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"Language" "czech"
"TrackerUI_ConnectionSpeed" "Rychlost internetovho pipojen"
"[english]TrackerUI_ConnectionSpeed" "Internet connection speed"
"TrackerUI_FavoriteWindowLabel" "Vyberte, kter okno klienta Steam se zobraz pi sputn p
"[english]TrackerUI_FavoriteWindowLabel" "Select which Steam window appea
rs when the program starts."
"TrackerUI_FavoriteWindow" "Oblben okno"
"[english]TrackerUI_FavoriteWindow" "Favorite window"
"Friends_Chat_Title" "%tabtitle% Konverzace"
"[english]Friends_Chat_Title" "%tabtitle% - Chat"
"Friends_Chat_Group_Title" "%tabtitle% Skupinov konverzace"
"[english]Friends_Chat_Group_Title" "%tabtitle% - Group Chat"
"Friends_Chat_Room_Headline" "%friend%"
"[english]Friends_Chat_Room_Headline" "%friend%"
"Friends_ChatTo" "Pro: %friend%"
"[english]Friends_ChatTo" "To: %friend%"
"Friends_ChatToPlusStatus" "Pro: %friend% (%status%)"
"[english]Friends_ChatToPlusStatus" "To: %friend% (%status%)"
"Friends_ChatToPlusInGame" "Pro: %friend% (hraje hru %game%)"
"[english]Friends_ChatToPlusInGame" "To: %friend% (playing %game%)"
"Friends_UserSays" "%friend% napsal(a):\n"
"[english]Friends_UserSays" "%friend% says:\n"
"Friends_TypingMessage" "%friend% pe zprvu."
"[english]Friends_TypingMessage" "%friend% is typing a message."
"Friends_LastMessageReceived" "Posledn zprva pijata: %date% v %time%"
"[english]Friends_LastMessageReceived" "Last message received: %date% at %time%
"Friends_FriendInfoDialog_Title" "%friend% Informace o uivateli"
"[english]Friends_FriendInfoDialog_Title" "%friend% - User Info"
"Friends_Chat_FriendNameChanged" "%old_name% se pejmenoval na %friend%.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_FriendNameChanged" "%old_name% has changed their na
me to %friend%.\n"
"Friends_Chat_FriendStateChanged" "%friend% je prv %status%.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_FriendStateChanged" "%friend% is now %status%.\n"
"Friends_Chat_Send" "Odeslat"
"[english]Friends_Chat_Send" "Send"
"Friends_Chat_InviteToChat" "Pizvat ke konverzaci"
"[english]Friends_Chat_InviteToChat" "Invite to Chat"
"Friends_Chat_ReJoin" "Znovu se pipojit"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ReJoin" "ReJoin"
"Friends_Chat_CannotSendFriendOffline" "Ptel %friend% je vtuto chvli offline, zprvu
nelze odeslat.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_CannotSendFriendOffline" "%friend% is currently offline,
message cannot be sent.\n"
"Friends_Chat_InvitedToGame" "%friend% vs pozval do hry %game%."
"[english]Friends_Chat_InvitedToGame" "%friend% has invited you to join them i
n playing %game%. "
"Friends_Chat_FriendHasChangedGame" "%friend% prv hraje hru %game%. "
"[english]Friends_Chat_FriendHasChangedGame" "%friend% is now playing %game%.
"Friends_Chat_UnknownGame" "hra"
"[english]Friends_Chat_UnknownGame" "a game"
"Friends_Chat_ClickHereToJoin" "Klepnutm se pipojte."
"[english]Friends_Chat_ClickHereToJoin" "Click here to join."
"Friends_Chat_ConvertedToMultiUser" "Zkonverzace sptelem %friend% se nyn stala ko
nverzace svce uivateli.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ConvertedToMultiUser" "Your chat with %friend% is now
a multi-user chat.\n"
"Friends_Chat_AnonymousChatName" "Anonymn"
"[english]Friends_Chat_AnonymousChatName" "Anonymous"
"Friends_Chat_CreateFailed_Title" "Nepodailo se vytvoit konverzaci"
"[english]Friends_Chat_CreateFailed_Title" "Chat Creation Failed"
"Friends_Chat_CreateFailed_Generic" "Nepodailo se vytvoit konverzan mstnost"
"[english]Friends_Chat_CreateFailed_Generic" "Failed to create chat room"
"Friends_Chat_CreateFailed_TooMany" "Vytvoili jste pli mnoho konverzac. Nkter zt
konverzac je nutn zruit pedtm, ne budete moci vytvet dal."
"[english]Friends_Chat_CreateFailed_TooMany" "You have created too many chats
. Some of those chats must be emptied before you can create more."
"Friends_Title_Online" "Ptel %name%"
"[english]Friends_Title_Online" "Friends"
"Friends_Title_Busy" "Ptel"
"[english]Friends_Title_Busy" "Friends"
"Friends_Title_Away" "Ptel"
"[english]Friends_Title_Away" "Friends"
"Friends_Title_Snooze" "Ptel"
"[english]Friends_Title_Snooze" "Friends"
"Friends_Title_Offline" "Ptel"
"[english]Friends_Title_Offline" "Friends"
"Friends_MyStatus" "Mj stav"
"[english]Friends_MyStatus" "My status"
"Friends_InGame" "Ve he"
"[english]Friends_InGame" "In-Game"
"Friends_InMod" "Vmodifikaci"
"[english]Friends_InMod" "In-Mod"
"Friends_InShortcut" "Ve he mimo Steam"
"[english]Friends_InShortcut" "In non-Steam game"
"Friends_Blocked" "Blokovn(a)"
"[english]Friends_Blocked" "Blocked"
"Friends_AddFriend" "Pidat ptele..."
"[english]Friends_AddFriend" "Add a Friend..."
"Friends_Edit_Profile" "Upravit profil..."
"[english]Friends_Edit_Profile" "Edit profile..."
"Friends_FriendList_CurrentGame" "AKTULN HRA"
"[english]Friends_FriendList_CurrentGame" "CURRENT GAME"
"Friends_FriendList_InGame" "VE HE"
"[english]Friends_FriendList_InGame" "IN GAME"
"Friends_FriendList_Online" "ONLINE"
"[english]Friends_FriendList_Online" "ONLINE"
"Friends_FriendList_Offline" "OFFLINE"
"[english]Friends_FriendList_Offline" "OFFLINE"
"Friends_SendInstantMessage" "Odeslat zprvu..."
"[english]Friends_SendInstantMessage" "Send Message..."
"Friends_Ignore" "Blokovat vekerou komunikaci..."
"[english]Friends_Ignore" "Block All Communication..."
"Friends_UnIgnore" "Odblokovat"
"[english]Friends_UnIgnore" "Unblock"
"Friends_InviteFriendToGame" "Pozvat do hry"
"[english]Friends_InviteFriendToGame" "Invite to Game"
"Friends_JoinGame" "Pipojit se do hry"
"[english]Friends_JoinGame" "Join Game"
"Friends_LaunchGame" "Spustit hru"
"[english]Friends_LaunchGame" "Launch Game"
"Friends_ViewGameInfo" "Zobrazit informace o he"
"[english]Friends_ViewGameInfo" "View Game Info"
"Friends_UserDetails" "Zobrazit podrobnosti uivatele"
"[english]Friends_UserDetails" "View User Details"
"Friends_RemoveUser" "Odebrat tohoto ptele..."
"[english]Friends_RemoveUser" "Remove this Friend..."
"Friends_RemoveFriend_Title" "Ptel Odebrat uivatele"
"[english]Friends_RemoveFriend_Title" "Friends - Remove User"
"Friends_RemoveFriend_Info" "Opravdu chcete odstranit uivatele %friend% ze se
znamu ptel?\n\n(Mete jej znovu pidat pozdji pomoc monosti Pidat ptele.)\n"
"[english]Friends_RemoveFriend_Info" "Are you sure you want to remove %friend
% from your Friends list?\n\n(You can add them again later using the 'Add a Frie
nd...' button.)\n"
"Friends_RemoveFriend_Button" "Odebrat ptele %friend%"
"[english]Friends_RemoveFriend_Button" "Remove %friend%"
"Friends_Options" "Monosti"
"[english]Friends_Options" "Options"
"Friends_Options_Title" "Monosti uivatele %name%"
"[english]Friends_Options_Title" "User options - %name%"
"Friends_Options_ProfileTab" "Profil"
"[english]Friends_Options_ProfileTab" "Profile"
"Friends_Options_SoundsTab" "Zvuky"
"[english]Friends_Options_SoundsTab" "Sounds"
"Friends_EnterAccountNameOrEmailAddress" "Zadejte et sluby Steam NEBO e-mail
ovou adresu osoby, kterou chcete pidat do seznamu Ptel."
"[english]Friends_EnterAccountNameOrEmailAddress" "Enter the Steam account
name OR the email address of the person you wish to add to your Friends list."
"Friends_SearchingForFriend" "Vyhledvn uivatele %search%..."
"[english]Friends_SearchingForFriend" "Searching for %search%..."
"Friends_FriendHasBeenAddedToYourListUnderName" "Uivatel %search% byl pidn do sezna
mu ptel pod jmnem %friend%."
"[english]Friends_FriendHasBeenAddedToYourListUnderName" "%search% has be
en added to your Friends list, under the name '%friend%'."
"Friends_FriendHasBeenAddedToYourList" "Uivatel %friend% byl pidn do seznamu ptel."
"[english]Friends_FriendHasBeenAddedToYourList" "%friend% has been added to your
Friends list."
"Friends_UnableToFindFriendByThatName" "Nepodailo se najt uivatele %search%. Chce
te-li opakovat vyhledvn, klepnte na tlatko Zpt."
"[english]Friends_UnableToFindFriendByThatName" "Unable to find %search%. Hit '
back' if you want to try and search again."
"Friends_CannotAddSelfToList" "Nemete pidat sami sebe do seznamu ptel."
"[english]Friends_CannotAddSelfToList" "You can't add yourself to your Friends
"Friends_CannotAddFriendWhoIsAlreadyInList" "Uivatel %search% byl ji pidn do sez
namu ptel pod jmnem %friend%."
"[english]Friends_CannotAddFriendWhoIsAlreadyInList" "%search% is already in
your Friends list, under the name '%friend%'."
"Friends_ConnectedButOffline" "Vtuto chvli se vaim ptelm zobrazuje, e jste ve stavu O
"[english]Friends_ConnectedButOffline" "You are currently set to appear offline
to all your Friends."
"Friends_NoFriendsInList" "Do seznamu ptel zatm nebyl nikdo pidn."
"[english]Friends_NoFriendsInList" "Why not invite someone to be your Frien
"Friends_GoOnline" "Pihlsit se"
"[english]Friends_GoOnline" "Sign in"
"Friends_SignIn_RefreshPassword" "Pihlen..."
"[english]Friends_SignIn_RefreshPassword" "Sign in..."
"Friends_SignIn_ActivateFriends" "Zapojit se do betaverze sluby Ptel..."
"[english]Friends_SignIn_ActivateFriends" "Join Friends Beta..."
"Friends_ConnectingToFriendsNetwork" "Pipojovn do st sluby Ptel..."
"[english]Friends_ConnectingToFriendsNetwork" "Connecting to Friends network..
"Friends_ScanningForFriends" "Stahovn seznamu ptel..."
"[english]Friends_ScanningForFriends" "Downloading Friends list..."
"Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork" "Nepodailo se pipojit do st sluby Ptel. Sluba
am bude automaticky opakovat pokus o pipojen, dokud nebude sluba kdispozici."
"[english]Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork" "A connection to the Friends net
work could not be established. Steam will automatically retry connection until t
he service becomes available."
"Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_InvalidPassword" "Chcete-li pouvat slubu Ptel,
muste se pihlsit do st sluby Steam."
"[english]Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_InvalidPassword" "You need to log
back into Steam in order to use Friends."
"Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_LoggedInElsewhere" "Byli jste odhlen z
e sluby Ptel, protoe se ktomuto tu pihlsil nkdo na jinm mst.\n"
"[english]Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_LoggedInElsewhere" "You hav
e been signed out of Friends, due to this account being signed in elsewhere.\n"
"Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_InvalidVersion" "Tato verze sluby Steam j
e zastaral pro pipojen ke slub Ptel. Chcete-li zskat nejnovj aktualizaci, restartu
"[english]Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_InvalidVersion" "This version of
Steam is too old to connect to Friends. Restart Steam to receive the latest upd
"Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_ServersBusy" "Servery sluby Steam jsou
vtuto chvli vypnuty a probh jejich drba. Sluba Ptel se znovu automaticky pipoj, j
e kdispozici."
"[english]Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_ServersBusy" "The Steam serve
rs are currently down for routine maintenance. Friends will automatically reconn
ect as soon as they come available."
"Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_NoConnection" "Nelze se pipojit kserverm
sluby Steam. Sluba Steam bude automaticky opakovat pokus o pipojen, dokud nebude slub
a kdispozici."
"[english]Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_NoConnection" "No network conn
ection could be made to the Steam servers. Steam will automatically retry connec
tion until the service becomes available."
"Friends_NotAvailableInOfflineMode" "Sluba Ptel nen kdispozici vreimu Offline."
"[english]Friends_NotAvailableInOfflineMode" "Friends is not available in off
line mode."
"Friends_UserRequestingFriendship_Title" "Ptel %friend%"
"[english]Friends_UserRequestingFriendship_Title" "Friends - %friend%"
"Friends_UserRequestingFriendship_Info" "Uivatel %friend% vs pidal do svho seznamu pte
"[english]Friends_UserRequestingFriendship_Info" "%friend% has added you
to their Friends list."
"Friends_AllowUserToSeeMeOnline" "Umonit uivateli %friend% zobrazit, kdy jst
e online, a kontaktovat vs."
"[english]Friends_AllowUserToSeeMeOnline" "Allow %friend% to see when you
are online and contact you."
"Friends_BlockUserFromSeeingMeOnline" "Pro tuto osobu jste neviditeln, kdy jste
online, a neme vs kontaktovat."
"[english]Friends_BlockUserFromSeeingMeOnline" "Block this person from seeing w
hen you are online and contacting you."
"Friends_AddFriend_Title" "Pidat ptele"
"[english]Friends_AddFriend_Title" "Add a Friend"
"Friends_FriendInfoDialog_DetailsTab" "Podrobnosti"
"[english]Friends_FriendInfoDialog_DetailsTab" "Details"
"Friends_FriendInfoDialog_StatusTab" "Stav"
"[english]Friends_FriendInfoDialog_StatusTab" "Status"
"Friends_FriendlyName" "Jmno"
"[english]Friends_FriendlyName" "Name"
"Friends_RecentlyUsedNames" "Naposledy pouit jmna:"
"[english]Friends_RecentlyUsedNames" "Recently used names:"
"Friends_PlaySoundWhenFriendJoins" "Pehrt zvuk, jakmile se ptel pipoj do hry"
"[english]Friends_PlaySoundWhenFriendJoins" "Play a sound when any Friend jo
ins a game"
"Friends_PlaySoundWhenFriendComesOnline" "Pehrt zvuk, jakmile je nkdo zptel onl
"[english]Friends_PlaySoundWhenFriendComesOnline" "Play a sound when any F
riend comes online"
"Friends_PlaySoundWhenReceiveAMessage" "Pehrt zvuk, jakmile obdrte zprvu"
"[english]Friends_PlaySoundWhenReceiveAMessage" "Play a sound when you receive a
"Friends_NotifyMeWhenUserComesOnline" "Upozornit, jakmile bude uivatel online"
"[english]Friends_NotifyMeWhenUserComesOnline" "Notify me when this user comes
"Friends_PlaySoundWhenUserComesOnline" "Pehrt zvuk, jakmile bude tento uivatel onl
"[english]Friends_PlaySoundWhenUserComesOnline" "Always play sound when this use
r comes online"
"Friends_PlaySoundWhenUserJoinsGame" "Pehrt zvuk, jakmile bude uivatel hrt hru"
"[english]Friends_PlaySoundWhenUserJoinsGame" "Always play sound when this use
r plays a game"
"Friends_RemoveUserExplanation" "Pokud odeberete tohoto ptele ze seznamu, nebude vs
vidt, pokud jste online, a nebude vm moci odeslat zprvy."
"[english]Friends_RemoveUserExplanation" "If you remove this Friend from
your list, they won't be able to see when you are online or send you messages."
"Friends_FriendInvitedToGame_Title" "POZVAT %friend%"
"[english]Friends_FriendInvitedToGame_Title" "INVITE - %friend%"
"Friends_FriendInvitedToGame_Info" "Pozvnka khran hry byla odeslna uivateli %fri
"[english]Friends_FriendInvitedToGame_Info" "An invitation to join your game
has been sent to %friend%."
"Friends_NotifyFriendOnline_Title" "%friend% Upozornn, jakmile je ptel online"
"[english]Friends_NotifyFriendOnline_Title" "%friend% - Friends online notif
"Friends_NotifyFriendOnline_Info" "V ptel %friend% je online."
"[english]Friends_NotifyFriendOnline_Info" "Your Friend %friend% has come o
"Friends_RefreshLogin_Title" "Steam Obnoven pihlen"
"[english]Friends_RefreshLogin_Title" "Steam - Refresh login"
"Friends_RefreshLogin" "Chcete-li se pihlsit do sluby Ptel, znovu zadejte pihlaovac
sluby Steam."
"[english]Friends_RefreshLogin" "Please re-enter your Steam login details in ord
er to sign into Friends."
"Friends_AccountName" "Nzev tu"
"[english]Friends_AccountName" "Account name"
"Friends_Login_Btn" "Pihlsit se"
"[english]Friends_Login_Btn" "Login"
"Friends_Login_Password" "Heslo"
"[english]Friends_Login_Password" "Password"
"Friends_BetaHomePage" "Informan strnka betaverze sluby Ptel"
"[english]Friends_BetaHomePage" "The Friends Beta information page"
"Friends_PleaseSetFriendsName" "Nezadali jste sv jmno pro slubu Ptel."
"[english]Friends_PleaseSetFriendsName" "Your profile name has not been set."
"Friends_SetFriendsName" "Zmnit nzev profilu..."
"[english]Friends_SetFriendsName" "Change Profile Name..."
"Friends_TargetBlocked" "Nastaven tohoto profilu hre vm brn ho vtuto chvli kontaktovat
"[english]Friends_TargetBlocked" "This user's profile settings prevent yo
u from contacting them at this time."
"Friends_TargetIgnored" "Uivatel %search% vs ignoruje."
"[english]Friends_TargetIgnored" "%search% is ignoring you."
"Friends_TooManyFriends" "Seznam vaich ptel je pln. Odeberte nkter vae ptele a
ste to znovu."
"[english]Friends_TooManyFriends" "Your Friends list is full! Remove some
Friends and try again."
"Friends_TargetHasTooManyFriends" "Seznam ptel uivatele %search% je pln."
"[english]Friends_TargetHasTooManyFriends" "%search%'s Friends list is full
"Friends_DefaultAddError" "Pi pidvn uivatele %search% do seznamu ptel dolo kch
"[english]Friends_DefaultAddError" "There was a problem adding %search% to
your Friends list."
"Friends_UnableToFindFriendByThatNameInvitePrompt" "Nepodailo se nalzt uivatel
e sluby Steam se-mailovou adresou %search%.\n\nPokud si pejete pozvat uivatele %sear
ch% do sluby Steam a pidat jej do vaeho seznamu ptel, stisknte tlatko Dal, nebo st
Zpt a zopakujte vyhledvn."
"[english]Friends_UnableToFindFriendByThatNameInvitePrompt" "Unable to find
a Steam user with email address %search%.\n\nIf you'd like to invite %search% to
join Steam and your list of Friends, hit 'Next', or hit 'Back' to search again.
"Friends_InvitingFriend" "Odesl se pozvn uivateli %search%..."
"[english]Friends_InvitingFriend" "Sending invitation to %search%..."
"Friends_InvitationPending" "Uivatel %search% byl nov pozvn do sluby Steam. Poku
d pijme pozvnku, bude pidn do seznamu vaich ptel.\n"
"[english]Friends_InvitationPending" "%search% has been invited to join Steam
recently; when they respond, they will be added to your Friends list.\n"
"Friends_InvitationSent" "Uivateli %search% byla odeslna e-mailem pozvnka. P
okud pijme pozvnku, bude pidn do seznamu vaich ptel.\n"
"[english]Friends_InvitationSent" "%search% has been sent an email invitat
ion, and will be added to your Friends list when they respond.\n"
"Friends_DefaultInviteError" "Pi odesln pozvnky uivateli %search% dolo kchyb."
"[english]Friends_DefaultInviteError" "There was a problem sending an invitati
on to %search%."
"Friends_TooManyPendingInvitations" "Vposledn dob jste odeslali pli mnoho pozvnek.
Pokuste se pozvat uivatele %search% znovu za jeden a dva dny."
"[english]Friends_TooManyPendingInvitations" "You've sent too many invitation
s recently. Try inviting %search% again in a day or two."
"Friends_InvitationBlocking" "Blokujete vekerou komunikaci stmto uivatelem. Ped ko
munikac jej muste nejdve odblokovat na jeho strnce komunity sluby Steam."
"[english]Friends_InvitationBlocking" "You are blocking all communication with
this user. Before communicating with this user, you must unblock them by visiti
ng their Steam Community Profile."
"Friends_DontGiveOutPassword" "Nikdy nikomu nekejte sv heslo.\n"
"[english]Friends_DontGiveOutPassword" "Never tell your password to anyone.\n"
"Friends_DontGiveOutPassword_URL" "
"[english]Friends_DontGiveOutPassword_URL" "
"Friends_invalidname_title" "Ptel Rezervovan jmno"
"[english]Friends_invalidname_title" "Friends - Reserved Name"
"Friends_invalidname_info" "Nzev tu sluby Ptel nesm bt neznm nebo obsahovat
eam a Podpora (Support). Vyberte jin jmno."
"[english]Friends_invalidname_info" "Your profile name cannot be '[unknown]
or contain 'Valve', 'Steam' or 'Support'. Please choose another name."
