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)012 3&- +unda,entals o" Ch(an 4editation Practice 5 by Tin# Chen, Tr$ 4aster 6o To$

The +unda,entals o" )Ch(an- 4editation Practice by Tin# Chen$ 7Ori#inally, one(s own ,ind and
nature are !ure, and there is nothin# to acce!t and nothin# to re"use8 there is neither e9istence
nor non:e9istence8 there is only clear understandin# without attach,ent and with no dwellin#$
One who wants to now the no:attach,ent, no:dwellin# ,ind can "ind it throu#h ,editation,
because it is only then that the ,ind does not thin o" ri#ht and wron#, o" #ood and evil or o" sel"
and others7$

)1;2 3&- The <ates o" Chan &uddhis, 5 by Venerable =in# Hui$

&O*HI*H%R4%>S <%TE: 7Chan )?en- in "act is an @i,!re#nable "ortressA, without a #ate to
enter$ Su!!ose there is really a #ate, that #ate would si,!ly be a ,ethod o" trainin# to be taen
u! in the Chan tradition$ That is why when a ,on ased 4aster ?hao ?hou );;B : BC;-: @Has a
do# &uddha:nature or notDA 4aster ?hao ?hou retorted: @Eu$A 6ater on, this <on#an )oan-
"or,ed !art o" a s!eci"ic a!!roach in the Chan School$7 The author, Venerable =in# Hui is a Chan
4aster and a viceF!resident o" the &uddhist %ssociation o" China$

)G,HC2 3&- The Sweet *ews o" Ch(an 5 by Reverend Chen# 3uan$

Ch>an or ?en is the outco,e o" ,editation$ There are two @ri#htA or @hi#hestA !ur!oses o" Ch>an$
The "irst !ur!ose is to achieve @*hyana$A *hyana is a co,bination o" rela9ation, concentration
and cal,ness or tranIuility$ The second !ur!ose is, usin# your very co,!osed and tranIuil ,ind,
to observe clearly all the dhar,as or !heno,ena e9ternally and internally$ %s an outco,e o"
*hyana, you will be able to observe these !heno,ena very clearly because your @,ental ,irrorA
is very clear, "or there are no ,ore disturbances to veil it$ Out o" these observations will co,e
Transcendental Eisdo,, which in Sansrit is called @PraJna$A

)G,20H 3&- Ta,in# the 4oney 4ind 5 Chen# Eei:an$ Tr$ by *har,a 4aster Suddhisuha$

7Ta,in# the 4oney 4ind7 is a #uide to Pure 6and !ractice$ It deals s!eci"ically with the ,ain
!ractice o" the Pure 6and School : &uddha Recitation : and covers both the nou,enal and
!heno,enal as!ects o" that !ractice$ The treatise is acco,!anied by the detailed co,,entary o"
an Elder 4aster o" the ?en and Pure 6and linea#es$ Readers not "a,iliar with Pure 6and theory
,ay wish to be#in with *r$ =$C$ Cleary(s introduction$

)GBK 3&- Practical Vi!assana E9ercises 5 Ven$ 4ahasi Sayadaw$

The late 4ahasi Sayadaw was res!onsible "or the ,odern revival o" Vi!assana or Insi#ht
,editation in 4yan,ar )&ur,a-$ This te9t is his basic instruction on the !ractice: the !re!aratory
sta#es with a series o" basic e9ercises$ Part two, deals with the deals with the !ro#ressive
!ractice and the !ractical vi!assana e9ercises$ The a!!endi9 e9!lains the techniIues involved in
the 4ahasi Sayadaw tradition$
)10H 3&- Seven Sta#es o" Puri"ication L Insi#ht 3nowled#es 5 Ven$ 4atara Sri 'anara,a$

