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Classroom Requirements

Be on Time and Ready to Learn

Students are expected to be punctual and prepared to learn. I understand that there are
circumstances that result in tardiness or absence, try to limit these if possible. Come prepared
with the necessary materials used in a classroom, such as writing utensils, notebook paper for
notes or any of the handouts distributed in class.
Be Respectful
I will be respectful to each student and expect the same from my class. This respect is not limited
to the educator, students will show respect to one another while in the Ag building. You may
have quarrels with one another or rivalries, but they should not appear in Ag. We will show
respect for one another and not let personal rivalries effect the learning environment.
Have necessary Lab equipment
In shop we will be using various machines for woodworking, welding, etc. come to class with all
the necessary safety equipment for lab. Eye protection such as welding masks, face shields and
protective glasses will be provided, however you may wish to purchase your own.
On lab days no loose clothing or open toe shoes will be allowed. Students will not enter the shop
in these clothes for safety reasons. Ladies (and long haired gentlemen) have your hair pulled
back in a ponytail or bun, loose hair can get caught in machines or in extreme cases become
ignited. As we prepare to begin labs we will cover more lab safety procedures in greater depth.
No Cell Phones
During the lesson cell phones will not be allowed in the classroom. Students need to follow
along with the discussion to learn the class material and be prepared for lab. Cell phones can be
used in the rare event of an in class assignment allowing their use.

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