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22 !

an 2014
hllo 23
8osLer# 28

AsslgnmenL: CurrenL slLuaLlon ln lukoshlma
naLural dlsasLers are unavoldable. 1he besL we can do ls belng prepared when Lhey
come. ln 2011, a 9.0 earLhquake hlLs lukoshlma !apan, causlng loLs of damages. LaLer, a mean
Lsunaml hlLs !apan, addlng Lo Lhe damages. 8uL Lhls ls only Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe problem.
1he nuclear power planL ln lukoshlma sLarLs releaslng radlaLlon, forclng hundreds of
Lhousands of famllles Lo move ouL of Lhe clLy, mosL llkely forever. 8esldes Lhe people belng
conLamlnaLed, Lhe local seafood buslnesses are forced Lo puL buslness on a halL because Lhe
flsh are conLamlnaLed. CLher flshermen have LesLed Lhelr flsh for Lrace of conLamlnaLlon and
have goLLen poslLlve resulLs. Powever, paranold cusLomers are sLlll relucLanL Lo eaL Lhe flsh,
regardless of whaL Lhe resulLs are. 1hls however does noL affecL !apan only.
1he radlaLlon has reached Lhe coasL of San lranclsco. ur. uavld Suzukl revealed durlng
an lnLervlew LhaL lf lukoshlma geLs hlL wlLh anoLher earLhquake, causlng anoLher nuclear
power planL Lo leak, lL's bye bye !apan and Lhe WesL coasL of norLhern Amerlca should
evacuaLe. CLhers are saylng LhaL sclenLlsLs are over reacLlng, LhaL Lhe flshes are safe Lo eaL and
Lhe resldenLs on Lhe wesL coasL of norLh Amerlca have noLhlng Lo worry abouL.

WC8k Cl1Lu:

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