% #uide to the !ro#ressive sta#es o" &uddhist ,editation$ The seven sta#es o" !uri"ication !rovide
the "ra,ewor "or the !ractisin# disci!le>s #radual !ro#ress "ro, the cultivation o" virtue u! to the
attain,ent o" the "inal #oal$ Inte#ral to the hi#her sta#es o" !uri"ication are the nine ty!es o"
insi#ht:nowled#e, by which the disci!le breas throu#h the delusions coverin# his ,ental vision
and !enetrates throu#h to the real nature o" !heno,ena$
)G,KHC 3&- 3ee!in# the &reath in 4ind L 6essons in Sa,adhi 5 %Jaan 6ee *ha,,adharo$

This is a (how to( boo$ It teaches the liberation o" the ,ind, not as a ,ind:bo##lin# theory, but as
a very basic sill that starts with ee!in# the breath in ,ind$ The teachin#s here are drawn "ro,
the wors o" %Jaan 6ee *ha,,adharo )GC2M:MG-, one o" Thailand(s ,ost renowned teachers o"
&uddhist ,editation !ractices$ %Jaan 6ee was a "orest ,on : one who !re"ers to live in the
seclusion o" the "orest and ,aes his ,editation the central the,e o" his !ractice : so his
teachin#s #row out o" !ersonal, !ractical e9!erience, althou#h he also ,aes a !oint o" relatin#
the, to standard &uddhist doctrine$
)M;G 3&- +ra,es o" Re"erence 5 %Jaan 6ee *ha,,adharo$

7This boo on the "ra,es o" re"erence is based to so,e e9tent on ,y own thou#hts and o!inions$
In so,e s!ots it ,ay not be directly in line with the ori#inal te9t )Sati!atthNna Sutta-, because ,y
!ri,ary ai, has been to #et to the heart o" the ,atter, so that it can be conveniently !ut into
!ractice$ The e&oo also includes a section on the 7*uties o" the San#ha7, that is, the laws and
re#ulations and disci!linary standards )Vinaya-$
)012 3&- *ha,,a *iscourses on Vi!assana 4editation 5 Ven$ Sayadaw U 3undala$

Sayadaw U 3undala is a renowned ,editation ,aster in the 4ahasi Sayadaw tradition o" &ur,a,
noted "or his lovin#:indness$ In these *ha,,a tals the sta#es o" the !ractice and the Insi#ht
3nowled#es are e9!lained$ The ,ethod o" ,editation is #iven with detailed instruction$ There is a
detailed e9!lanation o" the Conte,!lation o" +eelin#s, the second "oundation o" ,ind"ulness,
which, in the Theravada tradition, is the ey to the Insi#ht 3nowled#es$ Overall, in the Sayadaw(s
teachin#s, there is ,uch "or the Vi!assana or insi#ht ,editator to be ins!ired by$
)K;2 3&- 6ivin# 4editation, 6ivin# Insi#ht 5 *r$ Thynn Thynn$

The Path o" 4ind"ulness in *aily 6i"e$ I wrote this boo to encoura#e !ractitioners learnin# to
,editate in daily li"e$ In this sense, the articles are !resented as a 7hands:on7 or, ,ore accurately,
a 7,inds:on7 trainin# ,anual$ %lthou#h I discuss ,editation in #eneral, the real "ocus is on how
the *ha,,a brin#s us into s!ontaneous, wholeso,e and creative livin#$ 4y obJective in
!resentin# the articles is to hel! the as!irant build u! a solid "oundation o" ,ind"ulness as a way
o" li"e rather than as a !ractice se!arated "ro, daily livin# : *r$ Thynn Thynn$
)0BH 3&- % <uide to %wareness 5 H$H$ So,det Phra Oanasa,vara$

The +oundations o" 4ind"ulness )Sati!atthNna Sutta-$ This is a series o" twenty:two tals #iven at
Eat &ovornives, &an#o by H$H$So,det Phra Oanasa,vara, Su!re,e Patriarch o" Thailand$
The +our +oundations o" 4ind"ulness is the &uddha(s e9!lanation o" the !ractice o" ,ind"ulness
,editation within the "ra,ewor o" "our "oundations o" awareness: body, "eelin#s, ,ind:states and
the ,ental content$ I" you read this boo, you will discover the truth o" the (nots( and !roble,s
that e9ist within you$ In short, this can be described as the (not o" su""erin#($ Pou ,ay also then
see the ,ethod to unravel and sa"e#uard a#ainst this su""erin#$
)K,0;G 3&- On The Path To +reedo, 5 Sayadaw U Pandita$

