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Navajo Rug Geometry Project

Background: In social studies we have been studying about the

indigenous peoples of North America and their interactions with European
explorers and settlers. One of the groups of indigenous people we have
discussed is the Navajo. The Navajo were originally located in what in
now the United States southwest. When the Spanish explorers and settlers
arrived in North America they observed the Navajo culture. They would
later play an important role in the Mexican and Indian War. Today the
Navajo are well known for their rugs, which are characterized by their
bright colors and bold patterns. The rugs played an important role in
Navajo history; they were used to trade for goods and were also a symbol
of wealth.

Purpose: To use your knowledge of geometric shapes and attributes to
create a Navajo rug.

Part 1:
Go to the social studies page on our class website. Click on the link
for Navajo rug pictures. Look through the examples of Navajo rugs,
paying attention to the different patterns and how geometric
shapes are used.

Once you have looked through the examples use the attached grid
paper to map out your own Navajo Rug using the different
geometric shapes we have talked about in class. Color in your rug.
You need to use at least 7 different shapes in your rug.

Part 1 due on Thursday October 23, 2014

Part 2:
Use a tree map or brace map to create hierarchy of the shapes
you used in your Navajo rug. Using complete sentences write a
paragraph explaining how you organized the shapes.

Part 2 due on Friday October 24, 2014

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