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7 Things Students Want to Know

1. Am I in the right room? First, I will welcome all students and then proceed by
checking for names on the roster. If a students name is not listed on my roster, I will
politely tell them to go to the guidance counselors office. I will also have a map of the
school to pass out to students who may be potentially lost.

2. Where am I supposed to sit? In order to learn students name quickly, I will
incorporate assigned seating for the first three weeks of school. Students will
have foldable (hot dog bun) with their name written on the front side. This will also
help me to take attendance and be aware of new students coming into the
classroom with a schedule change or newly enrolled.

3. What are the rules in the classroom? Rules will be posted in the classroom. On the first
day of school, a power point visual will be displayed and reviewed to ensure all students
understand the expectations for appropriate behavior and course expectations. The rules
and expectations will be reviewed frequently throughout the year for consistently.

4. What will I be doing this year? My subject area is science. The first task will be safety
procedures. Students will be introduced to a plethora of instruments utilized in the lab.
The purpose of equipment and how it is used will be explained. The rules and regulations
regarding how to conduct experiments will be modeled and reviewed.

5. How will I be graded? The syllabus will be given to each student which will include the
grading scale. Class participation, class work, formative and summative exams will be
graded and weights for each category. A weekly bulletin will be posted on the website in
reference to upcoming tests and units of study and field trips.

6. Who is the teacher as a person? I will introduce myself by employing a formal

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