On The Path to +reedo, : a ,ind o" wise discern,ent and o!enness : by &ur,ese 4editation
4aster, Sayadaw U Pandita$ This is a co,!ilation o" *ha,,a discourses to "orei#n ,editators at
the 4ahasi 4editation Centre, Ran#oon, 4yan,ar, who ca,e to !ractise under hi, in Pan#on
)"or,erly Ran#oon- between %u#ust GCBM to 4arch GCB;$ Translated "ro, 4yan,ar by the late
4ya Thaun#$
)BMG 3&- 4ind"ulness: The Path o" the *eathless 5 Ven$ %Jahn Su,edho$

The ai, o" this boo is to !rovide a clear instruction in and re"lection on &uddhist ,editation as
tau#ht by %Jahn Su,edho, a bhihu ),on- o" the Theravadin tradition$ It has been edited "ro,
tals %Jahn Su,edho has #iven to ,editators as a !ractical a!!roach to the wisdo, o" &uddhis,$
This wisdo, is otherwise nown as *ha,,a or (the way thin#s are($ It is a ste!:by:ste! ,anual
on the !ractice o" ,editation$
)HC2 3&- Invitation to Insi#ht 4editation 5 Ven$ Visuddhacara$

This boo contains two sections: G$ Invitation to Vi!assana and K$ &asic Instructions$ In the "irst
!art, I have endeavoured to e9!lain: a- the basic !rinci!les underlyin# the Vi!assana !ractice,
how it is essentially the observation o" !hysical and ,ental !rocesses that occur in the body and
,ind, b- how this observation leads to the understandin# o" the truths o" i,!er,anence, su""erin#
and not:sel" as tau#ht by the &uddha, c- how the a!!lication o" ,ind"ulness is reIuired "or this
observation, d- how the Eisdo, o" i,!er,anence, etc$ is i,!ortant, ,ain# us wiser, stron#er,
etc$ F i$e$ how it hel!s us in our daily li"e, and sha!e our whole outloo and attitude towards li"e,
and e- various other as!ects o" the bene"its o" ,ind"ulness and livin# in the !resent, such as the
curtail,ent o" worries and an9ieties, i,!rove,ent in health, concentration and ,e,ory$
)0CG 3&- The Vi!assana Retreat 5 Ven$ Pannyavaro$

Vi!assana ,editation reIuires lon#:ter, co,,it,ent$ Ehile it can be done to so,e e9tent in
everyday li"e, realistically "or the !ractice to dee!en it needs to be done intensively in a su!!ortive
retreat situation$ Vi!assana ,editation is develo!,ental, so to realise its ulti,ate bene"it it has to
be sustained with a!!ro!riate intensity under su!!ortive conditions$ Ven$ Pannyavaro, a
!ractitioner o" over 02 years, #uides you throu#h the vi!assana e9!erience in a retreat situation,
in a syste,atic and !ractical way$
)GHB 3&- Insi#ht 4editation Eorsho! Online 5 Ven$ Pannyavaro$

4editation is the intelli#ent heart o" the &uddha(s way8 the only criterion is that you should a!!ly it
to daily li"e$ The !ur!ose o" this ,editation course is not to create a syste, o" belie"s, but rather
to #ive #uidance on how to see clearly into the nature o" the ,ind$ In this way, you can have
"irsthand understandin# o" the way thin#s are, without reliance on o!inions or theories : a direct
e9!erience, which has its own vitality$ This course has been !re!ared with both be#inners and
e9!erienced !ractitioners in ,ind$
)G22 3&- The %rt o" %ttention 5 Ven$ Pannyavaro$

