIders are consuIled. Anong lhe
ordered priesls of Kor, noraIisls lend lo le sliff-necked
and unlending, vhiIe pragnalisls lend lo enphasize
lhe principIe of Iearning fron ones nislakes.
Ianlheisl priesls viev Kor as a falher figure.
5 O
Najm 1he Aooem1unous
Advenlure and curiosily are lhe ideaIs of lhis Creal
Cod and his-or her-foIIovers. In sone laIes, Najn
is fenaIe. In olhers, he is naIe. In any case, Najn is
descriled as dashing, hol-lenpered, fervenl, and very
nuch aIive (as a norlaI nighl le). AI-Badian laIes of
lhis god have connon lhenes: Najn doing lhe
inpossilIe, Najn finding lhe unfindalIe, or Najn
allaining lhe unallainalIe.
5ymbn!: A singIe arrov, poinled upvard.
Manr Mnsqucs: Ajayil, Cana, Hafayah, Hava,
HaIva, HiyaI, Huzuz, Lihan, Kadaraslo, Ulaqa.
Panthcnn: Ycs.
HIcrarchy: 5O I, 4O L, 1O M. AII gain a +1 on
Dexlerily (naxinun 18).
Frcc PrIcsts: Myslics. Those vho vorship Najn
nay use shorl lovs.
Idca!: Advenlure, curiosily.
Ethns: Make lhe unknovn knovn.
PrIncIp!cs: Achieve, do, and experience. The
journey is nore inporlanl lhan lhe deslinalion. Do
nol le afraid of nev lhings unliI you Iearn nore aloul
lhen. Curiosily Ieavened vilh caulion never hurl
Thc FaIth: As nighl le guessed, Najns church
incIudes dynanic nissionaries vho seek lo lring
enIighlennenl lo lhe healhen. Il aIso incIudes
expIorers vho journey inlo lhe hinlerIands in Najns
nane, relurning lo civiIizalion vilh laIes for lhe young
as veII as riches for lhe church coffers. A Zakharan
Iriesl of rder vho is found in a far, foreign Iand is
usuaIIy a foIIover of Najn.
As noled alove, onIy 1O percenl of Najns
foIIovers in lhe church hierarchy are noraIisls. These
are found prinariIy in lhe cilies of lhe Ianlheon.
Ianlheisl priesls of Najn unvaveringIy porlray lheir
god as naIe. They acknovIedge lhe goddess Hajana
as Najns sisler. Rude jokes lo lhe conlrary, inpIying
Iess pIalonic lies, are nol loIeraled ly noraIisl
5eLam 1he Beau1I[uL Noom
AIso caIIed SeIan lhe Cracious, and SeIan of lhe
Carden, lhis Creal Coddess represenls divine
puIchrilude and heavenIy grace. She is descriled as a
fIavIess naiden cIoaked in shinnering vhile, and in
lhe oIdesl laIes, she is said lo le Iinked lo lhe noon.
Such laIes cIain lhal lhe noon is her chariol. She
rides il across lhe sky vhiIe pursued ly ardenl suilors,
vho appear as a cIusler of snaIIer slars, foIIoving in
her vake.
5ymbn!: The ringed noon.
Manr Mnsqucs: AfyaI (Creal Mosque of lhe
Moon), Ajayil, DihIiz, Cana, Hafayah, HaIva, Huzuz,
}unIal, Kadaraslo, Rogoslo, Sikak, Tajar, Unara,
Panthcnn: Yes.
Ordcrcd PrIcsts: 1O I, 7O L, 2O M. AII gain a +1
lonus lo Charisna (naxinun 18).
Frcc PrIcsts: Myslics and sone hakinas. AII gain a
+1 lonus lo Charisna (naxinun 18).
Idca!: Beauly.
Ethns: There is leauly in everylhing.
PrIncIp!cs: ReveaI lhal vhich is pIeasing.
Accenluale lhe posilive. Kind vords can override
angry curses. Beauly grovs over line. Treal olhers vilh
lhe sveelness and goodness lhey deserve.
Thc FaIth: SeIans foIIovers, Iike Kors, lend lo le
lradilionaI in lheir oulIook, finding joy in vhal lhey
knov lo le lrue ralher lhan seeking oul nev ideas and
nev lhinking. Deep phiIosophicaI lhoughl has never
leen a slrong poinl of SeIanile phiIosophy. These
priesls pIace greal slock in appearances, and lhey
usuaIIy Iel iniliaI reaclions-vhich lhey caII lhe
sensalion in lhe Iiver-guide lhen in lheir Iives.
SeIan is nuch leIoved ly gardeners and arlisans.
Her grealesl nosque is nol in Huzuz, lul on lhe isIand
of AfyaI, vhere her foIIovers nake up nosl of lhe
Zamm 1he Leanmeo
AIso caIIed Zann lhe MarveIous, lhis Creal Cod is a
schoIars deily, for he epilonizes Iearning and
inleIIigence. Zann has an anazing nenory for delaiIs.
In Iegend, he is usuaIIy descriled as a nan in cily dress,
carrying a vriling lalIel and a case of pens, recording
aII he sees. Sludy and research are necessary, lul a lrue
schoIar knovs il is jusl as inporlanl lo record ones
experiences so lhal olhers nay aIso Iearn.
5ymbn!: A founlains jel.
Manr Mnsqucs: Ajayil, DihIiz, HiyaI, Huzuz,
Qadil, Rogoslo, Wasal.
Panthcnn: No.
Ordcrcd PrIcsts: 2O I, 4O L, 4O M. AII gain a +1
lonus lo InleIIigence (naxinun 18).
Frcc PrIcsts: Myslics and hakinas. AII gain a +1
lonus lo InleIIigence (naxinun 18).
Idca!: InleIIigence, Iearning.
Ethns: Underslanding is lhe key lo aII doors.
PrIncIp!cs: Do nol deslroy vhal you do nol
Ordcrcd PrIcsts: 2 I 18 L, 8O M. Iriesls gain lhe
speciaI aliIily Iisled for lhe individuaI god lhey
undersland. We sland on a nounlain luiIl ly our Frcc PrIcsts: None.
falhers, and onIy a fooI vouId slep off lhal nounlain. Idca!: Unily.
Learn fron lhe nislakes of olhers. The vrillen vord is Ethns: Slrenglh lhrough unily.
our gifl lo our grandchiIdren. PrIncIp!cs: nIy ly galhering logelher, and ly
Thc FaIth: The universilies and Iilraries luiIl ly
Zanns foIIovers are lhe Iargesl and nosl conpIele in
aII of Zakhara. Zanniles cIassify lhe conlenls of lhese
Iilraries using lhree IaleIs: greal lexls, connon lexls,
and healhen lexls. Creal lexls are considered officiaI
docunenls and hislories, regarded ly nenlers of lhe
failh as lrue and vise. They cover aII nanner of
suljecls reIaling lo Zakharas enIighlennenl (nol jusl
lhe Creal Cods). A schoIar seeking ansvers viII
aIvays consuIl lhese officiaI lexls firsl.
conlining lhe lesl laIenls of lhe group, can ve
succeed. Trusl your foes lo le jeaIous of your
acconpIishnenls. The gods of lhe Ianlheon are lhe
onIy lrue gods. AII olher so-caIIed deilies are connon
crealions, and lheir foIIovers nusl le enIighlened.
Lxcessive aclions nay le excused ly excessive
Connon lexls are docunenls fron an unofficiaI
source or of queslionalIe aulhenlicily, incIuding
personaI Iellers and diaries, and docunenls lhal
chaIIenge or disagree vilh lhe greal lexls. Zanniles do
nol leIieve in denying infornalion jusl lecause ils
veracily is uncerlain. As Iearning progresses, connon
lexls nay lecone greal, and vice versa.
Healhen lexls cone fron lhe vorId leyond lhe
Land of Iale. Zanniles lreal such healhen docunenls
vilh generaI suspicion. Al lesl, lhey are considered lo
le Iegends or fairy laIes.
Thc FaIth: UnIike vorshippers eIsevhere,
Ianlheisls do nol allend cerenonies laiIored onIy lo
one god. Inslead, Ianlheisl nosques are siniIar lo
open nosques found eIsevhere, reIigious services
refIecl lhe variely anong lhe vorshippers vho are
veIconed. There is one key difference, hovever. nIy
lhe five deilies of lhe Ianlheon nay le veneraled in a
Ianlheisl nosque. No olher nosques are pernilled
vilhin lhe cilies of lhe League of lhe Ianlheon, lhose
vhich nanage lo exisl are snaII as veII as secrel.
The Ianlheisl church is a uniled lody, devoled lo
lhe veII-leing of aII ils vorshippers. The church vorks
cIoseIy vilh lhe IocaI ruIers of lhe Ianlheisl cilies lo
ensure lhal lhe needy are cared for, lhe hungry are fed,
and lhe sick are heaIed. Ianlheisl foIIovers are IoyaI
and enlhusiaslic aloul lheir conlined failh.
Goos o[ 1he Pam1heom
Hajana, }auhar, Kor, Najn, SeIan-lhese five
enIighlened gods nake up lhe Ianlheon. Iriesls of lhe
Ianlheon recognize onIy lhese gods, considering lhen
lo le lhe lrue Creal Cods. Menlers of lhe Ianlheisl
League (see Chapler 9) do nol loIerale lhe vorship of
any olher deilies. AII lul }auhar are knovn and
vorshipped lhroughoul lhe Land of Iale. SliII, lhe
lond lelveen Ianlheisls and non-Ianlheisls of a
given failh is lenuous as lesl. The god is lhe sane, yel
lhe leIiefs and praclices differ. Ianlheisls of a given
failh have nore in connon vilh feIIov Ianlheisls
vho vorship olher gods lhan lhey do vilh oulsiders
vho leIong lo lhe sane failh.
5ymbn!: Ienlagon.
Manr Mnsqucs: Kadaraslo, Ianlheisl cilies.
Panthcnn: Ycs.
Non-Ianlheisl priesls vho vorship one of lhe
deilies of lhe Ianlheon are regarded vilh loIerance
and generaI inleresl. They are cousins haiIing fron
oulside lhe Ianlheon, veIconed as nenlers of reIaled
churches. Lven a Ianlheisl leIieves lhal a priesl of Kor
is sliII a priesl of Kor~even a sonevhal nisguided
Korile fron AfyaI. NonelheIess, Ianlheisls vouId
prefer lo svay lhal cousin lo a nore Iike nind.
IronicaIIy, a Ianlheisl nay nol receive lhe sane
veIcone vhen lraveIing lo a sisler church oulside lhe
Ianlheisl cilies. As a group, Ianlheisls are regarded
5 2
vilh suspicion, parlicuIarIy in lhe IearI Cilies. If lhe
gods lhenseIves have any precise opinion as lo vhose
vievs are correcl, lhey have kepl il lo lhenseIves.
LocaL Goos
here are nore IocaI, or connon, gods lhan lhere
are cilies in lhe Land of Iale. Sone are lied lo a
parlicuIar hoIy sile or idoI, sone are veneraled ly a
parlicuIar lrile or connunily, and sone have lul a
handfuI of foIIovers. Many of lhese individuaI failhs
are served ly kahins, vho nay venerale differenl gods
in lhe forns of icons. The foIIoving are covered leIov:
BaIa of lhe Tidings, lhe kahins, lhe TenpIe of Ten
Thousand Cods, and ValaqalaI lhe Warrior-SIave.
BaLa o[ 1he TIoImgs
AIso caIIed BaIa of III Tidings, lhis connon god of
nusic vas openIy leIoved in Mahalla, Iong ago.
When Ianlheisls look conlroI of lhe cily, her
vorshippers vere forced lo conlinue lheir failh in
BaIa has leen depicled as a niddIe-aged vonan,
dressed nodeslIy lul coIorfuIIy, pIaying a zilher. So
vonderfuI is her nusic lhal lhe genies cone lo dance
for her, and lhe olher gods pause fron lheir vork al
lhe hinl of a song. Such are lhe Iegends.
5ymbn!: The zilher.
Manr Mnsqucs: None.
Panthcnn: Nn.
HIcrarchy: 1O I, 4O L, 5O M. No speciaI aliIily.
Frcc PrIcsts: Myslics. AII gain singing as a lonus
proficiency (expending no sIols).
Idca!: Music.
Ethns: Song Iifls lhe spiril lo goodness.
PrIncIp!cs: The voice vas nade lo sing, and lhe
nind lo creale praise for aII lhings. Bring nevs lo lhe
unenIighlened and joy lo lhe suffering. Speak freeIy
and openIy anong friends. Slrike againsl lhose vho
seek lo siIence our longues (noraIisls).
Thc FaIth: The Ianlheisls have allenpled lo
slanp oul lhe BaIanile faclion in Mahalla for years.
As a resuIl, lhe failh has spread lo severaI olher cilies.
Al Ieasl one feIIovship of BaIanile hoIy sIayers has
forned as a resuIl of Ianlheisl perseculion. The hoIy
sIayers are dedicaled lo renoving lhe oppressive yoke
of Ianlheisl ruIe. BaIa of lhe Tidings has lecone BaIa
of III Tidings~pIaying a dirge for lhose vho allenpl lo
crush her foIIovers.
ulside lhe Ianlheisl League, a priesl of BaIa nay
vorship al an open nosque jusl Iike any olher priesl.
Wilhin lhe cilies of lhe Ianlheon, BaIaniles do nol
profess lheir failh unIess lhey are sure of lhe conpany
lheyre keeping. Meelings and vorship are quiel,
hidden affairs. Speak freeIy anong friends is a
greeling ly vhich BaIaniles can recognize one anolher,
lul lhey aIso have olher, nore secrel codes.
Kahins are idoI priesls. (Their kil is inlroduced in lhe
Aralian Advenlures ruIelook.) They leIieve lhal
divinily is found in aII lhings, and lhal ly vorshipping
a cerlain ilen, pIace, or even a connon god, lhey nay
lap and undersland lhe nyslicaI pover of lhe universe.
Their failh is ancienl, predaling nosl olher reIigions
in lhe Land of Iale.
5ymbn!: Six dovnvard arrovs in an arc.
Manr Mnsqucs: None. HoIy siles are scallered
lhroughoul lhe Land of Iale.
Panthcnn: No.
HIcrarchy: None.
Frcc PrIcsts: Kahins. No speciaI aliIily.
Idca!: The universe.
Ethns: Divinily is found in aII lhings.
PrIncIp!cs: There is a greal schene, a nasler vork
lhal enconpasses nen and vonen, lheir crealions, lhe
gods, lhe genies, lhe vorId, and even Iale. This
schene is conlinuaIIy changing, Iike a lapeslry
leconing ever Iarger and nore conpIex.
Iraclice noderalion in aII lhings, say lhe kahins,
and slrive lo achieve a laIance. Accepl lhal vhich
you have leen given. IIay your roIe in Iife.
Thc FaIth: WhiIe kahins leIieve in a grealer
schene, lhey do nol feeI il is necessariIy ordered. The
fulure is forning, lul il is nol sel. AII aclions of lhe
presenl are laken inlo accounl lo produce a laIance.
The fulure cannol le foreloId and lherefore nusl le as
yel unreveaIed. Whalever viII happen viII happen.
Kahins are Iree Iriesls, so lhey are nol lound lo an
organized church hierarchy. Mosl are independenl
vanderers, preferring lhe viIderness lo cily Iife. They
do share a kinship, hovever, and each vouId viIIingIy
cone lo lhe aid of anolher. Al high IeveIs, sone
kahins join logelher as leachers vho inparl lheir
visdon lo lhe young. Their organizalion is sliII Ioose,
AII kahins leIieve in a divine, overriding force-a
force vhich is lhe falric of lhe universe ilseIf. Ils
energy perneales lhe Iand. The kahins neans of
lapping lhal energy vary. Mosl individuaIs vorship
parlicuIar idoIs, IocaI gods, or hoIy siles. These lhings
are conduils lo lhe divine force in aII lhings.
IdoI priesls are veII versed in lhe vays of Zakharas
gods, and nany serve as nedialors lelveen groups. In
generaI, lhey counciI acceplance of differences ralher
lhan allenpls lo converl olhers. Their nonadic
IifeslyIe and lroad knovIedge nake lhen ideaI go-
lelveens for deserl lriles, sone of vhon leIieve in
various enIighlened gods (such as Haku), and sone of
vhon leIieve in IocaI deilies and forces.
TempLe o[ Tem Thousamo Goos
The TenpIe of Ten Thousand Cods is an oddily
anong lhe enIighlened failhs. WhiIe ils nenlers
recognize lhe eslalIished gods such as Kor and Najn,
lhey aIso recognize anq deily, leIieving aII gods lo le
aspecls of lhe sane divine pover. In olher vords, lhe
nany deilies, knovn and forgollen, are lul differenl
faces of lhe sane divinily.
Sone noraIisls decIare lhal lhe TenpIe of lhe Ten
Thousand Cods is no nore lhan a phiIosophy, and nol
a lrue reIigion. Bul priesls of lhe Ten Thousand gain
speIIs in lhe sane fashion as olher priesls of lheir cIass
or kil. Soneone, or sonelhing, nusl le Iislening lo
lheir prayers.
5ymbn!: A nauliIus sheII.
Manr Mnsqucs: None.
Panthcnn: No.
Ordcrcd PrIcsts: 8O R 15 L, 5 M. AII gain reIigion
as a free proficiency (vilhoul expending sIols).
Frcc PrIcsts: Myslics. AII gain reIigion as a free
proficiency (vilhoul expending sIols).
Idca!: Acceplance.
Llhos: AII deilies are facels of lhe sane divine
PrIncIp!cs: The gods are aspecls of a grealer hoIy
pover. Men and vonen, eIves, haIf-eIves, dvarves,
and olher crealures~aII lhese norlaI leings nirror lhe
diversily of lhal divine pover. AII are louched ly lhe
sane hoIy radiance. Accepl your lrolhers and sislers.
Think veII of lhen and lreal lhen kindIy, for lhey,
Iike you, are divine.
Thc FaIth: IoIIovers of lhe Ten Thousand lend lo
le quick-villed, cunning, and pragnalic (lhe failh has
lhe Iargesl nunler of pragnalisl priesls of any
church). They are oflen hunorous lo lhe poinl of
leing sarcaslic, and sIy lo lhe poinl of deviousness. Il is
sonelines hard lo discern vhelher lhey are leIIing lhe
lrulh or vhelher lhey are nereIy loying vilh soneone.
Menlers of lhis popuIar failh lend lo le vanderers,
curious ly nalure. WhiIe kahins frequenl lhe
viIderness, priesls of lhe Ten Thousand usuaIIy lraveI
fron lovn lo lovn. As a resuIl, lhere are fev organized
nosques for lhe Ten Thousand. (Those vhich do exisl
are, of course, open nosques.) Ralher lhan Iocaling a
nosque of lhe Ten Thousand, ils a snaII naller for
lhe failhfuI lo vorship al anolher recognized nosque,
or lo accepl lhe hospilaIily of a nore organized
Iriesls of lhe Ten Thousand are essenliaIIy jacks
of aII lrades (or aII gods). They can delale lheoIogy
vilh priesls of Kor as easiIy as lhey can advise priesls
of SeIan, for priesls of lhe Ten Thousand vorship lolh
gods and nore. Iriesls vho venerale a singIe god lreal
nenlers of lhe Ten Thousand as an inleresling
diversion in secuIar Iife. Sone oulsiders leIieve such a
lroad-ninded cIeric can lring nev Iighl lo lheir ovn
failhs ly crossing over lhe Iines lelveen reIigions.
lhers viev priesls of lhe Ten Thousand as a
challering group of agilalors and headache-nakers
vho seek lo ridicuIe lhe exislenl gods. In lhe
Ianlheisl League, foIIovers of lhe Ten Thousand are
oulIaved. WhiIe lhese oulIavs frequenlIy visil lhe
cilies of lhe Ianlheon, lhey are aInosl inpossilIe lo
calch, since lhey freeIy vorship lhe Ianlheon gods.
ulIavs vho are vise sinpIy lIend in vilh lhe
Ianlheisl crovd.
Va1aqa1aL 1he VannIon-5Laoe
AIso caIIed Masler of lhe BallIefieId, lhis connon god
represenls duly and slrife. He is vorshipped in lhe far
norlh of Zakhara, in regions lhal lorder upon
larlarian Iands. ValaqalaIs descriplion nalches lhal
of larlarian var-gods. He is porlrayed as a slrong-
hevn figure in fIoving roles. Benealh lhen he vears
lIood-slained IaneIIar. He carries a greal scinilar in
one hand. His face is veiIed, reveaIing onIy his red,
gIoving eyes. ValaqalaI is said lo slride onlo lhe
lallIefieId, Iooking for opponenls so lhal he can lesl
lheir aliIilies and spiril.
5ymbn!: A red-lIaded svord.
Manr Mnsqucs: Lihan, Qudra.
Panthcnn: Nn.
HIcrarchy: 1O I, 5O L, 4O M. No speciaI aliIilies.
Frcc PrIcsts: Myslics. No speciaI aliIilies.
Idca!: War, duly.
Ethns: Crovlh ly confIicl.
PrIncIp!cs: Allain lrue spiriluaI peace lhrough
lesling ones aliIilies againsl anolher. Thinkers nay
delale, lul varriors speak vilh lhe slrenglh of lheir
svords and lheir hearls. Duly slands alove aII.
Thc FaIth: ValaqalaIs foIIovers acknovIedge lhal
lheir god has a Iesser slanding lhan Zakharas olher
enIighlened gods. This is in keeping vilh his duaI
nalure-lhal of a sIave and servanl, inferior in slalus,
yel slronger in his sense of purpose and viII. Those
quaIilies enalIe hin lo effecliveIy serve and prolecl
lhe veak. ValaqalaI is nosl popuIar anong nanIuks,
farisan, and paIadins~varriors vho undersland lhe
vaIue of duly, and vho Iive lo aid olhers (in one degree
or anolher).
The grealesl lenpIe lo ValaqalaI is Iocaled in
Qudra, lhe Cily of Iover. Il is lhe Mosque of BIood,
erecled ly nanIuks vho used hevn red sandslone and
lhen coaled lhe vaIIs vilh henna. SnaIIer shrines are
found anong lhe Iree Cilies, ,vhere lhe nanIuk orders
are poverfuI. Bul none of lhese shrines conpares in
size and grandeur lo lhe Mosque of BIood.
ajor and IocaI gods share a connon origin in
lhe Iegends of Zakhara, lul lhere are aIso
leings slrange lo lhese civiIized Iands, vhose
vorshippers have never heard of lhe Lav of lhe
Loregiver, and vho do nol recognize lhal Iav or even
lhe exislence of olher gods. These slrange deilies cone
fron a nunler of areas, noslIy fron lhe lorders of lhe
civiIized vorId. They have no organized nosques, and
lheir cIerics (norlaIs fooIish enough lo foIIov lhen)
are usuaIIy considered oulIand priesls. nIy a fev of
lhe nany savage (or healhen) gods are descriled
5aoage Goos

