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Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Pre-Production Booklet for Animation

Name: Rhian Norman

Order of contents (italics show areas you must add in yourself)

Assessment criteria
Mind maps of ideas
Risk assessment
Format of your animation
Subject and storyline
Character notes and profiles
Movement of characters
Audio and soundtrack
Sound table
Props list
Storyboard and script (add script to booklet)
Frame rates
Lighting design
Production schedule
Crew details
Frame Numbers
Dope Sheets

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet
How to use this booklet
You will need to complete every page of this booklet, and all sections / questions
Assessment criteria for Distinction grade;
Plans will show a full consideration of movement and continuity, perspective, point of view,
transitions and special effects.
Precise and workable planning of timing and synchronisation to a soundtrack will be
produced. It will be clear at this stage, from the documentation, what the finished piece will
look and sound like.
Learners will follow industry conventions and terminology used in storyboard production
Plans for the construction of models, sets and props will be realistic and clear.
Drawings, script and storyboard will all show a creative interpretation of the idea.

The documentation linked to the production will be full and detailed and there will be
evidence that the production management and scheduling of the project has been effective
and carried out in a professional manner. The techniques used in the production of the work
are likely to be related to an understanding of current trends in the industry.

Both LO2 and LO3
In all practical activity learners will be capable of working autonomously and effectively. They
will work on their own initiative, will not need constant support or supervision, will give the
work their full commitment, work positively and cooperatively with others, and meet
deadlines. In other words, they will have the kind of self-management skills that would be
expected of them in a professional context. Note also that this criterion should not be taken
to mean that learners do not seek advice or that they work without discussing things with
their tutor, but rather that they are not dependent upon the support of others and that when
they take advice they weigh it carefully for themselves.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Attach a 400 word treatment of your idea
A girl that got lost in the mountains, a wolf pack are there, the question is what will happen to her
and what will she do for them.
The video is about peoples and other creatures lives, its about love and friendship. The idea is that
when the girl is lost she comes across a family of wolfs, she looks on them in terror but instead of
attacking her like they could have they welcome her in to their home and develop a friendship with
her, when morning comes they tell he the direction she needs to go to get back home, this shows
understanding between the two different species and I thin k will appeal to my audience as
everyone like to have friends and so the idea of being friends with such an animal as a wolf will seem
very appealing to them if they like to connect with the story. Then when we next see the girl she has
grown up, she is married, this will allow ladies in particular to connect with the story as a womans
idea of a happy life, stereotypically is to be married and have kids and the lady in my story is
married. So going from a kid to a married women it will allow people to connect with her character
and imagine them selfs in her shoes. When her husband comes back and she sees what he has
caught with his friends, what he is boasting about like males like to do, thus helping his character to
connect with males and the fact that he is a hunter like most men want to be to look like they are
butch he can connect with them, more. But when he comes back with the kill and the lady sees what
he has, she is so overcome with grief like most people are when they lose a family member or a
friend she runs away, this will help to show the fact that he did not take her feelings in to
consideration and like most males ignore what their partners are felling and have upset her. Then
when you next see her the men are chasing after her, the emotion of loss and want will be very clear
in this screen, this should help to connect with audiences, the reason I have decided to leave the
video the way I have as it will help to keep the audience captivated and in want to know what is
going to happen next
Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet
How will you meet the requirements of your brief?
The requirements of my brief are that I am to create a stop animation music video,
and I will meet this by creating a music video for the song she wolf, the brief also
says that it has to be a minimum of 30 seconds long, I will meet this and go over 30
seconds by a few seconds so that I can finish the song / cut it up on a section that
feels natural for the space. This will mean that I will have to take over 900 images to
make my animation.

Risk assessment: Are there any health and safety issues you may encounter?

Discuss any legal issues you may face. Eg; sound, plagiarism, age restrictions
One of the big legal issues that I will face is using the song its self, it is another
persons work and so there for I will need to get there permission first before
continuing on with the presentation. Though mine will have some similarities to the
original video it will not have the same story or the same effects both emotionally
and physically. I have included below the email that I will send to the label that
owns the song, (Virgin EMI).
Consuming model parts

Wires on the floor in the


Allergic to material

Tripping over,
concussion and other
bodily harm.