This is a handboo on the art o" ,editative attention or ,editatin# "or insi#ht$ It deals with the
basics o" awareness ,editation$ There is !ractical instruction on how to do sittin# and walin#
,editation and how to a!!ly awareness in daily activities based on the Insi#ht 4editation
)Vi!assana- tradition$ The !ur!ose o" this handboo is to #ive the be#inner to awareness
,editation a #uide to the basics o" the !ractice, with the e,!hasis on its !ractical a!!lication to
daily li"e$ Q %rabic version: The %rt o" %ttention )HM13&-
)G10 3&- +or the Stillin# o" Volcanoes 5 Ven$ SuJiva$

Insi#ht 4editation as e9!lained by Ven$ SuJiva: 7It is not an tas easy to a!!roach such a
!ro"ound to!ic as Insi#ht 4editation in si,!le ter,s$ &ut we have #ot to start so,ewhere$ %"ter
so,e years o" introducin# this ty!e o" ,editation, I still "ind that there is a lac o" introductory
,aterial "or those without nowled#e o" &uddhis,$ Ehat is available is o"ten e9tre,ely technical
and loaded with ancient Indian ter,inolo#y$ There are so,e words in the En#lish vocabulary
which we can never ho!e to substitute !er"ectly$ Even in this boolet I have used so,e En#lish
words such as Rconditioned> and Rsu""erin#> which need s!ecial e9!lanation when used in a
R&uddhist> sense : but I have tried to co,e u! with so,ethin# easier to read and understand$7
)0,01K 3&- Essentials o" Insi#ht 4editation Practice 5 Ven$ SuJiva$

The ulti,ate ai, o" insi#ht ,editation is to @"reeA one "ro, the unsatis"actoriness o" cyclic
e9istence$ Readers ,ay also "ind nu,erous Iuotations o" the &uddha>s teachin# on ,ind"ulness,
detach,ent and liberation throu#hout the entire boo$ Those verses act as a source o" ins!iration
and !ur!ose to !ut vi!assana into !ractice 5 a !ractice that brin#s about insi#ht into the three
universal characteristics o" unsatis"actoriness, i,!er,anence and non:sel" which leads one into
detach,ent and ulti,ate liberation$
)KGG 3&- 6ovin#:indness 4editation 5 Ven$ SuJiva$

6ovin#:indness 4editation or 4etta &havana and other Subli,e States by Ven$ SuJiva is a clear
and co,!rehensive ste!:by:ste! e9!lanation o" the syste,atic !ractice$ It is based on the
Visuddhi,a##a or The Path o" Puri"ication by &uddha#osha$ The te9ts describe ,etta as
characterised by !ro,otin# the as!ect o" wel"are$ %,ity, #oodwill, "riendliness and lovin#:
indness are so,e words used to describe this ,ental state$ There is no better way to now it
than to study it as it occurs in one(s own and others( ,inds$ It is a totally unsel"ish and !ure state
o" ,ind that brin#s !ro"it to onesel" and others now and herea"ter$
)0;K 3&- The Power o" 4ind"ulness 5 Ven$ 'yana!onia Thera$

7In the case o" ,ind"ulness, it reIuired a #enius lie the &uddha to discover the @hidden talentA in
the ,odest #arb, and to develo! the vast inherent !ower o" that !otent seed$ It is, indeed, the
,ar o" a #enius to !erceive and to harness the !ower o" the see,in#ly s,all$ Here, truly, it
ha!!ens that, what is little beco,es ,uch$ % revaluation o" values taes !lace$ The standards o"
#reatness and s,allness chan#e$ Throu#h the ,aster ,ind o" the &uddha, ,ind"ulness is "inally
revealed as the !oint where the vast revolvin# ,ass o" world su""erin# is levered out o" its two"old
anchora#e in i#norance and cravin#7$