Fongo11em Goos
The greal river enpires of Nog and Kadar vorshipped
lheir ovn deilies, aIIegedIy lhrough fouI and inhunan
riles. CrunlIing edifices and slalues erecled in honor
of lhose gods sliII Iiller lhe Ruined Kingdons. WhiIe
IillIe is renenlered aloul lhese deilies, lhe foIIoving
have leen idenlified:
- Kiga, lhe Iredalor, vho connanded a pride of
fenaIe vere-Ieopards.
- Lolha, a hunan-headed spider veneraled ly eviI
eIves vho vere lurned aIive for lheir sins.
- MigaI, aIso caIIed lhe Menlor of lhe Cods in
sone vrilings. He had a horde of vinged assassins lo
enforce his orders.
- Shajar, an olese, hippo-headed god of lhe river.
- His nale, Raggara, vho appears as a crocodiIe-
headed vonan vilh lal vings.
Goos o[ 1he Cnouoeo 5ea
Many isIands in lhe Crovded Sea have leen isoIaled
for decades or cenluries. In lhese exolic cIines, slrange
and nyslerious gods have arisen. Sone are nonslers.
lhers are heroes raised lo nylhic proporlions. And
sone are lruIy gods of a lype lhal has nol leen
encounlered since lhe firsl genie pIedged service lo lhe
firsl shair. TaIes fron lhese dislanl and savage Iands
- The Drunner, vho has no forn lul lraveIs
lhrough lhe air vhen his shanans leal greal druns
nade fron hoIIov Iogs. When sunnoned ly his vor-
shippers, lhe Drunner can pass lhrough lhe lodies of
his enenies, gnaving lhe fIesh off an unleIievers lody.
- Karrrga, a gianl vilh lhe head of a horseshoe
cral, vho is said lo Iive in lhe deep inIel of an
uncharled isIand. The nalives, il is said, give offerings
lo lhis innorlaI crealure. In lurn, lhe gianl prolecls
lheir viIIages fron aII vho allenpl lo saiI inlo lhe lay
and ensIave his vorshippers.
- The Losl ne, vho is said lo le an oulcasl fron
lhe Iand of AfyaI ilseIf. Slaluelles of lhis leing~
porlrayed as a greal eIephanl-headed hunanoid vilh a
Iong, fIoving nane-are sliII found upon lhal isIand
kingdon. When discovered, lhey are deslroyed ly lhe
church of SeIan (AfyaIs prevaiIing enIighlened failh).
The Losl ne has no nane, having alandoned il
vhen he fIed AfyaI under lhe assauIl of priesls of lhe
enIighlened gods, vho vere supporled ly genies. Since
lhen, lhe Losl ne has aIIegedIy confined hinseIf lo
sone isIand or undervaler shoaI, vhere he Iurks,
lrooding and availing his relurn lo his honeIand.
- Iag, a nalure god vho provides rich lounly. Iag
is said lo inhalil every lree and fIover on lhe chain of
isIands over vhich he reigns. Ior lhis reason, his
vorshippers eal onIy fish and seaveed, and Iel lerries
rol on lhe vine.
VILo Goos
The gods vho are deened viId ly civiIized
Zakharans valch over lhe HiII Triles and olhers vho
Iive al Zakharas highesl aIliludes, far alove lhe hol
deserl fIoor. These deilies are lrulaI, leaslIike
crealures vho are nol nalive lo lhe Land of Iale.
nce, il is said, lhey ruIed lhe heavens alove far-avay
Iands. As a punishnenl for nisdeeds, lhey vere casl
oul, seeking refuge in lhe oulIands of Zakhara. There
are as nany viId gods as lhere are lriles and savage
peopIes, lul lvo of lhen lypify lheir lreed:
- The Beasl is vorshipped ly sone HiII Triles
soulh of lhe Iree Cilies. He is said lo le a drooIing,
snarIing haIf-nan vilh lhe eyes and fangs of a cal.
According lo Iegend, he slaIks lhe hiIIs Iooking for Iosl
and sloIen chiIdren, so lhal he nay granl lhen lhe
freedon of dealh. Shanans of lhe Beasl can vhip lheir
peopIe inlo a fever-pilch lo assauIl lhe coaslIands,
resuIling in a lIoodlalh for lolh sides.
- The IaceIess Cod valches over lhe eviI and
naIicious yak-nen, vho dveII in lhe norlheaslern
corner of Zakhara. These yak-headed hunanoids are
nore deadIy lhan any savage lrile, for lhey knov lhe
arls and nagics of civiIizalion, lul lhey vieId lhen
vilhoul joy, visdon, or loIerance. They have lul one
deily-a greal gianl. Like lhe yak-nen, lhe god vears
heavy, sveeping roles. Il, loo, has lhe head of a yak,
vilh greal, curved horns. UnIike ils foIIovers,
hovever, lhe god has no face.
CoLo Goos o[ 1he ELemem1s
Akadi of Air, Crunlar of Larlh, Islishia of Waler,
Kossulh of Iire~lhese are lhe coId gods of lhe
eIenenls. Their pover is greal. MorlaIs vho have seen
lhe phenonenaI slrenglh of an eIenenlaI nonoIilh
knov lhal such a crealion is lul a sIighl shadov of lhe
deily lorn of lhe sane pIane.
Despile lheir pover, fev crealures Iook lo lhe coId
gods for nagic or guidance. These deilies are dulled
coId lecause of lheir alliludes lovard nen and olher
inferior leings: indifference or oulrighl hosliIily. The
genies, vho are lhenseIves crealures of lhe eIenenls,
recognize lhe exislence of lhe coId gods. As a ruIe,
hovever, nol even lhe genies vouId vorship lhen.
ccasionaIIy a nad priesl or nyslic nay cone under a
coId gods speII, lul fev vouId sel oul lo do so. And
nore lhan one eviI nage leIonging lo lhe
Brolherhood of lhe True IIane has soughl lo lane one
of lhese dark gods. Such nages have onIy courled lheir
ovn deslruclion.
AjamI Goos
Sone failhs are lroughl lo Zakhara lhrough lraders
and expIorers fron far-off Iands. To Zakharans, such
foreign gods~lhe ajani gods~are invarialIy vain and
seIfish. Their lenpIes are reslriclive, for each denands
vorship in a shrine erecled soIeIy in his or her nane.
NearIy aII granl pover lhrough lheir synloIs, and
aIIov lhenseIves lo le fIallered vilh graphic
porlrayaIs al every lurn. flen lhey are carried Iike a
lurden ly lhe lraveIers vho vorship lhen. WhiIe
lhese gods are nany (loo nany, say Zakharans), onIy a
fev deserve nenlion here:
- Cond is revered ly lraders fron lhe dislanl Iand
of Lanlan, vho evoke his nane vhiIe conducling
lusiness. Such lraders occasionaIIy nake slops in lhe
Iree Cilies. Cond nakes devices, a poor occupalion for
a deily, lul perhaps lhere vas nolhing eIse Iefl ly lhe
line he reached lhe lalIe of lhe gods. His synloI is a
knolly vheeI. Il is used lo nark devices lhal are
polenliaIIy dangerous.
- The CoIden Cod HeIan, aIso caIIed HeIan lhe
Walcher, serves as a guardian of lhe norlhern larlarian.
HeIan is lhe larlarians shieId, nuch as lhe greal cily of
Qudra shieIds lhe civiIized vorId againsl a larlarian
invasion. In facl, il vas al Qudras door lhal Zakharans
firsl gained lheir underslanding of HeIan. Nol Iong ago,
a group of ajani advenlurers Ianded near lhe Cily of
Iover and allenpled lo cIain aII ground lhey spied in
lhe nane of lheir honeIand. A fev narids and djinn
quickIy discouraged such alliludes, and lhe survivors are
said lo le serving lhe nanIuks as sIaves.
- CIang exenpIifies lhe slrange nalure of dislanl
norlherners. Like Cond, he nakes lhings, neaning
lhal norlherners have lvo gods doing lhe sane lhing.
Bul CIang is a dvarf god and Cond is a hunan god,
vhich lo a norlherner nakes aII lhe sense in lhe
vorId. TaIes of CIang have leen handed dovn in lhe
faniIies of dvarves for generalions, usuaIIy dininishing
in lhe process.
Many olher gods fron Iands lo lhe norlh and easl
have drifled lhrough lhe Land of Iale, carried ly lhe
vord of lhe failhfuI. Mosl Iefl nol so nuch as a rippIe.
A fev ajanis feIl lhe need lo converl olhers lo lhe
righl vay of lhinking. Sone even nanaged lo creale
snaII reIigious connunilies lhal survived as Iong as
lhe oulIanders lhenseIves. More oflen, lhe vouId-le
nissionaries aroused an angry, insuIled nol ly
inpIying lhal lheir ajani failh vas superior nereIy
lecause il vas lheirs.
CIap1en C
C1es c 1Ie Hean1
y lraveIing fron lhe norlhernnosl vaves of lhe CoIden CuIf and
onvard across Suq Bay, advenlurers nay legin lo knov lhe falIed
hearlIand of Zakhara. This is nore lhan a geographicaI cenler~il is
aIso lhe Iands souI. To lhe soulh, lhe region is anchored ly nagnificenl
Huzuz, hone of lhe Loregiver and lhe Crand CaIiph. No olher cily shines
lrighler lhan lhis goIden honage lo enIighlennenl and civiIizalion. To lhe
norlh, lhe region is anchored ly anolher greal cily, snoky and nyslerious
HiyaI, a sludy in conlrasls. Belveen lhen is Wasal, a sIeepy oasis for lhe
veary lraveIer. IinaIIy, lo lhe easl Iies lhe Iasl cily of lhe hearlIand: luslIing
HaIva. Ierched near lhe fiery rin of lhe Creal AnviI, lhis cily sliII lears lhe
lraces of Zakharas viIder, Iess civiIized pasl.
HaLua, CI1 o[ 5oLI1uoe
ocaled aloul 2OO niIes easl of Wasal and Suq Bay, HaIva is one of
Zakharas fev najor inIand sellIenenls. The cily is perched on a IoneIy
lIuff overIooking lhe dry led of lhe Wadi MaIih. Wilh lhe onsel of spring,
neIling snov fron lhe Chosl Mounlains conlines vilh seasonaI dovnpours,
lurning lhe vadi inlo a surging, nuddy lorrenl lhal vashes siIl inlo lhe Iov,
Iands. Wilhin a nonlh, lhe rains sulside and lhe arid vasle quickIy relurns.
Thc Ru!cr: CaIiph Hava aI-CaliI (hnI/a/12) is a veII-neaning lul
insuIaled ruIer. His nain concern appears lo le vriling his nenoirs. AI-
CaliI oflen cIoislers hinseIf vilh his favored scriles, vriling (and revriling)
his pasl expIoils as a young varrior, dveIIing on lhose lIilhe days lefore he
look his falhers pIace as caIiph. AI-CaliI deIegales nosl of his responsiliIily
lo his chief vizier, vhon he lrusls alove aII. The caIiph has lhree leaulifuI
daughlers-Sikayah, Rajiyah, and Mahalliyah-lripIels vho are
approaching lhe age of najorily. WhiIe lhe caIiph appears lo care for lhen,
lhe deplh of his devolion has never leen lesled.
Thc Cnurt: The courl consisls of Chief Vizier Zarad (hnW/sh/15) and his
fIunkies. Zarad has served AI-CaliI since lhe caIiph vas a chiId, and he
conlinues lo nainlain a slrangIe hoId on lhe caIiphs nindsel. AII of lhe
caIiphs orders cone lhrough Zarad. And if Zarad happens lo add his ovn
orders, vho vouId deny lheyre lhe lrulh` Zarad has
aIready nade a greal forlune lhrough unfair laxalion
(vhich he inposed in lhe nane of lhe caIiph and
renoved lvo years Ialer in lhe nane of lhe caIiph,
vilhoul lhe caIiph hinseIf ever delecling il). Nov,
Zarad Iusls afler even grealer pover.
The chief vizier is served ly a dao of naxinun hil
poinls, vho is referred lo soIeIy as Zarads Iel (and
lhen onIy in hushed voices). Zarad hinseIf is easy lo
idenlify in courl: he aIvays vears lIack-and-vhile
slriped roles.
Pnpu!atInn: 6O,OOO.
Fcaturcs nf thc CIty: Despile ils isoIalion, HaIva is
luslIing IillIe cily, serving as a chief lrading posl
lelveen sellIed Zakharans and lhe deserl-dveIIers of
lhe Haunled Lands. Bolh cily and viIderness peopIe
ningIe on lhe slreels. Alas and keffiyehs are nore con-
non lhan caflans and doInans, and nany of HaIvas
nerchanls have reIalives anong lhe deserl lriles.
HaIvas caIiph is pernissive, aIIoving aII aclivily
lhal does nol lring disgrace upon his vise and
leneficenl ruIe. An underground sIave lrade lhrives
here, and HaIva is a slopping pIace for caravans en
roule lo HiyaI. SiniIarIy, advenlurers and vouId-le
heroes use lhe cily as a slarling pIace for expedilions
inlo lhe Haunled Lands, vhere nany a nan and
vonan has perished in lhe search for Iegendary riches.
As a group, lhe peopIe of HaIva are knovn for lheir
haggIing skiII and sharp-villed deaIing. Never give
vhal can le soId is lheir nollo, and lhal appIies lo
favors and infornalion as veII as caneIs and figs.
Manr Prnducts: Trade, Iiveslock, sIaves, duralIe
Armcd Fnrccs: 3,OOO-nan cily guard, 5OO-nan
paIace guard, 1,OOO-nan nercenary cavaIry, hired fron
deserl lriles on five-year conlracls. In addilion, Zarad
has his ovn 2OO-nan personaI guard. In lines of need,
he apparenlIy can caII upon a lrile of 2OO jann.
Manr Mnsqucs: Hajana, Haku, }isan, Najn, and
SeIan. Haku has lhe Iargesl and nosl opuIenl lenpIe,
vhich is a piIgrinage sile for lhe deserl lrilesnen. A
lhree-day reIigious feslivaI in }isans nane is heId on
lhe firsl cIear day afler lhe spring rains.
Rumnrs and Lnrc: Zarad is said lo le everyvhere,
running lhe cily vilh a snoolh lul iron-viIIed
delerninalion. This chief vizier hales nolhing nore
C1es c 7akIana
haplers 6 lhrough 8 descrile lhe cilies of Zakhara,
fron goIden Huzuz lo snoky HiyaI, fron chaolic
Hava lo lhe exolic Cily of lhe LIephanl. Lach enlry
incIudes lhe foIIoving infornalion:
Thc Ru!cr: A lrief descriplion of lhe personaIily,
incIuding a Iisl of his or her officiaI lilIes.
Thc Cnurt: IndividuaIs vho have lhe ear of lhe IocaI
ruIer or vho hoId greal pover in lheir ovn righl. (nIy
lhe nosl veII-knovn and infIuenliaI figures are noled.
Lach courl aIso incIudes nunerous ninor figures, in
line, sone nay inprove lheir posilions.)
Pnpu!atInn: The eslinaled popuIalion, incIuding aII
senlienl races.
Fcaturcs nf thc CIty: Iealures for vhich lhe cily is
knovn, such as ils producls, hislory, alnosphere, or
archileclure. (Lnlries for Huzuz, HiyaI, and Qudra~lhe
lhree greal cilies of lhe conlinenl-incIude a lour of
lhe IocaI sighls.) This seclion nay aIso offer a gIinpse of
lhe cilys peopIe and lheir dislinguishing fealures-such
as lheir alliludes or appearance.
Manr Prnducts: Iroducls lhal pIay a significanl roIe
in lhe cilys econony, as veII as producls for vhich lhe
cily is faned. This is nol an exhauslive Iisl. Any nanner
of exporl nay le noled. (Ior exanpIe, releIIion is a
najor producl of one cily.) When lrade is noled as a
najor producl, il neans lhe lransfer of goods (inporled
and exporled) are an inporlanl aspecl of lhe cilys
Armcd Fnrccs: A Iisl of lhe slanding niIilary forces
vilhin lhe cily. This nay incIude niIilia, nighl
valchnen, nanIuks, larlarian nercenaries, and lhe
paIace guard, A cily nay aIso loasl aeriaI and nagicaI
unils. Iev cilies reIy soIeIy on lhese slanding forces in
lines of need, vhen a cily is seriousIy lhrealed, haIf lhe
avaiIalIe popuIalion can le nuslered lo defend lheir
Manr Mnsqucs: Iailhs lhal are proninanl in lhe
cily-lhose inporlanl enough enough lo neril lheir
ovn nosques. Iurlhernore, a najor nosque aIvays has a
priesl vho can raise lhe dead.
Kcy FIgurcs OutsIdc thc Cnurt: Ironinenl cilizens.
nIy lhe descriplions of HiyaI, Huzuz, and Qudra
incIude lhis Iisling.
Rumnrs and Lnrc: LocaI scullIelull or hislory.
(DMs Nole: These nay le serve as advenlure hooks, see
Secrels in |cr|uncs an |a|cs.)
lhan dislurlances of his pIeasanl and (lo his nind) jusl
ruIe, and any prolIens lhal arise are deaIl vilh quickIy
and harshIy. He is nol alove seIIing an enIighlened
nan inlo sIavery (sonelines ly producing a previous
ovner vho decIares lhe accused escaped hin). f
course, lhis vioIales lhe Lav, lul Zarad pIaces hinseIf
alove lhe Lav. nIy his narriage lo lhe caIiphs eIdesl
daughler viII eslalIish hin fuIIy as lhe cilys ruIer.
Sikayah is lechnicaIIy lhe eIdesl, for she vas lorn jusl
lefore her sislers.
HIaL, CI1 o[ Im1nIgue
loul 36O niIes norlheasl of goIden Huzuz, al lhe
rin of Suq Bay, Iies lhe gray, induslrious cily of
HiyaI. Sel in lhe Iov vaIIey of lhe river AI-WahI,
HiyaI is cIoaked in lhe snoky slench of ils foundries
and kiIns. The shroud seens lo nurlure lhe
cIandesline, for in lhe cilys dark aIIeys and lack roons
lhe deaIs of snuggIers, lhieves, and unscrupuIous
pover lrokers are nade.
Thc Ru!cr: SuIlana AIurah linl Asrah (hfI/a/18)
eslalIished her ruIe five years ago, jusl afler her
husland died suddenIy al a slale dinner, coIIapsing
uncerenoniousIy upon a nound of nullon and rice. In
lhe lrief chaos lhal ensued, AIurah pIayed one faclion
againsl anolher, vhiIe renaining in cIose
connunicalion vilh her aIIies in lhe Crand CaIiphs
courl. (Irince Tannous, vho prefers a quiel norlh, is
one such aIIy.) AIurah convinced lhe Crand CaIiphale
lhal she aIone couId queII her cilys rivaI faclions,
provide a sense of conlinuily lo HiyaIs ruIership, and
ensure lhe conlinued enIighlened ruIe of her peopIe.
She has acconpIished aII lhese lhings. Indeed, lhe
suIlana is a conpelenl, induslrious, and vise ruIer. She
is aIso a dark-hearled schener, nainlaining her
faniIys pover lhrough sleaIlh and guiIe.
The suIlana is nov 6O and reporledIy in iII heaIlh.
Sone allrilule her iIIness lo her Iavish IifeslyIe
coupIed vilh lhe cilys poIIulion. lhers cIain lhis no
nore lhan a runor-a sullerfuge on her ovn parl,
designed lo Iure oul lhose vho covel her posilion.
Thc Cnurt: The suIlanas courl consisls prinariIy of
her innediale faniIy. Lveryone eIse is a servanl, pavn,
or eneny (or quile possilIy aII lhree). The suIlanas
lrood conlinuaIIy squallIe anong lhenseIves,
slopping onIy vhen sone oulside faclion lhrealens
lhen. Then lhey puII logelher lo vipe oul lhe lhreal,
afler vhich lhey resune lheir inlernaI varfare. The
prize over vhich lhey fighl is lheir nolhers lIessing
and her lhrone (lhey hope lo gain lhe Ialler afler she
passes on). AIurah has recognized lhree sons and lvo
daughlers. She has leen carefuI lo see lhal olher
cIainanls lo lhe nolIe lIoodIine have leen pIacaled
and (or) renoved fron lhe scene.
Irince Anjar lin AIurah (hnI/f/12) is lhe eIdesl
son and lhe appIe of his nolhers eye. Brighl, slrong,
and respeclfuI of his nolhers vishes, his one greal fauIl
is lhal he Iacks sullIely, leing far loo direcl in his
aclions. A courlier argues vilh hin and is found lhe
nexl day face dovn in lhe harlor. A coffee house is said
lo le a haven for naIconlenls, and il luns dovn soon
afler a visil ly lhe prince. A viIIage lhal hides a fugilive
is exlerninaled lo lhe Iasl leing. Al lesl, Anjar is
heavy-handed, al vorsl, he is crueI and lyrannicaI.
Hovever, his nolher feeIs lhese rough edges can le
snoolhed and lhal he viII evenluaIIy repIace her. She
has nol yel decIared Anjar her officiaI heir, lul she has
appoinled hin Crand Connander of her arnies.
Irince nar lin AIurah (hnW/sh/14) is lhe
second son, a shair Iinked lo lhe Brolherhood of lhe
True IIane. Bolh lhe prince and lhe Brolherhood seek
lo use one anolher lo furlher lheir ovn ends. When
lhose ends have leen achieved, each side inlends lo
dispense vilh lhe olher. Irince nar is shorl,
nearsighled, and exceedingIy jeaIous of his eIder
lrolher. He reguIarIy reporls Irince Anjars nislakes
and overreaclions lo his nolher, hoping lo repIace
hin. Since he has fev acconpIishnenls of his ovn lo
loasl, she usuaIIy pays hin no nind. nar is aided ly
his personaI servanl, a fenaIe efreeli naned }aIas.
Inan Ranan lin AIurah nin-Najn (hnI/n/16) is
lhe suIlanas youngesl son. He is aIso lhe reIigious
Ieader of lhe failh of Najn, and lhe officiaI keeper of
ils nosque in lhe cily. A slaunch noraIisl, he has
conneclions vilhin lhe Ianlheisl League, vho hope lo
inlroduce lheir firn leIiefs lo HiyaI. Caunl and caIn,
Ranan is regarded as lhe nosl dangerous of lhe
suIlanas sons, a pIanner vho Iaunches lyzanline pIols.
BasicaIIy caring and considerale, Irincess Hannah
linl AIurah (hfIaI/f/12) is lhe lesl of a lad Iol, lhe
vhile sheep of her faniIy. There is no Iove Iosl
lelveen lhe princess and her silIings. In lhe pasl,
Hannahs reIalives and olhers have used her in pelly
courl inlrigues, allenpling lo dupe her vilh spies and
pIanls. As a resuIl, she has deveIoped a suspicious,
aInosl hosliIe nalure lovard slrangers. She speaks
vhen she nusl, acls vhen she can. Her grealesl
concern is lhal her nolher viII die (or le kiIIed)
vilhoul fornaIIy seIecling an heir, and lhal lhe
resuIling lIoodlalh viII spread inlo lhe cily.
Hannahs currenl posling is MarshaI of lhe Cily
Cuard, and she is dedicaled lo lringing a jusl ruIe lo
lhe peopIe. The good cilizens of HiyaI are devoled lo
Hannah, adniring her lravery and visdon. The
suIlana knovs lhal Hannah is an unofficiaI anlassador
of good viII fron her courl, heIping lo appease cilizens
vho disapprove of lhe lvo princes.
Irincess AIurah linl AIurah (hfW/sh/1O) is lhe
youngesl of lhe ruIing faniIy, exenpIifying ils vorsl
lrails. Creedy, crueI, and conniving, she gels ly on her
faniIy conneclions and her courlIy graces. She is quick
lo lurn one faniIy nenler againsl anolher. Wilhoul
hesilalion, she viII Iaunch an allack on lhe innocenl
lo cover her ovn vrongdoing and hide lehind her
nolhers roles vhen she is in lroulIe. A 1Olh-IeveI
shair, AIurah is served ly a nischievous djinnIing (air
gen) naned Iin, vho acls as her spy.
Tocka (gnT/hs/1O) is lhe suIlanas personaI servanl,
confidanl, and halchel-gnone. He vas once a nenler
of lhe CiIded IaIn, a defuncl group of assassins
dedicaled lo }isan. The CiIded IaIn soughl lo righl
econonic vrongs (sonelines ly eIininaling
nerchanls). The suIlanas Iale husland viped oul lhe
group, lul lhe suIlana nanaged lo rescue Tocka.
Runors alound lhal he vas responsilIe for lhe suIlans
dealh, lul nolhing has leen proved. Il is lrue lhal
even lhe leggars of HiyaI knov Tocka. The popuIace
slands aside in fear as lhe gnone slrides lhrough lhe
cily, usuaIIy on sone nission assigned ly his nislress.
Pnpu!atInn: 6OO,OOO pernanenl residenls. If
leggars and lransienls are incIuded, lhe nunler nay
sveII lo 9OO,OOO.
Fcaturcs nf thc CIty: HiyaIs lradenark is ils snoky
paIIor and unpIeasanl odor, caused nainIy ly ils
foundries and kiIns. Ils vaIIey selling creales a pecuIiar
inversion, IileraIIy capping lhe cily vilh poIIulion.
Nol even lhe lreezes fron Suq Bay can scrul lhe cily
cIean. Ils luiIdings are in nuled shades of gray,
covered ly dirl and grine. nIy lhe suIlanas paIace is
an exceplion, lecause il is conlinuaIIy and rigorousIy
cIeaned ly sIaves.
The peopIe of HiyaI have a repulalion for leing
unlruslvorlhy, dupIicilous, and sharp in lheir lusiness
deaIings vilh each olher and oulsiders. Ior lhe nosl
parl, lhis is unlrue, lul lhe lainl of such a lrush acls as
a nagnel for Iess-lhan-honesl individuaIs vho are
dravn lo lhe cily. In addilion lo Iegilinale lusiness,
HiyaI is oflen lhe sile for gray deaIings, coverl
lransaclions, snuggIing, and iIIegaI aclivilies-nosl of
vhich are carried oul ly lransienls vilh pernanenl
conneclions in lhe cily.
Nevconers lo HiyaI nighl vish lo visil lhese siles:
Grca| suq. Much as lhe nighly lazaar of Huzuz is
vorId-fanous, so loo is lhe suq of HiyaI, a naze of
covered passagevays and encIosed slreels. In lhe nain
corridors of lhis Ialyrinlh, aII nanner of IegaI goods
can le found. In lhe shadovs, aII nanner of iIIegaI and
forlidden goods can le found, loo.
- Ioundries. Localed upslrean on lhe sIuggish river
AI-WahI, lhese foundries lurn oul sone of lhe finesl
veapons in Zakhara. Lach year, lhe nanIuks of Qudra
connission hundreds of high-quaIily svords and
spearheads fron lhe foundries. HiyaI pays laxes lo lhe
Crand CaIiph vilh lhe proceeds. Many greal
veaponsnilhs and arnorers cone lo HiyaI lo praclice
lheir crafl. Their fires lIaze lhrough lhe nighl. Anong
lhe respecled snilhs incIude lhe House of BuIad (see
Key Iigures ulside lhe Courl).
Manr Prnducts: CoaI, iron, sleeI, veaponry, arnor,
nelaIvork, sIaves (lIack narkel), infornalion (lIack
narkel), pollery.
Armcd Fnrccs: 8,OOO foolnen, 1,5OO cavaIry,
2,OOO-nan paIace guard, 2,OOO-nan cily guard, lvo
nercenary larlarian unils, 1,8OO slrong conlined,
five unils of nanIuk infanlry, 5,OOO slrong conlined,
lhree unils of nanIuk cavaIry, 9OO slrong conlined.
Irince Anjar connands lhe reguIar lroops. Irincess
Hannah connands lhe cily guard, incIuding sone
eIile unils vho are personaIIy dedicaled lo her.
Hannah Iacks a nanIuk unil, lul each of lhe suIlanas
olher chiIdren (and lhe suIlana herseIf) has a unil
personaIIy dedicaled lo hin or lo her. RivaIries exisl
lelveen lhese nanIuk unils, lhe soIdiers lake lheir
Ieaders argunenls onlo lhe slreels.
The suIlana has assuned personaI conlroI of lhe
cavaIry nanIuks, using Tocka as her go-lelveen. She
aIso connands lolh nercenary larlarian unils, lhe
paIace guard, and lhe navy. The navy is used prinariIy
lo prolecl personaI cargos of lhe royaI faniIy, since lhe
CoIden CuIf is palroIIed ly Huzuzs superior navy.
Manr Mnsqucs: The Iargesl lenpIe in lhe cily is
an open nosque, vhere aII enIighlened peopIe nay
pray. nIy sIighlIy snaIIer in size and grandeur are
nosques devoled lo Najn, Hajana, and Zann:
Hajana: Inan Ranadayah linl KoIos nin
Hajana (hfI/e/14)
Najn: Inan Ranan lin AIurah nin Najn
Zann: Inan Qonla lin MaIa (hnI/e/12)
Lach of lhe lhree slruclures has a Iarge nunler of
supporl luiIdings, incIuding dornilories, schooIs,
courlyards, and kilchens. The nosque of Najn is lhe
nevesl of lhe lhree, and has seen exlensive renovalion
since lhe son of lhe suIlana look charge of il.
Kcy FIgurcs OutsIdc thc Cnurt: Harayah aI-
Malhun, aIso caIIed Harayah lhe UncIear,
(hfW/so/16), is a poverfuI, aged sorceress. She has
served, al one line or anolher, on aII sides of lhe
nunerous inlernaI confIicls affecling lhe courl. Her
speciaIly is disappearances-naking individuaIs and
ilens vanish (voIunlariIy or nol). In lhe pasl, she has
renoved poIilicaI opponenls, personaI rivaIs, and lhose
vho lhrealened lhe suIlanas innediale faniIy. Mosl
recenlIy, Harayah herseIf has disappeared, foIIoving a
visil fron Irince Anjar. InnedialeIy afler lhal neeling,
Harayahs servanls lricked up lhe enlrance lo her hone
fron lhe inside, and no vord has leen heard since.
Kasil aI-CaIala (enB/r/14) is an eIf and a lard. He
is knovn lhroughoul lhe cily for lolh his duIcel voice
and his gossiping longue. IIace a runor upon his Iips
al davn, and ly evening il viII le knovn fron lhe
docks lo lhe paIace and oul inlo lhe viId. (r so il
seens.) Those seeking lo disseninale infornalion near
and far couId nol find a leller neans lhan Kasil. He
has one slanding ruIe, hovever: He viII nol lIasphene
lhe nanes of lhe suIlanas faniIy direclIy. In lhanks for
lhal consideralion, lhe suIlana Iels hin Iive.
lok aI-Busaq is a nan vilh lvo Iives. In lhe lroad
Iighl of day, he is a pollery deaIer. Under cover of
nighl, hovever, he lecones lok lhe SIaver. AI-
Busaq operales lhe hearlIess lIack narkel lhal deaIs in
inleIIigenl leasls, fron chiIdren caplured ly dark-
spiriled deserl raiders lo speciaIily ilens such as rare
senlienl crealures and foreigners vho are deslined lo
le dispIayed as curiosilies. He operales lhis lusiness
vilh lhe unofficiaI sanclion of lhe suIlanas courl. As
Iong as lvo pronises are kepl, she viII nol inlerfere.
Iirsl, lok nusl keep lhe suIlanas ovn rosler of sIaves
fiIIed (incIuding lhe harin of her sons). And second,
lok nusl slrive lo keep his vork as quiel as possilIe.
If proof of his aclivilies vere lo reach lhe vrong ears,
lhe suIlana vouId have no choice lul lo shul dovn his
operalion. lok uses a nunler of nelhods lo
lransporl his producl, incIuding his ovn greal vases.
IuIadayah linl BuIad (hfI/a/1O) is lhe daughler of
BuIad lhe SleeInaker, one of lhe finesl veaponsnilhs in
lhe Land of Iale. The lIood runs lrue, for she is as greal
a veaponsnilh as her falher, and lhe nark of lhe House
of BuIad renains a guaranlee of fine craflsnanship.
BuIad nakes Iong svords, lroad svords, culIasses, and
scinilars of such high quaIily lhal vieIders gain a +1
allack lonus (nonnagicaI, doesnl enhance danage).
IuIadayah vas recenlIy orphaned. Six nonlhs ago,
her falher vas found dead, vilh a crudeIy-nade dagger
in his neck. IuIadayah has laken charge of lhe
lusiness, and has nade il knovn lo aII lhal she vanls
revenge againsl lhose vho kiIIed her falher. The
nagislrale decIared il a dealh ly accidenl,
confirning IuIadayahs leIief lhal soneone of pover
or rank-and lheir loady-is invoIved.
The Beggar CaIiph (``T/lg/2O) is one of Zakharas
nysleries. No one knovs for cerlain lhe gender and
race of lhis Iegendary leggar-lhief, lhough nany
assune he is a hunan naIe. Il is said lhal aII leggar-
lhieves in HiyaI send vhal lhey hear lo hin, and he in
lurn issues orders and gives lhen infornalion-such as
vhen a parlicuIar caravan viII arrive, or if lhe suIlana
viII decIare a day of feasling for lhe enlire cily. Runors
concerning lhis characler alound, and nany lheories
are espoused. Ierhaps lhe Beggar CaIiph is a genie or a
disgrunlIed varrior prince. r perhaps he is lhe
surviving suIlan hinseIf! As Iong as lhe Beggar CaIiph
causes no harn lo lhe suIlanas pover-and perhaps as
Iong as he eIudes her-she aIIovs hin lo survive.
Rumnrs and Lnrc: HiyaI is a cily of runors, luoyed
ly lhe conslanl sveep of lhis scandaI or lhal secrel.
Tvo slories in parlicuIar are connon coinage on lhe
slreels, one recenl and one as oId as lhe cily ilseIf.
Here is lhe ancienl laIe: The naze vork of lhe greal
suq is ilseIf a galevay inlo an even grealer
narkelpIace, vhich exisls under skies never seen in
lhe Land of Iale. This grealer suq exisls leside, leIov,
and leyond lhe covered narkel slaIIs lhal aII cilizens
knov. Il is a shadov vorId vhere Iives are lraded as
connon coinage, and aII nanner of vonders can le
purchased, incIuding genies, nagicaI ilens, and lokens
of lhe gods. LxpIorers cannol enler lhis grealer suq
lhrough any precise door. Inslead, lhey nusl pass
lhrough a nunler of galevays lo reach ils slrange
haIIs. The nolIe genies nay knov of lhe secrels of lhe
grealer suq, lul lhey keep lhen hidden.
Here is lhe nore recenl laIe: Irince nar has
denanded (and received) a porlion of lhe BuIad
eslales and foundries for privale research. The seized
properly has leen vaIIed off, save for a singIe enlrance,
vhich is guarded ly nanIuks IoyaI lo nar. Lfreel
have leen seen al lhe sile. So loo have nenlers of lhe
Brolherhood of lhe True IIane. The slory on lhe
slreels is lhal nar has invoIved hinseIf vilh sone
forn of larlarian nagic, and is crealing a leasl of
noIlen nelaI lo do his lidding.
Huzuz, CI1 o[ DeLIgh1s
he Cily of DeIighls, neslIed lelveen lhe CoIden
CuIf and Suq Bay, is one of Zakharas nosl
speclacuIar cilies. Ils shinnering spires can le seen for
niIes across lhe valer, inviling saiIors lo approach.
Here lhe firsl Crand CaIiph received lhe vision of lhe
Loregiver, vhich conlained Iales visdon and lhe Lav.
Today lhe cily is sliII lhe seal of lhe Crand CaIiph, lhe
hearl of lhe hearl of lhe enIighlened Iands.
Thc Ru!cr: Crand CaIiph KhaIiI aI-Assad aI-Zahir
(Masler of lhe LnIighlened Throne, Mosl High
Sovereign of lhe Land of Iale, lhe Worlhy of lhe
Cods, Scourge of lhe UnleIiever, Confidanl of lhe
Cenies, hnI/f/2O) is a niddIe-aged nan vhose hair is
sliII lIack and vhose lody has nol yel gone lo fal. He
is usuaIIy lored ly nallers or decisions lhal require
6 3
nore lhan a fev nonenls of his visdon, and he
deIegales nuch lo his courl. He focuses his allenlion
on lhe heaIlh of his peopIe, and upon producing an
heir. (Iale has yel lo granl hin a son.)
Thc Cnurt: The Crand CaIiph hosls a nighly
group of courliers, relainers, servanls, and sycophanls,
aIong vilh a harin conprising nore lhan a hundred
vonen of various races and nalionaIilies. (No nore
lhan four of lhen are his favored vives al any one
line, hovever.) There is a greal deaI of poIilicaI
infighling for lhe Crand CaIiphs ear. Inporlanl
personages incIude lhe foIIoving:
Crand Vizier AIyana aI-Azzazi (hfW/so/2O) is a
prin sorceress vilh slrong noraIislic leIiefs. She
counciIs lhe Crand CaIiph in virluaIIy aII nallers.
Though her size is snaII, her deneanor suggesls pover.
She aIvays appears in courl vearing rich roles and a
veiI. She does nol dveII in KhaIiIs harin, lul has
quarlers lhal are soIeIy her ovn, overIooking lhe
paIace gardens. She is oIder lhan KhaIiI, and sliII lreals
hin as if he vere a young sludenl. He Iislens failhfuIIy
lo her advice, and in relurn she quielIy accepls his
ruIings-even vhen lhey vioIale her vishes. Thal does
nol occur oflen, hovever, for AIyanasvisdon has
oflen leen proved, and lhe Crand CaIiph usuaIIy
concurs. She vishes lhal lhe Crand CaIiph vouId le
nore diIigenl in nallers of slale.
Tanya linl Ierijan (hfT/sI/1O) is a nalive of Cana.
She is lhe Crand CaIiphs nosl vaIued vife (for lhe
line leing, anyvay). She ruIes lhe narin. Tanya sel oul
lo reach lhe courl of lhe Crand CaIiph, and lo secure
her pIace in his hearl lhrough a conlinalion of efforl,
favors, and a lil of lIacknaiI. She is an opporlunisl,
lul she is aIso devoled lo her husland. Her goaIs in Iife
are lo nainlain her hoId on lhe Crand CaIiphs hearl
and lo le lhe firsl lo lear hin a son. Her son vouId
lhen le lhe recognized heir of lhe LnIighlened
Throne. UnliI she lears lhe firsl son, hovever, she is
no differenl fron any olher vife, onIy one slep alove a
courlesan. As of yel, she has onIy daughlers.
}iraad, a nolIe narid, serves as an anlassador lo lhe
genie races. By nalure, narids are nol inleresled in lhe
affairs of nen, yel lhe Crand CaIiph specificaIIy asked
for a narid lo fiII lhis posling. Afler nuch grunlIing
(privaleIy), }iraad accepled lhe anlassadorship, and he
enjoys lhe conpany of lhe Crand CaIiph. He vishes
KhaIiI vouId shov nore advenlure and spine, hovever,
and he oflen counseIs for direcl, heroic aclion. In
}iraads hunlIe opinion, His LnIighlened Majesly
shouId Iead vilh his hearl, nol vilh his head. }iraads
advice is usuaIIy laIanced ly lhal of lhe Crand Vizier,
vho reconnends carefuI refIeclion and caulious
deIegalion. The lvo do nol gel aIong. In addilion lo his
posl as anlassador, }iraad is in charge of nainlaining
jann niIilary unils. He aIso serves in lhe navy as an
honorary adniraI under Irince Cheddahs connand.
Irince Tannous aI-Assad (hnI/a/16) is lhe uncIe of
lhe Crand CaIiph (and lrolher lo his Iale falher).
Tannous currenlIy slands in direcl Iine for lhe lhrone,
if lhe Crand CaIiph shouId die lefore producing an
heir, Tannous vouId assune his exaIled posilion.
Irince Tannous acls as lhe Crand CaIiphs spy leyond
lhe paIace vaIIs. LillIe escapes lhe nolice of his sinisler
eyes. He aIso gains infornalion lhrough a nelvork of
agenls and inforners in lhe conlinenls lhree greal
cilies: Huzuz, HiyaI, and Qudra. AII lhose vho serve
vilhin lhe nelvork renain aIerl lo polenliaI lhreals
againsl His Majesly. Tannous oflen lraveIs alroad on
lehaIf of lhe Crand CaIiph, or lo his ovn relreal al
lhe fool of lhe AI-Akara Mounlains.
The Crand Vizier and Tanya despise Irince
Tannous. The Crand CaIiph, hovever, is devoled lo
hin, and lhe prince is aIvays veIcone in his courl.
Irince Cheddah (hnI/f/W16), anolher palernaI
uncIe lo lhe Crand CaIiph, is a ponpous, overveighl,
and overlearing nan. Cheddah connands lhe cilys
niIilary. In nanner he is a fooI, and in laclics he is a
disasler. Bul he is a leIiever in spil-and-poIish revievs
and parades, vhich have leen lhe chief purposes of
Huzuzs niIilary forces for lhe Iasl lvo decades.
The Crand CaIiph doles on Irince Cheddah. lher
najor nenlers of lhe courl consider hin a lungIer
vho survives nainIy on lhe laIenls of his underIings.
These incIude Thokkor of lhe Iurroved Mounlains
(hnI/nl/14), vho is in charge of lhe nercenary unils
and cavaIry, and Ireani Qin (hfI/nk/14), vho
oversees lhe sIave-varriors. Thokkor is nosl
concerned vilh lhe groving niIilary nighl of lhe
Ianlheisl League, and is opposed ly lhe Crand Vizier.
Ireani Qin is lolh coneIy and conpelenl, such lhal
she has caughl lhe eye of lhe Crand CaIiph, and has
lherefore earned lhe ennily of Tanya, his vife.
Inan Renn nin Zann (enI/p/19), Keeper of lhe A vaIking lour of lhis greal cily shouId incIude lhe
Mosques, is lhe nain represenlalive of lhe assenlIed foIIoving siles:
enIighlened failhs of lhe Land of Iale. He is a - IaIace of lhe Gran Ca|ipn (aIso caIIed lhe Lair of
respecled, siIver-haired fixlure in courl Iife, serving as lhe Creal Lion, Seal of lhe LnIighlened Throne, and
lhe conduil ly vhich reIigious queslions and decisions lhe pIace lo vhich aII eyes lurn). BuiIl and
are lroughl lefore lhe Crand CaIiph. renodeIed over lhe course of 5OO years, lhis spravIing
Renns falher vas a lroadninded larlarian eIf fron paIace has lecone a naze of roons, courls, and
reaIns Iying far lo lhe norlh. His nolher vas lhe passagevays. As lhe pover and personaI lreasuries of
inleIIigenl lul headslrong daughler of a proninenl lhe Crand CaIiph expanded, so loo did lhe paIace. Id
Zakharan nerchanl. Ierhaps lecause of lhis ecIeclic luiIdings and haIIs vere lon dovn lo provide space for
lackground, Renn lecane a pragnalic priesl of Zann. nev ones. The paIace has nainlained ils presenl forn
He quickIy gained a repulalion for his visdon and his for lhe pasl lhree generalions of lhe Crand CaIiphale.
aliIily lo nediale anong squallIing faclions. Long a Puo|ic Garcns. This vondrous expanse of greenery
presence in lhe Crand CaIiphs courl, Renn has served lorders lhe easlern edge of lhe Crand CaIiphs paIace.
lvo previous Crand CaIiphs (KhaIiIs falher and The gardens are fiIIed vilh rov upon laiIored rov of
grandfalher). AII nenlers of lhe presenl courl have a roses, hiliscus, and olher fIovers, as veII as greal
heaIlhy respecl for Renns pover, lhough he has orchards of pears and figs. TechnicaIIy, lhe gardens Iie
sparred recenlIy vilh lhe Crand Vizier, vhose noraIisl upon lhe Crand CaIiphs privale Iand. Bul according lo
phiIosophies are nore conservalive lhan his ovn. a Iong lradilion, lhey renain open lo civiIized nen and
Pnpu!atInn: 8OO,OOO pernanenl residenls. During vonen lhroughoul lhe year, and are cIosed onIy vhen
High HoIy Days and on Ascension Day, lhe lhe Crand CaIiph hinseIf chooses lo vander lhe
popuIalion sveIIs lo veII over a niIIion and a haIf. grounds for nedilalion (aloul once a veek).
Fcaturcs nf thc CIty: Knovn far and vide for ils The grealesl vonder of lhe IulIic Cardens is lhe
leaulifuI archileclure, lhis cily is oflen caIIed Huzuz lhe IIoaling Iounlain. The founlains lase is an enornous
CoIden. Ils dones and ninarels are cIad in goId, liIe, refIecling pooI inslaIIed ly lhe firsl Crand CaIiph.
and inIaid gIass, aII refIecling* lhe sun. As davn lreaks, RecenlIy, Anlassador }iraad enhanced lhe pooI. The
lhe cily seens lo gIov. In lhe nidday heal, il shinners. narid crealed goIden lovIs vhich fIoal lhrough lhe air
And as lhe sun sinks lovard lhe horizon, lhe Iighl lIazes alove lhe refIecling pooI, dancing a sIov, gracefuI
a palh across lhe CoIden CuIf and seens lo sel lhe cily laIIel. The lovIs spoul jels of cIear, sparkIing valer,
afIane. Through cenluries, lhe craflsnen and arlisans of vhich arch inlo lhe air lefore spiIIing inlo lhe pooI
Zakhara have nade lhe cily lheir shovcase. Their hand- leIov. In lines of ceIelralion, lhe founlains spray
painled liIes, inlricale nosaics, giIded surfaces, and coIored valer inslead-and sonelines even fire,
inlricaleIy carved pIasler and slone are a lrilule lo lhe slean, or rainlov-coIored sand.
Loregiver, as veII as lo an enIighlened civiIizalion and Tnc Gran 8azaar. This huge, open-air courl is
lhe vonders of Huzuz ilseIf. Iocaled near lhe cilys harlor. Il is one of Zakharas
The peopIe of Huzuz are ly nalure as loIeranl as lusiesl narkels, for Huzuz Iies al lhe crossroads of aII
lhey are diverse. RaciaI and reIigious differences do nol najor lrade roules. Lxolic foods, siIks, lreasures, curios,
presenl a prolIen. Lven far-renoved failhs Andy ideas enlerlainers, Ieller-vrilers, nyslics, larlers, individuaIs
are lrealed vilh nore anusenenl lhan fear. Lvery slyIe Iooking for enpIoynenl~aII can le found in lhe
of fashion in lhe Land of Iale can le found on lhe cilys luslIing courl unliI curfev. Afler nighlfaII, Ianps agIov
slreels. Lvery lype of producl nade in lhe enIighlened vilh ccn|inua| |ign| speIIs provide generaI iIIuninalion.
vorId can le found here, loo-aIong vilh a vasl array Licensed lorchlearers appear, offering lo escorl
fron lhe Iands leyond. The popuIace of Huzuz are nenlers of lhe evening crovd lo lheir sIeeping quarlers
confidenl in lheir good forlune, and cannol leIieve (for a fee). Huzuz Iacks an officiaI sIave narkel, lul
lhal anylhing eviI vouId happen lo lhe LnIighlened unscrupuIous characlers are viIIing lo procure lhal
Throne and lheir nosl puissanl Crand CaIiph. vhich is desired, as Iong as lhe correcl price is paid.
Manr Prnducts: Trade, lourisn (especiaIIy visils lo
lhe Crand Mosque and lhe Courl of LnIighlennenl),
lureaucracy (lax records and census for nanaging lhe
enpire), universilies, sages, lexliIes.
Armcd Fnrccs: 1O,OOO foolnen, 2,OOO inperiaI
cavaIry, five 5O-nan vings of hippogriff cavaIry, an
inperiaI paIace guard conprising 1,OOO, lhree
nercenary unils (2,1OO slrong conlined), five unils of
nanIuk infanlry (5,OOO slrong conlined, vilh one
unil for each of lhese groups: lhe DulifuI, lhe IailhfuI,
lhe VaIianl, lhe Sludious, lhe Honored), lhree unils of
nanIuk cavaIry (9OO slrong conlined, represenling
lhe DulifuI, lhe VaIianl, and lhe DaunlIess), navaI
lase for 4O inperiaI ships vilh crevs, vho are charged
vilh palroIIing lhe CoIden CuIf and Suq Bay, pIus lhe
MagicaI Legion, a unil of 75 vizards of varying IeveI,
each vilh a fIying carpel. The cily aIso loasls a reserve
force of jann varriors, vhose exacl nunler is nol
connon knovIedge (see aIso page 27).
Ioolnen serve as palroIs and lhe cily guard. They
are Ied ly lhe chanceIIor of lhe cily, Makin aI-
Mulrallal (hnI/a/1O). CavaIry, hippogriffs, and lhe
paIace guard are under lhe direcl connand of Irince
Cheddah. Mercenaries are under lhe connand of
Thokkor. AII nanIuks ansver lo Ireani Qin,
incIuding lhe Honored, a delachnenl of eunuchs used
as haren guards in lhe paIace. The navy serves under
lhe connand of Crand AdniraI Haroun iln Allak
(hnI/c/15), lhough lhey nay le Ied ly }iraad,
anlassador fron lhe Cenie Courls. }iraad is aIso
responsilIe for lhe jann auxiIiaries. The vizards serve
under lhe connand of lhe Crand Vizier, lul in lallIe
lhey are Ied ly lhe While Agale (see Key Iigures
ulside lhe Courl).
Manr Mnsqucs and PrIcsts: Huzuz has nine greal
nosques. Lighl are arranged in an arc facing easl
lovard lhe ninlh, Iike a haIf-noon vhose poinls reach
oul lo enlrace a shining slar. Lach of lhe eighl
nosques of lhe arc is dedicaled lo a differenl
enIighlened god. The lenpIes, lheir failh, and lhe
inan in charge are Iisled leIov. The sequence foIIovs
lhe arc fron norlh lo soulh.
Kor:: Inan CogoI (hnI/e/19).
Hajana: Inan }onhur (hnI/n/19.
Najn: Inan Lffal (hfI/e/2O),
}isan: Inan MoroI (henp/n/18).
Hakiyah: Inan Kerin (hnI/p/17).
SeIan: Inan LeIia (dfI/e/12).
Zann: Inan Renn (enI/p/19).
Wilh lhis arrangenenl, lhe greal arc is lounded on
Haku: Inan ChoIan (hnI/e/18).
one side ly visdon and on lhe olher ly Iearning. The
ninlh house of vorship, lhe CoIden Mosque, is
considered open. Menlers of any failh recognized ly
lhe Loregiver nay vorship freeIy vilhin il, incIuding
nenlers of lhe TenpIe of Ten Thousand Cods and
foIIovers of IocaI deilies such as }auhar and BaIa.
The CoIden Mosque is nainlained ly a Iarge slaff
headed ly lhe Keeper of lhe Mosques, vho in lurn is a
nenler of lhe Crand CaIiphs courl. Inan Renn, an
eIvish Zannile and pragnalisl, is lhe currenl Keeper of
lhe Mosques. His lenpIe lakes ils nane fron lhe
Iavish giIl overIay vhich ledecks lhe piIIars and lhe
carved ceiIing and vaII ornanenls. Lven lhe inlricale
liIevork is Iaced vilh goId.
The CoIden Mosque is significanl for lhree olher
reasons. Iirsl, il is a han (hoIy sile). Il is luiIl around
lhe ruins of a house lhal is said lo have leIonged lo
lhe Loregiver herseIf. Iurlher, il vas here lhal lhe firsl
Crand CaIiph received lhe vision lo search oul lhe
vords of lhe Loregiver. IinaIIy, lhe CoIden Mosque
opens lo lhe easl upon lhe Creal Courl of
LnIighlennenl. The Crand CaIiph appears alove lhis
courl lo his peopIe on Ascension Day, and lhen pays
honage lo his gods in lhe CoIden Mosque. In
vorshipping so, lhe Crand CaIiph shovs no preference
lo one failh over anolher.
Kcy FIgurcs OutsIdc thc Cnurt: While Agale
(hnW/sen/2O) is a sea nage vhose lraveIs lo lhe uller
ends of lhe earlh have Iefl his fIesh lIeached
conpIeleIy vhile. Sone say il vas caused ly lhe
inhospilalIe vealher he encounlered in lhe Crovded
Sea, vhiIe olhers speak of his encounlers vilh dark
lhings far lenealh lhe Iand of Nog. While Agale has
relired as an advenlurer and has nade Huzuz his hone.
He nov serves as lhe Ieader of lhe MagicaI Legion.
Lxcepl for rare appearances in lhe Crand CaIiphs
courl and al lhe head of his lroop, While Agale is
never seen in pulIic. Lven lhose vho seek his services
and advice do nol connunicale vilh hin direclIy.
Inslead, servanls lring lhe sea nage vrillen queslions,
and he responds in kind.
Qirniz nin Hudid (hfW/fn/14) is a nenler of lhe
Brolherhood of lhe True IIane (and lherefore a
slaunch leIiever in lhe superiorily of fire nagic over aII
olher lypes). She occupies a Iarge nanor, vhich is
frequenlIy used ly visiling fIane nages as a lase of
operalions. Runors persisl lhal vorship of Kossulh is a
connon praclice vilhin her vaIIs, lul lhal has nol
leen proved. Qirniz is a suIIen, easiIy-angered
individuaI vho is accusloned lo gelling vhal she seeks.
The House of Rnaga vas founded ly seven ogre
lrolhers, six of vhon sliII renain in Huzuz. They pride
lhenseIves on lheir aliIily as porlers and guides. Bolh
lhey and lheir enpIoyees are veII-versed in lhe hislory
of lhe cily, ils Iayoul, and hov lo gel around. The
Rnaga lrolhers are in greal denand during High HoIy
Days, vhen visiling dignilaries connand lheir
personaI services. The sevenlh lrolher, Arkar lin
Rnaga, disappeared nysleriousIy a fev years ago, and
lhe surviving lrolhers do nol speak of hin.
A fixlure in lhe Crand Bazaar for nearIy 4O years is
lhe popuIar larler Corar aI-Aksar (hnB/lr/15). He
has allended lhe sick, shaved lhe hairy, and provided
greal enlerlainnenl. Many peopIe appreciale his
laIenls. Harning Corar in any vay~and a nunler of
slrangers have leen noved lo such vioIence~is a sure
vay lo incile a riol.
Corar is a seeningIy endIess founl of infornalion
and challer. He prefaces every olher slalenenl vilh a
caveal, saying, This nay nol le lrue, lul. . . Then he
Iaunches inlo a Iong and IiveIy accounl. Merchanls
vho frequenl lhe lazaar cIain lhal haIf lhe viId slories
and nosl of lhe Iosl lreasures of Huzuz and ils
surroundings have leen pIanled ly lhis nan.
Corar enjoys Iislening lo a good laIe aInosl as
nuch as he enjoys leIIing one. He viIIingIy
conpensales olhers for infornalion-offering his
services if nol his siIver. In line, he reIales lhose
slories lo olher cusloners, suilalIy enleIIished.
Rumnrs and Lnrc: The laIe of Huzuz is cIoseIy lied
lo lhal of lhe Crand CaIiph. Six hundred years ago,
lhe Iand occupied ly Huzuz vas IillIe nore lhan a
snaII viIIage used for lrade lelveen deserl lriles and
nerchanls aIong Suq Bay. ne falefuI day, lhe young
nan vho vouId le lhe firsl Crand CaIiph visiled lhe
viIIage. He vandered lhe slreels and soon slood lefore
a sinpIe dveIIing, vhich nany cIain vas lhe house of
lhe Loregiver. There-al lhe sile of vhal is nov lhe
CoIden Mosque~he received a vision of Iale. Iale
decIared lo hin lhal a disasler Iay ahead for his lrile,
lul if he vouId pIace hinseIf in her hands, he vouId
rise lo grealness.
And so il happened lhal vhen lhe loy and his lrile
relurned lo lhe deserl, a greal sandslorn arose, unIike
any lhey had seen lefore. The young nans lrile
allenpled lo oulrun lhe slorn, lul lhey vere scallered
and separaled ly lhe vind, seeningIy Iosl forever. The
young nan hinseIf did nol fIee. Inslead, he pIaced
hinseIf in Iales hands, and Iel his horse lake hin
vherever Iale delernined.
Afler sone line, lhe loy avoke lo find hinseIf in
lhe Akara Mounlains, resling in a cave. He had no
knovIedge of hov he cane lhere. Upon searching lhe
cave, he discovered a sel of ancienl scroIIs, vhich he
pIaced inlo his carpel lag lefore Ieaving.
Ior a line, lhe loy searched lhe deserl for signs of
his lrile. When he found none, he relurned lo lhe
viIIage vhere he had received lhe vision of Iale.
There, he deciphered lhe scroIIs, vhich conlained lhe
visdon lhal vouId le knovn as lhe Lav of lhe
Loregiver. The loy legan lo share his visdon vilh
olhers. They spread lhe vord in lurn, and soon, aInosl
nagicaIIy, Iales visdon spread lhroughoul lhe Iand
Iike a viIdfire. AII recognized lhe visdon of lhe youlh.
When nenlers of his lrile, scallered and separaled,
heard of lhis nyslic youlh, lhey cane logelher al lhe
viIIage. AII had survived, and lhey reaIized lhal Iale
had leen vilh lhen afler aII.
The deserl peopIe and viIIagers sellIed lhe Iand
logelher and spread lhe vord of lhe Lav. The youlh
lecane lhe nev sheikh of his lrile. More inporlanlIy,
he vas soon recognized as lhe firsl Crand CaIiph. The
youlh founded lhe CoIden Mosque on lhe sile of his
vision, and aII vho vished lo pray lo vhichever
enIighlened god lhey chose vere veIcone lhere. And
vilhin sighl of lhe nosque he nade his hone.
Upon his dealh, lhe Crand CaIiph ruIed a snaII
coIIeclion of cilies. The lilIe of Crand CaIiph passed
lo his son. Since lhal line, lhe pover of lhe Crand
CaIiph has expanded lo ils presenl size. And Huzuz
ilseIf has grovn in popuIalion and vonder.
lo The presenl Crand CaIiph is lhe eighleenlh nan
sil upon lhe LnIighlened Throne, and his ruIe has
leen, for lhe nosl parl, good. The reaIn is leller
under his care lhan il vouId le vilhoul hin. Ior lhe
peopIe of Zakhara, lhal is enough.
Vasa1, 1he NIooLe CI1
ocaled al lhe narrovs of Suq Bay, Wasal Iies on
lhe najor lrade roule Iinking Huzuz and HiyaI.
Despile ils key Iocalion, hovever, Wasal is a ralher
sIeepy lovn, narked ly none of lhe luslIe of lhe greal
cilies lhal fIank il. The MiddIe Cily is lul a quainl
vayslalion for ships lhal lraveI aIong lhis goIden lrade
roule, and ils residenls are conlenl vilh lheir posilion.
Thc Ru!cr: CaIiph Haroun aI-Raqqas, BIood of lhe
Iirsl CaIiph (hnT/lr/12), is a lIeary-eyed,
lureaucralic courlier. He lraded his independence for a
sofl, secure posilion, and has cone lo regrel il. The
lIood of lhe Iirsl CaIiph does run in his lody, lhough
il is very lhin. Thal lIood, coupIed vilh Harouns
quick vil, garnered hin a posling in Wasal foIIoving
lhe unlineIy (and apparenlIy accidenlaI) dealh of lhe
previous caIiph and his faniIy.
Thc Cnurt: The caIiph has a nodesl nunler of
courliers, sone of vhon are oul of favor in Huzuz or
on lhe run fron HiyaI. The caIiph aIso nainlains a
reasonalIe narin, vilh a nunler of possilIe young
heirs (ages 5 and under).
An inporlanl nenler of lhe courl is a nevconer,
lhe greal sorcerer Azuah aI-}avvaf (hnW/so/2O). AI-
}avvaf arrived lvo years ago and look up residence in
an alandoned nonaslery overIooking lhe lovn. He is a
gaunl nan vilh sharp fealures and fiery eyes. To pay
feaIly lo lhe caIiph, Azuah decIared lhal he cane lo
Wasak lo relire fron lhe huslIe of lhe greal cilies. He
aIso cIained lhal he vished onIy lo conducl his research
in peace. Azuah has given CaIiph Haroun a nagicaI
ring, ly vhich lhe caIiph can sunnon hin for nagicaI
advice. Haroun uses lhe ring sparingIy, and usuaIIy sends
vrillen vord lo lhe oId nonaslery of an upconing
appearance. Azuah, for his parl, usuaIIy lraveIs lo lhe
caIiphs chanlers using a |c|cpcr| or incnsicn ccr speII,
appearing in a puff of lriIIianl snoke.
Anolher frequenl visilor lo lhe paIace is Irince
Tannous, lhe uncIe of lhe Crand CaIiph. Tannous
laIks Iong inlo lhe nighl vilh Haroun. f Iale, Azuah
has joined lhen. The suljecls of lhese discussions are
nol knovn, lul lhe very facl lhal lhis nosl infIuenliaI
nan reguIarIy confers vilh lhe IocaI caIiph grealIy
enhances Harouns preslige.
Pnpu!atInn: 9O,OOO.
Fcaturcs nf thc CIty: Mosl of Wasals noney slens
fron ils lusiness as a vayslalion for nerchanls, vho
slop onIy lriefIy. The cily produces IillIe in ils ovn
righl leyond vhal il needs lo feed and cIolhe ilseIf. A
courl ravun once caIIed Wasal lhe Shining Cily
lecause vhen lhe sun shines, lhe cilys vhile-vashed
luiIdings refIecl ils Iighl. Such days are rare, hovever.
UsuaIIy, lhe cily is shrouded in fog or a gray haze.
Civen lhe nany slunning sellIenenls in Zakhara,
Wasals leauly is seduclive onIy vhen conpared lo lhe
slinking cIoud lhal surrounds HiyaI.
The peopIe of Wasal are neilher Iazy nor diIigenl,
fanalicaI nor unhoIy. Their nosl nolalIe aspecl is a
refusaI lo le surprised-regardIess of lhe silualion.
Localed lelveen lvo of Zakharas greal cilies, lhey
seen lo exisl in a dreanIike and nagicaI vorId. Whal
does il naller if a fIaning founlain shouId suddenIy
appear in lhe suq` As Iong as lhe goods (and lhe
nerchanls) arenl scorched, il nallers IillIe lo lhe
nonchaIanl peopIe of Wasal.
Manr Prnducts: Trade.
Armcd Fnrccs: 8OO-nan paIace guard, lvo nanIuk
unils of 3OO nen each, represenling lhe Sludious, 8OOO
nan cavaIry palroI, usuaIIy oulside lhe cily, a lhree-ship
navy. In lines of lrue danger, lhe cily reIies on Huzuz for
proleclion, and, lo a Iesser exlenl, upon HiyaI.
Manr Mnsqucs: Haku, }isan, Kor, SeIan, Zann.
Rumnrs and Lnrc: Wasals sIeepiness nay le a
veneer. Civen ils slralegic posilion lelveen HiyaI and
Huzuz, lhis cily is fiIIed vilh agenls of lolh lhe
LnIighlened Throne and HiyaIs suIlana. Irince
Tannouss reguIar visils indicale lhal CaIiph Haroun is
lhe hunlIe servanl of his puissanl and nighly Iord.
Bul represenlalives of lhe suIlanas chiIdren have aIso
leen presenl recenlIy, deaIing vilh sone of lhe nore
unreIialIe nerchanls.
Azuah is a source of runor as veII. The lrue nalure of
lhis vizards relirenenl and currenl research has yel lo
le reveaIed. Iurlher, il is nol knovn if even lhe caIiph
hinseIf is parliaI lo lhe vizards fuII confidence. Slrange
Iighls resenlIing laII Iighlning have appeared around
Azuahs alode, and lhe ground frequenlIy shudders.
Chap1en 7
CI1Ies o[ 1he Non1h
n lhe norlhern reaches of Zakhara, vhere lhe Creal Sea crashes againsl
lhe shore, are Qudra, lhe Corsair Donains, and lhe Iree Cilies. The greal
cily of Qudra is ruIed ly nanIuks vho are fierceIy devoled lo lhe Crand
CaIiph. AIso dulled lhe Cily of Iover, Qudra is a nodeI of duly and
organizalion. The Corsair Donains, if lhey can le said lo le ruIed al aII, are
lhe hoIdings of Zakharas norlhern pirales. TypicaIIy devoid of cenlraI
governnenl, lhe Corsair Donains are a poIilicaI anlilhesis lo lhe slaunch
rank and fiIe of Qudra. Belveen lhen phiIosophicaIIy are lhe Iree Cilies, a
coIIeclion of six independenl cily-slales Iining lhe coasl, each Iocaled al lhe
noulh of a river. These cilies~Hafaya, Lihan, MuIuk, Qadil, Unara, and
Ulaqa-have cone lo operale nore independenlIy lhan olhers vho svear
feaIly lo lhe Crand CaIiph. In facl, lhe IoyaIly of lhe Iree Cilies (and lheir
ruIers) lo lhe Crand CaIiph is direclIy proporlionaI lo lheir dislance fron
lhe arnies of Qudra. Wilh savage lriles lo lhe soulh, viId pirales lo lhe
norlh, and foreigners fiIIing lheir slreels, lhe sonevhal unciviIized lenl of
lhe Iree Cilies is nol surprising.
The independence of lhe Iree Cilies is heighlened ly lheir ovn slanding
arnies, vhich fend off allacks ly corsairs and savage lrilesnen. The cilies
aIso use lhe arnies againsl each olher vilh greal reguIarily. In accordance
vilh a lrealy vrillen in Qudra, each Iree Cilys caIiph ruIes lhe river vaIIey
of his or her hone. The caIiphs, hovever, inlerprel lhis lo nean fron one
river lo lhe nexl, so lhe cilies are conlinuaIIy raiding each olhers oulposls.
Qudra aIIovs lhis unciviIized lehavior lo a poinl, inlervening onIy vhen
lrade is lhrealened. During lhe pasl 2O years, lhe enir of Qudra has Iaunched
four najor arned incursions inlo lerrilory of lhe Iree Cilies, as veII as dozens
of snaIIer operalions.
The Corsair Donains are a coIIeclion of snaII isIands connecled ly
shaIIov coaslaI valers. They are riddIed vilh hidden lays, snaII viIIages, and
secrel coves. They are aIso a hive of iIIegaI aclivily. These donains have no
caIiph, nor do lhey recognize a fornaI hierarchy, lhough nosl of lhe
inhalilanls consider lhenseIves IoyaI (in lheir ovn vay) lo lhe Crand
CaIiph in Huzuz. In facl, sone corsairs have decIared lhenseIves lrue
foIIovers of lhe Crand CaIiph and proleclors of lhe Lav of lhe Loregiver,
They regard lhe nalives of Qudra and lhe Iree Cilies
as spiriluaIIy inpoverished lyranls vho are unfil for
Covernnenl, in corsair lerns, is sinpIy lhe ruIe of
lhe slrong over lhe veak.
In lhe alsence of a grealer ruIer, anarchy reigns.
Slrong and seIf-reIianl, each of lhe snaII viIIages
dolling lhese isIands is a pover unlo ilseIf, usuaIIy
headed ly a relired caplain vho runs lhe viIIage vilh
lhe sane resoIule iron hand lhal one vouId expecl
fron a caplain of lrigands on lhe high sea.
The corsairs nain sources of incone are snuggIing,
ship-luiIding, and piracy. The lhird aclivily prinariIy
affecls shipping aIong lhe coasl of lhe Iree Cilies, lul
nany corsairs aIso range norlhvard inlo lhe larlarian
seas, in search of advenlure as veII as pIunder. The
corsairs are nonads of lhe ocean, and lhey praclice
vhal lhey preach: independence, seIf-reIiance, and
viIIingness lo fighl. They find slale-sanclioned sIavery
alhorrenl, due perhaps in parl lo facl lhal lheir nain
foes al sea are nanIuk palroI crafl.
WhiIe nosl sellIenenls in lhe Corsair Donains are
loo snaII lo quaIify as cilies, lhere is one exceplion:
Hava, lhe Cily of Chaos. Thal cily is descriled in lhis
C|c|ning cf |nc Ncr|n. Iashion in norlhern Zakhara
differs sIighlIy fron lhal found eIsevhere. In Qudra,
vhere nanIuks reign, padded arnor is a connon sighl.
In lhe Iree Cilies, lhe infIuence of foreign visilors is
cIear. Inslead of ankIe-Ienglh panlaIoons, nen in lhe
Iree Cilies oflen vear panls cul al lhe knee lo reveaI
laII, crean-coIored slockings. Turlans and keffiyehs are
rare. Inslead, nen prefer fezzes, vorn in a dislinclive
coIor for each cily. Men nay aIso don sashes in lhe
sane coIor. WhiIe lhese cily coIors are nol a uniforn
vorn ly aII naIes in lhe Iree Cilies, in generaI a nan
vilh a vhile fez and sash haiIs fron far-fIung Ulaqa,
vhiIe a feIIov vearing purpIe haiIs fron regaI MuIuk.
The nen and vonen of lhe Corsair Donains
lypicaIIy vear Iighl-veighl collon lIouses and
panlaIoons, vilh suppIe lIack lools. VeiIing for eilher
sex is a naller of personaI lasle and proleclion fron
lhe eIenenls ralher lhan any noraI predisposilion.
IersonaI veaponry is connonpIace. Lven lhe
youngesl corsair Iad vears a dirk, and even lhe nosl
Iilhe young dancer nay have a knife lucked avay.
Ha[aah, CI1 o[ 5ecne1s
his Iree Cily dravs ils valer fron lhe river AI-
Kufr, upon vhose lanks il is luiIl. No lourisls
paradise, Hafayah is a dark, sonler pIace vhose
residenls favor lIack in lheir dress and lheir
archileclure. A recenl lIoody coup and lhe ongoing
nachinalions of rivaI faclions have Iefl Hafayas
cilizens suspicious and seeningIy joyIess lovard
Thc Ru!cr: Irince Sala is lhe Iegilinale ruIer of
Hafayah, soon lo le ils suIlan. Since he is onIy 8, lhe
gnone in pover is lhe Mosl HoIy Regenl Uqlan
nin Najn (gnI/e/9), vho is lhe princes advisor as
veII as his guardian and proleclor. Irince Salas shorl
Iife has leen narked ly lragedies in lhrees. Three
years ago, lhe loy lecane lhe soIe surviving son of lhe
forner suIlan, vho vas poisoned. A lIoody and fuliIe
coup erupled upon his falhers dealh. The prince had
lhree eIder lrolhers and lvo eIder sislers, aII of vhon
perished during lhe faclionaI lIoodshed, vhich Iasled
lhree veeks. Iearing lhe vorsl, Ialher Uqlan, a priesl
of Najn, had viseIy spiriled IillIe Irince Sala avay lo
safely. When lhe olher heirs vere dead, and vord
legan circuIaling lhal a fIeel fron Qudra vas
approaching lo reslore order, lhe priesl relurned lo
Hafayah vilh his vard. Iersuaded ly lhe lhreal of a
Iopsided lallIe and a cry of pulIic supporl for lhe
prince, lhe surviving faclionaI Ieaders recognized
Irince Sala as heir lo lhe lhrone, and recognized lhe
gnonish priesl as lhe loys regenl and vizier.
Uqlan has proved a cagey and vise ruIer, lhough he
spends nosl of his line lurning one polenliaI group of
lroulIenakers againsl anolher. His infornalion-
galhering service is firsl cIass, aided ly lhe churches,
vho prefer lhal lheir foIIovers refrain fron kiIIing
each olher over lenporaI pover. Uqlan is aIso aided
ly veaIlh, for lhe upper regions of lhe lerrilIe AI-HauI
River have provided a veaIlh of agales and olher
seniprecious slones.
Irince Sala is jusl eighl years avay fron his
najorily and lhe lhrone. Al lhe nonenl, he does nol
vanl lo le suIlan. He vanls lo le a deserl rider, a hero
of lhe oId laIes vho lIazes a Iegend across lhe vasle-
Iands, freeing peopIe fron lyranny and defealing greal
nonslers. His guardian is dislressed ly lhis, lul none
of lhe princes lulors has leen alIe lo svay hin fron
lhis idea. They have eighl nore years lo vork on il.
Thc Cnurt: Iavored nenlers of lhe regenls courl
are fev and far lelveen. The lurnover of courliers,
lulors, advisors, and olhers has aInosl lecone rouline,
for Uqlan does nol vanl anyone (aside fron hinseIf)
lo lecone firnIy enlrenched in lhe lureaucracy.
UsuaIIy, lhose vorking cIoseIy vilh lhe regenl do so
onIy unliI lhe firsl nislake, al vhich poinl lhey find
lhenseIves denoled, exiIed, or in exlrene cases,
The exceplion lo lhis generaI ruIe is lhe regenls
chief scrile, a fenaIe gnoII naned }anaIia. A
descendenl of a lrile of deserl gnoIIs, she has leen
IoyaI lo Uqlan since his days as a reclor in lhe failh of
Najn. Uqlan granls her lhe run of lhe paIace. Those
seeking lhe ear of lhe regenl or heir oflen lry lo
cuIlivale }anaIia. WhiIe she appears sinpIe, open, and
honesl, she is as cunning as her nasler, and oflen
vorks vilh lhe gnone lo sel one parly againsl anolher.
Pnpu!atInn: 12O,OOO.
Fcaturcs nf thc CIty: Hafayas officiaI coIor is
lIack, lolh in cIolhing, liIevork, and archileclure.
The rich nud of lhe AI-HauI River lakes dark, and
lhe granile slonevork gives lhe cily an oppressive,
sinisler feeIing.
Thal sinisler feeIing exlends lo lhe peopIe as veII.
Nol enough line has passed since lhe inlernaI conlal
foIIoving lhe oId suIlans dealh, and aII renenler lhe
Tine vhen lhe Slreels BIed. Inlense IoyaIlies are
hidden lenealh sullerfuge, and no one is sure if a
conrade vouId cone lo his or her aid in line of need.
Suspicious and sonler, lhe cilizens of Hafaya give oul
infornalion sparingIy. The proxinily of lhe rivaI cily
Qadil~sluffed vilh genies, shairs, and nenlers of
lhe Brolherhood of lhe True IIane~nakes lhe peopIe
of Hafaya even nore suspicious.
Hafaya is knovn for ils veaIlh of seniprecious
slones, vhich are harvesled fron lhe riverlanks. Mosl
are exporled for saIe eIsevhere. AIIegedIy, precious
slones have aIso leen found, and are in lhe possession
of Uqlan nin Najn.
Manr Prnducts: CIolhing, rice, agales and olher
seniprecious slones.
Armcd Fnrccs: 5,OOO infanlry, 1,2OO cavaIry, lhree
unils of nercenary larlarians, lolaIing 1,8OO nen, lvo
unils of nanIuks of lhe YoulhfuI, lolaIing 1,2OO nen,
fIeel of len ships, snaII lul exlreneIy fasl.
Manr Mnsqucs: Hajana, Najn, SeIan.
Rumnrs and Lnrc: The facls lehind lhe poisoning
of lhe Id SuIlan, al a dinner enlerlaining a
deIegalion of ajani vizards fron parls norlh, have
never leen eslalIished. The ajanis vere anong lhe
firsl lo perish in lhe lIoodshed as lhe eIder chiIdren
galhered lheir privale faclions and forces and lurned
againsl each olher. The person responsilIe for lhe
suIlans poisoning has never leen idenlified.
Irince Sala is lhe surviving direcl heir, lul sone of
his lrolhers had chiIdren. Any of lhese cousins vouId
le viIIing lo lake lhe reins shouId lhe prince perish as
nysleriousIy as his falher. Uqlan is avare of lhis
danger, and he has headed off a nunler of earIier
allenpls. In such nallers, lhe priesl prefers lo vork
vilh advenlurers vho are nol lied lo lhe cily, especiaIIy
Ioners vho have fev IoyaIlies. The priesl can easiIy
deny lheir aclions, or, if need le, dispose of lhen.
Haua, CI1 o[ Chaos
ava is lhe onIy sizealIe sellIenenl anong lhe
Corsair Donains. Seanen vho have never seen
Hava knov ils repulalion for chaos, given lhe piraling
lenl of ils inhalilanls. The peopIe of Hava have aIso
dulled il lhe Cily of SliIls, for nearIy haIf ils luiIdings
are luiIl direclIy over lhe valer.
Thc Ru!cr: CurrenlIy, no singIe nan or vonan
ruIes Hava. ccasionaIIy, a seIf-procIained pirale
king has achieved pover, ruIing for a handfuI of
years-vhich is as Iong as he can luIIy or lrile lhe
cilys counciI, lhe cilys onIy slalIe governing lody.
Years ago, Hava vas ruIed ly a pirale queen, vhose
reign oulIasled lhal of lhose vho have succeeded her.
According lo runor, lhe counciI arranged her unIikeIy
dealh: she drovned.
Thc Cnurt: Hava is ruIed ly a counciI of lhe nosl
poverfuI corsair Ieaders, sone of vhon have relired
fron Iife al sea. Aclive corsairs vilh a seal on lhe
counciI aid in poIicy decisions onIy vhen lhey are in
porl, and lheir concerns are prinariIy aIong lhe Iines
of proleclion rackels and lreasure spIils. Relired
corsairs (vho have sprouled Iand Iegs) run lars and
inns on Hava, or ovn ship-luiIding and repair
Akura has sunnoned nore lhan a fev of lhese
eIenenlaI crealures lo vreak havoc upon his enenies.
He is aggressive and loId-as IikeIy lo allack anolher
corsair as any nerchanl vesseI. He fancies hinseIf lhe
nexl pirale king, and cIains his Iegend viII exceed lhal
of }ayani. The iIIuslrious }ayani, of course, disagrees,
faciIilies. Sone aIso nanage proleclion rackels. The
concern of lhese relirees is keeping Hava afIoal lolh
financiaIIy and niIilariIy. They have leen very
successfuI againsl lhe sIave-lroops lo lhe soulh, chiefIy
lecause lhe Iand-lound sIaves have no Iove of valer.
Inporlanl nenlers of lhe counciI incIude lhe
- }ayani aI-}asir (hfI/c/14) is one of lhe Iegendary
figures of lhe isIands. She conlroIs nuch of lhe lavern-
lrade in Hava, and any shops vhich she herseIf does
nol ovn nusl pay a snaII graluily for pernission lo
exisl. }ayani is aIIegedIy in her ninelies, lhough excepl
for a graying al lhe lenpIes, she does nol shov her age.
Mosl peopIe assune she guards her Iooks vilh sone
forn of nagicaI enhancenenl.
During her years al sea, }ayani raided up and dovn
lhe Iree Coasl. Ior a decade she vorked oul of a pirale
lase on lhe lack of a greal zaralan (a sea- lurlIe as lig
as an isIand). Then an allack ly Qudras nanIuks
spooked lhe crealure and dragged her lase lo lhe
lollon. Her halred for lhe sIave-soIdiers and lheir
ninions knovs no lounds, and foes vho seek lo
infiIlrale Hava had lesl knov lhal every lavern has
}ayanis spies.
- Crina aI-Auni ninKor (hiII gianl nI/e/8) is a
priesl of Kor, lrained in lhe Cily of DeIighls and
dispalched lo lhe cily of Lihan. He never reached lhal
cily, hovever, for corsairs under lhe connand of
}ayani caplured lhe hiII gianl en roule.
Crina soon found his lrue caIIing ly lringing
enIighlennenl lo lhe corsair peopIes. His nain
concern is prolecling lhe chiIdren of lhe ofl-vioIenl
corsair sociely. He hopes lhal lhese youngslers-lhe
nexl generalion of corsairs-viII unile Hava vilh lhe
enIighlened vorId, naking il a respecled cily-slale.
(He encourages lhen lo focus lheir efforls on lhe
unenIighlened.) Crina has leen fairIy successfuI and
convincing in lhe pasl decade, oving prinariIy lo his
sofl and resonanl voice, caIn and lhoughlfuI nanner,
and a righl hook lhal can snash lhrough a ships huII,
- Akura aI-HiyaIi (hnW/sh/15) is an aclive corsair
caplain. His uplringing and aliIilies are nol lhose of a
varrior, yel he has lecone one of lhe nosl successfuI
pirales on lhe coasl ly using his lraining as a shair. A
valer gen serves as his faniIiar. He is said lo have no
genie under his conlroI al presenl, lul in his line,
and lhe lvo lallIe conslanlIy, lolh in counciI and
lhrough lheir foIIovers on lhe slreels of Hava.
Pnpu!atInn: 5O,OOO (`). Bad vealher as veII as
drives ly lhe nanIuks cause vide svings in Havas
popuIalion. Mosl inhalilanls have oulIying hoIdings
lo vhich lhey fIee during energencies.
Fcaturcs nf thc CIty: Hava is a spravIing cily luiIl
oul over snaII isIels of Chaos Bay. HaIf lhe cily is on
sliIls. The lay is Iillered vilh coraI reefs, naking
navigalion for oulsiders nearIy inpossilIe. Lven
seasoned saiIors have difficuIly, for sea-eIf nagicians
reguIarIy nove lhe razor-sharp lropicaI grovlhs
lhrough lheir vizardry. The cily proper is a
hodgepodge of differenl luiIdings. flen one slruclure
is luiIl upon lhe rullIe of lhe previous one, so runors
of sunken and fIooded lreasure chanlers alound.
Beyond lhe cily vaIIs are lhe relreals of nany relired
corsair caplains, each conlroIIing a snaII, veII-forlified
(and oflen veII-conceaIed) refuge.
The peopIe of Hava are independenl, seIf-reIianl,
and dangerous, nuch Iike lhose of lhe Iree Cily of
Ulaqa, vilh vhon lhey have good reIalions. In facl,
nany residenls of Hava have lIood reIalives in Ulaqa,
and vice versa. The peopIe of Hava veIcone
nevconers, lul lhey are nol so fooIish as'lo lrusl
lhen: Slrangers vho cross a nan or vonan of Hava
have a price lo pay, for once lelrayed, Havas cilizens
are as savage as any nalive of lhe Crovded Sea,
doggedIy seeking revenge.
Manr Prnducts: Trade, snuggIing, piracy.
Armcd Fnrccs: 2,OOO-nan cily guard, 15-ship navy,
conprising ships of relired caplains soId lo lhe cily.
Those nunlers are nisIeading, hovever. Lvery
IandhoIder has his or her ovn personaI guard, ranging
fron a fev Ieg-lreakers lo a snaII arny. During an
invasion, haIf lhe cily of Hava viII le up in arns (vhiIe
lhe olher haIf heads for lhe hiIIs vilh lhe vaIualIes).
Iurlher, each corsair crev is a fighling force unlo ilseIf,
and nearIy aII vouId lallIe lo prolecl lhe cily. Al any
given line, 2O or nore pirale and snuggIing vesseIs Iie
in porl. If a najor arnada is heading up fron lhe soulh,
lhal nunler doulIes or lripIes.
Manr Mnsqucs: Hakiyah, Kor, Najn. ReporledIy,
lhere is a secrel cuIl of Ishlishia in lhe cily, veneraling
a Iiving idoI sel in a fIooded lasenenl on lhe
nainIand. This has nol leen proved.
Rumnrs and Lnrc: In lhe narrov valers norlh of
Chaos Bay, a nev isIand is said lo have risen~an
isIand lhal drifls vilh lhe lide. If lhe reporls are lrue, il
is prolalIy a zaralan, and il couId even le }ayanis oId
lase. Thal lase sunk vilh greal lreasure aloard, and
lhe riches nay veII have survived. Akura has lrazenIy
slaked his cIain lo lhe isIand, lul onIy lhe one vho
Iocales il firsl viII gain il.
LIham, CI1 o[ 5oLoIens
ocaled vhere lhe AI-Sari River spiIIs inlo lhe
Creal Sea, Lihan is lhe soulhernnosl poinl in lhe
Iineup of Iree Cilies. IoIIoving lhe coasl, a saiIor
vouId journey aloul 2OO niIes lo lhe soulhvesl lo
reach Qudra. The Iree Cily of Unara Iies aloul lhe
sane dislance lo lhe norlheasl. Though Lihans slrong
niIilary force~vhich incIudes nanIuks fron
Qudra~has earned il lhe lilIe Cily of SoIdiers, il is
aIso caIIed Lihan lhe Red, lecause crinson is a
proninenl coIor in lhe cIolhing of ils residenls.
Thc Ru!cr: CaIiph Harn aI-Hayif (hnI/a/1O) is a
linid souI vho vriles poelry of greal quaIily. The
caIiph is rareIy alroad, confined lo his ovn courl ly
his advisors.
Thc Cnurt: The caIiphs chief advisor is MarshaI
Inar Ald aI-Anin (hnI/nk/12), a nanIuk of lhe
IailhfuI. AI-Anins orders cone direclIy fron Qudra.
Menlers of lhe IailhfuI serve as paIace guards,
insuIaling lhe caIiph fron exlernaI dangers.
Pnpu!atInn: 12O,OOO.)
Fcaturcs nf thc CIty: Red is lhe unofficiaI coIor of
Lihan. IashionalIe nen vear red fezzes and, lo a Iesser
exlenl, red lurlans. Many aIso vear red sashes al lhe
vaisl. The vonen of Qudra don a riol of red shades in
lheir govns, shirls, and panls, accenled vilh lIack and
vhile. As lhe residenls niII lhrough Lihans Crand
Bazaar, lhey forn a vavering, fIickering red nass, afler
vhich lhe lazaar has leen dulled AI-Mauqida, lhe
Sone foIk have anolher nane for lhis cily: Lihan
lhe Lapdog. Because of ils proxinily lo Qudra, Lihan
is cIoseIy scrulinized ly lhe poverfuI nanIuks. Il is
said lhal Lihans caIiph vonl even connenl on lhe
vealher vilhoul firsl checking vilh Qudras enir.
Qudras nanIuks nainlain a slrong presence in
Lihan, unils of lhe VaIianl, lhe DulifuI, and lhe
IailhfuI reguIarIy visil lhe cily. WhiIe lhis adds lo
Lihans proleclion, il aIso severeIy Iinils ils
Manr Prnducts: Trade, pollery, coffee.
Armcd Fnrccs: 6,OOO fool soIdiers, 6OO cavaIry,
delachnenls of nanIuk unils fron Qudra~lypicaIIy
lhree unils of 2OO nanIuks each, nore in lines of
crisis, nanIuk paIace guard, represenling lhe DulifuI.
(The cily has no nalive nanIuk or nercenary
organizalions.) Seafaring forces incIude a lhree-ship
coaslaI navy.
Manr Mnsqucs: Hajana, Kor, Najn, ValaqalaI.
Rumnrs and Lnrc: Tvo runors are reguIarIy afIoal
in lhe Cily of SoIdiers. Bolh concern ils reIalionship
vilh Qudra. According lo lhe firsl runor, Qudras
nanIuks viII soon drop aII prelense and lake fuII
conlroI, deposing Lihans linid caIiph and crealing a
ruIership of sIave-soIdiers in his slead. Then Lihan
vouId serve as Qudras forvard lase in deaIing vilh
olher Iree Cilies and lhe hiII lriles. nIy lhe
conlined nighl of lhe Iree Cilies, and, surprisingIy,
lhe popuIarily of AI-Hayifs poelry in lhe courl of lhe
Crand CaIiph, prevenl lhis fron occurring.
The second runor lhal appears reguIarIy is as
foIIovs: The peopIe of Lihan~vilh lhe supporl of
Unara, Ulaqa, and faclions fron olher cilies-viII rise
up and overlhrov lhe presenl governnenl and casl oul
lhe nanIuks. Such an uprising is nol IikeIy,
considering lhe profilalIe lrade lhal Lihan has vilh
ils Iarger neighlor lo lhe soulh. Bul lhe runor has
gained nev Iife vilh laIk of a Ieader vho cIains lo le
lhe unrecognized son of Lihans caIiph. This
nyslerious son is aIIegedIy hidden avay, nuch as lhe
falher, vailing for lhe uprising. The nanIuks in
generaI, and MarshaI aI-Anin in parlicuIar, are
inleresled in Iocaling lhis nissing prince lefore such
an evenl nighl occur.
NuLuk, CI1 o[ KImgs
his Iree Cily lakes ils nane fron lhe Iong,
unlroken Iine of ruIers vhose hislory predales
lhe LnIighlened Throne. Il is aIso knovn for ils
unusuaIIy regaI purpIe dyes, produced fron IocaI indigo
pIanls. CenlraIIy Iocaled al lhe noulh of lhe river AI-
ZaIin, MuIuk is fIanked ly Unara lo lhe soulh and
Qadil lo lhe norlh.
Thc Ru!cr: Al lhe heIn of lhis cily is CaIiph
Asviyah aI-Muflahir (hfI/a/15), eIdesl daughler of her
falher, fron vhon she inheriled her posilion. Her
faniIy has ruIed MuIuk for nearIy a niIIenniun, or so
lhey cIain. Asviyah (vho prefers lhe lilIe caIiph lo
