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Learning English

1. Read The Conversation. What Is The Main Idea (S)?

RTA: We'll also be discussing some general ways to make learning English easier and explaining
some learning-related vocabulary along the way.

2. Write down Tips for Learning English
RTA: Council for Learning in English is:
Vocabulary to study and you will repeat these words to yourself all day.
Also learn the vocabulary related to the topic, if you know how to pronounce the word, the best
way is to practice several times.
And also looking at a dictionary is beneficial and will help you get quick education
It there a more suitable way to learn English is:
Read, write and speak in their free time in order to have excellent English

3. Copy vocabulary and the Spanish translation for each Word
Expertise: Experticia
High level of skill or knowledge

A helping hand: Asistencia o ayuda
Assistance; help

Fluent: Fluido
(Related to speaking) clear, accurate, wide-ranging and confident

Face-to-face: Cara a Cara
Communication with another person directly, in the same place

Pathway: Ruta a seguir
Set of actions to follow in order to reach a particular goal

Resources: Recursos
(Here) things such as activities, information or videos that can be used to help someone

Grasp: Comprension
Understand something so that you can use or do it properly

Native: Nativo
(Here) a person who was born in a particular country

Motivation: Motivacin
Enthusiasm and interest in doing something

Immersed: inmerso
Busy spending a lot of your time doing one thing

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