)HC2 3&- The +our Subli,e States 5 Ven$ 'yana!onia Thera$

+our subli,e states o" ,ind have been tau#ht by the &uddha: 6ovin#:indness ),etta-,
Co,!assion )aruna-, Sy,!athetic =oy ),udita-, EIuani,ity )u!eha- These "our attitudes are
said to be e9cellent or subli,e because they are the ri#ht or ideal way o" conduct towards livin#
bein#s They !rovide, in "act, the answer to all situations arisin# "ro, social contact$ They are the
#reat re,overs o" tension, the #reat !eace,aers in social con"lict, and the #reat healers o"
wounds su""ered in the stru##le o" e9istence$ They level social barriers, build har,onious
co,,unities, awaen slu,berin# ,a#nani,ity lon# "or#otten, revive Joy and ho!e lon#
abandoned, and !ro,ote hu,an brotherhood a#ainst the "orces o" e#otis,$

)K,HKG 3&- &rah,avihara *ha,,a 5 Ven$ 4ahasi Sayadaw$

This 7&rah,avihara *ha,,a7 )*ivine %bidin#s- e9!ounded by the late Venerable 4ahasi
Sayadaw, reveals the syste,atic ,ethod o" develo!in# 4etta, lovin#:indness towards all bein#s
and the way to lead a li"e o" holiness$ The style o" !resentation and the in"or,ative ,aterials
contained therein stand witness to the de!th and wealth o" s!iritual and scri!tural nowled#e o"
the e,inent author$ % care"ul readin# o" this *ha,,a or teachin#s, "ollowed by an un"ailin#
!ractice o" ,editation that has been clearly !resented in this te9t will, I believe, a,ount to storin#
a "ortune in the sha!e o" ha!!iness in the !resent li"eti,e as well as hi#her s!iritual attain,ent$
)K,B1K 3&- Hello : with 6ove L Other 4editations 5 Ven$ Visuddhacara$

The three ,ost i,!ortant thin#s in li"e are love, indness and wisdo,$ I" we have ,ade these
three values the !riorities o" our li"e, then our li"e will have been well:lived$ Ehen we die we can
only have ha!!iness when we loo bac and not re#rets$ Eealth, "a,e, !ower, status, worldly
success and !leasures 5 these are insi#ni"icant co,!ared to love, indness and wisdo,$
Cultivate the latter$ I" we s!end our li"e cultivatin# this trio, our birth and li"e will have been
worthwhile8 it will not have been in vain$ In this boolet, Ven$ VisuddhScSra shares his
understandin# o" this !ractice o" ,ind"ulness and lovin#:indness with a view to encoura#e all o"
us to wal the !ath$
)G,MBG 3&- 4etta &havana, 6ovin#:indness 4editation 5 Ven$ *ha,,arahita$

This is short e9!lanation on how to !ractise 4etta &havana or 6ovin#:indness 4editation #iven
as a three:day weeend retreat at *ha,,odaya 4editation Centre in 'ahon Patho, in
Thailand, by an %ustralian ,on, Ven$ *ha,,arahita )=e"" Oliver-$
)10G 3&- <uided 4editation "or Pri,ary Students 5 &uddha'et(s &uddhist Studies "or Schools$

This is a series o" #uided ,editations with instruction "or teachers "or !ri,ary students$ This "ile is
!art o" &uddha'et(s &uddhist Studies "or Schools$ It has seven #uided ,editations "or students,
with detailed instructions "or teachers$
)B2 3&- Seedin# the Heart 5 <re#ory 3ra,er$

6ovin#:indness 4editation with Children$ The !ractice o" lovin#:indness, or ,etta, can be done
in one o" two ways: either in intensive !rolon#ed ,editation to develo! dee! states o"
concentration, or in daily li"e at any ti,e one ,eets with !eo!le and ani,als or thins about the,$
To learn about the radiatin# o" ,etta to all bein#s with children, we have to ta! into the store o"
nowled#e accu,ulated by lay !eo!le and !arents$ It ,ust be nowled#e which has #rown out o"
years o" livin# and lovin# with children and youn# adults$ <re#ory 3ra,er, "ather o" three boys,
shows us here with what subtle but !recise adJust,ents in the standard !ractice o" lovin#:
indness he was able to anchor it in the lives o" his children$
)1,0MM 3&- Settlin# bac into the ,o,ent 5 =ose!h <oldstein$