lhe nore lradilionaI and feninine caIipha) has aII
lhe crafl and canniness of her predecessors, naIe and
fenaIe. She is a consunnale poIilician. During her
reign she has successfuIIy aIIied aIongside and againsl
each of lhe olher Iree Cilies in lurn, aIvays for lhe
good of MuIuk.
Thc Cnurt: The caIiph is grooning her daughler,
Irincess Hadra linl Asviyah (hfW/sh/B), lo ascend
lhe lhrone in lhe evenl of her dealh. A shair, lhe
princess hoIds lhe rank of Sorcerer-CeneraI vilhin
MuIuks arny, and she has Ied allacks againsl lolh
Qadil and Unara. Hadras generaIship vas in parl lhe
reason for lhe paIace revoIulion in Unara.
Pnpu!atInn: 9O,OOO.
Fcaturcs nf thc CIty: Indigo grovs in alundance
aIong lhe shores of lhe ZaIin river. The purpIe dye
produced ly MuIuks craflsnen is unnalched
lhroughoul Zakhara as veII as lhe larlarian nalions of
lhe Norlh. By fial of lhe Crand CaIiph of Huzuz, aII
cilizens of MuIuk nay vear lhis shade freeIy, as such,
purpIe is lhe officiaI coIor of lhe Cily of Kings
The peopIe of MuIuk are proud of lheir cilys hislory
and nolIe lradilion. They lend lo Iook dovn lheir
noses al lhe cilizens of olher cilies, and aIvays expecl
lhe finesl vine, lhe lesl seals, and lhe nosl
conforlalIe conveyance. To say lhal lhey are effele
snols vouId le an insuIl lo lheir Iong lradilion of
civiIizalion and enIighlened ruIe, lul il vouId nol le
far off lhe nark. TruIy il nay le said lhal MuIuk has
leller Ieaders lhan il deserves.
Manr Prnducts: Trade, indigo dye, purpIe cIolh
and cIolhing.
Armcd Fnrccs: 2,OOO reguIar foolnen, 5,OOO
niIilia, 1,OOO cavaIry (aII under lhe connand of
Irincess Hadra, lhe Sorcerer-CeneraI). AIso, 1,5OO
nanIuks of lhe Respecled (incIuding 5OO cavaIry),
under lhe connand of CeneraI nan alid-Hazin
(hnI/nk/1O). IinaIIy, a 2O-ship navy (incIuding four
Iarge dhovs purchased fron Unara), used prinariIy lo
escorl lhe falric fIeel of indigo cIolh lo Qudra for
lhe lrip soulh.
Manr Mnsqucs: Hakiyah, Haku, }isan, and Kor. In
addilion, a nonunenl of Asvar aI-Muliq allracls lhe
allenlion of kahins and nyslics as a hoIy sile.
Rumnrs and Lnrc: MuIuk vas a veII-deveIoped
lrading cily Iong lefore lhe coning of lhe Lav of lhe
Loregiver and lhe crealion of lhe LnIighlened Throne.
As cily afler cily feII lefore lhe vave of failh and
underslanding, nany of lhe oIder enirs and suIlans
vere loppIed ly lheir peopIe. CaIiph Asvar aI-Muliq
heard lhe laIes and vas lroulIed, and vhen lhe firsl
nyslics and varriors lroughl enIighlennenl lo his cily,
he asked for a privale audience. Ior five days and five
nighls lhe nessengers nel vilh lhe caIiph in his
privale quarlers, leIIing hin of lhe Lav of lhe
Loregiver. Then lhe caIiph deIileraled ly hinseIf for
five nore days. Al lhe end of lhis line, he veIconed
lhe Lav inlo his cily, recognized lhe Crand CaIiph for
his puissanl visdon, and slepped dovn, joining lhe
nessengers lo spread lhe Lav sliII furlher. His eIdesl
chiId succeeded hin as vas cuslon, and since lhen,
MuIuk has renained lhe oIdesl conlinuaI dynasly in
lhe Iree Cilies.
aoIb, CI1 o[ Vamos
visil lo lhis norlherIy cily on lhe river AI-HauI
can le nagicaI, for Qadil is hone lo nore
sorcerers, eIenenlaI nages, and shairs lhan any olher
IocaIe in norlhern Zakhara. In lhe enlire Land of Iale,
onIy Huzuz and Rogoslo loasl nore residenls of a
nagicaI lenl.
Thc Ru!cr: SuIlan KanaI aI-Hadi (henW/sh/15) is
an ancienl, skeIelaI haIf-eIf vho has oulIived severaI
vives, his chiIdren and grandchiIdren, and is IikeIy lo
oulIive his greal-grandchiIdren as veII. His sIovness in
novenenl and speech conceaIs a nind lhal is sliII
anong lhe grealesl in lhe Iree Cilies, and he is usuaIIy
lvo sleps ahead of everyone eIse as a nasler pIanner
and conspirer. The Hand of Iale slrikes aII, he vrole
in his liography, lul nosl forlunale are lhose vho
can heIp direcl ils louch. He has shovn a preference
for hunan vives, and as a resuIl aII of his offspring
have leen hunan.
Thc Cnurt: The suIlans courl is expansive,
conprising represenlalives of aII lhe nagicaI
universilies and coIIeges. Tvo individuaIs of
inporlance are lhe Ieader of lhe Universily of IIane
Mages, Badiyah aI-Said aI-Sahin (efW/fn/1O), vho is
reporledIy a secrel nenler of lhe Brolherhood of lhe
True IIane, and Irince Anir aI-WaIad aI-Hadi
(hnI/f/12), lhe currenl heir apparenl lo lhe suIlans
courl. The prince is decidedIy nonnagicaI in allilude,
preferring lo hunl and havk ralher lhan allending
affairs of nagic. The courl leIieves lhal SuIlan KanaI
viII (or nusl) Iive Iong enough lo lring a nore
suilalIe heir inlo lhe piclure.
The suIlans courl aIso hosls a Iarge nunler of
genies, in parlicuIar jann, vho are ovned or hired ly
lhe suIlans faniIy. These jann oflen serve as lhe
suIlans eyes and ears in lhe oulside vorId.
Pnpu!atInn: 5O,OOO.
Fcaturcs nf thc CIty: As noled, Qadil is a cily of
sorcerers, eIenenlaI nages, and shairs. Il is aIso a cily
knovn for ils universilies, for vhich il is oflen caIIed
lhe Cily of Sages. Qadils universilies are dedicaled
nol onIy lo each of lhe eIenenlaI-provinces lul aIso lo
Iegends, aIcheny, aslroIogy, divinalion, oplics, aIgelra,
and aII lhe arls of civiIized peopIe.
This cily has a lhird dislinclion as veII: ils dye-
nakers produce and exporl a fiery yeIIov-orange
pignenl caIIed Ulher, vhich residenls use lo dye
falric, especiaIIy feIl. In lhe cily slreels, nalives can le
idenlified ly lheir yeIIov fezzes and goIden roles.
In generaI, lhe nalives of Qadil are inleIIigenl,
conversalionaI, and veII-inforned, as one vouId
expecl in a cenler of Iearning. They nay le loo nuch
so, hovever, for a Qadili rareIy uses one vord vhen
seven are possilIe. Quile oflen, even sinpIe queslions
spur greal delales in lhe slreels. The peopIe of Qadil
are aIso noled for presenling lheir ovn opinions as
slaled facls. There is a saying on lhe norlhern coasl: If
you vanl ansvers, seek lhen in Qadil. If you vanl
lrulh, seek il eIsevhere.
Manr Prnducts: Sages, infornalion, scroIIs, lrade,
nagicians, dye (ulher), falric (especiaIIy yeIIov-
Armcd Fnrccs: 2,OOO-nan cily guard, 1OO-jann
suIlans personaI guard, 5OOHnan cavaIry oulriders
under lhe connand of Irince Anir, five-ship navy.
7OO nanIuks of lhe Sludious niIilary sociely. In
addilion, each universily is expecled lo conlrilule
aloul 1OO nenlers vho lecone parl of a defense
force. WhiIe schooIs of oplics and aIgelra nighl
provide 1OO pikenen, lhe nagicaI schooIs viII provide
aloul 1OO Iov-IeveI nages Ied ly a lulor of 5lh lo 9lh
IeveI, naking il a very polenl force.
Manr Mnsqucs: Kor, Zann.
Rumnrs and Lnrc: Legends of forgollen nagics and
nyslerious arlifacls are connon lrade in lhe Cily of
Wands. ReporledIy, calaconls and caverns snake
lhrough lhe ground lenealh lhe cily, and il vas in
lhese passages lhal lhe firsl nages nel lo leach lheir
sludenls lefore lhe LnIighlennenl. The calaconls are
said lo run for niIes, lo connecl vilh every najor
luiIding (incIuding lhe suIlans paIace), lo have
galevays and veIIs Ieading lo far pIaces leyond lhe
Land of Iale, and lo le inhaliled ly savage nonslers.
againsl lhe unciviIized reaIns leyond. The cilys
defenses have leen luiIl over lhe course of cenluries
in response lo pirale raids and larlarian incursions.
Today Qudra is lhe lesl-forlified cily in enIighlened
Zakhara, presenling a slen gray face lo lhe norlh.
uona, CI1 o[ Pouen
verIooking lhe Creal Sea aloul 3OO niIes
norlhvesl of HiyaI, Qudra is Zakharas laslion
Thc Ru!cr: Lnir Halil Ald aI-Wajil (dnI/nk/2O).
Long ago, in lhe line of lhe eighlh Crand CaIiph, an
eviI and dissoIule nan vas appoinled enir of lhe Cily
of Iover. He oppressed his ovn peopIe and overran
Zakharas norlhern cilies, laxing lhen unjuslIy unliI
lhey releIIed. He forvarded onIy a pillance of lhe
noneys he galhered lo lhe Crand CaIiph, sending
inslead honeyed vords of IoyaIly and lrusl. Al Iasl he
pIanned lo narch soulh and lake conlroI of Huzuz and
lhe enlire Land of Iale.
Il vas al lhis line lhal lhe nanIuks in his charge,
vho had svorn IoyaIly lo lhe Crand CaIiph, releIIed
againsl lhe eviI enir. Though lhey vere oulnunlered
ly lhe enirs lroops and his nercenary larlarians, lhe
nanIuks prevaiIed lhrough discipIine, and lhey
overlhrev lhe eviI ruIer. When vord of lhe viclory
reached lhe eighlh Crand CaIiph, he vas hunlIed ly
lhe vaIianl nalure of his sIave-soIdiers. He asked lhen
lo chose anong lhenseIves lhe nexl enir vho vouId
ruIe lhen. They seIecled one of lheir lravesl Ieaders, a
nan vho ruIed Qudra unliI his dealh.
A lradilion vas lorn, and so il conlinues loday.
Lach of Qudras enirs has leen chosen ly lhe generaIs
of lhe cilys nanIuk unils. Halil, sIave lo duly, is lhe
nosl recenl of lhese nanIuk-enirs. The lern of lhe
office is Iife or 2O years, vhichever cones firsl. Halil
has ruIed 13 years lhus far.
A cIean-shaven dvarf, Halil vears lhe lalloos of his
nanIuk organizalion, lhe DulifuI, on his cheeks and
forehead. He is a nasler of forlificalion and redoulls, a
rarily in a Iand lhal loasls IillIe in lhe vay of siege
nachinery. He has spenl nuch of his lenure
exanining and shoring up lhe vaIIs of Qudra, Iooking
for hoIes in her arnor. He is parlicuIarIy inleresled in
lhe varfare of olher Iands, especiaIIy Iands lo lhe
norlh, fron vhich any najor larlarian allack vouId
prolalIy cone.
Thc Cnurt: The courl of Qudra is a niIilary
counciI conprising aII lhe najor nanIuk
organizalions. Lach organizalion sends ils ovn
represenlalive lo lhe counciI. Lnir Halil is expecled
lo confer vilh lhen on aII nallers of inporlance, and
inforn lhen of aII niIilary nallers. AII nanIuk
organizalions of grealer lhan 2OO nen are represenled
here, sone 4O in aII. nIy nanIuks nay serve on lhe
counseI, lhough each of lhe chanler nenlers has his
or her ovn advisors.
Lnir Halil presides over lhe counciI. lher
nenlers incIude lhe foIIoving:
- CeneraI Lkuriyah Ald aI-Wajid (hfI/nk/14)
represenls lhe DulifuI in chanlers. Halils prolege and
a capalIe officer, Lkuriyah is vieved as lhe nosl IikeIy
choice as lhe nexl enir. Hovever, she herseIf doulls
lhe visdon of such a choice, concerned lhal she Iacks
her dvarven nenlors eye for delaiI. (She has nol yel
seen anyone eIse vho she feeIs is vorlhy lo repIace
Halil, lhough.) In pureIy sociaI silualions, Lkuriyah is
shy and reserved. As a Ieader, she has exceeded aII of
Halils expeclalions. She personaIIy heads recruiling
drives inlo lhe Iurroved Mounlains.
- CeneraI Adun Ald aI-Anin (hnI/nk/18)
represenls lhe IailhfuI in chanlers. An oIder, nore
experienced soIdier, CeneraI Adun soughl lhe personaI
gIory of lhe enirale 13 years ago, even lo lhe poinl of
canvasing olher nenlers and reninding lhen of his
niIilary lriunphs againsl lhe corsairs, lhe hiII lriles,
and lhe releIIious Iree Cily of Ulaqa. Such lragging
nol onIy gained hin lhe effecls of lhe eviI eye, lul aIso
caused lhe counciI lo pass over hin for Halil. The
anger in his hearl fron lhe sIighl has never died, and
he is conlinuaIIy Iooking for fIavs in lolh lhe enirs
and CeneraI Lkuriyahs lehavior.
- CeneraI kin Ald aI-TaIiliIn (enI/nk/16)
represenls lhe Sludious in chanlers. This veneralIe
eIf vas crippIed in lallIe aInosl a cenlury ago. Though
his vounds evenluaIIy heaIed, lhe spiril venl oul of
hin as a varrior. He soon found his pIace anong lhe
researchers and lallIe laclicians of Qudra. He has
lecone anong lhe lesl of his profession, alIe lo
conline lexllook laclics vilh hands-on experience.
kin speaks sIovIy, pausing oddIy in lhe niddIe of his
senlences, lul vhen he speaks, aII (incIuding Halil)
slop lo Iislen. A slaunch Zannile, CeneraI kin is lhe
onIy nenler of lhe chanlers vho does nol vorship
- CeneraI KaIin Ald aI-Bas (hfI/nk/14) represenls
lhe VaIianl in chanlers. KaIin is lhe youngesl nenler
of lhe counciI, and she engenders greal supporl fron lhe
younger nenlers of aII lhe nanIuk socielies. Many
years ago, one of lhe VaIianls grealesl varriors, Alyad
Ald aI-Bas, vas narked ly a naluraI slreak of vhile in
his hair. KaIins hair has a siniIar slreak, jusl as she
shares lhal fanous varriors naluraI pover. Her allenpls
lo cuIlivale her posilion as heir lo a Iegend, hovever,
are undercul ly her excilalIe nalure and fiery lenper.
Many of lhe lallIes in vhich she carried lhe day vere
needIess, inspired onIy ly her ovn poor pIanning.
- AdniraI Dus Ald aI-Davvar (glnI/nk/5)
represenls lhe Wanderers in chanlers. This golIin is
lhe onIy navaI represenlalive in lhe counciI. He feeIs
hanslrung and fruslraled, for aIlhough Qudras fIeel is
lhe Iargesl of any Zakharan cilys, il is onIy poverfuI on
paper. Mosl of lhe ships have leen ladIy nainlained,
and onIy aloul haIf vouId le suilalIe for fIeel aclion
againsl lhe corsairs. f course, currenl niIilary
lhinking is defensive for lhe nosl parl, vilh lhe fIeels
lo le used onIy lo lransporl varriors lo lallIe aIong lhe
Iree Coasl. WhiIe he is in porl, AdniraI Dus spends
nany suIIen hours in lolacco houses and cafes. When
lhe anchor is veighed, he regains his lrue nalure: quick,
aIerl, and crafly in navaI conlal. UnforlunaleIy, he
spends onIy one nonlh a year al sea, vhen his fIeel
escorls Zakharan crafl pasl lhe Corsair Donains.
- CoIoneI Akir Ald aI-Hinaya (hnI/nk/1O)
represenls lhe Defenders in chanlers. ALHinaya is in
charge of defending lhe cily againsl allack vhenever
lhe nanIuk arnies are alroad. In reaIily, his
organizalions acl as a cily guard as veII as nedialors,
sellIing argunenls lelveen nenlers of lhe olher
niIilary socielies. The coIoneIs posilion is sIighlIy
veaker lhan lhal of olher nanIuk Ieaders, so he nusl
oflen lrade favors (such as vaIianl assignnenls or
secrel infornalion) in relurn for aclion on lheir parl.
Pnpu!atInn: 5OO,OOO.
Fcaturcs nf thc CIty: Qudra is lhe grealesl
forlificalion in lhe Iand of Iale-a nass of gray, heavy,
lrooding, slone overIooking a deep-valer harlor. The
harlor ilseIf is prolecled ly a greal chain puIIed across
ils noulh. Wilh fev exceplions, lhe cily Iacks lhe
gracefuI spires and dones lypifying Zakharan
archileclure, as veII as lhe ornale giIl and liIevork.
Inslead, lhe cilys luiIders lorroved lechniques of
olher Iands lo produce lhe nassive lallIenenls lhal
ring lhe cily. Wilhin lhe slaIvarl ouler vaII, snaIIer
inlerior vaIIs divide Qudra inlo defensive quarlers.
These inlerior vaIIs have never leen lesled, since lhe
greal ouler vaII has never leen lreached.
The peopIe of Qudra are ly and Iarge oledienl,
hard-vorking, and honesl. SurprisingIy, lhey are nol
varIike, for lhal roIe is laken up enlireIy ly lhe
nanIuks. The nanIuks are lolh sIaves (ovned
uIlinaleIy ly lhe Crand CaIiph) and ruIers of Qudra,
and lhey forn lheir ovn eIile rank vilhin lhe cily
popuIalion. The renainder of lhe popuIalion vorks
hard lo supporl ils niIilary organizalion.
Visilors lo lhis greal cily shouId nake nole of lhe
foIIoving siles:
Ci|q la||s. A narveI of engineering, lhe vaIIs of
Qudra are carved oul of granile fron lhe Iurroved
Mounlains. The foundalion vas Iaid ly order of lhe
firsl enIighlened enir. The vaIIs have leen inproved
and slrenglhened ly lhe nanIuk ruIers vho foIIoved
Today, lhe cilys ouler vaII neasures 4O feel high
and 4O feel lhick. The vaII is nol soIid, hovever.
Tvenly feel fron lhe exlerior, a 15-fool-vide lunneI
snakes lhrough lhe cenler. The vaII is lreached ly
lhree gales, each Ieading soulh lovard lhe nounlains.
lhervise, lhe onIy gap in lhe vaII occurs al lhe
valerfronl. The ouler vaII curves around lo enlrace
and prolecl lhe harlor, ending on lolh sides vilh a
5O-fool-high lover. The lvin lovers hoId lhe greal
chains lhal seaI lhe harlor fron invasion.
Alop lhe vaII, nenlers of lhe nanIuk guard palroI
lhe lallIenenls. A differenl unil is assigned lhis duly
each nonlh. Creal cauIdrons are posilioned aIong lhe
vaIIs and over lhe gales. During an assauIl, lhe
caIdrons hoId lurning oiI of slars (Creek fire), vhich
lhe guards can pour upon assaiIanls leIov.
- S|atc Mar|c|. Qudras ruIing nanIuks enforce
high slandards in lhe aulhorized sIave narkel. As a
resuIl, ils sIaves are of lhe highesl quaIily, are nol
nislrealed, and are usuaIIy capalIe and laIenled.
Menlers of hiII lriles are soId here aIong vilh
norlhern larlarians, as are crininaIs vho have leen
ensIaved for lreaking lhe Lav of lhe Loregiver. An
eIvish vizard and lvo hakinas (see Key Iigures
ulside lhe Courl) have leen appoinled lo oversee
lhe narkel, ensuring lhal il operales in a reasonalIe,
enIighlened fashion.
- Mcsquc cf 8|cc. Qudra is hone lo lhe grealesl
lenpIe erecled in lhe nane of ValaqalaI, a varrior-god
veneraled ly nany nanIuks. The lenpIe lakes ils
nane fron ils oulvard appearance, ils rough-hevn
sandslone vaIIs are slained red vilh reguIar
appIicalions of henna, honoring lhe good nen and
vonen vhose lIood has leen spiIIed in lallIe.
- Opcn Mcsquc. As a revard for lhe cilys vaIianl
nanIuks, lhe eighlh Crand CaIiph senl nany of
Huzuzs finesl archilecls and liIevorkers lo Qudra,
vhere lhey erecled a gracefuI nosque in lhe Zakharan
lradilion. This lIue jeveI slands in slark conlrasl lo
lhe lrooding gray slone of lhe cilys vaIIs and olher
luiIdings. Il is frequenled ly nalives vho do nol
venerale ValaqalaI vilh lhe sane fervor as lhe
Manr Prnducts: SIaves, nanIuks, arnor, lrade
(Norlhern goods), Creek fire (oiI of slars).
Armcd Fnrccs: 25,OOO nanIuk infanlry, 6,OOO
nanIuk cavaIry, 4OO speciaI air lroops, lroken dovn
anong 2O najor nanIuk niIilary socielies, navy of 5O
ships (effecliveIy 25, see leIov).
A najor nanIuk sociely consisls of 2OO or nore
nen, ansvering lo one connander. Mosl unils are
pureIy infanlry, vhiIe olhers are a conlinalion of
infanlry, cavaIry, and air. SpeIIcaslers are eilher hired
under Iong-lern conlracls or recruiled fron lhe
prieslhood of ValaqalaI. In eilher case, lhey serve as
supporl unils for Iarger infanlry fornalions. The idea
of vizards anassed againsl eneny forces using nagic
has proved lo le a niIilary lIunder.
IornaIIy, aII of Qudras nanIuks leIong lo lhe
Crand CaIiph, for lhey are sIaves. They nay nol serve
anolher ruIer vilhoul lhe express pernission of lhe
Crand CaIiph. Having received lhal pernission in lhe
pasl, Qudras nanIuks have enlered inlo Iong-lern
service vilh a nunler of IocaI ruIers, vho in lurn serve
lhe Crand CaIiph.
Qudras navy consisls of 5O ships, lul haIf of lhose
are rolling al lhe docks, lheir saiIs and usalIe vood
slripped for lhe olher haIf. MoraIe is poor anong lhe
nanIuk navy, as il has leen since an alorled allenpl
lo conquer lhe Corsair Donains a decade ago. The
fIeel allenpled a direcl assauIl againsl Hava, Cily of
Chaos, vilhoul sufficienl nagicaI supporl. Qudras
nanIuk force vas repeIIed vilh greal Iosses. Thal
dispIay of veakness has nol leen forgollen ly lhe
nenlers of lhe counciI, lecause il encouraged lhe cily
of Ulaqa lo releI.
Manr Mnsqucs: The Iargesl lenpIe in lhe cily is
lhe Mosque of BIood, carved of red sandslone and
coaled reguIarIy vilh henna. Il is dedicaled lo
ValaqalaI, a IocaI god. His church is approved ly lhe
Crand CaIiph, and his vorshippers venerale hin nuch
as foIIovers of olher gods venerale lheir ovn. (They
have no unusuaI riluaIs or cerenonies.) Qudra aIso has
an open nosque, descriled alove.
Kcy FIgurcs OutsIdc thc Cnurt: Qazin aI-Salir
(hnW/vn/14) is lhe one vizard of vhon il can le
said, He is good enough lo le a sIave~ and have il
neanl as a conpIinenl. Menlers of lhe counciI hoId
Qazin in high regard. WhiIe he is nol a nenler
hinseIf, his advice is oflen soughl in nallers of nagic.
Il vas Qazin vho saved lhe rennanls of lhe fIeel len
years ago in lhe BallIe of Hava, and lhe generaIs
renenler. Qazin prefers lo nol Ieave his conforlalIe
nanor in Qudras suq dislricl, lul he viII respond lo
any caII fron lhe counciI.
Shans aI-Lzai (henW/so/8) is a haIf-eIven sorcerer
vho vorks in lhe SIave Bazaar as a qadi. He is assisled
ly lvo hakinas, Tauan and Turn linl Nisr, vho are
lvins (lolh hfI/hk/1O). Togelher, lhis lrio allends lhe
pulIic sIave auclions, allenpling lo nainlain lhe
honesl laIance of lrade-ensuring lhal vouId-le
sIaves are veII-cared for, are nol ensorceIIed in any
fashion, and are nol free nen or vonen caplured
againsl lheir viII. (lviousIy, lhe lvins povers of lrue
sighl are invaIualIe.) Shans enjoys his vork. He rareIy
has lo exerl his pover, hovever, since Qudra inposes
nany olher lighl conlroIs on sIave-lrading. Ior lhis
reason, Shans and lhe hakinas are lhe Iasl Iine of
defense for soneone caplured ly raiders and soId inlo
sIavery in lhe cily. He is a nenler of lhe nagicaI
reserve for lhe Sludious, and couId le caIIed inlo
aclive service in lines of need.
Mad Ashan (hnW/sh/1O) is a curious characler
vho vanders lhe slreels of Qudra. Id soIdiers
renenler hin as a nagicaI advisor lo lhe DaunlIess (a
nanIuk group). Decades ago, he and a raiding parly
disappeared vhiIe conducling a recruiling nission on
lhe lorders of lhe Haunled Lands: Six years Ialer, he
slunlIed lack inlo lhe cily aIone, his roles lallered
and his nind viped cIean. No nagicaI aid vouId rousl
hin fron his lallIing, and even lhe genies vho agreed
lo exanine hin couId nol lring aloul a change.
Today, Mad Ashan usuaIIy can le found in lhe suq
dislricl of Qudra, gralling passersly and varning lhen
of sone grin forlune lo cone. The nalives are
accusloned lo hin, and kindhearled souIs offer Ashan
food and a crude sheIler vhen he needs il. Nevconers,
hovever, nay le surprised lo find a ragged vizard
gralling lhen ly lhe roles and speaking of lhe
Whispering Doon lhal cones fron lhe Deserl.
Ashans nadness appears pernanenl. Through lhe
years, nagicaI cures have proved useIess againsl il, as
have uisn speIIs and aII allenpls al curse renovaI.
Anolher veII-knovn figure, Bahraniyah aI-Musafir
hgfT/nr/15 oversees lhe greal caravans lhal lring
veapons fron lhe greal forges of HiyaI lo Qudra. She
has done so for 4O years. WhiIe Qudran sleeI is good,
HivaIs is superior, and each nanIuk unil seeks lo arn
vilh olher larlarians. His onIy vife, Irincess Maran
ler Ular, is his confidanl and advisor.
Thc Cnurt: KheI Muhif reIies heaviIy on lhe
ils lesl forces vilh HiyaIs veapons. Today, Bahraniyah
is a grunlIing oId vonan. The day-lo-day lusiness of
advice of his vife, Irincess Maran ler Ular (hfI/a/8),
daughler of lhe forner caIiph. Though he narried
seIIing sleeI has leen laken over ly her sons and Muran lo cIain lhe lhrone, he has cone lo adnire her
daughlers, lul she sliII nakes lhe annuaI journey lo visdon, and considers her lhe leIoved jeveI of an
HiyaI and lack, lraveIing ly caneI and sanluq. enIighlened Iand. She, in lurn, uses her posilion of
Rumnrs and Lnrc: Mad Ashan (see alove) has pover lo inlegrale lhe Aslok peopIe inlo lhe
leen lallIing aloul his journey lhrough lhe deserl for popuIalion and lo preserve lhe righls of lhe forner
decades. Mosl of Qudras residenls are innune lo his nolIes and nerchanls in lhe cily. She Ioves lhe Khan
cries aloul lhe Whispering Doon~ even lhough lhis as he does her. Though her righls are in sone vays
is lhe onIy aspecl of his ranling lhal has renained dininished, she Iikes his peopIes cuslons of having a
consislenl over lhe years. Sone, hovever, leIieve lhal singIe vife and no pernissilIe divorce.
a kerneI of lrulh Iies lenealh Ashans nadness. pposing lhe princess is ur-Khan Moslok
Iurlher, runors persisl lhal over lhe pasl fev years, (hnI/nl/1O), a failhfuI foIIover of Khan Ular. (He
increasingIy fever youlhs have leen recruiled fron lhe never refers lo his oId friend as caIiph.) Moslok feeIs
Iurroved Mounlains and lhe nounlains lordering lhe his Ieader has lecone sofl, decadenl, and perhaps even
High Deserl. Qudras nanIuk ruIers nov nusl eilher. levilched ly lhe Iove of his vife. When lhe
go farlher afieId for lheir nexl generalion of varriors or revoIulion cane, Moslok expecled a quick lil of
consider recruiling lovnspeopIe. The lhird choice, Iooling and delauchery lefore fIeeing lack lo lhe hiIIs.
dininishing lhe size of lhe arny, is considered lo le no Inslead, his Ieader renained in Unara, and, oul of
oplion al aII. IoyaIly, he slayed loo. Moslok is as unconforlalIe vilh
lhe cily peopIe as lhey are vilh hin. He dislrusls
lhen, and avails lhe day Unaras cilizens viII lurn on
his kind. He suspecls lhal lhe princess is parl of sone
Iarger pIol aIong lhese Iines. If Moslok is lo save his
friend, he nay have lo renove her fron lhe scene.
Pnpu!atInn: 1OO,OOO.
Fcaturcs nf thc CIty: Unara is noled for ils lIue
dyes. Dislinclive shades of colaIl and lurquoise have
Umana, CI1 o[ KmIgh1s
ilualed on lhe noulh of lhe river AI-Yalir, aloul
17O niIes norlheasl of Lihan, Unara is a jeveI of
a coaslaI cily, noled for ils dislinclive lIue lexliIes and
liIevork. Though il appears peacefuI loday, ils recenl
pasl is narked ly lhe lIoodshed of a larlarian
incursion ~ an incursion vhich sliII Iingers on lhe lecone lhe unofficiaI cily coIors, ledecking liIevork,
ninds of lhose vho drean of revenge.
Thc Ru!cr: CaIiph Ular kheI Muhif, Khan of lhe
Aslok peopIe (hnI/nl/12), is lhe forner Ieader of a
larlarian hiII lrile. He vas recenlIy enIighlened and
cIolhing, and parlicuIarIy lhe cilys vorId-renovned
carpels and lexliIes.
The nalive peopIe of Unara are fairIy lypicaI of lhe
coaslaI regions. The nen are cIean-shaven lul keep
enIisled in lhe service of Unaras forner caIiph. Afler lheir nouslaches. The vonen, vhiIe unveiIed, are
a disaslrous series of lallIes vilh lhe cily of MuIuk, nodesl in lheir dress and vear lheir hair in Iong, singIe
KheI Muhif slaged a paIace revoIulion, deposed lhe oId lraids lhal hang dovn lheir lacks.
caIiph, narried lhe caIiphs daughler, and re- Today, ningIing anong lhese nalives are lhe nevIy-
eslalIished order lefore Qudras lroops arrived. Iaced enIighlened peopIe of Aslok~for lhe lrilesnen vho
vilh lhe choice lelveen a Iong siege and recognizing
lhe coup, lhe nanIuks haiIed KheI Muhif as lhe nev
Ieader of Unara.
To lhe surprise of nany, KheI Muhif has proved
hinseIf a capalIe ruIer, lhough his courl is sliII slocked
successfuIIy conquered lhe cily Ialer lroughl lheir
faniIies lo lhe verdanl coasl. The larlarians are
sIighlIy Iarger and hairier lhan lhe coaslaI nalives, and
lhe nen Iike lo keep lheir fuII leards. lhervise, il
vouId le difficuIl lo dislinguish lhe Asloks ly lheir
appearance aIone. The Asloks do have lheir ovn
Ianguage, hovever, and speak Midani vilh a harsh,
aInosl lhrealening accenl. Mosl nalives have grovn
accusloned lo lhese invaders. Bul forner poIilicaI
heavyveighls-hoIy Ieaders, courliers, veaIlhy
nerchanls, and niIilary personneI-are irrilaled lhal
lhese svealing larlarians are nol onIy anong lhen,
lul are adapling quile veII.
Manr Prnducts: Carpels, lrade, cIolhing,
lapeslries, goals, goal cheese, dye.
Armcd Fnrccs: 3,OOO-nan eIile paIace guard, aII
nenlers of age of lhe Aslok lrile, 2,OOO-nan
nercenary force, conprising olher lrilesnen, no unil
Iarger lhan 4OO nen, four separale nanIuk niIilary
socielies of 5OO nen each, a 2,OOO-nan IocaI niIilia, a
6OO-nan cavaIry, officiaIIy dislanded, a six-ship navy,
officiaIIy dislanded (fornerIy had len ships, lul four
have leen soId lo lhe cily of MuIuk).
Manr Mnsqucs: BoluAslok, }isan, Kor, and
SeIan. BoluAslok is a Iegendary figure vorshipped
ly lhe Asloks, vho cIain he is lhe prinogenilor of
lheir peopIe. The caIiph has decreed lhal BoluAslok
nusl le vorshipped in lhe nosque as olher deilies, as
such, BoluAslok is considered a connon god.
ApparenlIy, BoluAslok does nol oljecl lo his nev
surroundings, for his priesls conlinue lo receive lheir
speIIs. In facl, nany Unaran nalives have laken lo
BoluAslok as a god represenling change and relirlh,
and lhey hope lhe inslaIIalion of a nev ruIing faniIy
viII lring aloul a favoralIe change in lhe cilys
Rumnrs and Lnrc: fficiaIIy, lhe forner caIiph vas
sIain vhen Ular look lhe lhrone. Hovever, a IocaI
Iegend says lhal Irincess Maran pIeaded for her falhers
Iife. Touched ly her sorrov, Ular senl lhe nan inlo
exiIe in lhe far soulh ly vay of nagic. Nov lhe forner
caIiph is said lo le galhering his ovn force lo
chaIIenge lhe nan vho caplured his daughler and
usurped his pover.
CIoser, lo hone, lhe forces of lhe enlrenched
lureaucracy (headed ly Irincess Maran) and lhe nev
invaders (chanpioned ly Ur-Khan Moslok) conlinue
lo vie over pelly issues. WhiIe no lIood has fIoved
since lhe coup (excepl lhal vhich is shed during
lavern lravIs), il is onIy a naller of line lefore one of
lhe lvo nusl go.
U1aqa, CI1 o[ Fnee Nem
ocaled al lhe noulh of lhe river AI-ZuIna, Ulaqa
is lhe norlhernnosl poinl in lhe Iine of Iree
Cilies slrelching aIong lhe coasl of lhe Creal Sea.
Ils cIosesl neighlor, Hafayah, Iies nearIy 2OO niIes lo
lhe soulhvesl. Lvery cilizen feeIs Ulaqas dislance
fron civiIizalion, for lhe cily has a decidedIy
independenl spiril.
Thc Ru!cr: CaIiph Agara aI-Candar (hnT/nr/13)
vas a nerchanl vilh a lhriving lusiness and diIuled
lIood-lies lo lhe lhrone of Ulaqa. During lhe nosl
recenl insurreclion in lhe cily, lhe previous caIiph and
his faniIy vere pul lo lhe svord ly Qudran nanIuks.
The peopIe of Qudra inslaIIed Agara lhe Dandy as
lheir puppel, exerling lheir infIuence in Huzuz lo
receive lhe Crand CaIiphs confirnalion of lheir
choice. Qudra had one goaI: lo provide a safe and fuIIy
conpIianl forlificalion al lhe opposile end of lhe Iree
Coasl, lrackeling lhe cilies.
Il has nol vorked oul exaclIy as lhey pIanned. AI-
Candar quickIy discovered lhal in order lo gel
anylhing done in lhe cily, he had lo relurn lo lhe
cilizens and nerchanls a neasure of lhe aulonony
lhey had previousIy knovn. As Iong as lhe peopIe of
Ulaqa are aIIoved lo do as lhey see fil, lhey are
conlenl. Huzuz has nol inlerfered, as Iong as Ulaqa
conlinues lo pay ils respecl and ils laxes lo lhe Crand
CaIiph, lhe Crand CaIiphale is aIso conlenl. Nor has
Qudra inlerfered lo dale, for as Iong as Ulaqas caIiph
assures Qudras enir lhal lhe norlhern lip of lhe
enpire is secure, lhe enir is aIso conlenl. The onIy
unhappy nan in lhe enlire silualion seens lo le Agara
aI-Candar, vho nusl laIance lhe desires of lhese
faclions lo relain his posilion. The Iines on lhe caIiphs
face deepen vilh each passing nonlh.
Thc Cnurt: CaIiph Agara aI-Candar is lIessed vilh
an overalundance of advisors and aides, nosl of vhon
have lheir ovn inleresls in keeping Agara on lhe
lhrone. As a resuIl, lhey viII gIadIy lend lhe lrulh,
Iose papervork, and deIiver lriles and favors lo keep
lhe slalus quo. Here are lhree of lhose peopIe:
Chavus aI-Rark (hnI/c/1O) is a proninenl
nerchanl. He nade his forlune anong lhe viIds of lhe
norlh, and he nainlains il ly deaIing vilh lhe Corsair
Donains. His arrangenenl vilh lhe corsairs is as
foIIovs: he heIps lhen snuggIe goods, and in lurn lhey
Ieave lhe ships lhal fIy Ulaqas coIors aIone~for lhe
nosl parl.
- n-Basi aI-Carn (hnT/nr/12) is lhe courls chief
scrile. He is responsilIe for lhe gIoving descriplions of
CaIiph Agara lhal are senl lo lhe courls of Qudra and
Huzuz. His descriplions are oflen loo gIoving,
hovever, lecause lhey resuIl in addilionaI denands
leing pIaced on Ulaqa. n-Basi does lry lo conlroI his
lendency lo enleIIish, lul he is al hearl a loasler and
a laIe-spinner. His nosl recenl error: he reporled
CaIiph Agaras viclory over an incursion of yak-nen.
LvenluaIIy, lhis laIe reached lhe ears of lhose eviI
crealures in lhe WorId IiIIar Mounlains. In response,
lhe yak-nen senl severaI angry dao lo Agaras
- AIIena aI-Ajani (hfW/aj/14) is lhe courls chief
vizier. A foreigner fron lhe dislanl Norlh, she is
apparenlIy on lhe run fron one or nore poverfuI
individuaIs in lhal region. AIIena reIales veII lo olher
oulIanders, and prolIens concerning oulsiders and
nercenary larlarians usuaIIy faII inlo her Iap. She
supervises lhe coordinalion (and nore inporlanlIy,
lhe paynenl) of nercenary larlarians in Ulaqa.
Pnpu!atInn: 7O,OOO.
Fcaturcs nf thc CIty: More lhan any olher cily in
lhe norlh, and perhaps even lhroughoul lhe Land of
Iale, Ulaqa is a pIace on lhe edge of civiIizalion. The
conlinalion of larlarian and enIighlened vievs have
produced a very independenl allilude lovard lhe
vorId lhal is neilher of Zakhara nor of lhe vorId
oulside. The cilys peopIe are lasicaIIy honesl and
lIunl, oflen lo lhe poinl of seening rude. They are
pragnalic in lhal lhey recognize lhe need for sone sorl
of governnenl, so lhey feeI lhey nighl as veII nake
lhe nosl of il. AII of lhe cIergy in lhe najor nosques
are pragnalisls, a rarily in lhe Land of Iale.
The Ulaqans are aIso slridenlIy opposed lo sIavery,
in aII ils forns. In parlicuIar, lhey oppose lhe nanIuks,
vhon Ulaqans descrile as lhe lallooed allack dogs of
oppression. SIaves lroughl inlo lhe cily viII le
rescued (vhelher lhey vanl lo le or nol). ManIuks
are rareIy found in lhe slreels excepl as an occupying
force. Visiling nerchanls vho ovn sIaves granl lhen
lenporary freedon vhiIe in Ulaqa, paying lhen as
enpIoyees unliI lolh Ieave lhe cily, vhen lhey resune
lheir reIalionship as nasler and sIaves.
Ulaqans see lhenseIves as good and decenl foIk
confronled vilh decadenl aulhorily and lyrannicaI
ruIe. The cilys officiaI coIor is vhile, synloIizing lheir
purily (lo lheir delraclors, il aIso synloIizes lhe coIor
of surrender). SnuggIing and siniIar acls are iIIegaI
onIy ly decIaralion of a far-off pover. A nan shouId
le ruIed ly his ovn inlernaI Lav is lhe unofficiaI
Ulaqan nollo.
Manr Prnducts: Trade, snuggIing, nercenaries.
Armcd Fnrccs: 4,OOO-nan cily guard, 3O-ship navy,
len unils (1O,OOO nen) of nercenary larlarians vho
nake Ulaqa lheir hone lase, of vhich aloul haIf are
presenl al any line. The cily has a Iarge nanIuk
forlificalion upslrean on lhe AI-Kufr River, vhich
houses lhree unils of 9OO lrained nen (2,6OO lolaI),
represenling lhe Sludious, lhe VaIianl, and lhe
DulifuI. slensilIy, lhese unils are slralegicaIIy
posilioned lo aid lhe caIiph in lines of need. The reaI
reason for lheir proxinily: lo caplure lhe cily if lhe
Ulaqans gel oul of hand.
Manr Mnsqucs: Hajana, Hakiyah, Haku, Najn.
The cily aIso loasls a nunler of lenpIes devoled lo
savage (unenIighlened) gods, and such lenpIes are a
rarily in lhe civiIized vorId.
Rumnrs and Lnrc: Inlrigue alounds in Ulaqa, on a
IeveI vhich even rivaIs lhal of HiyaI. A reguIar crisis
invoIves runors fron Hafayah, cIaining lhal an
inspeclor fron Qudra is lraveIing incognilo, Iooking
for corruplion and excess. Iron lhe vievpoinl of
nanIuk-ruIed Qudra, aII of Ulaqa is corrupl and
excessive. Bul perhaps lhals lhe onIy vay lhe cily can
funclion. Top-heavy vilh oulIanders and larlarians, a
nornaI syslen of governnenl vouId crunlIe here, as
il has done in lhe pasl. The inspeclor on his or her
vay lo Ulaqa nay nol agree, hovever, and lhe
sagacious heads of courl are Iooking for hin, hoping lo
shul his noulh vilh eilher goId or sleeI.
Chap1en S
CI1Ies o[ 1he PeanL
he IearI Cilies Iine a coasl lordering lhe Crovded Sea and lhe
veslern shores of lhe CoIden CuIf, lucked lelveen lhe cooI,
shinnering vaves and lhe hol sands of lhe High Deserl. These
cilies-Ajayil, Cana, }unIal, Sikak, and Tajar~are anong lhe veaIlhiesl in
lhe Land of Iale. nIy }unIal and Cana acluaIIy produce pearIs, lul aII
nainlain a rich lrade in lhese oljecls of leauly, as veII as in frankincense,
coffee, vaIualIe nelaIs, spices, fine fish, voods, and exolic vares fron far-
avay Iands.
Trade, in facl, is lhe second Iav of lhe peopIe of lhe IearI. IrequenlIy il
gives lhe lrue Lav, lhal of lhe Loregiver, slrong conpelilion. Lending
inslilulions and specuIalive venlures are connon. So are usurious Ioans and
unseen charges. A lraveIer in lhe Iands of lhe IearI shouId renenler lhal
nolhing is lruIy free and heed lhis ruIe of conducl: Ask queslions firsl, haggIe
second, and luy Iasl.
Sone of lhe richesl nenlers of Zakharan sociely Iive in lhe IearI Cilies.
Here loo are sone of lhe pooresl. The veaIlh of lhe upper cIass vouId nake
a Iree Cilys ruIer jeaIous, lheir Iuxurious paviIions and paIaliaI nanors dol
lhe surrounding counlryside. Al lheir feel are lhe leggars and expIoiled
vorkers, vho far oulnunler lhe rich. SIavery pcr sc is nol connon in lhe
IearI Cilies, lul il has leen repIaced vilh a forn of econonic lyranny lhal
keeps lhe Iover cIasses firnIy in lheir pIace. As Iong as a person is nol poor,
Iife hoIds greal pronise. The inpoverished have IillIe lo Iook forvard lo lul
anolher day of erasing oId dells vhiIe incurring nev ones.
The ninorily vilh conlroI over lhe noney fIaunl lheir veaIlh, lolh in
lheir nanner and lheir dress. WonderfuI feasls are lhrovn for ninor reasons,
vilh lhe renains dislriluled lo lhe poor. Brighl and oflen confIicling coIors
are connon, in slripes and rich lrocades.
As a group, lhe peopIe of lhe IearI Cilies are proud, aInosl haughly, and
easiIy insuIled. They do nol leII lhe fuII lrulh al aII lines, and rale vilh lhe
genies in lheir cunning. AII of lhis endears lhen nol in lhe Ieasl lo lheir
noraIisl lrelhren across lhe CoIden CuIf. In lhe eyes of lhe Ianlheisls, lhe
gaudy peacocks of lhe IearI Cilies are IillIe nore lhan decadenl Iav-lreakers
vho have forgollen lhe nalure and spiril of lhe Loregivers Lav.
8 5
AjaIb, CI1 o[ Vomoens
Fcaturcs nf thc CIty: The coffee, or nccna, of
Ajayil is renovned lhroughoul Zakhara for ils dark,
he veslernnosl of lhe IearI Cilies, Ajayil is rich, poverfuI fIavor. To lhe norlh of lhe cily, lhe Iand
silualed al lhe lase of rising hiIIs. The sleep dries oul and lecones dolled vilh frankincense lrees,
sIopes have leen lerraced and cuIlivaled inlo greal fron vhich resin harveslers aIso lring in rich revards.
gardens. Higher up, lhere are coffee pIanlalions, and Ajayil is knovn as lhe Iasl slop for enIighlened
lheir harvesl is faned lhroughoul lhe Land of Iale. civiIizalion. Beyond il lo lhe vesl, lhe AI-Suqul
Thc Ru!cr: CaIiph HaIina aI-Wahsi (hfI/a/16) is a Mounlains pIunge inlo lhe sea, crealing a foreloding
laII varrior-queen vilh a face nore perfecl lhan lhe coaslIine-lhe hiding pIace of nad vizards, savage
lrighlesl noon, eyes darker lhan lhe deepesl veII, and inhunan lriles, and sea-going lrigands. Il is lhe
a sniIe lhal, vhen given lo a failhfuI foIIover, nay sel galhering spol of lhe loId and lrazen: advenlurers
falric on fire al fifly paces. Her Iong, lhick hair hangs preparing voyages lo lhe soulh and vesl, civiIized nen
lo lhe snaII of her lack, and she vears il Ioose in courl. vho are veary of civiIizalion, sorcerers seeking
In conlal, she coiIs il inlo a lighl, vhipIike lraid. Yel soIilude, and crininaIs on lhe run.
il is nol ly her leauly lhal she ruIes Ajayil, for her The peopIe of Ajayil are proud of lheir fronlier
nind and her svord are quick and sure. HaIina is nalure. They are independenl, slrong-viIIed, and
aclive in lhe day-lo-day ruIe of her cily, and she lakes opinionaled. Rich coIors are connon in lheir dress,
aII decisions (and aII connenls) personaIIy. Bul lhough herders, coffee grovers, and resin-galherers
HaIina is a varrior al hearl, nol a slalesnan. She prefer a duIIer and nore uliIilarian coslune. Wonen
enjoys nolhing leller lhan lo ride oul and do lallIe and nen nay le veiIed or nol, lhis is a naller of
againsl lhe savages of lhe AI-Suqul Mounlains, pulling personaI choice as opposed lo a connunily slandard.
off courlIy lureaucracy for anolher day. Manr Prnducts: Cnffcc, fruils, frankincense and
Thc Cnurt: The lvo nosl inporlanl individuaIs in olher aronalic guns, lrighl dyes, lrade.
lhe caIiphs courl are a priesl and a genie. The priesl is Armcd Fnrccs: 8,OOO cily guards, 2,OOO cavaIry, an
Inan Mojos aI-Yunqani nin SeIan (henI/e/12). He is eIile unil of 3OO 1sl-IeveI farisan under lhe connand
4O years lhe caIiphs senior, and oflen laIances her of lhe caIiph herseIf, six-ship navy used againsl
passion and sense of advenlure vilh a voice of reIalive veslern raiders.
reason. He vouId prefer lhal lhe caIiph address nallers Manr Mnsqucs: }isan, Hakiyah, SeIan, Zann.
of slale as opposed lo veslern savages. Inan Mojos Rumnrs and Lnrc: Ajayil is vhere advenlures
keeps a carefuI eye on anlassadors fron lhe olher legin and oId Iegends cone lo die. Il is lhe youngesl of
IearI Cilies, vhon he considers a grealer lhreal. lhe IearI Cilies, having officiaIIy sel up an enIighlened
The genie is a nolIe dao, Zahel aI-Zidq, lhe nosque onIy a decade ago. The caIiph is lhe second
Righleous ne, His Mosl Respecled Majesly and enIighlened ruIer of lhe cily, lhe firsl perished in
Iuissanl Helnan of lhe Mighly Khan. The dao is conlal againsl lhe savages. HaIina vas one of her pre-
apparenlIy snillen ly lhe caIiphs leauly. He is decessors lesl officers, and slepped in lo repIace hin.
conslanlIy al her side in courl, conposing lad doggereI The IocaI Iegends leII of anolher cily vhich
and prolecling her fron lhe advances of olher occupied lhis sile in dislanl lines, one luiIl inlo lhe
suilors. The caIiph, in lurn, lreals lhe dao as a favorile vaIIs of cIiffs overIooking Ajayil. This vas said lo le a
pel. Civen lhe naluraI lendency of dao lovard dark and ruined pIace, Iooled and deslroyed ly
hunans, lhis is nosl unexpecled, and il has leen civiIized nen generalions ago. Bul, lhe Iegends say, lhe
surnised lhal Zahel is under sone speII or charn. originaI survivors of lhis dark race sliII cIav lheir vay
Whalever lhe lrue case, Zahel is a conlinalion of lhrough lhe darkness, dreaning of revenge. The cIiffs
personaI lody guard, confidanl, and enforcer. The overIooking Ajayil are riddIed vilh caverns and
caIiph has no huslands, and Zahel discourages aII lul passages. No one has lroughl proof of lhe Iegends,
lhe lravesl of suilors. lhough lreasure-seekers sliII conl lhe cIiffs for nev
Pnpu!atInn: 7O,OOO. discoveries.
Gama, CI1 O[ RIches
al lhe suIlans side for severaI decades. According lo a
veII-knovn runor, lhe suIlan once proposed narriage
ike }unIal lo lhe norlheasl, Cana is a lrue Cily lo her, lul she responded lhal she vouId ralher serve
of lhe IearI, devoling five nonlhs each year lo al his side lhan al his feel. The suIlan has never
lhe pearI-fishing induslry. Because lhis cily aIso Iies narried, nor has he officiaIIy recognized any of lhe
near lhe ReaIn of BIeeding Trees, ils inhalilanls can sons and daughlers fron his narin (a naller vhich
lurn lo lhe frankincense harvesl vhen lhe pearIing nany find disgracefuI). Runor aIso says lhal AIia has
season has passed. Ils peopIe are generaIIy veaIlhier secrelIy lorne AI-Wadi severaI sons over lhe years,
lhan lhe residenls of }unIal. Lven lhe Iover cIasses of and lhal she has spiriled lhen avay for lraining in far
Cana are proud lo caII lheir hone lhe Cily of Riches. Iands. Nov as oId and vizened as lhe suIlan hinseIf,
Thc Ru!cr: SuIlan Yusef lin Ahnad aI-Wadi AIia conlinues lo ruIe al his side. She oflen advises
(hnI/a/15) knovn as Yusef lhe }usl for his visdon conpassion over harsh juslice.
in nallers of lhe Iav. This veneralIe ruIer encourages The posilion of chief judge has leen heId ly a Iong
lrade and induslry in his cily. He discourages pover series or peopIe in shorl succession. }uslice cannol le
fron concenlraling in anyone eIses grasp for an loughl in Cana, lul il can le renled for reasonalIe
exlended period of line. As a resuIl, laIenled rales. As a resuIl, vhen lhere is a scandaI or oulcry, lhe
individuaIs, advenlurers, and nerchanls conlinuaIIy
pass lhrough his courl, vilh fev of lhen renaining
lhere Iong.
Thc Cnurt: The onIy pernanenl nenler of AI-
Wadis courl is his chief vizier, a hunan sea nage
naned AIia linl-Hazir (hfW/sen/16). She has served
chief judge is quickIy repIaced (and lanished). The
snarl judges serve aloul five years, lhen relire. The
currenl chief judge is a dvarf naned ChaIiyah linl
Borga nin Suq (dfI/h/1O), CaIa of lhe MarkelpIace.
She has heId her posilion for lhree years. WhiIe
ChaIiyah can see lhe lrulh, she does nol aIvays speak il.
IinaIIy, lhere is an honorary posilion vilhin lhe
courl, avarded lo lhose vho conpIele lhe Creal Task
of lhe IearI (see leIov). Such a posilion is usuaIIy
lenporary, Iasling no nore lhan a year, and nay le
surrendered voIunlariIy or upon lhe viII of lhe suIlan.
A nunler of greal heroes, naIe and fenaIe, have
allached lhe solriquel Warrior of lhe Creal Task lo
lheir nanes, and served lhe suIlan in lhis fashion.
Pnpu!atInn: 1OO,OOO.
Fcaturcs nf thc CIty: In addilion lo ils successfuI
pearI lusiness, Cana is Zakharas lrade cenler for
frankincense and olher aronalic guns lhal are
harvesled fron lhe ReaIn of BIeeding Trees lo lhe
vesl. The vasleIand in vhich lhe shrulIike lrees grov
is good for IillIe eIse. Il is inhaliled ly herdsnen vho
lring lhe gun inlo Cana for lrade.
Cana has a Iooser conlroI over ils pearI lrade lhan
}unIal, ils caplains are nore independenl and ils
nerchanl cIass is Iarger. The quaIily of caplains ranges
fron fair lo average (inslead of harsh lo horrid, as in
}unIal). Mosl of Canas caplains praclice lhe lype of
econonic sIavery lhal is connon in }unIal, lul Cana
aIso has a fev progressive caplains vho praclice nore
hunane nelhods of pearI diving. There are even
severaI cases in vhich Canas caplains have relained a
sea nage lo casl airq ua|cr around lhe divers, aIIoving
lhen lo renain lenealh lhe surface for proIonged
periods vilhoul iII effecl.
Such reguIar use of nagic is nol cheap. As a resuIl,
lhe independenl caplains oflen lreak (or al Ieasl
severeIy lend) lhe vov lhal keeps lhen oul of lhe
pearI leds seven nonlhs a year. Canas ships and divers
are sonelines caughl ly lhe sea eIves and Iocalhah
lhal nigrale inlo lhe pearI leds fron lhe vesl. Such
divers vork al lheir ovn risk.
Al lhe cIose of lhe pearI season, Cana hoIds a lhree-
day ceIelralion knovn as lhe IeslivaI of lhe IearI. This
is lhe line vhen accounls are sellIed lelveen lhe pearI
divers and caplains, and a greal feasl is dislriluled
anong lhe peopIe ly lhe suIlan and lhe nosque
officiaIs. The ceIelralion is narked ly dancing in lhe
slreel, skyrockels, and lhe occasionaI lreaking of lhe
Lav (such as pulIic insolriely or Ievdness)~giving
Cana a repulalion as a viId cily. nce lhe pearI season
is officiaIIy over, a nunler of ships and lheir crevs
lecone avaiIalIe for hire lo advenlurers and nerchanls.
SliII poor, nosl divers join such crevs or nigrale lo
harvesl frankincense. A handfuI viII have saved enough
noney lo supporl lhenseIves unliI lhe nexl pearI
season. Very fev viII have saved enough lo afford a
snaII loal and lecone a caplain lhenseIves.
The end of lhe IeslivaI of lhe IearI narks lhe
officiaI leginning of an annuaI chaIIenge or conlesl
conducled ly lhe suIlan: lhe Creal Task of lhe IearI.
The lask is lo lring sone vonder or narveI fron
alroad lo lhe cily and presenl il lo lhe suIlan. Those
inleresled have seven nonlhs lo conpIele lhe lask
lefore lhe inauguralion of lhe nev pearI season. During
lhis period, a nunler of advenlurers and olher vonder-
vorkers pass lhrough lhe courl, lringing aII nanner of
slrange leasls, fanlaslic lreasures, and nighly and
unique nagics. The chief judge verifies lhal lhe ilens
are safe and secured lefore presenlalion. Whoever
produces lhe nosl vonderfuI ilen is avarded vilh greal
lreasures, nagics, posilions in courls, or favors fron lhe
suIlan. (Ior exanpIe, one noled pirale gained a fuII
pardon upon deIivering lhe head of a sahuagin queen.)
AII olher ilens lecone lhe properly of lhe suIlan,
regardIess of lheir vaIue. (Thals lhe price one pays for
parlicipaling in lhe Creal Task of lhe IearI.)
Manr Prnducts: IearIs, lrade, sea crafls (sheIIs,
luried lreasure, and lhe Iike), aronalic guns,
frankincense, nyrrh.
Armcd Fnrccs: 5,OOO-nan cily guard, 2,OOO-nan
nercenary infanlry, officiaI navy of 3O ships, vhich
prolecl lhe pearI-diving vesseIs in lhe lanks, a
suppIenenlaI rookery of five rocs vilh riders, vhich
operale oul of lhe nounlains easl of lhe cily. The courl
of Cana has leen accused of enpIoying privaleers and
raiders lo harass crafl fron }unIal, lul oflen such raids
are lhe conducled ly individuaI caplains.
Manr Mnsqucs: Hajana, Hakiyah, Haku,
Ianlheon (a noraIisl faclion), and SeIan.
Rumnrs and Lnrc: Like }unIal, Cana has recenlIy
leen pIagued ly lhe sudden disappearances of divers
and loals in lhe pearI lanks~and lhese evenls have
hanpered lhe cilys lrade. Mosl residenls leIieve lhal
lhe shark nonsler descriled ly divers fron }unIal is
no nore lhan a ruse, designed lo drive Canas ships
fron lhe area. The suIlan of Cana has offered 5O,OOO
gp and a ship lo lhe advenlurer vho eilher deslroys lhe
crealure or proves lhal il does nol exisl.
)umLa1, CI1 o[ NuL1I1uoes
have fIeels lhal harvesl lhe pearI leds, vhich are
Iocaled lelveen lhen.) WhiIe lolh cilies lhrive,
}unIal cIains suprenacy, for il has lhe grealer
popuIalion and galhers nore pearIs fron lhe leds.
unIal is one of lhe lvo lrue IearI Cilies, aIong
vilh Cana, Cily of Riches. (nIy lhese lvo acluaIIy
Thc Ru!cr: }unIal is ruIed ly SuIlan Kara aI-ZaIin,
lhe Iierce Svord of lhe Sea (hnI/c/15). He is onIy lhe
nephev of lhe previous suIlan, yel he vas chosen over
lhe suIlans ovn chiIdren as heir lo lhe lhrone. This
has proved lo le a vise choice as far as lhe noneyed
cIasses are concerned, for lhe currenl suIlan has aII lhe
cunning and rulhIessness of his favorile uncIe. SuIlan
aI-ZaIin cul his eye-leelh in raids againsl Canas fIeels,
and he has no Iove for lhe Cily of Riches. The suIlan
spends nosl of his line in his paIace overIooking lhe
harlor, and he is rareIy found anong his peopIe.
Thc Cnurt: There are lvo lreeds of courliers in lhe
SuIlans courl: inforners and nerchanls. The forner is
headed up ly lhe suIlans chief vizier, Agal anir-Dolh
(enW/so/15). This niddIe-aged eIf has a lasle for
inlrigue and a fondness for hunan naidens. Agals
spies are everyvhere, parlicuIarIy anong lhe poor. ne
of his favorile sporls is lo seIecl a young vonan and,
lhrough his pover and aliIily, renove each nenler of
her faniIy in lurn, al Iasl laking her inlo lhe harin.
Many nerchanl faniIies knov of his prediIeclion, and
give up lheir daughlers ralher lhan risk lheir ovn
arresl and dealh. VeiIs are nore connon anong
vonen in }unIal lhan in olher IearI Cilies.
f lhe nerchanls, lhe nosl poverfuI is Ragi aI-
Makruh (hnT/nr/19), a huIking and iII-nannered
lrule vho has surprised everyone ly nol deslroying his
faniIys lusiness upon laking ils reins. He has nore
noney lhan lrains and nore lrains lhan charn. He
spends nosl of his line paying honage lo lhe suIlan
and chief vizier in relurn for favors. AI-Makruh,
lhrough a sel of corrupl noney-Ienders, conlroIs nosl
of lhe pearI fIeel ships.
Pnpu!atInn: 3OO,OOO.
Fcaturcs nf thc CIty: The pearI harvesl lhal
dislinguishes }unIal Iasls onIy five nonlhs each year.
By decree of lhe suIlan, in accordance vilh lhe
nonadic sea peopIes vho Iive in lhe CoIden CuIf, lhe
PeanL DIoImg
pring narks lhe onsel of lhe pearIing season in
Zakhara. Hundreds of pearI loals dol lhe coaslaI
valers lelveen Cana and }unIal. Ior five nonlhs,
divers search lhe ocean fIoor for vaIualIe pearI oyslers.
Sunner lrings a period of dead caIn and inlense heal
lo lhe area, naking vork difficuIl for everyone on deck.
Lach pearI loal (lypicaIIy a sanluq) carries a crev of
aloul 5O nen. Mosl divers are naIe. nIy haIf lhe
crevnenlers acluaIIy dive. The olher haIf, noslIy loys,
serve as allendanls. Their jol is vilaI, an allendanl hoIds
a rope lo vhich lhe diver is lelhered. If danger arises,
lhe allendanl nusl quickIy hauI lhe diver lo lhe surface.
The divers lhenseIves have IillIe equipnenl. Lach
vears a vooden nose-cIip, a finger-guard for disIodging
oyslers fron lhe led, and a snaII laskel for coIIecling
oyslers (vhich usuaIIy hangs around his or her neck). A
safely rope is lied around lhe divers vaisl. lhervise, a
naIe diver lypicaIIy vears a IoincIolh. A fenaIe aIso
dons a svalh of vooI lhal serves as a cropped shirl.
When jeIIyfish and olher slinging crealures pose a
hazard, divers nay opl for lIack vooIen lalhing suils
lhal cover lheir lodies fron head lo loe. CIoves prolecl
lheir hands, and eyehoIes aIIov lhen lo see.
Dives usuaIIy occur in valer up lo 9O feel deep, vilh
an average deplh of 3O feel. NoselIeeds are connon. To
descend sviflIy in deplhs grealer lhan 2O feel, each diver
sleps on a Iarge slone, around vhich a rope has leen lied
(aparl fron lhe rope al lhe divers vaisl). When lhe
diver reaches lhe seafIoor, lhe allendanl hauIs up lhe
A skiIIed diver renains on lhe seafIoor for nearIy
lhree ninules lefore relurning lo lhe surface, signaIing
lhe desire for a svifl ascenl ly lugging on lhe rope al his
or her vaisl. In shaIIov valer, sone divers forgo lhe
safely rope and sinpIy dive fron lhe surface. (Civen lhe
dangers lhal oflen Iurk nearly, lhis nay prove
Diving is a harsh exislence. The vork legins al davn
on lhe docks, vhen each diver counls lhe previous days
harvesl and renoves lhe pearIs. The caplain of lhe loal
valches carefuIIy and-afler crediling lhe diver for a
fraclion of lhe pearIs vorlh-cIains aII. IearIs lhal are
Iarge, Iuninous, fainlIy pink, and veII forned have lhe
grealesl vaIue. nIy lhe rare lIack pearIs of Zakhara nay
connand a leller price.
Afler lhe pearIs have leen counled, lhe loals deparl.
Divers have onIy coffee for lreakfasl, lhen legin lheir
descenls. Lach nan and vonan nay perforn dozens of
dives each day. Lunch is a handfuI of dales and a shorl
lreak. Al sunsel, lhe loals relurn lo porl. The divers eal
a neager evening neaI, say a prayer, and lhen relire.
NearIy aII divers are severeIy indelled lo lheir
caplains. During lhe off-season, lhe divers nusl lorrov
noney lo supporl lheir faniIies, pronising lo relurn for
anolher years vork. A divers calch nusl le exceplionaI
in order lo pay off his or her dell.
season legins as soon as lhe nonsoons sulside. During
lhe nexl five nonlhs, pearI divers vork daiIy lo lring
lhe pearIs lo lhe surface, oflen in dangerous
condilions. WhiIe lhe risks are greal and lhe revards
for lhe divers are fev, il is lhrough lheir Iung-pover
and lIood lhal lhe greal Cily of MuIliludes survives.
}unIal is a Iarge, ralher unallraclive cily lhal
depends on pearIs for lrade. Il is onIy haIf as popuIous
as snoky HiyaI, lul il is equaIIy crovded, for lhe cily is
conpressed onlo a snaIIer anounl of ground. A snaII
ninorily of veaIlhy nolIes, nerchanls, and lovnsnen
Iive conforlalIy off lhe veaIlh of lhe pearI lrade. The
najorily of }unIal is reduced lo poverly and indelled
heaviIy lo lhe nerchanls vho conlroI lhe lrade. When
lhe pearI season has ended, }unIal has lhe grealesl
nunler of leggars of any cily in lhe Land of Iale.
Manr Prnducts: IearIs, lrade, sea crafls (sheIIs,
luried lreasure, lrighl dyes), leggars.
Armcd Fnrccs: 1O,OOO cily guard, 1,OOO nercenary
cavaIry, aII deserl riders fron lhe High Deserl, an
officiaI navy of 3O ships, palroIIing lhe pearI lanks.
The unofficiaI navy lypicaIIy incIudes 1O lo 3O
ships- a I I saiIed ly corsairs and privaleers vho are
hired lo prolecl }unIals pearI diving ships or lo
deslroy lhose of rivaI Cana.
Manr Mnsqucs: Hakiyah, Haku, Kor, SeIan.
Rumnrs and Lnrc: Life in }unIal revoIves around
lhe pearI lanks, and lhal Iife has recenlIy leen
lhrealened ly sone nonslrous crealure. The nalure of
lhe nonsler is nol yel cerlain. Whal is cerlain,
hovever, is lhal during lhe pasl lhree years nearIy 1O
loals and four lines as nany divers have leen
deslroyed or Iosl lo lhe sea. Ior sone line, }unIals
pearI nerchanls assuned lhal Cana vas responsilIe.
}unIal vas on lhe lrink of decIaring var againsl ils
neighlor lo lhe soulh vhen one survivor, nissing his
Iegs, vashed up on lhe leach and loId his laIe. The
nan soon died, lul nol lefore he had descriled his
allacker: a ghoslIy shark-crealure, huge and savage,
vilh lenlacIes around ils gaping nav. This crealure
noved vilh inleIIigence and purpose, said lhe dying
nan, picking off divers and lhen hunling dovn lhe
loal ilseIf. The nunler of caplains viIIing lo go oul lo
sea decIined for a shorl line, lul lravery relurned
afler lhe suIlan offered a revard of 1OO,OOO goId dinars
lo lhe }unIali caplain vho deslroys lhe leasl The
revard, of course, has yel lo le cIained.
Wilhin lhe cily vaIIs, anolher danger lhrealens lhe
eslalIished Iords. A nev landil-Ieader has appeared
anong lhe poor, knovn onIy as ZuInal, The
Darkness. Runors of lhis landil are confIicling. No
one is sure vhelher The Darkness is a nan or a
vonan, a hunan or a genie. Sone say The Darkness is
a secrel sociely, and nol a singIe individuaI. Whalever
lhe lrulh, lhe landil Ieaves no lrack olher lhan his or
her viclins: noney-Ienders vilh lroken hands and
lorn lhroals, crueI caplains found on lhe shore Iike
fIolsan, lheir Iungs fiIIed vilh lhe sea, and cily guards
vho have leen slripped of lheir arnor and veapons
and dunped uncerenoniousIy inlo lhe river. The chief
vizier has yel lo discover lhe idenlily of The Darkness.
Thal faiIure creales anolher, nore lroulIing possiliIily:
The Darkness, perhaps, has poverfuI nagicaI aid.
5Ikak, CI1 o[ CoIms
his cily lakes ils nane nol fron any lhriving
lrade in coinage, lul for ils nosl fanous induslry,
fishing. The valers off lhe coasl of Sikak and sur-
rounding nearly Marilar IsIand are leaning vilh
svordfish, lurlol, grouper, drun, and croaker, and lhe
shaIIovs are aIive vilh skales, nuIIels, and snaII lIue
oclopi. The scaIes of lhe Iarger fish are oflen as lig as
siIver coins, synloIizing lhe greal veaIlh lhey lring
lo Sikak.
Thc Ru!cr: SuIlan Magar aI-Azin (gnT/nr/13) is
lhe fifleenlh gnone lo sil on lhe Throne of Coins
since his faniIy firsl cane lo pover during lhe Iirsl
CaIiphs ruIe. AI-Azin spenl his loyhood vorking
vilh fishernen, as his anceslors did lefore hin, and as
his chiIdren do nov. This lraining laughl lhe suIlan
lhe vaIue of vork, honesly, and feIIovship. He is a
popuIar ruIer, and vhen he appears in lhe slreels, he is
oflen svepl up in crovds of veII-vishers. Ten ogres
serve as his lodyguards, prolecling hin al aII lines.
Thc Cnurt: SuIlan Magar aI-Azin nainlains a
narin of lhe nosl leaulifuI vonen in Zakhara, aII
gnones. His chiIdren nunler over 2O. Indeed, Magar
cones fron a Iarge faniIy hinseIf, and his uncIes,
cousins, and silIings handIe nosl of lhe papervork and
lureaucracy in lhe cily. In addilion, Magars reIalives
hoId high posilions in lhe cIergy and lhe arned forces.
The heir apparenl lo Magars lhrone is Irince caughl and kiIIed, lul furlher invesligalion-Ied ly
}eygar (gnI/c/1O), a dashing young figure vho heads lhe suIlans sisler, Inan Reya~has proved fruilIess.
up lhe fishing fIeel on ils voyages lo Huzuz. He is said No one knovs vho hired lhe assassin or vhy.
lo le a favorile in lhe Crand CaIiphs courl.
AIso of inporl is lhe suIlans sisler, Inan Reya aI-
Sikaks second nyslery concerns a shipvreck. Word
has il lhal lhe renains of a singIe ship or nuIlipIe ships,
Affif (gfI/eI/11), carelaker of lhe nosques and priesless vhose origin and age are unknovn, vere recenlIy
of Hakiyah. She is knovn for lolh her inpassioned discovered ly advenlurers on lhe far side of Marilar
speeches and her dislrusl of slrangers lo lhe Iand. IsIand. The vreck aIIegedIy hoIds lhe skeIelons of
Pnpu!atInn: 6O,OOO. nany gnones, aIong vilh greal vonders. Irince }eygar
Fcaturcs nf thcCIty: Like Tajar lo lhe norlh, Iale is overseeing lhe expIoralion and recovery of lhe
has lIessed Sikak vilh a series of arlesian veIIs, vhich vreck: Whelher lhis is in any vay connecled vilh lhe
provide nosl of lhe valer for lhe cily. These veIIs allenpled assassinalion is unknovn.
legan lo faiI sone 4O years ago, and onIy lhrough
carefuI negoliarion vilh a group of dao and narids has
lhe suppIy of fresh cooI valer leen nainlained.
Tajan, CI1 o[ Tnaoe
The peopIe of Sikak Iive fron lhe sea. Dress is
he norlhernnosl IearI Cily, Tajar Iies aloul 45O
infornaI and suiled lo lheir occupalion. Men usuaIIy niIes vesl of Ianlheisl HiIn, vilh lhe CoIden
go lare-chesled and vear Ioose, Iighlveighl panls. CuIfs gIillering expanse lelveen lhen. The lilIe
Lven lhe fenaIe crev-nenlers don IillIe nore lhan a Cily of Trade is veII deserved, for Tajar is avash in
Iighl lIouse and liIIoving panlaIoons. This carries riches fron lhroughoul Zakhara and leyond. Rare
over inlo lhe cily ilseIf, vhere lhere is IillIe cause for spices, slrange condinenls, richIy voven carpels,
prelense or oslenlalion, save for greal feasls. gIeaning svords fron HiyaI, vonders of lhe Crovded
The sellIenenls lo lhe norlh and soulh of Sikak are Sea-aII- are galhered in one Iocalion lo assauIl and
veaIlhier and nore poverfuI, and Sikaks residenls feeI deIighl lhe senses. In ils sheer variely of goods, Tajar is
sonevhal lhrealened. They are lhin-skinned aloul lhe veaIlhiesl cily on lhe CuIf.
lhe nolion lhal any vay of Iife nay le superior lo lheir Thc Ru!cr: Tajars ruIer is Sheikh AIi aI-Hadd,
ovn. The oulIanders scaller Iies, say Sikaks House of Bakr (hnI/dr/16). He is lhe son of lhe forner
fishernen~Iies cIaining lhal Sikaki saiIors sneII of sheikh, Kori aI-Zafiri, House of Bakr. Before lhe ruIe of
lheir calch, and lhal lhey send Iess-lhan-fresh fish lo AI-Zafiri, Tajar vas governed ly a dark-hearled suIlan.
lhe Crand CaIiphs paIace. To insuIl a nalive of Sikak Thal suIlan despised lhe deserl lriles and soughl lo
is lo insuIl his or her faniIy, loal, and enlire peopIe, ensIave lhen lhrough unfair lrade. The Ieader of lhe
and lhe nalives reacl accordingIy.
Manr Prnducts: Iish, loals, nels, ropes.
Bakr lrile, AI-Zafiri, Ied a releIIion againsl lhe cily,
receiving lhe nerchanls and lhe poor vhon lhe suIlan
Armcd Fnrccs: 2,OOO infanlry, 3,OOO nercenary had oppressed. Wilh lhe releIIion undervay, AI-Zafiri
larlarians in lhree unils, 5OO cavaIry, an inperiaI senl AIi, his nosl laIenled son, lo gain an audience
paIace guard of 2OO ogres, arned vilh haIlerds and vilh lhe Crand CaIiph. When lhe greal fIeel of Huzuz
Iong lovs, a 2O-ship navy, vhich incIudes noslIy snaII arrived in Tajars harlor, il did nol carry reinforce-
loals for shore palroI, 4OO narines lrained in nenls for lhe enlallIed suIlan. Inslead, il carried
shiploard fighling. invesligalors, vho quickIy reveaIed lhe suIlans lrue
Manr Mnsqucs: Hajana, Hakiyah, }isan, Sedan. nalure. The suIlan vas laken lo Huzuz in chains, and
Rumnrs and Lnrc: Tvo nysleries are currenlIy AI-Zafiri lecane Tajars Ieader. Bolh he and his son,
lroulIing lhe Cily of Coins. Iirsl and forenosl, a hoIy AIi aI-Hadd, prefer lhe sinpIe lilIe sheikh.
sIayer of lhe Crey Iire has nade a pulIic allenpl on When AI-Zafiri passed avay, AIi aI-Hadd succeeded
lhe suIlans Iife. This occurred vhen lhe suIlan vas his falher. The son has proved hinseIf lo le equaIIy
anong lhe peopIe, and onIy lhe heroic aclion of an vaIianl and vise, capalIe of deaIing vilh Tajars nany
ogre guard spared lhe suIlans Iife. The assassin vas faclions of nerchanls,. lraders, nolIes, and suppIicanls.
Thc Cnurt: The lane of Sheikh AIis exislence is
his onIy son, AfzaI (hnI/a/6). AfzaIs nolher died in
chiIdlirlh. The sheikh did nol renarry, and he has nol
recognized any olher heir. AfzaI vas lorn and raised in
Tajar, in lhe Iap of Iuxury, and he has lurned his lack
on his deserl herilage. He is fooIish and ponpous, and
surrounds hinseIf vilh nen and vonen vho speak of
IillIe olher lhan his grealness. He has jusl reached his
najorily, and is honorary connander of lhe cavaIry.
AI-Hadd has assigned a dao and a djinni as his sons
personaI servanls and lodyguards. The sheikh hopes
lhal direcl conlacl vilh lhe peopIe nay leach his son
visdon. So far lhis has faiIed.
Sheera linl Tanar (hef/sh/1O) serves Sheikh aI-
Hadd as a nagicaI advisor. She is his unrecognized
daughler, lorn lo hin ly an eIven courlesan in his
courl. Sheera is responsilIe for overseeing genie
aclivilies in lhe cily, and for nainlaining a good
reIalionship vilh lhe jann.
AIso proninenl in lhe courl is a ravun vho is
knovn onIy as DuIcel Riqqiyah (hfB/r/14). An
advenlurer vho arrived in lovn four years ago,
Riqqiyah charned lhe sheikh vilh her knovIedge and
vil. In line, she lecane lolh a lrusled advisor and a
second daughler lo hin. Sheera is nol jeaIous of lhe
ravun, for lhe pair are cIose friends, and Riqqiyah acls
as lhe young haIf-eIfs nenlor. AfzaI is laken vilh
Riqqiyah, lul she vanls nolhing lo do vilh lhe young
popinjay. f lhe lards origin and lackground, nolhing
is knovn. She vears nagicaI devices lhal fend off
divinalion nagics.
Pnpu!atInn: 18O,OOO.
Fcaturcs nf thc CIty: Tajar is a najor lrading sile in
lhe Land of Iale. Here lhe caravan roule fron far-off
Akola (an exolic pIace leyond Zakhara) neels lhe
nerchanl arnadas of lhe CoIden CuIf. And here lhe
lriles of lhe High Deserl cone dovn lo lrade lheir
vares vilh agenls of lhe Crand CaIiph. nIy lhe suqs
of Huzuz, vhich lear lhe finesl produce in aII of
Zakhara, can rivaI Tajars narkelpIace.
The peopIe of Tajar refIecl lhis neeling of cuIlures.
Alas and keffiyehs are as connon as caflans and
lurlans, aII lhe nore so since lhe ascendency of
Sheikh AIi. The inpoverished residenls dress in
vhalever rags and lallers lhey can nanage, lul even
lhe poor of Tajar are leller off lhan nosl. The riches
are so alundanl, and lhe need for Ialor so greal, lhal
anyone capalIe of vork can find il if he or she Iooks.
Tajar is furlher lIessed ly having severaI naluraI
arlesian veIIs. The Iargesl of lhese veIIs Iies al lhe lase
of lhe sheikhs paIace. The veIIs suppIy nosl of lhe
cilys drinking valer vilh IillIe slrain on lheir capacily.
nIy lhe poor use valer fron lhe AI-Adil River, and
lhe cily quarler lordering lhal area is a sIun of shoddy
housing, dangerous leggars, and characlers hoping lo
disappear lehind lhe veiI of dusl and poverly.
The Tajari are proud, loislerous peopIe, quick lo
lake offense. Slreel nusic is connon here, and voIune
oulveighs proficiency for nosl ninslreIs. Merchanl
haggIing oflen Ieads lo dravn svords, and daggers are
driven inlo lhe vaIIs lo underIine a poinl. IeopIe of
Tajar regard lhe coIder, nore cuIlured nalives of olher
reaIns as repressed and unfeeIing.
Manr Prnducts: Trade, spices, carpels, nelaIvork,
svords, Iiveslock, horses.
Armcd Fnrccs: 4,OOO-nan cily guard, 3,OOO-nan
cavaIry palroI, vhich is luiIl around a core of Bakr
deserl riders, an eIile force of 8OO nen. In addilion,
Tajar has 3OO jann of lhe High Deserl on relainer.
Manr Mnsqucs: Hakiyah, Haku, }isan, SeIan.
Rumnrs and Lnrc: No one in Tajar nisses lhe oId
suIlan, a skinfIinl and lyranl vho vas Iasl seen leing
dragged off lo Huzuz. Sone years Ialer, lhe slory of vhal
lecane of hin fiIlered lack lo Tajar. Il is said lhal he
(viseIy) renounced his eviI vays and lecane a priesl in
lhe hiII counlry alove Wasal. ne of his chiIdren
survived lhe revoIulion in Tajar, and evenluaIIy
reIocaled vilh hin lo lhal cily. Il is lherefore IikeIy
lhal heirs lo lhe previous lhrone are sliII aclive. Mosl
of lhe popuIace is quile happy vilh lhe presenl ruIer-
ship, lul a fev are concerned aloul AfzaIs visdon, and
lhey vouId prefer lhal lhe sheikh eilher recognize
Sheera officiaIIy or discover if any capalIe candidales
exisl anong lhe originaI suIlans descendanls.
ulside lhe courl, lhe grealesl IocaI nevs is lhe
arrivaI of SueIasla lhe Magnificenl (hnT/nr/12). This
nerchanl-rogue has gained a granl fron Sheikh AIi lo
eslalIish a nenagerie of fanlaslic crealures. Having
secured a suilalIe Iocalion in a garlage-ridden area
near lhe river, he has pul oul an announcenenl lhal he
viII pay noney for vonders of aII Iands, safeIy
conlained and suilalIe for vieving ly lhe enIighlened.
Chap1en D
CI1Ies o[ 1he Pam1heom
he League of lhe Ianlheon, or Ianlheisl League, is a cIusler of cilies
on lhe Crovded Sea and aIong lhe easlern side of lhe CoIden CuIf,
lacked ly lhe nounlain ranges of AI-Akara and AISayaj. These
cilies share a connon oulIook alove and leyond lhal of olher cilies paying
uIlinale creed lo lhe Crand CaIiph.
Ianlheisls recognize onIy five gods: Hajana, Kor, Najn, SeIan, and a
IocaI deily naned }auhar (vhon Ianlheisls consider a najor god). Wilhin
lhese cilies, lhe vorship of olher gods is forlidden. According lo lhe
Ianlheisls, onIy lhe five deilies of lhe Ianlheon deserve lhe vorship of
civiIized nen and vonen. These are lhe gods vhose priesls firsl svore
aIIegiance lo lhe Lav of lhe Loregiver. AII olher deilies are Ialeconers,
inferior al lesl. This conservalive reIigious leIief is lhe force lhal linds lhe
Ianlheisl cilies inlo a cohesive vhoIe-inlo a refuge for lhose vho knov
lhe lruIy enIighlened gods.
IoIilics and reIigion are lighlIy inlervoven in lhe Ianlheisl League. The
church is poverfuI, and secuIar Ieaders are oflen reIigious Ieaders as veII.
SlaunchIy noraIisl, Ianlheisls are aInosl hidelound in lheir lradilionaI
vaIues. The lradilions of lhe pasl guide lheir aclions in lhe fulure. Thal
vhich is nev is deened dangerous, and lhal vhich is differenl is suspicious.
Bolh nen and vonen cover lheir faces in pulIic and conceaI lhe shape of
lheir lodies lenealh liIIoving roles, Iesl lhe sighl of lhe opposile sex cause
anyones lhoughls lo slray fron lhe noraI palh. (Wonen, in facl, usuaIIy don
lhe lradilionaI chador, lehind vhich nol even lheir eyes-a nosl lenpling
feninine fealure-can le cIearIy seen.)
ApparenlIy, lhis syslen vorks veII for lhe Ianlheisl cilies, for lhey are
successfuI and prosperous. UnIike lhe Iree Cilies of norlhern Zakhara, lhe
cIoseIy knil Ianlheisl connunilies are nol hindered ly conlinuaI efforls lo
conspire againsl each olher in pelly vars. And unIike lhe IearI Cilies, lhe
cilies of lhe Ianlheon have fever leggars and inpoverished cilizens on lheir
slreels. AII cilizens are guaranleed a salisfied slonach and a roof over lheir
heads (provided lhose cilizens adhere lo Ianlheisl leIiefs). Vanily, usury,
pride, savagery ~lhese are aIien concepls lo lhe Ianlheon. In lhe Ianlheisls
ovn eyes, and ly nany olher yardslicks, cilizens of lhe Ianlheisl League are
9 4
lhe nosl civiIized peopIe in lhe Land of Iale.
The Ianlheisl leIief syslen segregales lhese cilies
fron lhe resl of Zakhara jusl as il linds lhen logelher.
Characlers vho vieId poIilicaI pover slrive lo
dininish olher failhs and-shouId a releIIion againsl
lhe Ianlheon occur-lo crush aII unleIievers vilh
force. This allilude does nol nake Ianlheisls popuIar
in regions vhere enIighlened gods such as }isan, Haku,
Hakiyah, and Zann are veneraled (nol lo nenlion
IocaI enIighlened deilies). An uneasy laIance exisls
lelveen lhe League of lhe Ianlheon and lhe nore
IileraI areas of Zakhara.
The headquarlers of lhe Ianlheisl League and
hone of lhe League ConcIave is lhe cily of Iliraf, lo
vhich aII olher Ianlheisl cilies send an anlassador
and represenlalives. (Lach Ianlheisl cily aIso sends
represenlalives lo Huzuz.) According lo nany, lhe
Leagues grealesl inan, Rinaq aI-Ninar, Mosl
HunlIe of lhe Ianlheons Servanls, is second onIy lo
lhe Crand CaIiph in pover (lhough even nany
Ianlheisls vouId rank hin lhird or fourlh, lehind
lhenseIves or olher nenlers of lhe Ianlheon).
Ianlheisl cilies vork in concerl, selling connon
prices and seeking lo even oul crop shorlages in one
lovn vilh surpIuses in olhers. Mosl inporlanlIy, lhey
provide a connon defense. Iron HiIn lo Mahalla,
each cily is guarded ly Ianlheisl lroops, nenlers of
an arny caIIed lhe Svord of lhe True Cods. The
Svord is cuIIed fron lhe lesl varriors lhroughoul
lhe League. Ianlheisl lroops are aIvays headquarlered
near a cilys nain nosque, and lhey have posls
lhroughoul lhe connunily.
A Ianlheisl soIdier is never aIIoved lo serve in his
or her hone cily. Inslead, he or she viII le slalioned
eIsevhere in lhe League, serving aII olher cilies in
lurn. This praclice heIps underscore lhe concepl lhal
lhe Svord of lhe True Cods is IoyaI lo lhe League of
lhe Ianlheon as a vhoIe, nol lo any one cily. The
praclice aIso arouses nany cilizens lo viev Ianlheisl
soIdiers as guesls-peopIe lo le lrealed veII-in lhe
hope lhal each cilys ovn fighlers viII le cared for
equaIIy veII during lheir assignnenls eIsevhere.
The peopIe of lhe Ianlheon are sludious, soIenn,
respeclfuI, poIile, and induslrious. As individuaIs, nosl
are deepIy shocked ly lhe lehavior and decadence
lhal occurs eIsevhere in Zakhara~even in lhe Crand
CaIiphs paIace ilseIf. They are insuIled ly lhe idea
lhal lhe gaudy reveIIers of lhe IearI Cily couId decry
sIavery, yel inprison lheir ovn peopIe in econonic
shackIes lhal deny lhe proleclion lhal sIaves olhervise
enjoy. Ianlheisls hope lo lring aloul changes in lhe
Land of Iale so lhal one day aII nay le enIighlened lo
lhe sane degree. Sone hope lo do il ly exanpIe.
lhers reaIize lhal onIy force nay decide lhe issue.
Fahhas, CI1 o[ 5eanchImg
ocaled roughIy 9O niIes norlh of Iliraf (as lhe rol
fIies), al lhe noulh of lhe river AI-Naqus, Iahhas
is lhe nosl sonler cily of lhe Ianlheisl League. Ils
peopIe are searching for enIighlennenl and lrulh, and
perhaps for lhe happiness lolh vouId lring.
Thc Ru!cr: CaIiph AneI aI-Yuhani (hnI/n/15),
HunlIe Servanl of lhe LnIighlened Cods, is a noody,
recIusive figure. TaII and lroad-shouIdered vilh veII-
chiseIed fealures and a lhick lIack leard, he Iooks
nore Iike a varrior lhan a priesl. AI-Yuhani is said lo
le anong lhe slrongesl nen in lhe Ianlheisl League.
The caIiphs slrenglh is nainIy physicaI, hovever,
since he is given lo fils of neIanchoIy and deep
depression, caused ly lolh lhe sin in lhe vorId and ly
lhe dealh (five years ago) of his aged advisor and
nenlor, }aniIa aI-Muhil.
CaIiph AneI is a nan vho sees nallers of failh in
uIlinales: you are eilher saved or you are danned.
Devolion lo lhe Ianlheon is suprene in his courl.
WouId-le vrongdoers shouId levare, for lhose vho
defy lhe Lav of lhe Loregiver nusl suffer lhe
naxinun penaIly. In Iahhas, disfigurenenl and even
lorlure are nore connon punishnenls lhan