"Friends_JoinGame_Dialog" "Nepodailo se najt hru pro uivatele %friend%"
"[english]Friends_JoinGame_Dialog" "Failed to find game for %friend%"
"Friends_Friendlist_Friends" "PTEL"
"[english]Friends_Friendlist_Friends" "FRIENDS"
"Friends_FriendList_Pendings" "POZVN"
"[english]Friends_FriendList_Pendings" "INVITATIONS SENT"
"Friends_FriendList_InvitesReceived" "DOSTI"
"[english]Friends_FriendList_InvitesReceived" "INVITES"
"Friends_Friendlist_Members" "LENOV"
"[english]Friends_Friendlist_Members" "MEMBERS"
"Friends_Friendlist_Guests" "HOST"
"[english]Friends_Friendlist_Guests" "GUESTS"
"Friends_Friendlist_Chat" "KONVERZACE"
"[english]Friends_Friendlist_Chat" "CHAT"
"Friends_ViewSteamIDPage" "Zobrazit Steam profil"
"[english]Friends_ViewSteamIDPage" "View Steam Profile"
"Friends_Tooltip_GroupOfficer" "Sprvce skupiny"
"[english]Friends_Tooltip_GroupOfficer" "Group Officer"
"Friends_InviteFriendToGroup" "Pozvat do skupiny"
"[english]Friends_InviteFriendToGroup" "Invite to Group"
"Friends_InviteToGroupConfirmation_Title" "Ptel pozvnka byla odeslna"
"[english]Friends_InviteToGroupConfirmation_Title" "Friends - invite sent"
"Friends_InviteToGroupConfirmation_Info" "Vae pozvnka uivatele %friend% do s
kupiny %group% byla odeslna."
"[english]Friends_InviteToGroupConfirmation_Info" "Your invitation of %fri
end% into group %group% has been sent."
"Friends_menu_status" "Stav"
"[english]Friends_menu_status" "Status"
"Friends_menu_view" "Zobrazit"
"[english]Friends_menu_view" "View"
"Friends_menu_players" "Hri"
"[english]Friends_menu_players" "Players"
"Friends_menu_view_showavatars" "Zobrazit avatary"
"[english]Friends_menu_view_showavatars" "Show Avatars"
"Friends_menu_view_showsteamids" "Zobrazit ID tu"
"[english]Friends_menu_view_showsteamids" "Show Account IDs"
"Friends_menu_view_sortbyname" "adit dle jmna"
"[english]Friends_menu_view_sortbyname" "Sort by Name"
"Friends_menu_view_onlineonly" "Zobrazit pouze uivatele online"
"[english]Friends_menu_view_onlineonly" "Show Online Users Only"
"Friends_menu_view_settings" "Nastaven..."
"[english]Friends_menu_view_settings" "Settings..."
"Friends_menu_players_current" "Seznam hr aktuln hra"
"[english]Friends_menu_players_current" "Player List - Current Game"
"Friends_menu_players_recent" "Seznam hr posledn hry"
"[english]Friends_menu_players_recent" "Player List - Recent Games"
"Friends_JoinGroupChat" "Zapojit se do konverzace skupiny %group%"
"[english]Friends_JoinGroupChat" "Join %group% chat"
"Friends_Chat_MemberNameChanged" "Uivatel %old_name% zmnil sv jmno na %member
"[english]Friends_Chat_MemberNameChanged" "%old_name% has changed their na
me to %member_name%.\n"
"Friends_Chat_MemberEntered" "Uivatel %member_changed% se zapojil do konverzac
"[english]Friends_Chat_MemberEntered" "%member_changed% entered chat.%ignored%
"Friends_Chat_MemberLeft" "Uivatel %member_changed% opustil konverzaci.%ign
"[english]Friends_Chat_MemberLeft" "%member_changed% left chat.%ignored%\n"
"Friends_Chat_MemberDisconnected" "Uivatel %member_changed% se odpojil.%ign
"[english]Friends_Chat_MemberDisconnected" "%member_changed% disconnected.%
"Friends_Chat_MemberWasKicked" "Uivatel %member_changed% byl vyhozen uivatelem %m
"[english]Friends_Chat_MemberWasKicked" "%member_changed% was kicked by %member_
"Friends_Chat_MemberWasBanned" "Uivateli %member_changed% byl zakzn pstup uivatelem %
"[english]Friends_Chat_MemberWasBanned" "%member_changed% was banned by %member_
"Friends_Chat_MemberIgnored" "(Blokovan)"
"[english]Friends_Chat_MemberIgnored" "(Blocked)"
"Friends_Chat_InviteToChatRoom" "Pozvat do konverzan mstnosti"
"[english]Friends_Chat_InviteToChatRoom" "Invite to Chat Room"
"Friends_Chat_InviteToChatRoom_Title" "Komunita sluby Steam Pozvat do konverzan ms
"[english]Friends_Chat_InviteToChatRoom_Title" "Steam Community - Chat Room Inv
"Friends_Chat_InviteToChatRoom_Info" "Byli jste pozvni do konverzace %chat% uiv
atelem %patron%."
"[english]Friends_Chat_InviteToChatRoom_Info" "You have been invited to join t
he %chat% chat by %patron%."
"Friends_Chat_InviteReceivedTime" "Pozvn bylo pijato: %date% v %time%"
"[english]Friends_Chat_InviteReceivedTime" "Invite received: %date% at %tim
"Friends_Chat_KickFromChatRoom" "Vyhodit zkonverzan mstnosti"
"[english]Friends_Chat_KickFromChatRoom" "Kick from Chat Room"
"Friends_Chat_BanFromChatRoom" "Zakzat vstup do konverzan mstnosti"
"[english]Friends_Chat_BanFromChatRoom" "Ban from Chat Room"
"Friends_Chat_ToggleAvatars" "Zobrazit avatary"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ToggleAvatars" "Show Avatars"
"Friends_Chat_ToggleBeeps" "Zvukov znamen pi odesln zprv uivateli"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ToggleBeeps" "Beep when users send messages"
"Friends_Chat_ToggleTimestamp" "Zobrazovat asy zprv u kad zprvy"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ToggleTimestamp" "Show timestamp on each message"
"Friends_Chat_ManageBanList" "Sprva seznamu zakzanch pstup"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ManageBanList" "Manage Banned list"
"Friends_Chat_LockRoom" "Zamknout tuto mstnost (nastavit jako soukromou)"
"[english]Friends_Chat_LockRoom" "Lock this room (make private)"
"Friends_Chat_OpenRoom" "Odemknout tuto mstnost (zpstupnit)"
"[english]Friends_Chat_OpenRoom" "Unlock this room (make open)"
"Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_Title" "Steam Nelze vstoupit do mstnosti"
"[english]Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_Title" "Steam - Can't enter chatroom"
"Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_DoesntExist" "Konverzace %chat% byla ukonena."
"[english]Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_DoesntExist" "The %chat% chat has been closed
"Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_NotAllowed" "Nemte poadovan povolen pro vstup do konverz
ace %chat%."
"[english]Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_NotAllowed" "You don't have the required per
missions to enter the %chat% chat."
"Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_Full" "Konverzace %chat% je pln."
"[english]Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_Full" "The %chat% chat is full."
"Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_Error" "Pi pokusu o pipojen do konverzace %chat% dolo kchyb."
"[english]Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_Error" "Error attempting to join %chat%
"Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_Banned" "Nemete se zapojit do konverzace %chat%, p
rotoe mte zakzan pstup do tto konverzace."
"[english]Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_Banned" "You may not enter the %chat% ch
at, because you are banned from this chat."
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultTitleSuccess" "Akce probhla spn"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultTitleSuccess" "Action Succeeded"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultInviteSuccess" "Uivatel %user_name% byl pozvn do
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultInviteSuccess" "%user_name% has been in
vited to chat.\n"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultKickSuccess" "Uivatel %user_name% byl vyhozen.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultKickSuccess" "%user_name% has been kicked.\n"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultBanSuccess" "Uivateli %user_name% byl zakzn pstup.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultBanSuccess" "%user_name% has been banned.\n"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultUnBanSuccess" "Uivatel %user_name% ji nem zakzn pstup.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultUnBanSuccess" "%user_name% is no longe
r banned.\n"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultLockChatSuccess" "Konverzace je nyn zamena (mohou s
e do n pipojit pouze lenov skupiny nebo zvan uivatel).\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultLockChatSuccess" "Chat is now locked (onl
y group members or invited users can join).\n"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultUnlockChatSuccess" "Konverzace je nyn odemena (je pstup
n pro vechny uivatele).\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultUnlockChatSuccess" "Chat is now unlocked (o
pened to all users).\n"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultTitleFailed" "Akce se nezdaila"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultTitleFailed" "Action Failed"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultInviteFailed" "Pozvn uivatele %user_name% do konverzace %
chat% se nezdailo.\n%action_result%"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultInviteFailed" "Attempt to invite user
%user_name% to chat %chat% failed.\n%action_result%"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultKickFailed" "Vyhozen uivatele %user_name% zkonverzace %
chat% se nezdailo.\n%action_result%"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultKickFailed" "Attempt to kick user %user_name
% from chat %chat% failed.\n%action_result%"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultUnBanFailed" "Zruen zkazu pstupu pro uivatele %user_name% p
ro konverzaci %chat% se nezdailo.\n%action_result%"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultUnBanFailed" "Attempt to unban user %user_nam
e% from chat %chat% failed.\n%action_result%"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultLockChatFailed" "Uzamen konverzace %chat% se nezdai
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultLockChatFailed" "Attempt to lock chat %c
hat% failed\n%action_result%."
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultUnlockChatFailed" "Odemen (zpstupnn) konverzace %chat% s
e nezdailo\n%action_result%."
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultUnlockChatFailed" "Attempt to unlock (open
) chat %chat% failed\n%action_result%."
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultCloseFailed" "Ukonen konverzace %chat% se nezdailo\n%act
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultCloseFailed" "Attempt to close chat %chat% fa
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultError" "Neznm chyba"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultError" "Unknown Error"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultNotPermitted" "Nemte oprvnn pro proveden tto akce."
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultNotPermitted" "You don't have the perm
issions to do this action."
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultNotAllowedOnClanMember" "Nen povoleno provdt akci n
a lenovi skupiny svym hodnocenm."
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultNotAllowedOnClanMember" "Action is not a
llowed on a clan member unless you have higher rank."
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultNotAllowedOnBannedUser" "Nen povoleno provdt akci n
a uivateli, ktermu byl zakzn pstup."
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultNotAllowedOnBannedUser" "Action is not a
llowed on a banned user."
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultManageBans" "Sprva seznamu uivatel se zakzanm pstupem do ko
nverzan mstnosti."
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultManageBans" "Manage chat room ban list."
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultNotAllowedOnChatOwner" "Nen povoleno provdt akci n
a uivateli, kter zaloil konverzaci."
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultNotAllowedOnChatOwner" "Action is not a
llowed on the owner of the chat."
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultNotAllowedOnSelf" "Akci nemete provdt sami na sob."
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultNotAllowedOnSelf" "Action is not allowed o
n yourself."
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultChatDoesntExist" "Konverzace byla ukonena."
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultChatDoesntExist" "The chat has been close
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultChatFull " "Konverzace je pln."
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultChatFull " "The chat is full."
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultNotOnline" "Akci nelze provdt, pokud nejste online."
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultNotOnline" "Action is not possible while no
t online."
"Friends_Chat_Kicked_Title" "Vyhozeni zkonverzace"
"[english]Friends_Chat_Kicked_Title" "Kicked from Chat"
"Friends_Chat_Kicked_Info" "Byli jste vyhozeni zkonverzace %chat% uivatelem %
"[english]Friends_Chat_Kicked_Info" "You have been kicked from chat %chat% b
y %member_making_change%."
