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Speech 0001

19 February 2014

Special occasion speech reflection

First, I`ve decided to do and introduction speech and come up with the special
person I wanted to introduce on stage. Than, I brain stormed to the various possibilities of
achievements that person might have accomplished and how they could resonate with my
audience and why its members would find them appealing. Next I wrote the speech and
read it out loud to myself. The sentences and words that did not fit well were removed
and replaced with better ones. Than I read it to several people whose feedbacks I know I
can trust. After my speech was complete, I transferred it to an index card and practice
from there.

I think my pacing was good; I did not rush or spoke too slow and bore my
audience to death. I followed my outline, without missing or skipping any information. I
also made eye contact with several members of my audience, as I scan down my index
card going back in forth through out the whole room. I also ended my speech well. I
started out on a good foot and maintain a good momentum and when it was the time to
introduce my character, I did so with intensity, adding loudness and emphasis saying his

For my next speech, I hope to polish these steps and improve on them. I did keep
my promise to start the process a little early. I plan on doing so for my remaining
speeches and spend more time rehearsing, rewriting and polishing. Also I want to read it
aloud to others and get feedback on my strengths and flaws.

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