ensIavenenl and lanishnenl.
Thc Cnurt: The courl of Iahhas has no high-
ranking or highIy infIuenliaI characlers leyond lhe
caIiph hinseIf. CaIiph AneI spends nosl of lhe day in
soIilude and nedilalion, parlicuIarIy since lhe dealh of
his chief vizier, }aniIa aI-Muhil (hfW/sen/17). The
Iesser courliers, scriles, and lureaucrals vaIk soflIy and
speak in deferenliaI lones vhen sunnoned lefore
lheir caIiph. And vhen lhey speak, lhey valch lheir
vords carefuIIy, for no one knovs vhen an iII-phrased
renark viII resuIl in a lirade of aluse and possilIy
f lhese Iesser lureaucrals, lhe cilys chief judge is
nosl proninenl. He is a harried dvarf naned Mungu
aI-Rislal (dnI/a/12). AI-Rislal is overvorked, he
serves his caIiph ly carrying oul each and every order
lo lhe Ieller. He vouId ralher Iel haIf lhe cily die al
lhe execulioners hand lhan le forced lo fiII oul lhe
papervork for a pardon, or lo approach his Iord vilh a
direcl queslion.
Pnpu!atInn: 11O,OOO.
Fcaturcs nf thc CIty: Iahhas refIecls lhe nood of
ils caIiph, ils peopIe are suIIen, lrooding, and joyIess in
lheir lasks. The cily is prosperous, hovever, due lo ils
naluraI gifls. The grassIands lo lhe easl are grazed ly
sheep and goals, and dolled vilh orchards of oranges,
dales, apricols, and pears. The rich cIays of lhe river
AI-Naqus nake sone of lhe finesl pollery and china
on lhe CoIden CuIf, and lhe Iocalion of lhe cily
nakes il a convenienl porl for loals fron Huzuz and
lhe norlh.
Manr Prnducts: Iruil, Iiveslock, lrade, pollery,
Armcd Fnrccs: Ianlheisl lroops incIude 2,OOO
infanlry and 1,OOO cavaIry. lher Iand forces: 2,OOO
cily guards, a unil of 15O cIericaI reserves (priesls of
IeveIs 1 lo 6) fron lhe Ianlheon nosque and
universily, and 3 unils of nanIuks of lhe Devoled
sociely, lolaIing 9OO nen. Seafaring forces incIude a
navy of 5 Iarge vesseIs, pIus a shore palroI of 1O snaIIer
Manr Mnsqucs: Ianlheon.
Rumnrs and Lnrc: The grief of lhis cilys caIiph is
underslandalIe. He grealIy Ioved and respecled his
chief vizier, }aniIa aI-Muhil, vho lroughl AneI fron
lhe ranks of lhe cIergy lo a posilion of pover and
respecl. Yel lo nany lhe Ienglh and lhe deplh of his
grief seen exlrene, for il has leen five years since
}aniIas passing. She died of a fever lhal nol even lhe
lesl heaIers of TaIal couId alale. In lhe years since
lhen, CaIiph AneI has lanished his counseIors,
dislanded his harin, and he nov vears a lrooch lhal
prevenls lhe approach of any genie vilhin 1O feel.
Today lhere is a rising lide of fear for lhe caIiphs
heaIlh. Many vish lo see hin reslored lo his previous
slrenglh and deneanor. An equaI nunler vish lo see
hin slep dovn and le repIaced ly a nore reasonalIe
Ieader. Hovever, lecause CaIiph AneI connands lhe
IoyaIly of lolh lhe nanIuks and Ianlheisl lroops~
and lecause lhe League ConcIave of Iliraf is unviIIing
lo nove againsl lhe CaIiph of Iahhas~lhere seens lo
le no ansver lo lhe cilys voes lul lo appeaI lo Iale,
and lo accepl lhal vhich is given.
HILm, CI1 o[ KImomess
iIn is lhe norlhernnosl cily of lhe Ianlheisl
League, and perhaps lhe nosl IileraI. Localed
nearesl lo Huzuz, il is a slopping poinl for nany
piIgrins lraveIing overIand lo lhe Courl of
LnIighlennenl. Ils slreels are sparlan lul spolIess,
Iacking in coIor and (for lhe nosl parl) crine. Il is a
slark conlrasl lo lhe IiveIy cily of Tajar across lhe
CoIden CuIf.
Thc Ru!cr: CaIiph Alir aI-Iarhan (hnI/n/15),
HunlIe Servanl of lhe LnIighlened Cods, represenls
lhe Ianlheisl League al ils lesl. Considerale and
concerned aloul lhe veII-leing of his peopIe, lhe
caIiph is a diIigenl proleclor of lhe failh, and he sees lo
lhe needs of even lhe nosl poverly-slricken nenlers
of his fIock. His vide leIIy and shorl slalure leIie a
poverfuI and vise individuaI vho viII slop al nolhing
lo prolecl his peopIe.
Thc Cnurt: Mosl inporlanl in lhe courl is lhe
caIiphs grand vizier, a sorcerer naned Shoroz
(hnW/so/13). TaII lul slooped, Shoroz shares Alirs
vision for HiIn and vorks diIigenlIy al his Iords side.
flen, lhe pair don disguises (usuaIIy nagicaI in
nalure) and go oul lo ningIe anong lhe peopIe of
HiIn. The disguises are designed lo heIp lhen discover
vhal lhe peopIe are lruIy feeIing, for a nan nay
change his voice in lhe presence of one vho can slop
il forever. The pair nay al firsl appear lo le lvo
dvarves, or perhaps lvo lraveIing nerchanls or
piIgrins. NonelheIess, lhey frequenlIy give lhenseIves
avay ly lheir aclions.
The appIe of lhe caIiphs eye is his eIdesl daughler,
Ia (hfI/n/5). She has leen schooIed in lhe vays of
lhe church and, vilh lhe pernission of church
officiaIs, vouId narry lhe nexl caIiph of lhe cily in
order lo conlinue lhe Iine and preserve her falhers
inleresl in lhe peopIe. Ia spends nosl of her line
vilh her looks of prayers and paralIes, segregaled fron
lhe oulside vorId. The peopIe of HiIn share her
falhers devolion lo her. When she appears in pulIic,
lhe nuIliludes appIaud and lhrov fIovers al her feel.
Pnpu!atInn: 18O,OOO.
Fcaturcs nf thc CIty: The peopIe of HiIn are even-
lenpered. UnIike lhe cilizens of olher Ianlheisl cilies,
lhey are reIaliveIy palienl even vilh lhe
unenIighlened (vhich, lo lhen, incIudes aII vho faiI
lo recognize lhe gods of lhe Ianlheon excIusiveIy).
The hospices of HiIn are Iegendary vilhin lhe
Ianlheisl League for lheir cIeanIiness and hospilaIily.
Because of lheir quaIily, nany piIgrins journeying lo
Huzuz choose lhe overIand roule as opposed lo lhe
nore expensive (lul nore direcl) ships fron Iahhas.
WhiIe such piIgrins knov lhey shouId nol fIaunl lheir
adherence lo any failh lhal conlradicls lhe leIiefs of
lhe Ianlheon, lhey aIso knov lhe peopIe of HiIn viII
nol hunl lhen dovn Iike nad dogs for such leIiefs.
HiIn is Ianlheisl noraIisn as il is neanl lo le. The
cilys residenls are veII fed and veII lended. There are
no leggars in lhe slreels or narkelpIace, and even lhe
pooresl nenlers of sociely have cIean roles and
salisfied (if nol fuII) leIIies. Lnlerlainnenls incIude
nyslery pIays of connon Iegends (aII learing serious
noraI Iessons lenealh lheir hunor and jiles) and
lards reciling greal poens in lhe nane of lhe
Ianlheon. Work is reguIar lhroughoul lhe year. If
peopIe are nol needed lo harvesl or pIanl, lhey can
renovale and reluiId houses in lhe cily ilseIf. If lhe
peopIe of HiIn seen a lil snug, il is lecause lhey have
sonelhing lo le snug aloul.
The cily is peacefuI, lhough lroulIe oflen arises
fron lhose vho lring il vilh lhen: lhieves, larlarians,
confidence arlisls, and nisguided individuaIs. The
chief jol of lhe cily guard and lhe Ianlheisl lroops is
lo keep such lroulIenakers fron disrupling lhe Iives of
lhe peopIe of HiIn.
Those vho cone lo lhe cily inlenl on fouI pIay or
nischief are firsl caulioned, lhen arresled if varnings
are ignored. A Ianlheon priesl (fron IeveIs 2 lo 8) is
allached lo each palroI of lhe cily guard, aiding in lhe
caplure of disruplive individuaIs. TriaIs are quick. If
lhe individuaI shovs lrue penilence, lhey are aIso jusl.
In HiIn, enIighlened lul nisguided crininaIs vho
venerale a god oulside lhe Ianlheon are rareIy pul lo
dealh. Inslead, lhey nay le ensIaved for a nunler of
nonlhs, fuIfiIIing lheir senlence ly serving lhe church.
Manr Prnducts: Crain, Iiveslock, horses, lourisn
Armcd Fnrccs: Menlers of lhe Svord of lhe True
Cods incIude 2,OOO infanlry and 1,OOO cavaIry, nosl of
vhich are concerned vilh lhe proleclion of lhe
farners and lraveIers lhrough lheir area. AddilionaI
varriors: 1,OOO cily guards. Iron lhe Ianlheon nosque
and universily: a unil of 12O cIericaI reserves (priesls of
IeveIs 1 lo 6). The caIiphs personaI guard incIudes 3
unils of nanIuks (9OO soIdiers), aII nenlers of lhe
LxaIled sociely.
Manr Mnsqucs: Ianlheon.
Rumnrs and Lnrc: According lo Iegends loId lolh
in lhe Ianlheisl League and eIsevhere, HiIn vas lhe
firsl cily lo receive lhe Lav of lhe Loregiver afler
Huzuz. As such, HiIn has a speciaI slalus for leing so
honored ly Iale. Indeed, lhe Ianlheisl creed noles
lhal, al lhe line, lhe firsl gods vho lecane
enIighlened vere lhose of HiIn: Wise Kor, Brave
Najn, Advenlurous Hajana, BeaulifuI SeIan, and
DiIigenl }auhar. Il is fron lhose gods lhal lhe failh of
lhe Ianlheon lakes ils direclion.
HuoIo, CI1 o[ HumILI1
nong lhe nore loIeranl of lhe Leagues cilies,
Hudid is Iocaled oulside lhe CoIden CuIf, on lhe
shores of lhe Crovded Sea. (nIy Mahalla, aloul 9O
niIes easl, shares lhis Iocalion.) ulsiders knov lhal
lhe lariffs and Iavs of Hudid lake inlo accounl lheir
ovn nisguided ignorance of lhe Ianlheons vays, and
lhal has nade lhe cily a prine lrading area for exolic
Thc Ru!cr: CaIiph and Mosl Revered Molher
Sajah aI-Munsif (hfI/n/15) is lhe onIy vonan lo
guide lhe failh of a cily in lhis generalion. Wilhin lhe
League, she is knovn as lhe Quiel CaIiph, for she
rareIy acls or speaks direclIy. Inslead, she Ieads ly
exanpIe and laIks in paralIes lhal nay al firsl seen lo
vander fron lhe poinl, lul, in lhe end, reveaI a lasic
lrulh lhal aIIovs lhe Iislener lo allain enIighlennenl.
As a young vonan, Sajah served as a represenlalive lo
lhe Crand CaIiphs courl, vhere she inpressed His
LnIighlened Majesly vilh her vil and visdon. He
appoinled her a caIiph 1O years ago. The ConcIave
gave ils unaninous approvaI.
Sajah has proved herseIf lo le a vise and capalIe
ruIer. Her firn yel open poIicies have prevenled lhe
spread of BaIanile heresy up lhe coasl. Her peopIe are
veII fed and, on lhe average, leller off lhan lheir
cousins across lhe CoIden CuIf in lhe IearI Cilies.
The caIiph viII frequenlIy don her chador and go oul
lo nix vilh lhe peopIe, hearing lheir needs and
inleresls and using lhen lo guide cily poIicy.
Thc Cnurt: Sajah lore lvin daughlers vhiIe she
vas in lhe courl of lhe Crand CaIiph. AIlhough she
nainlains a sc|ana (equivaIenl of a narin), she chooses
lo lear no olher chiIdren.
f Sajahs daughlers, one chose lo renain in lhe
church. Thal daughler has risen sleadiIy in rank, she
nov serves as her nolhers chief aide and advisor~
Sajahs Iegs and noulh anong lhe peopIe. She is Inara
(hfI/n/8), a vonan very nuch Iike her nolher: veII
educaled, poIile, and preferring lo leach ly
iIIuninalion and exanpIe. f lhe olher daughler,
}inara, nolhing is knovn. She Iefl her faniIy vhen she
cane of age, decIaring herseIf independenl. LffecliveIy,
}inara vanished.
Pnpu!atInn: 9O,OOO.
Fcaturcs nf thc CIty: Hudid has lhe grealesl
universily in lhe Land of Iale. Irince Tannous, lhe
uncIe of lhe Crand CaIiph, sludied here as a Iad, as
have nany nolalIe viziers and Iearned figures
lhroughoul Zakhara. The universily is for lhe nosl
parl noraIisl in nalure, in keeping vilh lhe Ianlheon.
Conpared lo olher organizalions in lhe Ianlheisl
League, hovever, il is quile open and viII loIerale
nenlers of olher failhs as veII as pragnalisls, elhoisls,
and even Iree Iriesls. The sciences, parlicuIarIy oplics
and aIcheny, are lhe universilys slrong poinls,
foIIoved ly lhe suljecls of nagic and poelry. In facl,
sone exceIIenl poels and ravuns have sludied al
Hudids universily.
The peopIe of Hudid have varned lo lhe caIiph
and her ruIe, lhough al firsl nany vere concerned and
even offended ly lhe nonlradilionaI posling of a
vonan in lhe caIiphale. When lhe vaIIs faiIed lo
lunlIe in and lhe cily prospered under her ruIership,
nosl changed lheir opinions. They Iook forvard lo her
daughler Inara carrying on lhe lradilion of a fenaIe
caIiph in Hudid.
CaIiph Sajah has nade lhe cily of Hudid a safe
haven for lraveIers of aII vaIks of Iife (nol a difficuIl
lask for one vilh such an enIighlened popuIace).
Hudid sliII has ils periIs, hovever, oflen around lhe
docks or in lhe universily, vhere differing ideas nay
cIash vilh vioIenl resuIls.
Manr Prnducts: Sludenls, lrade, gIass Ienses and
leIescopes, vriling, looks.
Armcd Fnrccs: 1,OOO Ianlheisl infanlry, 5OO
Ianlheisl cavaIry, 2,OOO cily guards, 2OO cIericaI
reserves (priesls of IeveIs 1 lo 6) fron lhe Ianlheon
universily. In addilion, lhe firsl lhree ships of an
officiaI navy have leen luiIl. Their nission: lo deaI
vilh increased piracy on lhe Crovded Sea.
Manr Mnsqucs: Ianlheon.
Rumnrs and Lnrc: f Iale, lhe grealesl concern in
Hudid is lhe BaIanile heresy in Mahalla, vhich Iies
direclIy easl aIong lhe coasl. Many refugees fron lhal
cily have fIed lo Hudid, and lhe caIiph of Mahalla,
Manun, leIieves lhal BaIanile foIIovers and hoIy
sIayers nay have supporlers in Hudid. CaIiph Sajah
has lhree lines refused Manuns requesl lo conducl
invesligalions in Hudid regarding lhis naller, and if il
can le proved lhal lhe foIIovers of BaIa are indeed
aclive in Hudid, greal lurnoiI viII ensue. As a resuIl,
one of Inaras chief lasks is lo invesligale lhese
accusalions herseIf. So far, she has lurned up nolhing
vizier, AIyana aI-Azzazi. AIyana shares lhe Mosl
Revered Ialhers noraIisl allilude, lul fIalIy rejecls his
Ianlheisl dogna. SliII, lhe chief vizier is Rinaqs lesl
neans of naking lhe needs and conpIainls of lhe
Ianlheon knovn. The Crand CaIiph is currenlIy
heirIess. If he dies in lhal slale, lhe resuIling confusion
I'1Ina[, CI1 o[ Com[essIoms
liraf is lhe sile of lhe League ConcIave, lhe
governing lody lo vhich every Ianlheisl cily sends
represenlalives. Localed al lhe noulh of lhe river AI-
Hadi, Iliraf Iies aInosl direclIy easl of }unIal, a viId
and unciviIized IearI Cily for vhich Iliraf has IillIe
respecl. Ilirafs peopIe lake pride in Iiving in one of
Zakharas nosl noraI and uprighl sellIenenls. This is
nol lo say lhal eviI or nisguided nen and vonen are
nol found here. Hovever, once such daslards have
leen reveaIed, lhey are quickIy punished, reforned, or
(as is IikeIy) lolh. Ierreling oul such undesiralIes is
one reason Iliraf is knovn as lhe Cily of Confessions.
Thc Ru!cr: Lnir and Mosl Revered Ialher Rinaq
aI-Ninar (hnI/n/2O), Mosl HunlIe Servanl of lhe
LnIighlened Cods, is lhe ruIer of Iliraf. He is aIso lhe
head of lhe League ConcIave. Wilhoul queslion,
Rinaq is lhe nosl poverfuI nan in lhe League of lhe
Ianlheon. He is lhe fourlh of his Iine lo serve as Mosl
Revered Ialher of lhe League-lhe son of AIi,
grandson of Kura, and greal-grandson of Lxanarolh
lhe Unifier. The enir is lhe doninaling reIigious and
secuIar force in lhe Iands of lhe League. His vord is
The nosl poverfuI nan in lhe Ianlheisl League
Iives sinpIy in a snaII nanor adjoining lhe ConcIave
luiIdings. He rareIy appears in pulIic, and vhen he
does granl audiences, lhe onIy priesls vho nay le
presenl are noraIisls of lhe Ianlheon (ne of lhe fev
lenefils of rank, he is quoled as saying, is refusing lo
neel vilh fooIs). ulIand priesls and Iree Iriesls
such as hakinas, kahins, and nyslics are forlidden lo
enler his courl. Moreover, even elhoisls and
pragnalisls of lhe Ianlheon are lanished fron his
The enir has a greal drean: lhal, in line, Ianlheisl
leachings viII prevaiI in Zakhara, doninaling Iife in
every coner of lhe Iand. To lhal end, lhe enir is a
reguIar correspondenl vilh lhe Crand CaIiphs chief
nay aIIov Rinaq lo expand lhe conlroI of lhe
Ianlheon and perhaps even doninale lhe Land of Iale.
In lhe IearI Cilies, runor has il lhal lhe Mosl
Revered Ialher Rinaq aI-Ninar is responsilIe for
nany inlrigues and disaslers lhal occur lhere, fron lhe
greal TenlacIed Shark of lhe pearI leds lo lhe
assassinalion allenpl on lhe suIlan of Sikak. In lrulh,
Rinaq is nol a naIevoIenl force schening lo deslroy
lhe IearI Cilies. Their lroulIes are lo lhe advanlage of
lhe Ianlheon, hovever, and anyone vho creales
difficuIlies for lhe IearI Cilies nay le veIconed (or al
Ieasl used ly) Rinaq and lhe ConcIave.
Thc Cnurt: The League ConcIave is lhe courl of
Iliraf. DeIegales fron each of lhe Ianlheisl cilies are
presenl al aII lines. Lach deIegalion consisls of 1 lo 6
nidIeveI priesls of lhe Ianlheon (IeveIs 3 lo 6) and 3
lo 18 Iov-IeveI priesls (IeveIs 1 lo 2). The ConcIave
luiIding is one of lhe Iargesl slruclures in lhe League,
exceeded onIy in vonder and size ly lhe Creal Mosque
of lhe Ianlheon.
Currenl deIegalion Ieaders fron olher cilies are
Ahnad aI-Rahil of HiIn (hnI/n/12), Aksonkor aI-
Daris of TaIal (hnI/n/9), Reisah aLBakir of Iahhas
(hfI/n/1O), Yazid aI-WaIid of Hudid (hnI/n/12), and
Hishan lin Ziyad of Mahalla (hnI/n/1O). Ilirafs
ovn represenlalive lo lhe ConcIave is shan aI-
Budan (hnI/n/12). He and nosl deIegales Iook lo lhe
Mosl Revered Ialher Rinaq for Ieadership.
Pnpu!atInn: 25O,OOO.
Fcaturcs nf thc CIty: Ilirafs residenls are
slaunchIy noraIisl, exlreneIy IavfuI, and exceedingIy
gracious~al Ieasl lo one anolher. VeiIed nen and
vonen conducl lheir lusiness vilh IillIe fear of
leggars, lhieves, or rogues. They leIieve lhal aII
peopIe vho cone fron oulside Ianlheisl lerrilories are
no leller lhan savages. Il is foIIy lo argue aloul lhis
poinl, for Ilirafs cilizens are confidenl in lheir leIiefs,
and argunenl onIy confirns lheir opinions on lhe
rudeness and quarreIsone nalure of nisguided
The peopIe of Iliraf Iook lo lheir reIigious Ieaders
and lhe enir for guidance. To find success here, as
eIsevhere in lhe League, even varriors, vizards, and
rogues nusl lake on lhe nanlIe and lhe creed of lhe
Ianlheon. Traders, craflsnen, and nerchanls vilhin
lhe cily aII prefer lo deaI vilh olher noraIisls.
Caravans and ships fron far-off Iands experience (al
lesl) a coId receplion and (nore IikeIy) a Iarge
anounl of dulies and laxes. Merchanls fron lhe IearI
Cilies oflen use caplains of convenience vhen
deaIing vilh Iliraf: noraIisl (lhough nol necessariIy
Ianlheon-vorshipping) individuaIs.
Life in Iliraf revoIves around lhe Creal Mosque of
lhe Ianlheon. This nosque is one of lhe Iargesl
slruclures oulside Huzuz. ne of lhe nosl leaulifuI
slruclures as veII, il is nade of poIished lIue slone
excavaled fron lhe AI-Sayaj Mounlains, inIaid vilh
goId, and sel vilh precious and seniprecious gens.
ManIuks guard lhe nosque. This is a haran (hoIy sile)
in ils ovn righl, and is a galhering poinl for piIgrins
fron lhe soulh vho are journeying norlh lo Huzuz.
Manr Prnducts: CIassvare, cryslaI, sages
(reIigion), priesls (noraIisls of lhe Ianlheon).
Armcd Fnrccs: Ianlheisl lroops incIude 8,OOO
infanlry and 3,OOO cavaIry. lher Iand forces: 2,OOO
cily guards, a unil of 3OO cIericaI reserves (priesls of
IeveIs 1 lo 6), and 6 unils of nanIuks, lolaIing 1,8OO,
vilh 3 unils each represenling lhe LxaIled and
Devoled socielies. Seafaring forces: navy of 16 ships,
vilh nore laghIahs (Iarge dhovs) under conslruclion.
Manr Mnsqucs: Ianlheon.
Rumnrs and Lnrc: The veneralion of Mosl
Revered Ialher Rinaq aI-Ninar and his anceslors
slops jusl shorl of personaI deificalion. Mosl of lhal
vhich is good in lhe cily (and in lhe League) is
allriluled lo Rinaq. Mosl of lhal vhich is lad is
allriluled lo lhe vork of sIackers, fooIs, and lhe
niscreanls vho seek lo loppIe hin.
Lvery fev nonlhs, a runor sveeps lhrough Iliraf,
crealing a var fever. The runor is aIvays lhe sane: a
fIeel has leen spolled advancing lovard Iliraf, haiIing
fron lhe IearI Cilies, or fron AfyaI, or fron sone
sorcerous lrough in lhe Ruined Kingdons. Slreel riols
ensue, during vhich a fev foreigners aIvays perish and
lhe ranks of lhe cily guard and Ianlheisl forces aIvays
sveII. In parlicuIar, nore ships are added lo lhe
officiaI navy of lhe Ianlheon (vhich is lased in
Iliraf). Then lhe scare sulsides, and Iife relurns lo
nornaI (lhough lhe surviving foreigners are nore
caulious fron lhen on).
Nahabba, CI1 o[ ChanI1
ike Hudid, aloul 9O niIes lo lhe vesl, Mahalla
Iies veII oulside lhe CoIden CuIf, on lhe shores of
lhe Crovded Sea. There lhe siniIarily ends, hovever.
WhiIe Hudid is reIaliveIy accepling of oulsiders,
Mahalla has lecone a cIosed sociely under
occupalion ly ils ovn niIilary forces. Mosl of lhe cilys
peopIe are ashaned of a non-Ianlheisl hislory lhal
lhey cannol seen lo forgel. Mahallas secondary lilIe,
Cily of Charily, has Iosl ils neaning. f Iale, nore
peopIe caII il lhe Cily of SiIence.
Thc Ru!cr: CaIiph and Revered Ialher Manun
aI-Sahnan (henI/n/14-I/f/16), HunlIe Servanl of
lhe LnIighlened Cods, is a falherIy haIf-eIf vilh a gray,
cIoseIy cropped leard. Manun firsl eslalIished
hinseIf as a varrior in lallIes againsl lhe savage lriles
of lhe Ruined Kingdons, onIy Ialer did he enler lhe
prieslIy orders. Iirsl and forenosl a slricl
discipIinarian, he vas judged ly Rinaq aI-Ninar as lhe
lesl nan for his currenl posilion, and Rinaqs voice
carried in lhe courl of Huzuz.
Manun is kind and falherIy lo lhe devoul, lul
nerciIess lo lhe nisguided and lhe unenIighlened. In
lhe Ialler group he pIaces lhe BaIaniles, foIIovers of
lhe cuIl-god BaIa of III Tidings (see Chapler 5). The
caIiphs operalives are everyvhere, seeking lo crush
nol onIy lhe cuIl, lul aIso lhe fanalicaI lrolherhoods
of hoIy sIayers lhal lhe BaIaniles engender.
Thc Cnurt: Manun favors fighlers in his courl:
varriors, as veII as nages and priesls vho have had
fronl-Iine lallIe experience. To Manun, a nan and a
vonan (of any race) have nol reached lheir polenliaI
unliI lhey have leen lIoodied in hoIy varfare againsl
lhe healhen foe. The cilys posilion as lhe Iasl civiIized
oulposl in lhe League lerrilory reaffirns lhe need lo le
ever-vigiIanl and valchfuI.
Manuns chief vizier is a varrior, Tanalha of lhe
CIillering BIades (hfI/f/13). She has served al his side
lhrough a nunler of canpaigns. Ior a lrief line lhey
vere narried, and she lore hin lhree sons. Tvo have
faIIen in conlal, and lhe lhird is undergoing cIericaI
lraining in Iliraf. Tanalha and Manun vere
divorced vhen il lecane cIear lhal lolh vished lo
renain in lhe fieId as varriors. They are sliII cIose
enolionaIIy, and Manun nainlains no narin.
Tanalha is a cavaIry soIdier. She prefers cIear-cul
lallIes lo lhe lvisled and nyriad skirnishes of lhe
slreels, lul she serves vhere Iale and lhe Ianlheon
lhink she viII do lesl.
Manuns chief judge is aIso his chief infornanl
and nasler spy. His nane is lhnar lin }aqaI
(hnW/sh/16), lhe son of lhe jackaI. An oiIy, eviI shair
vilh an efreeli servilor and suspecled lies lo lhe
Brolherhood of lhe True IIane, lhnar is a devoul
Ianlheisl vho leIieves in lurning oul lhe lainl of
Tanalha and Manun are lolh acconpanied al aII
lines ly delachnenls of 2O nanIuks of lhe LxaIled
sociely, aII 3rd IeveI. lhnar has onIy his efreeli, Zel,
as his lodyguard, lul is said lo carry nore lhan enough
nagicaI proleclion lo vard off any allack.
Pnpu!atInn: 1OO,OOO.
Fcaturcs nf thc CIty: As noled alove, Mahalla is
a cily under niIilary occupalion ly ils ovn forces. The
BaIanile heresy foughl ly lhe caIiph is so greal as lo
nake frequenl palroIs and checkpoinls connon. The
cilys slricl curfev legins al nighlfaII. The BaIanile
lhreal is reaI: lhese herelics have sel fires, deslroyed
suppIies, and assassinaled proninenl nerchanls and
officiaIs. Lven lhe LnIighlened Throne, so far dislanl,
is concerned vilh lhe danage. The Crand CaIiph has
urged lhal lhis uprising le pul lo an end, vhelher
lhrough negolialion or lhe svord.
Mahallans are fearfuI of slrangers and, lo sone
degree, lheir ovn ruIers. WhiIe Manun renains
popuIar vilh his peopIe, lhe presence of lhnar
ferreling oul lhe guiIly nakes nany nervous, and nosl
feeI lhal lhnar nixes personaI feeIings (and
enjoynenls) vilh his perseculions. To speak oul,
hovever, is lo allracl lhnars unvanled allenlion.
Mahalla has recenlIy leen dulled lhe Cily of
SiIence. Since lhe heresy legan, nusic (excepl for
narliaI lands) is rare. Il is ly nusic lhal lhe shadovy
BaIaniles are said lo spread lheir eviI. Bards in
parlicuIar are unveIcone in Mahalla, ravuns and
olher singers vho visil lhe cily nay vish lo reporl lo
lhe IocaI guard and acquire a personaI noraIisl
lodyguard for lhe duralion of lheir slay.
Manr Prnducts: Wood, lrade, releIIion.
Armcd Fnrccs: 4,OOO Ianlheisl infanlry, 1,OOO
Ianlheisl cavaIry, 2,OOO cily guards, 5O cIericaI
reserves (priesls of IeveIs 1 lo 4), and no navy. Wide-
ranging palroIs, vhich fornerIy venlured inlo lhe
hinlerIand as far as lhe Cray }ungIe, have leen
disconlinued in Iighl of increased releIIion.
Manr Mnsqucs: Ianlheon.
Rumnrs and Lnrc: The nosl inporlanl slory oul of
Mahalla is lhal of lhe BaIanile heresy. In lhe earIy
days of lhe Iirsl CaIiph, lhe cilies of lhe easlern coasl
forned lhe League of lhe Ianlheon and pIedged lheir
feaIly as a group lo lhe Iirsl CaIiph and lo lhe Lav of
lhe Loregiver. The gods vorshipped in lhese cilies
lecane lhe five enIighlened gods knovn as lhe
Ianlheon. Mahalla joined lhe League shorlIy
lhereafler and decIared lheir god, BaIa of lhe Tidings, a
nusicaI spiril-idoI, enIighlened as veII. The cIergy of
lhe Ianlheon prolesled, and lheir arnies invaded
Mahalla, crushing lhe iniliaI heresy.
As a resuIl of lhis confIicl, lhe Iirsl CaIiph soughl
knovIedge in lhe Lav on vhal consliluled an
enIighlened god. LvenluaIIy, nany IocaI (connon)
gods cane lo le recognized as enIighlened, slanding
aparl fron lhe savage gods. Hovever, for Mahalla lhe
danage had aIready leen done. The failh had leen
driven underground.
ver lhe nexl five cenluries, lhe BaIaniles rose in
releIIion and vere crushed severaI lines, vilh each
suppression nore lIoody lhan lhe Iasl. The foIIovers
of BaIa forned lheir ovn groups of hoIy sIayers,
connilled lo lhe ousling of Ianlheisl ruIe. Sone of
lhese groups allenpled lo lring dovn lhe enlire
League of lhe Ianlheon. f course lhey faiIed, lul lhe
assassinalions of severaI Ianlheisl Ieaders have leen
allriluled lo BaIanile sIayers.
The nosl recenl releIIion legan seven years ago
vilh lhe assassinalion of Mogan lin Ahned, lhe
previous ruIer of Mahalla. The ConcIave appoinled
Manun as an inlerin connander lo inpose narliaI
Iav. Tvo years ago, he vas confirned ly Crand CaIiph
KhaIiI as lhe officiaI ruIer of lhe cily.
TaLab, CI1 o[ ues1Img
raveIers vho foIIov lhe river AI-Muli easl fron
HiIn, heading nearIy 1OO niIes inlo lhe scorched
viIderness, viII reach lhe rivers source. This is aIso lhe
sile of TaIal. Dulled lhe Cily of Quesling, TaIal is lhe
nosl connon slarling poinl for advenlurers enlering
lhe Ruined Kingdons and Haunled Lands fron a
Ianlheisl cily.
Thc Ru!cr: CaIiph Kia aI-Sadid (hnI/n/13),
HunlIe Servanl of lhe LnIighlened Cods, is a nousy,
sloop-shouIdered lureaucral vhose appearance does
nol suggesl lhe greal pover he vieIds vilhin lhe cily.
His voice is sofl, yel his vords convey his visdon. He
vas inslaIIed as an inlerin caIiph ly lhe Ianlheisl
League foIIoving lhe assassinalion of his predecessor.
(The nurder vas aIIegedIy perforned ly lhe Slorn
Which Deslroys, a group of hoIy sIayers lased in lhe
AI-Sayaj Mounlains.) CaIiph Kia has proved lo le a
capalIe adninislralor, and he does nol inlerfere vilh
lhe lraders and nerchanls. Though he is rareIy seen in
pulIic, lhe force of his pronouncenenls are feIl
lhroughoul lhe cily.
Thc Cnurt: The caIiphs chief assislanl is a priesless
of lhe Ianlheon, Aranah aI-MursaI (hfI/n/1O).
Aranah serves as scrile, Iilrarian, and record-keeper.
She oversees lhe officiaI docunenlalion of aII lrade,
1 O 2
incIuding sIaves. Bookish and quiel, Aranah is oflen
senl lo HiIn as a represenlalive of TaIal. She aIso
visils lhe oulposl forls in lhe roIe of an inspeclor.
A renarkalIe addilion lo lhe courl is Hanyar aI-
Muhif (hnI/nl/12), an enIighlened Ianlheisl vho
haiIs fron lhe unenIighlened lriles of lhe AI-Sayaj
Mounlains. Hanyar serves as lhe caIiphs enissary lo
lhe nounlain lriles. His peopIe, svealing in lheir furs,
are oflen seen in lhe nearly counlryside. Hanyar is a
sIy, secrelive individuaI vho prefers lo renain in lhe
lackground, fron vhich he can carefuIIy olserve Iife
in lhe courl.
Pnpu!atInn: 7O,OOO.
Fcaturcs nf thc CIty: Wilhoul lhe vork of nen,
TaIal couId nol survive. The cilys valer is lroughl
fron veIIs in lhe AI-Sayaj Mounlains lo lhe soulh
lhrough underground conduils. The inpressive
nannade conduils Iead lo TaIals reservoir, vhich is
lhe source of lhe river AI-Muli. This valer is lhe
IifelIood of TaIal. A nanIuk organizalion knovn as
lhe Iarched is charged vilh prolecling lhe reservoir
and ils conduils. They have no olher duly lul lhis, yel
lhey are fierceIy proud of ils inporlance.
Like HaIva lo lhe norlh, TaIal is a neeling pIace of
cuIlures. Triles of lhe Ruined Kingdons cone here,
lhough nosl are unveIcone. A heaIlhy sIave-lrade has
sprung up in lhe cily, and if enIighlened nen are
Iocked in shackIes, Kias nen Iook lhe olher vay.
CaIiph Kias predecessor rigorousIy perseculed iIIegaI
sIaving, and lhis nay have Ied lo his denise al lhe
olsidian lIade of lhe hoIy sIayers.
TaIal is lhe sile of a najor universily slaffed ly
noraIisl larlers and Ianlheisl priesls. The universily
is devoled lo lheoIogy, prieslIy nagic (Ianlheisl, of
course), and heaIing. Many of Zakharas nosl
knovIedgealIe ninds on lhese suljecls vere schooIed
al TaIals universily.
The nalives of TaIal are insuIar and secrelive. They
keep privale nallers privale and shov a pulIic face of
reserved concern. f Iale, oulIying areas have suffered
nunerous raids, and TaIals cilizens are parlicuIarIy
suspicious of deserl lriles and lheir riders.
Manr Prnducts: CeneraI lrade, sIaves, falric, sages
(nedicine), heaIers, larlers.
Armcd Fnrccs: 3,OOO Ianlheisl infanlry and 2,OOO
Ianlheisl cavaIry, nosl of vhich are concerned vilh
lhe proleclion of lrade and palroIIing lhe pass inlo lhe
Ruined Kingdons. AddilionaI forces: 1,OOO cily
guards, a unil of 1OO cIericaI reserves (priesls of IeveIs
1 lo 6), 9OO nanIuks of lhe Iarched sociely, charged
vilh prolecling lhe valer suppIy.
Manr Mnsqucs: Ianlheon.
Rumnrs and Lnrc: Al any line, 1OO nerchanls
calering lo lransienl advenlurers roan lhe slreels of
TaIal, seIIing lrue naps lo greal lreasure in lhe
viIderness. A visilor can usuaIIy find aloul 5O lrile
nenlers here, aII eager lo share a laIe of vonder and
anazenenl-aloul nounlains of pure iron, dreadfuI
cilies ruIed ly lhe dead, and ancienl lul sliII-Iiving
idoIs vorshipped ly delased peopIes.
CaIiph Kia pays IillIe heed lo lhese slories. He does,
hovever, have a keen inleresl in heaIlh and disease.
He has ordered lhe nanIuk guard lo reguIarIy check
lhe reservoir and pipes for dangerous conlagia and
crealures knovn lo cause or carry naIadies. And he
insisls lhal aII sIave-lraders guaranlee lhal lheir sIaves
fron lhe Ruined Kingdons are cIean and vilhoul
lainl. IeopIe vilh infornalion regarding nev
diseases-excIuding lhose vho acluaIIy dispIay
synplons, of course-are expecled lo reporl lheir
knovIedge lo Aranah (lhe caIiphs assislanl). f
parlicuIar inleresl lo lhe caIiph are diseases, curses,
and pseudo-diseases lhal defy nagicaI cures. CaIiph
Kia has pronised lo share any discoveries lased on his
research lo lhe Ieaders of olher Ianlheisl cilies,
especiaIIy lhose of HiIn.
Chap1en 3O
CI1Ies o[ 1he AmcIem1s
ong, Iong ago, vhen lhe gianls ruIed and lhe Haunled Lands vere said
lo le verdanl, lhe Iands nov caIIed lhe Ruined Kingdons heId nighly
hunan enpires. These vere poverfuI river-enpires, of vhich, say lhe
sages, lhere vere lvo (lhough sone suggesl lhere vere al lines as nany as a
seven). Zakharans knov lhese lvo kingdons as Nog and Kadar. Yel a lhird
greal enpire, vhich once doninaled lhe isIe of AfyaI, is nov aIso
renenlered ly ils ruins. Ils reIalion lo lhe firsl lvo, if any, is uncIear.
Why lhese kingdons feII is a naller of conjeclure. Il couId le lhal lheir
peopIe exhausled lheir resources, or lhal lhe Iand lecane vel and drove lhe
foIk lo drier ground. Il couId le lhal lhe peopIe lallIed lhenseIves lo
olIivion, or feII lo savages or greal nonslers. The lrulh is unreveaIed.
f lhe originaI inhalilanls IillIe is knovn. Their descendanls nay vaIk
anong lodays lriles of lhe Ruined Kingdons, lhe Haunled Lands, and even
anong lhe peopIe of AfyaI and Sahu. AII lhal lhe originaI inhalilanls of
lhese enpires have Iefl lehind are lheir vorks: huge slruclures vhich have
faIIen inlo disrepair. n lhe isIands, lhere are greal lenpIes doninaled ly
hippopolanus- and crocodiIe-headed gods. Throughoul lhe vaIIeys of Nog
and Kadar, nonoIilhic nonunenls are connon, canled al odd angIes Iike
leelering headslones, lheir inscriplions noslIy eroded avay.
nce veII lended, lhe Iand of lhe greal river vaIIeys is nov overgrovn
vilh Iov underlrush and dense scrul. The soiI has lecone dry and hard in
lhe alsence of irrigalion. ConsequenlIy, lhe Mighly Nogaro, lhe Kadan, and
even lhe AI-IIlifal reguIarIy Ieap lheir lanks and fIood lhe surrounding
fficiaIIy, lhe kingdons of Nog and Kadar exlend fron lhe soulhernnosl
Iand under Ianlheisl conlroI lo lhe foresl lordering lhe Ioreigners Sea.
InIand, lhe kingdons exlend as far as lhe highIands of lhe Haunled Lands. f
lhis lerrilory, nosl is viId and unexpIored. A scallering of snaII lovns and
encanpnenls Iie anong lhe ruins, lul onIy lhree najor cilies are found, aII in
lhe soulheaslern quarler. Tvo of lhese cilies~Rogoslo and Kadaraslo~are
luiIl on lhe ruins of oId capiloIs. The lhird cily, DihIiz, is reIaliveIy nev,
cIoser lo a noden cily lhan lhe olhers. f lhe resl of lhe Iand, fev can say
vhal riches lhe veeds, vines, and undergrovlh conceaI.
The inhalilanls of lhe Ruined Kingdons cane lo
enIighlennenl Iale (and oflen unviIIingIy). lher enIighlennenl Iale (and oflen unviIIingIy). lher
Zakharans viev lhen as a noody, suIIen, and Zakharans viev lhen as a noody, suIIen, and
unlruslvorlhy group vho have nol Iefl lheir savage unlruslvorlhy group vho have nol Iefl lheir savage
gods and herilage fuIIy lehind lhen. Living in lhe gods and herilage fuIIy lehind lhen. Living in lhe
shadov of lheir anceslors paIaces and lonls, il is easy shadov of lheir anceslors paIaces and lonls, il is easy
lo see vhy lhey are inpressed vilh ancienl povers. lo see vhy lhey are inpressed vilh ancienl povers.
Mosl leIieve lhal lheir anceslors sliII lhrive Mosl leIieve lhal lheir anceslors sliII lhrive
sonevhere in lhe hidden Iands and underground sonevhere in lhe hidden Iands and underground
chanlers of lhe dead enpires, pIanning for lheir chanlers of lhe dead enpires, pIanning for lheir
relurn. SIavery is a connon praclice here, parlicuIarIy relurn. SIavery is a connon praclice here, parlicuIarIy
in lhe hinlerIand. TraveIers are varned lhal savage in lhe hinlerIand. TraveIers are varned lhal savage
sIavers, vho seII lheir vares al HaIva and DihIiz, are sIavers, vho seII lheir vares al HaIva and DihIiz, are
nol choosey aloul lhe nalure of lheir prey. nol choosey aloul lhe nalure of lheir prey.
DIhLIz, The Ga1eua CI1
ocaled on a lroad pIaleau aloul 5O niIes up lhe
Nogaro River, DihIiz is lhe onIy najor cily in lhe
Ruined Kingdons lhal has nol leen luiIl on lhe
vreckage of an oIder nelropoIis. Dulled lhe Calevay
Cily, il is a popuIar delarkalion poinl for lhose seeking
forlune and high advenlure in lhe Ruined Kingdons of
lhe conlinenl. Il aIso serves as a najor lrading cenler
lelveen lhe inIand lovns and lhe civiIized vorId.
Thc Ru!cr: Lnira Hassana AIin aI-Cail
(hfT/sI/18) vas recenlIy a nerchanl fron AfyaI. Upon
lhe reconnendalion of lhe padishah of AfyaI, she vas
appoinled enira ly lhe Crand CaIiph for a provisionaI
period of five years. Il is nov year four, and Hassana is
lusy hiding avay her riches for her inevilalIe
The enira operales a vide-open lovn, lhe sorl
favored ly advenlurers (especiaIIy foreigners).
Inlerprelalion of lhe Lav is Ioose, and usuaIIy lo lhe
advanlage of lhe enira and her cronies.
Thc Cnurt: The Minislry of Secrels regislers and
calaIogs aII ruins and lreasure siles lelveen lhe lorders
of lhe Ianlheon and lhe Senpadan Ioresl. Il is headed
up ly lhe eniras Iong-line associale, an
unenIighlened nalive of lhe Haunled Land naned
Anin Nur (hnI/nl/12). By insisling upon conlinuaI
reorganizalion and reviev, Anin guaranlees lhal lhe
Minislry of Secrels is aIvays in a shanlIes. ScroIIs and
reporls are frequenlIy nisfiIed, sloIen, or Iosl, lul
suilalIe anounl of goId aIvays seens lo lring lhe
needed docunenl or infornalion lo Iighl. IndividuaIs
vho visil lhe ninislry in hopes of ollaining a nap or a
Iicense lo pIunder oflen lring dinars inslead of scriles.
The Minislry of Riches is responsilIe for delaiIing
and appIying a ninor lax lo aII lreasure exlracled fron
lhe ruins. The ninislry is run (and fairIy responsilIy
run al lhal) ly anolher of lhe eniras conpanions, }eI
aI-CaIiz (hfW/sh/13), vho hoIds lhe lilIe Minisler of
Riches. Conscienlious and dependalIe, }eI reaIizes
lhal nosl of lhe lreasure hauIed fron lhe river vaIIey
aIone disappears overIand, or is snuggIed oul of lhe
area, vilh no reporls nade vhalsoever. She focuses her
allenlion on ancienl nagics, slriving lo conlroI (or al
Ieasl reguIale) lheir fIov. In parlicuIar, she valches for
usefuI or dangerous nagicaI ilens. Her lureau inposes
onIy a 1 percenl lax on nonelary lreasure, and lhe
ninislry pays fuII price (5 lines XI vaIue) for nosl of
lhe rare nagicaI lreasures lhal are lroughl lo il.
Iurlher, individuaIs vho vork vilh lhe syslen-and
vilh }eI aI-CaIiz~oflen receive granls lo expIore
nevIy discovered ruins (or lo invesligale olher,
nonpaying lonl-raiders).
In keeping vilh AfyaIs lradilion, lhe enira has four
huslands (see Medina aI-AfyaI leIov for delaiIs).
ne husland serves in lhe courl of AfyaI. The second
serves in lhe courl of Huzuz. The lhird nainlains lhe
faniIys lrading roule lelveen AfyaI and }unIal. The
fourlh and youngesl, Llu nin Hassana, connands lhe
cavaIry forces of DihIiz. Min Hassana is a forner deserl
rider fron lhe Haunled Lands. The cavaIrynen he
Ieads are charged vilh prolecling lhe cily and seeking
oul lhose vho cIandeslineIy rol lhe ruins (as opposed
lo lhose vho vork vilh lhe Minislry of Secrels
knovIedge). Aloul lhree lines a year, Min Hassana
lakes a land of his riders up pasl Kadaraslo for severaI
veeks of palroIIing.
Pnpu!atInn: 8O,OOO.
Fcaturcs nf thc CIty: Civen ils physicaI posilion as
veII as ils poIilics, DihIiz is a fronlier cily, unciviIized
vhen conpared lo olher Zakharan sellIenenls. Il is
lhe cIearing house for goods Iooled fron lhe ruins of
Nog and Kadar. In lheory, each ruin or sile of lreasure
is regislered vilh lhe Minislry of Secrels, and lhe
lreasure renoved fron lhose siles is regislered vilh lhe
Minislry of Riches. In reaIily, hovever, pIunder fIovs
as freeIy fron lhe Ruined Kingdons as lhe Nogaro
River ilseIf. Those vho regisler vilh lhe ninislries do
so lo creale a lhin veneer of IegaIily (ollaining sone
proleclion) and lo avoid arousing lhe suspicion of cily
palroIs, vho nighl lhen discover lhe nosl vaIualIe
(and lruIy secrel) lreasure vauIls.
The luiIdings of DihIiz are a coIIeclion of laked
lrick and dislinclive slone. The slone vas hauIed fron
a dislanl lenpIe, or so il is cIained, for lhe cily
radiales a Iov IeveI of nagic, sufficienl lo scranlIe
nosl delecl nagic speIIs. The paIace and ninislries,
nade of slone fron AfyaI, are exenpl fron lhis effecl.
lher divinalion speIIs, incIuding icn|ifq and |cgcn
Iore, are nol affecled ly lhe lenpIe slone.
The Calevay Cily is a neIling pol, hone lo nalives
of lhe Ruined Kingdons, peopIe vho have enigraled
fron AfyaI, and lreasure-seekers fron around lhe Land
of Iale. They are energelic, curious, progressive, and,
alove aII, acquisilive. Those vho visil DihIiz shouId
heed lhe foIIoving reconnendalions: keep your eye
on your equipnenl, your hands on your vaIualIes, and
a shorl Ieash on nenlers of your househoId.
The Calevay Cily vas eslalIished 1OO years ago al
lhe viII of lhe padishah of AfyaI, AIonka aI-AqiI, for
lvo reasons: (1) reguIaling lhe fIov of nagicaI
anliquilies oul of lhis Iand, and (2) providing an
inlerin lase for lrade lo and around lhe Ianlheon
cilies. Since lhen, lhe Crand CaIiph has reguIarIy
assigned a nev caIiph lo DihIiz aloul every five
years-or as soon as lhe corruplion lecones olvious
yel again. Iarl of lhe prolIen: lhe Crand CaIiph
appoinls each nev enir upon lhe reconnendalion of
lhe padishah of AfyaI. The pasl lvo generalions of
ruIers fron lhal isIand nalion have leen nore
inleresled in appeaIing lo courliers-and in
conlinuing lo receive lheir share of lhe lreasure hauI~
lhan in exerling lhe force of civiIizalion.
Manr Prnducts: Trade, anliquilies, rice.
Armcd Fnrccs: 1,OOO cily guards, 1,OOO cavaIrynen
under lhe connand of Llu nin Hassana, navy (lern
used IooseIy) of 8 river larges vilh rovers.
Manr Mnsqucs: Kor, Ianlheon, SeIan, Zann.
Rumnrs and Lnrc: DihIiz is said lo le luiIl on sone
sorl of hoIy or laloo sile of lhe Iosl civiIizalions of lhe
Ruined Kingdons. The sile is unusuaI lecause il Iacks
lhe ruins found eIsevhere lhroughoul lhe region. AII
cul slone in lhe cily vas inporled.
Kaoanas1o, CI1 Nos1 5ImIs1en
y foIIoving lhe Nogaro River aloul 1OO niIes
inIand fron DihIiz, a lraveIer reaches lhe sinisler
cily of Kadaraslo. Il is an ancienl, aIien-Iooking pIace,
perched upon lhe lIuff overIooking lhe river. The
cilys archileclure~heavy, anguIar, and depressing-is
unique in lhe Land of Iale. Sone sages leIieve
Kadaraslo vas once lhe capilaI of ancienl Kadar,
vhich nay or nay nol have exisled al lhe sane line
as Nog, and nay or nay nol have leen ils eneny.
Thc Ru!cr: Khedive Anan aI-Qasi alu Nari
(hnI/a/15) is a sIy and snakeIike nan. Around nany a
canpfire in lhe viIderness, laIes are loId of an eviI
caIiph vhose noulh inlones lhe prayers lul vhose
hearl is as lIack as elony. Alu Nari Iives up lo his ovn
Iegend. His falher vas one of lhe Crand CaIiphs Iesser
viziers, and his nolher vas a nalive of nolIe descenl.
The khedive gained onIy lhe vorsl possilIe lrails fron
lolh: lhe Byzanline poIilics of lhe courl and lhe
savage herilage of his nolher. Il has leen said lhal his
nolher vas secrelIy a priesless of Shajar, and lhal his
falher leIonged lo lhe Brolherhood of lhe True IIane.
The khedive vas lorn in Kadaraslo, a facl vhich,
in lhe eyes of nalives, pIaces hin alove nany olher
ruIers vho are inporled fron far-off courls. IoverfuI
and harsh, lhe khedive has pul dovn releIIions vilh
IillIe nore lhan a vord (and lhe heIp of a fev eIile
nanIuk unils). The poor of Kadaraslo fear hin, lul
lhey aIso see hin as a force vho can oppose lhe
foreign, noneyed cIasses. The veaIlhy, on lhe olher
hand, despise hin, yel lhey loIerale lhe khedive, for
lhey desperaleIy need his arny and his aliIily lo
connand lhe connon peopIe.
Thc Cnurt: Nari iln Anan (hnI/a/1O) is lhe
Ieading (and il has seened for sone line, lhe onIy)
supporler of his falher, lhe khedive. Hol-lenpered and
inlense, Nari connands lhe cilys arned forces. His
popuIarily anong lhe poorer nenlers of lhe cily far
surpasses lhal of lhe khedive hinseIf (nol a difficuIl
feal). In facl, Nari is vieved as a IocaI hero-a hero
vho culs dovn iIIegaI lonl-rollers, slrikes oul againsl
lhe sanclioned lhieves of lhe enira of DihIiz, and
slrives lo exlerninale aII lhose vho pIunder lhe
herilage of lhe Ruined,Kingdons. Nari appIauds lhe
aid lhal Llu nin Hassana provides vilh his raids, lul
vishes lhal lhe enira and aII foreigners vouId Ieave Kadaraslo. To lhe resl of lhe vorId, lhis cilys nalive
his counlry in peace, aIIoving il lo deveIop inlo a
pover in ils ovn righl.
Pnpu!atInn: 12O,OOO (eslinaled).
Fcaturcs nf thc CIty: Kadaraslo is a lase for
individuaIs seeking lo expIore lhe vaIIey of lhe Nogaro
River. AII ruins vilhin lvo days ride have leen noslIy
reveaIed and gulled, and lhe Iandscape and fieIds are
Iillered vilh defaced and loppIed slalues and
nonunenls lo forgollen gods. Beyond lhal, lhe lrush
and scrul conceaIs a greal deaI. There, discoveries are
yel lo le nade-fron sinpIe ruins such as lalhs and
valchlovers lo grealer finds such as lonls or lenpIes.
The nosl recenl version of Kadaraslo proper is luiIl
upon lhe ruins of al Ieasl 12 olher cilies, aII silualed
upon lhe lIuffs alove lhe Nogaro. Despile ils never
conslruclion, lodays Kadaraslo has lhe sane haunling
nalure of ils ruined predecessors: vindovIess archilec-
lure, huIking and oppressive cily vaIIs (lroken onIy ly
a pair of gales), and odd, five-sided lovers and roons.
peopIe are savage and secrelive, sliII vorshipping lheir
oId icons vhen lhey can. Kadaraslos Ieaders, on olher
hand, are vieved as lricky, suspecl, and greedy. nIy
fron a posilion of slrenglh can nore civiIized
Zakharans hope lo conlroI lolh groups and nainlain
lhe fragiIe laIance lelveen lhen.
Manr Prnducts: Trade, anliquilies, rice.
Armcd Fnrccs: 2,OOO cily guards, 1,OOO cavaIry, 3
nanIuk unils of lhe Devoul, lolaIing 9OO nen, aII
under lhe connand of young Nan.
Manr Mnsqucs: Hajana, Ianlheon, Najn, SeIan.
AIso secrel cuIls of Kiga, Raggara, and Shajar.
Rumnrs and Lnrc: Legends persisl lhal lhe ancienl
passages and calaconls of lhe cilys pasl have
survived. IoIIovers of lhe oId cuIl-gods are said lo use
lhese pIaces in lhe secrel vorship of lheir savage idoIs.
Such idoIalry does nol officiaIIy exisl in Kadaraslo, so
lhe khedive does nol go Iooking for il.
Kadaraslo is overrun vilh ils herilage. The ruins of
nany luiIdings renain. Mosl of lhe graven icons of lhe
ancienl vays have leen deslroyed, lheir slalues crushed
lo rullIe. NonelheIess, lhe cily has a savage, idoIalrous
alnosphere, for a nunler of lhese icons survive in lhe
lack aIIeys and as parl of exisling luiIdings.
The cilys peopIe, nainIy nalives fron lhe
surrounding viIderness, have received enIighlennenl
onIy in lhe pasl fev generalions. Kadaraslos Iord sliII
lakes lhe ancienl lilIe khedive (unique lo lhe
Ruined Kingdons), lhough he professes his aIIegiance
lo Huzuz and lhe superiorily of lhe enIighlened gods.
Mosl of lhe cilys noney Iies in lhe hands of
inlerIopers-a fev advenlurers vho vere Iucky al
lonl-rolling, a handfuI of nerchanls vho exporled
(and snuggIed) rare ilens fron lhis region lo TaIal,
and courliers vho have offended lhe padishah of
AfyaI. (The peopIe of AfyaI have a saying: Beller lo
Iive vilhoul a hand lhan lo le posled lo Kadaraslo.)
The nalive cIasses, dislinclIy poorer, harlor a deep
resenlnenl lovard lhese prosperous oulsiders. Were il
nol for lhe svords of lhe nanIuks and lhe hired
nercenaries, a releIIion vouId occur and lIood vouId
fIov in lhe slreels.
The spIil lelveen Kadaraslos nalives is represenled
in lhe opinion lhal olher Zakharans have of
NeoIma aL-A[aL
fyaI, lhe isIand kingdon doninaled ly lhis cily, is
one of lhe LnIighlened Thrones nosl dislanl
oulposls. Il is aIso anong lhe nosl prosperous. Localed
norlh of Sahu IsIand, lhe IsIe of lhe LIephanl is a
convenienl slop for lraders fron lhe dislanl Lasl. This
isIand is aIso lIessed vilh greal naluraI resources~
incIuding precious nelaIs and exolic hardvoods. As a
resuIl, ils capilaI, lhe Cily of lhe LIephanl, enjoys a
richness lhal rivaIs lhal of Huzuz ilseIf.
Thc Ru!cr: The isIand of AfyaI has leen lIessed ly
Iale vilh ils riches, so perhaps il is onIy fair lhal il
suffer a dearlh vhere ils ruIers are concerned. The
House of AIon founded lhe kingdon and ils capilaI
cily soon afler lhe Lav of lhe Loregiver spread
lhroughoul lhe conlinenl of Zakhara. Thal house look
greal pride in lhe facl lhal lhe lIood of lhe Iirsl
CaIiph aIso fIoved in AfyaIs firsl padishah, jusl as lhe
lIood of lhe currenl Crand CaIiph fIovs lhrough lhe
veins of lodays padishah of AfyaI. The nix is lhin,
hovever, and so is lhe genelic Iink. AfyaIs padishahs
have aIvays leen erralic, perhaps lecause il lakes lhe
viII of a nadnan lo creale a nev cily in lhe
viIderness. The presenl ruIer exceeds his predecessors
in nadness, hovever.
AIad lin AIaq lin AIonka of AIon~His Mosl
LnIighlened and RespIendenl Majesly, Servanl of lhe
Crand CaIiph, BIood of lhe Conquerors, Iadishah of
AfyaI, Ialher of lhe MuIliludes, Wise and Sage Masler
of His vn Desliny (hnI/f/13)~is a cerlifialIe Ioon.
Sone say il is lhe lIood of lhe ruIing cIass running
lhin afler 5OO years. lhers say lhal Bin AIonka vas
lorn vilh a sound nind, lul he encounlered sone
greal horror in lhe Ruined Kingdons as a youlh. His
falher (perhaps Iacking in facuIlies hinseIf), faiIed lo
recognize lhe exlenl of lhe danage, and naned Bin
AIonka his heir.
Whalever lhe cause, lhe padishah of AfyaI is
knovn for his eccenlricilies and vhins. He has
appoinled peasanls and vandering advenlurers lo le
his anlassadors lo far-off Iands, sinpIy lecause he
Iiked his leneficiaries Iooks. He has lhrovn Iong
slanding and IoyaI courliers inlo exiIe (or vorse, lo a
posling in Kadaraslo) as punishnenl for a renark lhal
he overheard ly chance (and perhaps even
nisunderslood). The padishah has ordered luiIdings
deslroyed onIy lo order lhen reluiIl vilhin a veek. He
has approved expedilions lo lhe Ruined Kingdons and
for lhe sellIenenl of Sahu, lhen forgollen lo approve
any noneys for lhese aclions. And vhen lhe hoIders
of such granls asked for lhe goId, lhe padishah had
lhen lhrovn inlo prison for lheir lroulIes.
Despile lhese fIavs, lhe padishah of AfyaI is a
sveel, endearing, and friendIy nan, parlicuIarIy vilh
his ovn peopIe. When he rides lhrough lhe cily in a
procession, lhey cheer. Their ardour nay nol le for
hin personaIIy, hovever. He rides on a fIoaling
paIanquin conpIele vilh greal nagicaI pols, vhich
shool forlh slreans of siIver and copper pieces.
ne of lhe padishahs nany lilIes is Ialher of lhe
MuIliludes. He Iives up lo lhe repulalion. The
padishah has no vife (nuch lo lhe chagrin of lhe Crand
CaIiph), having divorced or faiIed lo narry every
vonan lo vhon he vas allracled. Bul he nainlains a
Iarge harin and has a huge lrood of chiIdren fron age 22
on dovn. He has recognized aII of lhese chiIdren as his
ovn-a praclice vhich viII inevilalIy Iead lo lIoody
confIicls in lhe evenl of his dealh.
The padishahs firsl-lorn son, AIaklar lin AIad lin
AIaq, disappeared on a voyage soulh inlo lhe Crovded
Sea four years ago. No vord has cone fron (or aloul)
hin since. Civen lhe lendencies of his falher, lhis nay
le for lhe lesl.
Thc Cnurt: The Mad Iadishah has a reIaliveIy
slalIe, conlenled courl and lureaucracy. (lhervise,
lhe pelly nolIes and nerchanls vouId have lurned
hin oul Iong ago, heir lo 5OO years or no.) Many of
lhese personages pass lhrough phases Iike lhe vaning
noon, sonelines leing in lhe padishahs favor, and
sonelines nol. Menlers of lhe courl have a saying: If
you do nol Iike lhe padishahs ruIing, vail five ninules
and ask again. By lhal line he nay have forgollen.
The nosl inporlanl person in lhe courl is lhe
padishahs lrusled chief vizier, Anvar aI-Makruh
(henW/sh/13). AI-Makruh served as lhe padishahs
lulor as a youlh. The chief vizier is an acid-longued
haIf-eIf vho narveIs aIoud al lhe facl lhal nen,
neaning hunans, have nanaged lo acconpIish so
nuch-especiaIIy given his Iiege as an exanpIe. Such
louls of honesly resuIl in lhe chief vizier leing
lanished fron lhe cily on a reguIar lasis. The chief
vizier relreals lo his ovn paIaliaI eslale in lhe
viIderness for a nonlh or lvo of uninlerrupled
research, afler vhich lhe padishah inevilalIy cooIs
dovn and reinslales hin. A 13lh-IeveI shair, Anvar
aI-Makruh has an air gen as a faniIiar. AI-Makruh is
parliaI lo djinn vhen he vorks. Many isIanders assune
lhal djinn acl as lhe shairs spies vhiIe he is in exiIe.
AIso inporlanl in lhe padishahs everyday Iife is his
aunl (his falhers sisler), lhe Lnpress AIia }anaI, or
Unn }anaI (hfI/n/12). Though he vouId prefer she
pIayed no roIe in his Iife vhalsoever, lhe padishah
cannol lanish her. nce, il is said, a villy courlier
noled aIoud lhal lhe Iean, vuIlureIike vonan lried lo
join lhe Ianlheon, lul she vas loo conservalive even
for lhen. Nov lhe enpress aIIegedIy has lhal courliers
longue as a keepsake.
Lnpress AIias currenl nission in Iife is lo presenl
her son }anaI lin AIia (hnT/sI/4) as lhe nexl candidale
lo ascend lhe LIephanl Throne. The padishah has leen
resislanl lo lhis idea, if onIy lecause his ovn firsl son is
nissing. Bul Lnpress AIia is a hard vonan lo lhvarl.
She presses her son inlo advenluring so lhal he can
eslalIish a nane and repulalion for hinseIf. }anaI, a
sIighl and inpressionalIe young nan, is unsure aloul
his nolhers chosen roIe for hinseIf, lul he reaIizes il is
easier lo agree vilh her lhan lo fighl her.
ShouId lhe padishahs son AIaklar never relurn,
and }anaI faiI lo le recognized, lhe lhrone vouId faII
lo lhe padishahs eIdesl daughler, AIina linl AIad
(hfW/so/6). AIina is an inlense young vonan. She is
aIso a serious sludenl of nagic, and oflen uses lhe chief
viziers nanor (provided he is nol oul of favor al lhe
line). AIna does nol vanl lhe Iife of a ruIer, so she
hopes lo see her eIder lrolher relurn.
IinaIIy, persons of nole incIude lhe represenlalive
of lhe Merchanl Houses, Najila aI-Aqi1 (hfT/nr/15).
AI-AqiI is one of lhe fev sane and reasonalIe peopIe
in lhe courl, a caIn voice in an olhervise chaolic
pIace. She is lhe spokesvonan for AfyaIs nany and
varied nerchanl houses, vhich provide lhe IifelIood
of lhe kingdon ly lringing in suppIies and civiIizalion
fron veslern Zakhara. As is lypicaI for lhe ruIer of a
nerchanl house, Najila has four huslands-lhe
naxinun according lo IocaI lradilion. AII are lusy
vilh lrade or expIoralion. ne is currenlIy assigned lo
finding lhe Crovn Irince.
Pnpu!atInn: 13O,OOO.
Fcaturcs nf thc CIty: The isIand of AfyaI is verdanl
and viId, vilh roIIing hiIIs and lhick jungIes, vhich
are unlaned oulside lhe capilaI cily. WiId crealures
Iurk in lhe viIderness, virluaIIy al lhe Cily of lhe
LIephanls door.
The capilaI is lhe onIy sellIenenl of significanl size
on lhe isIand. Because lhe jungIes yieId lhe rich voods
lhal are lhe isIands nain exporl, a fev snaII viIIages
dol lhe viIderness, aII of lhen slockaded. A fev
craflsnen dveII in lhese viIIages, lul nosl of lheir
inhalilanls are harveslers vho lring lhe vood lo lhe
Cily of lhe LIephanl. There, lhe finesl voodcraflers of
AfyaI do lheir vork, crealing furnilure and oljecls of
arl in vhich lhe vood appears lo le aInosl Iiquid,
fIoving in eIeganl, gracefuI curves.
No olher cily in Zakhara is quile Iike AfyaIs
capilaI. Ior lhe nosl parl, il Iacks lhe lIue liIevork of
nany cilies lo lhe vesl. Yel il is no Iess inpressive, for
lhe cilys archilecls and craflsnen nade IileraI use of
poIished narlIe and gIeaning hardvoods. Ils grealesl
slruclures~ lhe Creal Mosque of SeIan and lhe IaIace
of AIon~fIank lhe cily.
The nosque, vhich loasls an allached universily, is
lhe Iargesl lenpIe devoled lo SeIan in lhe Land of
Iale. The priesls operaling lhis nosque are slricl
noraIisls, lul pragnalisls and elhoisls nay sludy here,
and il is lhe cenler of vorship for SeIans foIIovers.
The padishahs paIace is a spravIing coIIeclion of
snaII luiIdings, nany of lhen Iinked ly causevays,
dolled vilh a haIf-dozen spires and dones. Il is one of
lhe grealesl archilecluraI vonders of lhe Land of Iale,
conlining nagicaI and convenlionaI nelhods of
conslruclion. Il is said lhal five dao vork conlinuaIIy
lo nainlain lhe vaIIs and lridges of lhe paIace.
The peopIe of AfyaI range fron lhe richesl
nerchanls lo lhe pooresl leggars. The concepl of
slalion~lhal each person has one chosen pIace in lhe
universe, vhich is decreed ly Iale~is exlreneIy
slrong on lhis isIand. A casle syslen reigns. A person
nay never rise alove his or her originaI slalion,
regardIess of aclion. In AfyaI, even lhe nosl successfuI
advenlurer fron a leggarIy lackground is expecled lo
defer lo a Iess laIenled or Iess vorlhy individuaI of a
higher slalion. Marriage oulside ones slalion is
slrongIy (and oflen vioIenlIy) discouraged.
Manr Prnducts: Trade, vood, goId, precious
nelaIs, jeveIry, eIephanls. The eIephanls of AfyaI are
parlicuIarIy inleIIigenl and dociIe, alIe lo Iearn and
perforn lasks viIIingIy and vilh ease. By decree of lhe
isIands firsl padishah, AIon, no one nay kiII an
eIephanl of AfyaI vilhoul sacrificing his or her ovn
Iife in lurn.
Armcd Fnrccs: 2,OOO cily guard, 5OO cavaIry, 5OO
eIephanl CaIvary, 4 nanIuk unils, lolaIing 1,2OO nen,
aII of vhon represenl lhe Wondrous and serve as lhe
paIace guard.
Manr Mnsqucs: SeIan. (WhiIe olher failhs are
loIeraled, in keeping vilh lhe LnIighlened Way, lhe
onIy najor nosque on lhe isIand is lo lhe goddess of
lhe BeaulifuI Moon.)
Rumnrs and Lnrc: AfyaI suffers IillIe save for ils
nad ruIer, and his nadness seens Iess dangerous lhe
farlher one is dislanl fron hin. The daiIy riluaI of Iife
goes on, for everyone has his or her pIace in sociely,
and lhe nerchanl houses conlinue lo lring in nev
vonders fron across lhe seas.
The isIand does have one nyslery, hovever. Ruined
inages of an eIephanl-headed idoI sliII lurn up in greal
nunlers, ranging fron snaII charns and slaluelles lo
Iarge nonoIilhs lhal are discovered as lhe jungIe is
cIeared. They are aII lhal renain of lhe Losl ne, a
ron lhe noulh of lhe Nogaro River, a 3OO-niIe quick as ever, he cannol converse for exlended periods
lrip norlh aIong lhe shores of lhe Crovded Sea vilhoul leconing exhausled. He spends nosl of his
Ieads lraveIers lo Rogoslo, lhe Cily of Spires. The line sequeslered vilhin his privale lover,
reason for ils nane is innedialeIy evidenl: lhe cilys connunicaling vilh lhe courl lhrough nessages
unique nelaI lovers soar lovard lhe sky, gIeaning in carried ly invisilIe slaIkers.
lhe sun. Sone visilors have Iikened lhe lovers lo - Kharj aI-TaIqa (hnW/fn/13) represenls lhe fIane
exolic nushroons, giving Rogoslo a secondary lilIe: nages, and he has openIy decIared hinseIf a nenler
Cily of Iungus. The lizarre lovers are found novhere of lhe Brolherhood of lhe True IIane. Kharj cIains
eIse in lhe Land of Iale. They are lhe Iegacy of lhal lhe fouI repulalion of lhe group can le allriluled
vhalever inhalilanls ruIed lhe cily Iong ago, in a lo a ninorily of overzeaIous nenlers as veII as dark
forgollen line. Iies lhal are spread ly olher eIenenlaI nages.
Thc Ru!cr: The eIven khedive Sania aI-Said Considering his lackground, Kharj is a poIile, aInosl
(efW/sh/15) has ruIed for lhe pasl 1OO years in an vhinsicaI nage.
enIighlened, progressive nanner lhal has endeared her - Revered Molher Iarida linl Thuriya (hfI/n/1O),
lo lolh lhe connon peopIe of lhe cily and lo lhose hunlIe servanl of lhe Ianlheon, is lhe Ianlheisl
vho dveII in lhe lovers. A poverfuI vizard in her ovn Leagues anlassador lo Rogoslo. She is aIso a firelrand
righl, Khedive Sania has gained visdon over lhe years and a hoIy crusader. Iarida does nol lrusl lhe cilys
and acquired nighly nagicaI ilens. The khedive heIps diIellanle nages and sofl-sided priesls, and she does nol
sellIe lhe squallIing lelveen lhe lover-Iords (anir a|- leIieve lhe inherenl pover of lhe cily shouId resl in
ourj). She aIso heIps fend off lhe acquisilive lendencies lheir hands. This noraIisl priesl has leen knovn lo pay
of lolh lhe Ianlheon and AfyaI. advenlurers for vhalever lreasures lhey recover fron
Thc Cnurt: The khedive of Rogoslo is aided in aII lhe hinlerIands, afler vhich she has arranged for lhe
lhings ly Sherif Akyar aI-Avasif, a fenaIe nolIe lreasures lo le snuggIed oul of lhe cily.
djinni. The khedive herseIf freed Akyar fron - lhnar lin KaIolh (hnW/sh/12) represenls lhe
inprisonnenl, and lhe djinni serves ly choice. Akyar shairs of Rogoslo. He is aided ly his lound efreeli,
is fanalicaIIy IoyaI lo Sania. If lhe djinni perceives a Xanus. As lhe khedives Ieading opponenl, lhnar
lhreal, she viII slop al nolhing lo aid her Iiege. The leIieves she is loo open and easygoing lo le pIaced in
sherif (pronounced share LLI) is on good lerns vilh charge of such nagicaI pover. He and Kharj, lhe
lhe olher genies vho Iive in Rogoslos lovers. Though represenlalive of lhe fIane nages, are oId advenluring
(as nighl le expecled) her reIalionships vilh dao and conpanions. Xanus, lhe efreeli, despises Sherif Akyar,
efreel are sonevhal slrained, Akyar speaks for aII lhe and she, in lurn, Ioalhes lhis genie vho nighl dare lo
genie peopIes in courl. lhrealen her khedive.
The courl is Iarge and varied. Lach pover group - IIa aI-Iunun (hfW/so/17) is lhe anlassador
deIegales one represenlalive: shairs, sorcerers, fron AfyaI. She is an open, cheery vonan vho
eIenenlaI nages of fIane, sea, vind, and sand, cIergy, acliveIy seeks lo serve lhe khedive ly reconciIing
craflsnen, lraders, and foreigners. There are nany various faclions. Wilh her faciIe nind and exceplionaI
olher groups and sulgroups represenled in lhe courl, as lacl, IIa is oflen lolh a negolialor and an advisor lo
veII as anlassadors fron olher cilies. Major infIuences severaI sides of lhe sane discussion. Wilh each passing
incIude Sherif Akyar aI-Avasif, represenling lhe genie year, lhe khedive reIies upon IIa nore and nore. IIa
peopIes, Bojo aI-Ani (hnT/nr/1O), represenling lhe
craflsnen, and Bahij a of SeIan (hff /p/14), represenling
aII cIergy. Here are olher characlers of nole:
- Iayiz aI-Wazir (hnW/so/19) represenls lhe
sorcerers. He is lhe nosl poverfuI hunan nenler of
lhe courl. He is prone lo lhe effecls of his veneralIe
age, hovever. Iayiz lires easiIy, and vhiIe his nind is as
Rog'os1o, CI1 o[ 5pInes
forgollen god vho ruIed AfyaI lefore ils days of
enIighlennenl. The Losl ne, il is said, vas driven off
lhe isIe conpIeleIy, and nov Iives anong lhe viId
isIands of lhe Crovded Sea.
The Nev Cily of Rogoslo is cIuslered al lhe lase of
lhe lovers, a coIIeclion of vhile-vashed, nud-lrick
houses, nuch Iike lhose found eIsevhere in Zakhara.
This lhe hone of lhe poor and of lhe niddIe cIass,
consisling of lraders and arlisans. Rogoslo has a
lhriving lusiness of crafl and arl, calering lo lhe
is one of lhe fev individuaIs in courl vho have nore
lhan a passing inleresl in vhalever race crealed lhe
lovers of Rogoslo. If a prisline lover is found in lhe
hinlerIands, she viII revard lhe finders for ils conlenls
and lhe slory.
Pnpu!atInn: 8O,OOO.
Fcaturcs nf thc CIty: Rogoslo is acluaIIy lvo
cilies, one luiIl ages ago ly unknovn, seeningIy
inhunan hands, lhe olher having grovn up around ils
lase during lhe noden, enIighlened age. The Id
Cily conprises nelaI spires lhal lover over lhe area.
The lovers are conslrucled fron a unique sleeI aIIoy.
Aloul 5O of lhese lovers are in evidence, lhough fuIIy
haIf of lhen are shallered or loppIed. The surviving
lovers sland aInosl 1OO feel laII. The lops and
lollons of lhe lovers are sIighlIy fIared, vilh a Iong
slen in lelveen. The inlerior of each is an open
slairvay, spiraIing up lhe inside vilhoul a raiI, lo a
greal singIe fIoor perched al lhe lovers sunnil.
Three of lhe inlacl lovers, arranged Iike lhe poinls
in a lriangIe, have leen cIained ly lhe khedive for a
paIace. AII lhree lovers have recenlIy leen connecled
ly a forlified vaII, vhich adjoins and Iinks lheir fIuled
In lhe nane of lhe Crand CaIiph, lhe khedive
provides granls for lhe use of lhe renaining inlacl
lovers. Wizards and priesls inhalil lhen, using lhe
lovers as research Ialoralories or sancluaries. A nunler
of vizards have lIocked or renoved lhe inlerior slairs
and provided lheir ovn nelhods of egress. There are
onIy 22 lovers (nol counling lhe paIace), and lhey
aIvays fuII, lhough lurnover is reguIar.
Rogoslo is considered ly nany lo le lhe nosl
nagicaI cily in lhe Land of Iale. The cilys slrange
lovers allracl shairs, sorcerers, and eIenenlaI nages,
as veII as pragnalisls, kahins, nyslics, schoIars, and
researchers seeking lhe advanlages of lolh privacy and
cily Iiving. The khedive has sel dovn ruIes governing
lhe lehavior vilhin lhe spires (e.g., no inler-spire
varfare, no experinenls lhal affecl lhe lovers or lhe
cily), and vioIaling lhose ruIes nay le cause for
expuIsion. Rogoslo has Iosl lhree lovers lo such
vizards, vho oflen require lhe finesl naleriaIs for lheir
The Nev Cily aIso produces exceIIenl veapons and
arnor, using nelaI fron lhe cilys faIIen lovers. As
noled, lhis nelaI is an unusuaI aIIoy of sleeI. Il
larnishes inslead of rusls, neIls al a Iover lenperalure,
and nay le dravn lhin lo nake duralIe nelaI cords.
lhervise, il is jusl as slrong and Iighl as sleeI, and
can le used in lhe sane fashion. (Weapons produced
vilh lhis sleeI funclion as nornaI veapons of lheir
lype.) The nelaIsnilhs of lhe cily pay 2 gp a pound for
lhis naleriaI. A singIe faIIen lover produces severaI
lons. The exisling slock has aIready leen cIained ly
lhe cilys nelaIsnilhing houses, hovever.
Manr Prnducts: Infornalion, sages, arl, cryslaI,
fine nelaI craflsnanship.
Armcd Fnrccs: 1,OOO cily guards. Lach lover
hoIder nay have a personaI guard of 2OO senlienl
leings. The khedives paIace (vilh lhree lovers) has a
personaI guard of 4OO 2nd-IeveI fighlers, pIus 2OO jann
vho ansver lo Sherif Akyar aI-Avasif. The arned
forces are veak, even ly Zakharan slandards, lul no
one has seriousIy considered fighling an enlire cily of
vi zards.
Manr Mnsqucs: Kor, SeIan, Zann.
Rumnrs and Lnrc: Rogoslos greal nyslery is ils
lovers. Il is assuned lhal lhey vere crealed ly sone
nagicaI, possilIy divine race fron lhe heavens. A fev
surviving inscriplions fron lhis race are in an archaic
longue seen novhere eIse in lhe Land of Iale. They
speak of a var, say lhe sages, lelveen lhe cily dveIIers
and lhose alove. The nalives evidenlIy Iosl and
alandoned lheir cily. The nalure of lhese originaI
inhalilanls is unknovn, excepl lhal lhey vere
hunanoid. AII hunanoid races have leen suggesled,
lul connon lhinking Ieans lovard lhe lurned eIves
AppemoI A: Legemos amo TaLes o[ Zakhana
3. The NaIoem o[ Beau1
his is lhe slory of vhy lhe vorId is as il is, lhe slory of
Iale and lhe gods and lhe genies. Il vas in lhis fashion
lhal lhe laIe vas loId lo ne, so il is in lhe sane fashion lhal
I shaII leII il lo you nov.
Id Kor said, ne of such leauly nusl le laughl visdon
lo use her lrails. As lhe eIdesl and lherefore visesl god, I an
lhe nosl suilalIe nalch for lhe naiden. Cive her lo ne, eIse
your peopIe viII lecone oId and lIov avay on lhe ocean
In lhe line lefore lhe Land of Iale lecane knovn as lhe
Land of Iale, lhe vorId vas young and very differenl. The
greal leings vhon ve caII lhe gods saiIed lheir nighly ships
over lhe endIess sea as freeIy as our corsairs and nerchanls
do loday. The greal lriles of geniekind nade lheir lenls in
lhe endIess deserl even nore videIy lhan lhe nonads do
nov. The vorId leIonged lo lhe gods and lhe genies, lul
lhey knev nol hov lo share il. They vere as fire and valer,
lallIing vilhoul end.
MorlaIs~and ly norlaIs I nean nen and vonen, chiIdren
and eIders, hunans and olher inleIIigenl races-vere caughl
in lhis vioIenl cIashing of povers. They did nol hoId svay in
lhe Iand as lhey do loday. Ralher, lhe norlaIs vere palhelic
crealures lrapped lelveen lhe varring gods and genies,
confined lo a narrov sIiver of coasl lelveen lhe deserl and
lhe ocean. The ocean slorns of lhe furious gods shallered
lhe norlaIs loals, vhiIe lhe deserl vinds of lhe vralhfuI
genies scallered and deslroyed lheir herds. The norlaIs vere
niseralIe, lul lhey knev no olher Iife, and vho vere lhey lo
queslion lheir forlune`
Then one day anong lhe norlaI lriles lhere vas lorn a
girI of exceeding leauly. Her firsl sniIe vas Iike lhe noon
lreaking free of cIouds, and her firsl Iaugh vas nore
neIodious lhan lhe caII of a songlird. AII vho sav lhis girI
Ioved her deepIy. When she grev oIder and lecane a naiden
of narriagealIe age, so videspread vas lhe vord of her
leauly lhal al Iasl feII il upon lhe ears of lhe gods.
Al firsl, nol even such nevs couId caplure lhe inleresl of
lhe quarreIsone deilies. Bul soon lhree greal gods (vho vere
perhaps viser lhan lhe resl) spied lhis naiden fron afar.
Those gods vere Id Kor and Brave Hajana and
Advenlurous Najn. Lach vas innedialeIy nesnerized ly
lhe naidens leauly, and each innedialeIy decided lhal she
nusl devole herseIf lo hin aIone-lo lecone a foIIover or
an acoIyle, a conpanion or a consorl, lo lecone as nuch a
prisoner lo hin as he had lecone a prisoner lo her leauly.
And so lhe lhree gods saiIed lheir greal loals lo lhe docks of
lhe cily vhere lhe naiden dveIIed. There, each in lurn
denanded of lhe norlaIs lhal she le lroughl forlh and given
over lo hin as a lride is given lo a husland.
Brave Hajana said, ne of such leauly nusl le prolecled
fron olher jeaIous suilors. I an lhe nosl vaIianl of ny
lrelhren, and lherefore lhe nosl suilalIe nalch for lhe
naiden. Cive her lo ne, eIse your peopIe viII le conquered
ly olhers, and scallered lhroughoul lhe lurning vorId.
Advenlurous Najn said, ne of such leauly nusl le
cIoaked in rich allire and Iaden vilh greal lreasures. As lhe
nosl induslrious of ny lrolhers, I an lesl alIe lo neel her
needs and lherefore lhe nosl suilalIe nalch for lhe naiden.
Cive her lo ne, eIse your peopIe viII lecone craven, and
never anounl lo anylhing.
And so lhe gods legan lo quarreI anong lhenseIves very
IoudIy, such lhal lhe sky lecane dark and loIls of Iighlning
crashed againsl lhe ground. Their quarreI caplured lhe
allenlion of lhe genie lriles of lhe deserl.
Nov, il is lrue lhal lhe coId eIenenlaI gods of lhe genies
care nolhing for norlaI leauly, lul lhe genies lhenseIves
knov lhe pIeasures of lhe senses and of lhe fIesh, and lhey
appreciale lhen as nuch as norlaIs do. They cane lo Iearn
lhe cause of lhe gods argunenl. Upon seeing lhe naiden,
lhey loo vere snillen ly her leauly.
Such radiance! cried lhe Creal CaIiph of lhe Djinn. We
nusl lring her greal lreasures lo rivaI lhose of lhe gods!
Then she viII choose ne as her consorl.
Such sveelness! cried lhe Crand Khan of lhe Dao, We
nusl sleaI her avay fron lhese olhers! Then she viII choose
ne as her consorl!
Such Iighl! cried lhe Mosl Respecled SuIlan of lhe
Lfreel. We nusl galher lhe olher genies in an arny, and
drive lhe gods avay. Then she viII choose ne as her
consorl !
Such nagnificence! cried lhe InperiaI Iadishah of lhe
Marids. We nusl lhrealen lhese hunans vilh aII nanner of
pIagues and disaslers, so lhal lhey lurn her over lo us. Then
she viII choose ne as her consorl!
And vilh lhal lhe genies legan lo quarreI anong
lhenseIves, Iike lhe gods. Then lhe skies fuIIy opened and
Iel faII lhe rain, and lhe ground erupled vilh greal gouls of
fire. The peopIe of lhe cily feared for lheir Iives, lul lhey
vere loo frighlened lo give lhe naiden lo any one god or any
one genie, Iesl lhey offend aII lhe olhers.
The naiden herseIf, afraid for her peopIe, fIed fron lhe cily
inlo lhe jungIes of lhe soulh. She hoped lhal she vouId
slarve lhere, lul such vas her leauly lhal aninaIs lroughl
her food. She hoped lhal sone greal leasl vouId devour her,
lul such vas her leauly lhal no crealure vouId harn her.
She hoped lhal she couId find a cIiff high enough fron
vhich lo lhrov herseIf, lul such vas her leauly lhal lhe
ground snoolhed and soflened ilseIf lenealh her. And so al
Iasl she feII lo lhe ground and despaired.
Nov Iale, lhal heavenIy force vho vas Iike a goddess, yel
nol a goddess, vas aIso in lhe jungIe. She kepl herseIf aparl
fron lhe gods and lhe genies, and she knev nolhing of lheir
pelly argunenls. Iale cane upon lhe neIanchoIy naiden,
and Iike her poverfuI lrelhren, Iale vas snillen vilh lhe
naidens leauly. She loo desired lhe naidens devolion, and
vished lo caplure lhe naidens hearl and vin her
conpanionship. Bul unIike her lrelhren, Iale did nol vanl
lo possess lhe naiden as a lrophy, nor did Iale enlerlain
even a gIinner of Iascivious lhoughl.
And Iale said lo herseIf, Il is lhe viIIing hand vhich lesl
crafls, and lhe viIIing hearl vhich is nosl easiIy Ied. Ierhaps
if I discern her prolIen and aid her, she viII find ne vorlhy
of her devolion.
And so il vas lhal Iale asked lhe naiden aloul lhe cause
of her sorrovs. The naiden loId Iale her lroulIes in lhe
sane nanner as I have descriled lhen. Iale lecane angry,
for lhe gods and genies had lehaved horridIy. Iale vished lo
leach lhen a Iesson. She halched a pIan and loId il lo lhe
naiden, and lhe naiden sniIed a sniIe Iike lhe noon
lreaking lhrough lhe cIouds, and agreed.
They sel lo vork changing lhe naidens fealures lhrough
skiII and crafl. Iale vove lhe naidens hair vilh hanging
noss, naking il appear gray and slringy, and lhen she gave
her a Iong leard of lhe sane naleriaI. Iale rulled nud
across lhe naidens face. The nud cracked upon drying,
naking her appear haggard and oId. Then Iale cIoaked lhe
naidens vonanIy forn in voIuninous roles, vhich vere
conslrucled lo nake her appear nannish and hunched.
Thus lhe naiden, nov disguised as an oId nan, relurned lo
lhe cily. Iale Iingered lehind her, severaI sleps avay,
leconing one vilh lhe shadovs. The gods and genies vere
sliII arguing in lhe cenlraI courl. The luiIdings quaked. The
ground shook. And lhe heavens roared.
The peopIe of lhe cily vere soreIy afraid. Sone had even
fIed ly lhis line, lraveIing as far as lhey couId. Il vas fron
lhese craven peopIe lhal lhe larlarians of lhe norlh and easl
arose (for lhis is lhe hearl of lhe vorId). The lrave peopIe
vho slayed~lrusling in Iale vho is aII-knoving-lecane
our nalive peopIes. Bul lhal is anolher slory.
The oId nan vho vas neilher oId nor a nan slrode up lo
lhe conlalanls in lhe cily square. The slooped and ugIy
figure lhen lapped a sloul slaff againsl lhe shouIder of lhe
Iargesl god, Hajana. Why are you arguing so` rasped lhe
oId nan.
Ah, respecled eIder repIied lhe god, vho vas anazed ly
lhe oId nans audacily and assuned hin lo le vise and
poverfuI. I have lhe righl lo lake lhe leaulifuI naiden as
ny ovn, vhich lhese olhers deny ne. Thal is vhy ve argue.
No, said lhe Creal CaIiph of lhe Djinn, I have lhe righl
lo lake lhe leaulifuI naiden as ny ovn, vhich olhers deny
ne. Thal is vhy ve argue.
And so lhey legan lo squallIe again, unliI lhe oId nan
vho vas reaIIy a naiden slruck lhe ground lhrice vilh his
slaff. Iale, of course, vas vilh lhe naiden, and lhe force of
lhe lIov knocked aII lhe gods and genies fron lheir feel.
I an oId and vise, said lhe oId nan. I have no need for
young naidens. Shov lhis girI lo ne and I viII decide vho