Make sure that you do not
eat near models or put
hands to mouth when using
Look where you are going
when you are walking.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Use of possible formats
Circle which of the following formats your animation will take;

Stop-frame techniques
Time lapse photography
plasticine animation
Using found objects
Combined formats

Why are you using that particular format?
The brief asked me to produce a stop frame animation music video so that is why I am using
the stop frame format, I like how the Wallis and Grommet films are made and how they look
so that is why I have chosen to make my models using plasticine, I will of course have to
model my characters myself as they are not made yet and so I will need to create them. This
means that I will be using combined formats and not just one, this I hope will make my
production good.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet
What are the different possibilities you could explore using this format?
By using stop frame format I will be able to create an animation by hand and not just on a
computer, this means that I can make the characters do what I want. I am using the
plasticine animation format, because I can mold the characters to what I want, I can make
them move and act how I would want them to and if I want to make a particular thing move
then I can instead of having to maybe redraw the character if that is the style that you are
doing. By modeling the characters I can get them in the shape, style and look that I want for
them, this gives me a wider range of things that I can do with them. And I am using
combined formats as I will be using all of the above to create my animation.

What are the limitations of using this format? (i.e what problems/ obstacles might you
The characters might not look as realistic this might be because I will be creating them using
plasticine and not using the real life versions because I have to make an animation and not a
real life video. it might be hard for them to move so to get over this I will be using armatures
underneath them to help to stabilize the characters as well as using plasticine instead of clay
(dries out to fast to be able to move the model and make the movement seem real and
effortless), play dough (hard to stick separate sections together so parts might fall of model
during photo shots and also it is not as stable).

What imaginative or inventive animations have you seen which use this format?
Add in links and screen shots of three examples of animations using this format. (Animal rights stop motion)

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet (A snake in the garden)

 (Trevor le cookie animation plasticine stop

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet
What will the subject of your animation be?
About the subject of life, friendship, love and having a connection with someone. The girl will
have been saved when she was young by the wolfs, this will evoke friendship and love
between the wolfs and the girl. The girl when she is younger is married and one day she
watches her husband of, at this point you are to understand that she will have shared her
feelings about the wolf with her husband but he ignores her wishes and beliefs and so when
he comes back from hunting he has got a dead wolf, you are not lead to believe that the wolf
is the one that helped her as a child but rather seeing a dead wolf that could have been the
one that helped and saved her as a child she is grief struck and mad, she runs away from
her life her husband and the dead wolf determined to set things straight and make things
right, then when nothing else can be done she turns in to a wolf as a symbol.
Describe the storyline of your animation. What events will happen to your characters?
It starts off with a little girl walking around a mountain, she is lost and in desperate need of
help and guidance, she comes across a wolf in the mouth of her cave, after looking at one
another for some time the wolf invites the girl in to her cave for the night, the wolf seems to
understand the emotions that were running through the girls face, and wants to show
kindness and help out, the girl goes in to the cave, she looks at the wolf and understands
what the wolf meant in leading her in the cave. Then in the morning the wolf and the girl can
be seen outside the cave, the wolf points the girl in the direction that she needs to go, the girl
is sad to leave as she has formed a bond with the wolf they look at one another for a long
while before the girl finds that it is time she left the wolf to get on with her own self, we then
see the wolf walk back in to her cave. The next scene is when the girl is older, she is a lady
now, she is married to a hunter, we see her wave him of after some discussion, and we then
see her when the men come back, he has a dead wolf, she is so overcome with grief that we
see her run away. The hunters and her husband chase her, she goes to the cave to look for
the wolf, when none can be found we see her turn around facing out from the mouth of the
cave and turn in to the wolf.

What characters will be in your animation?
The girl, her older self, the lady wolf, the ladys husband and the hunters.
Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Complete the character profiles for each character in your animation

Name: A girl
M/F: Female
Age 8

Top and trousers with some shoes, she will have pigtails so she will
have two hair bands.
Occupation: A lost Child, she was a child of the village but after the wolfs help
she is determined to help them as best as she can

Hobbies: Exploring, pressing flowers. Very young girls and fun things to do is
her hobby. She likes to learn new things and find out anything that
she could, learning was like a food to her, something she could not
do without but got her in to trouble.


She is from a small village, one day she decides to go and
investigate the Mounties that surround her village, she gets lost
though and then it starts to turn dark and cold, she bumps in to the
wolfs, they let her join them for the night.

Name: The lady
M/F: Female
Age 26

She will be in a dress and have shoes, her hair will be around her
Occupation: A wife, lady of the village. She is wife of the chiefs son, soon to be
chiefs wife when her husbands dad dies.

