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Name: ______________________________

Friday Journaling

By journaling every day, you are giving yourself daily practice in the first 2 steps of the writing process:
Prewriting and Drafting. But youre not done
Now that you have spent time generating your ideas, it is time to finish the writing process with the final
3 steps: Revising, Editing, and Publishing.

Step 1: Choose 1 journal from the week that you want to develop further, edit, and publish.
Step 2: Read through your journal and:
- Identify words or phrases that can be made stronger with effective word choice
- Examine your sentence structure make sure you have different styles and lengths of
sentences throughout your journal.
- Notice your organization is your information presented logically?
- Determine if you have an opening and closing statement.
Step 3: Mark-up and write on your journal where you want to make changes
Step 4: Type your revised journal in a Word document.
Step 5: Set-up your Word document in MLA format
- Times New Roman font
- 12 pt. font size
- Double spaced
- Title centered
- Name
(Right side of page)
Step 6: Read your typed journal and double check from grammatical errors.
Step 7: Submit your revised, edited, and published journal to the website.

I love the writing

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