"Friends_Chat_Kicked_Entry" "Byli jste vyhozeni zkonverzace uivatelem %member_
"[english]Friends_Chat_Kicked_Entry" "You have been kicked from the chat by %
"Friends_Chat_Banned_Title" "Zakzan pstup do konverzace"
"[english]Friends_Chat_Banned_Title" "Banned from Chat"
"Friends_Chat_Banned_Info" "Byl vm zakzn pstup do konverzace %chat% uivatelem %me
"[english]Friends_Chat_Banned_Info" "You have been banned from chat %chat% b
y %member_making_change%."
"Friends_Chat_Banned_Entry" "Byl vm zakzn pstup do konverzace uivatelem %member_ma
"[english]Friends_Chat_Banned_Entry" "You have been banned from the chat by %
"Friends_Chat_Closed_Title" "Konverzace byla ukonena"
"[english]Friends_Chat_Closed_Title" "Chat Closed"
"Friends_Chat_Closed_Info" "Konverzace %chat% byla ukonena"
"[english]Friends_Chat_Closed_Info" "The %chat% chat has closed."
"Friends_Chat_Closed_Entry" "Konverzace byla ukonena.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_Closed_Entry" "Chat has closed.\n"
"Friends_Chat_Offline_Entry" "V stav je Offline.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_Offline_Entry" "Your state is set to Offline.\n"
"Friends_Chat_Offline_Rejoin_Entry" "Pepnte se nyn do reimu Online a znovu se pip
ojte do konverzace.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_Offline_Rejoin_Entry" "Online now and rejoined chat.\n
"Friends_Chat_FailedRejoin_Entry" "Nepodailo se znovu pipojit do konverzace.
"[english]Friends_Chat_FailedRejoin_Entry" "You failed to rejoin the chat.\
"Friends_Chat_FailedRejoin_Rejoin_Entry" "Znovu jste se pipojili do konver
"[english]Friends_Chat_FailedRejoin_Rejoin_Entry" "You rejoined the chat.\
"Friends_Chat_Disconnected_Entry" "Spojen se slubou Steam bylo perueno, po obn
oven pipojen se automaticky znovu pipojte do konverzace.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_Disconnected_Entry" "Lost connection to Steam, will
rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.\n"
"Friends_Chat_Disconnected_Rejoin_Entry" "Bylo obnoveno pipojen a pihlen do kon
"[english]Friends_Chat_Disconnected_Rejoin_Entry" "Connected again and rej
oined chat.\n"
"Friends_Chat_DisconnectedNoRetry_Entry" "Nelze se pipojit ke slub Steam.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_DisconnectedNoRetry_Entry" "No connection to Steam.
"Friends_Chat_RoomLocked_Entry" "Konverzan mstnost byla zamena uivatelem %member_maki
"[english]Friends_Chat_RoomLocked_Entry" "The chat room has been locked b
y %member_making_change%.\n"
"Friends_Chat_RoomUnlocked_Entry" "Konverzan mstnost byla odemena (voln pstup) u
atelem %member_making_change%.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_RoomUnlocked_Entry" "The chat room has been unlocked
(opened to anyone) by %member_making_change%.\n"
"Friends_Chat_RackBouncing_Entry" "Servery sluby Steam se budou brzy restar
tovat. Pipojen ktto konverzan mstnosti bude obnoveno po restartovn.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_RackBouncing_Entry" "The Steam servers will be reboo
ting shortly. Connection to this chat room will be restored after the reboot.\n
"Friends_MsgNotification_Sender" "%name% napsal(a):"
"[english]Friends_MsgNotification_Sender" "%name% says,"
"Friends_MsgNotification_Body" "%message%"
"[english]Friends_MsgNotification_Body" "%message%"
"Friends_AddUser" "Pidat mezi ptele..."
"[english]Friends_AddUser" "Add to your Friends list..."
"Friends_Voice_Call" "Zahjit hlasovou konverzaci"
"[english]Friends_Voice_Call" "Begin voice chat"
"Friends_Voice_EndCall" "Ukonit hlasovou konverzaci"
"[english]Friends_Voice_EndCall" "End voice chat"
"Friends_Voice_CancelCall" "Zruen hovoru"
"[english]Friends_Voice_CancelCall" "Cancel call"
"Friends_Voice_Hold" "Podret hovor"
"[english]Friends_Voice_Hold" "Hold"
"Friends_Voice_IncomingVoice" "Hovor od uivatele %friend% byl zahjen."
"[english]Friends_Voice_IncomingVoice" "Call from %friend% started."
"Friends_Voice_HangUp" "Hovor suivatelem %friend% byl ukonen."
"[english]Friends_Voice_HangUp" "Call with %friend% ended."
"Friends_Voice_AudioSettings" "Nastaven zvuku"
"[english]Friends_Voice_AudioSettings" "Settings"
"Friends_Voice_Answer" "Pijmout"
"[english]Friends_Voice_Answer" "Answer"
"Friends_Voice_IncomingStatus" "Uivatel %friend% Vm vol."
"[english]Friends_Voice_IncomingStatus" "%friend% wants to chat via voice."
"Friends_Voice_OutgoingStatus" "Voln uivateli %friend%..."
"[english]Friends_Voice_OutgoingStatus" "Calling %friend%..."
"Friends_Voice_Resume" "Pokraovat"
"[english]Friends_Voice_Resume" "Resume"
"Friends_Voice_ResumeStatusLocalHold" "Podret"
"[english]Friends_Voice_ResumeStatusLocalHold" "On hold"
"Friends_Voice_ResumeStatusRemoteHold" "Uivatel %friend% podrel tuto hlasovou kon
"[english]Friends_Voice_ResumeStatusRemoteHold" "%friend% has put this voice cha
t on hold"
"Friends_Voice_AudioOptionsTitle" "Nastaven zvuku"
"[english]Friends_Voice_AudioOptionsTitle" "Audio Settings"
"Friends_Voice_Microphone_Volume" "Hlasitost mikrofonu:"
"[english]Friends_Voice_Microphone_Volume" "Microphone Volume:"
"Friends_Voice_Speaker_Volume" "Hlasitost pjmu:"
"[english]Friends_Voice_Speaker_Volume" "Receive Volume:"
"Friends_Voice_BoostMicrophone" "Zeslit hlasitost mikrofonu"
"[english]Friends_Voice_BoostMicrophone" "Boost microphone gain"
"Friends_Voice_TestMicrophone" "Testovat mikrofon"
"[english]Friends_Voice_TestMicrophone" "Test Microphone"
"Friends_Voice_StopTestMicrophone" "Zastavit test mikrofonu"
"[english]Friends_Voice_StopTestMicrophone" "Stop Microphone Test"
"Friends_Voice_RejectCall" "Ignorovat"
"[english]Friends_Voice_RejectCall" "Ignore"
"Friends_Voice_ReinitAudio" "Opravit zvuk"
"[english]Friends_Voice_ReinitAudio" "Repair Audio"
"Friends_Voice_UsersChatting" "%UsersChatting% uivatel se astn hlasov konverzace"
"[english]Friends_Voice_UsersChatting" "%UsersChatting% user voice chatting"
"Friends_Voice_UsersChattingPlural" "%UsersChatting% uivatel se astn hlasov konver
"[english]Friends_Voice_UsersChattingPlural" "%UsersChatting% users voice cha
"Friends_Voice_NoOtherUsersChatting" "dn jin uivatel se neastn hlasov konverzace"
"[english]Friends_Voice_NoOtherUsersChatting" "No other users voice chatting"
"Friends_Voice_AllSlotsFull" "%UsersChatting% uivatel se astn hlasov konverzace (ob
"[english]Friends_Voice_AllSlotsFull" "%UsersChatting% users voice chatting (f
"Friends_Chat_StartVoiceChatting" "Zahjit hlasovou konverzaci"
"[english]Friends_Chat_StartVoiceChatting" "Start voice chat"
"Friends_Chat_EndVoiceChatting" "Ukonit hlasovou konverzaci"
"[english]Friends_Chat_EndVoiceChatting" "End voice chat"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultStartVoiceSpeak" "Zahajovn hlasov konverzace vkonverz
aci %chat%."
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultStartVoiceSpeak" "Starting voice in chat
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultEndVoiceSpeak" "Ukonovn hlasov konverzace vkonverzac
i %chat%."
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultEndVoiceSpeak" "Ending voice in chat %c
"Friends_Chat_VoiceSpeakDenied" "Nelze zahjit hlasovou konverzaci vkonverzaci %cha
t%, nedostatek dostupnch volnch pozic pro hovor."
"[english]Friends_Chat_VoiceSpeakDenied" "Can't start voice in %chat%, no
t enough free speaking slots."
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultVoiceSlotsFull" "Nelze zahjit hlasovou konverzaci
vkonverzaci %chat%, nedostatek dostupnch volnch pozic pro hovor."
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultVoiceSlotsFull" "Can't start voice in %c
hat%, not enough free speaking slots."
"Friends_Chat_VoiceStatus" "Kdispozici je %availslots% pozic [celkem pozic %
"[english]Friends_Chat_VoiceStatus" "%availslots% slots avail [%maxslots% to
"Friends_GroupSectionInfo_Online" "%online% ONLINE"
"[english]Friends_GroupSectionInfo_Online" "%online% ONLINE"
"Friends_GroupSectionInfo_OnlineInGame" "%ingame% VE HE, %online% ONLINE"
"[english]Friends_GroupSectionInfo_OnlineInGame" "%ingame% IN GAME, %onli
"Friends_GroupSectionInfo_OnlineChatting" "%inchat% VKONVERZACI, %online% O
"[english]Friends_GroupSectionInfo_OnlineChatting" "%inchat% IN CHAT, %onli
"Friends_GroupSectionInfo_OnlineInGameChatting" "%inchat% VKONVERZACI, %ingame% V
E HE, %online% ONLINE"
"[english]Friends_GroupSectionInfo_OnlineInGameChatting" "%inchat% IN CHA
T, %ingame% IN GAME, %online% ONLINE"
"Friends_GroupSectionInfo_PublicGroup" "%groupname% (Veejn skupina)"
"[english]Friends_GroupSectionInfo_PublicGroup" "%groupname% (Public Group)"
"Friends_ViewGroupSteamID" "Zobrazit profil skupiny"
"[english]Friends_ViewGroupSteamID" "View group profile"
"Friends_JoinGroupChatRoom" "Pipojit se do konverzan mstnosti skupiny"
"[english]Friends_JoinGroupChatRoom" "Join group chat room"
"Friends_OpenAdministerGroupPage" "Spravovat tuto skupinu"
"[english]Friends_OpenAdministerGroupPage" "Administer this group"
"Friends_LeaveThisGroup" "Opustit tuto skupinu"
"[english]Friends_LeaveThisGroup" "Leave this group"
"Friends_SteamIDLink" "Zobrazit profil"
"[english]Friends_SteamIDLink" "View profile"
"Friends_EditAlias" "Upravit pezdvku..."
"[english]Friends_EditAlias" "Edit alias..."
