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Hello Lisa

Thank you for the reading you have done for me

7 years ago, when I was 14 I had a scholarship to study in a foreign country, it
was more science based, at that time I still thought that I would become a
I kept climbing up! and studied really hard for good grades to make my family
proud and to feel good
"ut because I tried too much, I had an accident, and had to return back home
That was a very good time in my life and I am searching for ways to relive those
moments again, going to the library, kayaking, camping, hiking, such activities
could not be found where I am now
I am constantly thinking about the past, I wish I could catch up with those at the
same age as me now, they are nearly graduating from #niversity whereas I am
still 1
year student
I could not drive either, the illness is very bad
"ut yes I want to be a counselor, someone who heal others with words, I en$oy
doing that very much, I feel like I can relate to others, I want to talk and to give
advice, $ust lend an ear and be sympathetic
%ou may be are right about the &rst impression of my photos, my other friends
tried to put it into words but could not describe it, I am sensitive and caring, may
be you can feel it, my friend and I communicate via emails and I soothed her with
advice and encouragement, I was not very skillful back then as I was only 1'
I am sorry for the lengthy account, I am studying (ood technology which is
another science sub$ect, which I don)t like, I want to *uit too but the I" diploma I
earned abroad does not o+er me many choices here because of mismatch in
recognition of education level

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