% selection o" verses "ro, the boo (E9!erience o" Insi#ht( , by =ose!h <oldstein$ This boo
belon#s to a di""erent #enre, not a boo in the sense o" havin# a be#innin# and an end$ It is a
co,!ilation o" e9cer!ts that stand alone in ,eanin# whichever way your "in#er ,ay "li! o!en the
!a#e$ Readers are stron#ly encoura#ed to read =ose!h <oldstein(s 7E9!erience o" Insi#ht : a
si,!le and direct #uide to &uddhist 4editation7 )Published by Sha,bala Publications, Inc$- "ro,
whose boo this co,!ilation is attributed$

)K,C2B 3&- 3nowin# and Seein# 5 Ven$ Pa:%u Sayadaw$

Tals and Tuestions and %nswers at a ,editation retreat in Taiwan by Venerable Pa:%u
Sayadaw$ This boo details two a!!roaches to insi#ht ,editation, na,ely, 7tranIuility and insi#ht7
and 7bare:insi#ht7 ,editation$ These two ,ethods are essentially identical, startin# "ro, "our:
ele,ents ,editation and continuin# into insi#ht ,editation$ In this boo the reader has an
e9!lanation o" the classic instructions "or both ,ethods$ The tals in this boo were #iven by the
Sayadaw )teacher-, "ro, Pa:%u, 4awla,yine, 4yan,ar, while he conducted a two:,onth
,editation retreat at Pi:Tun# Te,!le, Sin# Choo City, Taiwan$
)G,G;M 3&- The Practice which 6eads to 'ibbana 5 Ven$ Pa:%u Sayadaw$

Translated by <re# 3lei,an$ This is the ,ethod o" !ractisin# ,editation that is tau#ht at Pa %u
Tawya 4onastery, )4yan,ar- &ur,a$ It is based on the e9!lanation o" ,editation "ound in the
Visuddhi,a##a co,,entary$ &ecause o" that the ,ethod involves several sta#es o" !ractice
which are co,!le9, and involved$ These sta#es include a detailed analysis o" both ,entality and
,atter, accordin# to all the cate#ories enu,erated in the %bhidha,,a, and the "urther use o" this
understandin# to discern the !rocess o" *e!endent Ori#ination as it occurs in the Past, Present,
and +uture$ There"ore !eo!le who are un"a,iliar with the Visuddhi,a##a and the %bhidha,,a
will have di""iculty in understandin# and develo!in# a clear !icture o" the !ractice o" ,editation at
Pa %u Tawya$ +or "orei#ners who cannot s!ea &ur,ese this !roble, is ,ade even ,ore
di""icult$ This introduction has been written to hel! alleviate these di""iculties by !resentin# a
si,!li"ied e9a,!le o" a success"ul ,editator(s !ath o" !ro#ress as he develo!s his ,editation at
Pa %u Tawya$
)G,212 3&- 4ind"ulness o" &reathin# L +our Ele,ents 4editation 5 Ven$ Pa:%u Sayadaw$

This boo contains the instructions "or ,ind"ulness:o":breathin# ,editation, the "our:ele,ents
,editation, and the subseIuent detailed discern,ent o" ,ateriality$ The last section o" this boo
covers so,e o" the relevant theory$ Several !a#es have been added by the Sayadaw coverin#
the balancin# o" the "ive controllin# "aculties and seven "actors o" enli#hten,ent$ There is also the
addition o" his e9!lanation o" the di""erence between the e9!erience o" 'ibbSna and the
e9!erience o" li"e:continuu, )bhavan#a-$
)G,KB; 3&- %na!anasati : 4ind"ulness o" &reathin# 5 Ven$ &uddhadasa &hihu$