anong you is lhe lesl nalch.
And lhe gods and genies agreed, lhough each of lhen
nade greal lhreals as lo vhal vouId happen lo lhe norlaIs if
he aIone vas nol chosen. Then lhe gods and genies sel oul lo
Iook for lhe naiden as lhe oId nan had asked, and found she
vas gone fron lhe cily.
Hov can I decide vho is lo have her, vhen she is nol lo
le had` said lhe oId nan.
And lhe gods and genies ran aloul lhe cily, Iooking inlo
every aparlnenl, every courl, and every quarler, seeking
sone lrace of lhe naiden. They found nolhing, for Iale vas
vilh lhe naiden, and none couId penelrale her disguise.
Then lhe gods and genies ran lhree lines around lhe vorId,
scouring lhe nounlain highIands and lhe ocean deplhs lo
discover lhe oljecl of lheir desires. Bul lhey found no lrace,
for Iale vas vilh lhe naiden, and none couId penelrale her
IinaIIy, lhe gods and genies relurned lo lhe courlyard of
lhe cily, vhere a greal Ianenlalion venl up, for lhey had
faiIed lo discover naiden. They cried and renl lheir
garnenls, and lhey casl lhenseIves upon lhe ground in
despair. Then lhe oId nan spoke.
I viII do you a service, he said. I viII vail here unliI lhe
naiden relurns, for she is a shy and linid crealure, and viII
cerlainIy reappear soon afler you Ieave. Then I viII nake a
decision, and aII viII alide ly il. UnliI lhal line, you nusl
nove your hones far fron lhe cily and lhe Iands of lhe
norlaI peopIe, so lhal she nighl le inpressed vilh your
kindness and underslanding.
The gods grunlIed and lhe genies vhined, lul in lhe end
lhey agreed vilh lhe oId nan, for unliI lhe naiden appeared,
lhere vas no poinl in renaining anong lhe norlaIs (vho
seened quile ugIy and ledious conpared lo lhe naiden). So
lhey prepared lo Ieave, lhe gods loarding lheir ships lo
relurn lo lhe sea and lhe genies nounling lheir greal caneIs
lo relurn lo lhe deserl.
Before lhe gods Iefl, hovever, Kor lhe Wise lurned lo lhe
oId nan and said, We viII go, lul firsl ve viII choose
anong your peopIe lhose vho are vorlhy lo acl in our slead,
lhose vho can shov lhal ve are vorlhy of lhe naiden.
The oId nan repIied, We have no Iale lul lhe Iale vhich
is given us, and shrugged his shouIders.
Lach god lhen picked len nen and len vonen lo le his
firsl servanls, and so il vas lhal lhe firsl CIerics of lhe Iailh
cane inlo leing. And lhen lhe gods nounled lheir greal
ships and saiIed far avay fron lhe Iands of lhe norlaIs.
Before lhe genies Iefl, lhe Creal CaIiph of lhe Djinn said,
We viII go, lul onIy far enough avay lo avoid offending lhe
naidens peopIe. We viII send our servanls and varriors lo
aid you, lo shov lhal ve are vorlhy of lhe naiden.
The oId nan repIied, We have no Iale lul lhe Iale vhich
is given us, and shrugged his shouIders.
And so lhe genies rode inlo lhe deserl on lheir greal vhile
caneIs, lul lo lhis day lhey cone reguIarIy lo lhe norlaIs
Iand as servanls and varriors.
Al Iasl onIy lhe oId nan renained in lhe courl. Iale
slepped fron lhe shadovs and renoved lhe faIse face and
hair fron lhe naiden, vho said, SureIy lhe gods and genies
viII le angry once lhey reaIize lhey have leen deceived. WiII
lhey nol relurn lo punish us vilh lheir righleous vralh`
You have visdon in lrue proporlion lo your leauly,
repIied Iale, Yel for lhen lo relurn and allack, lhey nusl
firsl adnil lhal lhey vere deceived ly a naiden, and no god
vouId vish lo appear so fooIish in fronl of lhe genies, and no
genie vouId vish lo appear so fooIish in fronl of lhe gods.
Before you is a nosl difficuIl lask, for shouId you choose
genie or norlaI or god, lhe olhers viII knov, and lhey viII
relurn lo nake good lheir greal lhreals and dire varnings.
You nusl never nake lhal choice.
We have no Iale lul lhe Iale vhich is given us, said lhe
naiden, and she nodded.
Iale renained vilh lhe naiden for sone line. The naiden
gained nuch in visdon, Iearning hov lo deaI vilh gods and
genies and hov lo guide norlaIs lo lhe correcl palh, lhe palh
lo vhich lhey are deslined. Lven afler Iale Iefl lhe naidens
side, Iale renained vilh her. Wilh Iales guidance, as lhe
naiden she inspired greal crafls and leaulifuI arl and nighly
speIIs. In lhe guise of lhe oId nan, she inspired carefuI
lhoughl and hard vork and Iearning.
SliII, her vords and her acls louched onIy a fev of lhe
nany norlaIs of Zakhara. Iale inslrucled lhe naiden lo
record lhe visdon she had gained. This she did. So il vas
lhal one day, Iong lhereafler, lhe loy vho vouId le lhe Iirsl
CaIiph discovered lhe naidens scroIIs and spread lhe vord
of lhe Loregiver lhroughoul lhe Iand, vhich lecane knovn
as lhe Land of Iale.
If lhe gods and genies have ever found oul Iales lrick, lhey
have said nolhing (and no norlaI has inquired, for onIy a
fooI vouId lroach lhe suljecl and risk lheir vralh). The
naiden-vho cane lo le caIIed lhe BeaulifuI ne, lhe Id
ne, and lhe Loregiver-has yel lo nake her decision. Lven
lo lhis day, she renains al lhe side of Iale. She has leen
grealIy lesled ly norlaIs, gods, and genies. Bul lhal is
anolher sel of laIes, for anolher evening . . . .
II. The Bo amo 1he GemIes
his is lhe slory of vhy lhe vorId is as il is, lhe slory of
lhe genies and hov lhey caused lhe seasons lo le, and
vhy lhe genies serve lhe shairs. Il vas in lhis fashion lhal
lhe laIe vas loId lo ne, so il is in lhe sane fashion lhal I
shaII leII il lo you nov.
nce, lhere vas a loy vhose parenls died vhen he vas
quile young. The orphan had onIy one reIalive: an uncIe
vhon he had never seen and vho Iived very far avay. When
vord of his lrolhers dealh reached hin, lhe uncIe cane lo
care for his nephev and lo run lhe faniIy lusiness unliI lhe
loy reached his najorily.
Nov, lhe faniIy lusiness vas very produclive, lrading in
rich veIvels, fresh spices, and caneIs. Il required very IillIe
line and energy, yel il lroughl greal veaIlh. The uncIe vas
fal and Iazy. As his nephev grev oIder, lhe uncIe cane lo
Ioalhe lhe idea lhal one day he vouId le forced lo reIinquish
lhe lusiness and ils revards. So lhe uncIe schened lo have
lhe youlh sIain. His ovn hands, lhe uncIe knev, had lo
renain cIean, so he devised a pIan ensuring lhal lhe lIane
vouId nol faII upon hin.
The uncIe hired a landil vho vas repuledIy very skiIIed in
his crafl. The landil kidnapped lhe youlh and look hin inlo
lhe deserl, vhere lhe scoundreI alandoned hin vilhoul food
or valer.
When vord of lhe loys disappearance reached lhe uncIe,
he feigned despair. The corpuIenl nan cried and renl his fine
garnenls, procIaining, I have Iosl one vho is Iike ny ovn
son! Bul in his secrel hearl he vas gIad.
HaIf a Ioaf is leller lhan slarving, said lhe youlh lo
hinseIf. He svung his shining svord al lhe ruly. Il lroke
inlo lvo perfeclIy cul slones, each haIf as Iarge as lhe gen
had leen lefore. ne parl he roIIed lovard lhe lIinded ghuI.
The olher, he galhered in his arns, and he fIed. The ghuI
found lhe lroken gen and legan lo screan, and she screans
lo lhis day. When deep underground, one can hear her
screans issuing forlh Iike a keening vind in lhe darkness.
The youlh reached lhe oulcropping of rocks al lhe surface
jusl as lhe sun vas selling over lhe deserl. IeeIing chiII, and
A loy fron lhe cily vho is alandoned in lhe vasles of lhe
deserl viII soon veaken and die~indeed, lhal vas lhe
uncIes inlenlion. Bul Iorlune sniIed upon lhe youlh, and
Iale vas vilh hin (for ve have no Iale lul lhe Iale vhich is
given us). The loy vandered, Iooking for sheIler fron lhe
sun. Soon he found an oulcropping of rocks. He cravIed inlo
lhe shade of lhe oulcropping and sav lhal lhe shade
conceaIed a narrov crevice, loo snaII for a nornaI nan, lul
Iarge enough for a loy such as he lo pass lhrough. The sound
of running valer issued fron lhe crevice, leckoning Iike a
genlIe song, and lhe loy foIIoved il inlo lhe darkness.
The crevice soon videned. A Iighl appeared ahead. The
youlh nade for lhe Iighl, lhen lripped over an olslacIe in
lhe shadovs al his feel. LxpIoring vilh his hands, he louched
lhe skeIelon of an eIven varrior. The ancienl varrior heId a
greal slraighl svord vhich gIinled fainlIy, refIecling lhe Iighl
fron ahead. The youlh look lhe veapon and pressed on.
The crevice quickIy lecane lroader and lhe youlh enlered
a cavern. The Iighl enanaled fron lhe ceiIing, vhich vas
ringed vilh Iuninous noss and nushroons. A slrean ran
across lhe enlire Ienglh of lhe cavern, coIIecling in a greal
pooI al lhe cenler.
n lhe far side of lhe pooI sIunlered a greal ghuI. She had
her lrue forn, vhich vas hideous. Her head vas resling on
an enornous ruly, Iarger in girlh lhan lhe loys ovn lody.
The youlh vas soreIy afraid. Yel his lhirsl vas slronger
lhan his fear, so he decided lo drink quielIy fron lhe pooI
lefore laking his Ieave. As he kneIl leside lhe valer, lhe
ghuI avakened. Leaping over lhe pooI, she seized lhe slarlIed
youlh vilh her cIaved hands. The loy dangIed in lhe ghuIs
grasp. He fixed his gaze upon a deep scar lhal narked her
cheek, jusl lenealh a niIky righl eye.
Anolher roller, hissed lhe ghuI vilh her fouI lrealh.
ne cane lhis vay lefore. He soughl lo sleaI lhe greal ruly
of YaIsur, vhich I have hidden fron lhe genie Iords. He
found he couId nol Ieave vilh il. I found he couId nol Ieave
al aII. Nov you, loo, viII die, and I viII feasl on your
narrov! Wilh lhal, lhe ghuI carried lhe loy lack lo her
side of lhe pooI, vhere, in addilion lo lhe greal gen, lhere
Iay a cauIdron, a chopping lIock, and a greal cIeaver.
The youlh sliII heId lhe dead varriors svord, and Iale vas
vilh hin. As lhe ghuI Ioosened her grasp, he svung lhe
lIade and,cul her squareIy in lhe Iefl eye. The greal ghuI
screaned and dropped her quarry, vho al once scranlIed
over lo lhe greal gen and seized il in lolh arns. Then he
Ieapl across lhe pooI and charged vilh aII his nighl for lhe
crevice fron vhence he had cone.
The ghuI screaned and foIIoved. The loy soon found vhy
lhe eIven varrior couId nol escape. }usl leyond lhe cavern,
lhe crevice lecane loo narrov for lhe gen.
fearing lhal lhe ghuI nighl sonehov foIIov hin lo lhe
surface, he sel oul inlo lhe deserl once nore, lraveIing ly lhe
lhin Iighl of lhe vaning noon.
Afler he had lraveIed a fev niIes, lhe youlh sav in lhe
dislance a nev Iighl. Il vas lrighl, and al firsl he lhoughl il a
cily, yel il noved cIoser lo hin as he valched. The youlh
cane lo reaIize lhal he vas vilnessing a procession of lhe
geniekind. }ann heId aIofl lrass lorches lo Iighl lhe vay. Djinn
and efreel oulriders prolecled lhe fIanks of lhe procession,
vhiIe narids Ied lhe vay and dao guarded lhe rear.
The youlh lhen sav lhal lhis vas no nere coIIeclion of
genies, il vas lhe procession of lhe greal genie Iords, vho
had relurned lo lhis Iand lo see if lhe nosl leaulifuI naiden
of lhe norlaIs had decided vho anong lhen vouId le her
suilor. The Creal CaIiph of lhe Djinn vas nounled on a
caneI of shining vhile, dripping vilh gens. The Mosl
Respecled SuIlan of lhe Lfreel rode in a greal iron vain,
puIIed ly a hundred of his Iesser servanls. The Crand Khan
of lhe Dao rode a cIallering eIephanl of darkesl elony. The
InperiaI Iadishah of lhe Marids vaIked on fool-his peopIe
spread orange lIossons lefore hin and galhered lhen up
afler he passed, nol nissing a singIe pelaI.
The youlh lhoughl lo avoid lhe procession, lul lhere vas
no avoiding il, no pIace lo hide. And so il vas lhal he fIung
hinseIf proslrale and face dovn on lhe ground, arns
oulslrelched, lhe greal gen on one side, lhe niracuIous
svord on lhe olher.
The procession cane lo hin and slopped. As lhe jann
prepared an encanpnenl, lhe youlh vas lroughl lo lhe
genie Iords.
Who are you, Iad, vandering in lhe deserl al lhis Iale
hour` asked lhe Creal CaIiph and lhe Djinn.
Hov is il you are lIocking our palh` added lhe Mosl
Respecled SuIlan of lhe Lfreel.
Where did you find lhal inlriguing svord, vhich shines in
lhe noonIighl Iike a Iiving lhing` added lhe InperiaI
Iadishah of lhe Marids.
And vhere did you find lhal vondrous gen, so nuch Iike
one ve ourseIves once had` finished lhe Crand Khan of lhe
The youlh reIaled his slory lo lhe genie Iords, leIIing
lhen of his kidnapping, hov he had vandered across lhe
parched deserl in searing heal, hov he found lhe crevice
and lhe sparkIing pooI, and hov he foughl lhe greal ghuI.
He did nol, hovever, nenlion lhal he had spIil lhe gen lo
escape, lecause lhe Khan of lhe Dao had expressed such an
inleresl in il, and he had cIained il vas once a lhing of lhe
When lhe loy finished his slory, lhe Creal CaIiph of lhe
Djinn said, Iale vaIks vilh you in your Iife.
Iale is nosl kind, added lhe Mosl Respecled SuIlan of
lhe Lfreel.
You have no Iale lul lhe Iale vhich you are given,
added lhe InperiaI Iadishah of lhe Marids.
Yel lhis gen you have Iooks nuch Iike one ve ourseIves
once had, finished lhe Crand Khan of lhe Dao, and vilh
lhal he sunnoned lhe Ravun of lhe }ann lo recounl lhe laIe
of lhe gen of YaIsur.
The sloryleIIer cane forvard and loId his laIe, and lhe
youlh Iearned (as aII Iearn) lhal lhe genie Iords vere a
quarreIsone group vhen lhey vere young, and lhey foughl
over nosl lhings. Mosl of aII lhey foughl over a greal gen,
Iarger lhan lhe loy hinseIf, vhich vas lhe ruly of YaIsur.
WhiIe lhe genie Iords argued, a landil sloIe inlo lheir lenls
and nade off vilh lhe greal gen. The genies despaired of lhe
Ioss, lul lhey soon reaIized lhey had no Iale lul lhe Iale
lhey vere given, and vere soon conlenl again, lhough lhey
aIvays hoped lhal one day lhe gen vouId le relurned.
Afler lhe ravuns laIe vas conpIele, lhe Crand Khan of
lhe Dao once nore addressed lhe loy. The ruly lhal vas
laken fron us resenlIed lhe greal jeveI you nov keep al
your side.
And if il is lhal sane ruly, ve ask for ils relurn, said lhe
Mosl Respecled SuIlan of lhe Lfi-eel.
Wilh sveelness and goodness in your hearl, said lhe
Creal CaIiph of lhe Djinn.
The InperiaI Iadishah of lhe Marids Iooked al lhe gen,
his forehead furroved, lul he said nolhing.
Wilh sveelness and goodness, said lhe youlh, and offered
lhe gen lo lhe genie Iords. I leIieve il is your gen, and lhefl
fron a lhief is no virlue unIess il aids Iale. Lel ne offer il lo
you, in exchange for relurning lo ny hone.
Nov lhe InperiaI Iadishah of lhe Marids did speak. I nay
le vrong, lul vas nol lhe lIood-red gen of YaIsur once
Iarger lhan il nov appears`
The olher genie Iords lhoughl for a nonenl and nodded.
Yes, il vas Iarger, lhey said.
The youlh repIied, Ah, Iike nosl lhings of our vorId,
sureIy il has leen reduced ly leing aparl fron lhe lrue
najesly of yourseIves and your peopIes.
The jann in lhe canp scoffed siIenlIy al lhe idea. And lhe
ordinary dao and djinn had lo sliffen lheir faces lo keep fron
Iaughing. Bul lhe genie Iords nodded sageIy al lhe
suggeslion, each nol vishing lo appear lo lhe olhers as if lhe
loys slalenenl vas nol lrue, each nol vishing lo offend his
feIIov Iords.
Your gifl is apprecialed, said lhe Creal CaIiph of lhe
Djinn, lul lefore il is accepled, ve nusl decide vho viII
hoId lhe gen. lhervise, ve viII faII lo arguing, and anolher
lhief nay lake lhe ruly. I venlure lo say lhal I vouId keep il
lesl, lehind a vaII of vind.
I vouId keep il cIoaked in fire, repIied lhe efreeli suIlan.
I vouId keep il deep lenealh lhe sea, said lhe narid
I vouId keep il secure in lhe loson of lhe earlh, added
lhe dao khan.
Il seened lhal lhe genie Iords vouId once nore legin lo
argue. The jann relrealed, and lhe hunlIe dao and djinn
and efreel and narids in lhe procession vere afraid.
Then lhe youlh said viseIy, CouId nol each of you keep
lhe ruly for lhree greal noons apiece, and give il lo anolher
The genie Iords Iooked al lhe youlh and Iooked al each
olher. Nol vishing lo appear fooIish, each nodded in
The narid padishah shouId lake il for lhe nexl lhree greal
noons, decIared lhe djinni caIiph.
And lhe djinn caIiph lhe foIIoving lhree, repIied lhe
efreeli suIlan.
And lhe efreeli suIlan lhe lhree foIIoving lhal, said lhe
dao khan.
And lhe dao khan lhe finaI lhree, finished lhe narid
And so lhey agreed. This is vhy lhe vinler nonlhs are
nov lhe vellesl, vhy lhe spring nonlhs lear lhe sveelesl
lreezes, vhy lhe sunner nonlhs lring lhe hollesl days, and
vhy lhe aulunn nonlhs are lhe lesl line lo reap lhe earlhs
lounly. Such lhings vere neilher here nor lhere for lhe
youlh, hovever, vho desired nolhing nore lhan lo relurn
hone and lo le avay fron lhe poverfuI lul capricious Iords
of lhe genies.
The Iords haiIed lhe youlhs visdon and sel forlh a greal
feasl, offering hin riches and lreasure in exchange for lhe
ruly and his sagacious advice. Bul lhe youlh poIileIy and
hunlIy refused aII, hoping nol lo offend his hosls, for he had
heard laIes of genie-nade goId lhal faded in lhe sun. The
genie Iords lecane nore insislenl, suggesling lhal lhe youlh
lake sonelhing of lheirs in lrade, lul each suggeslion
lroughl anolher poIile refusaI. As lhe nighl vaned, lhe genie
Iords legan lo see lheir offers as a kind of gane. They
consuned greal anounls of vine and vere al Iasl quile
IinaIIy lhe youlh nade his vishes cIear: AII I desire is lo
relurn lo ny hone, lo find vho is responsilIe for ny
kidnapping, and lo le as happy as Iale aIIovs a nan lo le in
lhe fuIIness of line.
The genie Iords rejoiced. Lach in lurn pIedged his feaIly lo
heIp lhe loy, lo his descendanls, and lo his foIIovers, lo
vhon he vouId leach greal lhings. And lhe genie Iords lhen
shoved hin hov lo caII upon lhe jann, sunnon lhe djinn,
and lind lhe dao lo his viII. They laughl hin hov lo visil
lhe lenls of lhe genies and nol le harned. And so lhe youlh
lecane lhe firsl of lhe shairs~lhe sunnoners of genies~
and his foIIovers renain lo lhis day. If lhe genies regrelled
lheir pronise, lhey have nade no sign, for lhey have Iived ly
lheir vords fron lhal day lo lhis.
As a sign of lheir greal favor, lhe genie Iords appoinled four
fenaIe genies lo forever aid lhe loy-a djinni, a narid, a
dao, and an efreeli. They vere of exceplionaI leauly and
pover. The loy (vho vas nov lareIy a young nan) vished
lo nake lhen his vives, and as lhe genies respecled his
visdon and vished lruIy lo serve hin, lhis vas done. Then
lhe resl of lhe genies packed up lhe canp, and Iefl inlo lhe
vesl, disappearing leIov lhe horizon jusl as lhe firsl rays of
davn appeared in lhe easl.
Do you have a connand` asked lhe djinni of her
husland, her fIesh as paIe as lone.
I vish lo relurn hone, said lhe youlh.
Hearing and oleying, vilh sveelness and goodness, lhe
djinni repIied, and she sunnoned a vhirIvind, vhich
carried lhe youlh and his four vives unerringIy lack lo his
cily, Ianding hin in lhe courlyard of his ovn hone. The
servanls in lhe courl sav lhe youlh and vere gIad, lul lhey
aIso sav lhe unearlhIy leauly of his genies and vere afraid.
Bul none vas so afraid as lhe uncIe, vho sav lhe youlh fron
his counling house and nade lo escape, packing as nuch
lreasure as one nan couId carry.
Do you have a connand`, asked lhe dao, her fIesh as gray
and dusky as poIished granile.
I vish lo find lhe nan vho kidnapped ne and Iefl ne in
lhe deserl lo die, said lhe youlh.
Hearing and oleying, vilh sveelness and goodness, lhe
dao repIied. She venl inlo lhe cily and relurned vilh lhe
lhief, vho slruggIed in her poverfuI arns.
When lhe landil sav lhe loy, he lhrev hinseIf upon lhe
ground, legging for nercy and kindness. He confessed fuIIy
lo his crine and agreed lo pIace hinseIf in lhe hands of lhe
cily guards. Creed, he expIained, had driven hin, for he
had leen offered nuch goId in exchange for alandoning
lhe loy in lhe deserl. The landil decIared lhal he vouId
surrender aII his riches lo lhe poor if onIy lhe loy vouId
spare his Iife.
The youlh denanded lo knov vho had paid for such an
avfuI deed, for he couId nol inagine any enenies. The
landil repIied lrulhfuIIy. The youlh, vho had Ioved his
uncIe, did nol al firsl leIieve vhal he had heard. Bul vhen
he caIIed for his uncIe, lhe loy discovered lhal lhe cuIpril
had fIed, using parl of his iII-gollen lreasure lo hire a loal
and saiI fron lhe cily. So lhe uncIe had inpIicaled hinseIf in
his crine. Saddened, lhe youlh inslrucled lhe landil lo
legin Ieading Iife in an honoralIe nanner. And lhe landil
did so, alandoning his forner Iife and evenluaIIy leconing a
virluous nyslic vho vouId go on lo Iead olhers ly his
Do you have a connand`,, asked lhe narid, her lurquoise
fIesh as shining as lhe sea.
I vish ny uncIe lo le lroughl lo ne, said lhe youlh.
Hearing and oleying, vilh sveelness and goodness,, lhe
narid responded, and she soughl oul lhe ship, aIlering ils
course and relurning il lo lhe cily againsl lhe vishes of ils
caplain. When lhe uncIe sav vhal vas happening, he
junped overloard. The narid gralled hin ly his roles and
dragged hin, soaking vel, lo his nephev.
The youlh asked his uncIe lo expIain hinseIf. The uncIe,
lIack-hearled vrelch lhal he vas, cursed lhe loy and
adnilled proudIy lo everylhing, for he sav his Iife vas forfeil
for his olvious crines. The uncIe aIso ridicuIed lhe youlh for
his nev-found pover anong lhe genies.
I say lo you, said lhe uncIe, lhal lhe pover you vieId viII
lurn againsl you as sureIy as your veaIlh lurned againsl ne. I
vas so afraid of Iosing vhal I had gained fron you lhal I shul
nyseIf up in ny counling house, fearfuI of Iosing a drachna.
So loo you viII le vaIIed up, afraid lo give olhers your
povers. The genie Iords have nade a fooI of you! And he
spal al lhe youlhs feel.
Do you have a connand` asked lhe efreeli, her skin as
dark as coaI.
Iunish lhis nan according lo his crines, said lhe youlh.
Then send oul vord lo lhe cilies lhal lhose vho vish lo
Iearn lhe crafl of genie-vork nay cone lo ne.
Hearing and oleying, vilh sveelness and goodness, lhe
efreeli responded. She drev a greal lIack lIade and cul lhe
uncIes head fron his shouIders, lhen his arns and Iegs fron
his lody, and she lIev lhe pieces inlo lhe deserl, vhere no
one has ever found lhen. She and her lhree cousins senl
vord lhroughoul lhe cily lhal lhose vho vished lo Iearn lhe
crafl of genie-vork shouId cone lo lhe house of lhe youlh,
vhere he vouId leach lhose vho vere alIe lo undersland.
So il has renained fron lhal day lo lhis, lhal lhe seasons
pass in lheir richness, each vilh lheir ovn nalure, and lhe
shairs can sunnon lhe genies and vork nagic lhrough
lhen. If lhe genie Iords ever noled lhal lhe ruly of YaIsur
had leen sIiced in lvain (and lhey nighl have, for lhey are
nol fooIs), lhey have said nolhing. Ils naled haIf has never
leen found.
f lhe youlh, il is said lhal he allained his nalurily and
lecane an honored vizier of his ruIer. Wilh his four
eIenenlaI vives, he cane lo aid lhe genie Iords on anolher
occasion. Bul lhal is anolher laIe for anolher evening. . . .
III. The CI1 o[ Peace
his is lhe slory of vhy lhe vorId is as il is, lhe slory of
lhe Haunled Lands and lhe dangers of gelling vhal one
desires. Il vas in lhis fashion lhal lhe laIe vas loId lo ne, so
il is in lhe sane fashion lhal I shaII leII il lo you nov.
This slory cones fron Iong ago-nol in lhe nenory of an
eIven grandfalher, lul perhaps in lhe nenory of an eIven
grandfalhers grandfalher~vhen lhe area nov caIIed lhe
Haunled Lands vas a rich and verdanl pIain, crossed ly
rivers vhich sveIIed vilh lhe rains in vinler and vilh lhe
nounlains neIling snov in lhe spring, and vhich vere
olhervise fed ly snaII slreans and springs. Trading cilies and
aninaI-herding lriles arose in lhese Iands, and as lhey grev
nore poverfuI, lhey grev prouder, and soon lhey legan lo
var againsl each olher unceasingIy. ne cily vouId conlesl
anolher. ne lrile vouId lallIe ils ovn kin. Trile and cily
vouId fighl, and cIans vilhin each lrile and cily vouId fighl,
and so il proceeded unliI even lelveen lrolhers lhere vas
greal conlenlion.
Nov, lhe suIlan of one of lhe cilies couId see lhal discord
vas slrong in his Iand, and he vished for nolhing nore lhan
peace, lecause peace heIped keep lhe slaIIs fuII and lhe fieIds
rich and lhe fIocks heaIlhy. The suIlan consuIled his nosl
ancienl vizier for advice. The vizier vas very vise. He had
once leen a sinpIe larler in lhe narkel, lul his visdon had
lroughl hin greal veaIlh and pover. The suIlan asked lhe
vizier hov peace nighl le found.
The vizier said lo hin, Such a queslion is nol a sinpIe
one. I nusl consider il veII, and confer vilh olhers vho are
Afler a line, lhe vizier relurned vilh an ansver. I have
laIked lo ny conrades, lolh nagicaI and nundane, he said
lo lhe suIlan. And I have cone lo undersland lhal anong
lhe riders of lhe gray grass lhere exisls a nyslic vho is
capalIe of lringing vhal you seek. The nyslic can shov you
lhe vay lo lhe Cily of Ieace. I have heard lhal olhers do nol
seek il, for lhey do nol vish lo pay lhe price. I knov nol lhe
price, and in any evenl I an oId. Seek oul lhe riders of lhe
gray grass, and lhey nay leII you vhal you need lo knov.
The suIlan sel oul fron his cily vilh a dozen caneIs lhal
vere Ioaded vilh goods and riches. He soughl oul lhe oasis
of lhe gray grass vhere lhe riders vere said lo encanp. The
suIlans ovn scouls rode ahead lo announce his coning, and
lo seek oul lhe proper direclions.
When lhe suIlan arrived al lhe oasis, he found lhal his
enenies fron lhe olher cilies, vho did nol desire peace, had
arrived firsl. The lenls vere lurned, lhe Iiveslock scallered,
and lhe valers of lhe pooI vere fouIed and useIess. Bodies of
nany riders Iay scallered on lhe ground. The suIlan vas sick
al hearl, and he svore upon Iale and lhe gods lhal lhose
responsilIe vouId die ly his hand ere he hinseIf Iay dovn lo
die. He offered soIace and lreasure lo lhe survivors, lhough
lhey vere nore inleresled in lhe food and connon goods
lhe caneIs had aIso lroughl.
The suIlan discovered lhal lhe nyslic vho knev of lhe
Cily of Ieace vas sIain in lhe raid. The suIlan slaggered as if
slricken, lul a snaII voice fron lhe group spoke up.
I knov vhere lhe Cily of Ieace is, said lhe voice.
The suIlan Iooked up and sav a snaII chiId no nore lhan
seven years of age, yel in lhe chiIds eyes vere lhe deplh and
underslanding of a nyslic. And lhe chiId said lhal he vouId
Iead lhe suIlan lo lhe cily, lul vouId nol enler il, if lhe
suIlan vouId give avay aII lhings excepl a singIe caneI and
foIIov hin.
The suIlan did as lhe loy asked. They journeyed for lvo
veeks and lhen sone. Al Iasl, lhey cane lo a greal dune
rising fron lhe deserl fIoor.
The cily you seek is on lhe far side of lhe dune. said lhe
chiId. Are you sure lhis is vhal you seek`
I seek lo end lhe confIicl anong our peopIes. I seek lo
punish lhose responsilIe for sIaying your lrilesnan. I an
Then I viII Ieave you here lo Iale, said lhe chiId, and he
Ied lhe caneI lack inlo lhe deserl. The loy caIIed lack lo
lhe SuIlan, Renenler lhis: I viII vail for you al lhe gales
of your ovn cily. And he vas gone.
The suIlan cIinled lhe dune. Behind ils greal nass vas a
verdanl vaIIey, fiIIed vilh sveel grass and greal lrees lhal
vere heavy vilh fruil. Al lhe cenler of lhe vaIIey Iay a cily.
And al lhe hearl of lhe cily vas a greal paIace vhich lore an
uncounlalIe nunler of siIver dones and a greal nosque vilh
an uncounlalIe nunler of siIver ninarels. The suIlan
scranlIed dovn lhe face of lhe dune.
The suIlan vas nel al lhe gale lo lhe cily ly lvo nanIuks,
vho larred his palh. Whal do you seek, vanderer` said one.
I seek a vay lo lring peace lo ny varring peopIes, and I
vish lo gain vengeance againsl lhose vho have hurl olhers.
The nanIuks Iooked al each olher, lhen nodded and said,
Co slraighl lo lhe founlain al lhe paIace.
And so suIlan venl lo lhe paIace and found a greal
founlain in lhe cenlraI courl. Al lhe edge of lhe founlain sal
a leaulifuI vonan, gIancing al lhe valer. Her eyes vere
Iuninous, and her hair vas lIack. The suIlan vas so
enlhraIIed lhal aII lhoughls of his honeIand suddenIy fIed
fron hin.
Creelings, nolIe vanderer, she said, a genlIe sniIe upon
her Iips. Hov nay I aid lhee`
You nay consenl lo sil vilh ne ly lhe founlain, he
repIied, and dine and daIIy vilh ne for a shorl line.
The vonan Iaughed vilh a Iaugh lhal vas Iike lhe linkIing
of leIIs. She cIapped her hands and lvice-lvenly servanls
appeared, each of lhen lravny and lare lo lhe vaisl. Sone
carried sunpluous cushions and greal urns of fine vine,
vhich lhey Iaid lefore lhe pair. lhers lroughl aII nanner of
foods, lolh connon and rare.
When lhe pair had finished lheir refreshnenl, lhe vonan
said lo lhe suIlan, And hov nay I aid lhee nov`
The suIlan recaIIed his lrue purpose in seeking oul lhe cily.
I vish lo end lhe vars lelveen cily and cily, lelveen lrile
and lrile, and lelveen cily and lrile. I vish lo find peace for
ny peopIe and lhe peopIes lhal lhey knov.
The vonan Iaughed vilh a Iaugh lhal vas Iike lhe linkIing
of leIIs. She cIapped her hands and a scrile dressed in veIvel
enlered lhe courl. He carried a greal scroII and vaved a quiII
lhal vas nade fron lhe fealher of a peacock. The suIlan
Iisled for lhe scrile aII lhe nanes of lhe lriles and cilies lhal
he knev, vhich vere nany in lhose days, and vhen he had
finished, lhe nanes fiIIed lhe enlire scroII. The scrile lhen
loved Iov and deparled.
The vonan and lhe suIlan relurned lo lheir Ieisure.
Anolher sunpluous neaI vas Iaid lefore lhen, and vhen
lhe pair vas again salisfied, lhe vonan said, Ior lhe lhird
and Iasl line, hov nay I aid lhee`
I seek vengeance againsl lhose vho hurl ny peopIe and
againsl lhose vho slruck lhe riders of lhe gray grass. I vish
for lhose vho are responsilIe lo le punished unliI lhey drav
nol a lrealh nore.
This line, lhe vonan did nol Iaugh. She rose soIennIy. Il
is as you vish, she said soflIy, and lhen she deparled. The
doors lhrough vhich she Iefl lhe courl cIosed lehind her of
lheir ovn accord.
The suIlan vas slunned. He raced dovn lhe haIIs and
lhrough lhe adjacenl courlyards, lul couId nol find lhe
vonan. Nor couId he find lhe servanls, lhe nanIuks, or any
olher Iiving crealure. The suIlan vas aIone.
A vind arose. Sand and dusl legan lo lIov lhrough lhe
haIIs and courlyards, inlensifying unliI lhe suIlan couId nol
see his hand lefore his face. CIulching his role lighlIy lo his
face, he soughl sheIler fron lhe vind, lul lhere vas none lo
le found.
The suIlan had no idea hov Iong he slrode againsl lhe
slorn, lul al Iasl ils inlensily faded, and lhe sky cIeared vilh
lhe sunsel. He found lhal lhe cily vas gone, and aII around
hin vas nolhing lul lhe arid vasleIand.
The slars renained, and he used lhen lo find his vay vesl,
lovard his ovn Iands. He did nol knov hov Iong he had
lraveIed, lul al Iasl he cane lo a ruined cily, ils ninarels
snapped and ils vaII crunlIing in a dozen pIaces. Al firsl he
lhoughl il vas lhe Cily of Ieace, and he despaired. Then he
reaIized lhal il vas his ovn cily, and his despair darkened
inlo lhe deepesl nighl.
Al lhe gales of lhe cily, nov vrecked and hanging open,
lhe suIlan discovered an oId nan. The nans fIesh vas IillIe
nore lhan lallers on his lones, and his eyes vere deepIy
sunken. The oId nan Iooked al lhe suIlan and spoke.
I loId you I vouId neel you here, he rasped. The suIlan
reaIized vilh a shock lhal lhis vas lhe chiId nyslic vho had
Ied hin lo lhe Cily of Ieace-onIy a singIe day lefore.
The oId nan regarded lhe suIlan and nodded. You have
gained lhe Cily of Ieace and courled Iale,,, said he. And
Iale has granled your vishes. You vished lo find pIeasure
vilh Iale and lhal occurred. You vished for lhe lriles and
cilies lo slop varring, and Iale scallered lhen far across lhe
vorId so lhal lhey nol neel each olher again unliI such a
line lhal none couId renenler lheir slrife. You vished for
aII lhose responsilIe for lhis hurl lo die. And are ve nol aII
responsilIe for our aclions, regardIess of Iale` So aII-lhose
vho offended you and your peopIe have perished, lo lhe Iasl
one. You lhink lhal onIy a day has passed, yel you have leen
gone nore lhan lvo hundred years. I have vailed here, for
Iale has leen vilh ne, and lhal is hov I knov lhe laIe. . . .
And vilh lhal lhe oId nan perished. The suIlan sal ly lhe
dead nan for a day, lhen lvo, lhen five, lul no one eIse
cane lo hin, nor did anyone lroulIe lhe ruined cily. Then
lhe suIlan relurned lo lhe deserl, hoping lo find lhe Cily of
Ieace. He vas nol seen again in lhe Iands of lhe Iiving.
So il has renained, fron lhen unliI nov, lhal lhe Haunled
Lands renain enply, save for lhe ruins of greal nosques and
cilies vhich once lhrived lhere. And so il is lhal Iegend
reaches your ears of olher Iands, far renoved, vhere nen and
vonen vho seen siniIar lo us vaIk anong lhe
unenIighlened, and even lecone nighly in lheir ovn pelly
enpires. Bul lhal is anolher laIe for anolher evening. . . .
xccrp|c frcn a scrncn oq Aooa nin Hiqa|, |anin |c |nc
fcrccs cf Tru|n, as nc arcssc |nc pccp|c cf |nc is|an| |an
cf Ha|ruua an |c| |ncn cf |nc |an cf |a|c.
I undersland. I undersland. I have leen enIighlened and I
I have leen asked ly your speIIcaslers lo leII of ny Iands,
lul vhen I legin lo speak of lhe vonders of Iale and lhe
nagic of genies and lhe vars of gods, lhe supposedIy vise
nen inlerrupl and say, IIease, nolIe Iord, leII us lhe facls,
nol jusl a slory. Whal are lhe facls lul a slory vhich
happens lo le lrue` Yel I viII pare dovn aII lhal I knov, lo
aid you in underslanding. Il is Iike loiIing lhe fIesh off a
duck for soup, evenluaIIy one reaches lhe lare lones, lul il
is nol a pIeasanl experience for lhe duck.
Man has aIvays Iived in lhe lurning vorId of Zakhara,
nosl nolIe of Iands, as far as ve knov. The greal enpires of
lhe pasl Iiller lhe Iand vilh lheir faIIen lovers, lheir luried
lonls, and lheir nonunenls lo forgollen gods. Who lhey
vere ve cannol say, onIy lhal lhey once occupied greal river
enpires. We caII lhose enpires Nog and Kadar. They
enlraced lheir river, and lhen, Iike freshvaler fish vho
couId neilher Ieave lhe valer nor pass inlo lhe sea, lhey
died. r perhaps sonelhing eIse happened. We knov onIy
lhal lhey are gone.
AIso Iong ago, lhere exisled lhe Loregiver. ur ravuns and
sages say lhal lhe Loregiver vas a naiden vho, guided ly
Iale, chose nol lo nake a choice, and in doing so, she gained
greal visdon. She coIIecled lhal visdon as Iav and spread il
lo lhe deserl peopIes, and she vrole il dovn and hid il avay
for lhe line vhen nen and vonen vere ready lo receive
r perhaps nol. I cannol prove any of il, jusl as I cannol
prove lhe firsl shair vas narried lo four genies. Yel loday ve
see lhe shairs caIIing upon lhe genies and connanding
lhen, ve can see lhe ruins of Nog and Kadar, and lhe Lav of
lhe Loregiver infIuences lhe Iives of aII enIighlened peopIe.
lher oId enpires cane and venl. SnaII cilies lecane
Iarge and lhen vere alandoned. Wars vere foughl. IeopIe
died in lhen, or lhey did nol and died Ialer. Triles and cilies
disappeared, for lhey dispIeased lhe gods. Craven inages
vere vorshipped and alandoned. Al Iasl, lhe line cane for
So a young loy of a deserl lrile found lhe vrilings of lhe
Loregiver. Cuided ly lhe hand of Iale, he found lhe scroII
lhal conlained lhe Lav and spread lhe vord. The peopIe sav
lhe visdon of lhe youlhs vords and fIocked lo his lanner.
The greal enus and pashas and khans lenl dovn on one
IV. The VoIce o[ HIs1on
knee lo receive lhe loys visdon. Zakhara lecane lhe Land
of Iale. The youlh lecane lhe firsl of lhe Crand CaIiphs,
lhe Iirsl CaIiph. He nade Huzuz his hone, for il vas lhere
he had received lhe vision vhich evenluaIIy Ied hin lo lhe
scroII, and il vas lhere he had firsl legun lo spread lhe vord,
and il vas lhere, lhe sages say, lhal lhe Loregiver herseIf had
So il vas lhal lhe vord of lhe Loregiver spread fron one
greal sea lo anolher, fron lhe Iree Cilies lhal Iook lovard
your ovn shores lo dislanl AfyaI, lhe IsIe of lhe LIephanl,
and aII lhose enIighlened ly lhe vord cane lo le ruIed ly a
singIe Crand CaIiph. They vere unified in lheir Ianguage,
knovIedge, and underslanding, and so il renains loday. Can
any of your pelly enpires cIain such vonders`
Thal is ny laIe. Il is nol as IiveIy as sone I have loId, nor
as ronanlic, nor even as inleresling. Il is nereIy, as you have
requesled, a slalenenl of one facl upon anolher. And if lhis
is your vay of lhinking in lhe Norlhern lerrilories, I have
grealer pily for you lhan I had lefore.
Your lhoughls are Iike one fool pIaced lefore anolher, a
reIenlIess repelilion of facl upon facl. You nay gel vhere you
are going, lul hov can you ever dance`
V. The Dnagom amo 1he GemIes
his is a laIe of lhe greal, IizardIike dragons lhal haunl
lhe norlhern cIines, and vhy lhey are seIdon seen in
lhe Land of Iale. Il is nol lhe onIy expIanalion you nay
hear. Sone cIain lhal il is lhe cIinale lhal drives lhese
crealures avay, vhiIe olhers poinl lo lhe Iack of ready food,
and a fev nay even leII you il is lecause lhe sand vears avay
lhe dragons scaIes. Those vho knov lhe lrulh of lhe naller
knov lhis laIe, hovever, and you shaII knov il, loo. Il vas in
lhis fashion lhal lhe laIe vas loId lo ne, so il is in lhe sane
fashion lhal I shaII leII il lo you nov.
Long ago, vhen Nog and Kadar vere nol yel in exislence,
lhe greal Iizard-leasls of lhe dislanl Norlh heId a concIave of
lheir lriles. Iiggish crealures, lhese dragons had ealen aII lhe
avaiIalIe callIe and deslroyed aII lhe nearly lovns, and nov
lhey vouId go hungry unIess lhey found nev pickings. So
one of lheir nunler, a greal reddish crealure, voIunleered lo
scoul oul a nev hone. He fIev soulh nany days unliI he
reached lhe shores of lurning Zakhara. As he approached
lhe leach, he sav a naiden froIicking in lhe surf. As il had
leen a Iong lrip, he decided lhis skinny crealure vouId sale
his hunger unliI nore nealy prey presenled ilseIf. He
svooped dovn Iov lo spear lhe naiden vilh his cIavs.
Yel vhen he dove dovn upon lhe naiden, she vanished
vilhoul a lrace, and in her slead a huge vave rose oul of lhe
surf, knocking lhe dragon fron lhe sky. He crashed upon lhe
leach. When he had recovered his senses, lhe dragon said lo
hinseIf, Hov is il lhal I couId niss lhe naiden` And fron
vhence cane lhe vave Iike a fisl` An I so fanished lhal I
cannol lrusl ny eyes` And vilh lhal he headed inIand.
Al Ienglh, lhe dragon found a snaII herd of goals lended
on a hiIIside. A shepherdess had pIanled her slaff nearly.
The dragon chased lhe goals around lhe fieId, Iooking for lhe
nealiesl lo eal firsl. The shepherdess ran up lo lhe dragon
and lapped hin on lhe fool vilh her slaff. The dragon vas
accusloned lo hunans fIeeing fron his grealness, nol leing
so lrazen as lhis, and he lurned lo regard lhe vonan vilh
Who are you lo dislurl ny sheep` asked lhe shepherdess.
I an one of greal pover, said lhe dragon, and I do as I see
Whal is your greal pover` denanded lhe shepherdess.
I lrealhe fire, lhe dragon repIied, and vilh lhal he spal
oul a laII of fIane lhal enguIfed lhe shepherdess.
The dragon expecled lo dine on her charred forn, lul
vhen lhe snoke had cIeared, she slood lhere unlouched,
slaff in hand. IilifuI, said lhe shepherdess. Try lhis
And vilh lhal she lecane a greal piIIar of fire vhose heal
vas so inlense lhal lhe dragon had lo faII lack for fear of
leing scorched. The fires heal grev slronger, and lhe dragon
look lo lhe air lo evade il. The piIIar roared afler hin, lul
evenluaIIy lhe dragon escaped lhe Iapping fIanes.
This is a frighlening Iand, said lhe dragon lo hinseIf,
vhere even lhe peasanls are nagicaI. I nusl find a cave and
resl lefore I go farlher.
And so lhe crealure found a IikeIy nounlain and vilhin
lhal nounlain found a IikeIy cave, and he sellIed dovn for a
shorl nap. Al Ienglh, hovever, his sIeep vas dislurled ly a
lap on his snoul. He opened his eyes lo see a vilhered and
gray-haired nan scovIing al hin.
This is ny hone, lhe codger snapped. YouII have lo
sIeep sonevhere eIse, for you are an uninviled guesl.
The dragon snarIed. I viII nol Ieave for any crippIed oId
nan. I cIain lhis cave. Begone! And he shoved his leelh.
The oId nan shoved his leelh as if lo nock lhe dragon. If
you desire lhe earlh so nuch, shouled lhe nan, you shaII
have il! And he disappeared.
InnedialeIy lhe nounlain shook and lhe cavern legan lo
coIIapse. The dragon escaped onIy vilh lhe liniesl sIiver of
his Iife.
Hungry, lired, and hurl, lhe dragon cursed lhis slrange Iand
and ils slrange peopIe. Al Ienglh he heard a piping.
Invesligaling, lhe dragon found a snaII loy vho vas sealed
upon a rock, pIaying a fIule. This line lhe dragon did nol
allack, for vho couId leII vhal povers lhis veak-Iooking
crealure possessed` Inslead, lhe dragon approached in a
genlIe nanner, and legged lhe chiId lo Iislen lo his slory.
The chiId heard lhe dragon leII of lhe naiden, of lhe
shepherdess, and of lhe oId nan. And lhe chiId Iearned hov
lhe dragon vas afraid lo eal and even lo sIeep in a Iand lhal
heId such poverfuI crealures.
Al Ienglh lhe chiId said, I knov lhose of vhon you speak,
for lhe naiden of lhe shores is ny cousin, lhe shepherdess of
lhe vaIIey is ny aunl, and lhe oId nan of lhe nounlain is ny
uncIe. Do nol sniveI so. They have shovn you greal
kindness, for any of lhen couId have kiIIed you, and lhey
have spared your Iife onIy lecause you are nol enIighlened
and knov no leller.
TeII ne, chiId, spullered lhe dragon, groving nore
fearfuI ly lhe ninule. Are aII lhe nalives of lhis Iand as
poverfuI as your faniIy`
h no, repIied lhe chiId. Mosl are nuch nore poverfuI.
There are nen and vonen vho leII ny aunl and uncIe and
cousin vhal lo do, and ny aunl and uncIe and cousin do
vhalever is asked, aInosl vilhoul queslion.
The dragon senl oul a pilialIe vaiI. Curse ne for coning
lo lhis horrid Iand! I vish I had never arrived! I vish lhal I
couId relurn lo ny hone!
Hearing and oleying, vilh sveelness and joy, said lhe
chiId, and he sunnoned a greal vind, vhich lIev lhe
dragon lack lo lhe Norlh.
Those vho knov our Iand knov lhal lhe loy vas reaIIy a
djinni, lhe naiden vas a narid, lhe oId nan vas a dao, and
lhe shepherdess vas an efreeli. The nen and vonen vhose
connands lhey heed are nere norlaIs vho hoId greal
visdon. Bul lhe dragon did nol knov lhis. We can onIy
assune lhal lhe dragon loId his laIe lo olher dragons, and if
lhey vere sliII hungry, lhey have nade olher arrangenenls,
for lo lhis day fev dragons are spolled in lhe Land of Iale.
Iron line lo line, a Ione dragon has appeared, seeking lo
lesl lhe pover of lhe genies and lhe palience of lhe
enIighlened. Bul lhal is anolher laIe for anolher evening. . . .
AppemoI B: Lamguage
isilors lo lhe Land of Iale can hear a variely of
Ianguages leing spoken. Midani, lhe Ianguage of
aII civiIized and inleIIigenl crealures, is ly far lhe nosl
proninenl. Midani is Zakharas Connon~lhe
Ianguage underslood ly aII enIighlened cilizens and
nosl unenIighlened savages.
The Land of Iale aIso has five regionaI diaIecls.
Nalives of lhe Iree Cilies and Qudra speak vilh a
sharp, precise rhylhn, cIipping lhe end off lheir
senlences. The peopIe of lhe IearI Cilies lend lo speak
vilh a neIodious IiIl. Inhalilanls of lhe Ianlheisl
League seen lo lriII lheir consonanls al randon. In
easlern Zakhara, lhe speech of enIighlened norlaIs has
a nasaI quaIily. IinaIIy, lhe peopIe of Huzuz and
HiyaI~vho leIieve lhey speak lrue Midani~oflen
sound fIal and nechanicaI conpared lo lhe nalives of
olher regions. In addilion lo lhese quirks in rhylhn
and pronuncialion, each diaIecl is dislinguished ly a
snallering of unique vords and expressions. Wilh a
IillIe praclice, hovever, anyone vho speaks Midani
can undersland lhese regionaI longues.
The Land of Iale aIso has a nunler of Ianguages
spoken ly seIecl groups:
- Tnictcs Can|. More a Iingo lhan a Ianguage, lhis
choppy vernacuIar is spoken onIy ly rogues (nenlers
of olher cIasses canl undersland il). Thieves canl
differs sIighlIy fron cily lo cily. IIayer characlers nay
nol consider il a knovn Ianguage.
A Zakhanam Phnase GuIoe
- Racia| |anguagcs. Zakhara Iacks lhe aIignnenl
longues found in nany olher vorIds. Il does, hovever,
have a nunler of raciaI Ianguages. The nosl
proninenl is }annli, Ianguage of lhe genies. Whelher
}annli is a singIe longue vilh a nunler of diaIecls or
four cIoseIy reIaled eIenenlaI longues is a naller for
lhe sages lo delale. In gane lerns, }annli is one
Ianguage (unIess lhe DM decides olhervise).
lher raciaI Ianguages incIude lhe anceslraI longues
of nany denihunan and civiIized hunanoid races:
LIvish, rcish, Dvarvish, Cnonish, KoloId, gre, and
lhe Iike. Cianlish and ils diaIecls are aIso incIuded.
Like }annli, Cianlish is considered lo le one Ianguage
unIess lhe DM decides olhervise. In generaI, raciaI
Ianguages are used onIy lelveen speakers vho leIong
lo lhe sane race and knov each olher veII.
- Monsler Tongues. Many of Zakharas feII crealures
and unenIighlened races speak a Ianguage aII lheir
ovn. LxanpIes incIude lhe longue of lhe lrulaI yak-
nen and lhal of lhe rare and savage dragons.
- Dead Tongues. Through nagic, sages have
naslered sone of Zakharas forgollen Ianguages-lhose
no Ionger spoken ly any Iiving cuIlure. The Dead
Tongues incIude Noga, Kadari (fron lhe Ruined
Kingdons), Drov (fron Iands vesl of lhe IearI Cilies),
Affa (ancienl Ianguage of lhe IsIe of lhe LIephanl),
and Chun (a savage longue vrillen upon lhe ruins of
lhe Haunled Lands).
- ulIander Languages. SeveraI Ianguages heard in
Zakhara are inporls~Ianguages acquired fron
foreigners vho lrade vilh Zakharan nerchanls. Such
oulIander longues incIude Thorasla (and ils dead
anceslor, Thorass) fron lhe dislanl Norlh, Shang-
Chou fron lhe far-fIung Lasl, and Akolan fron lhe
veslern lrading oulposls. A nunler of Iesser Ianguages
are spoken lhroughoul lhe isIands of lhe Crovded Sea,
lul lhese have leen increasingIy repIaced ly Midani,
lhe Ianguage of lrade.
The foIIoving vords and phrases are connonIy heard
lhroughoul Zakhara:
Ayva (LYL vah)~Yes.
La (LAH)~No.
Ls sa|an a|c|un (ess sah LAMB ah LLH koon)
~May peace le upon you. A generaI greeling.
la a|c|un cs sa|an (vah ah LLH koon ess sah LAMB)
~May peace le upon you aIso. Response lo lhe
Maas sa|ana (nahs sah LAMB ah)~Co vilh peace.
Sancca (sah LL da)~Creelings. HeIIo. AIso goodlye.
Min fa|a| (nin IAHD Iahk)~IIease.
Snu|run (SHK rahn)~Thank you.
Afuan (AHI vahn)~Youre veIcone.
Kuaqis (KWAY iss)~Cood.
Misn Kuaqis (nish KWAY iss)~Bad. (Mish negales
vhalever adjeclive il precedes.)
Ha|ar (hah TAR)~Danger.
Sann (SAHM)~Ioison.
Ma (MAH)~Waler.
Mq |itcr!
Ynnan! (On, nana!)
Yooan! (On, papa!)
~Lxpressions of surprise.
Maq |cr|unc sni|c upcn qcu.
Maq |a|c guic |ncc |c g|crq.
Snc is |c a nan us rain is |c |nc cscr|.
-ConpIinenls and good vishes.
Ycu arc |nc scn cf canc| ung.
Ycu arc |nc scn cf a cgs ua|cr.
Maq qcu s|ccp ui|n a rcs||css ncar| an |ncu a |ncusan
nign|s cf niscrq.
Maq a pcrcupinc |itc in qcur |rcuscrs fcr a |ncusan aqs
an ic |ncrc fcr a |ncusan an cnc.
-InsuIls and iII vishes.
| ccnjurc qcu |c c i|!
~I leseech or connand you lo do il.
Tnc gcs arc ncrcifu| an |a|c is a||-|ncuing an | an ou|
a nuno|c s|atc ocfcrc |ncn.
-Said ly a person receiving a conpIinenl, as a naller
of huniIily and a defense againsl lhe eviI eye.
Ycu arc |nc |ifc-s|uff cf nq |itcr!
~You are very dear lo ny hearl. Said of spouse or
| natc a pain in nq |itcr.
~I have a pain in ny hearl. You have caused ne pain,
shane, or sorrov.
Mq cqcs, nq cqcs, nq scu|, nq scu|, |nc ncar| cfnq
-You are ny Iife. (Lovers laIk.)
Ycu natc gitcn nc an in|crna| ucun.
-You have pained ny hearl deepIy. (Lovers laIk.)
Hc na|cs ccffcc frcn aun un|i| |nc ca cf nign|.
~He is lruIy an oulslanding hosl.
Ycu natc oa|c qcur orca, ncu qcu nus| ca| i|.
You nusl Iive vilh lhe consequences of your
aclions. Youve nade your led, nov Iie in il.
As |nc nin cxpans, |nc |cnguc grcus quic|.
~Those vho are vise do nol challer idIy.
Tncugn qcur ccnpanicn naq oc ncncq, c nc| ca| nin
-Bevare of voIves in sheeps cIolhing.
lc cpcnc cur ncnc |c nin, an nc orcugn| in nis ass.
~He overslepped lhe lounds of good lasle, he lesled
lhe Iinils of our hospilaIily.
Gucs|s arc |i|c fisn, af|cr |nrcc aqs, oc|n s|in|.
~AI-Badian proverl. Refers lo lhe lhree-day Iinil for
a guesls slay, a cuslon olserved lhroughoul Zakhara.
lncn i| ocgins |c rain, nc |a|cs snc||cr in |nc fcun|ain.
-He Ieaps fron lhe frying pan inlo lhe fire.
A nans nca is |i|c |nc cscr|, |nc nc||cr i| gc|s, |nc
cnp|icr i| appcars.
-IooIish deeds are done in anger.
Af|cr |nc inccnsc nas ccnc, |nc gucs| nus| gc.
-A reference lo lhe cuslon of passing a lenser fiIIed
vilh frankincense foIIoving a coffee cerenony, afler
vhich lhe guesls Ieave (or relire for lhe evening).
AppemoI C: The Zakhanam CaLemoan
I-ToriI, lhe pIanel graced ly Zakharas presence,
conpIeles ils journey around lhe sun every 365
days. Lach year on lhe Zakharan caIendar hoIds 12
nonlhs. Lach nonlh hoIds 3O days (roughIy nalching
lhe orlil of lhe singIe noon). The Zakharan caIendar
aIso incIudes lhe High HoIy Days-five days leIonging
lo no nonlh.
Nom1hs o[ 1he Yean
HIgh HoL Das
Ahad, Alnen, SaIas, Arla, and Yasad~lhese are lhe
five High HoIy Days. They foIIov QavafiI and precede
Safa each year (leIonging lo neilher nonlh). Iron
davn unliI dusk, lhe High HoIy Days are a line of
failh, nedilalion, and fasling. Afler lhe sun sels, lhey
lecone a line of ceIelralion and reveIry. The grealesl
feslivaIs lake pIace in Huzuz.
Yasad is aIso caIIed Ascension Day. Long ago, lhe
Iirsl CaIiph is said lo have ascended lhe lhrone on lhis
dale. Lach Crand CaIiph vho succeeded hin aIso
assuned ruIership on Ascension Day. When lhe
ruIership renains unchanged, Yasad is dislinguished ly
lhe Crand CaIiphs pulIic appearance and vorship in
lhe CoIden Mosque. Many piIgrins fIock lo lhe
nosque on lhis day lo hear hin speak.
Many cilies in Zakhara have lheir ovn ceIelralions,
connenoraling IocaI lallIes, niracIes, or greal Ieaders
of lhe pasl. Cana, lhe Cily of Riches, hoIds a
speclacuIar lhree-day feslivaI each year lo nark lhe
end of lhe pearI season. Iurlher, nosl cilies olserve
lhe IocaI ruIers lirlhday vilh feasls and
enlerlainnenls, such ceIelralions usuaIIy slarl in lhe
norning and Iasl veII inlo lhe evening. Cilizens of
Huzuz ceIelrale lhe Crand CaIiphs lirlhday vilh
parades and processions lhroughoul lhe cily. The
currenl Crand CaIiphs lirlhday faIIs on 27 Dar.
DcsIgncd by Jcff Grubb
EdItcd by Karcn Bnnmgardcn
Cnvcr art by Hcnry Mayn
IntcrInr art by Kar! Wa!!cr
Cnvcr !aynut by Dcc Barnctt
CnnrdInatInn, IntcrInr !aynut by AndrIa Hayday
PrnductInn by Jnhn Knccht
5pccIa! thanks tn Jnn PIckcns, DavId WIsc
T5R, Inc.
POB 756
Lakc Gcncva
WI 53147
T5R, Ltd.
120 Church End
Chcrry HIntnn
CambrIdgc CB! 3LB
UnItcd KIngdnm
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Copyrighl (C) 1992, TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved. Irinled in lhe Uniled Slales of Anerica.
Im1noouc1Iom, S
TraveI Across Zakhara, 5
Chap1en 3: HIgh-LeoeL Chanac1ens, 7
Iighlers, 7
IaIadins, 1O
Rangers, 1O
Mages, 1O
Iriesls, 11
Thieves, 13
Bards, 13
Chap1en : The Lau, 3A
The Lav and lhe ICs, 15
}uslice and lhe Lav, 17
Chap1en 3: Pouen Gnoups,O
ManIuks, 2O
HoIy SIayer IeIIovships, 24
Myslic Croups, 29
LIenenlaI Brolherhoods, 31
Chap1en A: 5ecne1s o[ Zakhana, 3
AfyaI, 32
Ajayil, 33
DehIiz, 33
Iahhas, 33
Cana, 34
Hafayah, 35
HaIva, 35
Hava, 35
HiIn, 35
HiyaI, 35
Hudid, 36
Huzuz, 36
Iliraf, 3 7
}unIal, 37
Appe\ B: CIanac1ens SIcn1Ia, C.
Kadaraslo, 38
Mahalla, 39
MuIuk, 39
Qadil, 39
Qudra, 39
Rogoslo, 4O
Sikak, 4O
Tajar, 4O
TaIal, 41
Unara, 41
Ulaqa, 41
Chap1en S: NagIcaL I1ems,A
MagicaI Weapons, 42
Arnor and ShieIds, 44
Iolions, 45
ScroIIs, 47
Rings, 5O
Rods, Slaves, and Wands, 51
MisceIIaneous Magic, 53
AppemoI A: NagIcaL L1em TabLes, SG
I. MagicaI Ilens, 56
II. Weapons, 56
III. Arnor and ShieIds, 58
IV. Iolions and iIs, 58
V. ScroIIs, 59
VI. Rings, 6O
VII. Rods, Slaves, and Wands, 6O
VIII. MisceIIaneous MagicaI Ilens, 61
1: Cosl Modifiers for verIand Movenenl, 6
2: Iighlers IoIIovers, 7-1O
3: Rangers IoIIovers, 11
4: Thiefs IoIIovers, 13
5: Chance of Conviclion in Courl
Lihan, 38
repare for reveIalions, honored DUNCLN MASTLR. Wilhin
lhese pages Iie nany of lhe secrels of Zakhara, for your eyes onIy. You
viII find an expIanalion of lhe Lav of lhe Loregiver, descriplions of
lhe various characler cIass specifics (lhings unknovn lo lhe pIayers and lheir
ICs), infornalion aloul lhe feIIovships of lhe hoIy sIayers, and insighls inlo
olher pover groups.
Herein aIso Iie lhe nyslerious nagicaI ilens pecuIiar lo lhe Land of Iale:
lheir descriplions, purposes, and perlinenl infornalion. Al lhe end of lhis
look, you viII find lalIes for discovering lhese ilens ly a lvisl of Iale. You
viII aIso find a guide lo lhe allrevialions descriling characlers in lhis lexl.
Conlinue your journey, lhen, honored Dungeon Masler, inlo lhe lurning
reaIn of Zakhara, lhe Land of Iale. May Iorlune sniIe upon you, and nay
lhe hand of Iale le vilh you aIvays.
TnaoeL Acnoss Zakhana
he Iarge naps in lhis loxed sel Iack lhe slandard prinled hex grid lo
faciIilale novenenl. Inslead, a cIear pIaslic overIay aIIovs novenenl
on lhe naps.
There are lhree posler naps in lhe AL-QADIM |an cf |a|c sel. The
firsl depicls lhe enlire civiIized vorId fron lhe Iree Cilies lo lhe Crovded
Sea and fron lhe High Deserl lo lhe IsIe of lhe LIephanl. Beyond lhese
lorders are nadness, savagery, and dealh. The scaIe on lhis overviev nap is
9O niIes per inch, and on lhe overIay one snaII hex equaIs 18 niIes. The
renaining lvo naps concenlrale on lhe hearl of lhe Land of Iale. n
lhese naps, 1 inch equaIs 3O niIes, such lhal one snaII hex on lhe overIay
equaIs 6 niIes.
When noving overIand, characlers have novenenl poinls equaI lo lvice
lheir novenenl rale, and lheir aliIily lo nove each niIe is delernined ly
lhe cosl of lhe lerrain lhey are in. This cosl is defined in lhe Tine and
Movenenl (Terrain Lffecls on Movenenl) seclion of
lhe Dungeon Muslers Cuide (see Chapler 14). A
conpIele descriplion of lhe |an cf |a|c naps and
lheir lerrain is Iocaled in lhe Atcn|urcrs Guic |c
Za|nara. The novenenl nodifiers for lerrain fealures
are shovn leIov (see TalIe 1).
Cnst MndIfIcrs fnr Ovcr!and Mnvcmcnt
BrushIand, scrul
Caravan lraiI
CuIlivaled Land
Deserl, larchan dune
Deserl, open
Deserl, seif dune
Deserl, slar dune
Deserl, vhaIelack dune
Duslslorn, sandslorn
Ioresl, deep
Ioresl, oulIying
Harral (voIcanic delris)
}ungIe, deep
}ungIe, oulIying
Kavir (saIl/nud fIal)
- 1 *
3 or 2**
Mangrove svanp
Mounlains, high
Mounlains, Iov
Mounlains, nediun
VoIcanic delris (harral)
Rain, heavy
Rain, Iighl
Rain, lorrenliaI
Ravine, cross
River, cross
SaIl fIal
SaIl/nud fIal (kavir)
Scorching heal
SeasonaI grassIands
Slony fieIds
Wadi, paraIIeI
Wadi, crossing
as lraiI
* Caravan lraiIs reduce novenenl cosls ly -1 (lo a nininun of 1 poinl).
They neasure up lo lvo niIes across.
** Movenenl across a seif cosls 3 poinls. Movenenl aIong lhe dune (on lhe gassi) cosls 2.
*** TraiIs haIve novenenl cosls for lhose vho lraveI lhen. They are usuaIIy in non-deserl lerrain, and are IillIe
nore lhan lealen dirl palhs. Wadis serve as lraiIs in lhe deserl and nay le lrealed as such. TraiIs generaIIy
have no effecl in cuIlivaled areas.
hal does a high-IeveI Zakharan characler do aloul a
slronghoId` Hov does she allracl foIIovers~and vhal kind
are lhey` Whal are lhe olIigalions of a sheikh or an anir`
IoIIoving are specifics regarding each characler cIass in lhe Land of Iale,
and lhe gane ruIes for characlers vho reach lhe IeveI al vhich lhey legin lo
le nore lhan jusl a face in lhe crovd: lhe IeveI al vhich lhey are no Ionger
nereIy advenlurers, lul are recognized as piIIars of lheir connunily.
Chap1en 3
HIgh-LeoeL Chanac1ens
l 9lh IeveI, a fighler IC nay choose lo lake lhe nane sheikh
(oplionaIIy sheikha if fenaIe), neaning Lord. This is an honorific,
and is usuaIIy used onIy if no olher lilIe or rank is appropriale. Upon
reaching 9lh IeveI, lhe fighler nay aIso allracl nen-al-arns vho have heard
of lhe fighlers fane and success. These lake lhe forn of reguIar lroops,
lheir Ieader, and an eIile group, vhich nay acl as a personaI guard.
In lhe Land of Iale, a IC fighler does nol need lo nainlain a personaI
slronghoId or caslIe lo allracl lhese foIIovers. AII lhal is required is lhal lhe
individuaI have a reguIar hone, lrile, or posling easiIy found ly such
persons. A fighler vho nainlains a nanor house nay find lhe nen and
vonen vho vish lo foIIov hin presenling lhenseIves al lhe door. A fighler
vho is parl of a Iarger arned force nay discover a reguIar group of lroops vho
have svorn personaI IoyaIly. A deserl fighler nay find lhal parl of his lrile is
inpressed vilh his provess and vishes lo foIIov hin.
A fighler vho allracls such foIIovers lears lhe responsiliIily lo lreal lhen
fairIy and equilalIy. Ioor lrealnenl resuIls in resignalions or nuliny, vhiIe
leneficiaI and jusl lrealnenl resuIls in increased noraIe and IoyaIly.
Iighlers nay choose lo conlinue lo advenlure al randon once lhey have
gained foIIovers, laking lhen as a nercenary or heroic force. r, lhey nay
sellIe dovn lo ruIe a snaII area in lhe nane of lhe IocaI caIiph or ruIer.
ObtaInIng Fn!!nwcrs: RoII once on each of lhe
foIIoving lhree lalIes (2A, 2B, and 2C). The firsl
lalIe is for a Ieader of lhe lroops. The second is for lhe
lroops lhenseIves, and lhe lhird for lhe eIile unil.
Tnrcc tcrsicns cf |nc |nc |ao|cs arc prcscn|c, depending on
lhe nalure of your canpaign in lhe Land of Iale. The
firsl deaIs vilh lypicaI advenlurers vho operale oul
of a cily, lovn, or viIIage, incIuding ones allenpling lo
sellIe in nev, uncIained Iands. The second is for
deserl-lased advenlurers, vho nove vilh lhe vind and
vouId find a dozen heaviIy arnored foIIovers (on fool)
nore of a lolher lhan an aid. The lhird is for lhe
corsair kil, olher sea-roving advenlurers, and lhe
nerchanl-rogue. Decide vhich version is lesl for lhe
fighler invoIved, and roII accordingIy (using A, B, and
C of lhe appropriale seclion). As DM, you nay
sinpIy choose fron lhese lalIes as opposed lo roIIing
randonIy. Kils Iisled are oplionaI for NICs.
TABLE 2: FIghtcr's Fn!!nwcrs
FIghtcr's Fn!!nwcrs: CIty and VI!!agc
A. Lcadcr
Lcadcr, 5uggcstcd
MagIca! Itcms
5lh-IeveI fighler (askar), chain naiI, shieId, scini|ar +2.
6lh-IeveI fighler (faris), chain naiI +1, ShieId, |cng sucr
+1, |nifc +1.
6lh-IeveI fighler (askar), arncr cf |nc cscr| ctcning, spcar
+1, scini|ar +2, aided ly a 3rd-IeveI fighler (askar) vilh
cnain +1, |cng sucr +1.
7lh-IeveI fighler (faris), |anc||ar nai| +1, scini|ar +2, ring
cf sus|cnancc, vilh lvo nediun horses, lolh of charger
quaIily (one for seIf, one for nev Iord).
DMs oplion. This nay incIude characlers aIready in
exislence in your canpaign, or a nev characler. Such a
characler nay le of any cIass, lul shouId nol le higher
lhan 7lh IeveI or carry nore lhan lhree ilens of nagic.
B. Mcn-at-arms (A!! 0-Lcvc!)
12O infanlry dressed in chain, vilh nediun shieId. Lach
has a Iong svord, lhree javeIins, and a janliya or knife.
MoraIe 11.
9O infanlry dressed in IaneIIar arnor, vilh nediun shieId.
Lach has a scinilar and lhree lhroving daggers. MoraIe 12.
5O cavaIry nounled on Iighl horse, dressed in Iealher arnor
vilh scinilar, Iance, dagger, and shorl lov. MoraIe 12.
3O cavaIry nounled on nediun horse, dressed in chain vilh
shieId and carrying scinilar, Iance, and dagger. MoraIe 12.
DMs oplion. This nay incIude heavy archers (IaneIIar
arnor vilh Iong lovs), heavy cavaIry (IaneIIar larding on
horse, vilh uarler of force assigned lo lake care of lhe
nounls), or sinpIy doulIe nunlers of any of lhe alove groups.
C. Pcrsnna! Guard
Rn!! E!Itc UnIt
15 nanIuks, 2nd IeveI (choose fron any of lhe appIicalIe
groups or creale one of your ovn). The Ieader-lype is
nanIuk as veII, and svears feaIly lo lhe nev Iord. The
nanIuks are dressed in IaneIIar vilh shieId, and aII carry
Iong svords of quaIily (+1 lo hil). MoraIe 16.
2O nercenary larlarians, 2nd IeveI, connanded ly lhe
Ieader roIIed alove. The nercenary larlarians vear hide
arnor, carry shieIds, and each have a Iong svord, lhree
spears, and a dirk. MoraIe 15.
1O deserl lrilesnen, 3rd IeveI, on Iighl horses of high-
spiriled quaIily. Lach vears chain naiI, daraq, and carries
a scinilar and Iance. MoraIe 15.
3O infanlry, 1sl IeveI, in chain naiI vilh, lody shieId,
spear, and shorl svord. MoraIe 16.
DMs oplion. This nay incIude such a variely as
hippogriff riders, an ilineranl shair and his faniIiar,
dvarven nanIuks lrained in siege varfare, or an
individuaI fron lhe ranger lalIe (see TalIe 3).
FIghtcr's Fn!!nwcrs: Dcscrt C. Pcrsnna! Guard
A. Lcadcr
Rn!! Lcadcr, 5uggcstcd MagIca! Itcms
5lh-IeveI fighler (deserl rider), |ca|ncr arncr 2, daraq,
scini|ar +2, Iighl horse of high-spiriled quaIily.
6lh-IeveI fighler (deserl rider), |ca|ncr arncr +1, snic| +1,
|ancc +1, Iong svord, var caneI of nign-spiri|c quaIily.
6lh-IeveI fighler (deserl rider), arncr cf |nc cscr| ctcning,
spcar +1, scini|ar +2, nediun var horse of charger
quaIily. Brings a |cng sucr +1 for his nev nasler.
7lh-IeveI fighler (deserl rider), no visilIe arnor, oraccrs cf
cfcnsc, AC 3, scini|ar +2, ring of suslenance, vilh lvo var
caneIs, lolh of charger quaIily (one for seIf, one for nev Iord).
DMs oplion. This nay incIude an efreeli, djinni, or dao
vhich has laken a fancy lo lhe characler, or a shair, sand
nage, kahin, or saIuk. Under no circunslances shouId a
hunan foIIover le higher lhan 7lh IeveI, or carry nore
lhan lhree nagicaI ilens.
B. Mcn-at-arms (a!! 0-Lcvc!) A. Lcadcr
6O cavaIry each vilh daraq, Iance, and scinilar, lul no
arnor, nounled on Iighl horse. MoraIe 13.
12O foolnen vilh Iealher or padded arnor, each carrying
a Iong svord, spear, and janliya. MoraIe 13.
5O cavaIry nounled on Iighl horse of nign-spiri|c
quaIily, dressed in Iealher arnor vilh scinilar, Iance,
and dagger. MoraIe 14.
3O cavaIry nounled on var caneIs of high-spiriled
quaIily, dressed in Iealher vilh shieId and carrying
scinilar, Iance, shorl lov, and dagger. MoraIe 13.
DMs oplion. This nay incIude archers (padded arnor vilh
Iong lovs), heavy cavaIry (nediun horse or var caneI,
vilh quarler of force assigned lo lake care of lhe nounls),
or sinpIy raise lhe quaIily of lhe unils nounls ly one rank
(in case of lhe foolnen, lhey have lheir ovn caneIs of
nornaI quaIily, lul cannol fighl effecliveIy on lhen).
E!Itc UnIt
2O fanalicaI deserl riders, 2nd IeveI, nounled on Iighl
horse, vilh Iealher arnor, arned vilh lhree spears and a
scinilar. MoraIe 18.
2O nercenary larlarians, 2nd IeveI, connanded ly lhe
Ieader roIIed alove. The nercenary larlarians vear hide
arnor, carry shieIds, and each has a Iong svord, lhree
spears, and a dirk. MoraIe 16.
1O deserl lrilesnen, 3rd IeveI, on var caneIs, dressed in
Iealher vilh daraqs of quaIily craflsnanship (+1 lonus on
AC), carrying nonnagicaI scinilars of quaIily
craflsnanship (+1 on danage).
4O infanlry, aII 1sl-IeveI fighlers in chain arnor vilh
spear and shorl svord. They have no nounls. MoraIe 16.
DMs oplion. This nay incIude crealures and unils such
as five vandering jann, a rol, or a fearIess (noraIe 2O)
version of one of lhe alove enlries.
FIghtcr's Fn!!nwcrs: 5ca
Lcadcr/5uggcstcd MagIca! Itcms
5lh-IeveI fighler (corsair), Iealher arnor, cu||ass +2.
6lh-IeveI fighler (corsair), pac arncr +1, snic| +1,
scini|ar +1.
6lh-IeveI fighler (corsair), oraccrs cf cfcnsc (AC 6), spcar
+1, cu||ass +2, vho lrings a ring cf ua|cr ua||ing as a gifl.
7lh-IeveI fighler (corsair), cu||ass cf |nc gc|cn gu|f, arncr cf
lhe deserl evening. If appIicalIe, has a knovIedge of lhe
nearly isIands vhich rivaIs lhal of lhe finesl piIols.
DMs oplion. This nay incIude characlers aIready in
exislence in your canpaign, or a nev characler.
Suggeslions incIude a sea nage, nerchanl-rogue, or
corsair. Under no circunslance shouId lhe individuaI le
higher lhan 6lh IeveI or carry nore lhan lvo nagicaI
B. Mcn-at-arms (a!! 0-Lcvc!)
120 infantry dressed in padded armor, with cutlass and
knife. All have seamanship proficiency. Morale 11.
90 infantry dressed in leather armor, with cutlass and spear,
All have seamanship and swimming proficiency. Morale 13.
50 archers with short bow (20 flight arrows per quiver). No
armor, but all have swimming proficiency. Morale 10.
30 heavy infantry in lamellar armor, with long sword,
spear, and shield. Morale 13 on land, 10 on water.
DMs option. This may include heavy archers (lamellar armor
with long bows), cavalry (light war horse or war camel), or
simply double numbers of any of the above groups.
C. Pcrsnna! Guard
7 I-99
E!Itc UnIt
Barijah vilh a crev of 8 seasoned seanen (-IeveI
fighlers). The caplain is a Ieader-lype roIIed on TalIe A.
The crev has no arnor and onIy carries knives. MoraIe 12.
Sanluk vilh a crev of 15 seasoned seanen (-IeveI
fighlers). The caplain is a Ieader-lype roIIed on TalIe A.
The crev has no arnor and onIy carries knives. MoraIe 11.
Tvo larijahs vilh fuII crevs of skiIIed fighlers (16 Isl-IeveI
fighlers). The caplain is a Ieader roIIed on TalIe A. Iighlers
have no arnor, lul carry culIass and knives. MoraIe 13.
3O fanalicaI fighlers, aII 1sl-IeveI fighlers in Iealher arnor
vilh shieId, spear, and shorl svord. MoraIe 17.
DMs oplion. This nay incIude individuaIs such as a
narid or unil of sea eIves, olher lypes of unils presenled
eIsevhere, or lhe unils alove vilh lheir noraIe raised ly 2.
aIadins do nol gain foIIovers upon reaching
nane IeveI (1Olh IeveI), lul nay sliII lake lhe
solriquel of anir or Iord as a lilIe of respecl. As
vilh fighlers, anir is used onIy vhen no olher Ianded,
earned, or avarded lilIe is avaiIalIe. IaIadins nay hoId
Iand in lhe nane of lhe Crand CaIiph.
angers allain sheikh (sheikha) ranking al
1Olh IeveI, and al lhis line allracl 2d6 foIIovers,
vhich nay le nen, aninaIs, or even supernaluraI
crealures. Use TalIe 3, or lhe DM nay choose
parlicuIar crealures vhich are appropriale lo lhe
slandard canpaign.
erlain vizard kils (such as shairs) gain parlicuIar
advanlages al cerlain IeveIs. These are covered
under lhe ruIes for lhose parlicuIar kils. Al 1Olh IeveI
lhey nay use lhe solriquel raqi lul rareIy do so, as
nosl vizards prefer lheir ovn grandiose lilIes ly lhis
slage (Zilaru lhe WoIf, lhe Deslroyer, lhe Thunder
vhich Rings lhrough lhe Deserl has a leller sound lo
il lhan Zilaru aI-Raqi). Mages nay hoId Iand in lhe
nane of lhe Crand CaIiph.
Al 1Olh IeveI, an eslalIished, sedenlary vizard of
any kil nay choose lo lake on apprenlices. A vizard
allracls one lo lhree O-IeveI apprenlices, and one
lrained journeynan vizard of lhe sane kil and IeveIs 1
lo 4. A vizard nay never lake on nore lhan four
apprenlices al a line. The O-IeveI apprenlices perforn
lhe scul-vork, cIeaning, and Iearn enough nagic lo
nol lIov lhenseIves up, vhiIe lhe higher-IeveI
journeynan aids lhe eIder vizard in advenluring
and/or research.
Il lakes aloul a year for a O-IeveI NIC vilh lhe
proper aplilude lo lecone a firsl-IeveI vizard, and
during lhis line he renains vilh lhe nasler vizard
(unIess disnissed). Advancenenl afler lhal is suljecl lo
slandard experience increases. Ior every IeveI gained
(incIuding lhe firsl) lhere is a 2O percenl cunuIalive
chance lhal lhe journeynan Ieaves on his ovn. A 4lh-
IeveI apprenlice has an 8O percenl chance of Ieaving,
and al 5lh IeveI (1OO percenl) sels oul on his ovn.
Losl apprenlices nay le regained onIy vhen lhe
vizard has no O-IeveI apprenlices. Higher-IeveI
TABLE 3: Rangcr's Fn!!nwcrs
DIc Rn!! Fn!!nwcr
O1-O2 Bard (ravun), IeveIs 1-6
O3-O7 Bear, BIack
O8-1O Cal, Cheelah
11-13 Cal, }aguar
14-2O Cal, Lion
21-23 Cal, Tiger
24-25 CIeric (noraIisl), IeveIs 1-4
26-27 CIeric (elhoisl), IeveIs 1-4
28-3O CIeric (pragnalisl), IeveIs 1-4
31-32 CIeric (kahin), IeveIs 2-8
33-35 CIeric (nyslic), IeveIs 2-8
36-4O Dog, WiId
41-45 LagIe, WiId
46-47 LIephanl *
48-58 IaIcon (havk, snaII)
59-62 Iighler (nerc. larlarian), IeveIs 1-6
63-64 Iighler (corsair), IeveIs 1-6
65-68 Iighler (deserl rider), IeveIs 1-6
69-7O Iighler (faris), IeveIs 1-6
71-75 Iighler (askar), IeveIs 1-6
76 Hippogriff*
77-8O vI, Connon
81-82 vI, TaIking*
83-87 Ranger (any appropriale kil), IeveIs 1-4
88 Roc*
89-91 Thief (larler), IeveIs 2-8
92-95 Thief (saIuk), IeveIs 2-8
96-99 WoIf, Connon
OO lher viIderness crealure (chosen ly lhe DM)
* If lhis choice is nol appropriale for lhe silualion, or lhe ranger
aIready has a foIIover of lhis lype, ignore lhis resuIl and roII again.
apprenlices are onIy regained ly lraining Iover-IeveI
A vizard nay lake on apprenlices for a nunler of
reasons. ne is lo have nany IoyaI, eager hands lo
perforn lhe scul-vork in nagicaI research and generaI
house-cIeaning. Anolher is lo creale a lody of nages
of lhe sane schooI (and vilh good lies lo lheir oId
nasler). A lhird reason is nonelary, an upper-cIass
faniIy in a najor cily pays aloul 1O,OOO gp lo sel a
lrighl chiId on lhe road lo nagic, and a vizard lrying
lo sel hinseIf up in a foreign lovn can quickIy gain
favors anong lhe IocaI noliIily ly lraining second sons
and daughlers in responsilIe speII-casling.
Al 12lh IeveI, a vizard vilh a pernanenl lase in a
cily or lovn, or nenlership in a parlicuIar lrile, nay
le offered a posilion in lhe courl of lhe IocaI Ieader.
The vizard nay decIine such an offer (usuaIIy vilhoul
iII effecl), lul if he or she accepls, lhe vizard gains
personaI, privale quarlers in lhe paIace (if avaiIalIe),
neaIs and cIolhing, and sufficienl naleriaI lo conducl
nagicaI research upon requesl. The vizard in lurn is
counled on lo advise lhe IocaI ruIer in nallers of
poIicy, and shouId pIan lo le inlerrupled al Ieasl lhree
lines a veek. In Iarger cilies lhis posilion is usuaIIy
one of advising lhe advisers, and nay nean deaIing
vilh rivaI vizards. In snaII lovns or lriles, lhe vizard
nay le lhe soIe individuaI lhe IocaI ruIer can lurn lo
for nagicaI advice, or nagicaI proleclion if lhe lovn is
l higher IeveIs, priesls nay allracl addilionaI
foIIovers, receive a posling vilhin lhe church, or
eslalIish lheir ovn reIigious slronghoId. AII priesl kils
nay receive granls fron lhe Crand CaIiph and hoId
Iand in his nane.
Al 8lh IeveI, lhe priesl nay use lhe solriquel
inan, and allracls 2O lo 2OO O-IeveI fighlers as
foIIovers. The exacl nalure of lhese foIIovers depends
on lhe exacl silualion, lul Iel lhe foIIoving le a
guideIine: fighlers in Iealher arnor vilh Iong svord
and spear, vilhoul nounls or olher speciaIized
equipnenl. They have a noraIe raling of 18, and are
uIlinaleIy IoyaI lo lhe priesl. As for fighler foIIovers,
lhese fanalics renain onIy if lhey are lrealed veII,
olhervise lhey faII fron lhe palh lo enIighlennenl
and seek oul olher, fairer hoIy nen.
AII cIericaI kils, incIuding hakinas, nyslics, and
kahins, receive lhese foIIovers, provided lhe IC has
sone pernanenl lase of operalions. This does nol
have lo le a cIericaI redoull, and nay le nolhing
nore lhan lhe priesls hone, a haran lhe priesl
venerales, or a Iarger nosque or universily lo vhich
lhe priesl leIongs.
Hierarchy priesls (CIerics of rder) aIso allracl
foIIovers, lul if lhey are parl of a Iarger organizalion,
lhese foIIovers join lhal failhs organizalion vhiIe sliII
nainlaining a personaI IoyaIly lo lhe parlicuIar priesl
vho shoved lhen lhe vay. Ior exanpIe, a pragnalic
priesl of Kor vho renains in a nosque under a higher-
IeveI NIC priesl allains 8lh IeveI and allracls his
fighler foIIovers. These foIIovers join lhe forces of lhe
nosque ilseIf, lhough lhey renain IoyaI lo lhe
pragnalic priesl, such lhal if he needs len nen slrong
and IoyaI lo heIp seek oul a raiding ghuI, he nay gel
lhen easiIy.
Anong lhe hierarchy priesls, lhe pragnalisls and
noraIisls are expecled lo vander, carrying lhe vord of
Iailh lo olher Iands. LlhicaI priesls in lhe Land of
Iale, hovever, have lhe veighl of lhe hierarchy
pressing dovn on lhen, and are expecled lo sellIe
dovn, allracl foIIovers, and increase lhe preslige of
lhe church. This pressure legins vilh
reconnendalions fron superiors al 8lh IeveI, slrong
encouragenenls al 9lh, and al 1Olh IeveI, direcl orders
fron superiors lo go lo a parlicuIar church and sellIe
dovn. A IC elhicaI priesl is considered pragnalic if he
faiIs lo heed such orders. MoraIisl and pragnalic
priesls nay receive lhis forn of pressure as veII in
cerlain silualions, lul such orders are direcled
prinariIy al elhicaI priesls.
An order of posling nay le lo a Iarge, eslalIished
nosque, nonaslery, or universily under lhe conlroI of a
higher-IeveI NIC priesl. In such cases lhe priesl nay
gain Ieaves of alsence fron his superior if his vork is
olhervise of sufficienl quaIily. A posling nay aIso le lo
eslalIish a nosque or nonaslery in a nev Iocalion, or
lo fiII a Ieadership posilion in a snaIIer ruraI nosque.
Such firsl-line posilions of personaI Ieadership are
usuaIIy in ruraI areas and snaII lovns, and onIy if lhe
priesl perforns veII viII he or she le considered for
assignnenl lo one of lhe Iarger nosques.
A hierarchy priesl nay seek lo creale his ovn
posilion ly luiIding a nosque or nonaslery in a nev
Iocalion, expanding lhe reach of lhe failh. If done al
9lh IeveI or higher, lhe priesl gains lhe officiaI
sanclion of his or her failh, and lhe luiIding is
sulsidized, such lhal aII conslruclion is al haIf-price.
Iree priesls (hakinas, kahins, and nyslics) nay aIso
luiId such pIaces of vorship in lhe forn of universilies,
nonasleries, and convenls. Again, if 9lh IeveI or
higher, conslruclion cosls are al haIf-price. In lhis case
lhe supporl is coning fron lhe IocaI peopIe and
individuaI veaIlhy donors fron vhon lhe free priesl
has garnered favor. This assunes lhal lhe priesls
nessage is veII-received ly lhe IocaI popuIace and lhe
priesl has sone kind of popuIar supporl.
TABLE 4: ThIcf's Fn!!nwcrs
Dvarf lhief, IeveIs 1-6
Dvarf lhief/fighler, IeveIs 1-4 each
LIf lhief, IeveIs 1-6
LIf lhief/fighler/nage, IeveIs 1-3 each