"Friends_UnsetAlias" "Resetovat"
"[english]Friends_UnsetAlias" "Reset"
"Friends_ViewAliases" "Zobrazit pezdvky"
"[english]Friends_ViewAliases" "View Aliases"
"Friends_NotificationOptions" "Monosti upozornn"
"[english]Friends_NotificationOptions" "Notification Options"
"Friends_FriendAliases_Title" "Ptel %FriendName%"
"[english]Friends_FriendAliases_Title" "Friends - %FriendName%"
"Friends_FriendAliasesInfo" "Uivatel %FriendName% vystupoval pod tmito pezdvkami
"[english]Friends_FriendAliasesInfo" "You have seen %FriendName% go by these
"Friends_Settings_TabTitle" "Ptel"
"[english]Friends_Settings_TabTitle" "Friends"
"Friends_Nickname" "Nzev profilu"
"[english]Friends_Nickname" "Profile name"
"Friends_Avatar" "Ikona"
"[english]Friends_Avatar" "Avatar"
"Friends_AutoSignIntoFriendsOnStartup" "Automaticky pihlsit do sluby Ptel po sputn k
ta Steam"
"[english]Friends_AutoSignIntoFriendsOnStartup" "Automatically sign into Friends
when I start Steam"
"Friends_ShowTimeInChatLog" "Zobrazovat v konverzaci asy zprv"
"[english]Friends_ShowTimeInChatLog" "Display timestamps in chat log"
"Friends_NotificationsAndSounds" "Upozornn a zvuky"
"[english]Friends_NotificationsAndSounds" "Notifications & Sounds"
"Friends_WhenFriendJoinsGame" "Jakmile se ptel pipoj do hry"
"[english]Friends_WhenFriendJoinsGame" "When any Friend joins a game"
"Friends_WhenFriendComesOnline" "Jakmile bude ptel online"
"[english]Friends_WhenFriendComesOnline" "When any Friend comes online"
"Friends_WhenReceiveMessage" "Kdy obdrm zprvu"
"[english]Friends_WhenReceiveMessage" "When I receive a message"
"Friends_DisplayNotification" "Zobrazit upozornn"
"[english]Friends_DisplayNotification" "Display a notification"
"Friends_PlayASound" "Pehrt zvuk"
"[english]Friends_PlayASound" "Play a sound"
"Friends_FlashWindow" "Rozblikat okno, kdy obdrm zprvu"
"[english]Friends_FlashWindow" "Flash window when I receive a message"
"Friends_FlashWindowAlways" "Vdy"
"[english]Friends_FlashWindowAlways" "Always"
"Friends_FlashWindowMinimized" "Pouze pokud je okno minimalizovan"
"[english]Friends_FlashWindowMinimized" "Only when minimized"
"Friends_FlashWindowNever" "Nikdy"
"[english]Friends_FlashWindowNever" "Never"
"Friends_ViewSteamCommunityProfile" "Zobrazit mj profil v komunit sluby Steam"
"[english]Friends_ViewSteamCommunityProfile" "View my Steam Community profile
"Friends_ChangeAvatar" "Zmnit"
"[english]Friends_ChangeAvatar" "Change"
"Friends_NameTooShort_Title" "Ptel Nzev profilu je pli krtk"
"[english]Friends_NameTooShort_Title" "Friends - Profile name too short"
"Friends_NameTooShort_Info" "Nzev profilu mus obsahovat alespo dva znaky."
"[english]Friends_NameTooShort_Info" "Profile name field must contain at leas
t two characters."
"Friends_OnlineNotification_Info" "je prv online"
"[english]Friends_OnlineNotification_Info" "is now online"
"Friends_InGameNotification_Info" "prv hraje hru"
"[english]Friends_InGameNotification_Info" "is now playing"
"Friends_ChatInvitation_Info" "vs pozval do konverzace s"
"[english]Friends_ChatInvitation_Info" "has invited you to chat with"
"Friends_VoiceChatInvitation_Info" "vs pozval do hlasov konverzace"
"[english]Friends_VoiceChatInvitation_Info" "has invited to you to voice cha
"Friends_ChatNotification_Info" "napsal(a):"
"[english]Friends_ChatNotification_Info" "says:"
"Friends_GameInvitation_Info" "vs pozval do hry"
"[english]Friends_GameInvitation_Info" "has invited you to play"
"Friends_OnlineNotification_Hotkey" "Stisknte klvesu %hotkey% pro zobrazen"
"[english]Friends_OnlineNotification_Hotkey" "Press %hotkey% to view"
"Friends_InviteNotification_Hotkey" "Stisknte klvesu %hotkey% pro zobrazen"
"[english]Friends_InviteNotification_Hotkey" "Press %hotkey% to view"
"Friends_ChatNotification_Hotkey" "Stisknte klvesu %hotkey% pro odpov"
"[english]Friends_ChatNotification_Hotkey" "Press %hotkey% to reply"
"Friends_PlayersDialog_Title" "Hri"
"[english]Friends_PlayersDialog_Title" "Players"
"Friends_CurrentPlayers_TabTitle" "Aktuln hra"
"[english]Friends_CurrentPlayers_TabTitle" "Current game"
"Friends_RecentPlayers_TabTitle" "Pedchoz hry"
"[english]Friends_RecentPlayers_TabTitle" "Recent games"
"Friends_AddPlayerAsFriend" "Pidat do Seznamu ptel"
"[english]Friends_AddPlayerAsFriend" "Add a Friend..."
"Friends_NoRecentlyPlayedWithUsers" "Vposledn dob jste s nikm nehrli dnou hru slub
"[english]Friends_NoRecentlyPlayedWithUsers" "You have not recently played St
eam games with anyone."
"Friends_NoCurrentlyPlayedWithUsers" "dn uivatel sluby Steam nejsou hleni hernm se
"[english]Friends_NoCurrentlyPlayedWithUsers" "No Steam users reported by game
"Friends_PlayerName" "Nzev profilu"
"[english]Friends_PlayerName" "Profile name"
"Friends_SteamIDURLHeader" "Steam profil"
"[english]Friends_SteamIDURLHeader" "Steam Profile"
"Friends_PlayerRelationship" "Vztah"
"[english]Friends_PlayerRelationship" "Relationship"
"Friends_PlayedWithGame" "Hra"
"[english]Friends_PlayedWithGame" "Game"
"Friends_PlayedWithTime" "as"
"[english]Friends_PlayedWithTime" "Time"
"Friends_PlayerFriend" "PTEL"
"[english]Friends_PlayerFriend" "FRIEND"
"Friends_SteamIDPage" "Profil"
"[english]Friends_SteamIDPage" "Profile"
"Friends_InvitesAvailable_Title" "Ptel pozvnky"
"[english]Friends_InvitesAvailable_Title" "Friends - invites"
"Friends_InvitesAvailable_Info" "Mte %groups% nevyzenou pozvnku do skupiny."
"[english]Friends_InvitesAvailable_Info" "You have %groups% group invite
"Friends_InvitesAvailable_InfoPlural" "Mte %groups% nevyzench pozvnek do skupiny."
"[english]Friends_InvitesAvailable_InfoPlural" "You have %groups% group invites
"Friends_InvitesAvailable_Info2" "Mte %friends% nevyzenou pozvnku od ptele."
"[english]Friends_InvitesAvailable_Info2" "You have %friends% Friends invi
te pending."
"Friends_InvitesAvailable_Info2Plural" "Mte %friends% nevyzench pozvnek od ptel."
"[english]Friends_InvitesAvailable_Info2Plural" "You have %friends% Friends invi
tes pending."
"Friends_InvitesAvailable_Info3" "Mte %friends% nevyzench pozvnek od ptel a %gro
ups% nevyzench pozvnek do skupiny."
"[english]Friends_InvitesAvailable_Info3" "You have %friends% Friends invi
te(s) and %groups% group invite(s) pending."
"Friends_InvitesAvailable_View" "Zobrazit pozvnky"
"[english]Friends_InvitesAvailable_View" "View invites"
"Friends_RetryVoiceConnections" "Opakovat pokus o hlasovou komunikaci"
"[english]Friends_RetryVoiceConnections" "Retry voice connection"
"Friends_AddRecentPlayerAsFriend" "Zobrazit seznam uivatel, kte svmi vposledn do
"[english]Friends_AddRecentPlayerAsFriend" "View users you've recently play
ed with"
"Friends_NotificationOptions_Title" "Monosti upozornn %FriendName%"
"[english]Friends_NotificationOptions_Title" "Notification options - %FriendN
"Friends_WhenThisFriendJoinsGame" "Jakmile se %FriendName% pipoj do hry"
"[english]Friends_WhenThisFriendJoinsGame" "When %FriendName% joins a game"
"Friends_WhenThisFriendComesOnline" "Jakmile bude %FriendName% online"
"[english]Friends_WhenThisFriendComesOnline" "When %FriendName% comes online"
"Friends_WhenReceiveMessageFromThisFriend" "Kdy obdrm zprvu od uivatele %FriendN
"[english]Friends_WhenReceiveMessageFromThisFriend" "When I receive a messag
e from %FriendName%"
"Friends_InviteInfo_HasAdded" "si vs pidal do svho"
"[english]Friends_InviteInfo_HasAdded" "has added you to his or her"
"Friends_InviteInfo_FriendsList" "Seznamu ptel"
"[english]Friends_InviteInfo_FriendsList" "Friends List"
"Friends_InviteInfo_BeenInvited" "Byli jste pozvni"
"[english]Friends_InviteInfo_BeenInvited" "You have been invited"
"Friends_InviteInfo_JoinGroup" "do skupiny sluby Steam"
"[english]Friends_InviteInfo_JoinGroup" "to join Steam group"
"Friends_GroupEvent_NewEventScheduled" "naplnoval(a) novou udlost"
"[english]Friends_GroupEvent_NewEventScheduled" "has scheduled new event"
"Friends_GroupEvent_NowStarting" "zahjila novou udlost"
"[english]Friends_GroupEvent_NowStarting" "has event starting"
"Friends_GroupEvent_NewAccouncement" "zveejnil(a) nov oznmen"
"[english]Friends_GroupEvent_NewAccouncement" "has posted new announcement"
"Friends_GroupEvent_Title" "%group% byla zahjena udlost"
"[english]Friends_GroupEvent_Title" "%group% - event started"
"Friends_GroupEvent_View" "Zobrazit udlost"
"[english]Friends_GroupEvent_View" "View event"
"Voice_Settings_TabTitle" "Hlas"
"[english]Voice_Settings_TabTitle" "Voice"
"Steam_RepairAudioDescription" "(Po pipojen nebo odpojen zvukovho zazen bude mon pot
rovst optovn zjitn zvukovch zazen.)"
"[english]Steam_RepairAudioDescription" "(When an audio device is plugged in or
removed, you may need to re-detect active audio devices.)"
"Steam_RepairAudioButton" "Zjistit zvukov zazen"
"[english]Steam_RepairAudioButton" "Detect audio devices"
"Steam_VoiceMicGain" "Zeslit hlasitost mikrofonu"
"[english]Steam_VoiceMicGain" "Boost microphone gain"
"Steam_TestMicButton" "Testovat mikrofon"
"[english]Steam_TestMicButton" "Test microphone"
"Steam_VoiceReceiveVolume" "Hlasitost pjmu"
"[english]Steam_VoiceReceiveVolume" "Receive volume"
"Steam_VoiceMicVolume" "Hlasitost mikrofonu"
"[english]Steam_VoiceMicVolume" "Microphone volume"
"Friends_ViewGroupMembersLink" "Zobrazit vechny leny"
"[english]Friends_ViewGroupMembersLink" "View all members"
"Friends_GroupCollapsedTooManyMembers" "(pli mnoho len k zobrazen)"
"[english]Friends_GroupCollapsedTooManyMembers" "(too many members to show)"
"Friends_GroupCollapsedNoOtherMembers" "(dn dal lenov k zobrazen)"
"[english]Friends_GroupCollapsedNoOtherMembers" "(no other members to show)"
"Friends_ControlPanelLink" "Domovsk strnka komunity"
"[english]Friends_ControlPanelLink" "Community Home"
"Friends_AchievementUnlocked_Headline" "Achievement odemen!"