Hobbies: A wife, walking, exploring making babies as any good wife would
want to do but also she likes to look out for the wolf that saved her
life so many years before and make sure that the wolf is never

She was the child that met the wolf when she was younger and lost
her way. She got married to the man and now she is trying to
produce a next generation for him but she is having trouble with it
as she keeps miscarrying the babies, in them days they did not
know what it was and so they thought she was killing the babies in
her tummy like a kind of witch.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet
Name: Husband
M/F: Male
Age 28

Coat, trousers shoes and weapon, very plain outfit but fit for the
sorts of troubles and weather that he will have to face when he is
out hunting. It is also good camouflage.
Occupation: Hunter and husband, he is also to become the chief of their tribe
when his father dies and so until then he has to show to everyone
that he is the leader, that he has a right to lead them.
Hobbies: Hunting and spending nights with his wife. As chiefs son he will
want boys of his own and so one of his hobbies will be trying to
make a son with her.

He grow up around the village, his father is the chief and so he was
taught from a young age that he would be to. He has always had a
soft spot for the lady that became his wife as was the most
delightful young lady he had ever met and was set out from the first
day he met her to make her his but also to kill the wolf and prove his
worth not just to her but top the village.

Name: Wolf
M/F: Female
Age Unknown but will not be too old or to young because she is a
mother wolf.

None she is a wolf, they do not need costumes because of their fur
and it would be stupid to see one dressed up as it is not needed.
Occupation: Being a wolf and a mother, wolfs do not have many occupations
and hers include the life of the child, looking out for her because
they shared a bond.
Hobbies: Eating, being and hunting. Also looking after her kids.
As all good wolf mother should.

She helped the girl when she was young, she has been hurt by
male wolfs also the men of the village have been hunting her kind
down for generations but they want her the most as she is rumored
to be the most fierce.

Name: Hunters
M/F: Male
Age Ranging from between 18-30

Coats, trousers shoes, hunting weapons. It will be basic, they will
have big coats because it is cold by the mountains, that is also why
they have to where bots and trousers, they have to have a hunting
weapon so that they can kill there pray or otherwise that would have
to do it with their bare hands.
Occupation: Hunters, they are also husbands and fathers to other people in the
village and they are relied upon as a source of food.

Hobbies: Hunting, as hunters they like to hunt and kill animals for a living but
it also becomes a sort of game to them to beat the others kills, the
ultimate kill is the wolf that lives up in the mountain and they spend
all their time dreaming about how there are going to kill it.

They like to hunt and have grown up to hunt animals and to provide
for families.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet
Add in images and drawings/ sketches of what they will look like.

What will they be made of?
The characters will all be made out of placticine, I will make metal armatures for each of the
characters to help them to stand up. I will make them all by hand.

Movement of characters

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet
How are you going to make your characters move?
I will have an armature underneath to help me to move my character, this will help me create
a better flow of movement with my characters when the photos are put together, I will also
attempt to make their mouths move I will not have them talking but their mouths might move
from a smile to a frown, that is the type of movement I will try to create with my models.

What is the purpose of an armature?
To help the character to keep shape and be ridged. The armature is there to help the
stability of the model, it helps it to stay up straight, to keep it straight to help a better flow of
movement when the character is being used/ is walking when the pictures are put together
because the armature is being held together better.

Will you use them for your characters?
Yes I will use them for my characters as I want them to be stable, it will also allow me to
make them move easier, thus giving a better idea of movement of characters.

If so, how will you make it?
I will make a armature in the basic shape of my characters and then I will then mold the
placticine around the armature so as to build the character up and then I will add the
features of my character. This will allow me I believe to make as realistic a placticein model
as I can get without using electronic armatures like Aardman use.

Mood board
Create a mood board showing what look your animation will have. Add images showing
ideas of mise-en-scene, characters, costumes and colours that will be present in the
different shots.
Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet
Sets / backgrounds
Will your set be;
A three wall set
A blue/green screen
An existing location
A Combination of two or more of the above

Draw sketches of how your sets/backgrounds will look. Add in labels to your diagrams and
details of locations / lighting etc.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Add in photographs of your sets/backgrounds.