+or the "irst ti,e in the En#lish lan#ua#e a co,!rehensive ,anual o" &uddhist ,editation nown
as NnS!Snasati )the develo!,ent o" ,ind"ulness o" breathin# - is available$ %lthou#h this ,anual
is !ri,arily intended "or the bene"it o" ,ons, it will #reatly assist lay,en, too, who wish to
undertae a course o" ,editation but who do not have the #uidance o" a teacher$ Ori#inally
!ublished in Thai, this ,anual is one o" the ,aJor wors o" the Ven$ &uddhadSsa &hihu and
delivered in GCHC in the "or, o" a series o" lectures to ,ons o" Suan,oha 4onastery, Chaiya,
Thailand$ Ven$ &uddhadSsa &hihu, a ,aJor voice in the &uddhist world, is an acce!ted ,aster
o" &uddhist ,editation$ In constructive !ositive lan#ua#e, the ,anual #uides the ,editator
throu#h the GM ste!s o" NnS!Snasati$
)BCG 3&- &uddhist 4editation and *e!th Psycholo#y 5 *ou#las 4$ &urns$

This essay is concerned with only one as!ect o" &uddhis,, the !ractice o" ,editation$ The
ethical, !ractical, and lo#ical "acets o" the Teachin# are covered in other !ublications$ I" the cause
o" su""erin# is !ri,arily !sycholo#ical, then it ,ust "ollow that the cure, also, is !sycholo#ical$
There"ore, we "ind in &uddhis, a series o" @,ental e9ercisesA or ,editations desi#ned to uncover
and cure our !sychic aberrations$ 4istaenly, &uddhist ,editation is "reIuently con"used with
yo#ic ,editation, which o"ten includes !hysical contortions, autohy!nosis, Iuests "or occult
!owers, and an atte,!ted union with <od$ 'one o" these are concerns or !ractices o" the
Ei#ht"old Path$ There are in &uddhis, no dru#s or sti,ulants, no secret teachin#s, and no
,ystical "or,ulae$ &uddhist ,editation deals e9clusively with the everyday !heno,ena o" hu,an
)G,1BH 3&- % Critical %nalysis o" the =hUnas in TheravUda &uddhist 4editation

This wor, by Ven$ Hene!ola <unaratana, !rovides an analytical study o" the =hUnas, as they are
an i,!ortant set o" ,editative attain,ents in the conte,!lative disci!line o" TheravUda
&uddhis,$ *es!ite their "reIuent a!!earance in the te9ts, the e9act role o" the =hUnas in the
&uddhist !ath has not been settled with unani,ity by TheravUda scholars, who are still divided
over the Iuestion as to whether they are necessary "or attainin# 'ibbana$ The !ri,ary !ur!ose o"
this dissertation is to deter,ine the !recise role o" the =hUnas in the TheravUda &uddhist
!resentation o" the way to liberation$
+or source ,aterial the wor relies u!on the three !rinci!al classes o" authoritative TheravUda
te9ts: the Pali Ti!itaa, its co,,entaries, and its sub:co,,entaries$ To traditional canonical
investi#ations ,odern ,ethods o" !hiloso!hical and !sycholo#ical analysis are a!!lied in order to
clari"y the ,eanin#s i,!licit in the ori#inal sources$ The e9a,ination covers two ,aJor areas: "irst
the dyna,ics o" =hUna attain,ent, and second, the "unction o" the =hUnas in the ulti,ate
#oal o" &uddhis,, 'ibbana or "inal liberation "ro, su""erin#$

Print version only )G,0B;3&, P*+- This !rint version is suitable "or !eo!le who can !rint the
!a#es du!le9 and they will have K %H si.e !a#es on every 6andsca!e oriented %1 !a#e$
)KBB 3&- Sri 6aan 4onasteries:4onastics$);M 3&- Sri 6anan 4onasteries:6ay!eo!le$

In"or,ation about 4editation Centres and other i,!ortant !laces in Sri 6ana "or visitin# Eestern
&uddhist lay !ractitioners$ %lso In"or,ation about 4editation Centers, +orest 4onasteries, and
other i,!ortant !laces in Sri 6ana "or Eestern bhihus and serious lay !ractitioners$ U!dated:
=anuary K22H$
Vend o" "ileW

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