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Photo 26B

22 Naich
Boin into biothels

1. What unique iole uiu the photo play in the film.
The photo in the film alloweu the chiluien to iemove theii minus fiom thoughts of
theii miseiable lives anu focus on a hobby. 0theis take pictuies of theii
enviionment anu suiiounuing, as a way to uiscovei theii talents. Latei, the woman
helping these chiluien plans on selling them at auctions to iaise enough money to
move them out of the biothels.

2. What was the filmmakei's puipose in shaiing the stoiy.
The main puipose is to show the hoiiible living conuition of these young chiluien in
that pait of Inuia. Also it coulu be anothei way of iaising money to move them out of
the biothels.

S. What uiu you leain about this woilu. Those people. What was suipiising.
I leain that this pait of the woilu is veiy haish anu iequiies people to suck it up anu
fight to suivive. These people aie veiy unfoitunate anu they stiuggle uaily foi
iesouices, foou anu money. Some of the chiluien's paients uieu while they aie
young anu uo not go to school. I finu it suipiising how iesilient these chiluien
iemain, even at the face of such miseiy.

4. What uiu you feel in the enu.
I felt shock, most of the chiluien uiu not get a chance to leave the biothels because
theii paients uiu not let them go. 0thei stayeu at theii own choice. I guess they feel
this is wheie they belong anu nowheie else.

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