"[english]Friends_AchievementUnlocked_Headline" "Achievement Unlocked!"
"Friends_AchievementUnlocked_Body" "%achievement%"
"[english]Friends_AchievementUnlocked_Body" "%achievement%"
"Friends_AchievementProgress_Headline" "Postup achievementu"
"[english]Friends_AchievementProgress_Headline" "Achievement Progress"
"Friends_AchievementProgress_Body" "%achievement% (%cur%/%max%)"
"[english]Friends_AchievementProgress_Body" "%achievement% (%cur%/%max%)"
"Friends_ChatURLWarning_Title" "Vstraha: nejedn se o strnku sluby Steam"
"[english]Friends_ChatURLWarning_Title" "Alert: non-Steam web site"
"Friends_ChatURLWarning_Info" "Poznmka: adresa URL, na kterou jste klepli, neod
kazuje na oficiln strnky sluby Steam."
"[english]Friends_ChatURLWarning_Info" "Note: the URL you have clicked on is no
t an official Steam web site."
"Friends_ChatURLWarning_Info2" "Pokud Vs tato webov strnka pod o Vae uivatelsk jmno
heslo, tyto informace nezadvejte. Mohli byste tm pijt o svj et sluby Steam a vechny h
"[english]Friends_ChatURLWarning_Info2" "If this web site asks for your user nam
e or password, do not enter that information. You could lose your Steam account
and all your games!"
"Friends_ChatURLWarning_Continue" "Ok, pokraovat na webovou strnku"
"[english]Friends_ChatURLWarning_Continue" "Ok, continue to the web page"
"Friends_ChatURLWarning_DontAskAgainCheck" "Tuto zprvu ji nezobrazovat."
"[english]Friends_ChatURLWarning_DontAskAgainCheck" "Don't show me this agai
"Friends_ChatPasswordWarning_Title" "Vstraha: Nebezpe ohroen tu"
"[english]Friends_ChatPasswordWarning_Title" "Alert: Account security risk"
"Friends_ChatPasswordWarning_Info" "Varovn: prv se chystte sdlet svoje heslo."
"[english]Friends_ChatPasswordWarning_Info" "Warning: you are about to share
your password."
"Friends_ChatPasswordWarning_Info2" "Podpora sluby Steam po vs nebude za dnch oko
lnost poadovat heslo. Sdlenm hesla mete pijt o et sluby Steam a vechny vae hry!\n
cete sdlet tyto daje?"
"[english]Friends_ChatPasswordWarning_Info2" "Steam Support will never need y
our password for any reason. By sharing your password, you could lose your Steam
account and all your games!\n\nAre you sure you wish to share this information?
"Friends_ChatPasswordWarning_Continue" "Ano, odeslat zprvu konverzace"
"[english]Friends_ChatPasswordWarning_Continue" "Yes, send my chat message"
"Friends_ChatPasswordWarning_DontSend" "Ne, neodeslat"
"[english]Friends_ChatPasswordWarning_DontSend" "No, don't send it"
"Friends_BlockCommunicationWarning_Title" "Blokovat vekerou komunikaci s uiv
atelem %username%"
"[english]Friends_BlockCommunicationWarning_Title" "Block all interaction w
ith %username%"
"Friends_BlockCommunicationWarning_Info2" "Chystte se blokovat vekerou komun
ikaci suivatelem %username%.\n\nPo schvlen tohoto nastaven si s tmto hrem nebudete moc
poslat zprvy ani pozvn.\n\nBlokovn mete zruit na strnce s profilem uivatele nebo v
"[english]Friends_BlockCommunicationWarning_Info2" "You are about to block
all communication with %username%.\n\nYou will no longer be able to send or rece
ive messages or invites with this player.\n\nYou can undo this by visiting their
Steam Profile or unblocking them via your Friends list."
"Friends_BlockCommunicationWarning_DontAskAgainCheck" "Tuto zprvu ji nezobrazova
"[english]Friends_BlockCommunicationWarning_DontAskAgainCheck" "Don't show me t
his again."
"Friends_BlockCommunicationWarning_Block" "Blokovat hre"
"[english]Friends_BlockCommunicationWarning_Block" "Block player"
"Friends_BlockCommunicationWArning_Cancel" "Zruit"
"[english]Friends_BlockCommunicationWArning_Cancel" "Cancel"
"Friends_ChatIntro_Title" "Pchoz dost o konverzaci"
"[english]Friends_ChatIntro_Title" "Incoming chat request"
"Friends_ChatIntro_Accept" "Pijmout"
"[english]Friends_ChatIntro_Accept" "Accept"
"Friends_ChatIntro_Decline" "Odmtnout"
"[english]Friends_ChatIntro_Decline" "Decline"
"Friends_ChatIntro_Ignore" "Blokovat"
"[english]Friends_ChatIntro_Ignore" "Block"
"Friends_ChatIntro_Info" "Obdreli jste dost o konverzaci od nsledujcho uivatele:
"[english]Friends_ChatIntro_Info" "You've received a chat request from the
following user:"
"Friends_ChatIntro_Info2" "Sdlte spolu nsledujc skupiny:"
"[english]Friends_ChatIntro_Info2" "You two share the following groups in c
"Friends_ChatIntro_InfoChatRoom" "Jste spolu vnsledujc konverzan mstnosti:"
"[english]Friends_ChatIntro_InfoChatRoom" "You are this chat room together
"Friends_ChatIntro_Request" "Chcete pijmout tento poadavek na konverzaci?"
"[english]Friends_ChatIntro_Request" "Would you like to accept this chat requ
"Friends_ChatIntro_DontShowCheckBox" "Vdy pijmout poadavek na konverzaci od toho
to uivatele."
"[english]Friends_ChatIntro_DontShowCheckBox" "Always accept chat requests fro
m this user."
"Friends_ChatIntro_WarningInfo" "Upozornn: Podpora sluby Steam po vs nebude za dnch oko
lnost poadovat heslo. Ignorujte vechny poadavky na heslo, kter obdrte."
"[english]Friends_ChatIntro_WarningInfo" "Reminder: Steam Support will ne
ver need your password for any reason. Ignore any password requests you receive.
"Friends_Voice_MicrophoneDeviceLabel" "Zznamov zazen (zvukov vstup)"
"[english]Friends_Voice_MicrophoneDeviceLabel" "Recording (audio input) device"
"Friends_Voice_ChangeDevice" "Zmna zazen..."
"[english]Friends_Voice_ChangeDevice" "Change device..."
"Friends_Voice_ChangeDeviceNote" "(oteve ovldac panel hlasu vsystmu Windows)"
"[english]Friends_Voice_ChangeDeviceNote" "(this will open the Windows voi
ce control panel)"
"Friends_Voice_ChangingDevice_Title" "Steam Zmna zznamovho zazen"
"[english]Friends_Voice_ChangingDevice_Title" "Steam - Changing recording devi
"Friends_Voice_ChangingDevice_Info" "Ovdac panel zvuksystmu Windows je nyn oteven.
Po dokonen zmn nastaven klepnte na tlatko OK."
"[english]Friends_Voice_ChangingDevice_Info" "The Windows audio control panel
is now open. Hit 'OK' when you're finished changing settings."
"Friends_Voice_ChangingDevice_Button" "OK, dokonil(a) jsem zmny nastaven"
"[english]Friends_Voice_ChangingDevice_Button" "OK, I'm finished changing setti
"Friends_Voice_NoDeviceDetected" "[ Nebylo zjitno dn zznamov zazen ]"
"[english]Friends_Voice_NoDeviceDetected" "[ No recording device detected
"Friends_Voice_PushToTalkKey" "Klvesa Push-to-talk"
"[english]Friends_Voice_PushToTalkKey" "Push-to-talk key"
"Friends_Voice_WhenActive" "Je-li hlasov konverzace povolena:"
"[english]Friends_Voice_WhenActive" "When voice chat is active:"
"Friends_Voice_AutoTransmit" "Automaticky penet mj hlas, kdykoliv promluvm"
"[english]Friends_Voice_AutoTransmit" "Automatically transmit my voice wheneve
r I speak"
"Friends_Voice_PushToTalk" "Penet mj hlas pouze pi stisku klvesy Push-to-talk"
"[english]Friends_Voice_PushToTalk" "Use a push-to-talk key to transmit voic
"Friends_DownloadNotification_Steam" "Steam"
"[english]Friends_DownloadNotification_Steam" "Steam"
"Friends_DownloadNotification_Info" "dokonil stahovn"
"[english]Friends_DownloadNotification_Info" "has finished downloading"
"Limited_OpenChat" "Oteven konverzace"
"[english]Limited_OpenChat" "Open Chat"
"Friends_SteamCommunity" "Komunita sluby Steam"
"[english]Friends_SteamCommunity" "Steam Community"
"Limited_Explanation" "Nkter funkce komunity sluby Steam se aktivuj, jakmile si pidt
e hry na svj et sluby Steam."
"[english]Limited_Explanation" "Some features of the Steam Community become ava
ilable once you have games in your Steam account."
"Limited_ForDetails" "Dal informace zskte od podpory sluby Steam."
"[english]Limited_ForDetails" "Visit Steam Support for more information."
"Friends_Chat_RoomModerated_Entry" "Konverzan mstnost byla uivatelem %member_ma
king_change% nastavena na vhradn konverzaci sprvc.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_RoomModerated_Entry" "The chat room has been set to o
fficers-only chat by %member_making_change%.\n"
"Friends_Chat_RoomUnmoderated_Entry" "Konverzan mstnost byla uivatelem %member_ma
king_change% nastavena na konverzaci vech uivatel.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_RoomUnmoderated_Entry" "The chat room has been set to a
ll-users chat by %member_making_change%.\n"
"Friends_Chat_RoomUnmoderated_Info" "Pouze sprvci skupin mohou zaslat zprvy vkon
verzaci uren pouze pro sprvce"
"[english]Friends_Chat_RoomUnmoderated_Info" "Only group officers can send me
ssages in officers-only chat"
"Friends_Chat_ModerateRoom" "Aktivovat konverzaci pouze pro sprvce"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ModerateRoom" "Enable officers-only chat"
"Friends_Chat_UnmoderateRoom" "Deaktivovat konverzaci pouze pro sprvce (konverz
ovat me kad)"
"[english]Friends_Chat_UnmoderateRoom" "Disable officers-only chat (anyone can
"Friends_Chat_ModerateRoom_Status" "Pouze sprvcov skupin mohou konverzovat"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ModerateRoom_Status" "Only officers of the group can
"Friends_InviteToGame_Title" "Vyberte ptele, kter pozvete"
"[english]Friends_InviteToGame_Title" "Choose Friends to invite"
"Friends_InviteToGame_Close" "Nvrat do hry"
"[english]Friends_InviteToGame_Close" "Return to game"
"friends_invitetogame_action" "POZVAT"
"[english]friends_invitetogame_action" "INVITE"
"friends_invitetogame_done" "POZVN BYLO ODESLNO"
"[english]friends_invitetogame_done" "INVITE SENT"
"Friends_NoSoundSystems" "Na vaem potai nebyla nalezena dn vstupn zvukov zaz
"[english]Friends_NoSoundSystems" "No Sound Input systems found on your ma
"Friends_SoundSystemName" "Zazen"
"[english]Friends_SoundSystemName" "Device"
"FriendsUI_SelectSoundSystem" "Vyberte vstupn zvukov zazen:"
"[english]FriendsUI_SelectSoundSystem" "Select Sound Input Device:"
"FriendsUI_SoundSystemTitle" "Vybrat zvukov vstup"
"[english]FriendsUI_SoundSystemTitle" "Select Sound Input"
"friends_ingametooltip" "Ve he: %game%"
"[english]friends_ingametooltip" "In-Game: %game%"
"friends_pendinginvites" "%invites% NEVYZENCH"
"[english]friends_pendinginvites" "%invites% PENDING"
"Friends_ViewInvitesOnCommunityPage" "Zobrazit dosti v komunit"
"[english]Friends_ViewInvitesOnCommunityPage" "View invites on Community"
"friends_ignoreallinvites" "Ignorovat vechny dosti"
"[english]friends_ignoreallinvites" "Ignore all invites"
"friends_acceptallinvites" "Pijmout vechny dosti"
"[english]friends_acceptallinvites" "Accept all invites"
"friends_acceptrequest" "Pijmout"
"[english]friends_acceptrequest" "Accept"
"friends_ignorerequest" "Ignorovat"
"[english]friends_ignorerequest" "Ignore"
"friends_blockrequest" "Blokovat"
"[english]friends_blockrequest" "Block"
"friends_acceptgrouprequest" "Pijmout"
"[english]friends_acceptgrouprequest" "Accept"
"friends_ignoregrouprequest" "Ignorovat"
"[english]friends_ignoregrouprequest" "Ignore"
"TrackerUI_FavoriteWindowLabel_Windows" "Vyberte, kter okno sluby Steam se zobraz pi
sputn programu a pi \npoklepn na ikonu voznamovac oblasti."