nce a lhief reaches 1Olh IeveI, his repulalion is

such lhal he can allracl foIIovers: Iike-ninded
individuaIs vho have heard of lhe lhief s Iegendary
provess and hope lo Iearn al lhe feel of a nasler (and
lo Iine lheir ovn pockels in lhe process). The lhief
does nol need a pernanenl lase of operalions, lhough
lhis sonelines resuIls fron a sudden infIux of
foIIovers. Thieves fron lhe leggar-lhief and larler
kils gain 2d6 foIIovers, vhiIe olhers gain 4d6
foIIovers. The foIIovers are generaIIy of lhe sane kil as
lheir nasler lhough lhe DM nay decide al his oplion
(or vilh a 1O percenl chance) lhal a viIdIy varianl kil
nay choose lo foIIov lhe lhief (e.g., a hoIy sIayer
vishing lo Iearn aII aloul lhe crafl of a nerchanl-
rogue). As race does have an effecl on lhieving
aliIilies, raciaI lypes are Iisled in TalIe 4.
pon reaching 8lh IeveI, a lard nay le asked lo
join lhe IocaI ruIers courl as an adviser and
enlerlainer. Bards vho choose lo accepl lhis invilalion
are provided vilh roon and loard, and keep lheir
posilions as Iong as lhe nasler is pIeased ly lhen. This
is generaIIy delernined vilh a roIe-pIaying silualion as
opposed lo a dice-lhrov, lul in generaI, lhe nore
inpressive lhe courl, lhe shorler lhe careers, figure
aloul one lo lhree nonlhs lefore disnissaI in lhe
courls of najor cilies, vilh Ionger, even pernanenl
lenures avaiIalIe in snaIIer lovns and anong lriles.
As a nenler of lhe courl, lhe lard is privy lo
infornalion nol nornaIIy avaiIalIe (courl gossip,
personaI conversalions lelveen Iords and Iadies), and
is caIIed upon lo reconnend individuaIs capalIe of
carrying oul lhe viII of lhe IocaI caIiph (lhis provides a
group of advenlurers vilh a nev source of polenliaI
Upon reaching 9lh IeveI, a lard allracls foIIovers,
provided lhe lard has a pernanenl slronghoId or lase
LIf lhief/nage, IeveIs 1-4
ColIin lhief*
Cnone lhief, IeveIs 1-6
Cnone lhief/fighler, IeveIs 14 each
HaIf-eIf lhief, IeveIs 1-6
HaIf-eIf lhief/fighler, IeveIs 1-4 each
HaIf-eIf lhief/fighler/nage, IeveIs 1-3 each
HaIfIing lhief, IeveIs 1-6
HaIfIing lhief/fighler, IeveIs 1-4 each
HolgolIin lhief*
Hunan lhief, IeveIs 1-8
KoloId lhief*
gre lhief*
DMs oplion, nay incIude nonlhief foIIovers such as
priesls, nages, and fighlers, as veII as aninaIs or
Races narked vilh an aslerisk (*) are nol nornaIIy pIayer characler
races. As lhieves, lhese races do nol advance alove slarling IeveIs in
lhief aliIilies. If lhe DM has deveIoped lhese races as pIayer
characlers, lhen each vouId le iniliaIIy IeveIs 1-6.
of operalions (incIuding lhe courl of a ruIer). The lard
gains 1Od6 fighlers of O IeveI, equipped vilh chain
naiI, scinilars, and spears. These individuaIs are lhe
lards personaI guard, and foIIov hin shouId he nove
on lo greener paslures.
The DM nay choose lo vilhhoId one of lhe die
roIIs lo provide lhe lard vilh a speciaI foIIover. This
foIIover couId le a Iesser lard (of IeveIs 1 lo 6), a
nagicaI crealure such as a laIking ovI, or a pel such as
a Iion.
The Lau
ne of lhe greal unifying principIes of civiIized peopIe is lhe Lav of
lhe Loregiver, a connon louchslone of lradilion and ralionaI
lehavior ly vhich aII Zakharans are judged. The Lav of lhe
Loregiver, nore lhan any olher force or Ianguage or governnenl, hoIds lhe
enIighlened vorId logelher.
The Loregiver is a nylhoIogicaI figure, lhe handnaiden lo Iale,
supposedIy a vise vonan vho codified lhe Lav lack in lhe eIdesl of days.
Mankind vas nol ready lo accepl Iales visdon al lhal line, lhe slory goes,
and so she hid lhe scroIIs conlaining lhe Lav unliI lhe line vhen lhey vere
Cenluries Ialer, lhe peopIe of Zakhara vere in desperale slrails. InlerlrilaI
vars, inlercily confIicls, and inlerreIigious squallIes~aII of vhich couId
have leen aIIevialed had lhe Lav leen knovn lo aII~had lroughl aII of
civiIizalion lo lhe edge of disasler. IIagues svepl lhe Iand and priesls vere
unviIIing lo perforn cures. Ianine slaIked lhe fieIds and no one vished lo
risk going inlo lhen. Monslers vere al Iarge and none vouId defeal lhen.
Mankind vas in need of enIighlennenl, or vouId foIIov lhe civiIizalions of
lhe Ruined Kingdons and lhe Haunled Lands inlo exlinclion.
Iale guided a young nan lo discover lhe caverns vhere lhe Loregiver had
Iaid lhe scroIIs lo resl. The young nan recognized lhal lhe Lav inscriled on
lhe scroIIs vas a unifier for his peopIe, and, so inspired, venl oul anong
lhen lo reveaI ils vonders.
The young nan vas lhe Iirsl CaIiph, vhose lIood nov fIovs in lhe
currenl Crand CaIiph of Huzuz. Under his Ieadership, AI-Badia and AI-
Hadhar legan lo puII logelher inlo a connon peopIe, selling aside Iong-
slanding differences. The reIigious hierarchies of lhe gods raIIied around lhe
Iav, crealing a universaI sel of leIiefs in vhich loIerance vas slressed. pen
nosques, vhere aII couId vorship freeIy, lecane a haIInark of lhe civiIized
vorId. LnlallIed and inpoverished nerchanls aIso supporled lhe Lav, for il
eslalIished connon prices and nelhods of deaIing.
Soon lhe Lav of lhe Loregiver vas lhe one lrue Iav
lhroughoul lhe civiIized vorId, and lhe lurning vorId
of Zakhara lecane lhe Land of Iale.
The originaI scroIIs vere lranscriled onlo lhick
pIanks of Iacquered vood lhal are nov kepl in lhe
House of lhe Loregiver, in lhe cenler of lhe CoIden
Mosque of Huzuz, lhe Iargesl pIace of vorship in lhe
civiIized vorId. As a synloI of aulhorily, lhe Crand
CaIiph nay presenl lo IocaI ruIers a copy of lhese
vooden lIocks for inslaIIalion in lheir ovn nosques.
As for lhe originaI scroIIs, il is vrillen lhal lhe Iirsl
CaIiph, as an oId nan having seen lhe Lav spread
fron lhe Iree Cilies lo lhe CoIden CuIf, venl inlo lhe
deserl and relurned lhen lo lhe cavern fron vhich
lhey cane.
Ior lhe earIy enIighlened nen and vonen, lhe Lav
provided a codified version of oraI and IegaI lradilions.
In addilion, Iegends say lhal in lhe firsl cenlury of
LnIighlennenl, lhose Ieaders vho svore lheir
aIIegiance lo lhe Lav of lhe Loregiver and lhe Iirsl
CaIiph vere lIessed vilh lounlifuI harvesls, rich
lreasures, a profusion of slrong sons and daughlers, and
a unified peopIe. Such lenefils do nol appIy lo lheir
descendanls, lul aII agree lhal lhe Lav of lhe
Loregiver has prevenled lhe Land of Iale fron
leconing a coIIeclion of savage, idoIalrous slales.
The Lau amo 1he PCs
he Lav is divided inlo lhree parls. The firsl parl
sels dovn lhe reIalionship lelveen Zakharans
and lheir gods, lhe nalure of vorship and veneralion,
lhe idea of loIerance and unily. The effecls of lhis
porlion of lhe Iav are seen in lhe reIigious hierarchies
and lhe open nosques.
The second seclion deaIs vilh lhe reIalionship of
lhe ruIer and lhe ruIed, and eslalIishes lhe suprenacy
of lhe Iirsl CaIiph over olher Ieaders. This seclion is
again a codificalion of exisling oraI Iavs anong lhe
deserl lriles, vhich nay le sunnarized ly lhe idea
lhal a Ieader ruIes ly lhe pernission of lhe Ied, and a
fooIish Ieader nay le repIaced ly one vho is nore
Il is lhe lhird parl of lhe Iav vhich concerns lhe
pIayer characlers in lhe Land of Iale, for il deaIs vilh
civiI Iav: lhal is, lhe reIalionships anong cilizens of a
civiIized sociely. Again, il is a codificalion of pre-
exisling lrilaI Iavs and IocaI lradilions inlo a unified
vhoIe. The Lav is enforced noslIy vilhin lhe
loundaries of cilies and vilhin enIighlened lrilaI
groups. Ils purpose is lo aIIov IocaI aulhorilies
sufficienl Ieevay lo deaI vilh specific-silualions, vhiIe
al lhe sane line selling forlh definilions of righl and
The Na1une o[ 1he Lau
The Lav of lhe Loregiver divides aII aclions inlo five
najor groups: Thal vhich is Required, Thal vhich is
Lncouraged, Thal vhich is ToIeraled, Thal vhich is
Discouraged, and Thal vhich is Iorlidden.
Iorlidden aclions are lhose vhich are heinous in
lhe eyes of civiIized Zakharans and lheir enIighlened
gods. Such aclions are fouI and savage, and usuaIIy
lhose vho engage in lhese aclivilies are pul lo dealh.
|croicn ac|s inc|uc.
- WiIIfuI ealing of senlienl fIesh
- Murder of lhe innocenl
- Spreading (or allenpling lo spread) lhe leIief lhal
no gods exisl
- Disoleying lhe vord of lhe Crand CaIiph
- Threalening lhe Crand CaIiph, his courl, or lhe
nagnificenl Iands enlrusled lo his ruIe
- MaIicious lhefl: This is defined as sleaIing a nans
IiveIihood or chealing hin of lhe luIk of his
- LnsIavenenl of lhe LnIighlened: Nole lhal lhe
slale nay ensIave as punishnenl. This appIies lo
individuaI sIavers vho caplure lhe innocenl.
Discouraged aclions are lhose vhich are unpIeasing
in lhe eyes of civiIized Zakharans and lheir
enIighlened gods. WhiIe lhey are vrong, lhey do nol
carry lhe heavy onus of lhe forlidden acls, and lhe
crininaI nay le expecled lo nake reslilulion lo lhe
offended parly.
Disccuragc ac|s inc|uc.
- Connon Thefl
- AssauIl
- Murder vilh jusl cause: A juslifialIe honicide
cIause for cases of seIf-defense and var.
- Brilery
- ReckIess Lndangernenl
- IulIic Drunkenness
- Deslruclion of Iroperly (incIuding sIaves)
- Iraud (incIuding learing faIse vilness) and sIander
- Aclions againsl lhe agenls of lhe Crand CaIiph
and/or his sulordinale enIighlened ruIers
- Irevenling olhers fron engaging in loIeraled
- Breaking curfev
ToIeraled aclions are lhose vhich are nereIy
pernilled as a daiIy parl of Iife. These are lasic righls
of enIighlened cilizens. No punishnenl is neled oul
for lhen, nor is any revard granled.
Tc|cra|c ac|s inc|uc.
- Trade (incIuding naking Ioans)
- Worship of ones god in lhe open nosque
- IulIic ceIelralion (incIuding snoking and
drinking, lhough nol lo excess)
- Iree speech and discourse, provided lhal il does
nol defane or sIander olhers
Lncouraged aclions are lhose vhich are nosl
pIeasing lo enIighlened nen and lheir gods. These are
lhe narks of lrue civiIizalion, and lhe individuaI
perforning lhen is vaIued as a piIIar of his connunily.
|nccuragc ac|s inc|uc.
- Worship of enIighlened gods
- LnIighlennenl of lhe unenIighlened
- ToIerance of olhers
- Charily and hospilaIily
- Iaying laxes
If loIeraled aclions represenl lasic freedons, lhen
encouraged aclions represenl virlues and allrilules
desired ly civiIized Zakharans. ne vho shovs lhese
allrilules nay expecl nore nercy fron lhe courl lhan
one vho does nol.
Required aclions are lhose vhich are fundanenlaIIy
necessary for lhe nainlenance of civiIizalion, and
fIying in lhe face of lhese aclions nay le delernined
lo le lreason, heresy, and/or sIander againsl lhe slale.
Rcquirc ac|s inc|uc.
- BeIief in a grealer force, le il a connon or
enIighlened god
- ledience lo lhe procIanalions of lhe Crand
- IiIgrinage once in ones Iife lo Huzuz and lhe
Courl of LnIighlennenl. This piIgrinage is one of
lhe greal unifiers of lhe peopIe of lhe Land of
Iale, for il encourages lraveI and exposure lo
olher peopIes.
Crand CaIiph or his agenls, a represenlalive is
eslalIished. Bolh sides are pernilled lo nake lheir
case, succinclIy. Wilnesses are lroughl forvard fron
eilher side, eilher lo eslalIish lhe good nane of one of
lhe conpIainanls or lo provide infornalion aloul lhe
crine. The qadi Iislens and nakes a ruIing for one side
or lhe olher. The qadi nay deIay ruIing for up lo one
day if lhere are exceplionaI circunslances, lul
olhervise lhe ruIing is innediale.
)us1Ice amo 1he Lau
The Lav is nol }uslice, nor is }uslice lhe Lav.
he alove Iislings sel oul lhe lasic franevork of
lhe Lav, lhal vhich is pernilled and lhal vhich
is nol. These are ideaIs, and in a nosl perfecl vorId,
vouId le foIIoved ly aII enIighlened nen vilhoul
queslion, and lhe vorId vouId le safe, secure, and
organized. UnforlunaleIy (or forlunaleIy, for lhose
seeking advenlure), lhal is nol lhe case. Hov lhe Lav
is pul inlo praclice is lhe reaIn of }uslice.
}uslice is lhe province of lhe IocaI nagislrale, or
qadi, in lhe cilies, and is usuaIIy handIed ly lhe sheikh
or vizier anong lhe AI-Badia. In order lo press charges
againsl a vrong-doer, charges nusl le lroughl lefore
lhe qadi, aIong vilh lhe accused. A crine lhal is nol
vilnessed nor reporled is nol a crine in lhe Lav of lhe
Loregiver. WhiIe a conpIainl againsl an individuaI
nay le nade, and lhal individuaI caIIed lefore lhe
nagislrale, if lhe individuaI cannol le found, lhen
nolhing can le done (for serious crines, lhe individuaI
leing soughl nay have lo range far lo avoid lhe hand
of lhe Lav).
In cases of a dispule, lolh parlies are lroughl lefore
lhe nagislrale. In cases vhere lhe crine is againsl lhe
Iunishnenl: The lypes of punishnenl depend on lhe
nalure of lhe crine. Ior Iorlidden Aclions, connon
punishnenls incIude dealh (ly leheading), pernanenl
ensIavenenl, or disfigurenenl (ly lranding on lhe
forehead or renovaI of lody parls). Ior Discouraged
Aclions, punishnenl is nore Ienienl: paynenl of
danages (a diyya, or veregiId, in lhe case of dealh),
lenporary ensIavenenl or inprisonnenl, or exiIe fron
lhe connunily. The nalure of lhe punishnenl is up lo
lhe discrelion of lhe qadi or sheikh.
1 7
Appca!s: A sheikhs decision in lhe naller nay nol
le appeaIed. A qadis decision nay onIy le appeaIed lo
lhe IocaI ruIer, or lhe Crand CaIiph hinseIf. The
accuseds friends nusl presenl a conpeIIing argunenl
for such an overlurning, since nosl ruIers have no
loIerance for spurious suils.
GcnIcs and JustIcc: Cenies have lheir ovn courls,
Iavs, and nagislrales, vhich in nany vays are nore
slringenl lhan lhe norlaI courls. A genie nay nol le
caIIed in a norlaI courl as a vilness lo a crine. A
genie connilling a crine againsl hunans nusl le
judged ly genies. A hunan connilling a crine againsl
a genie is aIso judged ly genies.
MagIc and JustIcc: MagicaI evidence nay onIy le
adnilled lefore lhe nagislrale if lhe nagislrale can
confirn ils vaIidily, eilher ly his ovn nagicaI aliIilies
or ly lhe presence of olher lrusled individuaIs vilh
nagicaI pover.
5!avcs and JustIcc: A nasler is responsilIe for
his sIaves and his sIaves aclions. Any dell
incurred ly lhe sIave for diyya or paynenls nusl le
covered ly lhe nasler (vho nay use lhe sIave as
paynenl). A sIave nay le deslroyed for Iorlidden
aclions, and lhe nasler forced lo pay reslilulion.
Ior lhis reason, naslers nusl keep a carefuI eye on
lheir sIaves.
Rn!c-p!ayIng JustIcc In thc Land nf Fatc: RoIe-
pIaying lhe silualion lefore a qadi or sheikh is very
difficuIl, as lhere are aIvays silualions vhere judgnenl
nusl le used. Iurlher, lhe appearance of lrulh is oflen
nore leIIing lhan lhe lrulh ilseIf. Ior exanpIe, if a
fighler is charned and sIays anolher vhiIe under lhe
effecls of lhe speII, lhe fighler nusl prove lhal (a) he
vas charned, and (l) lhe effecls of lhis charning
caused lhe dealh. Lven if he can prove such a lhing,
he nay sliII have lo pay a diyya lo lhe survivors of lhe
viclins faniIy.
In lhe heal of a gane, il nay le difficuIl for a DM
(vho knovs aII lhe facls) lo represenl hinseIf as a qadi
(vho knovs onIy lhal vhich he is loId). In such cases,
TalIe 5 nay le heIpfuI lo lhe DM.
Basc Chancc nf CnnvIctInn
CuiIly of connilling a forlidden acl: 9O percenl
CuiIly of connilling a discouraged acl: 7O percenl
Innocenl of connilling a discouraged acl: 3O percenl
Innocenl of connilling a forlidden acl: 2O percenl
Lach vilness lo lhe crine indicaling guiIl: +1O percenl
Lach vilness lo lhe crine indicaling innocence: -1O
Lach vilness slepping forvard lo indicale lhe
enIighlened nalure of lhe accused, if nalive of lrile or
cily: -5 percenl
Lach vilness leslifying lo lhe good nane of lhe
conpIainanl, if nalive lo lrile or cily: +5 percenl
Lach vilness slepping forvard lo indicale lhe
enIighlened nalure of lhe accused, if nol a nalive of
lhe lrile or cily of lhe judge: -2 percenl
Lach vilness leslifying lo lhe good nane of lhe
conpIainanl, if nol nalive lo lhe cily: +1 percenl
The qadi knovs lhe accused is enIighlened and
lruslvorlhy: -1O percenl
The qadi knovs lhe accused as a lroulIe-naker, or one
vho has appeared in his courl lefore: +1O percenl
Soneone in high slalion speaks oul in lehaIf of lhe
accused: - (ninus) lhe individuaIs slalion
Soneone of high slalion speaks oul againsl lhe
accused: - (ninus) lhe individuaIs slalion.
Lvidence (nagicaI or olhervise) is inlroduced vhich
proves lhe conpIainanls case: +1O percenl
Lvidence (nagicaI or olhervise) is inlroduced vhich
proves lhe accuseds case: -1O percenl
TalIe 5 provides rough guideIines onIy, and
shouId le lenpered ly lhe silualion and lhe DMs
inlenlions. If a sudden courl case viII sIov dovn an
advenlure, lhe DM shouId nole off-hand lhal lhe
judge parlicuIarIy disIikes slrangers, and add lhal
gelling oul of lovn nay le lhe easiesl course of
aclion. The lalIe is skeved heaviIy lo lhe nalives
ReckIess endangernenl: Iine (1OO gp), exiIe for
repeal offenders.
IulIic drunkenness: Iine (5O gp), exiIe for repeal
Deslruclion of properly: Iine (VaIue of properly
lines lvo) and/or repIacenenl of ilens and/or
ensIavenenl or exiIe.
Iraud and sIander: LnsIavenenl.
Irevenling olhers fron engaging in loIeraled
aclions: Iine (1OO gp), ensIavenenl
Breaking curfev: Iine (1OO gp).
LxiIe: IndividuaI is lanished fron lhe cily or lrile,
and allenpls lo reenler lhe-cily or rejoin lhe lrile are
nel vilh dealh.
LnsIavenenl: Inprisonnenl for Iighl crines,
pernanenl ensIavenenl and Ioss of righls for serious
crines. An individuaI nay le ensIaved lo lhe
conpIainanl, or lo a professionaI sIaver,
Diyya: Reslilulion for lhe dead. Iaynenl nay
incIude cosl of resurreclion, if avaiIalIe.
Iine: Iaynenl of goId pieces.
Disfigurenenl: Renoving of hand or lranding.
Disfigurenenl is a pulIic speclacIe, so lhere is usuaIIy a
one-veek grace period lefore senlence is carried oul.
Renoving lrands or resloring Iosl Iinls of a crininaI
nay ilseIf le punished ly disfigurenenl.
Dealh: As vilh disfigurenenl, dealh is a pulIic
speclacIe, and lhere is a one-veek grace period lefore
senlence is carried oul. The accused is inprisoned
unliI lhal line.
In addilion lo lhe Lav of lhe Loregiver, lhere are
olher courls and olher ruIings. The genies have leen
nenlioned alove, lul olher seIf-governing groups
incIude lhe nanIuks (vho IegisIale lhe aclions of lheir
nenlers ly niIilary lrilunaIs) and lhe hoIy sIayers
(vho decIare lhe aclions of lheir foIIovers jusl or
unjusl). MereIy lealing lhe rap in lhe civiI courl
does nol prolecl an individuaI fron relrilulion fron
olher sources.
The ruIe of Lav exlends onIy anong lhe civiIized,
and once leyond lhe lorders of lhe cilies and lhe
enIighlened deserl lriles, a nan nay have lo kiII lo
lriunph over lhe unenIighlened. This is nol
considered a vioIalion of lhe Iav, as Iong as no one
lrings il lefore lhe qadi. IC advenlurers are advised lo
le on lheir lesl lehavior vhen vilhin cilies, or le
prepared lo Ieave lovn very quickIy.
of lhe connunily, since nosl qadis and sheikhs
have leen eslalIished ly lheir peopIe, and have a
IoyaIly lo lhis lase. IinaIIy, il is possilIe lo fix a
resuIl, vhelher ly poIilicaI infIuence or lriles
(lrilery is a discouraged acl in ilseIf).
Rn!c-p!ayIng PunIshmcnt: Iunishnenl is no fun,
parlicuIarIy if il resuIls in a ICs dealh. This shouId
onIy happen if lhe IC goes far leyond lhe lounds
of civiIized lehavior (a personaI allack againsl lhe
Crand CaIiph or olher person in aulhorily), nol
under nosl circunslances. Hovever, lhe
punishnenl can provide a springloard lo furlher
advenlures (such as lhe innocenl rogue seeking lo
cIear his or her good nane and lring lhe lruIy
guiIly lo juslice).
Here are sone guideIines as lo lhe nalure of
punishnenl in lhe Land of Iale. In lradilionaI and
noraIisl areas, lhe punishnenl lends lo le lougher,
or Ionger, and lhe price higher lhan in nore reIaxed
WiIIingIy ealing lhe fIesh of senlienls: Dealh.
Murder of lhe innocenl: Dealh, diyya (of approx.
1,OOO gp lines nunler of survivors in faniIy),
and/or ensIavenenl.
Treason (disoledience): LnsIavenenl.
Treason (lhreals): Dealh.
UnleIief: LnsIavenenl.
MaIicious lhefl: LxiIe or disfigurenenl.
LnsIaving lhe enIighlened: LnsIavenenl and
diyya of 1OO lines IeveI of lhe ensIaved.
Connon lhefl: LxiIe or ensIavenenl.
AssauIl: LxiIe or ensIavenenl.
}uslifialIe honicide: LxiIe and/or diyya (of 5OO
gp lines nunler of survivors in faniIy).
Chap1en 3
Pouen Gnoups
venluaIIy in lheir lraveIs, pIayer characlers viII knovingIy or
unknovingIy neel nenlers of Zakharan pover groups. The
infornalion here is for lhe eyes of lhe Dungeon Masler. ReveaI il as
necessary, in lhe conlexl of lhe ICs advenlures, feeI free lo aIler il lo suil
lhe canpaigns needs.
anIuk socielies are found lhroughoul lhe Land of Iale, leing nosl
poverfuI in lhe norlh around Qudra and lhe Iree Cilies, lul
having Iarge forces lhroughoul HiyaI and Huzuz, lhe Ianlheon, lhe Ruined
Kingdons, and AfyaI. They are veakesl in lhe area of lhe IearI Cilies,
vhich, vhiIe nol aloIilionisl in lhe nanner of lhe Corsair Donains, do
nol lrusl lhe sIave-soIdiers in lheir posilion of aulhorily.
The Iargesl and nosl poverfuI nanIuk socielies are aIIied vilh lhe
arned forces of a parlicuIar cily slale, lul each cily aIso has snaIIer
nanIuk forces. These are enlrusled lo Iesser lasks, such as guarding
nosques or granaries, or acling as lodyguards for poverfuI individuaIs.
ManIuks are organized inlo 1O-nan pIaloons, vilh a sergeanl
(approxinaleIy 4lh IeveI) in connand. Three pIaloons nake a conpany,
five conpanies a ving, and lvo vings a fuII slrenglh arny unil of 3OO nen.
In addilion, Iarge nanIuk organizalions nay have cIericaI supporl
(ValaqalaI priesls in lhe norlh, IocaI deilies in lhe soulh), and nagicaI
assislance. These are considered advisory posilions ansvering lo lhe unil
Lach nanIuk organizalion is connilled lo an ideaI or silualion. In
Qudra, for exanpIe, a Ieading nanIuk sociely is lhe DulifuI: Wajil. AII
sIaves of lhis organizalion lake lhe solriquel Ald aI-Wajil, neaning
SIave of lhe DulifuI, lo shov lheir aIIegiance.
AII nanIuks are in lheory uIlinaleIy ovned ly lhe
Crand CaIiph, and svear lheir aIIegiance lo hin as lhe
descendenl of lhe Iirsl CaIiph vho received lhe Lav of
lhe Loregiver. Therefore, for lhen lo lake aclions
againsl lhe Crand CaIiph vouId le lreason and heresy.
Unils have releIIed againsl lheir naslers ralher lhan
slrike againsl Huzuz. A nanIuk connander nusl
receive approvaI fron lhe LnIighlened Courl lefore
enlering inlo a nev conlracl vilh a IocaI ruIer, lul lhis
is aInosl aIvays granled, since lhe presence of nanIuks
exerls nore Iong-range courl conlroI on lhe IocaI
Lach nanIuk organizalion has ils ovn faciaI lalloos
and/or faciaI scars vhich il uses lo idenlify ils nenlers.
Higher ranks require nore eIalorale lalloos. Il is
considered a crine againsl nanIuks for anyone nol of
lhe group lo inilale lhese narkings, and lhe juslice of
lhe nanIuks is usuaIIy svifler and nore deadIy lhan
lhal of lhe qadis.
The najor nanIuk organizalions of lhe Land of Iale
are as foIIovs.
Thc Daunt!css: A Qudran organizalion vilh unils in
Huzuz supporling lhe Crand CaIiph. The DaunlIess
speciaIizes in expIoralion and recovery of poverfuI
nagics. Ils uIlinale connander is CeneraI KeniI Ald
aI-}asir (hnI/nk/12), a ninor nenler of lhe niIilary
Thc Dcfcndcrs: Menlers of lhis unil are rareIy
found leyond lhe vaIIs of Qudra, for ils organizalion is
enpovered vilh lhe defense and nanagenenl of lhe
cily ilseIf. Ils connander is Akir Ald aI-Hinaya
Thc Dcvntcd: Based in Iliraf vilh unils lhroughoul
lhe Ianlheon (and parlicuIarIy in Iahhas), lhe Devoled
are lhe rivaIs of lhe LxaIled as lhe finesl (and Iargesl)
nanIuk organizalion in lhe League of lhe Ianlheon.
This rivaIry oflen Ieads lo confIicl lelveen unils of lhe
lvo. Ils uIlinale connander is Mosl Respecled Warrior
AnahI Ald aI-MuhIis (hnI/nk/17).
Thc Dcvnut: A spIinler group of lhe Devoled vho
pIedged lheir aIIegiance lo lhe cily of Kadaraslo and ils
young prince, Nari iln Anan. The Devoled had senl a
unil lo Kadaraslo lo expand lhe lase of reIigious
nanIuks, onIy lo discover lhal lhe nev unils had
grealer concern vilh prolecling lhe herilage of lhe
Ruined Kingdons, and vas recognized ly lhe Crand
CaIiph as a separale unil. Ils connander is Muslah Ald
aI-Nasik (enI/nk/12).
Thc DutIfu!: Headquarlered in Qudra, vilh unils in
Huzuz and Ulaqa, lhis organizalions connander is lhe
dvarven enir of Qudra, Halil Ald aI-Wajil
(dnI/nk/2O). Il is lhe nosl poverfuI nanIuk
organizalion in lhe Land of Iale, and has nenlers al
Iarge in aII lhe najor cilies.
Thc Exa!tcd: A noraIisl group of nanIuks lased in
lhe Ianlheon Iands (prinariIy HiIn and Iliraf), lhis
group has a deep, aliding IoyaIly lovard lhe Ianlheisls
and lheir ains lo nake aII of Zakhara a nore civiIized,
Iav-aliding vorId. Ils uIlinale connander is Mosl
Respecled Warrior }anaIa Ald aI-Raffa (hfI/nk/18).
Thc FaIthfu!: ne of lhe nore poverfuI nanIuk
organizalions in Qudra, lhis unil aIso serves lhe Crand
CaIiph in Huzuz. Ils uIlinale connander is CeneraI
Adun Ald aI-Anin (hnI/nk/18).
Thc Hnnnrcd: This is a speciaI unil of eunuchs and
independenl vonen enlrusled as personaI lodyguards
and harin guards for lhe Crand CaIiph in Huzuz. They
are rareIy found leyond lhe paIace grounds unIess
deIivering nessages fron lheir nasler. Their
connander is CeneraI Ahnahd Ald aI-Iffa
Thc Parchcd: A group lased in TaIal, enlrusled
vilh prolecling lhal cilys valer suppIy (lroughl ly
ancienl aqueducls fron lhe nounlains). Il is an
exanpIe of a lypicaI snaII-unil nanIuk organizalion
dedicaled lo a specific lask. Ils uIlinale connander is
Mosl Respecled Warrior Aklara Ald aI-Yahruq
Thc Rcspcctcd: A Iarge organizalion lased in
MuIuk, vilh a Iong and proud hislory in service of lhal
cily, lhe Respecled is under lhe connand of CeneraI
nan Ald aI-Hazin (hnI/nk/1O). Ils nenlers are
found lhroughoul lhe Iree Cilies, and are rivaIs vilh
lhe various Qudran nanIuks, in parlicuIar lhe DulifuI.
Thc 5tudInus: AIso lased in Qudra, lhis
organizalion has a repulalion for connunicalion and
espionage. Il has knovn oulposls in Wasal, Huzuz, and
Ulaqa. Ils uIlinale connander in Qudra is CeneraI
kin Ald aI-TaIiliIn (enI/nk./16).
Thc Va!Iant: A Qudran-lased organizalion under
lhe uIlinale connand of CeneraI KIin Ald aI-Bas
(hfI/nk/14), lhis nanIuk unil is knovn for ils
IighlningIike slrikes. Il has unils in Huzuz and Ulaqas.
Thc Wandcrcrs: This is one of lhe fev navaI-lased
nanIuk organizalions, and has fev supporlers in Qudra.
Ils connander is AdniraI Dus Ald aI-Davvar
Thc Wnndrnus: The officiaI nanIuk organizalion of
lhe Iadisha of AfyaI, lhis organizalion is veaIlhy, lul
used prinariIy as paIace guards and for parades. The
padisha does nol vish lo risk his lesl lroops (or ralher
his lesl-dressed lroops) in lallIe, and lhis does nol sil
veII vilh sone of lhe nenlers, recruiled fron lhe
savage isIand of lhe soulh. The uIlinale connander of
lhe Wondrous is Akina Ald aI-Caril (hfI/nk/16) vho
shares lhe padishas vievs, al Ieasl in pulIic.
Cnea1Img Neu OngamIza1Ioms
The alove Iisling is nol a conpIele rosler of aII nanIuk
organizalions in lhe Land of Iale, onIy lhose of
parlicuIarIy Iarge size or vilh specific dulies. The DM
nay creale nev nanIuk organizalions for his pIayers,
vilh lhe foIIoving guideIines:
1) SnaII nenlership~ no nore lhan 3OO nenlers.
2) Liniled infIuence~ lased in one parlicuIar cily,
vilh infIuence (olher nenlers) presenl in severaI cilies
in lhe sane area (for exanpIe, a nanIuk organizalion in
Qadiq in lhe Iree Cilies vouId have nenlers scallered
lhroughoul lhe olher free cilies).
3) Liniled prinary lasks~such as lodyguard lo a
vaIued nenler of lhe courl, prolecling a counciI
luiIding, enlrusled lo gale-duly, or seeing lhal a pass or
ford is kepl cIear.
2 2
4) ReIalionships vilh prinary groups~ If a nanIuk
organizalion is lased in lhe sane cily as a Iarger or nore
presligious organizalion, delernine lheir reIalionship,
are lhey rivaIs (Iike lhe Devoled and lhe LxaIled in lhe
Ianlheon), or is one sulservienl lo anolher (such as any
nanIuk group in Huzuz is lo lhose parlicuIarIy serving
lhe Crand CaIiph)`
5) ReIalionships vilh ruIers and courl~Il nay le
assuned lhal lhe nanIuk organizalion is on reIaliveIy
good lerns vilh lhe IocaI Ieadership, eIse lhe unil vouId
le posled as far avay fron lhe cily as is hunanIy possilIe
(lhis nay occur, and lhe lorders of lhe Iurroved
Mounlains and Haunled Lands are dolled vilh qaIals
vhich are lases for snaII nanIuk organizalions).
PCs amo 1he NamLuks
IC nanIuks are assuned lo le on-Ieave fron lheir
respeclive unils. Their lask is lo galher infornalion and
reconnaissance in lheir lraveIs and reporl lo lheir
superiors vhal lhey have Iearned. If lhey have found
greal, usefuI nagics in lheir lraveIs, so nuch lhe leller.
LoyaIly is aIvays assuned lo lhe nanIuk organizalion
ly lhe nanIuks superiors, and faiIure lo perforn ones
orders is lreason. Lven dealh (in a vorId vhere lhe dead
nay le raised) is no excuse for faiIure.
When running nanIuk ICs, lhe DM shouId feeI free
lo creale an NIC superior officer for lhe nanIuk IC.
This is an individuaI lhe IC can reporl lo and lake orders
fron as lhe DM sees fil. (Therefore, lhe NIC shouId le
aloul five IeveIs higher lhan lhe IC vhen lhey firsl
neel.) This NIC nay vary fron a harsh driII-sergeanl
lype lo a relired, eIder, and respecled coIoneI vho is vise
in his years, lo a enignalic superior vho in lurn reporls lo
a nyslerious nasler vho appears onIy lo give orders, lhen
vanishes nysleriousIy (possilIy fron Iocked roons ly
neans of nagic). There are as nany lypes of nanIuks as
lhere are lypes of individuaIs in lhe vorId.
The nanIuk NIC superior shouId le lased in lhe
characlers hone cily, and shouId nol lraveI. If
reIocaling, lhe nanIuk IC nay caII for a nev superior,
lul vilhin reason, if a nanIuk fIees fron lhe Iree Cilies
lo lhe soulhern-nosl reaches of lhe Crovded Sea, he
viII nol IikeIy encounler anolher nenler of his
parlicuIar organizalion. Al Iov IeveIs, lhe NIC nereIy
advises lhe IC on IoyaIly, responsiliIily, and frugaIily
(no NIC superior shouId le lrealed as a lank accounl
ly pIayers). Al nid-IeveIs, lhe NIC gives orders for
snaII underlakings (deIivering nessages, recovering
ilens, Ieading groups of advenlurers on nissions vilaI lo
lhe inleresls of lhe organizalion). Al high IeveIs, lhe
NIC IikeIy is ansvering lo lhe IC, and lhe IC is
responsilIe for Iarge groups of nen or parlicuIarIy
dangerous nissions. The NIC nay lecone a
conpanion and/or servanl of lhe IC, and higher-IeveI
superiors need lo le crealed.
In a snaII unil, a IC nay rise lo lecone lhe uIlinale
connander of lhal unil. This is al lhe oplion of lhe
DM as fils lhe slyIe of lhe canpaign. A unil connander
Ioses nuch of his freedon lo nove al viII, and has
increased responsiliIily lo lhe IocaI ruIers he serves.
Hovever, a IC connander has a ready-nade niIilary
unil of IoyaI, eIile soIdiers al his disposaI.
ManIuks cone in aII lypes and aIignnenls, even
vilhin a parlicuIar organizalion. If il fils vilh lhe DMs
canpaign, lhe nanIuk NIC superior nay le of
differing aIignnenl fron lhe IC, or have his ovn
agenda. This nay creale prolIens for lhe IC nanIuk if
his orders go againsl his aIignnenl, or againsl his
conpanions. As a sloryleIIer, lhe DM shouId never
pIace lhe IC in a no-vin silualion (a cIear order
cones dovn lo kiII anolher pIayer characler), lhough
lhe DM nay use such a silualion lo chaIIenge lhe
pIayers IoyaIly and ovn personaI vaIues (lhe order
cones fron an eviI vizard, vho uses cnangc sc|f lo appear
as lhe superior, lhe IC vouId le revarded for doulIe-
checking lhe order).
HoL 5Laen FeLLoushIps
n lhe Land of Iale, lhere are a nunler of hoIy sIayer
organizalions, knovn as feIIovships. These
feIIovships are groups of Iay peopIe vho supporl lheir
failh ly eIininaling or neulraIizing lhose vho are
considered lo le dangerous opponenls lo lhal failh.
The reIalionship lelveen lhese secrel socielies and
lhe organized failhs is lenuous al lesl. Mosl priesls are
unavare of lhe exislence of hoIy sIayers in lheir ovn
lovns, and vouId le shocked and appaIIed ly lhe idea
lhal foIIovers of olher enIighlened gods nay le largeled
for dealh ly lhese groups. The gods lhenseIves have nol
expressed an opinion on lhis naller one vay or anolher,
and lheir siIence inpIies lheir consenl.
The keys lo lhe success of a feIIovship of hoIy sIayers
are secrecy, nyslery, and nisinfornalion. Il cannol le
said lhal a parlicuIar organizalion is headquarlered in
any one Iocalion, lhough sone feIIovships nainlain
forlified headquarlers deep in lhe nounlains or deserl, il
is nol as if lhis facl is adverlised. The Slorn Which
Deslroys operales fron sonevhere in lhe AI-Sayaj
Mounlains, lul lhe precise Iocalion is unknovn save lo
lul a fev.
SeveraI najor hoIy sIayer groups aclive in lhe Land
of Iale are Iisled leIov. These are especiaIIy nolorious
or successfuI feIIovships, vhich have over lhe years
eslalIished Iegendary repulalions for lhenseIves and
lheir Ieaders.
Thc Evcr!astIng: This group of fanalicaI foIIovers of
Hajana are lhe lypicaI assassin group of lhe Land of
Iale. They have a secrel ciladeI sonevhere in lhe
Haunled Lands fron vhich lheir grandfalher revievs
lhe aclions of aII lhe ruIers and inporlanl individuaIs
vilhin lhe Iand. ShouId any of lhese individuaIs acl
againsl foIIovers of Hajana, he direcls his ninions lo
kiII lhen. The LverIasling has operalives in every najor
cily in lhe Land of Iale, sone pIaced very cIoseIy lo
poverfuI figures. Sonelines caIIed The CaIiph of
Shadovs, lhe LverIaslings grandfalher infIuences nany
decisions of olhers in Zakhara, vhelher lhey reaIize il or
nol. Their synloI is a goIden scinilar.
Thc FIna! Chnrd: Nol aII assassin groups venerale
enIighlened gods. The foIIovers of lhe IinaI Chord are
fanalics in lhe cause of BaIa, a connon god vhose
foIIovers have leen perseculed ly lhe Ianlheon for
hundreds of years Il is lhe nosl recenl of a Iong Iine of
hoIy sIayer feIIovships devoled lo deslroying lhe
Ianlheon and ils Ieadership, and relurning BaIa lo
suprene vorship in lhe cily of Mahalla. The IinaI Chord
are found lhroughoul lhe Ianlheon and lhe Ruined
Kingdons, lul keep a very Iov profiIe. Their chief
enenies are lhe Ianlheon priesls and lhe Slorn Which
Deslroys. Their synloI is a siIver janliya vilh siIver leIIs
lied lo ils hiIl. There are runors lhal a greal lraining
operalion exisls in lhe Crey }ungIe for lhe IinaI Chord.
The IIanedealh IeIIovship: This group of assassins
has slrong lies lo lhe Brolherhood of lhe True IIane
(see leIov). Ils fIovers cIain lo venerale Advenlurous
Najn, and al lhe Iov IeveIs lhis is IikeIy lrue. Hovever,
lhe highesl IeveIs are said lo seek lhe favors of lhe
inhunan eIenenlaI god of fire, Kossulh, vilh lhe
Brolherhood Ieaders. The IIanedealh is a deadIy parl of
lhe Brolherhood of lhe True IIane, lhough ils nenlers
are nol vizards. They have lheir ovn suppIy of oiI of
Iiquid slars (Creek fire), and use il lo lun lheir viclins
and lheir hones as lheir synloI. ne of lhe nosl
infanous nenlers of lhe IIanedealh IeIIovship is
Malruda aI-Muhif (hfT/hs/13).
Thc FrIcnd!y Wnrd: This hoIy sIayer organizalion
has lhe repulalion of never sIaying anyone. Inslead lhis
group of radicaI Zanniles, lased sonevhere in lhe
Chosl Mounlains, deslroys repulalion and slalion as
opposed lo Iife and Iinl. They Iearn as nuch aloul lhe
largel as possilIe, lhen quickIy and quielIy rid hin of his
vorIdIy possessions, friends, and good nane. They are
naslers al lhe vhispering canpaign and ugIy runor,
vilh jusl enough facl and proof lo sland up lefore lhe
qadi. A slandard laclic of lhe Word is lo fIoal sone
accusalion againsl a largel, vho in lurn nusl reveaI
sone olher danning facl lo deny il (I couId nol have
leen daIIying vilh lhe nerchanls vife lhal norning,
for I vas sliII unconscious fron drinking lhe nighl
lefore). The IriendIy Word uses no speciaI veapons,
lul Ieaves a dagger shaped Iike a pen on lhe piIIov of ils
viclins lo shov lhey are in disfavor.
Thc GI!dcd Pa!m: A faclion of fanalics dedicaled lo
}isan lhe BounlifuI, lhe CiIded IaIn is lhe cIosesl lhing
in lhe Land of Iale lo an organizalion of assassins-for-
hire. They oflen underlake assignnenls for nerchanls
and lureaucrals, ralionaIizing lhal anylhing lhal
inlerferes vilh lounly shouId le rooled oul and
deslroyed. The facl lhal lhe Ieaders of lhe CiIded IaIn
are paid for lhese aclions has no effecl on lheir passion.
The CiIded IaIn is knovn for using ils nenlers as
pavns, oflen sending lvo or lhree againsl lhe sane
largel in a vasle of Iife. The CiIded IaIn is lesl knovn
for one of ils forner nenlers, Tocka, lhe personaI
dvarf-servanl of lhe SuIlana of HiyaI. WhiIe Tocka is
said lo have relired, individuaIs laking lheir prolIens
lo hin soon find lheir prolIens soIved ly lhe CiIded
IaIn. The IaIns speciaI veapon is a dagger vilh goId
coins vedged inlo lhe hiIl.
Thc Grcy FIrc: This group of assassins is dedicaled
lo lhe spiril of Najn, and in addilion lo kiIIing lhe foe
lhey shov a keen laIenl for expIoralion, research, and
discovery. The Crey Iire is found prinariIy in lhe IearI
Cily area, and il vas here lhal lheir nosl recenl
assassinalion, againsl lhe SuIlan of Sikak, vas
allenpled. Mosl oflen lhe Crey Iire is experl al
recovering Iosl or nispIaced ilens and relurning lhen
lo lhe church (oflen vilh fingers sliII allached). Their
synloI is a javeIin vilh a grey shafl and red fealhers.
Thc Mnnn-spInncrs: Il is hard lo inagine foIIovers
of BeaulifuI SeIan vilh an order of hoIy sIayers, lul on
lhe IsIe of lhe LIephanl, lhe Moon-spinners are such a
group, devoled lo lhe suprenacy of SeIan on lhe isIand.
In parlicuIar, lheir foe is lhe healhen foIIoving of lhe
eIephanl-headed god knovn as lhe Losl ne. The
Moon-spinners lend lo le inaginalive in perforning
lheir crafl, such lhal lhey raise lheir hoIy sIaying lo an
arl. Their synloI is a Iong vhile scarf, vhich lhey use
lolh as a vhip and a garrole.
Thc 5nft WhIspcr: AInosl aII hoIy sIayer
feIIovships adnil lolh nen and vonen, lhe lvo
exceplions leing lhe Wind of Iale and lhe Sofl
Whisper. The Sofl Whisper aIIovs fenaIe nenlers
onIy, and lhey venerale Hakiyah of lhe Sea Breezes.
Menlers of lhe Sofl Whisper~or al Ieasl reporls of
lheir aclivilies-are found lhroughoul lhe Land of Iale.
The Sofl Whisper is said lo have severaI nenlers
anong lhe Crand CaIiphs narin, and on lhose
occasions vhen a parlicuIar dealh seened lo le in lhe
lesl inleresl of lhe Crand CaIiph, lhe Sofl Whisper vas
invoIved. Whelher lhis neans lhe Sofl Whisper
ansvers lo lhe Crand CaIiph, or lo one of his courl, is
unknovn. The synloI of lhe Sofl Whisper is a jade
Thc 5tnrm WhIch Dcstrnys: This is a group of
exlreneIy noraIislic fanalics operaling oul of lhe AI-
Sayaj nounlains overIooking lhe Ianlheon Lands. Il
nay le said lhal lhe Slorn is lhe shadov arny of lhe
Ianlheon, and ils nenlers are used lolh lo advance
lhe cause of lhe Ianlheon, and lo sellIe inlernaI
dispules. Runor has il lhal lhe Slorn is loo radicaI for
nosl of lhe Ianlheon Ieadership, lul runor aIso has il
lhal lhe Slorn ansvers uIlinaleIy lo Revered Ialher
Rinaq aI-Ninar of Iliraf. The Slorn Which Deslroys
has recenlIy leen invoIved in lhe disnissaI of lhe
forner CaIiph of TaIal. The Slorns synloI is lhe
olsidian lIade.
Thc WInd nf Fatc: This group of hoIy sIayers is
dedicaled lo Haku, and can le found in lolh lhe High
Deserl and lhe Haunled Lands. Ils nenlers are veII-
versed in deserl Iore, and are excIusiveIy naIe, naking il
lhe onIy najor feIIovship lo excIude vonen. Il is said
lo have nenlers anong every najor deserl lrile, and
keep ils ciladeI in lhe nounlains overIooking lhe
Cenies AnviI. The synloI of lhe Wind is lhe lIovgun,
a nosl un-deserlIike veapon, lul one easiIy conceaIed
and carried and effeclive vhen using poison-lipped
Thc Wrath nf thc O!d: This is a group of fanalicaI
Korriles found prinariIy in lhe Iurroved Mounlains
soulh of lhe Iree Cilies. They lend lo le recIusive, and
refuse lo accepl enlrealies fron any of lhe Iree Cilies,
nanIuk organizalions, or hiII lriles for lheir pelly
squallIes. Hovever, if lhey delernine lhal an individuaI
slands in lhe vay of knovIedge or Iearning, lhey spare
no expense of nanpover and efforl lo deslroy lhal
individuaI. Il is assuned lhal lhe Wralh has agenls in aII
lhe Iree Cilies and in lhe Corsair Donains, and lheir
infIuence reaches as far soulh as Huzuz. Their synloI is a
dagger vilh lhe sunlursl of Kor scralched inlo il.
Cnea1Img Neu HoL 5Laen Gnoups
The alove are lhe najor groups of hoIy sIayers: lhose
radicaI fringes for eslalIished gods vhich have garnered
a nodicun of noloriely and repulalion. To lhis group
lhe DM nay feeI free lo add secrel socielies and
feIIovships lo pIague lhe ICs. CeneraI guideIines for
crealing nev hoIy sIayer feIIovships are as foIIovs:
1) Tnc grcup sncu| natc a ccn|ra| oc|icf. The idea lhal
assassins are a group of nurderers-for-hire is a veslern
corruplion of lheir originaI posilion as defenders (in
lheir ovn ninds) of lhe failh and lhe peopIe.
2) Tnc grcup sncu| natc a |ini|c ccrc cf ccn|ra| nc|q
s|aqcrs. These shouId nunler no nore lhan 1OO al lheir
secrel lase. The vasl najorily of lhe foIIovers of a
hoIy sIayer feIIovship do nol knov vho lheir uIlinale
naslers are, or vhere lhey nay le found. Secrecy
doulIes lhe pover of lhe hoIy sIayers ly lvo.
3) Tnc grcup sncu| natc a oasc cf cpcra|icns, ou| |nc
p|aqcrs sncu| nc| |ncu uncrc i| |ics. Ior each of lhe
groups alove, lhe hoIy sIayer feIIovships lerrilories are
IooseIy descriled. The lases nay or nay nol le in lhese
Iocalions, and nay appear as a ruined qaIal, a snaII
lovn, or even conceaIed vilhin a nounlain.
PCs amo HoL 5Laens
IC hoIy sIayers nusl accepl lhe facl lhal lhey nay nol
have Iong lo Iive: lhal once lhe order cones dovn fron
lheir secrel naslers, lhey nusl le viIIing lo lhrov lheir
Iives avay for lheir ideaIs. Civen lhe independenl
nalure of nosl pIayers, such cases are al a nininun, and
receiving lhe caII lo kiII sone IocaI Ieader is usuaIIy
lhe firsl slep lo lhe pIayer characler Ieaving lhe
HoIy sIayer feIIovships spread lheir nels vide and
lhinIy, and puII lhen in onIy vhen lhey need lo. Sone
nenlers recruiled ly hoIy sIayer feIIovships never
receive lhe caII lo serve lheir naslers, vhiIe olhers
(parlicuIarIy in sensilive posilions or vilh greal aliIilies)
are judged loo vaIualIe lo lhrov avay on nere kiIIings.
Mechanics for receiving lhe caII are covered in lhe
Araoian Atcn|urcs ruIelook. In gane pIay, lhe order
cones fron anolher ninion of lhe feIIovship, vho
idenlifies hinseIf ly lhe secrel hand-sign (secrel
hand-signs are individuaI for each group, and for sone
groups change vilh line and silualion).
HoIy sIayer ICs nay lhen le juslifialIy paranoid,
leIonging lo an eviI secrel sociely and possilIy leing
caIIed upon lo Iay dovn lheir Iives al any line. This
shouId serve as a delerrenl lo individuaIs vishing lo pIay
such characlers, lul if a pIayer vishes lo run a hoIy
sIayer, lhe DM shouId nol le afraid lo lhrov dangerous
nissions in his palh.
Keep in nind lhal a kil is onIy lhe leginning of a
characlers advenluring Iife, and vhen lhe caII arrives,
lhe IC nay choose lo loIl and run inslead of foIIoving
lhe orders of his naslers. The effecls of alandoning lhe
hoIy sIayer kil are covered in lhe Araoian Atcn|urcs
ruIelook as veII.
IinaIIy, a nole aloul hoIy sIayer feIIovships in
generaI. These groups are iIIegaI, and nol even lheir
ovn eslalIished hierarchies cone lo lheir aid. They are
a deslaliIizing force in lhe Land of Iale, lul lhey
lhenseIves are Iiniled~ if lhey are loo olvious lhey
allracl lhe allenlion of lhe Crand CaIiph, a nunler of
reIics. Hovever, any one of lhese nay cone under lhe
svay of a charisnalic Ieader vilh a nessage fron lhe
gods, and sveep across lhe deserl.
The knovn nyslicaI groups of lhe Land of Iale are:
Thc DancIng Dwarvcs: A group of dervishes lased
in a nonaslery in lhe AI-Akara Mounlains.
Menlership is nol reslricled excIusiveIy lo dvarves, lul
lhe groups Ieaders and lesl priesls are aII dvarves,
hence lhe nane. The Dancing Dvarves vorship Kor,
and carry lallIeaxes as his synloI. TheoIogicaIIy, lhe
Dancing Dvarves are exlreneIy conservalive. There are
aloul 2OO Dancing Dvarf nyslics in lhe cenlraI Land of
Iale, and lhey are connon in Huzuz. Their currenl
Ieader is an ancienl dvarf naned Dolh (dnI/ny/13).
advenlurers, lhe povers of lhe genies, and lhe gods
lhenseIves. Il is a loss-up vhich of lhe four is nosl
Thc Dnmc Danccrs: Anolher group of dervishes
and deserl peopIes vho operale oul of lhe deserl nosque
in lhe norlhern reaches of lhe high deserl. The Done
Dancers are vorshippers of Haku and svear aIIegiance
lo lhe Deserl nosque and ils keeper, AngaIoran. Like
lhe Dancing Dvarves, lhey receive lheir enIighlennenl
fron Iong periods of dancing and spinning. UnIike lhe
dvarves, lhey are exlreneIy radicaI in lheir pressing for
lhe freedon of lhe deserl and lhe superiorily and
ronance of lhe nonadic lriles over lheir civiIized
neighlors. The Done Dancers use scinilars lolh in
lheir dances and in conlal, and oflen join deserl lriles
in raids and relrilulion againsl savage peopIe. There are
aloul 5OO Done Dancers in lhe Land of Iale.
yslic organizalions are varied and for lhe nosl
parl snaII in lhe Land of Iale, iniliaIIy
Ns1Ic Gnoups
conprising no nore lhan aloul lvo dozen priesls of lhe
nyslic kil and a hundred or so devoul foIIovers of lhe
secl. AII pay an uIlinale lrilule lo a parlicuIar failh, lul
lheir vorship is oflen al odds vilh lhal of lhe
enIighlened hierarchy. SliII, il is fron nyslic groups lhal
reveIalions fron gods oflen cone, for lhe channeI lo
lheir vorshippers is uninpeded ly lureaucracy and
Thc Rcadcrs: A group of Zannile fanalics vho
A nyslic faclion vilhin any church nay renain
snaII for years, lhen suddenIy expIode oul on lhe face of
lhe lurning vorId of Zakhara, galhering up foIIovers ly
lhe fury of ils nev ideas and lhe failh of ils proponenls.
As il grovs, lhe hierarchy priesls legin lo accepl lhe
leIiefs of lhe nev secl, and lhe nyslic ideas lecone
nainslrean. AIlernaliveIy, lhere nay le a lackIash
fron lhe eslalIished church, rejecling lhe nyslics ideas
as unenIighlened, and lringing aloul repression in
receive lheir enIighlennenl fron reading prodigiousIy.
These nyslics are lased in Huzuz, lul are found
lhroughoul lhe Land of Iale vherever lhere are
universilies. Conprehension and relenlion are nol
inporlanl for lhe Readers, onIy lhe acl of reading,
exposure lo aII lhe infornalion possilIe. The Readers
have leen in exislence for over 4OO years, and in lhal
line severaI hoIy crusades and inlernaI confIicls have
leen crealed ly Readers coning upon a reveIalion in
lheir lexls. The Ieader of lhe Readers in Huzuz is Cina
linl KenaIa (hfI/ny/12). They gain lhe +1 lo lheir
InleIIigence scores as priesls of Zann.
reaclion lo lheir nev ideas (lhis has leen
nany nyslics in lhe Ianlheon Lands).
lhe fale of
There are no najor nyslic novenenls currenlIy
operaling in lhe Land of Iale. Those organized nyslic
faclions are generaIIy snaII, and are lrealed as sideIighls
keepers of harans (hoIy siles) and lo organized failhs, or
Thc Chant Mastcrs: A group of nyslics nunlering
aloul 4OO, Iocaled prinariIy in lhe hiIIs lhroughoul lhe
IearI Cilies. They receive lheir inspiralion lhrough song
and verse, and have exceIIenl reIalionships vilh ravun.
The Chanl Maslers are a hoIy faclion of }isan. They
have no preferred veapons leyond lhose suilalIe lo
Thc Cnurt nf Rhythm: A group of foIIovers of
Hajana lhe Courageous, found prinariIy anong lhe
Ruined Kingdons, AfyaI, and lhe Crovded Sea. They
gain lheir inspiralion lhrough rhylhnic pounding of
druns in greal concIaves of drunners. They are popuIar
vilh dancing secls, vhich lhey are aIigned lo, lul have
poor reIalionships vilh singing or chanling nyslics,
vhon lhey lend lo drovn oul. The nenlers of lhe
Courl of Rhylhn nay use shorl svords, as nyslics of
Thc QuIct Mu!tItudc: A refIeclive and nedilalive
nyslic order vhich vorships SeIan. Menlers receive
lheir enIighlennenl ly nedilaling in lhe noonIighl.
This parlicuIar secl spread Iike viIdfire lhrough lhe
enlire civiIized vorId a hundred years ago, reconnecling
SeIan vilh her idenlily in lhe noon. Since lhen lhe
secl has lroken inlo a hundred snaII faclions, each vilh
ils ovn inlerprelalion of lhe SeIan/noon conlroversy.
Being a nenler of lhe Quiel MuIlilude fron Huzuz
usuaIIy neans one can gel inlo an argunenl vilh a
Quiel MuIlilude nenler fron AfyaI. AII nyslics of
SeIan add 1 poinl lo lheir Charisna (naxinun 18).
Cnea1Img Neu Ns1Ic OngamIza1Ioms
Mosl nyslic groups are snaII and seIf-conlained, such
lhal a pIayer characler couId effecliveIy forn a secl vilh
one iniliaI nenler: hin- or herseIf. A fev guideIines for
crealing nev nyslic organizalions:
1) Tnc nqs|ic grcup nus| u||ina|c|q tcncra|c scnc
cn|ign|cnc cr ccnncn ci|q.
2) Tnc nqs|ic grcup nus| gain i|s inspira|icn an
cn|ign|cnncn| frcn scnc rcpc|i|itc ac|icn. Medilalion,
singing, and dancing are aII connon aclions for nyslic
groups, lul lhere are olhers (lul if lhe idea seens loo
siIIy lo lhe DM~ The Hopping Iriesls of Haku~ il
viII seen loo siIIy lo lhe peopIe of Zakhara as veII).
3) Tnc cs|ao|isnc rc|igicus nicrarcnq is nc| rcquirc |c
uc|ccnc i|s nqs|ics ui|n cpcn arns. This is parlicuIarIy
lrue in lradilionaI connunilies vhere lhe veneralion of
Zann has leen perforned in lhe sane nanner for
hundreds of years. In lurn, nyslics lend lo adhere lo
lheir leIiefs vilh a passion lhal vouId nake a noraIisl
lvilch, and lend lo le unforgiving of olher nyslic
PCs amo Ns1Ic Gnoups
Myslics have lhe reIigious fervor of lhe assassins vilhoul
lhe sudden dealh requirenenl of oledience. Iaclions
and sul-faclions of nyslic groups are connon, and each
faclion survives on lhe slrenglh of ils Ieader.
A IC nay vish lo creale his or her ovn nyslic
faclion, and shouId le encouraged lo do so. Such a road
is Iong and hard, for lhe nyslic nusl slrive againsl
unleIievers, olher nyslic groups, and an enlrenched
lureaucracy lo pul his or her ideas across. If successfuI,
lhe IC nay in line gain a snaII parish of vorshippers,
or le svepl aIong alop a rising lide of leIievers inlenl
on changing lhe vorId. Such lides oflen carry lheir
Ieaders lo deslruclion, for slrange leIiefs lring oul lhe
hoIy sIayers of lhe eslalIished churches in response.
Civen lhe facl lhal devoled and olvious nenlers
of lhe Brolherhood are soon unveIcone in nosl
cilies, such nenlers lend lo le vanderers ly nalure.
A fev of lhe Brolherhoods nore Iegendary nenlers
AIi aI-Lazan (hnW/fn/15), vanled in lhe cily of
HiyaI for lhe allenpled arson of lhe suIlanas paIace,
vilh a 5OO,OOO gp revard. He is vanled aIive or vilh
his lody in a condilion fron vhich he nay le raised.
ELemem1aL Bno1henhooos
f lhe eIenenlaI nages lhere is onIy one lrue
organizalion, and lhis is lhe eviI Brolherhood of
lhe True IIane. SnaIIer organizalions have leen
eslalIished over lhe years for sea nages, sand nages, and
vind nages, lul lhe individuaI nalure of lhe vizards
invoIved precIuded any Iong-lern organizalions. The
eviI fIane nages have nanaged lo hoId logelher for
generalions of norlaIs, and lo grov in pover and danger.
This lrolherhood of eviI fIane nages is Ied ly a
nyslerious figure knovn as Nar-Aidiya: The Bonfire
(assuned aliIilies hnW/fn/2O). Nar-Aidiya operales
fron a forlress deep vilhin lhe Haunled Lands
prolecled fron lolh genies and olher eIenenlaI vizards.
WhiIe his face and lrue nane are unknovn, his aclions
and connandnenls are nol, sellIenenls and oases are
pul lo lhe lorch, and rivaI vizards are sIain ly hoIy
sIayers in his enpIoy.
Il is unknovn hov nany nenlers of lhe
Brolherhood are presenl in lhe Haunled Lands, or in
lhe Land of Iale al Iarge. The assunplion lhal every
fIane nage is one of lheir kind is vrong, aIlhough one
of every lhree is nol a lad eslinale. They have eyes and
ears lhroughoul lhe lriles of lhe Haunled Lands, and in
nany of lhe najor cilies as veII. Agenls of lhe
Brolherhood are nol necessariIy fIane nages, lhough
lhey are nol any olher kind of vizard.
CoIgoI aI-MisaI (hnW/fn/14), a Iean, havkIike nan
knovn lo pose as a lrader or sIaver in order lo gel cIose
lo his largels. He is an exceIIenl recruiler of nev
nenlers of lhe Brolherhood.
Kerina aI-Zahir (hfW/fn/16), a hol-lenpered,
poverfuI vizard knovn lo chaIIenge Iesser vizards lo
personaI conlal, usuaIIy lo lhe dealh. She has leen
forced lo fIee fron such conlals lvice, and lhe
individuaIs she escaped fron perished soon aflervards of
hoIy sIayer allacks.
Malruda aI-Muhif (hfT/hs/13), one of lhe hoIy
sIayers in lhe IIanedealh feIIovship, a group of hoIy
sIayers aIIied vilh lhe Brolherhood of lhe True IIane.
She is an aIIy of Kerina and a nasler of disguise.
Cnea1Img Neu ELemem1aL Bno1henhooos
There is onIy one Iarge lrolherhood currenlIy aclive in
lhe Land of Iale, and lhal is conposed of eviI fIane
nages devoled lo lhe idea of evenluaI nagicaI and
lenporaI doninalion. The DM nay creale olher
lrolherhoods for olher eIenenlaI nages (or nages al
Iarge), lul il is IikeIy lhal lhey are snaIIer lhan lhe True
IIane organizalion. IIayer characlers vho eslalIish nev
lrolherhoods have lo valch oul for lhe Brolherhood of
lhe True IIane noving againsl anylhing lhey see as a
rivaI organizalion.
Chap1en A
5ecne1s o[ Zakhana
3 2
hroughoul lhe Atcn|urcrs Guic |c Za|nra a nunler of nysleries
are Iefl unresoIved. Hinls are dropped, conneclions are inpIied, lul
under direcl queslioning ignorance is cIained in such nallers. This
is done chiefIy lecause as DM, you nay vish your pIayers lo scan lhrough
lhe guidelook as an inlroduclion lo lhe vays of lhe Land of Iale. Il vouId le
unseenIy lo reveaI aII lhe vonders lherein. This seclion offers sone ideas on
vhal lhe IocaI Iegends nay nean.
These Iegends are inlended as advenlure hooks for lhe pIayers: exanpIes
of lhe slyIe of advenlure vhich you, lhe DM, nay crafl inlo an enlerlaining
evening or lvo. Ior sone cases, lvo or nore oplions are offered. You nay
choose fron lhe oplions, or cone up vilh an ansver on your ovn. These are
nol vhal is, lul vhal can le.
he grealesl danger in AfyaI revoIves around lhe facl lhal lhe padisha is
nad, lul lhal can le renedied nereIy ly pulling a heaIlhy dislance
lelveen lhe ICs and lhe cily. The cily is conlroIIed ly lhe nerchanl houses
and lheir respecl for slalion, or ones pIace in lhe universe. (See Slalion in
Chapler 2 of Araoian Atcn|urcs.) Many of a visilors prolIens nay revoIve
around nol shoving proper respecl for lhose of higher slalion. CeneraI
groveIIing (parlicuIarIy in courl) is a survivaI lrail in AfyaI.
The padisha is very inleresled in resloring Crovn Irince AIaklar lo lhe
Courl, ere he dies and various faclions puII lhe cily aparl. He is nol aIone,
for lolh lhe speaker of lhe nerchanl houses and lhe crovn princess vish lo
see his relurn. The padisha nay charge an individuaI vilh finding his eIdesl
son, pronising greal revards if he succeeds (and punishnenl if he faiIs).
The fale of Crovn Irince AIaklar is Iefl lo lhe DM, lul here are sone
oplions: He is aIive and narooned on sone isIand of lhe Crovded Sea, He is
aIive and ensIaved ly raiders fron Nog, and is loiIing
in TaIal, He is dead and his lody has lecone an
undead crealure haunling lhe Ruined Cilies for his
nurderer, He is dead, sIain ly his genie doulIe, vho
vishes lo lake lhe Crovn Irinces pIace in lhe courl of
lhe padisha, LaslIy, he is aIive lul in hiding fron a
group of hoIy sIayers. The sIayers vere hired ly lhe
enpress, lhe crovn princess (vho desires lhe crovn
lruIy for herseIf, despile her acl), or lhe padisha in a
nonenl of foIIy.
ne Iasl nyslery of lhe IsIe of lhe LIephanl
revoIves around lhe Losl ne, an unenIighlened (if
kindIy) god fron Iong ago. The Losl ne never Iefl,
lul inslead nerged his Iife force inlo lhe eIephanls of
lhe isIand. Ior lhis reason lhe eIephanls of AfyaI seen
nore inleIIigenl and capalIe lhan lheir lrelhren on
lhe nainIand. In a galhering of len or nore such
eIephanls, lhe force of lhe god nay le such lhal he
can cnarn olhers for an evening lo perforn his viII,
vhich usuaIIy invoIves carving nore snaII idoIs of
hinseIf. He is olhervise nol hosliIe. A hakina can leII
lhal lhe eIephanls are nore lhan lhey seen, lul viII
le unalIe lo delernine lhe presence of lhe god.
jayil sils on lhe lorder of lhe AI-Suqul
AMounlains and lhe viId Iands lo lhe vesl. Il can
le an oulposl for heroes seeking advenlure anong
lhese dislanl savage Iands. In addilion, lhe cIiffs
overIooking lhe cily are riddIed vilh caverns. Mosl of
lhe nearly and easiIy-expIored caves have leen
exhausled Iong ago ly lreasure hunlers, lul lhe nore,
renole caves sliII have passages Ieading farlher inlo
lhe darkness.
These passages Iead lo connunilies of
unenIighlened duergar and drov. These races are as
descriled in VoIune Tvo of lhe Mcns|rcus
Ccnpcniun, and have IillIe inproved lhrough lhe
passage of line in lheir isoIalion. The duergar are
aInosl lone-vhile fron lheir Iong line in lhe dark,
vhiIe lhe drov are as dark as poIished elony. Bolh
races hale each olher, lul vayIay any lraveIers inlo
lheir reaIns, kiIIing lhen or reducing lhen lo sIaves.
The drov vorship lhe savage god LoIalh, vhiIe lhe
duergar venerale lhe coId eIenenlaI god Crone.
Ieevay. Il is ruIed ly lrade and corruplion, noreso
lhan any olher cily in lhe Land of Iale. Sloul hearls
and slrong viIIs prevaiI in DehIiz, lul a sack of goId
dinars does nuch lo aid lhe silualion.
ehIiz is lhe onIy lruIy civiIized Iocalion in lhe
Ruined Lnpires, and lhal is giving il sone
DehIizs greal nyslery is lhe sullIe, pervasive
nagicaI aura vhich perneales aII ils luiIdings excepl
for lhe paIace (nade of slone fron AfyaI). The originaI
nane of lhe area, lhe IIaleau of lhe Cale, is a red
herring for lhe nagicaIIy-incIined: lhere are no
inherenl space-shifling galevays here. The nane
nereIy designaled lhe enlrance lo oId Nog lerrilory.
The forner inhalilanls had a guardian, a huge
earlh nonoIilh of doulIe Hil Dice and danage. This
vas lhe guardian of lhe river, unliI she vas deslroyed
ly eneny heroes in lhe Iasl days of lhe enpire. The
nonoIilh feII, her lody nixing vilh lhe dusl of lhe
region, unliI aII lhe surrounding Iands had a porlion of
her nalure.
The Minislry of Secrels nainlains a secrel Iilrary
vhere lhe reaI infornalion is kepl. The nasses of
rolling scroIIs and decaying, unsorled looks are a fronl
for visilors. The Minislrys nain jol is lo keep secrels,
nol dislrilule lhen.
niI aI-Yuhani, CaIiph of Iahhas, has cause for
his nadness. His nenlor and chief vizier, }anaIi
aI-Muhil, did nol die of her fever, lul ralher nade lhe
lransfornalion fron hunan lo Iich, and nov Iives in
lhe calaconls lenealh lhe caIiphs paIace. The
lransfornalion vas inconpIele, such lhal onIy lhe
head allained fuII undead slalus, lhe resl of lhe lody is
nov innoliIe and rolling avay. The caIiph keeps lhe
head in a roon Iined vilh greal Iead pIales, aII
inscriled vilh lhe visdon of lhe Ianlheons leachings.
The Iich-head lhal vas }anaIi is nov a nad, eviI
lhing, vhispering darkness and despair inlo lhe
caIiphs ear, and varning hin of dangers lhal do nol
exisl. Lvery nev lil of advice lrings hin cIoser lo
conpIele nadness, and has driven avay aII his advisors
and aIIies. AniI visils lhe head al Ieasl once per veek,
nore oflen in lines of crisis. }anaIi relains aII of her
originaI nagicaI aliIilies, and uses charn and suggeslion
speIIs lo underscore her denands.
As for AniI hinseIf, he is jusl as slrong as reporled,
having a Slrenglh of 2O vilhoul nagicaI
enhancenenl. Whelher lhis is lhe resuIl of sone slrain
of gianl-lIood or (nore IikeIy) sone gifl of lhe
Ianlheon gods is as yel unreveaIed.
ee lhe enlry leIov on }unIal for possiliIilies
regarding lhe nyslerious disappearances in lhe
IearI Beds. Al your oplion, in addilion lo lhe
crealure(s), one or nore }unIali ships nay le
engaged in vhoIesaIe sinking of Cani vesseIs and
kiIIing divers: acls of var for vhich lhey lIane lhe
The runor of AIia linl Hazir learing lhe suIlans
chiIdren are lrue. She has lorne hin lhree sons and a
daughler (using iIIusionary nagic lo hide her
condilion in courl each line). The chiIdren are leing
raised in a nonaslery in lhe AI-Yalki Mounlains
(Weeping Mounlains). AII nay le idenlified ly a
lullerfIy-shaped noIe lenealh lheir righl eyes. The
chiIdren are:
Yusef (hnI/f/8)~ The eIdesl son is a headslrong
individuaI vho sees lhings in lIack and vhile.
MuIad (hnW/sh/6)~ The niddIe lrolher is
releIIious and conlinuaIIy seeking lo shov his eIder
lrolher lhal nagicaI aliIily oulveighs physicaI
AIayna (hfI/h/5)~ The onIy daughler is
unconforlalIe vilh lheir evenluaI fale, once lheir
lrue herilage is reveaIed, and vishes lo renain in a
sinpIe, hoIy Iife of aiding olhers.
Cusard (hnB/r/5)~ The youngesl chiId is lhe
cIovn, lhe enlerlainer, and lhe IadykiIIer. He canl
vail for lhe day vhen lheir falher decides lhal lhey
can cone oul of hiding and lhey can Iive a IillIe.
Tvo scroIIs signed ly lhe suIlan leII of lhe
chiIdrens lrue parenlage~ one is in AIias hands,
lhe olher in lhe personaI Iilrary of lhe Crand CaIiph.
A lhird scroII vas lo le senl lo Qudra, lul ils carrier
disappeared in lhe deserl and vas never found.
ShouId lhe secrel of lhe chiIdren le reveaIed, lhey
viII le suddenIy svepl inlo courl Iife, for good or iII,
vilh lheir ovn parlisans and courliers... and polenliaI
assassins. The suIlan viII nol lake kindIy lo one vho
reveaIs lheir presence.
A IC nay Iocale such a scroII vhen advenluring
in lhe deserl. Anolher possiliIily is lhal one of lhe
chiIdren, for his or her ovn reasons (pride, releIIion,
fear, or loredon) fIees lhe nonaslery, and lhe suIlan
needs soneone lo lring hin lack, quickIy and
IinaIIy, lhe Creal Task of lhe IearI offers lhe
polenliaI for heroes lo expIore lhe Crovded Sea.
he gnoII-scrile }anaIia is inadverlenlIy
responsilIe for lhe princes fixalion on leing a
deserl rider. She is devoled lo lhe prince, and has
oflen loId hin slories fron her ovn chiIdhood, vhich
resuIls in his fascinalion. If Uqlan has reaIized lhal
}anaIia is lhe one responsilIe, he has nol laken any
aclion. The prince, hovever, nay lake nallers inlo
his ovn hands and run off lo join lhe deserl nonads.
The Iad is unavare of lhe harshness of such a Iife, and
nusl le rescued lefore il is loo Iale.
rand Vizier Zarad has lhree goaIs in Iife. Iirsl,
he vishes lo keep lhe caIiph happy in his
isoIalion, so he has a free hand lo lruIy ruIe HaIva.
Second, he desires lhe hand of Sikayah, lhe eIdesl of
lhe lhree daughlers, and aIso lhe nosl headslrong
and independenl. Third, he vishes lo ascend lhe
lhrone and ruIe in perpeluily. To lhal end he is
seeking a secrel of ever-Iasling Iife. He has heard of
Iiches, lul prefers a soIulion lhal Ieaves hin his
Iooks and sanily.
Sikayah has no Iove in her hearl for Zarad, lul is a
prisoner in her falhers courl, and under lhe valchfuI
eye of Zarads pel. ShouId she escape, Zarad spares
no expense lo recover her. If lhal is inpossilIe, il is
vilh greal regrel lhal he has her leaulifuI norlaI
forn deslroyed and ved one of lhe nore naIIealIe
younger sislers.
he rise of Islishia cuIlisls has leen refIecled in a
nunler of disappearances, parlicuIarIy anong
young peopIe. Crina, lhe IocaI priesl of Kor, is
incensed ly lhis lragedy, and grealIy revards any vho
can soIve lhe disappearances and renove lhis cuIl.
he Cily of Kindness is loring. Il is veII-run, veII-
lended, and veII-palroIIed, and ils popuIace is
veII-lehaved, devoul, and friendIy. If lhe pIayer
characlers are used lo raising a IillIe ruckus in lhe
lovns lhey visil, lhey are IikeIy lo find lhenseIves (al
lesl) vilh an enforced six-nonlh slrelch of vaII-
luiIding ahead of lhen.
There are lvo lhings vhich nay nar lhis perfecl
vorId. ne is lhe daughler of lhe revered falher, lhe
leaulifuI Ia. Her leauly is as vondrous as lhal of lhe
caIipha of Ajayil, lhough she Iacks lhal varrior-
vonans aliIily vilh lhe svord. ShouId she le
kidnapped, lhere vouId le pandenoniun in lhe
slreels, and lhere vouId le no slopping her rescue,
even if var vilh anolher cily vas lhe resuIl.
More insidious, and jusl as dangerous, is lhe facl
lhal lhe Cily of Quesling Iies upriver of HiIn. A
sudden pIague in lhal cily vouId le carried dovn ly
lhe valers, vhich nosl of lhe peopIe of HiIn reIy
iyaI lullIes vilh inlrigue and nyslery, and one
is never sure vho lenefils or pays for parlicuIar
aclions. The suIlanas lrood is conlinuaIIy engaged in
one pIol or anolher, if nol againsl each olher, lhen
againsl olher cilies or neighloring lriles. The resl of
lhe cily foIIovs lhe cuslon, so everyone has a personaI
agenda and purpose.
3 5
f lhe currenl nevs in HiyaI, il is connon
knovIedge lhal soneone in pover vas responsilIe for
lhe dealh of BuIad lhe SleeInaker, nosl IikeIy Irince
nar. Bul knoving and proving are lvo separale
nallers, and laking aclion againsl lhe poverfuI prince
is sonelhing conpIeleIy differenl. The reason lhal lhe
prince has laken over parl of lhe sleeI vorks is lo
creale nagicaI crealures of lhe savage Norlh: iron
goIens. The firsl ones are aInosl conpIele, lul il is
unknovn hov lo conlroI or order lhen yel. Il is aIso
unknovn if lhe Irince inlends lhese leings as
guardians or personaI assassins.
The disappearance of Harayah aI-Malhun is lhe
resuIl of an exlended vacalion on her parl, encouraged
ly Irince Anjar. She is currenlIy al Iarge under an
assuned nane, lul has Iefl parl of her nagicaI arsenaI
lehind. She is viIIing lo pay a group of advenlurers lo
recover a handfuI of vands and slaves and a cryslaI laII
fron her oId quarlers. MeanvhiIe, Anjar is considering
Ieading a raid on lhe house hinseIf, lo nake sure lhal
lhe nasler of disappearances has lruIy disappeared.
udid is noled for ils Iilraries of oplics,
nalhenalics, and aIcheny, lul one coIIeclion
lhal is nol nornaIIy nenlioned is lhe BIack Lilrary
of Hudid, vhich carries looks so fouI, dangerous, and
herelicaI lhal lhey are kepl lhere as exanpIes of lhe
vorsl of savagery. Il is said lhal priesls of Zann, vhen
confronled vilh looks vhich lhey cannol lear lo keep
nor deslroy in good failh, send lhen lo lhe BIack
Lilrary of Hudid. Here are hislories of hoIy sIayer
feIIovships, secrel riluaIs of lhe Brolherhood of lhe
True IIane, horrors of eIenenlaI vorshippers, and
lransIaled olscenilies fron lhe Ruined Kingdons.
Adnillance lo lhe Iilrary is ly lhe personaI requesl of
lhe caIiph, and lhe Iilrary is guarded ly lvo dao of
naxinun Hil Dice.
The herelicaI secl of BaIaniles does exisl in Hudid,
lul secrelIy, for lhe arnies of Mahalla are vilhin easy
narching dislance. Il grovs sIovIy in lhe universily,
and one of ils ringIeaders, a ravun naned Haji lin
Maral (hnB/r/6), is cIandeslineIy ronancing lhe
caIiphs daughler. The caIiph knovs nolhing of lhis
ronance, vhich is conducled in lhe Iilraries as Inara
researches oId lexls. Inara knovs of lhe BaIaniles lul
says nolhing. There are no hoIy sIayer feIIovships of
lhe BaIaniles in Hudid, and lhose BaIaniles in lhe
universily (incIuding Haji) Iook lo Revered Molher
Inara for proleclion.
The caIiphs olher daughler is a nerchanl-rogue in
lhe IearI Cilies, having shorlened her nane lo }ina
(hfT/nr/13). She nainlains a snaII lrading firra oul of
Tajar and has deaIl exlensiveIy vilh lhe lriles of lhe
High Deserl. Hovever, she has considered paying her
oId faniIy a visil, if nolhing eIse lo creale havoc.
Mischevious and advenlurous, }ina hales lhe Ianlheon
and aII il slands for. }ina is very unIike her nolher and
sisler, for she is direcl and gIadIy Iies or connils fraud
lo gel vhal she vanls.
he grealesl prolIen confronling lhe LnIighlened
Courl, and aII of lhe civiIized Land of Iale, is lhe
Crand CaIiphs heir, or Iack lhereof. Despile lhe
opporlunilies apparenl fron his posilion, he has nol
produced a naIe or fenaIe heir. There are severaI
possilIe reasons for lhis:
- The Crand CaIiph can lear no chiIdren. Sad,
lul lrue, lhe Hand of Iale has lurned fron hin and he
is sleriIe. Lilher Irince Cheddah or Irince Tannous
viII succeed lo lhe lhrone, or an individuaI of neril
hand-picked ly lhe KhaIiI.
- The Crand CaIiphs harin is under a curse,
pIaced ly an earIy nore favored courlesan vho feII
oul of favor. She encouraged a djinn lo pIace a gen
vilhin lhe ceiIing of lhe harin quarlers, vhich
prevenls conceplion in aII vilhin. Discovering and
renoving lhe gen renoves lhe prolIen (lhough lhis
nay le a prolIen for naIe advenlurers).
evered Ialher Rinaq aI-Ninar, lhe nosl
poverfuI and veneraled nenler of lhe Ianlheon
Ieadership, fourlh in lhe Iine of dislinguished and
capalIe anirs, is nol lhe son of his falher. He is Iov-
lorn, lhe chiId of a sinpIe laker. The previous anir
vas unalIe lo produce an heir, and vas grealIy
dislraughl lhal lhe advances lhal his faniIy had
vroughl in lhe Ianlheon vouId end vilh hin. His
vife deceived a IocaI laker as lo her idenlily and
conceived Rinaq, leIIing lhe anir lhal lhe chiId vas
his. Revered Ialher Rinaq is unavare of his lrue
parenlage, lhough soneone vilh lhe aliIily lo
perceive such a lrulh couId do so afler an exlended
period of line vilh hin. The eslalIished nanners of
lhe Iliraf courl prevenl such conlacl nornaIIy.
ShouId lhe lrulh le reveaIed, lhe DM has lvo
oplions as lo hov lo proceed. In lhe laIes of lhe
Araoian Nign|s, lhe one vho is so reveaIed is al firsl
disnayed ly lhe reveIalion, lhen enIighlened ly lhe
lrulh. The revered falher vouId slep dovn fron his
posilion for a nore suilalIe candidale (incIuding
possilIy lhe one vho reveaIed his lrue herilage) and
lake up lhe Iife of a hoIy vanderer, Iearning lhe
lrade of his lrue falher, and allaining personaI
happiness. In his vake he vouId Ieave a pover
slruggIe anong lhe deIegalions as lo vho conlroIs
lhe League ConcIave (each represenlalive vouId le
considered a candidale, najorily ruIes). Nole lhal
nosl of lhe ConcIave nenlers have conlacls vilh
hoIy sIayer feIIovships, and lhal lhe Slorn Which
Deslroys has leen invoIved in Ianlheon poIilics
The second oplion Iies in lhe poIilics of lhe reaI
vorId: lhe revered falher vouId deny such a charge,
lhough his hearl knovs il is lrue. This vouId nake
hin irralionaI and angry al aII foreigners, and Iead
lo purges of aII vho are nol nenlers of lhe
Ianlheon. Ierhaps he vouId have lhe one vho
reveaIed his herilage sIain, and perhaps even Iaunch
an allack againsl lhal ones hone cily. As nevs of
lhe deceplion and purges spreads, sone cilies of lhe
League (such as HiIn and Mahalla) viII allenpl lo
puII avay, Ieading lo a hoIy var in lhe League. Afler
nuch dealh and lIoodshed a nev League vouId
forn (IikeIy in HiIn or Iahhas) vilh a nev sel of
noraIisl Ieaders in lhree lo four years.
A finaI nole on lhe ConcIave: The represenlalive
fron TaIal is a vereral, one of lhe nunler lhal has
infecled lhal cily.
- The Crand CaIiph acluaIIy has a nunler of
chiIdren, lul vhen lheir nolhers lecane expeclanl,
lhey vere spiriled oul of lhe paIace ly AIyana aI-
Azzazi and aIIies anong lhe Sofl Whisper. They are
leing raised in hiding, lul docunenls in AIyanas
possession prove lheir lrue parenlage.
- Iale has nereIy nol leen vilh lhe Crand CaIiph,
and he viII conceive a son in good line. When lhis
occurs, lhe expeclanl nolher viII le lhe cenler of
allenlion, and various pover faclions viII seek lo aIIy
vilh, kidnap, or nanipuIale her lo lheir ovn ends.
You, lhe DM, nay choose one of lhe alove, or
conslrucl your ovn reason for lhis lroulIing condilion.
f a nore direcl infIuence on lhe pIayer characlers
is Irince Tannous, vho has agenls everyvhere, and is
nol alove enpIoying advenlurers (lhrough lhird
parlies) as cals-pavs lo perforn necessary lasks for lhe
LnIighlened Throne (even if lhey lhenseIves do nol
reaIize il).
IinaIIy, lhe larler of lhe Crand Bazaar, Corar aI-
Askar, can provide a lasis for advenlurers heading oul
lo lhe viIdIands. As he oflen says, This nay nol le
lrue, lul. . . , and off lhey go lovard a nev advenlure.
he nurderous rogue knovn as The Darkness is
in reaIily a young (14-year-oId) lhief naned
Kassa (hfT/ll/6), vho is in reaIily a vereliger of lhe
norlhern variely. Her Iycanlhropy renained hidden
unliI nov, vhen her eIder sisler Daria (hfT/ll/4)
vas laken for lhe suIlans narin. Her vereliger forn
expresses aII her halred vhich, as Kassa, she dares
nol reveaI. The Darkness has a nunler of foIIovers
aIready, and nany are secrel supporlers of ils
aclions. Kassa is nol anong lhese supporlers, for
she fears lhal lhe Darkness viII lring grealer danger
lo lhe poor. Kassa is unavare lhal she is a vereliger,
and vhen she is nol in lhal forn, no divinalion viII
reveaI her as such.
The crealure vhich haunls lhe pearI leds is an
aloIelh (Mcns|rcus Ccnpcniun VoIune Tvo).
There are four such crealures Iiving in an
undervaler cavern on Durrar IsIand, one of vhich
is inculaling an egg. The divers laken fron lhe
Cani and }unIali ships have leen charned and
ensIaved lo expand lhe cavern as a hone for lhese
nonslrous crealures. SIaying one crealure is nel
vilh ceIelralion and revards (depending on lhe
cily il is laken lo), lo le foIIoved ly a nonlh of
peace. Then lhe allacks legin again, and lhe heroes
are caIIed upon lo deaI vilh lhe nev nenace.
The khedives eIdesl son is lhe reverse: dashing,
handsone, IoyaI, and devoled lo lhe peopIe. He
leIieves lhal lhe Ruined Kingdons are leing
rolled of lheir hislory and pover ly foreigners fron
Huzuz and AfyaI, and vishes lo casl oul lhe enira
and sel up his ovn pelly, enIighlened enpire in lhe
norlh. To lhal end he has nade conlacls anong lhe
Slorn Which Deslroys hoIy sIayer feIIovship, lhe
Brolherhood of lhe True IIane, and a nunler of
secrel cuIls of lhe Iorgollen Cods. An individuaI
lenpls lhe vralh of young Nari al his ovn periI.
AIlernaleIy, lhere is onIy one aloIelh, lul if
sIain, il relurns in a ghoslIy forn in one nonlhs
line. The ghosl has aII lhe properlies of lhe
originaI pIus advanlages of lhe undead: innunily lo
charn/enchanlnenl nagics, coId, poisons, and
paraIysis, and nay le lurned onIy as a Iich.
The lhird najor figure of lhe cily of Kadaraslo is
nol nenlioned in lhe generaI descriplion, since fev
oulside lhe cily knov of his exislence. He is ChoIk
nin Kado, one of lhe nore prosperous nerchanls in
lhe cily (hnT/nr/18). ChoIk is a luyer and deaIer
of anliquilies, a snuggIer, and lhe head of a
crininaI nelvork of operalives. He puls on airs as
nolhing nore lhan a sinpIe deaIer in carpels and
fine voods, lul can Iay his hands on anylhing, if
lhe price is righl. UnIike lhe khedive and his
puppyish son, ChoIk vanls lhe foreign presence in
lhe cily lo conlinue, since he nakes a greal deaI of
his noney lolh fron lhe foreigners and fron seIIing
inporlanl pieces oul of lhe vaIIey. ChoIk
connands lhe IoyaIly of aloul 2OO leggar-lhieves
of various IeveIs, and can reach anyone, anyvhere
in lhe cily.
Kaoanas1o LI ham
he eviI of Khedive Anin is reaI, lul nol lhe
vas of lhe courl of lhe Crand CaIiph, his nolher
cause of any crines of his parenls. His falher
vas a IocaI nolIevonan. The khedives eviI is
pureIy individuaI, he is an opporlunislic, fouI
crealure vhose inleresls invoIve onIy hinseIf. nIy
his apparenl aliIily lo keep lhe noneyed cIasses
and poor fron open confIicl nainlains his jol. The
khedive knovs lhis, and his ovn agenls keep lhe
peopIe reslive, so lhe nolIes viII cry for his aid.
nor a popuIar releIIion. Hovever, lhe exislence of
espile lhe runors of lhe narkelpIace, Lihan is
an unrecognized heir is up lo lhe DM. Such an heir
nay le Ieader of a hiII lrile, or a nonaslic nyslic,
on lhe verge neilher of a niIilary overlhrov
or even one of lhe pIayer characlers! As he is
unrecognized, he has no officiaI cIain on lhe
caIiphale, lul lrave nen and vonen connanding
poverfuI arnies have changed lhe ruIes of lhe Land
of Iale lefore.
3 8

adil is a nagicaI cily, infesled vilh nages,

sorcerers, genies, and lhe Iike. Ils nain
allraclion for lhe advenlurer is lvo-foId: as a source of
infornalion, and as a source of enrichnenl (of lhe
naleriaI sorl).
Ior lhe forner, lhe universilies overfIov vilh
experls: loo nuch so, since ansvers nay le confIicling.
here are a huge nunler of vorshippers of BaIa
in lhe cily, aII of vhon Iive in fear of leing
discovered and kiIIed as lerrorisls. The oppression
has driven lhe foIIovers inlo secrel, such lhal lhey
idenlify lhenseIves vilh secrel geslures and code
There are lhose vho fighl againsl lhe yoke of lhis
oppression and perseculion. These individuaIs
reguIarIy conducl raids againsl Ianlheon lroops and
IoyaI individuaIs. A lrader vho apparenlIy sides
vilh lhe Ianlheon or allends Manuns courl is in
danger of leing kidnapped and/or nurdered in lhe
nane of lhe releIIion.
These BaIanile resislance groups are usuaIIy ceIIs
of lhree lo five individuaIs, usuaIIy fighlers, nyslics,
or lards, and of IeveIs 1 lo 8. If a ceII is lroken, onIy
lhose connecled vilh il are Iosl.
The oId lenpIe of BaIa vas deslroyed and a
narkel erecled on ils Iocalion. There are secrel
chanlers sliII inlacl lenealh lhis narkel,
conlaining reIics vhich can le used ly lhe foIIovers
of BaIa as a raIIying poinl for lheir releIIion or ly
Manun and Ulhnar as looIs lo crush lhe heresy.
ccording lo Iegend, Asvar aI-Muliq (lhe cilys
ruIer 5OO years ago, al lhe line of lhe
Loregiver) disappeared vilh lhe nessengers of
enIighlennenl and vas nol seen again, and lhal his
daughler, lhe nev caIiph vho ascended lhe lhrone,
gave hin greal lreasures and vonders of lhe cilys
unenIighlened pasl lo carry vilh hin. Mosl say lhal
Asvars finaI resling pIace is sonevhere in lhe
Iurroved Mounlains, and greal nagics reside vilh
hin lhere. As il slands, none has found his finaI
resling pIace, lul kahins and nyslics cone lo a
nonunenl erecled ly his grandson lo pray and
receive niracIes.
Hovever, lhese individuaIs aIvays are inleresled in
laIes fron afar, or slrange and nev vonders.
Ior lhe Ialler, lhe under-cily of Qadil is riddIed vilh
passages and snaII encIaves used ly various sorcerers
and crealures over lhe years. There is no uIlinale
super-dungeon here, lul ralher a coIIeclion of snaII
areas. Mosl of lhe knovn ones have leen expIored ly
previous heroes, lul lhere are a Iarge nunler sliII
undiscovered, and runors conlinuaIIy surface of a
nolher Iode lenealh lhe foundalions of lhe cily.
eyes on lhe lhrone, and no hoIy sIayer feIIovships. The
vaIIed cily is run vilh a cIean, niIilary efficiency
vhich nakes Iav-lreakers lhink lvice lefore
connilling any najor crines. A ruIing eIile of arned
sIave-soIdiers lends lo discourage such aclions.

udra is one of lhe nore honesl cilies in lhe Land

of fale. There are no IocaI princeIings pIanning lo
overlhrov lhe governnenl, no eviI uncIes vilh lheir
There are sone poIilics in courl. CeneraI Adun
Ald aI-Anin is sliII resenlfuI lhal he vas passed over
as enir, and vouId Iove lo enlarass CeneraI Lkuriyah.
A niIilary disasler againsl lhe corsairs or hiII lriles
vouId le ideaI, parlicuIarIy one vhich invoIved a
nassacre for lhe DulifuI.
n lhe olher hand, lhere is lhe Whispering Doon
lhal Mad Ashan cries aloul in lhe narkel. This nay
le an acluaI, poverfuI crealure, lul nay aIso jusl le a
fignenl of Ashans dislurled nind. Il is up lo lhe DM
lo decide.
he inhalilanls of lhe Cily of Spires assune lhal
lheir cily vas aIvays on lhe surface. In reaIily, lhe
greal lovers doninaling lhe surface vere luiIl ly an
undersea race, Iocalhah, Iong lefore hunans cane lo
lhis parl of lhe vorId, vhen lhe Iand vas undervaler.
Whal is lransIaled as lhe War vilh Those Alove
couId le leller expIained as lhe War lelveen Air and
Waler, as seen ly lhe valer-lorn race. The Iocalhah
foughl vilh sone air-lrealhing race, and in lhe course of
lhe lallIe lhe air-lrealhers sunnoned a greal eIenenlaI
pover. The enlily raised lhe Iocalhah civiIizalion lo lhe
surface, crealing lhe IsIand of Disaslers (AI-Davihi).
The isIand is Iillered vilh deslroyed lovers, lul lhere are
sone conpIele oulposls sliII on Sahu lo lhe soulh. The
Iocalhah survived and relrealed lo lhe deplhs lelveen
Davihi and AfyaI, vhere lheir civiIizalion fIourishes
leyond lhe sighl of nen.
ikak is a cily vilh an eslalIished, capalIe (if
snaII) lureaucracy, and a veII-Ioved ruIer.
Therefore lhe popuIace has reacled in shock and
anazenenl al lhe recenl allenpled assassinalion, and
are suspicious of any slrangers vho express a greal
inleresl in lhe naller.
ne oplion for lhe assasinalion is as foIIovs: The
revered nolher has lecone avare lhal lhe suIlan is
keeping nuch of lhe pronised lrilule lo lhe Crand
CaIiph for hinseIf. Upon such a discovery, lhe Crand
CaIiph nay inslaII a nev suIlan, and lhe gnonish ruIe
viII le ended. Il is she vho conlacled lhe Crey Iire
and arranged lhe allack. She is aIso lhe reason lhe
invesligalion has faiIed lo dale.
Anolher oplion is lhal lhe Crey Iire feeIs lhal lhe
suIlan has faIIen oul of favor vilh Najn, and vouId le
leller represenled ly his nore inpressive son. The son
knovs nolhing of lhe allenpled coup on his lehaIf.
The vreck is unconnecled vilh lhe assassinalion
allenpl. Il is lhe renains of lvo ships lhal coIIided
during a nonsoon Iasl year and vere Iisled as nissing
(perhaps carrying goId, gens, or slrange-Iooking
furnilure). AIlernaleIy, il couId le lhe renains of a
gnonish skygoing vesseI, carrying sone feII and
ancienl crealures vhen il crashed.
uIcel Riqqiyah is lhe granddaughler of lhe suIlan,
and knovs il. She has infiIlraled lhe courl in
order lo rip il aparl fron vilhin. Her friendship vilh
Sheera is feigned, nuch as is her affeclion for lhe
sheikh. The dao lhal guards Irince AfzaI is in her
enpIoy, and viII kiII hin upon her connand. She is
vailing for lhe correcl nonenl, and lhe correcl person
lo lake lhe lIane, lefore noving againsl Sheera and
lhe sheikh.
AIlernaleIy, DuIcel Riqqiyah knovs nolhing of her
lrue herilage, leing a vandering advenluress vho
sellIed in Tajar for ils leauly and lhe slories of her
falher, vho cane fron lhe Wasal region. Nev in courl
is a sorcerer fron Iliraf across lhe guIf, naned Halar
(hnW/so/7). Halar knovs DuIcel Riqqiyahs secrel,
even if she does nol, and viII sel up lhe lard as an
apparenl assassin. The dao is vorking for hin, kiIIing
lhe prince, and Ieaving Sheera lo choose lelveen
renouncing her friend and joining her as an apparenl
MeanvhiIe, dovn in lhe river dislricl, SueIasla lhe
Magnificenl seeks lo coIIecl lhe videsl variely of
aninaIs and nonslrous crealures in lhe vorId.
UnforlunaleIy, his safely precaulions are Iess lhan
perfecl, so for lhe firsl fev nonlhs lhere is a rash of
lreak-ouls. SueIaslas nenagerie nay serve as a nelhod
of inlroducing inlo lhe Land of Iale selling crealures
fron lhe Kara-Tur, IRCTTLN RLALMS

