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Falls du la specticular by S.

Sean Glynn
M. Patroni
A memorable experience I have gained
through traveling was the time when I went on a family vacation to Bufflo, New
York . What I took away from
that trip and what I reflect on now was how those Falls changed me on a level of
spirtuality , excitement , and worldly knowledge.
Spirtually the way I was changed coul
d be descripted like a tidal wave ; a complete rush of energy. The fact that I w
as there changed my way of
thinking from there on . I remember myself , a child of about twelve , eating on
e of those local Bufflo-related ice creams watching something that huge yet maje
stic . "All these
feelings from surging water ?" was my first careless thought about the Falls ,
then it hit me like a freight-train, glorius movements of water moving in beauti
ful ways for the eyes
while you have in contrast , the softness of the waves touching your skin and mo
st importantly the roar of the booming casms of water crashing down a giant cli
ff. This transends
of new emotions was heaven-sent, it was like the wake of a new creation of such
galatic size that no worldly being of any distant cosmos or off this dimesion co
uld stop. Just
being in it's royal presents felt like a prayer was sent at light-speed across
the galaxies , across time and space into another existance compartive to throwi
ng a baseball off a
mountain and your on the baseball as it travels on it's great journey. The Falls
also comes off as how the essense of Classic Rome would have felt by being surr
onded by the
ancient structures being completely new and at the height of their rein , a prou
d and noble image for the mind.
The next topic in my mind at this poi
nt was everyone elses excitement levels which to this day dawn on me. As I was s
tanding there with my mother
and father in toll, I was just thinking it was "running water", but then to my a
mazement I saw the faces of the crowd ; they were completely amazed and you coul
d tell it in their eyes
from the young to the old and anywhere in between ; they were starstruck. You co
uld not hear anything because, it was silent , but you could feel the power of h
ow they truely felt
in reality if they could , they would be screaming at the top of their lungs wit
h how much wonder and the blissful yet deafing sound of the greatest calibor of
passion coming from
the hearts of those who have came from around the world currently came to witnes
s this specticular.
The worldly view of mine also chaned
the most as I reflect back upon this event. I learned most from this is that al
l people can learn to enjoy many of
the same things and that together many diffent cultures from around the world c
an view each other at this waterfall. This may be considered an unsual mean of g
athering diffent
cultures together such as the japanese and the mexicans to visit from around the
world . This still holds true for even many small community cultures such as th
e Amish , in my
personal view , think that people who visit the falls experience more than they
expect from a trip , they broaden their horizon from all the people from diffent
cultures they have
In conclusion , what I took away from the F
allshas drasically changed my way of thinking by broadening my horizons and chan
ging the way I have to
think and how I can change the way I see thinks around me interact and why this
vacation was so important to my change of charecter. These are why the Falls hav
e impacted
me in the way they have and shaped who I am

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