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Joanne Wong October 20, 2014

730 ELA
The Misfits Essay
In the Misfits by Howe James, youll see that characters have lost someone and those
losses even shape their personalities. They affected them differently in many ways. For example,
Bobby lost his mom, Mr. Kellerman lost his mom, and Bobbys father lost his wife (Bobbys
mom.) The characters in the story reacted in different ways to the situation. Mr. Kellerman
would react differently than Bobbys dad and Bobbys dad would react differently than Bobby.
Some people may say that Bobby didnt change, that he was the same person with the
same personalities when his mom died. Thats not true at all. Bobby got quieter or wouldnt
bother if he had been called a name. Maybe he had gained some weight. And if a relative died,
wouldnt you fell the same way Bobby felt?
Mr. Kellerman lost his mom. He had lost his dad and also his wife who doesnt deserve
her love. Based on the Misfits, I have always listen to other voices telling me who I am and
how should I live. (Howe 205.) Mr. Kellerman doesnt know what to do after his mom died,
who is over protective of him, because everybody is giving advice to him to him and Mr.
Kellerman believing every word that they say. And over time, the voices became fewer until
theres my moms voice and now her voice is gone. Who is there for me to listen to? (Howe
205.) Mr. Kellerman believed in this voices, believing when he is a mamas boy or believing
when he doesnt deserve her love. Hes lost nowhere to go, nothing to believe in. But before,
Mr. Kellerman was a happy man, had a wife, a mom, and a dad. Now, he is just a man in a maze,
doesnt know where to go. One the other hand, Bobbys dad lost his wife since she had cancer.
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He gave up his dream. Bobbys mom is a person who believes in things if someone tries but
Bobbys dad is the opposite. In the Misfits, it says How come after mom died you gave up on
your landscape business. (Howe 178.) When Bobbys mom, Mrs. Goodspeed, didnt die yet,
she persisted upon getting a landscape business. Bobbys dad was even excited at first, but his
wife and cancer, so he ditched the idea. He gave up his hope of having a landscape business.
According to the Misfits, it says, My dad was not much a dreamer It was on account of her
that he tried to get his landscape business going. They were happy.(Howe 170.) He stopped
believing on what he loved his landscaping business. . Bobbys dad needed her to do most of
the work because without her, Bobbys dad quit because she is the one who kept on trying and
believed in things.
Meanwhile, Bobby had lost his mom. Bobby is a type of guy who is usually quiet and
doesnt speak in class if it is necessary. Bobby described his mom as a person who finds a way
to turn things around and look at the bright side. (Howe 172.) When Bobbys mom died, he had
gotten shyer and maybe gained some pounds. Things werent the same and based on the Misfits,
I remember when it happened to me. I was seven, almost eight. Life was going along like
normal, you know? I was happy back then, too. I like school. I wasnt fat yet. This is a
change because Bobby is happy that time, not saying that he is always grouchy, but losing his
mom affected him. (Howe 179-180)
n conclusion, some characters in the Misfits have changed when they endured a loss.
Their losses changes their personalities and their mood. When Mr. Kellermans mom died
everyday gloom filled his face and harsh words are pointed at Bobby. When Bobbys dads wife
died, Bobbys dad stopped believing on what he loved but he didnt direct his anger to anyone.
He goes on, still having bad times, but its not like Mr. Kellerman. Bobby on the other hand, had
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bad times too. He became quiet or shy, maybe gained pounds from the loss which is totally
different than what Bobbys dad or Mr. Kellerman did. People react differently when they lose
someone. Every person would feel different because someone you cared is gone. But people
would react differently. Would you feel the same way Mr. Kellerman with the grouchy mood or
Bobbys father, or would you stay quiet, like Bobby?

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