"[english]TrackerUI_FavoriteWindowLabel_Windows" "Select which Steam wind
ow appears when the program starts, and when you double-click the Notification T
ray icon."
"Friends_ViewGameStorePage" "Zobrazit strnku hry v obchod"
"[english]Friends_ViewGameStorePage" "View game store page"
"Friends_Chat_Settings" "Nastaven konverzace"
"[english]Friends_Chat_Settings" "Chat Settings"
"Friends_AlwaysNewChatCheck" "Konverzaci vdy otevrat v novm okn msto zloky"
"[english]Friends_AlwaysNewChatCheck" "Always open a new chat window rather th
an a tab "
"friends_tooltip_voicesettings" "Zobrazit nastaven hlasu"
"[english]friends_tooltip_voicesettings" "View voice settings"
"Friends_ScreenshotNotification_Info" "Snmek uloen"
"[english]Friends_ScreenshotNotification_Info" "Screenshot saved"
"Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_UserLocked" "Nemete vstoupit do konverzace %chat%, jel
iko vae prva konverzovat byla doasn pozastavena."
"[english]Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_UserLocked" "You may not enter the %chat% ch
at, because your chat privileges have been temporarily suspended."
"Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_ClanLocked" "Nemete vstoupit do konverzace %chat%, jel
iko byla administrativn zakzna."
"[english]Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_ClanLocked" "You may not enter the %chat% ch
at, because it has been administratively disabled."
"Friends_ScreenshotNotification_Info_Multiple" "%screenshots% snmk uloeno"
"[english]Friends_ScreenshotNotification_Info_Multiple" "%screenshots% screensho
ts saved"
"Friends_ScreenshotErrorNotification_Info" "Chyba pi ukldn snmku"
"[english]Friends_ScreenshotErrorNotification_Info" "Error saving screenshot
"friends_game_invite" "%friend% vs pozval do hry"
"[english]friends_game_invite" "%friend% has invited you to play"
"friends_game_invite_action" "KLIKNTE ZDE PRO PIPOJEN"
"[english]friends_game_invite_action" "CLICK HERE TO JOIN"
"friends_voice_friendendedcall" "%friend% ukonil hovor."
"[english]friends_voice_friendendedcall" "%friend% has ended the call."
"friends_trade_invite" "%friend% vs pozval k obchodovn"
"[english]friends_trade_invite" "%friend% has invited you to trade items"
"friends_trade_invite_action" "KLIKNTE ZDE PRO OBCHODOVN"
"[english]friends_trade_invite_action" "CLICK HERE TO TRADE"
"friends_trade_invite_sent" "Uivateli %friend% byla zaslna nabdka k obchodu."
"[english]friends_trade_invite_sent" "A request to trade has been sent to %fr
"friends_trade_invite_sent_waiting" "ek se na odpov..."
"[english]friends_trade_invite_sent_waiting" "Waiting for response..."
"friends_trade_declined" "%friend% odmtl Vai dost o obchodovn."
"[english]friends_trade_declined" "%friend% has declined your trade reques
"friends_trade_you_are_banned" "S uivatelem %friend% nemete obchodovat, protoe mte zk
az obchodovn."
"[english]friends_trade_you_are_banned" "You cannot trade with %friend% because
you have a trade ban."
"friends_trade_they_are_banned" "S uivatelem %friend% nemete obchodovat, protoe tent
o uivatel m zkaz obchodovn."
"[english]friends_trade_they_are_banned" "You cannot trade with %friend%
because they have a trade ban."
"friends_trade_they_are_trading" "S uivatelem %friend% nemete obchodovat, pr
otoe tento uivatel ji obchoduje s nkm jinm."
"[english]friends_trade_they_are_trading" "You cannot trade with %friend%
because they are currently trading with someone else."
"friends_trade_disabled" "Na tomto serveru je obchodovn momentln zakzno."
"[english]friends_trade_disabled" "Trading is currently disabled on the se
"friends_trade_not_logged_in" "S uivatelem %friend% nemete obchodovat, protoe tent
o uivatel nen pihlen."
"[english]friends_trade_not_logged_in" "You cannot trade with %friend% because
they are not logged in."
"friends_trade_cancelled" "dost o obchodovn byla zruena."
"[english]friends_trade_cancelled" "The trade request was cancelled."
"friends_trade_too_soon" "S uivatelem %friend% nemete obchodovat, protoe je t
o pli brzy od Va minul dosti k obchodovn."
"[english]friends_trade_too_soon" "You cannot trade with %friend% because
it is too soon to ask them again."
"friends_trade_too_soon_penalty" "S uivatelem %friend% nemete obchodovat, pr
otoe o obchodovn dte a pli asto zkuste to prosm znovu za nkolik minut."
"[english]friends_trade_too_soon_penalty" "You cannot trade with %friend%
because you have been asking too frequenty - you can try again in a few minutes.
"friends_trade_connection_failed" "%friend% nezareagoval na Vai dost o obchod
"[english]friends_trade_connection_failed" "%friend% has not responded to y
our trade request."
"friends_trade_you_are_already_trading" "Nemete podat o dal obchodovn, dokud nedokon
uln obchod."
"[english]friends_trade_you_are_already_trading" "You cannot request a ne
w trade while you are still in another trade session."
"friends_trade_you_are_already_requesting_trade" "Mete poslat pouze jednu dos
t o obchodovn."
"[english]friends_trade_you_are_already_requesting_trade" "You can only ha
ve one outstanding trade request."
"friends_trade_no_respond" "%friend% neodpovdl na Vai dost o obchodovn."
"[english]friends_trade_no_respond" "%friend% did not respond to the trade r
"friends_trade_accepted" "%friend% pijal v poadavek k obchodu."
"[english]friends_trade_accepted" "%friend% has accepted your request to t
"friends_trade_you_accepted" "Pijali jste dost o obchodovn od uivatele %friend%."
"[english]friends_trade_you_accepted" "You have accepted the trade request fro
m %friend%."
"friends_invite_to_trade" "Pozvat k obchodu"
"[english]friends_invite_to_trade" "Invite to Trade"
"friends_voice_usedbygame" "Mikrofon je pouvan hrou"
"[english]friends_voice_usedbygame" "Microphone in use by game"
"Friends_HideFriend_Title" "Ptel Ignorovat uivatele"
"[english]Friends_HideFriend_Title" "Friends - Ignore User"
"Friends_HideFriend_Info" "Opravdu chcete odstranit uivatele %friend% ze se
znamu ptel?\n\n(Mete jej pozdji opt pidat pomoc monosti 'Pidat ptele'.)\n"
"[english]Friends_HideFriend_Info" "Are you sure you want to ignore and rem
ove %friend% from your Suggested Friends list?\n\n(You can add them again later
using the 'Add a Friend...' button.)\n"
"Friends_HideFriend_Button" "Ignorovat %friend%"
"[english]Friends_HideFriend_Button" "Ignore %friend%"
"Friends_HideFriend_Failed" "Nelze ignorovat uivatele %friend%"
"[english]Friends_HideFriend_Failed" "Could not ignore friend %friend%"
"Friends_ViewFacebookIDPage" "Zobrazit strnku Facebooku"
"[english]Friends_ViewFacebookIDPage" "View Facebook Page"
"Friends_HideUser" "Ignorovat uivatele..."
"[english]Friends_HideUser" "Ignore user..."
"Friends_FriendList_Suggested" "DOPORUEN PTEL"
"[english]Friends_FriendList_Suggested" "SUGGESTED FRIENDS"
"friends_ignoreallsuggestedfriends" "Ignorovat vechny doporuen ptele"
"[english]friends_ignoreallsuggestedfriends" "Ignore all suggested friends"
"friends_inviteallsuggestedfriends" "Pozvat vechny doporuen ptele"
"[english]friends_inviteallsuggestedfriends" "Invite all suggested friends"
"friends_inviterequest" "Pozvat"
"[english]friends_inviterequest" "Invite"
"friends_trade_other_cancelled" "%friend% Vs pozval k obchodovn, ale svou dost nakone
c zruil."
"[english]friends_trade_other_cancelled" "%friend% had asked to trade wit
h you, but has cancelled their request."
"friends_trade_other_cancelled_timeout" "%friend% Vs pozval k obchodovn, ale Vy jst
e vas nezareagovali."
"[english]friends_trade_other_cancelled_timeout" "%friend% had asked to t
rade with you, but you did not respond in time."
"Friends_TradeInvitation_Info" "vs pozval k obchodovn"
"[english]Friends_TradeInvitation_Info" "has invited you to trade"
"Friends_Page_Groups" "SKUPINY"
"[english]Friends_Page_Groups" "GROUPS"
"Friends_Page_Friends" "PTEL"
"[english]Friends_Page_Friends" "FRIENDS"
"Friends_Page_Games" "HRY"
"[english]Friends_Page_Games" "GAMES"
"Friends_Friendlist_OtherFriends" "PTEL"
"[english]Friends_Friendlist_OtherFriends" "FRIENDS"
"Friends_Friendlist_AllFriends" "VICHNI PTEL"
"[english]Friends_Friendlist_AllFriends" "ALL FRIENDS"
"friends_view_item_in_inventory" "Zobrazit v inventi"
"[english]friends_view_item_in_inventory" "View in inventory"
"friends_group_tag_as" "Oznait jako..."
"[english]friends_group_tag_as" "Tag as..."
"friends_group_edit_categories" "Piate k tomuto pteli znaky, dky nim jej budete moci n
rychleji. Oznaen ptel budou sluovni ve vaem Seznamu ptel."
"[english]friends_group_edit_categories" "Assign tags to this friend to h
elp you find them quickly. Tagged Friends will be grouped together in your Frien
ds list."