, and
Mazlica canpaign sellings. Afler lhe lhird or fourlh
serious escape, SueIasla viII le Iooking for guards, and
aIso for a fev good nen and vonen lo hunl dovn a
coupIe of escaped crealures lhal he does nol vanl lhe
sheikh lo knov aloul. SueIaslas nenagerie is a suilalIe
Iocalion in vhich lo pIace crealures lhal lhe ICs can
defeal lul nay nol vish lo kiII.
aIal has lvo secrels, one greal, one snaII. The
greal secrel is lhal lhe caIiph and his courl are
infecled ly Iycanlhropy. AInosl aII, incIuding lhe
revered falher and Arana, are vererals. Il vas Arana
vho lroughl lhe curse lack fron lhe forls aIong lhe
pass, and il quickIy spread lhroughoul lhe
connunily. Ior lhis reason nosl of lhe courl slays
aparl fron lhe generaI popuIace. They vish lo
carefuIIy spread lhe curse lhrough lhe enlire
popuIace, and eIsevhere lhrough lhe League. In
parlicuIar, lhey vish lo doninale lhe cily of HiIn ly
lainling lheir valer suppIy. Ior lhal reason, lhe
ranking nanIuks of lhe Iarched niIilary sociely have
leen infecled as veII.
The Iesser secrel is lhe lrue idenlily of Hanyar aI-
Mufih. Al lhe DMs oplion, he can le exaclIy vhal he
appears lo le: a svealing nounlain larlarian vho acls
as a Iink lelveen his peopIe and lhe peopIe of TaIal,
suppIying infornalion and sIaves in exchange for goId
and proleclion. AIlernaleIy, he is a nenler of lhe
Slorn Which Deslroys, a hoIy sIayer feIIovship,
(hnT/hs/15) vho is lhe revered falhers Iink vilh lhal
group. The previous caIiph did nol perish for his
inlerference in lrade, lul ralher lecause lhe Kia
vished lo lake lhe lhrone. The snaII caIiph is nore
cunning lhan he appears, and is noreso nov lhal he is
infecled vilh Iycanlhropy.
he oId caIiph is dead, kiIIed ly Ular upon laking
lhe lhrone. Hovever, he loId his lride lhal he
spared lhe oId nans Iife and exiIed hin, since she vas
desoIale al lhe idea of her husland nurdering her sire.
None knovs lhal Ular connilled lhe crine, and
Ular does nol speak of il. In lhe neanline, CaIiph
Ular is seeking lo inlegrale his savage peopIe vilh lhe
lovnsfoIk, vilh Iiniled success, and nay need
oulsiders vho are of neilher canp lo perforn speciaI
nissions (vhich incIude searching oul runors of a
surviving oId caIiph, vhich he knovs lo le faIse, in
order lo salisfy his vife).
laqa survives al lhe lorders of lhe civiIized
vorId, and ajani nages and oulIander priesls
are nore connon here lhan eIsevhere. Agenls of lhe
yak-nen, eviI savage hunans fron lhe far-off WorId
IiIIar Mounlains, have leen aclive in lhe vicinily.
IndividuaIs have reporled lhal heaviIy-cIolhed
larlarians vilh curved horns on lheir heIns have
leen spolled slaIking lhe slreel pasl curfev. These
sane individuaIs have nysleriousIy disappeared soon
Chap1en S
NagIcaL I1ems
n Zakhara, ICs viII find (anong lhe expecled nagicaI ilens) nany
lhings lhal are nol quile vhal lhey al firsl seen lo le. MagicaI veapons
have povers sonevhal differenl in lhe Land of Iale, so do nagicaI cIoaks
(jeIIalas), slaves, and so on. Here are lhe parlicuIars you need as DM lo
expIain lhose differences, and lhe specifics on ilens nalive lo Zakhara lo
vhich ICs have never lefore leen exposed.
NagIcaL Veapoms
rrnw nf 5!ayIng: This arrov is as descriled in lhe Dungccn Mas|crs
Guic, lul uses lhe foIIoving lalIe inslead of lhe one provided lhere:
1. Arachnids 11. Hierarchy Iriesls
2. Bards 12. MannaIs
3. Birds 13. IaIadins
4. LIenenlaIs 14. Rangers
5. LIenenlaI Mages 15. RepliIes
6. LnIighlened Beings 16. Sea Crealures
7. Iighlers 17. Shairs
8. Iree Iriesls 18. Sorcerers
9. Cenies 19. UnenIighlened Beings
1O. Cianls 2O. Undead
See Sucr cf |nc 8c|ictcr for definilions of enIighlened and unenIighlened.
Bnw +1 and Bnw +2: RoII on lhe foIIoving lalIe lo delernine lype of lov.
d20 Bnw Typc
1-12 Shorl Bov
13-16 Long Bov
17-19 Conposile Shorl Bov
2O Conposile Long Bov
Cut!ass nf thc Gn!dcn Gu!f: This nagicaI culIass is a
favorile veapon of corsairs and olher sea lraveIers. In
addilion lo providing a conlal lonus, lhe svord aIIovs
lhe vieIder lo survive undervaler as if under lhe effecls
of a ua|cr orca|ning speII as Iong as lhe culIass is in his
Daggcr nf QuIckncss: This veapon nay le any of lhe
daggerIike veapons Iisled in lhe veapon lalIe (page 91,
Araoian Atcn|urcs). dirk, dagger, janliya, knife, razor,
or kalar. In addilion lo providing a +2 lonus lo hil and
danage, lhe aggcr cf quic|ncss slrikes firsl every round,
even if lhrovn. If used in silualions vilh olher veapons
lhal aIIov firsl slrike (see aIso scini|ar cf spcc, sncr|
sucr cf quic|ncss), such allacks are sinuIlaneous. The
aggcr cf quic|ncss does nol increase lhe nunler of
allacks aIIoved.
Daggcr nf thc EvI! Eyc: This veapon appears as a
sinpIe nagicaI dagger (roII in Appendix A for pIus).
Hovever, lhe individuaI vho uses lhis veapon in
conlal innedialeIy receives lhe effecls of lhe eviI eye
(as descriled in lhe Aralian Advenlures ruIelook). The
eviI eye nay le renoved (using atcr| cti| cqc or a
ravuns aliIily), lul viII le reinslaled as soon as lhe
veapon is used again in conlal. lher veapons nay le
inlued vilh lhis forn of lhe eviI eye, lul daggers are
lhe nosl connon. Such veapons usuaIIy have a
hislory, having leIonged lo sone hero or olher
Iegendary figure.
Dcscrt B!adc: This veapon is siniIar lo lhe sun o|ac in
lhe Dungccn Mas|crs Guic Appendix 3, save lhal il is
a greal scinilar in appearance, nol a laslard svord, and
requires lolh hands lo vieId.
Grcat 5cImItar, Vnrpa!: SiniIar lo lhe vorpaI svord,
excepl lhal il is aIvays a greal scinilar, and viII aIvays
sever againsl a lound, heId or olhervise heIpIess
caplive. These greal scinilars are oflen used as
headsnans veapons.
Javc!In, Curscd: AII lul one nagicaI javeIins are +1 in
nalure. ne is nol, lhough for every lesl il viII prove
lo le a +1 veapon. When hurIed, lhis javeIin viII
relurn againsl lhe user, aulonalicaIIy hilling for doulIe
danage. RoII randonIy each line a nev javeIin is
lhrovn lo see if il is lhe cursed javeIin.
Macc +1, +2 vs. Undcad and Macc +2, +4 vs.
Undcad: These veapons nay le used againsl aII forns
of undead, vhelher conjured or occurring naluraIIy,
incIuding crealures such as lhe greal ghuIs.
Macc nf 5pccd: Sane as lhe scini|ar cf spcc.
Mam!uk 5wnrds nf ObcdIcncc +1 and +2: In addilion
lo lheir nagicaI lonuses, lhese veapons aIso have
povers over hunanoid crealures incIuding nen, eIves,
dvarves, gnones, golIinoid crealures, Iycanlhropes in
hunan forn and gianls, lul nol crealures vho are
olviousIy nonhunan such as Iizard nen (vho have
laiIs). An individuaI slruck ly lhese nagicaI nanIuk
svords nusl nake a saving lhrov againsl speIIs or le
cnarnc, innedialeIy surrendering lo his opponenl, if
lhal individuaI is of higher IeveI or Hil Dice lhan lhe
one slruck. The speII has lhe sane effecl as lhe cnarn
pcrscn or cnarn ncns|cr speII. The nagicaI nanIuk
svord nay le any of lhe svord lypes, and does nol have
lo le vieIded ly a nanIuk lo have ils nagicaI effecls.
Raznr nf Truth: This lIade appears as a larlers razor,
and has no lenefil in conlal. Hovever, if used in lhe
lradilionaI fashion, il can le used as a looI of
inlerrogalion. When used lo shave, lhe razor viII nick
lhe suljecl every line he speaks a Iie (lhe nick is snaII
and causes no Ioss of lIood). In lhis fashion a larler
nay gain infornalion fron his cusloner and judge ils
lrulhfuIness. Afler lhe lhird cul, lhe razor viII nol
funclion for anolher lvo days.
5pcar nf Accuracy: This spear has a lonus lo hil
and danage in neIee, +3 vhen hurIed.
5wnrd +1, +2 vs. GcnIcs: These svords (vhich nay
le of any lype) granl a +1 conlal lonus lo hil and
danage, and in addilion granl a +2 againsl any
nenler of geniekind, incIuding connon genies,
lasked genies, nolIe genies, jann, and even gens.
5wnrd +2, +3 vs. spccIfIc GcnIc Typc: These
veapons granl a +2 lonus in conlal, lul provide a
+3 lo hil and danage onIy againsl lhe specific genie
lype (dao, narid, efreeli or djinni). They nay affecl
lolh connon and nolIe versions of lhese lypes, lul
affecl aII olher genies, and even olher genies of lhe
sane eIenenlaI lype, as sinpIy +2.
5wnrd +2, GcnIc 5!aycr: This +2 veapon acls as a
+4 veapon vhen used againsl any genie lype.
Iurlher, il infIicls doulIe danage (incIuding danage
lonus) vhen used againsl one of lhe foIIoving genie
lypes (choose randonIy):
1 Djinni
2 Dao
3 Lfreeli
4 Marid
The svord viII infIicl doulIe danage againsl lhe
connon and nolIe versions of lhe parlicuIar genies,
and olher lypes of genies (incIuding jann, gen, and
lasked genies) viII le allacked vilh onIy a +4 lonus
lo hil and danage.
Anmon amo 5hIeLos
5wnrd +2, GIant 5!aycr: This svord is as descriled in
lhe Dungeon Muslers Cuide. Il affecls aII nev gianls
inlroduced in lhis sel and in lhe AL-QADIM
Monslrous Conpendiun Appendix.
5wnrd nf thc Bc!Icvcr: This +1 nagicaI veapon
infIicls danage onIy againsl crealures lhal are nol
enIighlened: lhal is, lhose vho do nol accepl lhe
Lav of lhe Loregiver or are ignoranl of il. An
enIighlened crealure viII lake no danage fron lhe
svord, vhich viII appear lo pass righl lhrough his or
her lody. The unenIighlened (incIuding nonslers of
Iov senlience, savages, ordinary oljecls vilhoul
senlience, larlarians, and unenIighlened foreigners)
viII lake nornaI danage. This svord can le used as a
lesl for such enIighlennenl, lul aIso is usefuI in
cases vhere a civiIized nan is svaIIoved ly a Iarge,
nonsenlienl crealure, and nusl le cul oul vilhoul
harning hin. Irofession of leIief is aII lhal is
required, il is leside lhe poinl vhelher one is good
or eviI, jusl enIighlened.
Weapon of ConceaIed Wizardry: RoII again on lhe
MagicaI Weapons lalIe (see Appendix A) for a nev
veapon. This veapons nagicaI nalure is conceaIed
ly enchanlnenls designed lo cIoak ils lrue nalure.
The veapon viII nol respond lo a c|cc| nagic or
siniIar speIIs, lul a |cgcn |crc or icn|ifq speII, or lhe
Iegend Iore aliIily of lhe ravun or larler, viII reveaI
sone of ils nagicaI nalure. Any lype of veapon nay
le a ucapcn cf ccncca|c uizarrq, incIuding speciaI
veapons. If, in roIIing, lhe DM gels lhe ucapcn cf
ccncca|c uizarrq a second line, he shouId choose
any speciaI veapon.
DMs nay delernine lhal cerlain veapons have
inleIIigence and speciaI aliIilies and purposes. Such
nagicaI veapons use lhe lalIes for InleIIigenl
Weapons in lhe Dungccn Mas|crs Guic.
rmnr nf Cnmmand: As lhe arnor of lhe sane
nane in lhe Dungeon Muslers Cuide, lul lhe
suil of arnor is |anc||ar +1, nol pIale naiI.
Armnr nf thc Dcscrt EvcnIng: This suil of IaneIIar
arnor gives no nagicaI lonus lo arnor cIass, lul nay
le vorn in lhe deserl heal vilhoul iII effecl lo lhe
vearer or his aliIilies.
Armnr nf 5wImmIng: This suil of IaneIIar aIIovs
lhe user lo nove lhrough lhe valer as if
unencunlered. Il does nol convey ua|cr-orca|ning
aliIilies, nor lhe svinning proficiency, lul aIIovs
lhe individuaI lo fIoal and svin if olhervise capalIe.
5hIc!d nf thc Hn!y: This nediun shieId is inscriled
vilh lhe synloI of one of lhe enIighlened deilies. In
lhe hands of an ordinary individuaI, lhe shieId
funclions as a snic| +1. Hovever, if used ly a priesl of
lhe deily lhe shieId is dedicaled lo, lhe priesl gains a
+2 lonus lo AC, and in addilion, affecls undead as if
four IeveIs higher. This aliIily lo affecl undead appIies
onIy if lhe priesl is capalIe of olhervise lurning or
connanding lhe undead.
5hIc!ds nf Prnnf agaInst FIrc, Cn!d, nr E!cctrIcIty:
These nediun shieIds provide lhe vieIder vilh
addilionaI proleclion againsl lhe lype of allack Iisled.
Saving lhrovs againsl lhal parlicuIar lype of danage
are al +4, provided lhal lhe vieIder can pul lhe shieId
lelveen hinseIf and lhe allack. Danage is nornaI for
lhe allack forn.
Thc TnrtnIsc 5hIc!d: This snaII, daraq-slyIe
luckIer enils a nagicaI fieId vhich provides
proleclion equaI lo a lody shieId, lul is onIy lhe
physicaI size of lhe luckIer. The enchanled daraq
provides +1 proleclion againsl nornaI allacks, and
+2 againsl nissiIe allacks.
Armnr nf Cnncca!cd WIzardry: These lypes of arnor
have lheir nagicaI nalure conceaIed ly poverfuI speIIs,
such lhal lhey do nol respond lo a delecl nagic or
siniIar speIIs (see Weapons of ConceaIed Wizardry).
RoII again for a nev arnor or shieId lype. If arnor of
conceaIed vizardry is roIIed again, lhe DM chooses lhe
lype of arnor fron lhe speciaI lypes Iisl.
olions in lhe Land of Iale are usuaIIy found in
snaII cryslaI lollIes, sIighlIy pyranid-shaped in
lhal lhe lase is vider lhan lhe noulh. The noulh is
sloppered vilh cryslaI, and seaIed vilh vax. The
lollIes are heavy and quile resiIienl, such lhal lhey
gain a +2 on saving lhrovs againsl crushing lIovs.
In addilion, lhese lollIes are oflen IaleIed lo
indicale lheir conlenls. As an oplion, lhe DM nay roII
on lhe foIIoving lalIe lo delernine if lhe lollIe is
IaleIed, and IaleIed correclIy:
1-2 BollIe is IaleIed correclIy
3- 5 BollIe is unIaleIed
6 BollIe is IaleIed incorreclIy
Ior incorreclIy-IaleIed lollIes, lhe DM nay roII
again on lhe charl lo delernine lhe incorrecl IaleI,
and nole il accordingIy in his ovn noles for-vhen lhe
pIayers use il. An InleIIigence check nay indicale lo a
pIayer characler lhal a lollIe nay le nisIaleIed, lul
onIy if lhe characler has encounlered lhal forn of
polion lefore (Il Iooks cIoudier lhan any exlra-
heaIing polion youve ever seen . . .).
DrcamIng: This polion granls lhe inliler a vision of
lhal vhich he desires. The inliler drinks lhe polion
lefore reliring, and nanes lhe person, oljecl, or
selling lhal he is searching for. Thal evening, a drean
viII leII hin sonelhing aloul vhal he seeks: a
Iocalion, a nagicaI guardian, olher individuaIs nearly,
polenliaI dangers, elc. nIy one lhing viII le reveaIed
aloul a person, oljecl, or selling per drean. Upon
avakening, lhe drean viII renain in lhe inlilers
nind so lhal he nay use lhe cIues provided lhere lo
guide his palh. A dreaner seeking valer nay have a
narid appear lo hin, poinling lo lhe easl, vhere valer
is in lhe vaking vorId vilhin easy vaIking dislance.
A dreaner seeking a Iosl gen nay find hinseIf deep in
a cavern, vhere a greal ghuI hunkers over lhe gen,
indicaling lhe crealure guarding lhe gen.
The DM delernines lhe nalure of lhe cIue: a
direclion, a Iocalion, or an individuaI invoIved in lhe
search in lhe drean. If no cIues are avaiIalIe (ly DM
decision) or lhe ilen searched for is nagicaIIy
prolecled or nol in exislence, lhe individuaI viII
lo pepper lhe drean vilh horrific inages, forelodings
of doon, and dangers lo lhe dreaner and lhe dreaners
inslead have a vivid nighlnare. The DM nay feeI free
GIant Cnntrn!: This polion funclions as lhe polion of
lhe sane nane in lhe Dungccn Mas|crs Guic, lul
affecls lhe foIIoving gianl lypes:
d20 GIant Typc
I - 8 HiII Cianl
9-11 Deserl Cianl
12-13 Reef Cianl
14-15 }ungIe Cianl
16-17 Slone Cianl
18 Iire Cianl
19 CIoud Cianl
2O Slorn Cianl
OI! nf AttractIvcncss: The user nay coal his or her
face vilh lhis sIick unguenl, gaining one poinl of
Charisna (lo a naxinun of 19). This effecl Iasls for
24 hours ninus lhe originaI Charisna of lhe user (for
an individuaI vilh a Charisna of 18, il Iasls onIy 6
hours). If lhe oiI is nol renoved ly lhe end of lhal
period, lhe oiI acls as ci| cf ncrrincss (q.v.) for lhe nexl
24 hours.
OI! nf C!nakIng: This oiI can le sneared over an ilen
lo hide ils nagicaI nalure for up lo 24 hours. The ilen
nusl le no Iarger lhan lhe size of a nan, and cannol
le aIive. AppIying lhe oiI lo one ilen uses lhe enlire
conlenls of lhe lollIe, regardIess of lhe ilens size.
Divinalion speIIs such as c|cc| nagic viII nol vork on
an ilen cIoaked in lhis fashion, lhough olher speIIs
vhich do nol reveaI nagicaI nalure (such as |cgcn |crc
or delecl eviI) viII funclion nornaIIy. Al lhe end of lhe
24 hours lhe oiI vears off vilhoul iII effecl.
no effecl on priesls of 11lh IeveI or higher. The priesl
OI! nf Grcat DcvntInn: This hoIy unguenl is onIy
receiving lhis loon fighls, casls speIIs, lurns undead,
and olhervise perforns as if lhal nunler of IeveIs
higher for lhe nexl 12 hours. This oiI does nol aIIov
usalIe ly priesls, lhough of any kil or aIignnenl. The
addilionaI speIIs or higher-IeveI speIIs lo le gained.
priesls IeveI increases ly lhree if lhe priesl is of 5lh
SpeciaI priesl aliIilies vhich are lied lo IeveI (such as
IeveI or Iover, and ly lvo if of 6lh lo 1Olh IeveI. Il has
kahin or hakina aliIilies) nay le lenporariIy added in
lhis fashion.
OI! nf HnrrIdncss: By snearing lhis oiI on lhe face,
ones Charisna is innedialeIy reduced lo 3 for lhe
nexl 24 hours, as il lenporariIy renders lhe users
visage so horrid lhal onIy lhe ghuIs and nighlhags
vouId le conforlalIe around hin. This oiI is never
IaleIed correclIy, as il is oflen lhe resuIl of ci| cf
a||rac|itcncss vhich has spoiIed.
OI! nf InvIsIbI!Ity: SiniIar lo lhe polion of lhe sane
nane in effecl, lhis oiI Iasls for 6 pIus 1d6 lurns or
unliI dispeIIed. The oiI does have a dislinclive scenl
lhal nany dogs can lrack.
OI! nf Invu!ncrabI!Ity: SiniIar lo lhe polion of lhe
sane nane in effecl, lhis oiI Iasls for 6 pIus 1d6 lurns
unIess dispeIIed. The oiI has lhe slrong arona of lurnl
aInonds vhen used.
OI! nf ObcdIcncc: This pasly unguenl is sneared on
lhe forehead of a crealure lhal is asIeep or
unconscious. Upon avaking, lhal crealure cones
under lhe conlroI of lhe individuaI vho pIaced lhe oiI
lhere. This conlroI is conpIele, and lhe oledienl one
is IillIe nore lhan a zonlie. The oledienl one does
nol lhink for hinseIf excepl in lhe nosl lasic fashion
(lrealhing, nol vaIking inlo vaIIs), and cannol use
speIIs (lul can use speII-Iike aliIilies or olhervise
connunicale). The one vho pIaced lhe oiI nusl give
orders for lhe affecled individuaI lo nove, lhe affecled
individuaI ignores orders lhal are inpossilIe lo foIIov.
The oiI Iasls for 24 ninus 1d6 hours. SeIf-deslruclive
acls aIIov lhe affecled individuaI a saving lhrov vs.
speIIs lo ignore lhe order. This oiI has no effecl on an
individuaI vho is avake, or is avakened ly lhe pIacing
of lhe oiI.
OI! nf Rnmancc: This oiI sneIIs of rancid fish, yel has
a poverfuI effecl vhen poured on lhe ground, usuaIIy
across a doorvay or olher vindov. Al lhal line, lhe
pourer speaks lhe nane of an individuaI of lhe
opposile sex. Upon crossing lhe lhreshoId or palch of
oiI, lhe naned individuaI suffers lhe effecls of a charn
person speII, al -4 lo lhe appropriale saving lhrov.
IaiIing lhe saving lhrov resuIls in lhe charned
individuaI leconing devoled lo lhe pourer of lhe oiI,
seeking lo prolecl lhe Ialler and carry oul his or her
needs. In addilion, lhe individuaI lecones a viclin of
Iove, vieving lhe oiI learer in a nev, nore anorous
Iighl. The enchanlnenl vorked ly lhis nagic does nol
vear off over line (unIike lhe charn person speII), and
can onIy le renoved ly a dispeI nagic or a Iiniled vish.
OI! nf thc PIckpnckct: This oiI, rulled over lhe
hands, aIIovs a characler vilhoul pockel-picking
aliIily lo pick pockels as a 1sl-IeveI lhief, If used ly a
lhief, il raises his percenlage chance of picking pockels
ly 1O percenl. The oiI Iasls for 6 hours lefore
PhI!tcr nf Drunkcnncss: Upon inliling lhis polion,
lhe individuaI innedialeIy lecones horrilIy, lolaIIy
inelrialed. RoIe-pIaying aspecls of lhis silualion are
Iefl lo lhe pIayer and lhe DM, lul in gane lerns lhe
individuaI has a -4 penaIly for aII allack roIIs as veII as
aII proficiency checks. SpeIIcasling requires an
InleIIigence check each line a speII is casl, lo
delernine vhelher il is casl correclIy (faiIure nereIy
neans lhe speII is Iosl), aII speIIs casl have a +2 lonus
on saves. The effecls Iasl six hours, foIIoved ly lhree
hours of spIilling headache.
nrccrcr's 5crn!!s: SpeIIs for lhese scroIIs are laken
fron lhe universaI province of speIIs.
5and, 5ca, WInd, and F!amc MagIc: SpeIIs for lhese
scroIIs are laken fron lhe eIenenlaI Iislings for each
IeveI. If no suilalIe speII exisls al lhe roIIed IeveI, lhen lhe
DM roIIs on (or chooses fron) lhe universaI calegory.
PrIcst 5pc!!s: Iriesl speIIs are separaled ly sphere as
opposed lo IeveI. Check lhe appropriale sphere and
roII randonIy or choose an appIicalIe speII.
AII (generaI)
MIxcd 5phcrcs: Sone priesl scroIIs conlain speIIs fron
nixed spheres. Ior each speII, roII on lhe foIIoving
lalIe for spheres.
d! 00
Curscd 5crn!!s: The Dungccn Mas|crs Guic provides
an exceIIenl Iisl of polenliaI curses lo use in gane
lerns. Here are a fev nore:
- The IC is cursed vilh lhe eviI eye.
- The IC is cursed vilh Iycanlhropy (DMs choice
of crealure).
- The IC is pc|qncrpnc inlo a donkey, goal, or
caneI. A hakina viII le alIe lo see lhe individuaI in
his lrue forn.
- The ICs slalion is reduced lo 1. Wherever lhe
characler goes, he or she is reviIed.
- The IC is snillen vilh lhe firsl individuaI of lhe
sane or reIaled species and opposile sex lhal he or she
- The IC has earned lhe ennily of a poverfuI ruIer
of sone lovn (DMs choice). There is no need lo leII
lhe pIayer aloul lhis innedialeIy. Lel lhe pIayer find
oul on his or her ovn.
- The IC has caughl lhe allenlion of a
nischievous djinni, vhich viII foIIov lhe individuaI
invisilIy, pIaying praclicaI jokes (nolhing deadIy, lul
lhe djinni viII nol aid lhe characler in danger eilher).
If delecled, lhe djinni nay Ieave if properIy
approached and/or lriled.
- The scroII is lIank, save for gIillering dusl vhich
faIIs fron lhe scroII vhen opened. This does nolhing,
lul nakes pIayers very paranoid. The DM nay caII for
addilionaI (ignored) saving lhrovs fron lhe IC vho
opened lhe scroII al randon nonenls lo convince lhe
pIayer lhal sonelhing is afool.
Grant: Like a nap, a granl is nonnagicaI in nalure,
lul opens lhe door lo nev advenlures and ideas. A
granl is an avard of Iand, lilIe, or noney lo an
individuaI, vho nay le naned in lhe docunenl, or
lhe docunenl nay le Iefl lIank. The DM nay suppIy
lhe delaiIs in keeping vilh his ovn canpaign, or use
lhe foIIoving suggeslions:
- The granl is for 1,OOO-6,OOO gp, lo le avarded lo
lhe learer in lhe courl of a IocaI ruIer.
- The granl is for 2,OOO-12,OOO gp, lo le avarded
lo a naned individuaI upon presenlalion of lhal
docunenl lo a IocaI ruIer.
- The granl is for posilion of qadi (judge) lo a snaII
viIIage on lhe deserls edge.
- The granl is lo aIIov lhe learer lo audil lhe lax
records of a IocaI ruIer in lhe nane of lhe Crand
CaIiph, and lhe ruIer nusl offer vhalever lhe learer
needs lo conpIele lhal audil.
- The granl is lo aIIov lhe learer lo enler lhe IocaI
ruIers courl as an anlassador of lhe Crand CaIiph.
- As innedialeIy alove, save lhal a naned
individuaI is nenlioned.
- As alove, save lhal lhe granl nanes an
individuaI vho is lo le repIaced ly lhe granl-hoIders
arrivaI (and vho viII IikeIy le unhappy vilh lhe
4 8
- A granl for a viIderness area in vhich lo eslalIish
a lovn and nosque.
- A granl for ruIership of a snaII viIIage, in vhich
lhe individuaI agrees lo provide proleclion in
exchange for laxes. The popuIalion of lhese viIIages
aIvays expecl nighly and high-IeveI heroes as lheir
- A granl for a ship.
- A granl for a parlicuIar lusiness vilhin a
parlicuIar lovn.
- As alove, lul vilh a nonopoIy of a parlicuIar
- As any of lhe alove, lul lhe docunenl is a
forgery, and nay le reveaIed as such under cIose
inspeclion ly lhose vho knov lhe lrue docunenls.
A granl shouId le a springloard lo furlher
advenlures, lolh in lhe viIderness and lhe cily.
PrntcctInn frnm AIr: (reading line 6) This scroII
issues a zone of proleclion vhich exlends in a 1O-fool
dianeler cenlered on lhe reader. AII lypes of air-lased
allacks, incIuding slrong vinds of a nagicaI or naluraI
nalure, and poisons carried on lreezes are unalIe lo
cross inlo lhis area, Ieaving lhe reader and lhose cIose
lo hin unlouched. The scroII does nol prolecl againsl
poisons nol lIovn inlo lhe area of lhe proleclion, lhal
is, reading lhe scroII and junping inlo a c|cu|i|| viII
nol offer any proleclion, lul if lhal c|cu|i|| is carried
ly lhe vind lovard lhe individuaI, lhe individuaI is
prolecled. The proleclion Iasls for 1d4+4 lurns. Il has
no effecl on crealures of eIenenlaI air, lul can prolecl
againsl lheir air-lased allack forns.
PrntcctInn frnm DIvInatInn: (reading line 8) This
scroII cIoaks lhe reader and aII olher lhings vilhin 1O
feel of hin fron any speII of lhe divinalion schooI or
sphere. These speIIs viII faiI vhen casl vilhin lhis area,
or vhen affecling ilens vilhin lhis area. SpeIIs and
aliIilies vhich reveaI nagicaI properlies vilhoul
divinalion speIIs (such as lhe hakina aliIily of seeing
lrulh) are unaffecled ly lhis scroII.
PrntcctInn frnm Earth: (reading line 6) This scroII
prolecls lhe reader and lhose vilhin 1O feel of hin
fron aII forns of earlh-lased allacks, incIuding
avaIanches, sand sIides, quicksand, and
earlhquakes, vhelher nagicaI or naluraI in origin.
The reader and lhose vho renain vilhin 1O feel
nereIy fIoal lo lhe surface in such cases, and nay
vaIk across unslalIe ground vilhoul iII effecl. This
scroII does nol provide proleclion againsl lhe
physicaI allacks of earlh eIenenlaIs or dao, lhough
il does prolecl againsl nagicaI earlh-lased effecls
crealed ly such leings. The proleclion Iasls for
1d4+4 lurns.
PrntcctInn AgaInst GcnIcs: (reading line 6) This
scroII offers proleclion againsl one or nore of lhe
geniekind, incIuding proleclion fron lolh physicaI
and nagicaI allack forns. The proleclion exlends
onIy lo lhe reader and lhose ilens he is carrying. A
genie cannol louch lhe individuaI or direclIy allack
hin. Allacks lhal affecl an area Iaunched ly a
genie affecl aII olhers in lhe area, lul do nol harn
lhe individuaI prolecled. The scroII nay affecl:
1 Dao
2 Djinni
3 Lfreeli
4 Marid
5 Any lasked genie
6 AII of lhe alove genies
NolIe genies are nol affecled ly lhis proleclion, nor
are gens, jann, or olher eIenenlaI crealures. This
proleclion Iasls 5d8 rounds.
PrntcctInn frnm Hcat: (reading line 8) This speII
creales a 1O-yard dianeler slalionary zone of
proleclion vhich acls as a cooI slrenglh speII for lhree
days. During lhis line aII vilhin lhis area are prolecled
fron lhe delrinenlaI effecls of lhe sun, lhey nay vear
heavy arnor vilhoul iII-effecl, and have onIy nornaI
requirenenls for valer.
vIan Cnntrn!: This ring enalIes ils vearer lo
exercise conpIele conlroI over lirds vilh an
inleIIigence of 4 or Iess. Up lo 4O Hil Dice of lirds
nay le conlroIIed. The conlroI is such lhal orders
harnfuI lo lhe lirds viII le foIIoved, lul conpIele
concenlralion is required lo nainlain conlroI. The
ring does nol affecl lird-hylrid crealures. If any doull
exisls as lo vhelher a crealure is a hylrid vilh anolher
forn (such as a nanlicore or Iannasu), lhe ring viII
nol funclion.
PrntcctInn frnm Lycanthrnpcs: (reading line 4) In
lhe Land of fale, lhis scroII is aIvays effeclive againsl
aII forns of Iycanlhropes, nol jusl lhose Iisled in lhe
C!nakcd WIzardry: RoII again on lhe sane lalIe. The
rings lrue povers are undeleclalIe ly nornaI neans
such as c|cc| nagic, lhough an icn|ifq speII or |cgcn
|crc speII or aliIily viII reveaI ils lrue nalure.
RIng nf Fn!!y: When donned, lhis cursed ring causes lhe
vearer lo Iose 1 poinl each of Wisdon and InleIIigence
per lurn unliI he reaches 3 in each aliIily. This Ioss is nol
nolicealIe unliI lhe individuaI is caIIed upon lo perforn
sone aclion vhich requires one of lhese aliIilies (such as
gaining speIIs or naking proficiency checks). nce lolh
aliIilies reach 3, lhe individuaI is under lhe effecl of a
fcco|cnin speII, and nay nol use lhe aliIilies of his
characler cIass or gain furlher experience.
The ring cf fc||q nay onIy le renoved ly renove
curse foIIoved ly dispeI nagic. InleIIigence and Wisdon
are lhen relurned lo lheir nornaI scores al lhe rale of
1 poinl per day of resl. The ring cf fc||q nay have a
secondary funclion, such as fca|ncr fa||ing or intisioi|i|q,
al lhe oplion of lhe DM.
GcnIc 5ummnnIng: An expansion of lhe ring cf jini
sunnoning, lhis ring nay sunnon a parlicuIar genie
fron ils eIenenlaI pIane. The genie appears on lhe
round afler lhe ring is rulled. The genie so sunnoned
serves lhe nasler of lhe ring failhfuIIy unliI il is sIain,
al vhich poinl lhe ring lecones nonnagicaI. The lype
of genie sunnoned is delernined fron lhe lalIe
d! 00
O1-24 Djinni
25-48 Dao
49-73 Lfreeli
74-96 Marid
97 NolIe djinni
98 NolIe dao
99 NolIe efreeli
OO NolIe narid
The nolIe genies onIy perforn lhree lasks for vhich
lhey use lheir uisn-gran|ing aliIilies, al vhich poinl
lhey are freed.
A shair of 1Olh IeveI or higher nay free a connon
genie fron ils linding lo lhe ring. The shair gains
experience poinls equaI lo lhose of lhe genie freed. In
addilion, lhe genie consuIls vilh ils ovn puissanl
eIders lo granl lhe shair a uisn, free and cIear of aII
enlangIenenls. The ring lecones nonnagicaI in lhese
Mcssagc: The nessage ring is used lo record and
convey nessages, and is oflen used lo lransnil direcl
orders fron a superior lo an underIing. Such rings are
used in profilalIe lusinesses, lureaucracy, reIigion, and
niIilary unils.
The user of lhe ring Iooks inlo ils insel gen, speaks
a connand vord, and lhen innedialeIy speaks his
nessage of a ninules naxinun Ienglh. When lhe
connand vord is spoken again ly soneone hoIding
lhe ring, lhe speakers face appears on lhe gen, and lhe
nessage repeals (aIvays vhen lhe connand vord has
leen spoken). The gen speaks lhree lines in lhis
fashion. Then il is enplied, al vhich poinl a nev
nessage nay le enpIaced ly anyone learing lhe ring.
The nev nessage nay le lriggered ly a nev connand
vord, or lhe forner, al lhe learers oplion.
in ils gen, and speaks a nessage aloul one ninule
Iong. nIy lhe vizards face and nessage can appear,
and lhe nessage cannol le changed. A nornaI
nessage is sonelhing Iike, The learer of lhis ring is
ny servanl, and you shouId foIIov his inslruclions in
The connand vord is usuaIIy knovn onIy ly lhe
lvo correspondenls. The firsl sends lhe ncssagc ring ly
vay of a carrier. The recipienl knovs lhe secrel
connand, lul lhe carrier does nol. In lhis vay, a
nessage nay le Iosl, lul rareIy inlercepled. SpeIIs such
as conlacl olher pIane nay reveaI lhe lhe connand
The DM nay use an inlercepled ncssagc ring lo
send lhe ICs off on nev advenlures, as usuaIIy lhe
nessage vilhin is of sone inporl and secrecy
(olhervise a connon scroII vouId do lhe lask).
AIlernaleIy, lhe nessage ring couId le found enply,
and lhe ICs couId uliIize il lhenseIves.
RIng nf thc Hn!y 5!aycr: This is a nosl deadIy ring in
lhe Land of Iale. Upon ullerance of a connand vord, il
punps a deadIy loxin inlo lhe hand of lhe individuaI
vearing lhe ring. A saving lhrov vilh a -4 penaIly nusl
le nade, and faiIure lo nake lhe saving lhrov has lhe
foIIoving resuIls: (a) dealh, (l) lhe individuaIs lody
cannol le raised or resurrecled, and (c) lhe individuaIs
deparled spiril cannol le conlacled ly spca| ui|n ca
speIIs and siniIar divinalions. These rings are used ly
hoIy sIayers, lul nol againsl lheir inlended viclins.
Ralher, sIayers vear lhen lo avoid leing queslioned ly
lheir caplors-carrying lheir secrels lo lhe grave. The
ring lecones non-nagicaI vhen used.
Roos, 51aoes, amo Vamos
RIng nf 5ustcnancc: AIso caIIed lhe ring cf |nc canc|,
il funclions as noled in lhe Dungccn Mas|crs Guic
vilh lhe added nole lhal lhe individuaI sliII suffers
lhe delrinenlaI effecl of vearing arnor in lhe heal as
regards negalive nodifiers lo conlal and proficiency
checks, lul olhervise does nol need valer or food for
a nunler of days equaI lo his Conslilulion. Al lhe
end of lhal line, lhe individuaI suffers aII nornaI
RIng nf thc VIzIcr: This ring is siniIar lo lhe ncssagc
ring, in lhal vhen lhe connand vord is spoken, lhe
face of lhe vizard/vizier vho crealed lhe ring appears
lhe naller ve discussed, lul couId le anylhing fron a
direcl order lo a pIea for rescue lo inslruclions
regarding a luried lonl. Nole lhal lhe individuaI
passing as lhe vizard/viziers servanl nay do so unliI il
is reveaIed olhervise (such as vhen lhe vizard leing
quoled has leen dead a decade, or shovs up vondering
vho is acling in his nane).
More inporlanlIy, lhe vizard vho crealed lhis ring
nay inled in il a singIe speII of 5lh IeveI or Iover. The
speII nay le used up lo 1O lines lefore il is exhausled,
and is casl al lhe vizards IeveI (usuaIIy 15 lo 2O, or
1d6+14). The nessage nay reveaI lhe nalure of lhe
he foIIoving slaves, vands, and rods do nol have
cIoaked vizardry versions, as il is very difficuIl
lo pass lhese ilens off as sonelhing lhey are nol. AII
are nade vilh fine naleriaIs, carved vilh incanlalions,
and giIded vilh precious nelaIs.
Rnd nf LcadcrshIp: This poverfuI rod nay le vieIded
ly eilher a fighler or a priesl, and is prized ly niIilary
unils for ils effecls. AII friendIy individuaIs and
crealures vilhin 12O yards of lhe vieIder have lheir
noraIe increased lo fanalic (17) slalus. In addilion,
friendIy and aIIied leings vilhin 3O yards are innune
lo fear and gain a +4 on saving lhrovs vhich olhervise
affecl lhe enolions.
In addilion, lhe rod nay le used as a nace lhal
infIicls 1d1O+6 poinls of danage and can paraIyze lhe
largel on louch, al lhe users nenlaI connand. This
Iasl effecl drains lhe rod conpIeleIy. nce lhe rc cf
|cacrsnip has leen drained, il Ioses aII olher funclions
and lecones nonnagicaI.
Rnd nf thc Mnnn!Ith: This nagicaI rod aIIovs an
individuaI lo conlroI lhe crealure sunnoned ly
lhe c|cncn|a| ncnc|i|n speII, lo direcl ils aclions,
and lo send il lack inlo ils nalive pIane. The
nonoIilh nusl faiI a saving lhrov againsl dealh
nagic for lhe rod lo funclion in lhis fashion,
conlroI nay le allenpled each round, and lhe rod
expends no charges unliI conlroI is eslalIished.
Then, one charge is expended for each round of
5taff nf DcvntInn: This nagicaI slaff nay onIy le
used ly priesls, lul nay le used ly any kil.
Hierarchy priesls (pragnalisls, elhoisls, and
noraIisls) gain addilionaI advanlages.
Any priesl nay use lhe foIIoving povers
vilhoul draining any charges, lhree lines per day:
a|cncncn|, o|css, crca|c fcc an ua|cr, curc |ign|
ucuns, atcr| cti| cqc, purifq fcc an rin|.
The foIIoving povers expend one charge per
usage, lul can le used nuIlipIe lines in one day,
ly any lype of priesl: curc scricus ucuns, ispa|
nagic, cn|nra||, ncu|ra|izc pciscn, rcnctc cursc.
The foIIoving povers expend lhree charges per
usage, and can le used onIy ly hierarchy priesls
(lhe pragnalisl, elhoisl, and noraIisl kils): f|anc
s|ri|c, nc|q ucr, |cgcn |crc, raisc ca, rcs|cra|icn.
In addilion, lhe slaff provides a +2 lonus lo aII
saving lhrovs of lhe individuaI vho hoIds il.
5taff nf F!amcs: This slaff aIIovs any vizard lo use
lhe foIIoving povers, al lhe cosl of one charge per
use: affcc| ncrna| fircs, f|aning spncrc, pqrc|ccnnics,
sunazz|c, sunfirc.
The foIIoving povers expend lvo charges,
(fIane nages expend onIy one charge): ccnjurc firc
c|cncn|a|, sun s|cncs, cnnancc firc crca|urcs.
nIy a fIane nage can use lhe foIIoving pover,
vhich consunes four charges of lhe slaff:
ccnf|agra|icn. The slaff vieIders IeveI is used lo
delernine lhe duralion of lhis speII.
In addilion, lhe individuaI hoIding lhe slaff is
considered lo le under lhe effecl of f|ancpccf speII as
Iong as he or she hoIds lhe slaff. The fIaneproof effecl
disappears vhen aII charges of lhe slaff are expended.
5taff nf thc 5ands: This slaff aIIovs any vizard lo use
lhe foIIoving povers, al lhe cosl of one charge per use:
nctc san, san s|unocr, san sucr, s|cncs|in, |racc|css
The foIIoving povers expend lvo charges (sand
nages expend onIy one charge): ccnjurc car|n c|cncn|a|,
cscr|fis|, crca|c snac.
nIy a sand nage can use lhe foIIoving pover,
vhich consunes four charges of lhe slaff: sin|.
The individuaI hoIding lhe slaff is aIso considered
lo le under lhe effecl of a ccc| s|rcng|n speII vhiIe
hoIding lhe slaff. The cooI slrenglh effecls disappear
vhen lhe Iasl charge of lhe slaff has leen expended.
5taff nf thc 5ca: This slaff aIIovs any vizard lo use lhe
foIIoving povers, al lhe cosl of one charge per use: ccc|
s|rcng|n, cp|n uarning, ccntcrsc ui|n sca crca|urcs, ua|cr
o|as|, ua|croanc.
The foIIoving povers expend lvo charges (sea nages
expend onIy one charge): ccnjurc ua|cr c|cncn|a|, icc
s|crn, ccnnan ua|cr spiri|s.
nIy a sea nage can use lhe foIIoving pover, vhich
consunes four charges of lhe slaff: nac|s|rcn.
The individuaI hoIding lhe slaff is in addilion
considered lo le under lhe effecl of a ua|cr orca|ning
speII as Iong as he or she hoIds lhe slaff. The ua|cr
orca|ning effecl disappears vhen aII charges of lhe slaff
are expended.
5taff nf thc WInds: This slaff aIIovs any vizard lo use
lhe foIIoving povers, al lhe cosl of one charge per use:
a||cr ncrna| uins, f|qing janoiqu, sc|i fcg, uin o|ac,
uin ua||.
The foIIoving povers expend lvo charges (vind
nages expend onIy one charge): ccnjurc air c|cncn|a|,
c|cu|i||, uin carpc|, sunncn uin ragcns.
nIy a vind nage nay use lhe foIIoving pover,
vhich consunes four charges of lhe slaff: uin|cno.
The individuaI hoIding lhe slaff is in addilion
considered lo le under lhe effecl of a fca|ncr fa||
speII as Iong as he or she hoIds lhe slaff. The fca|ncr
fa|| effecl disappears vhen aII charges of lhe slaff
are expended.
ba nf thc Dcscrt: This nagicaI garnenl of
lhe deserl lriles provides lhe vearer vilh lhe
effecls of lhe cooI slrenglh speII, aIIoving hin or her
lo nove conforlalIy in lhe deserl. Hovever, no
arnor olher lhan Iealher nay le vorn vilh lhis
ala. Anong lhe deserl peopIes, if a lrile possesses
one of lhese ilens, il is used ly lhe aged, infirn, or
pregnanl, lo ease lheir disconforl in lhe deserl
NIsceLLameous NagIc
Aba nf DIsp!accmcnt, Aba nf PrntcctInn, Aba nf
PnIsnnnusncss, and Caftan nf PrntcctInn: These
ilens are as for lhe nagicaI cIoaks of lhe sane
nane. As vilh lhe aoa cf |nc cscr|, lhey cannol le
vorn vilh arnor heavier lhan Iealher.
Banncr nf Rcnnwn: This nagicaI fIag dispIays lhe
noon and lraiIing slars of lhe Land of Iale, and
nay le used lo raIIy and increase lhe noraIe of
enIighlened soIdiers and olher crealures. AII
enIighlened crealures vilhin 1OO feel of lhe lanner
gain a +2 lo aII noraIe checks, and fighl al +1 lo
hil and danage. In addilion, rouling individuaIs
nay nake anolher noraIe check shouId lhey pass
vilhin 1OO feel of lhe lanner. The lanners nagic
Iasls as Iong as ils hoIder is aIive. ShouId lhe
lanner-hoIder le sIain, lhe lanner evaporales and
aII lenefils are innedialeIy Iosl.
Bnnk nf thc En!Ightcncd Gnds: This nyslicaI lexl
is dedicaled lo one of lhe najor enIighlened gods of
lhe Land of Iale. RoII 1d8 for lhe god lo vhich il is
1 Kor
2 Hajana
3 Najn
4 SeIan
5 Haku
6 Hakiyah
7 }isan
8 Zann
Iriesls (incIuding lolh hierarchy and free priesls)
vho venerale lhal god and spend a veek sludying lhe
looks reveIalions receive one poinl of Wisdon and
sufficienl experience poinls lo advance haIfvay inlo lhe
nexl IeveI of experience. The look lhen vanishes lo find
anolher priesl of ils lype. An individuaI nay onIy gain
enIighlennenl fron a 8cc| cf |nc |n|ign|cnc Gcs once.
Iriesls vho do nol vorship lhal parlicuIar god, lul do
vorship sone enIighlened god, recognize lhe look for
vhal il is lul gain no lenefil and lake no danage. This
incIudes priesls of lhe Ianlheon and lhe TenpIe of Ten
Thousand Cods.
Nonpriesls vho handIe lhe look lake 4d6 poinls of
danage fron opening ils cover. This incIudes paIadins,
farisan, and hoIy sIayers vho nay le devoled lo lhal
sane god. The look viII nol disappear if handIed ly
nonpriesls or priesls of enIighlened gods.
Iriesls of savage gods vho nereIy louch lhe look
Iose one IeveI of experience. The look disappears al lhis
poinl as veII.
Cand!c nf EvncatInn: This ilen is as descriled in lhe
Dungccn Mas|crs Guic, vilh lhe addilion lhal each
candIe is narked for a parlicuIar najor enIighlened god
(roII as for lhe 8cc| cf |n|ign|cnncn|, alove). A priesl of
lhe Ianlheon nay use lhe candIe designaled for any of
his gods. A priesl of lhe Ten Thousand, hovever, gains
no speciaI aliIily fron using lhese lapers.
Carpct nf FIghtIng: This nagicaI rug is siniIar lo lhe
rug cf snc|ncring, lul funclions upon lhe connand
vord of lhe ovner. Al lhal poinl il viII vrap aloul any
vho sland upon il (olher lhan lhe ovner) and snolher
lhen, rendering lhen unconscious (lul nol dead) in
14+2 rounds. Crealures lhal do nol need lo lrealhe
are unharned lul unalIe lo nove. Lscaping lhe carpel
requires an anina|c cojcc|, nc| p|an|, or uisn, or Slrenglh
of 19+ lo unvrap il (il unvraps al lhe connand of lhe
ovner as veII). The carpel can le deslroyed ly
infIicling 25 poinls of danage lo il, lul such danage is
infIicled lo lhose vilhin lhe carpel as veII.
GcnIc PrIsnns: These nagicaI devices cone in a
variely of forns in lhe Land of Iale: lollIes for djinn
and efreel, sloppered evers for narids, and geodes or
cryslaI decanlers for dao. They are used ly shairs lo
caplure and discipIine genies. Sone genies so caplured
deserve lheir fale, lhey are nischievous, dangerous, or
halefuI. Sone are innocenl of any crines, lul vere
inprisoned ly eviI or nisguided shairs. AII viII cIain
innocence in such nallers. RoII on (or choose fron)
lhe foIIoving lalIe lo delernine lhe lype of genie
inprisoned, and lherefore lhe lype of genie prison
(lollIe, ever, geode or decanler):
d100 Typc nf GcnIc
O1-24 Djinni
25-48 Dao
49-73 Lfreeli
74-96 Marid
97 NolIe Djinni
98 NolIe Dao
99 NolIe Lfreeli
OO NolIe Marid
A genie so inprisoned nay le charged ly ils
inprisoner lo perforn cerlain aclions upon reIease. The
DM nay choose or roII randonIy fron lhe foIIoving lalIe:
d! 00 Chargc
O1-2O The genie nusl perforn lhree lasks for lhe
opener of lhe lollIe. If lhe genie has vish-
granling povers, lhe crealure nay use lhose
lo perforn lhe lask.
2 1-7O
The genie nusl serve lhe opener of lhe lollIe
for 1,OO1 days.
The genie nusl allack lhe opener of lhe
lollIe. Cood-aIigned genies viII Ieave lheir
opponenls unconscious lul aIive, olhervise
ils a fighl lo lhe dealh.
The genie nusl lring lhe opener of lhe
lollIe lo a parlicuIar Iocalion, vhich nay le
a lreasure vauIl, vizard lover, or cily lazaar,
al lhe decision of lhe DM.
The genie nusl Iocale a parlicuIar ilen, and
nay nol Ieave lhe opener of lhe lollIe unliI
lhal ilen is found. The genie is under no
olIigalion lo serve lhe opener of lhe lollIe.
The genie has gone insane and
viII allack aII vilhin reach upon reIease. Any
ilen or speII lhal cures insanily viII lring lhe
genie lack lo ils senses. The genie viII lhen
perforn lhree lasks for lhe individuaI.
Itcm nf C!nakcd WIzardry: RoII again on lhe nagicaI
ilen lalIe. The ilen is nagicaI, lul viII nol radiale
any dveoner upon lhe casling of a c|cc| nagic speII
(lhough olher divinalion speIIs viII reveaI ils lrue
nalure). Sone ilens (such as uings cf f|qing or a fIask
ringed vilh nagicaI vrilings) viII le olviousIy nagicaI
ilens despile lheir appearance.
Hats nf DIsguIsc and 5tupIdIty: These hals are as
descriled in lhe Dungeon Muslers Cuide, lul in lhe
Land of Iale, 4O percenl are keffiyehs, 3O percenl are
lurlans, and 3O percenl are fezzes.
Jc!!aba nf Cnncca!mcnt: This overgarnenl is siniIar
in funclion lo lhe c|ca| cf c|tcn|in in lhe Dungccn
Mas|crs Guic. Il nay le vorn over any arnor-lype.
f lhe cIoaks, 8O percenl are sized for hunan, eIf, or
haIf-eIf individuaIs, 15 percenl are for snaIIer
(gnone, haIfIing, golIin, or koloId) individuaIs, and
5 percenl for Iarger (ogre, gnoII or hiII gianl)
5 4
Jc!!aba nf Eycs: IdenlicaI lo lhe role of eyes in lhe
Dungccn Mas|crs Guic.
Phy!actcry nf Bravcry: This device is an arnland
nade of parchnenl, inscriled vilh nelaIIic inks and
lrinned vilh goId, invoking lhe nane of Najn lhe
Brave, an enIighlened god of courage. The vearer of
lhis arnland gains a +1 lonus lo hil in conlal, and
nakes saving lhrovs againsl fear and olher enolion-
affecling speIIs al +2.
Qanun nf CharmIng and Qanun nf DIscnrd: These
are idenlicaI lo lhe harps of lhe sane nane in lhe
Dungccn Mas|crs Guic. A qanun is an inslrunenl
siniIar lo a zilher.
Qanun nf QuIct: WhiIe lhis nagicaI inslrunenl is
pIayed, il creales a nagicaI zone of prc|cc|icn and si|cncc
3O feel in radius. Those inside nay laIk anong
lhenseIves and cIearIy hear noises leyond lhe range of
lhe nagic, lul none oulside lhe radius can hear vhal is
happening vilhin lhe zone over lhe sound of lhe qanun.
Iurlher, divinalion speIIs viII nol reveaI lhoughls, vords,
inlenlions, aIignnenl, or lhe presence of nagic vhiIe
lhe qanun is leing pIayed.
5carab nf DcccptInn: This snaII lrooch aIIovs lhe
ovner lo deceive divinalion nagics or aliIilies (such
as lhe hakinas scc |nc |ru|n aliIily) of lhose allenpling
lo galher infornalion aloul lhe vearer. When lhe
hoIder of lhis scaral is suljecled lo lese effecls, lhe
hoIder is avare of vhal divinalion speII or speII-Iike
effecl is leing used (lul nol lhe idenlily or nalure of
lhe individuaI seeking lhe infornalion). The scaral
hoIder decides exaclIy vhal infornalion is reIayed
lack lo lhe deviner (vhelher il is lhe lrulh or nol).
Lach use expends a charge, lhe scaral has 1d6+8
charges. The scarao cf cccp|icn and nosl olher nagicaI
scarals cone fron lhe ruined kingdons of Nog and
Kadar, and vere apparenlIy connon lhere.
5!Ippcrs nf DancIng, of LcvItatInn, and of VarIcd
Tracks: The sane as lhe lools of lhe sane nane in lhe
Dungccn Mas|crs Guic.
5!Ippcrs nf 5nft Mnvcmcnt: The sane as for occ|s cf
c|tcn|in in lhe Dungccn Mus|crs Guic. These
sIippers, Iike aII nagicaI sIippers, conforn lo lhe size of
lhe feel of lhe vearer, slrelching or shrinking as
Tc!cscnpc nf FantastIc VIsInn: Appears lo le one of
lhe olher nagicaI spygIasses (see leIov) and funclions
idenlicaIIy for lhe firsl one lo four uses. Afler lhis, lhe
leIescope reveaIs fanlaslic and Iurid scenes, oflen lhe
opposile of vhal is lruIy lhere (a nerchanl fIeel
appears a pirale aranada in lhe spygIass, a safe harlor
as a nonsler-ridden nirage, an approached cily as a
dark donain of eviI, and so on).
Tc!cscnpc nf Truc VIsInn: This device appears as a
nornaI spygIass lound in goId, and funclions as such,
enalIing lhe viever lo see up lo 5O lines farlher lhan
nornaI (a characler nay see sonelhing al 5,OOO feel as
he vouId al 1OO feel) al dislances of 5O feel or nore.
Upon speaking a connand vord, lhe spygIass
funclions as a gcn cf sccing for one round, reveaIing lhe
lrue nalure of vhal is vieved in lhe gIass. The leIescope
of |ruc tisicn has 2O charges al ils fuII pover. Ils Iens
fraclures and crunlIes vhen lhe Iasl charge is used.
5 5
AppemoI A: NagIcaL I1em TabLes
The foIIoving lalIes aIIov DMs lo randonIy seIecl lhe nagicaI
ilens found in lheir canpaigns. RoII on TalIe I firsl lo delernine
vhich lype of ilen is found. This lalIe direcls you lo one of lhe
najor lalIes lhal foIIov (each devoled lo a specific calegory of
nagicaI ilens).
3. NagIcaL I1ems
Weapons (go lo TalIe II)
Arnor and ShieIds (go lo TalIe III)
Iolions & iIs (go lo TalIe IV)
ScroIIs (go lo TalIe V)
Rings (go lo TalIe VI)
Rods, Slaves, and Wands (go lo TalIe VII)
MisceIIaneous MagicaI Ilens (go lo TalIe VIII)
II. Veapoms
Typc nf Wcapnn
2d6 fIighl arrovs
3d6 fIighl arrovs
4d6 fIighl arrovs
Axe, hand
BallIe axe
BuIIel, sIing (3d4)
Daggers & reIaled veapons
Kalar (punch dagger)
Darl (3d4)
}aveIin (1d6)
Typc nf Wcapnn
MiIilary pick
Morning slar
IoIe arn
AvI pike
QuarreI, crosslov
Lighl quarreIs (2d6)
Lighl quarreIs (3d6)
Heavy quarreIs (Id6)
Heavy quarreIs (2d6)
Creal scinilar
SpeciaI veapon (roII 1d6, on 1,2, or
3, roII on SullalIe 1 of IIC, on 4,5,
or 6, roII on SullalIe 2 of IIC)
I -2
5wnrd XP Othcr XP
-1 - -1 -
Q(Hil) - Q(Hil) -
Q(Dan) - Q(Dan) -
+1 4OO +1 5OO
+2 8OO +1 5OO
+3 14OO +2 1OOO
+4 2OOO +2 1OOO
+5 3OOO +3 2OOO
Q(Hil) = This is a veapon of quaIily and fine craflsnanship. Il
provides a +1 lo hil. Il is olhervise a non-nagicaI veapon.
Q(Dan) = This is a veapon of quaIily and fine craflsnanship. Il
provides a +1 lo danage. Il is olhervise a non-nagicaI veapon.
5ubtab!c 1 (dIc rn!! 1-3)
d100 Wcapnn
O1-O2 Arrov of direclion*
O3-O4 Arrov of sIaying
O5-O8 Axe +2, lhroving*
O9-13 Bov +1
14-16 Bov +2
17 Crosslov of dislance*
18-19 Crosslov of speed*
2O-3O CulIass of lhe CoIden CuIf +1
31-35 Deserl lIade
36-4O Dagger of quickness +2
41-45 Dagger of lhe eviI eye
46-48 Dagger of lhroving*
49-5O Dagger of venon*
51 Creal scinilar, vorpaI
52 }aveIin of Iighlning*
53 }aveIin of piercing*
54 }aveIin, cursed
55-6O, Mace +1, +2 vs. undead
61-63 Mace +2, +4 vs. undead
64-65 Mace of speed
66-7O ManIuk svord of oledience +1
71-73 ManIuk svord of oledience +2
74-84 Quarlerslaff, nagicaI*
85-86 Razor of lrulh
XP Va!uc
* *
25O ea.
25O ea.
* *
5ubtab!c 1 (cnntInucd)
Scinilar of speed
Spear of accuracy
Spear, cursed lackliler*
5ubtab!c 2 (dIc rn!! 4-6)
Svord +1, +2 vs. aII genies
Svord +1, +2 vs. nagic-using and
enchanled crealures*
Svord +1, +2 vs. shapechangers*
Svord +1, +4 vs. repliIes
Svord +1, cursed*
Svord +1, Iuck lIade*
Svord +2, +3 vs. efreel
Svord +2, +3 vs. djinn
Svord +2, +3 vs. dao
Svord +2, +3 vs. narids
Svord +2, genie sIayer
Svord +2, gianl sIayer
Svord +4 defender*
Svord +5 defender*
Svord +5, hoIy avenger
Svord of dancing*
Svord of lhe leIiever
Svord of lhe pIanes
Svord of vounding
Svord, cursed lerserking
Weapon of conceaIed vizardry
XP Va!uc
XP Va!uc
* Weapon is as descriled in lhe Dungeon Maslers Cuide Appendix
3. Svords, daggers, naces, and any olher veapons vhich have a
sullalIe alove shouId use lhal sullalIe lo delernine use. Ior
exanpIe, a aggcr cf tcncn couId le in lhe forn of a janliya, knife,
dirk, dagger, razor, or kalar.
** See parlicuIar ilen.
*** In addilion lo Iisled XI vaIue of veapon.
5 7
III. Anmon amo 5hIeLos
Chain naiI
Hide arnor
21-4O LaneIIar
41-6O Lealher
61-7O Iadded
71-73 Ring
74-75 ScaIe
76-94 ShieId
O1-1O Body
1I-6O Daraq/luckIer
61-OO Mediun
95-96 SpIinl
97-98 Sludded Iealher
99-OO SpeciaI
IV. Po1Ioms amo OILs
d100 AC Ad. XP Va!uc
O1-1O -1 ~
11-3O Q(+1)
31-5O +1 5OO
51-7O +2 1,OOO
71-85 +3 1,5OO
86-95 +4 2,OOO
96-OO +5 3,OOO
Q(+ 1): Arnor or shieId is a veapon of quaIily. WhiIe nonnagicaI,
ils fine craflsnanship granls il a +1 on AC.
d100 5Izc
O1-6O Hunan (incIudes Iizard nen, orcs, and holgolIins)
61-7O Dvarf (incIudes golIins)
71-75 LIf
76-85 HaIfIing (incIudes koloIds and gnones)
86-95 gre (incIudes gnoIIs)
96-OO Cianl-sized (hiII)
Arnor of conceaIed vizardry
Arnor of connand
Arnor of lhe deserl evening
Arnor of svinning
Arnor of nissiIe allraclion*
ShieId of lhe hoIy
ShieId proof againsl fire
ShieId proof againsl coId
ShieId proof againsl eIeclricily
ShieId -1, nissiIe allraclor*
Torloise shieId (daraq)
XP Va!uc
* Weapon is descriled in lhe Dungeon Maslers Cuide Appendix 3.
XI VaIue is lhe anounl earned ly lhe naker of lhe ilen.
RoII 1d6, on 1,2, or 3, go lo SullalIe 1, on 4,5, or 6, go lo
SullalIe 2.
5ubtab!c 1 (dIc rn!! 1-3)
d100 PntInn/OI! XP Va!uc
O1-O5 AninaI conlroI* 25O
O6-1O CIinling* 3OO
11-2O DeIusion -
21-25 Dininualion 3OO
26-28 Dreaning 6OO
29-31 LIixer of heaIlh* 35O
32-34 LIixer of nadness* -
35-4O Lxlra-heaIing* 4OO
41-42 Iire lrealh* 4OO
43-47 Iire resislance* 25O
48-5O IIying* 5OO
51-53 Caseous forn* 3OO
54-55 Cianl conlroI 6OO
56-6O Cianl slrenglh (varrior)* 55O
61-65 Crovlh* 25O
66-75 HeaIing* 2OO
76-8O Hunan conlroI* 25O
81-85 Levilalion* 25O
86-87 iI of acid resislance* 5OO
88-91 iI of allracliveness 5OO
92-OO iI of cIoaking 75O
5 8
5ubtab!c 2 (dIc rn!! 4-6)
iI of greal failh (priesl)
XP Va!uc
d100 5pc!! Numbcr & Typc
48-49 6 universaI speIIs
5O-53 7 universaI speIIs
iI of eIenenlaI invuIneraliIily*
iI of fiery lurning*
iI of horridness
iI of invisiliIily
iI of invuIneraliIily
iI of oledience
iI of ronance
iI of lhe pickpockel
iI of sIipperiness*
IhiIler of gIilness*
IhiIler of Iove*
IhiIler of persuasiveness*
IhiIler of slannering and slullering*
54-55 7 universaI speIIs
56 7 universaI speIIs
57-6O 1-4 fIane nagic speIIs
61-65 1-3 fIane nagic speIIs
66-7O 1-4 sand nagic speIIs
71-75 1-3 sand nagic speIIs
75-8O 1-4 sea nagic speIIs
81-85 1-3 sea nagic speIIs
86-9O 1-4 vind nagic speIIs
91-95 1-3 vind nagic speIIs
96-OO Cursed scroII
IhiIler of drunkenness
Ioison* -
IoIynorph seIf* 2OO
Speed* 2OO
Sveel valer* 2OO
Waler-lrealhing* 4OO
* Iolion or phiIler is descriled in lhe Dungeon Maslers Cuide
V. 5cnoLLs
d100 Typc nf 5crn!!
O1-6O Wizards ScroII (go lo TalIe VA)
61-8O Iriesls ScroII (go lo TalIe VB)
81-OO Iroleclion ScroII (go lo TalIe VC)
d100 5pc!! Numbcr & Typc
O1-O6 1 universaI speII
O7-O9 1 universaI speII
1O-11 1 universaI speII
12-17 2 universaI speIIs
18-19 2 universaI speIIs
2 O - 2 5 3 universaI speIIs
26-27 3 universaI speIIs
28-33 4 universaI speIIs
34-35 4 universaI speIIs
36-4O 5 universaI speIIs
41-42 5 universaI speIIs
43-47 6 universaI speIIs
1 4
3 - 8
1 - 8
1-4 speIIs, aII (universaI) sphere
1-4 SpeIIs, aninaI sphere
1-6 SpeIIs, aninaI sphere
1-2 SpeIIs, aslraI sphere
1-4 SpeIIs, charn sphere
1-6 SpeIIs, charn sphere
1-4 SpeIIs, conlal sphere
1-4 SpeIIs, crealion sphere
1-4 SpeIIs, divinalion sphere
1-6 SpeIIs, divinalion sphere
1-4 SpeIIs, eIenenlaI sphere
1-6 SpeIIs, eIenenlaI sphere
1-8 SpeIIs, eIenenlaI sphere
1-4 SpeIIs, guardian sphere
1-4 SpeIIs, heaIing sphere
2-8 SpeIIs, heaIing sphere
1-4 SpeIIs, necronanlic sphere
1-4 SpeIIs, pIanl sphere
2-8 SpeIIs, pIanl sphere
1-4 SpeIIs, proleclion sphere
1-6 SpeIIs, proleclion sphere
1-4 SpeIIs, sunnoning sphere
1-6 SpeIIs, sunnoning sphere
1-4 SpeIIs, sun sphere
1-4 SpeIIs, vealher sphere
1-8 nixed priesl speIIs
Cursed scroII
5 9
Cursed ScroII
XP Va!uc

VII. Roos, 51aoes, amo Vamos
*ScroII is descriled in lhe DMC.
XI VaIue unIess olhervise noled is equaI lo lhe lolaI speII IeveIs on
lhe scroIIs x 1OO.
VI. RImgs
AninaI friendship*
Avian conlroI
CIoaked vizardry
Iealher faIIing*
Iire resislance*
Iree aclion*
Cenie sunnoning
HoIy sIayer, ring of lhe
Hunan infIuence*
XP Va!uc
Mind shieIding*
Shocking grasp
SpeII sloring*
SpeII lurning*
Vizier, ring of lhe
Waler vaIking*
Wishes, lhree*
XP Va!uc
1,OOO **
* Ring is discussed in lhe Dungccn Mas|crs Guic.
**In addilion lo Iisled XI vaIue of ring.
Itcm XP Va!uc
Rod of alsorplion* (priesl, vizard) 7,5OO
Rod of aIerlness* 7,OOO
Rod of leguiIing* (priesl, vizard, rogue) 5,OOO
Rod of canceIIalion*
Rod of fIaiIing*
Rod of Ieadership (varrior, priesl)
Rod of lhe nonoIilh
Rod of resurreclion* (priesl)
Rod of sniling* (priesl, vizard)
Rod of spIendor*
Rod of lerror*
Slaff of connand* (priesl, vizard)
Slaff of curing* (priesl)
Slaff of devolion (priesl)
Slaff of fIanes (vizard)
Slaff of slriking* (priesl, vizard)
Slaff of lhe sands (vizard)
Slaff-of lhe sea (vizard)
Slaff of lhe vinds (vizard)
Slaff of vilhering*
Wand of earlh and slone*
Wand of eneny deleclion*
Wand of fear*
Wand of fire* (vizard)
Wand of frosl* (vizard)
d100 Itcm XP Va!uc
59-68 Wand of iIIuninalion* (vizard) 2,OOO
69-72 Wand of iIIusion* (vizard) 3,OOO
73-75 Wand of Iighlning* (vizard) 4,OOO
76-85 Wand of nagic deleclion* 2,5OO
86-9O Wand of nagic nissiIes* 4,OOO
91-93 Wand of paraIyzalion* (vizard) 3,5OO
94-96 Wand of poIynorphing* 3,5OO
97-OO Wand of size aIleralion* 3,OOO
* Ilen is descriled in lhe Dungccn Mas|crs Guic.
XI VaIue
XI VaIue
1, OOO

VIII. NIsceLLameous NagIcaL I1ems

RoII 1d6, on 1-2, roII on SullalIe 1, 3-4, roII on SullalIe 2, 5-6,
roII on SullalIe 3.
5ubtab!c 1 (dIc rn!! 1-2)
Itcm XP Va!uc
Ala of lhe deserl 1,OOO
Ala of dispIacenenl 3,OOO
Ala of poisonousness
Ala of proleclion 1,OOO **
AnuIel of inescapalIe Iocalion* 5,OOO
AnuIel of proof againsl deleclion and Iocalion* 4,OOO
Bag of hoIding* 5,OOO
Bag of devouring*
Banner of renovn 4,OOO
Bools of dancing*
Bools of speed* 2,5OO
Bools of slriding and springing 2,5OO
Book of lhe LnIighlened Cods (priesl) 8,OOO
BovI connanding valer eIenenlaIs (vizard) 1O,OO
BovI of valery dealh (vizard) 4,OOO
Bracers of defense* 5OO (Ier AC< 1O)
Bracers of defenseIessness*
Brazier connanding fire eIenenlaIs (vizard)* 4,OOO
Brazier of sIeep snoke*
Brooch of shieIding* 1,OOO
Caflan of proleclion 1,OOO per +
CandIe of invocalion (priesl) 1,OOO
Carpel of fighling 4,OOO
Carpel of fIying* 7,5OO
Censer conlroIIing air eIenenlaIs (vizard)* 4,OOO
Censer sunnoning hosliIe air eIenenlaIs (vizard)* -
CryslaI laII* 1,OOO
CryslaI hypnosis laII*
Dusl of appearance* 1,OOO
5ubtab!c 1 (cnnt.)
Dusl of disappearance*
Dusl of dryness*
Dusl of sneezing and choking*
Iigurine of vondrous pover*
IIask of curses*
* Ilen is descriled in lhe Dungccn Mas|crs Guic.
** In addilion lo Iisled XI vaIue of ilen.
5ubtab!c 2 (dIc rn!! 2-3)
CaunlIels of dexlerily*
CaunlIels of funlIing*
CaunlIels of ogre pover*
CaunlIels of svinning and cIinling*
Cen of lrighlness*
Cen of insighl*
Cen of seeing*
Cenie prison
Hal of disguise
Hal of slupidily
Horn of lIasling*
Horn of lullIes*
Incense of nedilalion (priesl)*
Incense of olsession (priesl)*
Iron fIask*
Ilen of cIoaked vizardry
}eIIala of conceaInenl
}eveI of allacks
ManuaI of BodiIy HeaIlh*
ManuaI of CainfuI Lxercise*
ManuaI of Iuissanl SkiII al Arns (varrior)*
ManuaI of Quickness in Aclion*
}eIIala of eyes (vizard)
IearI of visdon (priesl)*
IearI of lhe sirines
Ieriapl of fouI rolling*
Ieriapl of heaIlh*
Ieriapl of proof againsl poison*
IhyIaclery of lravery
IhyIaclery of failhfuIness (priesl)*
IhyIaclery of Iong years (priesl)*
IhyIaclery of nonslrous allenlion*
O1- O4
O 8
21- 22
23- 25
2 6
AppemoI B:
Chanac1ens Im 5hon1hamo
5ubtab!c 3 (dIc rn!! 5-6)
IorlalIe hoIe*
Qanun of charning
Qanun of discord
Qanun of quiel
Rope of cIinling*
Rope of conslriclion*
Rope of enlangIenenl*
Rug of snolhering*
Scaral of dealh*
Scaral of deceplion
Scaral of enraging enenies*
Scaral of insanily*
Scaral of proleclion*
Sheel of snaIIness*
SIippers of dancing
SIippers of Ievilalion
SIippers of sofl novenenl
SIippers of spider cIinling*
SIippers of varied lracks
Slone horse*
Slone of conlroIIing earlh eIenenlaIs*
Slone of good Iuck*
Slone of veighl*
TeIescope of fanlaslic vision
TeIescope of lrue vision
Tone of CIear Thoughl*
Tone of Leadership and InfIuence*
Tone of Underslanding*
Vacuous grinoire*
Wind fan*
Wings of fIying*
XP Va!uc
* Ilen is descriled in lhe Dungccn Mas|crs Guic.
** In addilion lo Iisled XI vaIue of ilen.
Allrevialions descriling characlers appear in lhis order:
race, sex, cIass, kil, and IeveI. Ior exanpIe, hnI/f/2O neans
hunan naIe fighler, faris, 2Olh IeveI.
he haIf-eIf
kl koloId
o orc
f fenaIe n naIe
R Ranger
T Thief
W Wizard (Mage)
i r
Askar nk ManIuk
Ajani nage nr Merchanl-rogue
Beggar-lhief nl Malrud
Corsair o ulIand priesl
Deserl rider ov ulIand varrior
Iaris r Ravun
IIane nage san Sand nage
Hakina sen Sea nage
HoIy sIayer sh Shair
Kahin sI SaIuk
MoraIisl so Sorcerer
Mercenary larlarian
DMs Op|icns. LeveIs refIecl lhe slandard range of 1 lo 2O,
DMs nay choose lo aIler lhen lo suil lheir canpaigns.
WhiIe a characlers descriplion gives insighl inlo his or her
lasic nalure, aIignnenl is nol Iisled, DMs nay assign il as
lhey see fil.
GemIe o[ Zahana, Dao
Land of Iale
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Larlh, nounlains
ORGANIZATION: K h a n a l e
Lov lo very (5~12)
NeulraI eviI
MOVEMENT: 9, I1 15 (B), Br 6
HIT DICE: 8 + 3
THACO: 1 3
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 3-18 (3d6)
5PECIAL DEFEN5E5: Larlh resislance, see leIov
5IZE: L (8-1 1 fl. laII)
MORALE: Chanpion (15-16)
ao are naIicious genies fron lhe LIenenlaI IIane of Larlh.
(Dac is lolh singuIar and pIuraI.) There lhey dveII in greal
nunlers, conlinuaIIy deIving and shaping lhe rock around lhen.
n lhe Irine MaleriaI IIane, dao are usuaIIy soIilary, aIlhough
poverfuI individuaIs (such as lhe eviI yak-nen) sonelines nanage
lo connand a group of lhen. f aII lhe genie races, dao are lhe
nosl sinpIe and lrulish, and can oflen le cozened inlo service.
MaIe or fenaIe, dao are poverfuIIy nuscIed individuaIs. Their
poIished skin is lhe coIor of earlh, sand, or granile, and lheir
finger- and loenaiIs are nade of a duralIe lul Iuslrous nelaI. The
fingers lhenseIves are vide and pudgy, even if lhe dao assune
olher forns. Bolh sexes are laId and free of lody hair. MaIes do
have faciaI hair, vorn in nuslaches and anguIar leards. AII dao
enjoy adorning lhenseIves vilh jeveIry, such as earrings, lracers,
chokers, nose rings and sluds, ankIe lraceIels, rings, and leIIs.
Many don shirls of IaneIIar pIales.
Like nosl genies, dao have a Iiniled forn of leIepalhy lhal
enalIes lhen lo converse vilh any inleIIigenl leing (Iov
inleIIigence or leller). They nay use lhis aliIily as lransIalors, lul
viII oflen accenluale lhe negalives vhen doing so, naking each
side appear hosliIe and loaslfuI lo lhe olher. Dao aIso speak
Midani and lhe nalive longue of aII geniekind. The dao diaIecl is
runlIing and Iov-pilched, vilh grinding consonanls and lriIIing
Cnmbat: Dao can use each of lhe foIIoving speII-Iike povers once
per day, one al a line: c|cc| gcc, c|cc| nagic, assunc gasccus
fcrn, a||rac| cti| cqc, lecone intisio|c, cause nisircc|icn, passua||,
creale a spcc|ra| fcrcc, creale a ua|| cf s|cnc, and cnangc sc|f. Wilh
lhe Iasl pover, a dao can reduce ils heighl lo 2 feel or increase il lo
2O feel (a varialion of lhe speII). Three lines per day, lhe dao can
lurn rock lo nud (or lhe reverse, nu |c rcc|). Six lines per day,
lhe dao can ig. Iovers are al lhe 18lh IeveI of vizardry.
A dao can aIso granl a Iiniled MEID once per day, lul vilh severe
reslriclions. Iirsl, lhe genie can onIy granl a vish lo a nalive of lhe
Irine MaleriaI IIane. A dao cannol granl a vish lo anolher genie,
incIuding a janni, nor can a vish le granled lo a crealure such as a
canlion, vhich leIongs lo lolh lhe Irine MaleriaI and olher
pIanes. Mosl inporlanlIy, lhe dao can onIy granl a vish lhal viII
le fuIfiIIed in a lvisled or naIignanl vay. (DelaiIs are delernined
ly lhe DM, nol-even lhe dao can aIvays predicl such resuIls.) Ior
exanpIe, an individuaI vho vishes lo regain hil poinls nay do so,
lul al lhe cosl of draining hil poinls fron aIIies. A vizard vho
requesls a nev speII nay receive il, lul lecone affIicled vilh lhe
eviI eye. And lhose vho vish for sheIler nay discover a paIace,
onIy lo find il inhaliled ly sone fouI nonsler. Mosl of lhose vho
requesl vishes fron dao are avare of lhese reslriclions and proceed
vilh caulion. (WhiIe an eviI nasler vho has ensIaved a dao nay
denand a vish, lhe nasler shouId knov lhal lhe vish is IikeIy lo
cause hin or her greal harn.)
Dao are innune lo earlh-lased and earlh-affecling speIIs,
incIuding lhose fron lhe province of sand (eIenenlaI earlh). HoIy
valer is lhe daos lane, lhey suffer lvice lhe usuaI anounl of danage
fron il. Thal danage viII le narked for years lo cone, lecause lhe
Iiquid scars lhen as easiIy as valer carves ravines lhrough sand.
A dao can carry up lo 5OO pounds vilhoul liring, eilher vhen
fIying or vaIking (or sinpIy slanding). DoulIing lhe veighl causes
lhe dao lo lire in lhree lurns, lul for every 1OO pounds under
1,OOO, lhe dao can lear lhe Ioad one addilionaI lurn. Ior exanpIe,
a dao can carry 6OO pounds for seven lurns vilhoul liring. Afler
leing exhausled in lhis fashion, a dao nusl resl for six lurns.
Dao can nove lhrough earlh al a lurroving rale of 6. They
canl dig lhrough vorked slone or soIid rock, hovever.
Conpanions canl foIIov, since lhe lunneI cIoses up lehind lhe
lurroving dao, fiIIed ly delris carved oul fron ahead. Hovever, a
lurroving dao can sliII carry inaninale oljecls, and such an

1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

GemIe o[ Zakhana, Dao
Land of Iale
oljecl nighl conceivalIy le a passenger, aIleil an unconforlalIe
one (DMs discrelion appIies).
Dao usuaIIy sland and fighl if lhrealened. If lheyre overnalched,
hovever, nosl fIee ly laking lo lhe air or ly lurroving-and lhen
relurn vilh enough reinforcenenls lo squash lhose vho vouId
lesnirch a daos honor. Dao are oflen unconforlalIe in an encIosed
area of vorked slone lecause il prevenls lhen relrealing easiIy.
Though dao are eviI, lhey are aIso honoralIe in lheir ovn vay.
If shovn kindness and fairness, a dao viII relurn lhen in kind
(laking everylhing eIse il can gel as veII). Dao nake exceIIenl
advisors, parlicuIarIy if lhey knov lhal ly heIping a norlaI lhey
can cause harn lo olher norlaIs. These genies hale ensIavenenl as
nuch as lhe efreel, and viII seek oul shairs vho have inprisoned
lheir lrelhren~eilher lo sIay lhe shairs or lo lake lhen as sIaves.
|n|crp|anar Tratc|. Dao can lraveI freeIy lo any of lhe eIenenlaI
pIanes, as veII as lo lhe Irine MaleriaI, AslraI, and LlhereaI
IIanes. They are generaIIy honelodies, favoring lheir nalive
IIane of Larlh, lul sone nainlain reIalionships vilh efreel on lhe
IIane of Iire. In addilion lo lraveIing of lheir ovn voIilion, dao
nay le sunnoned lo lhe Irine MaleriaI IIane lhrough nagicaI
aliIilies or ilens.
HabItat/5ncIcty: The daos nalive Iand is lhe LIenenlaI IIane of
Larlh, a reaIn of soIid naller lroken ly pockels of air, valer, and
fire. The dao have laned, vorked, and sellIed lhese pockels for
lheir ovn use. The pockels and caverns lvisl lack on lhenseIves
Iike inlricale knols, and are caIIed nazcucr|s. A lypicaI nazevork
conprises 4 lo 4O (4d1O) dao, and 8 lo 8O (8d1O) sIaves. TypicaI
sIaves incIude eIenenlaI leings such as xorn, caplives fron lhe
Irine MaleriaI IIane (especiaIIy races accusloned lo a Iife
underground), and hapIess hunan advenlurers. Xorn and olher
crealures vho can nove lhrough slone serve lhe dao as scouls,
delernining lhe Iocalion of fulure diggings.
A slandard dao nazevork is ruIed ly an alanan (or helnan)
vho acls on lhe advice of a seneschaI. Bolh are eilher dao of
naxinun hil poinls or nolIe dao (see lhe AL-QADIM
Mcns|rcus Ccnpcniun Appendix). ne lo six nolIes or dao of
naxinun hil poinls nake up lhe ruIers innediale courl. WhiIe
lhe alanans IoyaIly nay le in queslion, lhe seneschaIs is nol,
since lhe Ialler is appoinled ly lhe Creal Khan of lhe dao.
SeneschaIs are responsilIe for coIIecling laxes and sIave Ievies
fron lhe snaIIer nazevorks, lo le lurned over lo lhe Creal Khan
for his ovn use. flen an alanan viII decIare his independence,
and seek lo lreak avay or cheal lhe Creal Khan of his due. As a
resuIl, punilive expedilions againsl independenl kingdons are
connon in lhe LIenenlaI IIane of Larlh.
The Creal Khan ruIes his suljecls fron a cavern conpIex caIIed
lhe SevenfoId Mazevork. The conpIex Iies al lhe deep hearl of
lhe Creal DisnaI DeIve, vhich is lhe Iargesl dao cily on lhe IIane
of Larlh. Mosl nolIe dao, as veII as lhe najorily of aII dao, can le
found in lhe DeIve. Il is a huge nelropoIis, conlinuaIIy luslIing
vilh lrade in gens, nelaIs, and norlaI Iives. The cilys suqs and
lazaars are lhe nosl vondrous (and dangerous) on lhe inner
f aII genie races, dao are lhe nosl induslrious. They are
conlinuaIIy nining, shaping, and digging nev Iands-aclivilies
lhal require a sleady fIov of sIaves and naleriaIs. Their narkels are
fiIIed vilh sharp deaIers, nev vonders, precious nelaIs, and IiveIy
sIave-auclions. (WhiIe dao fear Iosing lheir ovn freedon, and
despise lhose vho vouId inprison lhen, lhey see nolhing vrong
vilh depriving olhers of lheir freedon.) These genies are diIigenl,
hard-vorking, and driven lo conpIele lheir lasks lo lhe lesl of
lheir aliIilies.
Dao induslriousness is vhal noves lhen lo invade lhe Irine
MaleriaI IIane, vhere lhey hope lo open nev narkels and nev
suppIy Iines for lheir insalialIe enpires. In lhe Irine MaleriaI
IIane, dao are nornaIIy found aIone, scouling for resources or
deaIing vilh IocaI nerchanls. They prefer lhe nounlainous lerrain
faniIiar lo lheir race, lul can aIso le found in deserls and jungIes.
They are uneasy in norlaI cilies, lul viII go lhere if lrade is good.
Ecn!ngy: Dao do nol need lo eal or drink. They can fasl for years
vilhoul significanl delrinenl lo lheir aliIilies. They aIso can sIov
lheir lrealhing lo a poinl lhal enalIes lhen lo renain luried
lenealh lons of delris and le unaffecled. (They are sliII vuIneralIe
lo poisons and air-lased allacks, hovever.) Despile such poverfuI
conslilulions, dao enjoy lhe sensalions of Iife, and oflen parlake in
hedonislic reveIry. Ior exanpIe, dao leIieve lhal povdered gens,
goId dusl, and goId Ieaf heighlen lhe experience of ealing~
devouring lhen as norlaIs nighl use a precious spice.
Dao lake pride in a lhing veII-nade and a pIol veII-pIanned.
MorlaI agenls sonelines enpIoy dao lo luiId forlificalions and
paIaces, for lheir engineering skiIIs are second lo none. When
conslrucling sonelhing, lhe naIicious nalure of lhe dao is
sulnerged in lhe induslry of lhe vork.
In lhe Irine MaleriaI IIane, far lo lhe norlh of lhe enIighlened
vorId, lhe induslriousness of dao has leen harnessed ly eviI yak-
nen. Dao are incapalIe of allacking lhese crealures, and are
condenned lo serve lhen. (See lhe Yak-Men enlry.) Anong lhe
genies, dao are on speaking and lrading lerns vilh lhe efreel, lul
lhey have nolhing lul scorn and halred for jann, djinn, and
narids. lher races nalive lo lhe LIenenlaI IIane of Larlh avoid
lhe dao, for lhese eviI genies are aIvays seeking nev sIaves.

1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

GemIe o[ Zakhana, DjImmI
Land of Iale
FREQUENCY: Very rare
Average lo highIy (8~14)
Chaolic good
HIT DICE: 7 + 3
THAC0: 13
2-16 (2d8)
WhirIvind, see leIov
5PECIAL DEFEN5E5: Air-lased conlal, see leIov
5IZE: L (1O 1/2 fl. laII)
MORALE: LIile (13-14)
encounler lhese crealures in greal nunler on lheir hone pIane, djinn
lend lo le soIilary vhen visiling lhe Land of Iale. They favor lhe
uncIullered vislas of lhe open deserl lo denseIy popuIaled regions.
Djinn are sonevhal friendIy lovard norlaIs, hovever, and as a resuIl,
lhey nay visil Zakharas cilies.
jinn are proud, sensuous genies fron lhe LIenenlaI IIane of Air.
(Djinn is pIuraI, jinni is singuIar.) WhiIe an advenlurer nay
Djinn Iook Iike exceedingIy laII, veII-nuscIed nen and vonen.
Their fealures are nolIe and allraclive. Their skin coIor ranges fron
paIe lIue lo lhe nore connon oIive-lrovn and dark lan of deserl
nalives. Their eyes are usuaIIy lrovn, lul lhere are aIso lIue-eyed
djinn, vho are leIieved lo le narked ly Iale for greal aclions. (BIue
aIso suggesls increased povers of lhe eviI eye, hovever.) Djinn dress in
airy, shinnering siIks, vhich are designed for conforl as veII as lo
fIaunl lheir nuscuIalure.
Like nosl genies, djinn have a Iiniled forn of leIepalhy, vhich
enalIes lhen lo converse vilh any leing of Iov inleIIigence or leller.
(This can nake djinn vaIualIe lransIalors. Lel negolialors levare,
hovever: capricious djinn nay reIay lheir ovn inlerprelalions.)
Djinn aIso speak Midani, as veII as lhe Ianguage shared ly aII
geniekind. The djinn diaIecl of lhe Ialler is siliIanl and neIodious, Iike
a lreeze passing lhrough an orchard.
Cnmbat: Djinn can use each of lhe foIIoving speII-Iike aliIilies once
per day: They can crca|c nu|ri|icus fcc for 2 lo 12 (2d6) persons and
crca|c ua|cr or uinc for 2 lo 12 (2d6) persons. They can crca|c scf| gccs
(up lo 16 culic feel) or ucccn i|cns (up lo 9 culic feel) of a
pernanenl nalure. They aIso can crca|c nc|a| vilh a shorl Iifespan.
(The harder lhe nelaI, lhe shorler ils duralion. WhiIe djinni goId Iasls
24 hours, djinni sleeI Iasls lul an hour.) Djinn can crca|c i||usicns lhal
have lolh visilIe and audilIe conponenls, and lhal Iasl vilhoul
concenlralion unliI lhey are louched or dispeIIed. AII of lhese iIIusions
are casl vilh lhe aliIily of a 2Olh-IeveI vizard. (A shair vho is alIe lo
idenlify lhe vorks of geniekind can use lhal aliIily lo delecl lhe source
of a djinnis iIIusions.) A djinni can aIso lecone intisio|c, assunc
gasccus fcrn, and uin ua||.
AIso once per day, a Zakharan djinni has lhe aliIily lo harness lhe air
and creale a vhirIvind, vhich lhe crealure can ride or even direcl al viII
fron a dislance (usuaIIy lo allack, vilh a range of sighl). The vhirIvind
is a cone-shaped spiraI, neasuring up lo 1O feel across al ils lase, 4O feel
al lhe lop, and up lo 7O feel in heighl. (The djinni chooses lhe
vhirIvinds dinensions.) Ils naxinun speed is 18, vilh naneuveraliIily
cIass A. The lase of lhe vhirIvind nusl louch earlh, valer, or sone soIid
surface, eIse lhe vhirIvind dissoIves. Il lakes a fuII lurn for lhe vhirIvind
lo forn or dissoIve. During lhal lurn, lhe funneI cIoud infIicls no
danage, nor does il have any olher effecl. The vhirIvind Iasls as Iong as
lhe djinni concenlrales upon il, noving al lhe crealures vhin.
If lhe vhirIvind slrikes a nonaeriaI crealure of fever lhan 2 Hil
Dice, lhe crealure nay le svepl off ils feel, lallered, and kiIIed. To
avoid lhese effecls, lhe largel nusl nake a successfuI saving lhrov vs.
lrealh veapon for each round of conlacl vilh lhe vhirIvind. Hardier
leings-as veII as aII aeriaI or airlorne crealure~suffer 2 lo 12 (2d6)
poinls of danage per round of conlacl vilh lhe vhirIvind.
As noled alove, lhe djinni can ride ils vhirIvind. The djinni nay
even aIIov passengers on loard, vho (Iike lhe djinni) suffer no
danage fron lhe luffeling vinds. Besides lhe djinni, lhe vhirIvind can
carry up lo six nan-sized or lhree genie-sized crealures vilhoul sIoving.
Because of lheir Iink lo lhe LIenenlaI IIane of Air, djinn enjoy an
advanlage in air-lased conlal. Crealures or allacks lased on eIenenlaI
air suffer a -1 penaIly lo allack and danage roIIs vhen lallIing a djinni.
In addilion, a djinni gains a +4 lonus lo saving lhrovs againsl air-lased
allacks and eIenenlaI air speIIs, incIuding poison gas allacks, gaseous
lrealh veapons, and nagics such as c|cu|i|| and ccn|rc| ncrna| uins.
Brule force is a poor persuader of djinn. Ralher lhan le caplured (or
injured), a djinni vho is overnalched in conlal usuaIIy lakes lo fIighl
and uses ils vhirIvind lo luffel foIIovers.

1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

GemIe o[ Zakhana, DjImmI
Land of Iale
A djinni can carry up lo 6OO pounds vilhoul liring, vhelher fIying or
lraveIing afool. Il can even carry 1,2OO pounds for a shorl line: lhree
lurns if afool, one lurn if fIying. Ior every 1OO pounds Iess lhan 1,2OO, a
djinni can vaIk or fIy one addilionaI lurn lefore faligue sels in. (Ior
exanpIe, a djinni carrying 1,OOO pounds can vaIk for up lo five lurns
and fIy for up lo lhree.) nce faligued, lhe crealure nusl resl six lurns
lefore allenpling furlher slrenuous aclivily. These veighl Iinilalions
do nol appIy lo lhe djinnis vhirIvind. Hovever, any laggage or cargo
lhal is nol carried ly lhe djinni~or ly lhe djinnis passengers~is nol
prolecled, il can le danaged ly lhe funneI cIouds high vinds (ilens
lhal faiI a saving lhrov vs. crushing lIov are deslroyed).
|n|crp|anar Tratc|. Like nosl genies, djinn can lraveI freeIy lo any
eIenenlaI pIane, as veII as lo lhe Irine MaleriaI IIane, LlhereaI IIane,
and AslraI IIane. They usuaIIy reslricl lheir lraveI lo lhe LIenenlaI
IIane of Air and lhe Irine MaleriaI IIane. Djinn nay aIso le
sunnoned lo lhe Irine MaleriaI IIane as a resuIl of a characlers
nagicaI aliIily or ilen.
HabItat/5ncIcty: The djinns nalive Iand is lhe LIenenlaI IIane of Air,
vhere lhey sellIe fIoaling isIands of earlh and rock. These IandhoIds
neasure anyvhere fron 1,OOO yards lo severaI niIes across. They are
cranned vilh vondrous luiIdings, courlyards, founlains, and gardens,
as veII as lopiary forns and scuIplures nade of eIenenlaI fIanes. WhiIe
djinn can fIy easiIy, nosl halilals of lhe non-nolIe djinn are luiIl vilh
nonfIying crealures in nind. Sveeping slaircases, ranps, sIides, and
Iadders aIIov anluIalory servanls and visilors lo nove around freeIy.
A lypicaI IandhoId is hone lo 3 lo 3O (3d1O) djinn, 1 lo 1O jann,
and 1 lo 1O air eIenenlaI crealures of Iov inleIIigence. A singIe
snci|n aIvays a djinni of naxinun hil poinls~presides over lhe
IandhoId. The sheikh ansvers lo a Ioose confederalion of ca|ipns. These
caIiphs are aIso served ly tizicrs, ocqs, and cnirs. The uIlinale ruIer of
aII djinn is lhe Grca| Ca|ipn, Connander of lhe Iour Winds, Defender
of lhe Heavens, Masler of lhe Air. AII high-ranking crealures (fron
viziers and sheikhs lo lhe Creal CaIiph) are nolIe djinn. (See lhe
AL-QADIM Mcns|rcus Ccnpcniun Appendix for delaiIs.)
AII djinn svear aIIegiance and feaIly lo lhe Creal CaIiph. His vord
is Iav. A djinni risks punishnenl for disoleying a IocaI caIiph, lul
dealh is lhe penaIly for vioIaling lhe Creal CaIiphs viII.
Djinn IandhoIds praclice nuluaI defense. If one is allacked, ils
residenls send nessengers lo olher oulposls. Soon, lhe enlire djinn
nalion is noliIized and prepared for var. In lhe LIenenlaI IIane of Air,
soIid luiIding ground is al a preniun (for any residenl). MuluaI
defense aIIovs lhe djinn lo prolecl vhal lhey ovn. lher senlienl
races on lhe pIane shy avay fron allacking djinn IandhoIds, since lhey
knov lhal lhe djinn viII relurn lhe allack in kind.
AIlhough lhe caIiphale organizalion is fairIy Ioose, il sliII loo
reslriclive for nany free-Iiving djinn. They oflen visil lhe Irine
MaleriaI IIane for a respile fron faniIy and IocaI Iords. These
vacalioners favor lhe viId, open deserls, vhere lhey ride vhirIvinds
and visil jann (lheir genie cousins). Djinn found in lhe deep, forIorn
deserl usuaIIy vanl soIilude, and lhey nay viev inlruders unkindIy.
Mosl djinn are friendIy lovard norlaIs, hovever. f aII lhe genie
races, onIy jann are nore loIeranl of lhese shorl-Iived conicaI IillIe
crealures. WhiIe oulrighl allacks on norlaIs are rare, djinn arc
nischievous. A favorile djinni lrick is lo creale an iIIusionary person
vho inpIores a norlaI lo recover sone ilen or lo pIay sone lrick~
aIvays lo djinnis advanlage. This sorl of nischief lecones especiaIIy
heavy-handed againsl crealures vho use vings or sone arlificiaI neans
lo fIy (such as a nagic carpel). Djinn resenl such crealures for
chaIIenging lhen in lheir ovn eIenenl.
Despile lheir inpish nalure, djinn consider sone largels off Iinils for
pranks. A djinni viII rareIy vex high-ranking or inporlanl norlaIs,
lecause lhey nay have lies lo lhe Creal CaIiph. A djinni is aIso
caulious aloul pIaying lricks on anolher djinni.
f lhe lrue genies, djinn are nosl anenalIe lo servilude. A djinni
nay even forgive a norlaI naslers fIavs and le anused ly his or her
pelly aclions. Liniled servilude, leIieve lhe djinn, is a naller of Iale,
and no leing nay conlesl lhe hand of Iale. Long-lern service
dispIeases lhe djinn, hovever. Inprisonnenl is analhena. And
lelrayaI-parlicuIarIy ly a norlaI vhon lhey lrusled~is a viIe deed
vhich onIy lhe nosl deadIy vengeance can anend.
If a characler desires lhe lrief service of a djinni, lhe crealure nay le
enlrealed vilh gifls of fine neaIs, gens, and nagicaI lreasures, or
olhervise fIallered and lriled inlo conpIiance-provided, of course, lhe
service does nol require loo nuch risk or expendilure on lhe crealures
parl. Shairs of sufficienl pover nay forgo such nicelies, lhey can
sunnon, lind inlo service, or inprison a djinni ly using lheir speII-Iike
Ecn!ngy: Djinn do nol need lo eal or drink. Hovever, lhey do enjoy
rich fIavors, sneIIs, and sensalions. SuccuIenl fruils, greal feasls,
pungenl vines, fine perfunes, shinnering siIks, snoolh salins, sofl
veIvels-lhese are connon djinn desires. They are crealures of
conforl and ease, vorking vhen forced lo or vhen lhey see a parlicuIar
need. They prefer pernanenl, crafled naleriaIs lo lheir ovn crealions,
and lhis lrings lhen in conlacl vilh norlaIs.
The djinn are on good lerns vilh jann and sonelines visil lheir
deserl canps. They are on cooI lerns vilh narids, vho lend lo le
haughly. Djinn oulvardIy despise dao and efreel, and rareIy hesilale lo
slrike againsl lhen. A singIe djinni is veaker lhan a singIe dao or
efreeli, hovever, so such an allack is eilher a nassed anlush, or, nore
connonIy, an assauIl in vhich a norlaI is conned inlo aiding a djinni
(lherely incurring lhe vralh of lhe dao or efreel).

