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Rules and Expectations:

As a learning community, these are the classroom rules that we have agreed upon to be a
part of this classroom.
1. We will finish all assigned work and turn it in on time.
2. We are to participate in class and keep the classroom clean.
3. We will respect others including other students and teachers and others items.
4. We will keep our hands and feet to ourselves at all times.
5. We will raise our hand to speak and wait until it is our turn to talk.
6. We will try our best at all times and make the classroom a positive place to learn.
7. SMILE!!
Keep in mind that these are NOT the ONLY rules that apply.
Be on time, pencils sharpened, materials ready, and in your seat by the time the
bell rings (You will be considered tardy if you are not prepared and seated!)
Come prepared to class
Follow directions
Tell the truth
Do your own work
Bring something to read to class EACH day!
Washroom breaks are only permitted between classes
Only get up from your seat to leave when directed to do so
Remember that CHARACTER always COUNTS!!!
For students who choose not to follow the above rules and expectations, there will be
many consequences to follow that fit the behavior. These consequences may extend from
decreased grades or zeros for late or unfinished assignments, time after school with the
teacher, white slips, detentions, notifying the parents, referrals to the office, or other
consequences as stated in the student handbook.

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