"friends_group_addtag" "PIDAT ZNAKU"
"[english]friends_group_addtag" "ADD TAG"
"friends_group_edittags_title" "%friend% Znaky"
"[english]friends_group_edittags_title" "%friend% - Tags"
"friends_trade_info" "NOVINKA! Obchodujte s Team Fortress 2 pedmty, Portal 2 ped
mty a Steam Drky skrze Steam Obchodovn. Kliknte na rozbalovac tlatko, abyste mohli vyz
t tuto osobu k obchodovn. Tak mete v chatu ukzat vae pedmty petaenm z vaeho inven
"[english]friends_trade_info" "NEW! Trade Team Fortress 2 items, Portal 2 item
s, and Steam Gifts with Steam Trading. Click on the drop down button to invite t
his person to trade. You can also show off items in chat by dragging them from y
our inventory."
"friends_insertitem" "Ukzat poloku z vaeho invente..."
"[english]friends_insertitem" "Display an Item from your Inventory..."
"Friends_FriendAliases_None" "Tento hr nen znm pod dnm dalm jmnem."
"[english]Friends_FriendAliases_None" "This player has not gone by any other n
"friends_trade_you_are_cafe" "S uivatelem %friend% nemete obchodovat, protoe jste
pihleni z tu internetov kavrny."
"[english]friends_trade_you_are_cafe" "You cannot trade with %friend% because
you are on a Cyber Cafe account."
"friends_trade_they_are_cafe" "S uivatelem %friend% nemete obchodovat, protoe tent
o uivatel je pihlen z tu internetov kavrny."
"[english]friends_trade_they_are_cafe" "You cannot trade with %friend% because
they are on a Cyber Cafe account."
"friends_trade_you_are_school" "S uivatelem %friend% nemete obchodovat, protoe jste
pihleni ze kolnho tu."
"[english]friends_trade_you_are_school" "You cannot trade with %friend% because
you are on a School Lab account."
"friends_trade_they_are_school" "S uivatelem %friend% nemete obchodovat, protoe tent
o uivatel je pihlen ze kolnho tu."
"[english]friends_trade_they_are_school" "You cannot trade with %friend%
because they are on a School Lab account."
"group_enterchatroom" "Vstoupit do konverzace skupiny"
"[english]group_enterchatroom" "Enter group chat"
"Friends_Chat_InviteToPrivateChatRoom_Info" "Dostali jste pozvnku k soukrommu
chatu s %patron%."
"[english]Friends_Chat_InviteToPrivateChatRoom_Info" "You have been invited t
o join a private chat with %patron%."
"Friends_BlockCommunicationWarning_Info" "Chystte se zablokovat vekerou kom
unikaci s %username%.\n\nTmto krokem tak zajistte, e pi hledn her pomoc systmu Steamw
se spolu neobjevte ve stejn he."
"[english]Friends_BlockCommunicationWarning_Info" "You are about to block
all communication with %username%.\n\nThis block will also prevent you two from
joining the same game with Steamworks matchmaking capabilities."
"Friends_BlockCommunicationWarning_LinkInfo" "Vce informac o vyhledvn her pomoc sys
tmu Steamworks."
"[english]Friends_BlockCommunicationWarning_LinkInfo" "More info about Steamwo
rks matchmaking."
"Friends_BlockCommunicationResult" "Uivatel %username% byl zablokovn!\n\nPro
odblokovn tohoto hre pejdte do zloky Seznam blokovanch v komunit sluby Steam."
"[english]Friends_BlockCommunicationResult" "%username% has been blocked!\n\
nTo unblock this player, visit your Blocked List in the Steam Community."
"Friends_BlockCommunicationResult_YourBlockedList" "Zobrazit seznam blokova
nch uivatel"
"[english]Friends_BlockCommunicationResult_YourBlockedList" "View my Blocked
"Friends_DefaultBlockCommunicationError" "Pi blokovn uivatele %username% nast
ala chyba."
"[english]Friends_DefaultBlockCommunicationError" "There was a problem blo
cking %username%."
"friends_giftreceived_info" "vm poslal drek"
"[english]friends_giftreceived_info" "has sent you a gift"
"friends_itemreceived_info" "Mte 1 novou poloku ve svm inventi"
"[english]friends_itemreceived_info" "You have 1 new item in your inventory"
"friends_itemsreceived_info" "Mte %items% novch poloek ve vaem inventi"
"[english]friends_itemsreceived_info" "You have %items% new items in your inve
"Friends_Tooltip_GroupModerator" "Modertor skupiny"
"[english]Friends_Tooltip_GroupModerator" "Group Moderator"
"Friends_NameChangeFailed_Title" "Ptel Zmna nzvu profilu se nezdaila"
"[english]Friends_NameChangeFailed_Title" "Friends - Failed to change prof
ile name"
"Friends_NameChangeFailed_Info" "Zmna nzvu profilu se nezdaila. Zkuste to prosm znov
u za nkolik minut."
"[english]Friends_NameChangeFailed_Info" "Failed to change profile name.
Please try again in a few minutes."
"Friends_NameChangeThrottled_Info" "Velmi ast zmny nzvu profilu nejsou povoleny
. Zkuste to prosm znovu za nkolik minut."
"[english]Friends_NameChangeThrottled_Info" "Very frequent changes to profil
e names are not allowed. Please try again in a few minutes."
"friends_trade_generic_failure" "S uivatelem %friend% nemete obchodovat."
"[english]friends_trade_generic_failure" "You cannot trade with %friend%.
"friends_trade_they_are_blocked" "S uivatelem %friend% nemete obchodovat, pr
otoe jste jej zablokovali."
"[english]friends_trade_they_are_blocked" "You cannot trade with %friend%
because you have blocked them."
"friends_trade_you_need_verified_email" "Ne se budete moci astnit obchodovn, je nutn o
vit Vai e-mailovou adresu. Tuto adresu ovte v okn nastaven."
"[english]friends_trade_you_need_verified_email" "You must verify your em
ail address before you can participate in a trade. Verify your email address fro
m the Settings window."
"friends_trade_you_have_steam_guard_disabled" "Ne se budete moci astnit obchodovn,
muste si aktivovat funkci Steam Guard. Tuto funkci si aktivujete v okn nastaven."
"[english]friends_trade_you_have_steam_guard_disabled" "You must enable Steam G
uard before you can participate in a trade. Enable Steam Guard from the Settings
"friends_trade_their_account_cannot_trade" "S uivatelem %friend% nemete obchod
ovat. Vce informac o dvodu nemonosti obchodovn se zobraz uivateli %friend%, pokud pozv
k obchodu on Vs."
"[english]friends_trade_their_account_cannot_trade" "%friend% is not availab
le to trade. More information will be shown to %friend% if they invite you to tr
"Friends_PostNotification_Info" "zaslno:"
"[english]Friends_PostNotification_Info" "posted:"
"Friends_ViewGameHub" "Zobrazit hern centrum"
"[english]Friends_ViewGameHub" "View Game Hub"
"friends_setnickname" "Pidat pezdvku"
"[english]friends_setnickname" "Add Nickname"
"friends_setnickname_title" "Ptel %friend%"
"[english]friends_setnickname_title" "Friends - %friend%"
"friends_setnickname_info" "Pidejte tomuto hri trvalou pezdvku, abyste o nm mli p
"[english]friends_setnickname_info" "Add a persistent nickname to this playe
r to keep track of who they are."
"Friends_Chat_FriendHasChangedApp" "%friend% prv pouv aplikaci %game%. "
"[english]Friends_Chat_FriendHasChangedApp" "%friend% is now using %game%. "
"Friends_InApp" "V aplikaci"
"[english]Friends_InApp" "In-App"
"Friends_InAppNotification_Info" "prv pouv aplikaci"
"[english]Friends_InAppNotification_Info" "is now using"
"friends_trade_you_havent_had_steam_guard_enabled_long_enough" "Funkci Steam Gu
ard muste aktivovat alespo %days% dn pedtm, ne se budete moci astnit obchodovn."
"[english]friends_trade_you_havent_had_steam_guard_enabled_long_enough" "You mus
t have had Steam Guard enabled for at least %days% days before you can participa
te in a trade."
"Friends_Chat_SendOfflineMessage" "%friend% je momentln offline a zprvu obdr pi
ptm pihlen.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_SendOfflineMessage" "%friend% is currently offline,
they will receive your message the next time they log in.\n"
"friends_trade_you_recently_reset_password" "Nedvno jste zapomnli a pot resetov
ali sv heslo k tu sluby Steam. Po resetovn hesla nemete piblin po dobu 5 dn obchod
"[english]friends_trade_you_recently_reset_password" "You recently forgot and
then reset your Steam account's password. You will not be able to trade until a
bout five days after the most recent password reset."
"friends_managefriends" "Spravovat ptele"
"[english]friends_managefriends" "Manage Friends"
"Friends_WebStatus_Tooltip" "Na webu"
"[english]Friends_WebStatus_Tooltip" "Online using the Web"
"Friends_MobileStatus_Tooltip" "Na mobilnm zazen"
"[english]Friends_MobileStatus_Tooltip" "Online using a mobile device"
"Friends_BigPictureStatus_Tooltip" "V reimu Big Picture"
"[english]Friends_BigPictureStatus_Tooltip" "Online using Big Picture"
"friends_trade_you_are_using_new_device" "Pihlsili jste se z novho zazen. Z dvod
u ochrany Vaich poloek v inventi nebudete moci po dobu %days% dn z tohoto zazen obchod
"[english]friends_trade_you_are_using_new_device" "You have logged in from
a new device. In order to protect the items in your inventory, you will be unab
le to trade from this device for %days% days."
"friends_trade_you_recently_reset_password_long" "Nedvno jste zapomnli a po
t resetovali sv heslo k tu sluby Steam po nkolika mscch neaktivity. V zjmu ochrany p
e Vaem inventi nebudete moci jet %days% dn obchodovat."
"[english]friends_trade_you_recently_reset_password_long" "You recently fo
rgot and then reset your Steam account's password after multiple months of accou
nt inactivity. In order to protect the items in your inventory, you will be unab
le to trade for %days% more days."
"friends_trade_you_recently_reset_password_short" "Nedvno jste zapomnli a po
t resetovali sv heslo k tu sluby Steam. V zjmu ochrany poloek ve Vaem inventi nebude
i jet %days% dn obchodovat."
"[english]friends_trade_you_recently_reset_password_short" "You recently fo
rgot and then reset your Steam account's password. In order to protect the items
in your inventory, you will be unable to trade for %days% more days."
"friends_trade_you_recently_reset_password_oneday" "Nedvno jste zapomnli a po
t resetovali sv heslo k tu sluby Steam. V zjmu ochrany poloek ve Vaem inventi nebude
i jet jeden den obchodovat."
"[english]friends_trade_you_recently_reset_password_oneday" "You recently fo
rgot and then reset your Steam account's password. In order to protect the items
in your inventory, you will be unable to trade for one more day."
"friends_newturn_info" "ek na Vs 1 nov tah"
"[english]friends_newturn_info" "1 new turn waiting for you"
"friends_newturns_info" "ek na Vs %turns% novch tah"
"[english]friends_newturns_info" "%turns% new turns waiting for you"
"Friends_BlockCommunicationResultUnblock" "Uivatel %username% byl odblokovn!
\n\nSeznam blokovanch uivatel najdete v komunit sluby Steam."
"[english]Friends_BlockCommunicationResultUnblock" "%username% has been unb
locked!\n\nYou can visit your Blocked List in the Steam Community."

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