Cave back ground, could not upload look out from the cave side.
Picture of cave prop

Tent sight for elder girl and male, plus hunters

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Lady runs past this when she turns in to a wolf

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Sound Table
Production Name: She Wolf.
Producer: Rhian Norman

Shot Action Description
of Sound
Diegetic/non/diegetic Atmosphere
type and

Everything Music for the
video that
we are
creating a
video for.
Non diegetic Warmth

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet
Props List
What props / models / furniture etc will you need to make your animation?
Production Name: She Wolf
Producer: Rhian Norman

Item Script page Description Character/location Notes

1 This will be
where the wolf
will live
It will be up in the

Spears 1 A hunting
weapon that the
man will hold.
The men and it will
be when they go out
of camp and kill the

man 1 This is that man
that is married to
the lady

1 She is the grown
up version of the
girl married to
the man
Wife and grown up


1 This is the girl
t6hat gets lost in
the mountains
Lost kid

1 This is the wolf
that save the kid
and that the lady
turns in to at the
Mother and lady

1 These are mainly
just for the
background, they
will only ever be
seen with the
Men who like to kill
and hunt poor

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet
Define the following characteristics of your audience;
Gender females will be the main gender I believe for this video but I think that both
should like watching it.

Age the age I think for my video will be 16-25 years old, I believe this as these age
ranges are the most likely to want to watch music videos.

Like stop animation, like the song in the first place, be very creative and like to feel
part of the show/ going along the uses and specifications theory I believe that they
would fit in to the like to be entertained audiences as well as the, to escape from
reality and to identify with situations or characters.

What forms of animation might they already watch?
I believe that they would watch some stop animation to have an interest in watching
this one, but I also believe that they would watch a lot of computer animations such
as the gorillaz videos, an example of this can be found using the next YouTube link
( )

What images do you think they enjoy watching?
They enjoy watching emotional, story music videos. They like to get entranced in the video
and feel like they are part of it. People who like electric house music like to have big storys
to go with the video, they like there to be meaning behind the actions taking place on the

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet
What might they consider distasteful or offensive?
For it to be horror, for there to be inappropriate or offensive stuff in the video because that
would not fit in with the music thus they do not get entranced and are able to connect with
the music video.

How will you ensure that your animation will suit your chosen audience?
I will not have and inappropriate or offensive stuff in the video, my video has a big story to go
with it and holds a lot of different emotions to help the audience to get captivated by it and I
will also make sure that there are no horror screens in the video as that would not fit in with

How will they physically watch your animation? (i.e in an exhibition format, on screen,
projection, online?)
The animation will be uploaded to youtube so my target audience will be able to go on to
youtube and watch my video. The devices they will be able to view this on will be phone,
pad, laptop and TV.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet
Complete a storyboard for your animation.

objects are in
the scene?
What is the
location for the
Direction of
Say What?
Is there any
What happens?
Describe the
Duration of the
shot / number
of frames
action is held
What is the
camera angle?
Is there any
movement from
the camera?
Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Think carefully about the shots you will be using. Consider the range of shots/angles
to give interest and perspective
Extreme long shot
Long Shot
Medium Shot
Two Shot
Over the Shoulder
Medium Close up
Close up
Extreme close up
Camera Angles
Birds-eye view
High angle
Low angle
Oblique / canted angle
Worms-eye view
Ground Shot
Tracking Shot
Cross cutting
Match cut
Shot, reverse shot
Eye-line match
Jump cut
Tracking shot
Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

to this section for your full storyboard
Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet
Frame Rates
What is the duration of your animation in minutes? (minimum 30 seconds)
The duration of my film in minute form is 00:00:33

In seconds?
The duration of my animation is seconds is 33.

How many frames per second for video?
I will be using 25 frames per second for my video as that is as small as premier pro will allow
me to go. This mean that I will need to take 25 photos for every second of my video, so if I
add an extra few second I will need to take lots more pictures.

There are 60 seconds in a minute. How many frames (ie. Individual photos) will you
need to take?
I will need to take 975 photos for my animation, I will need to do this because I will be
taking 25 photos for every second, and the animation will be 33 seconds. 25x33=975.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet
Lighting Design

Where will you be photographing your animation? Yes I will be taking over 900 photos
to make up my animation

Does it have natural daylight?
No I will be creating it in a studio so that means that I will have no natural day light for my

If so, you will need to block this out. Explain why.
I will be in the studio so I will just cover the windows with the green screen material.

Do you have a constant light source(s) such as a lamp?
I will be using the studios lighting grid, these can be turned on an off when I like but are most
likely to stay lit for the majority of the photo taking.

Where will you place your light source(s) to create interesting effects?
The lighting effect will come from on top, from the lights that are part of the studio. I can
angle these to point in the direction I want and individually turn them on and off.

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