1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Resewed.

GemIe o[ Zakhana, E[nee1I
Land of Iale
Iire, deserl
Very rare
Very (11-12)
MOVEMENT: 9, II 24 (B)
THAC0: 11
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 3-24 (3d8)
5PECIAL DEFEN5E5: Iire resislance, see leIov
5IZE: L (12 fl. laII)
MORALE: Chanpion (15-16)
freel are genies of lhe LIenenlaI IIane of Iire, and lhey are
IikeIy lo found in greal nunlers lhere. ( |frcc| is pIuraI, cfrcc|i
Lfreel are nassive, soIid, huIking hunanoids vilh red eyes lhal
fIicker and gIov Iike enlers. Il is said lhe efreel are configured
is singuIar.) In lhe Land of Iale, lhey are usuaIIy aIone, aIlhough
lhey nay le acling on lehaIf of a shair or anolher nasler. These
fron equaI parls of lasaIl, lronze, soIid fIane, and anger. Their
genies are usuaIIy hosliIe and derogalory lovard norlaIs, vilh lvo
exceplions: norlaIs vho are nore poverfuI lhan lhe efreel, and
skin coIor ranges fron deep red or crinson lo lhe dark gray and
characlers vho are vise enough lo reaIize lhe superiorily of efreel
over aII olher genies. As a race, efreel are insuIled lo lhe poinl of
elony of lasaIl. (Sone Zakharans leIieve lhal crealures vilh red
vioIence ly suggeslions lhal lhey are eviI and IavfuI in nalure.
They prefer lo lhink of lhenseIves as fair, even-handed, veII
skin are chosen ly Iale for a speciaI lask.) An efreelis hair oflen
organized, and possessing an enIighlened sense of seIf-inleresl.
seens afIane vilh ils lrassy underlones and red and snoky
highIighls. A red or lIack leard, eilher conlrasling or nalching
(The ruIers of lhe efreel, hovever, arc lolh eviI and IavfuI in
lhe hair, conpIeles lhe visage of sone naIes. These fiery genies
dress in lhe finesl siIk caflans and danask roles, aII dyed in shades
of red and lIack. They aIso favor lrass and goId jeveIry.
Like nosl olher genies, efreel have a Iiniled forn of leIepalhy,
vhich enalIes lhen lo converse vilh any leing of Iov inleIIigence
or leller. (An efreeli is an unreIialIe lransIalor, hovever, prone lo
lvisl lhe lrulh lo ils ovn ends.) Lfreel aIso speak Midani and lhe
nalive longue shared ly aII geniekind. The efreeli diaIecl of lhe
Ialler is harsh and passionale, vilh over-slressed syIIalIes and a
cIipped, precise rhylhn.
Cnmbat: An efreeli can use each of lhese speII-Iike aliIilies once
per day vilh lhe skiII of a 15lh-IeveI vizard: lecone intisio|c,
assune gaseous forn, delecl nagic, pc|qncrpn sc|f, creale a ua|| cf
firc, and creale an i||usicn. IIIusions can have lolh visilIe and
audilIe conponenls, and lhey Iasl vilhoul an efreelis
concenlralion unliI lhey are nagicaIIy dispeIIed or louched.
As oflen as desired, an efreeli can aIso prcucc f|anc or cause
pqrc|ccnnics (as a 15lh-IeveI vizard). In addilion, lhe efreeli can
enIarge ilseIf once each day, vilh lhe skiII of a 1Olh-IeveI nage.
Lfreeli are fire-resislanl. NornaI fire~incIuding incendiary
allacks and lhe effecls of lheir ovn nalive pIane~cannol harn
lhen. Nor can dragon lrealh. MagicaI fire~such as a fircoa|| or
siniIar nagic fron lhe province of fIane-has dininished effecls.
Such nagicaI allacks suffer a -1 penaIly lo hil lhe efreeli (vhere
appIicalIe), as veII as a -1 penaIly lo each die of danage.
The efreelis nosl renovned pover is lhe granling of uisncs (per
lhe speII), up lo lhree per day. This aliIily has nade efreel very
popuIar anong lhose seeking lo ensIave lhen (vhich nay
accounl, al Ieasl in parl, for lhe efreels disagreealIe allilude). An
efreeli operales under lvo Iinilalions vhen using lhis aliIily. Iirsl,
vishes can onIy le granled lo crealures of lhe Irine MaleriaI
IIane. Lfreel cannol granl vishes lo olher genies (incIuding jann),
nor lo any olher crealure fron lhe inner or ouler pIanes. Second,
any vish lhal an efreeli granls viII le revieved ly lhe efreelis ovn
superiors in lhe Cily of Brass, and uIlinaleIy ly lhe SuIlan of lhe
Lfreel hinseIf (see Halilal/Sociely).
Lfreel can carry up lo 75O pounds, afool or fIying, vilhoul liring.
They can carry lvice lhal veighl, or 1,5OO pounds, for a Iiniled
line: lhree lurns afool or one lurn aIofl. Ior every 15O pounds
leIov 1,5OO, lhe line Iinil increases ly one lurn. (Ior exanpIe, an
efreeli can fIy for lhree lurns vhiIe carrying 1,2OO pounds.) An
efreeli vho is faligued ly carrying a heavy Ioad nusl resl for six fuII
lurns lefore engaging in slrenuous aclivily again.
|n|crp|anar Tratc|. Like nosl genies, efreel can lraveI freeIy lo
any of lhe eIenenlaI pIanes, as veII as lo Irine MaleriaI IIane,
LlhereaI IIane, and AslraI IIane. Due lo slrained reIalions vilh

1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

GemIe o[ Zakhana, E[nee1I
olher genie races, lhey nornaIIy renain on lhe IIane of Iire,
lhough lhey occasionaIIy eslalIish lrading operalions on lhe IIane
of Larlh. Those upon lhe Irine MaleriaI IIane usuaIIy have leen
sunnoned ly a shair or a characler vho has a nagicaI ilen.
HabItat/5ncIcty: Lfreel are fanous for lheir halred of servilude and
lheir desire for juslice and vengeance againsl lhose vho have
vronged lhen. They are aIso noled for lheir crueI nalures and
lheir aliIily lo nisIead and deceive. In parl, lhis crueIly slens fron
lhe nalure of lhe horrid naslers vho oversee lhen. Bul nore lhan
a fev efreel reIish lheir ovn lrulaIily. The renainder nereIy shrug,
and lIane lheir eviI sociely for lheir aclions, nol lhenseIves.
The courl of lhe efreel is lhe Cily of Brass, a greal nelropoIis
on lhe LIenenlaI IIane of Iire. The cily rises fron a lovI-Iike
henisphere of gIoving nelaI, neasuring 4O niIes across. The cily
is ruIed ly lhe efreels greal suIlan. His servanls incIude a nunler
of nolIe and connon efreel vho nake lhe cily lheir hone.
WhiIe nosl efreel on lhe IIane of Iire reside in lhe Cily of
Brass, lhere are niIilary oulposls scallered lhroughoul lhe
dinension. The slaled purpose of lhese oulposls is lo prolecl lhe
efreeli lerrilories againsl incursions fron lhe LIenenlaI IIanes of
Air and Waler. More oflen, lhey serve as lases for raids againsl
olher pIanes. The oulposls aIso serve lo reguIale novenenl and
lraveI in lhe efreeli lerrilories. Iour lo 4O (4d1O) efreel dveII al
each posl. They are governed ly a naIik or vaIi, vho is a
connon efreeli of naxinun hil poinls. In addilion, lhere is a 1O
percenl chance lhal an oulposl houses one lo four (1d4) jann
and one lo four dao. There aIso nay le 1O lo 1OO (1Od1O)
prisoners or caplives of lhe efreel, laken eilher fron lhe Irine
MaleriaI IIane or fron raids againsl lraveIers in lhe LIenenlaI
IIane of Iire.
Civen lhe oppressiveness of lheir nalive Iand, il is no surprise
lhal efreel nake exlended visils lo lhe Irine MaleriaI IIane. They
Land of Iale
prefer hol regions such as voIcanoes, and open lerrilory such as lhe
AnviIs of lhe greal deserls. This Iove of lhe deserl lrings lhen inlo
confIicl vilh jann, vhon lhe efreel can easiIy doninale, as veII as
djinn, vilh vhon lhe efreel have nainlained a Iov-IeveI confIicl
for generalions.
Due lo lheir vish-granling aliIily, efreel have leen expIoiled ly
norlaIs for eons, especiaIIy hunans. As a resuIl, efreel feeI
suspicion and spile for lhal race. The efreel caplure or lornenl
aInosl anyone lhey can, carrying suilalIe sIaves lack lo lhe IIane
of Iire for lraining al one of lhe oulposls. MorlaIs vho spoon oul
heaIlhy porlions of praise (and lreasure) nay find lhese genies
nore anenalIe, as nay characlers vho seek lo use an efreelis
pover lo lhe delrinenl of olher norlaIs. AII efreel enjoy crealing
excilenenl, havok, and deslruclion, parlicuIarIy if lhey cannol le
heId personaIIy responsilIe. (Very sorry aloul your inn, nosl
vorlhy norlaI. I vouId have spared il if lhe shair had pernilled
ne lo do so. Bul such vas nol lhe case, aIas.)
As noled alove, any vish an efreeli granls viII le revieved ly
efreel superiors (perhaps even lhe eflreels suIlan). Superiors are
lolh naIevoIenl in nalure and exacling in lheir lookkeeping.
None Iooks favoralIy upon an efreeli vho dispenses vishes Iike
sveels lo lhe lenefil of olhers. An efreeli vhose vish-granling is
queslioned nusl offer evidence of lvo circunslances: (1) lhe
vish vas granled againsl lhe efreelis viII or leller judgnenl (for
exanpIe, lhe efreeli vas inprisoned, lhrealened, ensorceIed, or
olhervise forced lo acl in a nanner againsl ils viII), and (2) lhe
efreeli proved ils innale superiorily ly lurning lhe vish againsl
lhe user, lherely leaching lhe individuaI an inporlanl Iesson
(naneIy, donl ask anylhing of an efreeli). Lfreel usuaIIy granl a
naIicious vish, lul in a nanner ensuring lhal lhe characler vho
requesls lhe laIefuI vish viII le harned aIong vilh lhe largel of
i l .
DeaIing vilh an efreeli is lricky. Shairs nusl choose lheir
vords carefuIIy vhen confronling lhese genies. An efreeli nakes
an exceIIenl advisor for lhose vho seek nolhing lul naIicious
nischief and harn. lhervise, onIy lhe slrongesl of naslers
shouId seek lo harness lhe crealures aliIilies. Mosl genie prisons
are used lo lrap lhe efreel and lheir equaIIy deleslalIe cousins,
lhe dao.
Ecn!ngy: As eIenenlaI crealures, efreel do nol need lo eal or drink
in lhe lradilionaI sense, and can go for years vilhoul a neaI. They
do enjoy lhe arona of roasled neals and nuls, hovever. To efreel,
cooked lo perfeclion neans lurned aInosl lo ash. In addilion
lo charred food, efreel enjoy vines and kouniss lhal have leen
healed lo lhe loiIing poinl.
Lfreel appreciale laulIes, lul lhey favor nelaIs and gens lhal
donl Iiquify in lhe heal of lheir nalive Iand. They lreal lheir
cIolhing vilh fIane relardanl oiIs, vhich prevenl lhe falric fron
lursling inlo fIane upon conlacl vilh lheir eIenenlaI honeIand.
WhiIe such oiIs nay le acquired and used ly a norlaI, lhey do nol
prolecl lhe vearer againsl fire danage~onIy lhe cIolhing lhal has
leen lrealed.
Lfreel and djinn hale each olher passionaleIy. Lfreeli invasions
of lhe LIenenlaI IIane of Air are connon. The efreel loIerale dao
(vilh vhon lhey lrade for rav gens) and disIike narids (vhon
lhey find haughly and overlearing). As for lhe jann, efreel seek lo
doninale lhen vhenever and vherever lhey can. n lhe IIane of
Iire, olher fire eIenenlaIs lend lo avoid lhe efreel, since lhese
genies viev aII olher crealures, eIenenlaI or nol, as enenies or
polenliaI sIaves.

1992 TSR, inc. All Rights Reserved

GemIe o[ Zakhana, )ammI
Land of Iale
Any Iand, deserls
Very rare
Very lo exceplionaI (11-16),
genius (17-18, sheikh or anir), or
genius lo supra-genius (17-2O, vizier)
NeulraI good
5 (2)
12, I13O (A)
6 + 2, 8 (sheikhs and viziers),
or 9 (anirs)
15, 13, or 11
1-8 + Slrenglh lonus or ly veapon
+ Slrenglh lonus
MAGIC RE5I5TANCE: NiI or 2O in/near deserl
5IZE: M (6 -7 fl. laII)
MORALE: Chanpion (15)
XP VALUE: 3,OOO, 5,OOO (sheikh), 6,OOO (vizier),
6,OOO (anir)
he veakesl of aII genies, jann are nalive lo lhe Irine MaleriaI
IIane. ( ]ann is pIuraI, janni is singuIar.) They are servanls lo
olher genie races and keepers of lhe viId, inhospilalIe reaches of
lhe Zakharan deserl. Sone Zakharans say lhal jann vere crealed
ly poverfuI eIenenlaI crealures vho hoped lo circunvenl lhe
reslriclion prevenling genies fron granling vishes lo olher genies.
Such vas nol lhe case, for lhe jann are as Iiniled as lheir
eIenenlaI cousins in lhis naller.
Zakharas jann Iook Iike slaluesque hunans or haIf-eIves vilh
handsone, nolIe fealures. Their fIesh is lhe coIor of sand and
earlh, and (unIike djinn) lhey nay pass unnoliced anong nere
norlaIs vilhoul allracling undue allenlion. Their eyes nay le
lIue, green, lrovn, lIack, or sonelhing in lelveen, lul lhey oflen
seen lo fIash Iike hol, coIored sparks, IiveIy and energelic.
}ann Iack lhe Iiniled leIepalhy lhal olher genies have. They do
speak Midani, hovever, as veII as lhe connon longue of aII
geniekind. }ann can aIso spca| ui|n anina|s of Iov inleIIigence or
leller (as per lhe priesl speII of lhe sane nane). AninaIs viII nol
allack a janni vho speaks vilh lhen.
Cnmbat: Deserl heal and vindlone sand cannol harn lhe jann,
lheir skin is very resiIienl. In lallIe, lhey vear a lype of IaneIIar
lhal gives lhen an Arnor CIass of 2. The nornaI deliIilaling
effecls of such arnor do nol appIy. Ior veapons, jann favor greal
scinilars (2d8/4d4 danage) and conposile Iong lovs (fIighl
arrovs, 1d6/1d6 danage). They gain a Slrenglh lenefil vilh lolh.
When allacking vilh lare hands, jann infIicl 1d8 poinls of
Bolh naIe and fenaIe jann have superior Slrenglh. MaIes have
Slrenglhs ranging fron 18/O1 lo 18/OO (d1OO roII). HaIf of aII
fenaIes have Slrenglhs of 18, vhiIe lhe olher haIf have Slrenglhs
of 18/5O. (RoII Id1OO for randon slalislics.) Bolh sexes increase
lheir hil prolaliIily and danage adjuslnenl accordingIy.
HIt PrnbabI!Ity
Damagc Ad.
}ann have a nunler of speII-Iike povers, perforned al lhe 12lh
IeveI of aliIily unIess olhervise noled. They can onIy use one
pover al a line, and no nore lhan one per round:
- Tvice per day, jann can increase or decrease lheir ovn size, or
lhe size of an individuaI lhey louch. The naxinun size is 24 feel,
and lhe nininun is 2 inches. UnviIIing largels are aIIoved a
saving lhrov vs. speIIs.
- They can lecone invisilIe lhree lines per day.
- They can crca|c fcc an ua|cr once per day as a 7lh-IeveI
priesl (crealing 7 culic feel of food and valer).
- They can lecone elhereaI once per day, for a naxinun of
one hour.
In addilion lo lhese povers, jann can lrealhe undervaler and fIy
al viII, vilh no effecl on lheir olher speII-Iike aliIilies.
WhiIe jann lend lo le fearIess on lheir ovn lurf, lhey are
unconforlalIe (and rare) oulside deserl lerrain. According lo
Iegend, lhe firsl of lheir kind cane inlo leing upon Zakharas sands.
Ior lhis reason, lhey are 20 pcrccn| rcsis|an| |c nagic vhiIe in lhis
larren lerrain. The sane resislance appIies vhen lheyre vilhin a
niIe of such open lerrilories. lhervise, a janni has no speciaI nagic

1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

GemIe o[ Zakhana, )ammI
Land of Iale
resislance (Iike any olher crealure of lhe sane Hil Dice). Therefore,
a janni in a cily lordering lhe deserl is nore resislanl lo nagic lhan
a janni in lhe hearl of a richIy cuIlivaled area, or even a janni oul on
lhe open sea. Magic resislance does nol affecl a shairs aliIily lo caII
upon lhe jann, lecause a jannis response is lased on lhe unvrillen
agreenenl lelveen norlaIs and genies.
|n|crp|anar Tratc|. }ann can lraveI freeIy lo lhe AslraI and
LlhereaI IIanes. They can aIso visil lhe IIanes of Waler, Air, Iire,
and Larlh, and lhey are oflen found on lhese eIenenlaI pIanes as
soIilary lourisls, or in lhe service of anolher genie race. }ann are onIy
parliaIIy resislanl lo lhe negalive effecls of lhe eIenenlaI pIanes,
hovever. They cannol visil lhe eIenenlaI pIanes for nore lhan 48
hours (even if lhey journey fron one lo anolher). nce lhal line
has eIapsed, a janni nusl relurn lo lhe Irine MaleriaI IIane for
anolher 48 hours lefore il can safeIy visil an eIenenlaI pIane. If lhe
janni Iingers loo Iong on an eIenenlaI pIane, il suffers 1 poinl of
danage for every hour spenl lhere (leyond lhe iniliaI 48). Danage
ceases lo accunuIale as soon as lhe crealure relurns lo lhe Irine
MaleriaI IIane or perishes.
When lraveIing lo an eIenenlaI pIane, a janni can lake aIong up
lo six individuaIs. The janni aulonalicaIIy exlends ils ovn
proleclion againsl lhe effecls of lhal pIane lo ils feIIov lraveIers.
lher lraveIers nusl Iink hands vilh lhe janni lo nake lhe lrip.
Afler 48 hours have eIapsed, hovever, lhe jannis proleclion
aulonalicaIIy ends. Il aIso ends innedialeIy if lhe janni Ieaves lhe
eIenenlaI pIane, slranding ils conpanions lhere.
HabItat/5ncIcty: }ann vaIue lheir privacy and safely. They favor lhe
forIorn deserls of Zakhara, fron lhe inhospilalIe AnviIs lo Iush
oases. They consider lhenseIves lhe carelakers of lhal Iand, acling
in lhe nane of lheir genie Iords and lhe Crand CaIiph.
Like Zakharas AI-Badia, jann are nonads, lhough lhey nove
lheir canps Iess frequenlIy lhan norlaIs, and lhey do nainlain sone
pernanenl sellIenenls. These crealures lraveI in cIans of 1d2O +1O
individuaIs, each ruIed ly a sheikh. Lach cIan leIongs lo a grealer
lrile, lhe lvo nosl inporlanl leing lhe House of Sihr in lhe High
Deserl and lhe viId, erralic }ann of lhe Haunled Lands. Scallered
lhroughoul lhe deserl and viId Iands are independenl cIans and
snaIIer lriles, unaIigned lo eilher of lhese poverfuI houses.
Snci|ns are jann vilh 8 Hil Dice. Anirs, nore poverfuI sheikhs
vho ruIe lhe grealer lriles, have 9 Hil Dice. Bolh lypes of Ieaders
have genius (17-18) InleIIigence, and higher lhan average slrenglh
(1O percenl chance of a 19 slrenglh (+3/+7), regardIess of lhe jannis
Lach anir is counseIed ly one or lvo tizicrs. These high-ranking
advisors have 8 Hil Dice and genius lo supra-genius InleIIigence
(17-2O). They aIso have lhe foIIoving speII-Iike povers, and can use
each of lhen lhree lines per day al lhe 12lh IeveI of aliIily: augurq,
c|cc| nagic, itina|icn, and firc |ru|n.
The jann lriles lraveI vilh herds of caneIs, goals, and sheep
lelveen good grassIands and oases. As a peopIe, lhey are lhe enlIen
of lhe virlues of lhe deserl. They are slrong, lrave, and vaIianl. They
are proud and lrook no insuIl or inpropriely, and see lhal injuries are
repaid in kind. By lhe sane loken, lhey are hospilalIe lo lraveIers
and slrangers, and lreal lhen vilh honor and respecl vhen lhey are
anong lhen, expecling lhe sane lrealnenl in relurn.
n lhe nove, jann Iive in Iarge, lrighlIy-coIored lenls vilh lheir
faniIies. In Zakhara, naIe and fenaIe jann are lrealed equaIIy, and a
successfuI naIe or fenaIe nay have a nunler of spouses.
TradilionaIIy a narried naIe renains vilhin (or al Ieasl near) his
faniIys lenl. A narried fenaIe Iives vilh her firsl spouses faniIy
unliI she narries again, al vhich line a neulraI Iocalion for her lenl
is chosen. Whenever a faniIy oulgrovs a singIe lenl, chiIdren nove
inlo lheir ovn quarlers.
}ann aIso nainlain pernanenl sellIenenls in hidden oases,
vindsvepl hoIy siles, and deserled cilies. Tenls are connon in such
pernanenl Iocalions, lul lhe jann aIso luiId eIeganl, sveeping
slruclures for connunaI use. Such slruclures nighl incIude a
nosque, lalhhouse (vilh quarlers for visiling narids), snokehouse
(vilh siniIar quarlers so lhal efreel are conforlalIe), and
occasionaIIy an audience chanler for lhe janns anirs.
Ecn!ngy: In lheir nalive deserl, jann are open and friendIy lovard
nevconers (parlicuIarIy if lhe jann oulnunler lhen). These genies
nake no dislinclion lelveen lhe norlaI races, caring nore if an
individuaI is jusl and enIighlened lhan if lhe characler is an orc or
eIf. Al lhe lorders of lhe janns lerrilory, lhese genies are Iess
lrusling of olhers, parlicuIarIy in areas vhere jann Iack lheir innale
nagicaI resislance.
}ann are on exceIIenl lerns vilh djinn, and in an energency lhe
jann viII send a nessenger lo lhe LIenenlaI IIane of Air lo requesl
reinforcenenls. The jann loIerale efreel, vho lend lo le fouI-
lenpered and overlearing, laking advanlage of any hospilaIily
offered vhiIe offering IillIe in relurn. SiniIarIy, jann loIerale dao,
lul oflen vilh a lhinIy veiIed hosliIily, lecause jann are sonelines
caplives in lhe daos nalive pIane. The narids are lrealed as lhe
royaIly lhey consider lhenseIves lo le, lul lheir visils lo lhe valer-
slricken deserls are infrequenl.
}ann have a naxinun Iifespan of 3OO years. Like nosl of
Zakharas crealures, lo survive lhey nusl eal, drink, and lrealhe.

1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

GemIe o[ Zakhana, NanIo
Land of Iale
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Waler, oceans
FREQUENCY: Very rare
High lo genius (13-18)
Chaolic neulraI
MOVEMENT: 9, II 15 (B), SW 24
THAC0: 7
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 4-32 (4d8)
5PECIAL ATTACK5: Waler jel
5PECIAL DEFEN5E5: Waler resislance
5IZE: H (18 fl. laII)
MORALE: Chanpion (16)
poverfuI of aII geniekind. WhiIe individuaI lasked genies nay
vieId greal pover, and lhe nolIe genies are lolh nore poverfuI
and cuIlured, lhe average narid slands head and shouIders alove
lhe fIighly djinni, lhe ground-hugging dao, and lhe eviI efreeli.
arids are genies fron lhe LIenenlaI IIane of Waler. In lhe
eyes of nany Zakharans, lhey are lhe nosl vondrous and
Tovering and leaulifuI, narids are as fair of face as lhey are
poverfuI of forn. Their skin nalches lhe nany coIors of lhe ocean,
fron lhe serene lIue of lropicaI valers lo lhe sonler greens of a
slorn-lossed sea. Skin coIor changes lo refIecl lhe noods of an
individuaI narid~lhe darker lhe crealures nood, lhe darker lhe
coIor. A narids hair is usuaIIy lIue-lIack or dark gray, lul a fev
have lresses as snovy as frolh upon a vave. Such vhile-haired
crealures are considered lhe nosl chaolic of lhis slrong-viIIed,
independenl race.
In lhe sea, narids vear IillIe or nolhing. n Iand, lhey don
fIoving roles and diaphanous panlaIoons. They eschev shirls,
preferring lo shov off lheir physique vilh a shorl vesl (al nosl).
flen, a narids garl is in lhe fIashiesl, nosl oulrageous coIors
possilIe, caIIing allenlion lo lhe richness and pover of lhe genie.
Marids have lhe Iiniled leIepalhy connon lo nosl genies,
enalIing lhen lo converse vilh any inleIIigenl leing (Iov
inleIIigence or leller). These genies nake exceIIenl lransIalors if
lhey can le inpressed inlo service. Marids aIso speak Midani and
lhe nalive longue shared ly aII geniekind. The narid diaIecl of
lhal longue can sound inperious, for lhe vocaIizalions of a narids
fuII vralh are akin lo slorn vaves lreaking on a rocky cIiff.
Cnmbat: Marids are exlreneIy nagicaI crealures, and lhey perforn
as 26lh-IeveI vizards vhen using lheir speII-Iike aliIilies. They can
use each of lhe foIIoving povers lvice per day, one al line: c|cc|
cti|/gcc, c|cc| intisio|c, c|cc| nagic, intisioi|i|q, pc|qncrpn sc|f,
purifq ua|cr, and assunc |iqui fcrn. The Iasl is siniIar in effecl lo
lhe pc|icn cf gasccus fcrn, excepl lhe narid lecones a Iiquid as
opposed lo a gas, and lhe duralion is as Iong as lhe narid viIIs il lo
le. The |iqui forn noves al a speed of 18.
In addilion lo lhe aliIilies noled, narids can perforn any of lhe
foIIoving up lo seven lines per day: assunc gasccus form, |cucr
ua|cr, par| ua|cr, ua|| cf fcg as veII as leslov ua|cr orca|ning upon
olhers. This leslovaI granls lhe recipienl lhe aliIily lo lrealhe
undervaler for up lo a fuII day.
Al viII, narids can crca|c ua|cr and use il as a veapon. They
fashion a poverfuI jel up lo 6O yards Iong, vhich aulonalicaIIy
infIicls 1d6 poinls of danage upon vhonever il slrikes. In
addilion, il nay cause lIindness for 1d6 rounds (a saving lhrov vs.
dragon lrealh is aIIoved).
nce per year, narids can a||cr rca|i|q. These genies can aIso
valer vaIk al viII, as for lhe nagicaI ring of lhe sane nane. They
can lrealhe undervaler naluraIIy, and can svin al any deplh
vilhoul disconforl.
Marids cannol le harned ly valer-lased speIIs, incIuding
nagics fron lhe eIenenlaI province of lhe sea. Resislanl lo coId,
lhese genies gain a +2 lonus lo saving lhrovs vs. coId-lased
allacks. Iurlher, each die of danage fron such allacks is reduced
ly -2. Iire-lased allacks are a narids lane, hovever, infIicling +1
per die of danage, and causing a -1 penaIly lo lhe narids saving
lhrov. These penaIlies appIy onIy vhen lhe narid is exposed lo
open fIane, nere heal, loiIing valer, and slean have no effecl.
A narid can carry 1,OOO pounds vilhoul liring. Il can carry up
lo lvice lhal anounl for lhree lurns lefore ils faligued. Ior every
2OO pounds under 2,OOO, lhe narids endurance increases ly one
lurn. (Ior exanpIe, a narid can carry 1,6OO pounds for five lurns.)
nce faligued, lhe narid nusl resl for six lurns, and cannol le
ludged during lhis period.
|n|crp|anar Tratc|. Like nosl genies, narids can lraveI freeIy lo
any of lhe eIenenlaI pIanes, as veII as lo lhe Irine MaleriaI IIane

1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

GemIe o[ Zakhana, NanIo
Land of Iale
and AslraI IIane. They can aIso nove in lhe LlhereaI IIane. Due
lo lheir slrained reIalions vilh olher genies, lhey nornaIIy renain
on lhe LIenenlaI IIane of Waler, vilh a rare excursion lo lhe
Irine MaleriaI IIane. A narid nay le sunnoned lo lhe Irine
MaleriaI IIane, hovever, eilher lhrough a characlers nagicaI
aliIilies or ilens.
HabItat/5ncIcty: AII narids cIain sone forn of pelly noliIily, and
lhe race is avash in shahs, princes, nufli, khedives, caIiphs, 'ninor
khans, enirs, alalegs, and legIerlegs. Iurlher, no sel order is given
lo lhe rankings and honorifics, crealing a hodgepodge of
confIicling hierarchies and precedence. The lruIy nolIe narids
are superior lo lhese crealures, and are lhe sluff of Iegends in
Zakhara. (See lhe AL-QADIM Mcns|rcus Ccnpcniun
Appendix.) The facl lhal lhe Crand CaIiph of lhe Land of Iale
has nol onIy a narid advisor, lul a lruIy nolIe narid as an advisor,
speaks voIunes as lo his pover.
A narid househoId on ils hone pIane incIudes 2 lo 2O (2d1O)
lypicaI narid nenlers, vilh a Ieader (vhalever ils lilIe) of
naxinun hil poinls. In addilion, lhere are 4 lo 4O servanls, sIaves,
or olhervise Iesser crealures, vhose jol il is lo vail on lhe nolIe
leings. Many of lhese Iackeys are air-lrealhers, kepl failhfuI ly lhe
narids pover lo Iel lhen lo lrealhe undervaler. (A sudden
revocalion of lhal aliIily couId prove falaI.) Marids prefer soIilude
or snaII galherings. AIlhough Iarger groups nay galher for a hunl
or for an incursion inlo anolher pIane, even in such cases, lhe
enphasis is on individuaI aclion and achievenenl.
The uIlinale capilaI of lhe narids, lhe hone of ils Creal
Iadishah, is lhe CiladeI of lhe Ten Thousand IearIs, a nighly
nelropoIis Iocaled in lhe hearl of lhe LIenenlaI IIane of Waler.
This Iegendary pIace is aIso lhe hone of lruIy nolIe narids. nIy a
handfuI of vorlhy norlaIs have visiled lhe ciladeI and Iived lo
relurn lo lhe Irine MaleriaI IIane.
The independenl nalure of narids nakes lhe Irine MaleriaI
IIane a connon sile for visils and advenlures. Hovever, il is nol
norlaIs lhey seek. Marids lend lo avoid conlacl vilh Iesser
races~ vhich, lo a narid, neans aII olher races. So vhen lhey do
appear on lhe Irine MaleriaI IIane, il is oflen in a renole IocaIe
or a pIace inaccessilIe lo olhers. During lhe nonsoon and
hurricane seasons, for exanpIe, lhese recIusive lourisls favor lhe
open sea and lhe jungIe coasl. MorlaIs vho have vilnessed sone of
Zakharas vorsl lropicaI slorns have sighled narids froIicking in
lhe vhirIvinds and valerspouls.
Characlers deaIing vilh narids shouId keep in nind lhal lhese
crealures are egolislicaI and vain~vilh good reason. Their seIf-
inage onIy sIighlIy exceeds reaIily. Lven lhe nosl poverfuI shair
angers a narid al his or her ovn risk. Brilery and fIallery are
oflen lhe lesl neans for deaIing vilh lhese genies, vho viev an
olsequious nan as a nan vho knovs his pIace. f course, vhiIe
such honeyed laclics generaIIy avoid raising a narids ire, lhe
genie sliII nay nol ansver lhe suppIicanls requesl.
Marids are noled for lheir vhinsicaI nalure. More lhan
fev have accepled aII nanner of gifls, onIy lo vanish as soon
lhe giver legan naking firn requesls. Iurlher, narids Iie oflen
and lhey Iie crealiveIy. They are nol naIicious in lheir
deceplion, lul enleIIishnenls suil lheir fancy.
KnovIedgealIe nariners and lraveIers avoid asking direclions
fron a narid, lecause lhe genie viII undoulledIy direcl lhen
lhrough lhe nosl inleresling roule-neaning lhe roule vilh
lhe grealesl periI and excilenenl. Irying lhe lrulh oul of even
a friendIy narid is a Ienglhy process reconnended onIy for lhe
palienl and lhe poverfuI.
Nol surprisingIy, narids are chanpion laIe-leIIers. Their favorile
Iegends enphasize lhe provess of lhe narid race in generaI and of
lhe speaker in parlicuIar. When laIking vilh a narid, norlaIs
shouId lake care lo prevenl lhe conversalion fron digressing inlo
olher nallers. ne furlher nole of varning: Marids consider il a
crine for a Iesser leing lo inlerrupl lhen-and offending a narid
is a sure vay lo sunnon ils vralh.
Ecn!ngy: Marids have no need lo eal or drink in lhe lradilionaI
sense, lhough il pIeases lhen lo do so. They are sensilive lo fIavor
and lasles. A lenser in a narid househoId consisls of exolic saIls
reIeasing pIeasanl lasles inlo lhe valer. Though narids are
crealures of lhe sea, lhey can lrealhe equaIIy veII on dry Iand.
As lefils noliIily, narids lry lo surround lhenseIves vilh lhe
finesl ilens of lhe highesl quaIily. (As noled alove, aII narids
procIain lhenseIves lo le nolIe, hovever feelIe lhe juslificalion.)
Many arroganl genies are nol alove kidnapping a skiIIed hunan
arlificer for use in lheir ovn courl. Such kidnapping does vioIale
lhe Iav anong narids, hovever. ShouId vord of lhe aclion reach
lhe CiladeI of lhe Ten Thousand IearIs, juslice nay le soughl
vilh lhe narids vho are |ru|q nolIe.
As a race, narids lreal olhers~incIuding olher genies-as
inferiors of various grades, ranging fron poor cousins lo pelly
annoyances. In lurn, lhe valer-lased genies are vieved as
inperious, olnoxious, vain, preening, and haughly. Marids loIerale
lhe jann and djinn. They disIike efreel and dao, vho (in lhe
narids opinion) do nol knov lheir proper pIace. Hunans are lhe
nosl disgusling of individuaIs lhal narids nusl loIerale, aIlhough
lhere are cerlain nenlers~nainIy poverfuI shairs and
exceplionaI Ieaders-vhon lhe narids viII deaI vilh on an aInosl
equaI fooling.

1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

GIam1, IsLamo
Land of Iale
Very rare
Average (8-9)
Chaolic eviI
HIT DICE: 13+ 1-4 hil poinls
THAC0: 7
5PECIAL ATTACK5: HurIs rocks for 2-2O (2d1O)
5IZE: H (18 fl. laII)
MORALE: LIile (13-14)
XP VALUE: 7,OOO, 975 (juveniIes)
sIand gianls are a lvisled, horrid variely of lheir lovering kind, as
naIicious and halefuI as lhey are ugIy. Their appearance varies,
lhough aII are vagueIy hunanoid. Many have one or nore horns on
lheir foreheads, as veII as cycIopean (one-eyed) fealures. Sone have lhe
hindquarlers of leasls, Iike salyrs. lhers have repliIian laiIs or julling,
spiked spines. Cianls of olher races and enIighlened hunanoids
universaIIy despise lhe isIand gianls, vho relurn lhe conpIinenl in
Slanding 18 feel laII and veighing sone 8,OOO pounds, isIand gianls
are inposing. They vear IillIe nore lhan a fev rags, usuaIIy lils of
saiIcIolh fron lhe ships lhey have vrecked. Their skin spans lhe range
of coIors connon anong gianls-fron sIale grays lo sky lIues lo rich
IsIand gianls have no nalive Ianguage. They speak a forn of Midani
sprinkIed vilh vords lorroved fron olher gianl longues. This oflen
nakes lheir speech inconprehensilIe lo olhers.
Cnmbat: An aduIl naIe isIand gianl has no parlicuIar povers, olher
lhan lhe aliIily (shared vilh olher gianl races) lo lhrov snaII louIders.
A heaIlhy isIand naIe can heave a louIder up lo 21O yards, infIicling 2
lo 2O (2d1O) poinls of danage. He can calch siniIar nissiIes (i.e., lhose
infIicling up lo 2O poinls of danage) 7O percenl of lhe line. He oflen
uses his rock-lhroving skiII lo deler foIIovers or sink ships. If a rock
vonl suffice as a veapon, an isIand gianl usuaIIy viII reIy on his fisls,
punneIing opponenls. Since isIand gianls are nol looI-nakers ly
nalure, falricaled veapons are rare.
These gianls are snarl enough lo seek an advanlage. When allacking
a ship, nosl allenpl an anlush. A ship usuaIIy conlains nore lhan a
singIe neaI, so an isIand gianl viII allenpl lo lrap or inprison ils
viclins, crealing a Iarder for convenienl snacking.
An aduIl fenaIe isIand gianl can lhrov louIders and fighl jusl as veII
as a naIe-provided she is in gianl forn. IenaIes have lhe aliIily lo
snapccnangc al viII, assuning lhe forn of a hunan or hunanoid. Mosl
prefer lhe shape of a coneIy gianl or a leaulifuI hunan vonan of
nornaI sire. The fenaIe lypicaIIy uses lhis laIenl lo Iead vanderers lo
lheir doon, as veII as lo allracl a nale.
Young isIand gianls have onIy haIf lhe Hil Dice of lheir eIders. They
can lrealhe undervaler. This aliIily heIps lhen fIee danger, incIuding
lhe vralh of Iarger isIand gianls, and il is Iosl vhen lhe young reach
HabItat/5ncIcty: IsIand gianls lend lo le soIilary. As a ruIe, lhey hale
everyone eIse. SnaIIer crealures are nolhing nore lhan neal,
enlerlainnenl in crueI jesls, or lolh. The inleIIigence of naIes is jusl
enough lo fosler inaginalive lrulaIilies, vhiIe lhal of fenaIes is jusl
enough lo conlinue lhe race lhrough deceplion.
IsIand gianls are one of nalures curiosilies. MaIes are conpIeleIy
inferliIe. IenaIes, on lhe olher hand, are quile fecund. They can
reproduce ly coupIing vilh any olher gianl or hunanoid race. True
gianls are preferred, lul an isIand fenaIe nay successfuIIy nale vilh
hunans, eIves, dvarves, and even genies. An isIand fenaIes lrue visage
is horrid lo lehoId, so she uses her snapccnangc aliIilies lo Iure leaus,
adniring handsone, leefy slock. Such a union is hazardous lo lhe naIe,
lecause lhe fenaIe viII seek lo kiII and eal hin innedialeIy aflervard.
Iron lhe slarl, an isIand gianls Iife is vioIenl and lIeak. Lach year,
fenaIes nay give lirlh lo a lrood of 3 lo 12 (Id1O + 2) snaII hunanoid
figures, vho slruggIe lo lhe ocean as soon as possilIe. Those vho Iinger
loo Iong ashore nay le ealen ly an isIand gianl or scavengers. Sone
specuIale lhal a nolher herseIf viII devour davdIing young lo eIininale
veakIings. The young can lrealhe in and oul of lhe valer, and lhey
lypicaIIy dveII lenealh lhe ocean vaves unliI lhey are nalure enough
lo vaIk lack on shore and assune aduIl Iives. Il is eslinaled lhal onIy 1
in 5O offspring survive.
Upon relurning lo Iand, aduIl naIes seek a renole Iocalion lo
eslalIish a donain. AduIl fenaIes sel oul lo deceive polenliaI nales,
leginning anev lhe slruggIe lo reproduce.
Ecn!ngy: IsIand gianls are onnivores. They eal jusl aloul anylhing,
incIuding seaveed and lhe carcasses of leached vhaIes. They prefer fresh
neal, hovever, so a passing ship is a veIcone feasl. If isIand gianls are
consislenlIy veII fed, lhey can Iive up lo a niIIenniun, lul such
individuaIs are rare.

1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

GIam1, Ogne
Land of Iale
Mounlains, deserl
Very rare
Lov (5-6)
Chaolic neulraI
THAC0: 7
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-12 + 7/1-12 +7
5PECIAL ATTACK5: HurI louIders (1-1O/1-1O)
5IZE: H (2O fl. laII)
MORALE: Chanpion (15-16)
XP VALUE: 4,OOO, 5,OOO (cIan Ieader),
175 (juveniIe)
side fron lheir phenonenaI size, ogre gianls have nore in
connon vilh ogres and ogre nagi lhan lhey do vilh lrue
gianls (such as hiII, slone, and jungIe varielies). gre nagi and olher
soIilary leings nay use ogre gianls as guardians. gres, al Ieasl lhe
enIighlened ones, avoid lheir unprediclalIe and ofl-savage cousins.
Slanding 2O feel laII and veighing sone 8,5OO pounds, ogre gianls
are Iarger lhan nany lrue gianls. BrislIing hair covers lheir huIking
lodies, ranging in coIor fron lan lo unler. They vear no cIolhing or
arnor unIess a nasler has lrained lhen lo do so. Their visage is
fearsone. Aloul 6 in 1O ogre gianls are cycIopean, having a singIe eye
cenlered in lheir hairy forehead. Their richIy veined ears hang lo lheir
shouIders Iike lhose of an eIephanl, ly fIapping lhen genlIy, ogre
gianls can cooI lheir lIood and lheir lodies. MaIes have greal lusks
curIing oul fron lheir poverfuI javs, gIislening vilh drooI. Bolh sexes
nay Iive up for up lo 5OO years, ly vhich line lheir faces have gone
conpIeleIy gray.
gre gianls speak lhe Ianguage of ogres. Those vho Iive near
caravan roules or olher civiIized areas speak Midani as veII. A fev
Iegendary crealures have allained enIighlennenl and gained posilions
as nissionaries lo lheir ovn kind. In generaI, hovever, lhe race consisls
of savage, unenIighlened lrules.
Cnmbat: gre gianls lypicaIIy fighl vilh lheir poverfuI fisls or ly
lossing louIders in lhe nanner of lrue gianls. They can lhrov onIy
snaII louIders (1d1O danage), vilh a naxinun range of 12O yards.
Hovever, lhey can loss one vilh each hand, or lvo louIders per round.
Civen a ready suppIy (such as a nounlain slronghoId), an ogre gianl
can Iol nissiIes dovn on his or her enenies indefinileIy.
HabItat/5ncIcty: gre gianls Iive in faniIy groups, or cIans. Lach cIan
has one Ieader, a naIe vilh naxinun hil poinls. He has one lo lhree
vives, each vilh nornaI ogre gianl slalislics. The resl of lhe cIan
incIudes lhe Ieaders chiIdren, as veII as his unnarried silIings. To
delernine lhe slalislics of younger ogre gianls al randon, roII 1d4 for
each. A 4 neans lhe youlh has lhe aliIilies and slalislics of a
connon ogre. (See VoIune ne of lhe Mcns|rcus Ccnpcniun.)
lhervise, ils slalislics nalch lhose of an aduIl ogre gianl.
gre gianls occasionaIIy are in lhe enpIoy of a nore poverfuI
individuaI, eilher a shair, sorcerer, or ogre nage. Such individuaIs
usuaIIy appreciale lheir soIilude. They use ogre gianls as guardians lo
keep iII-advised inlerIopers fron dislurling lhen. In relurn, lhe
poverfuI nasler heIps prolecl lhe cIan againsl nore diIigenl foes.
gre gianls keep no sIaves, nor do lhey eal lhe fIesh of senlienl
crealures. They kiII lheir enenies and luiId rock cairns around lhen.
They aIso lury lheir ovn dead in lhese cairns, conlinuaIIy adding lo
lhe nass of slones over lhe years. Afler a cIan has leen in one Iocalion
for severaI generalions, ils cairns Iook Iike snaII nounlains. Creedy
lonl-rollers and necronancers searching for rav naleriaIs sonelines
desecrale such nounds. Nol surprisingIy, ogre gianls viev lhose aclions
as a sacriIege, one lhal nusl le punished ly dealh.
gre gianls are sinpIe crealures, easiIy confused and deceived. They
are avare of lheir Iinilalions, hovever, and are very vengefuI lovard
lhose vho cheal or Iie lo lhen (once lhey figure il oul). They have
nercuriaI lenpers, and if angered, ogre gianls viII Iash oul, seeking lo
deslroy vhalever (or vhonever) confounded lhen.
Ecn!ngy: gre gianl cIans are fev and far lelveen, oving in parl lo
lheir vasl requirenenls for food. Sone nainlain lheir ovn herds of
sheep and goals. Sone aIso lrade vilh hunans, lul nosl keep lo
lhenseIves. In generaI, Ione ogre gianls are naIes Iooking for a cIan
vilh daughlers suilalIe for narriage, or lhey are naIes Iooking for a
Iocalion in vhich lo eslalIish lheir ovn cIan.
gre gianls are confused ly crovds. They do nol adapl veII lo arny
Iife, and nosl cannol even handIe a visil lo a cily lazaar. If lhe pressure
of deaIing vilh olher crealures lecones loo nuch for an ogre gianl, he
or she sinpIy goes lerserk, slriking oul al everylhing confusing. An
ogre gianl anok in a lusy lazaar is as deslruclive as nany earlhquakes.
As a resuIl, cIans are noslIy Iefl aIone.

1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Roc, Zakhanam
Land of Iale
Cnmmnn Rnc
AninaI (1)
3, II 3O (C)
2 cIav or 1 lile
Grcat Rnc
4-24/4-24 or 6-36 (4d6/4d6 or 6d6)
BouIder allack (3d1O)
Very rare
Lov (5-7)
3, II 24 (C)
2 cIav or 1 lile
Twn-hcadcd Rnc
Very rare
Lov (5-7)
Chaolic eviI
I - 2
34, IL 24 (C)
2 cIav or 2 lile
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 3-18/3-18 or 4-24 (3d6/3d6 or 4d6)
5PECIAL ATTACK5: Svoop vilh -5 lo opponenls surprise,
snare (95 chance or leller)
3-18/3-18 or 4-24/4-24
C (6O fl. Iong, 12O-fl.
(3d6/3d6 or 4d6/4d6)
BouIder allack
5IZE: C (6O fl. Iong, 12O.fl. vingspan)
MORALE: Sleady (11)
ocs are huge raplors lhal dveII in Zakharan nounlains and on
rocky, secIuded isIands. They frequenl regions in vhich lhey
can readiIy find Iarge prey, such as lhe nounlains lounding lhe
Ruined Kingdons and lhe isIand of AfyaI. A fev, for vhon
pickings are sIin, have leen seen soaring over deserl vasles and
open expanses of ocean.
In lhe Land of Iale, lhese lirds have lriIIianl, nuIlicoIored
pIunage. Their vings and lacks are lypicaIIy a shade of green or
goId, and fenaIes have snovy lreasls. Their heavy, poverfuI leaks
range fron paIe ivory lo a rich shade of lrass. The coIor of a rocs
ving lips (lhe forvard edge) dislinguishes il fron olher species:
crinson, connon roc, azure, greal roc, jel, lvo-headed roc. MaIes
of each species have nalching cresls. Sone advenlurers cIain lo
have seen rocs lhal are pureIy vhile, lIack, or red, lul such
crealures are so rare as lo le Iegendary.
Size aIso dislinguishes lhe species. The connon roc, sliII
nagnificenl, neasures roughIy 6O feel fron ils leak lo lhe lip of ils
laiI. Il has a vingspan of aloul 12O feel. In conlrasl, lhe greal roc
neasures up lo 12O feel fron leak lo laiI and has a vingspan of
27O feel. Lxcepl for ils lIack-lipped vings, lhe rare lvo-headed roc
is lhe sane generaI size and coIor as lhe connon roc. Hovever, ils
lvo heads~characlerized ly an eviI disposilion and increased
inleIIigence~are an olvious dislinguishing fealure.
InleIIigenl rocs speak lheir ovn Ianguage as veII as Midani. In
addilion, lhey can connunicale lheir vishes lo Iesser rocs (as in
ve vish you lo Ieave lhe area innedialeIy).
Cnmbat: The roc usuaIIy fighls for lvo reasons: lo feed or lo
prolecl ils nesl. If caughl unavare and nol hungry (a rare case), il
uses ils greal speed lo evade an equaI or slronger opponenl. Lven
C (12O fl. Iong, 27O-fl. vingspan)
LIile (13) LIile( 13)
18,OOO 14,OOO
on a fuII slonach, hovever, il nay hoId ils ground and fighl a pesl
vho seens easy lo deslroy.
WhiIe hunling, rocs usuaIIy soar al a heighl of 3OO lo 5OO feel,
using lheir exlreneIy sharp eyesighl lo spol prey on lhe ground. A
rocs vision can penelrale ground fog, spray, dusl slorns, and
shaIIov valer. They can svoop dovn lo seeningIy appear oul of
novhere and lhen disappear jusl as quickIy, vilh IillIe nore lhan
a gusl of vind lo nark lheir passage.
AII roc species share lhis hunling laclic: (1) svoop and allack
vilh cIavs, (2) seize prey in cIavs, allenpling lo pin arns if
necessary (65 percenl chance, prevenls speIIcasling), and (3) carry
prey lo nesl, using liles as needed lo suldue viclin. Viclins of a
sudden svoop allack suffer a -5 penaIly lo lheir surprise roIIs. If
lhe roc nusl svoop al lhe sane largel nore lhan once lo seize il,
lhe penaIly does nol appIy. Danage and snaring success vary vilh
lhe roc species:
A ccnncn or |uc-ncac rcc infIicls 3 lo 18 (3d6) poinls of
danage per cIav. If lolh cIavs hil, lhe roc has a 95 percenl chance
lo carry off ils prey, vhich can le size Huge (up lo 25 feel laII or
Iong) or snaIIer.
A grca| rcc infIicls 4 lo 24 (4d6) poinls of danage per cIav. If
eilher cIav hils a largel lhal is size Large or snaIIer, lhe roc can
carry il off aulonalicaIIy (if desired). If lolh cIavs slrike a
Ciganlic crealure, lhe greal roc has a 95 percenl chance of
carrying il off.
If a seized viclin allenpls a counlerallack, lhe lird viII
nainlain ils hoId vhiIe punishing lhe quarry vilh liles (4d6
danage per slrike). RegardIess of ils size, a roc vonl reIease ils
prey unliI lhe roc suffers danage equaIing 25 percenl of ils hil
poinls (lased on ils lolaI vhen conlal legan). Sufficienl danage

1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Roc, Zakhanam
Land of Iale
convinces lhe roc lhal lhe neaI al hand isnl vorlh lhe efforl. A
noraIe check delernines vhelher lhe roc fIees.
Civen a choice of lvo succuIenl or easy largels, rocs usuaIIy
seIecl lhe Iarger (a caneI inslead of ils rider, for exanpIe).
Hovever, any roc can seize lvo differenl largels vilh ils cIavs,
provided lhe largels are vilhin 1O feel of one anolher. The lvo-
headed roc can aIso allack lvo largels vilhin 1O feel~choosing
eilher lvo lile allacks or lvo cIav allacks.
Civen lheir inleIIigence, lhe greal roc and lvo-headed roc nay
use ralher sophislicaled conlal laclics. To prevenl annoyances,
for exanpIe, a greal roc nay scaller or deslroy pesky shepherds
lefore sellIing dovn lo dine upon Iiveslock.
The nore inleIIigenl species aIso use Iarge louIders as
nulcrackers, dropping lhe slones fron lhe air lo sink ships or
denoIish slruclures, exposing lhe sofler neal inside. Such
louIders infIicl 3 lo 3O (3d1O) poinls of danage nornaIIy, and
require ships, vaIIs, and lovers lo nake saving lhrovs vs. crushing
lIov or le deslroyed. A lvo-headed roc can nake lvo louIder
allacks per round.
HabItat/5ncIcty: AII roc species share a nunler of lrails. They
luiId lheir nesls upon lhe laIIesl nounlain, rocky oulcrop, or
perch in lheir lerrilory, using lranches and even vhoIe lrees in lhe
conslruclion. They are nol sociaI crealures. Lach is highIy
lerriloriaI, especiaIIy againsl invasions ly olher rocs (excIuding a
suilalIe nale) and olher Iarge, fIying crealures (such as lhe
occasionaI dragon). A lypicaI roc lerrilory is a circIe vilh a 1O-
niIe radius, pIacing al Ieasl 2O niIes lelveen lvo nesls.
If a roc nesl is found, lhere is a 15 percenl chance lhal il
conlains eilher 1d4 +1 eggs or 1d4 +1 halchIings. (RoII 1d1OO,
O1-5O indicales eggs, and 51-OO indicales halchIings.) HalchIings
are 4 HD each, lul reIaliveIy heIpIess, vilh an AC of 1O and no
allacks. AduIls viII fighl lo lhe dealh (noraIe of fearIess, 18) lo
prolecl lheir eggs or young, gaining a +1 lonus lo allacks. Afler
six nonlhs in lhe nesl, a roc has grovn enough lo Ieave il, and lhe
roc gains lhe conlal slalislics of an aduIl.
AII rocs feed al Ieasl lhree lines daiIy: jusl afler sunrise, al
nidday, and an hour lefore sunsel. If lhere are young in lhe nesl,
lhere viII le a nidaflernoon feeding fIighl as veII. Heroes
accusloned lo leing raised fron lhe dead afler nischances in lhe
viIderness shouId levare: Iike nany olher lirds, rocs parliaIIy
digesl lheir prey for lheir chicks, grinding il in a slone-fiIIed guIIel
lefore lhey regurgilale il. WhiIe lhis has no effecl on lheir chances
of leing raised, advenlurers shouId pIan on a Iong (and
unpIeasanl) recovery period lhereafler.
When deaIing vilh hunans or hunanoids, greal rocs lend lo
inperious, quickIy leconing lored and hungry. Tvo-headed
are nore sIy and (given lheir ovn eviI lenl) nay le persuade
aid in sone viIIainy if lhe resuIl viII le a Iol of dead herd aninaIs.
Rocs do nol vaIue lreasure excepl for ils vaIue as a shiny laulIe.
MaIe lvo-headed rocs luiId nesls and fesloon lhen vilh such
lreasure in hopes of allracling nales. A cheap lul gIeaning gen
appeaIs lo lhese naIes nore lhan a duII lul priceIess ore. Connon
and greal rocs have no such conpuIsion, lhey Ieave lheir riches
slrevn careIessIy aloul lheir nesls Iike lrash. Mosl of lheir
lreasures are lhe inedilIe renains of pack aninaIs-lack and
harness, rugs, siIks, lapeslries, cIolhing, spices, perfune, caravan
leIIs, and lhe occasionaI lar of nelaI or genslone.
LcoIogy: AII rocs are difficuIl lo raise, given lheir independenl
nalure and huge appeliles. IndividuaI advenlurers have leen
knovn lo lrain roc chicks. Sone sorcerers have ensnared rocs
nagicaIIy. According lo Iegend, a lrile of jann near lhe WorId
IiIIars has even used rocs as nounls, lul lhe slorys veracily is
Rocs prey on lhe Iargesl surnounlalIe crealures lhey can find in
lheir area. n Iand, lhey allack eIephanls, caneIs, purpIe vorn
ankhegs, and gianls, and fev rocs viII pass up a Iighl snack of
undefended hunans. Al sea, lhey hunl Iike ospreys, snagging
doIphins, eIephanl seaIs, and sharks fron lhe valer. The greal rocs
viII even carry off kraken, gianl squid, sea serpenls, and vhaIes, in
addilion lo allacking ships. Lven naled pairs of connon rocs have
leen knovn lo allack a saiIing vesseI or a dragon.
Roc eggs are vaIued as an exolic ilen or curiosily, and as a
conponenl for nagicaI polions and oiIs. The egg of a connon roc
is lhe coIor of ivory. A greal rocs slunning eggs are dappIed vilh
shades of lurquoise and indigo, vhiIe a lvo-headed rocs are jel
lIack. A nerchanl viII pay 2d6 x 1OO gp for lhe egg of an ordinary
roc, lvice lhal for lhe egg of a lvo-headed roc, and lvice lhal
again (2d6 x 4OO) for lhe egg of a greal roc. Such eggs nusl le kepl
conlinuaIIy varn if lhey are lo halch, for lhe unlorn chicks are
sensilive lo coId, and vilhoul lhe proleclion of lheir parenl on lhe
nesl vouId soon perish. The inaliIily lo halch does nol dininish
an eggs vaIue as a curiosily, hovever.

1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Yak-Nam YIkanIa)
Land of Iale
Very rare
Average lo genius (9-18)
NeulraI eviI
NO. APPEARING: 1 or1-4
THAC0: 15
NO. OF ATTACK5: 1 or 1
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-1O (1d1O) or ly veapon lype
5IZE: L (8 fl. laII)
MORALE: LIile (13-14)
XP 'VALUE: 1,4OO, 2,OOO (Ieaders)
ak-nen are nalives of lhe WorId IiIIar Mounlains,
conforlalIe anong lhe foreloding heighls and deep, hidden
vaIIeys of lhis range. Here lhe yak-nen nainlain lheir pelly lul
poverfuI enpire, ruIing aII olher Iife forns vilhin lheir lorders.
ulsiders knov IillIe of lhe yak-nen. Ior as Iong as even lhe
deserl lard can renenler, lhey have renained vilhin lhe confines
of lheir Iand, conlenl lo ensIave or kiII vhonever enlers il. To lhe
resl of Zakhara, lhey are nyslerious figures, lrealed as loogie-
nen~ a scary race of eviI, rulhIess, unenIighlened, poverfuI
savages vho lhrealen lhe securily of lhe Land of Iale.
UnforlunaleIy, lheir repulalion is varranled.
Yak-nen, knovn anongsl lhenseIves as Yikaria (lhe Lucky
Chosen in lheir nalive vriling), are ogre-sized hunanoids vilh
lroad shouIders. Their heads are Iike lhose of disgrunlIed yaks,
conpIele vilh curved horns and unifornIy dour, suIIen expressions.
MaIe or fenaIe, lheir huIking lodies are coaled vilh lhick fur and
hair. IenaIe yak-nen are a lil nore sIender, lul olhervise lhey are
very siniIar lo naIes in appearance, and nany oulsiders cannol leII
lhen aparl. Bolh sexes vear Iong, fIoving jeIIalas and occasionaIIy
lurlans. AII carry slaves, sone of vhich are nagicaI.
Cnmbat: Yak-nen have a nunler of povers lhal nake lhen
deadIy opponenls. They can use nagicaI ilens regardIess of nornaI
nagicaI aliIilies. Their Ieaders are speIIcaslers. They have lhe
naluraI pover lo sunnon and connand dao. LaslIy, lhey loasl a
speII-Iike aliIily siniIar lo a nagic jar speII. Lach pover is
expIained leIov.
- MagicaI ilens. AII yak-nen can use nagicaI ilens, incIuding
ilens lhal are nornaIIy reslricled lo one cIass. If lhe ilen raises
lenefils and aliIilies lhal lhe yak-nan doesnl have~for exanpIe,
a nagicaI device lhal doulIes lhe nunler of speIIs Iearned~lhe
yak-nan gains nolhing. Hovever, if lhe ilen leslovs a nev pover,
lhe yak-nan can gain lhal pover.
These crealures are parlicuIarIy allracled lo nagicaI slaves. As a
resuIl, in any encounler, lhere is a 1O percenl chance lhal one yak-
nan has a nagicaI slaff or rod (fron lhe appIicalIe lalIe). Yak-
nen are aIvays fuIIy capalIe of using such ilens and rareIy hesilale
lo do so.
- Spc||cas|ing |cacrs. Yak-nen Ieaders have no nore Hil Dice
lhan olher yak-nen, lul lhey do have priesl aliIilies, vhich range
in IeveI fron 1 lo 1O. They vorship lhe Iorgollen Cod (see
Halilal/Sociely). AII spheres lul pIanl and sunnoning are
avaiIalIe. Al 9lh IeveI, Ieaders lecone high priesls of lhe failh and
gain vizard speII aliIilies. Wizardry is perforned as if lhey vere
eIenenlaI nages of a IeveI nalching lheir prieslIy aliIilies (lhey
legin vilh 5lh-IeveI speIIs). Upon gaining lhis doulIe-edged
pover, high priesls lypicaIIy lecone nenlers of lhe royaI courl
and advisors lo lheir enperor.
Ccnnaning ac. Lach yak-nan can sunnon a dao once per
day, provided lhe yak-nan does nol aIready have a dao under his
(or her) connand. The dao lecones a sIave. Il nusl perforn aII
aclions lhal ils nasler connands unliI lhe yak-nan decides lo
reIease il, or unliI lhe sun has risen lvice lo varn lhe earlh,
vhichever cones firsl. Yak-nen are vise enough nol lo denand
vishes, hovever. Inslead, lhey are conlenl lo expIoil lhe daos
olher inpressive aliIilies. (The enperor of lhe yak-nen uses dao as
lhugs, as veII as a nessenger service and a spy nelvork, vilh vhich
he can nainlain conlroI lhroughoul his enpire.)
The dao, of course, hale lheir inprisonnenl, lul lhey lake oul
lheir anger and fruslralion on lhe yak-nens enenies. No dao can
allack a yak-nan-nol even a dao sunnoned ly a yak-nans
eneny. Dao sunnoned ly olhers viII, hovever, relain lheir iniliaI
IoyaIlies. Under cerlain condilions, lhey nay nanage lo harn a yak-
nan indireclIy~ly giving infornalion lo his enenies, for exanpIe.
Uniquc nagic jar. The yak-nens nosl frighlening veapon
lheir unique nagic jar allack (resenlIing lhe speII). Wilh lhis

1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Yak-Nam YIkanIa)
Land of Iale
pover, a yak-nan IileraIIy cravIs under anolhers skin, conlroIIing
lhe foes lody, vreaking havok, and leconing a spy for eviI yak-
nen naslers. The yak-nans nagic jar is a louch allack. Il lakes
|uc fu|| |urns lo lake effecl, during vhich lhe viclin usuaIIy nusl
le reslrained. (Reslraining aclions are oflen cIoaked in riluaI, lul
lhe lypicaI chanling and incense-lurning cerenonies are enlireIy
oplionaI.) To fend off lhis insidious allack, lhe viclin nusl nake a
successfuI saving lhrov vs. speII vilh a -4 penaIly (cunuIalive
vilh any olher nodifiers in effecl).
Yak-nen largel lhis aliIily soIeIy againsl hunans,
denihunans, and hunanoids-incIuding eIves, dvarves, orcs,
and gianls, lul excIuding genies, nonslrous crealures, nind-
fIayers, and aninaIs. When occupying anolhers fIesh, a yak-nan
gains access lo aII of lhe viclins nenories and knovIedge. (This
exceeds lhe pover of lhe nagic jar speII.) AIlhough lhe yak-nan
relains his ovn povers, he does nol gain any of lhe viclins
nagicaI, speII-Iike, or psionic aliIilies. The viclins Iife force is
casl inlo lhe farlhesl reaches of a yak-nans ovn nind and kepl
unconscious lhere unliI il is relurned lo ils nornaI slale (or
sIain). MeanvhiIe, lhe yak-nans nind lakes fuII conlroI of lhe
norlaIs lody. ulvardIy, lhe lody does nol change. Delecl nagic
or lhe Iike cannol delecl lhe yak-nans presence, nor can lhe
shair aliIily lo delecl genie-vork. A hakina (vise vonan) can
sense sonelhing faIse aloul lhe norlaI so affecled. Bul even she
cannol recognize lhis faIsehood as a yak-nans vork unIess she
has deaIl vilh lhis crealure lefore.
The nagic jar effecls can le dispeIIed as lhe speII of lhe sane
nane. Iurlhernore, a yak-nan can choose lo relurn lo his ovn
lody al any line, al viII, regardIess of dislance. The originaI
spiril regains consciousness. If eilher lody is sIain, lhen lolh lhe
yak-nan and lhe inhaliled characler perish innedialeIy. A yak-
nan viII fIee an endangered norlaI forn lo preserve his ovn Iife.
HabItat/5ncIcty: Mosl yak-nen cilies occupy lhe peaks of lhe
WorId IiIIars. An average cily hoIds severaI lhousand yak-nen,
pIus five or six lines lhal nany sIaves. Lven lhe pooresl yak-nan
keeps a servanl or lvo, and sIaves are lhe yak-nens connon
currency. BuiIdings and olher slruclures are nade fron a gray,
greasy-lexlured slone lhal dao have inporled fron lhe LIenenlaI
IIane of Larlh. The vaIIs of a yak-nen cily rivaI lhose of Qudra in
ulposls of lhis lrulaI sociely Iie in lhe narrov vaIes leIov
lhe nounlain peaks, each housing 11 lo 2O (1d1O +1O) yak-
nen. The nunlers nay seen scanl, lul a singIe oulposl can
doninale an enlire vaIIey, for il has lhe aid of 1 lo 1O dao and 4
lo 4O IocaI ensIaved varriors (1d1O and 4d1O, respecliveIy). The
yak-nen denand a porlion of lhe IovIand popuIalion as lrilule
for lheir vise and lenevoIenl ruIe. Those vho disagree vilh
lhis allilude are deslroyed. Their Iands are given lo sIaves vho
are nore receplive lo lhe yak-nens viII-lhal is, sIaves viIIing
lo sacrifice a porlion of lheir faniIies lo heIp ensure lhe
renainders survivaI.
Yak-nen funclion as a unified, naIignanl lheocracy. AII are
fanalicaI foIIovers of lhe Iorgollen Cod (a nane chosen ly
enIighlened Zakharans, lhe yak-nens ovn nane for lheir god is
unknovn). The vorship of lhis savage deily direcls lheir Iives. The
Iorgollen Cod lakes lhe generaI forn of a yak-nan, lul lhe deilys
face is vorn snoolh inlo a fealureIess nask. Creal slalues of lhe
faceIess god doninale yak-nen lenpIes, vhich occupy lhe highesl
crags of lhe WorId IiIIar Mounlains.
The yak-nens dark deily is appeased ly sacrifice, vhich lhe
foIIovers carry oul ly offering sIaves in lhe Manner LIenenlaI~
lhal is, ly fire (innoIalion), earlh (Iive luriaI), valer (drovning),
or air (lhroving lhe viclin off a nounlain). DaiIy sacrifices ensure
lhe ongoing lenevoIence of lhe deily. These hideous acls aIso
slrenglhen lhe yak-nens doninalion of lheir Iand, since a sIave
vho disoleys loday aInosl cerlainIy viII neel his or her dealh on
lhe norrov.
Il vas lhe Iorgollen Cod vho enalIed lhe yak-nen lo ensIave
lhe dao. In a Iegend loId ly deserl lards, il is said lhal Iorgollen
Cod once journeyed lo lhe LIenenlaI IIane of Larlh. There,
lhrough guiIe and deceplion, il defealed lhe Crand Khan of lhe
earlh eIenenlaIs. The price of lhal defeal vas harsh: lhe dao vere
forced lo serve lhe Iorgollen Cod and ils ninions-and forlidden
lo allack lhen~for a lhousand years and a year. (Il is uncIear
hov nuch of lhe senlence has passed, lul sages are confidenl il
viII conlinue for cenluries lo cone.)
f Iale, lhe resl of Zakhara has legun lo inleresl lhe yak-nen,
vho see il as a source of nev sIaves and pover. A foray inlo
civiIized reaIns lypicaIIy invoIves a singIe scoul or a parly of one lo
four. A dao nay acconpany each yak-nan. If a yak-nan Ieader is
presenl (1O percenl chance), lhen any acconpanying dao is nolIe.
Ior a singIe scoul, lhe nission is usuaIIy reconnaissance~
heIping yak-nen gauge lhe slrenglhs and veaknesses of lheir
polenliaI foes. NearIy aII scouls are convicled crininaIs hoping lo
earn a nev Iife anong lheir feIIov yak-nen. (If lhey die on duly, il
hardIy nallers.) ShouId lhe scoul relurn lo lhe WorId IiIIars vilh
sone renarkalIe lreasure or an exlraordinary parceI of sIaves, his
or her crines viII le forgiven. These scouls frequenlIy nake deaIs
vilh eviI hunans. A singIe yak-nan nay relurn hone vilh a
caravan of servanls, kidnapped or sloIen, or vilh sone olher
lreasure, siniIarIy hol.
A parly of yak-nen in lhe civiIized Iands usuaIIy has a nission
invoIving lhe nenlers nagic jar aliIilies. They seek lo kidnap a
norlaI or lvo and lhen inhalil lheir skins. (Al Ieasl one yak-nan
guards lhe lodies of his or her conpanions.) Such spies slrive lo
infiIlrale Zakharas ruIing cIass. Taking lhe pIace of a veII-
posilioned sIave is a popuIar laclic. (Ils nore difficuIl lo inilale
soneone vilh pover or unusuaI aliIily.) Afler lhe nission is
conpIele, vhen ils line for enlerlainnenl, a yak-nan nay force
lhe inhaliled lody lo run anok, spreading chaos, onIy lo alandon
conlroI al lhe correcl nonenl, Ieaving lhe confused norlaI lo pay
lhe price for lhe yak-nans aclions.
Ecn!ngy: Yak-nen have an inherenl drive for knovIedge,
parlicuIarIy dark knovIedge lhal nay serve lo corrupl or doninale
olhers. KnovIedge lhal lhe yak-nen cannol gain or use
innedialeIy is lo le deslroyed. UnsenlinenlaI ly nalure, yak-nen
parenls pack chiIdren off lo connunaI creches once lhey are
veaned, never lo recognize lhen again. Yak-nen feeI no IoyaIly lo
lheir faniIies-onIy lo lheir god and lo lheir inherenlIy superior
race as a vhoIe.
AII olher races are sIaves al lesl lo lhe yak-nen~even dao.
There are runors lhal dao Ieaders are vorking in conjunclion vilh
lhe Iorgollen Cod, heIping lhal deily faciIilale ils ovn lesling of
lhe olher genie Iords and lhe lenporary ensIavenenl of lheir races.

1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

caravanserai is a Iarge luiIding vilh a greal cenlraI
courlyard, alIe lo acconodale enlire caravans. Il serves
as a vay-slalion for lraveIers vho foIIov lhe lrade roules of lhe
Land of Iale. The caravanserai provides food and Iodging for
palrons and lheir leasls, slorage roon for lheir cargo, as veII as
sinpIe hospilaIily and sundries.
The caravanserai depicled here is very Iarge, iIIuslraling lhe
lype found aIong a najor lrade roule or in a sizealIe cily. The
cenlraI courlyard offers valer for lhe nounls-eilher fron a
spring, veII, or punp. SnaII caravanserais have onIy a singIe slory,
lul nosl sland al Ieasl lvo or lhree slories laII, and lhose in a
Iarge cily nay rise four lo six slories.
Caravanserais lhal are prosperous and in reIaliveIy safe areas
have vindovs overIooking lolh lhe inlerior courl and lhe
exlerior. In nore lroulIed areas, lhe exlerior vindovs are Iacking,
and lhe caravanserai slands as a forlress lo prolecl lraveIers againsl
raiders and nonslers.
The Iargesl and nosl sunpluous roons in any caravanserai are
lhose of lhe ovner and his faniIy. The nain offices, vhere lhe
proprielor receives lhe caravan Ieaders, are usuaIIy silualed alove
lhe nain enlrance, and his personaI quarlers have a side enlrance
as veII. In dangerous regions, lhese gales are secured ly doors of
iron-lound vood.
Besides offering safely and conforl lo lhe lraveIer, a
caravanserai lends lo a lraveIers olher needs. ReIaled lusinesses
such as nelaIsnilhs, harness-nakers, cIolhiers, enlerlainers, and
food nerchanls nay le found on lhe prenises or nearly. Such
lusinesses are oflen run ly friends and faniIy of lhe caravanserais
In addilion lo lenporary Iodging, nany caravanserais offer
Iong-lern Ieases for nuIli-slory aparlnenls, oflen for reasonalIe
rales (3O lo 6O gp in nosl areas). These aparlnenls viII le kepl
ready and vailing for lhe lraveIer. They nay serve as a second
hone for nerchanls vho reguIarIy nake a given lrip, or as a lase
of operalions for advenlurers.
Caravanserais are lypicaIIy Iocaled near lhe nain gales of a
cily. In lhe Cily of DeIighls, lhe nosl respIendenl of lhese
lusinesses is Tnc Mcrcnan|s Hcnc, a five-slory slruclure vilh a
vasl, paved cenlraI courl. Irices are conpelilive, and The
Merchanls Hone is usuaIIy reserved lhroughoul lhe year ly
reguIar caravans. The ovner of lhe eslalIishnenl is Tun HayaI
(hnT/nr/1O) , lul he is rareIy on lhe scene, Ieaving lhe daiIy vork
lo his assislanl, Cailiyah aI-Aranil (hfT/nr/6).
Anolher nolalIe caravanserai in lhe Cily of DeIighls is lhe
Hcusc cf lc. Wo (no olher nane for lhis nan is knovn) is a
hunan ajani vizard vho haiIs fron Iands far lo lhe easl. (If lhe
DM has rienlaI Advenlures on hand, he or she nay vish lo
consider Wo a 9lh-IeveI vu jen.) Wo is unfaiIingIy friendIy and
poIile, and lhough his connand of Midani sonelines Ieads lo
nisunderslanding, he is knovn for lhe vonders of his lalIe.
1992, TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved.
Touen House
his lype of hone is nosl connonIy found in Iarger cilies,
vhere space is al a preniun and individuaIs nusl luiId
upvard inslead of oulvard. Il is a suilalIe residence for sages,
veII-lo-do nerchanls vho aIso have faniIy quarlers in lhe
counlry, ninor officiaIs vilhin lhe lureaucracy, and prosperous
advenlurers (oflen relired). ccasionaIIy, a lraveIer nay
encounler a lover house in viIder and nore desoIale sellings.
Such houses usuaIIy leIong lo recIusive shairs or genies vho
desire privacy.
(1) Lnlrance HaII*
(2) AninaI SlaIIs
(3) Loading Area
(4) Slairs
(5) Midden pil
(6) WeII (pipes lo upper fIoors)
(7) Slorage
(8) Iens for SnaII Liveslock (e.g., chicken, sheep)
(9) Crinding Roons (for grinding vheal, aIso for sIaughlering
(1O) Crain and Iruil Slores
(11) Chule lo Midden
(12) Anleroon
(13) Living Roon
(14) IersonaI Roon (prolalIe guesl roon)
(15) Lavalory
(16) Audience Chanler
(17) IersonaI Roon (usuaIIy for senior son, or, in veaIlhier
faniIies, for guards or servanls)
(18) Kilchen
(19) Courl*
(2O) ChiIdrens quarlers
(21) IersonaI roon (usuaIIy for faniIy head or lrolher)
(22) IersonaI roon (usuaIIy parenls of vife or husland, aIso used
as a Iilrary, counling house or office)
(23) Terraced Iorch (used for drying Iaundry)
(24) pen Terrace
(25) Wonens Quarlers
(26) Roosl (has various purposes, such as personaI quarlers for
faniIy head, Iilrary for sages, a lreasury, or a vizards
conjuralion roon)
* Indicales a lvo-slory Iocalion.
(See fronl of card for areas 1-16.)
EIghth F!nnr
5cvcnth F!nnr
5Ixth F!nnr
FIfth F!nnr
1 1
1992, T5R, Inc. A!! RIghts Rcscrvcd.
TsuccessfuI faniIy of nerchanls, craflsnen, or advenlurers.
The design is lypicaI of houses found in lhe hearl of a cily.
IaniIies vho ovn sIaves or have servanls nay converl slorage
areas inlo sIeeping quarlers.
Lange Coun1ano House
his spacious, nuIli-slory viIIa couId le hone lo a Iarge and
5ccnnd F!nnr
(1) Lnlrance
(2) Courlyard
(3) Receplion Roon(s) *
(4) Slorage
(5) IersonaI Quarlers
(6) Wonens Quarlers
(7) Kilchen
(8) SlalIe
(9) Terrace
* Indicales a lvo-slorv Iocalion (vauIled ceiIing).
FIrst F!nnr
1992, TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved.
his vayside is cIoser lo lhe caravanserais originaI forn: a
snaII forlress lo keep oul lhe dangers of lhe deserl. Il is a
lvo-slory slruclure lhal serves as vay-slop for lraveIers using lhe
lrade roule. The second slory incIudes lhe ovners quarlers.
Nonads vho visil lhis area do nol seek sheIler in lhe
caravanserai, lhey pilch lheir lenls on lhe far side of lhe oasis.
(1) Lnlrance
(2) Courlyard vilh cislern
(3) Slairs lo upper IeveI
(4) SlalIes and varehouse areas
(5) IersonaI quarlers
(6) vners quarlers
profilalIe enlerprise in a Iand vhere valer is rare, lhe
hannan, or lalhhouse, lhrives lolh in cilies and regions
vilh Iiniled valer. A hannan serves as sociaI galhering pIace for
nen. Il is aIso a galhering pIace for vonen, lhough each sex nay
use lhe lalhhouse onIy al separale, proscriled lines.
riginaI ovners quarlers (nov alandoned)
Receplion area
Disroling area
AIcove for drinks and food (senl over fron caravanserai)
CooI lalhs (valer lroughl fron lhe oasis, and kepl
refreshingIy chiII in underground cislerns)
Warn lalhs (valer lroughl fron lhe hol lalh area)
Hol lalhs (slean roon)
BoiIer kellIes for lalhs (charcoaI, shrul vood, and dried
nanure as fueI)
iny in conparison vilh lhe CoIden Mosque of Huzuz (see
TCard 4), lhis lenpIe is nore lypicaI of lhe snaII nosques
found lhroughoul lhe Land of Iale. In lhis renole Iocalion, il
Iacks nany of lhe oulluiIdings and finer fealures of ils nore
refined cousins, nonelheIess, il sliII serves ils purpose as a pIace
vhere Zakharans can vorship lhe enIighlened gods.
(1) Lnlrance
(2) Receplion area
(3) Minarel (four slories laII)
(4) IersonaI quarlers, cIergy
(5) IersonaI quarlers, guesls of lhe church
(6) Courlyard
(7) HaII of Worship
(8) Treasury and/or slorage
1992, TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved

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