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Nass communications

Piof Fostei
Teim papei assignment

Question 4: Compaie new meuia (Inteinet poitals, channels, blogs, poucast) with
olu meuia (newspapei, magazines, television) in the piesentation anu analysis of
news anu opinion. Bow aie they alike anu how aie they uiffeient. What effect uo
you think new meuia will have on the news function. Why.

Touay's woilu, oui lifestyles aie getting moie anu moie intense which auus
piessuie on us to be moie flexible anu mobile. Woik, school, enteitainment anu
many othei uaily activities aie incieasing in numbeis anu intensity, which makes
oui time incieuibly limiteu anu valuable. No mattei how busy we might be,
enteitainment is a necessaiy pait of oui lives. We enjoy Tv shows, ieauing books
anu magazines anu playing viueo games anu squeezing those into oui scheuule can
be uifficult. Buying too many books anu magazines will soon pile up anu we will
eventually have to get iiu of them. Bowevei, thanks to the auvancement of
technology, with just the Inteinet anu a poitable uevice (cellphone anu tablets), we
can now enjoy all those activities anywheie at any time. We aie not iequiieu to be
home at a ceitain time to enjoy oui favoiite shows, oi acquiie bookshelves, which
take a lot of space. We have moie flexibility. I pieuict in one uecaue, the new meuia
will complexly take ovei anu change oui lifestyle.
The new meuia anu olu meuia aie not so uiffeient aftei all. Newspapei,
magazines anu books aie faiily the same. The same haiu copy magazines anu books
they sale at the stoies aie the same magazines anu books you can get uigitally fiom
the application stoie on youi tablet. The television shows on Tv iemain the same,
except now you can uownloau it anu watch it anywheie. The lauuei is much
piactical; since touay aie lives getting busiei anu busiei. 0ui woik anu school
scheuule may not be in alignment with the scheuule of oui shows. Aviu tiaveleis can
now caiiy with them seveial thousanus books while on the go. The lauuei is much
moie piactical.
It I pioven that technology alteis the way we think. !"#$%&#'#"()$*#"(%+",), a
website that offeis news, infoimation, anu aiticles, along with the oppoitunity to
wiite blogs publisheu a shoit aiticle on how technology alteis oui biain. "Daily
exposure to high technologycomputers, smart phones, video games, search engines
such as Google and Yahoostimulates brain cell alteration and neurotransmitter
release, gradually strengthening new neural pathways in our brains while weakening
old ones.
I think in the next uecaue, the new meuia will completely take ovei oui
lifestyle anu altei oui way of life itself. 0ne ieason coulu be is that it allows people
to be moie flexible with oui habits. We uo not have to sit at home to watch oui
favoiite Tv show anu in case we miss one episoue, we can always stieam it on the
Inteinet. We coulu be at a bus stop anu stieam oui favoiite Tv shows on oui
cellphone. These poitable uevices also have gieat iesolution.
The kinule Fiie BB X, which I peisonally own gives too many options that I
coulu choose fiom in 1u million lifetimes. Fiist of all, it allows me to stoie PBF files,
which take veiy little space. I coulu stoie piobably 1uu million books on theie
(liteially speaking). 0n top of that, I can buy books fiom the Kinule stoie, which also
have the option of ieauing them alloweu to me. Next up games. The games fiom the
game stoie have so much amazing iesolution it is like a poitable Xbox S6u.
Amazon offeis what is calleu "Amazon Piime", which cost me $8u pei yeai
anu allows me stieam anu uownloau thousanus anu thousanus of goou shows.
Imagine that, my kinule tablet is small enough it coulu almost fit in my pocket, it can
holu moie books than 1uu libiaiies, it can play movies, get me on the inteinet, play
games anu that's just the tip of the icebeig with incieuible iesolution, all of which fit
in that little thing 0B NY u0B! Bow fieaking cool is that, vS actual books,
magazines, television, poitable game console anu they all take a whole lot of space.
Flexibility anu simplicity, against not so flexible anu simple. In a uecaue, the
new meuia will take ovei uue to the fact that the meuia (Tv shows, games, music,
movies.) offeis people moie options to choose fiom anu taigets specific gioups of
people with the auueu benefit of flexibility.

Question 6: The Notion Pictuie Association of Ameiica iecently attempteu to get the
Stop 0nline Piiacy Act passeu thiough congiess. Biscuss the issues suiiounuing
S0PA anu the online inuustiy's iesponse to it. Biscuss youi ieasons foi objecting to
oi appioving of S0PA.

The music, movie anu even auuiobook inuustiy aie losing billions anu
billions of uollais eveiy yeai uue to online piiacy. People who aie not able oi willing
to pay foi music, movies anu Tv shows chose anothei alteinative; they uownloau it
via toiient. The RIIA is an oiganization that suppoits anu piomotes othei musical
companies, both cieatively anu financially. 0n theii website, they postei specific
uata ievealing exactly how much money anu jobs aie lost in a yeaily basis uue to
piiacy. "One credible study by the Institute for Policy Innovation pegs the
annual harm at $12.5 billion dollars in losses to the U.S. economy as well as
more than 70,000 lost jobs and $2 billion in lost wages to American
The Motion Picture Association of America has chosen an alternative to
fight online piracy by supporting the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), which is
intended to block any sites that host pirated content materials like movies,
TV shows and music. Their main target is off course the pirate bay, which is
the most popular pirate site based in Sweden. Under SOPA, the U.S. has the
right to block this site to anyone in the States who are trying to access it and
download materials. Although the bill has not been passed, SOPA has many
supporters including the Motion Picture Association of America, Time Warner
and CNN. SOPA may sound appealing to these media companies, however
not every companies are in alignment with its policies.
The pirate bay is not the only target for SOPA. Sites like YouTube,
Facebook and Google will be affected. Under SOPA, anyone who post copy
righted materials on any of these website can go to prison for at least five
years. Their supporters claim that SOPA will kill creativity and limit freedom
of speech. Now what we have here is a war between Hollywood and the
music industry which advocate the economy and Silicon Valley which
advocates freedom of speech. Both sides demonstrate valuable argument
and both sides have many supporters. However, I think the bill should not
Although Hollywood and the Music industry lose Billions of dollars, they
can use always figure out a way to use Piracy to their advantage and come
up with other alternatives to make money. People may download movies on
their computers, yet it is a whole different experience watching it at the
movie theatre. People may download music for free, yet going to a concert is
a better experience. So increasing ticket prices can be another alternative to
make up for lost money. I believe that if you remove online piracy, people
will figure another way to get materials for free. That is the whole idea of

Woik citeu




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