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The Incredible Story of the Girl who Loved Books

Written by Patty Beecham for Lillian, who will always read.

Lillian was a bookworm
Everything she read!

She took books to her bedroom
She took her books to bed.

She read them in the morning
She read them late at night,

She read when her mother whispered,
Sleep tight, sweet dreams, goodnight.

Lillian was a bookworm
Everything she read!

She took her books to Nanas house
And read to her in bed

She read books in the lounge room
She read them on the couch

She read the books standing up
(Being careful not to slouch!)

Calum called to her Giddy up!

Come on!

He called again, Lets cook!

But Lillian just smiled at him
Her head was in a book!

Calum called her from the kitchen
He was going to make a cake,

But Lillian shook her head, saying
Theres nothing I want to bake.

I just want to read books,
In summer and in the Spring,

I want to read them through the
long cold winters,
Whatever the weather will bring.

Calum called again,
And stamped his cowboy foot

Hey Lillian Im going to the park,
Want to put down that book?

Lillian looked up from the pages
And gave another smile,
Its always fun to play with you
Its been such a while.

But read a book and stay a while, and let
the stories speak. If you learn and grow
then it will show each day and every

A book can tell a thousand tales of
stories brave and bold, of far away
places and heroic tales and never ever
grow old.

So Once upon a time it starts it always
does, you know and ends with The
End, just so that you know. Shall we
read a book together?

And Calum said Yes!
Me too!

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