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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

This meaningful quote belongs to Plato and says that individuals have different
inclinations on what is beautiful. What one person finds beautiful, another may not.
I consider that the concept of beauty is, indeed, defined by everyones personal taste.
As not all people think alike, it is a chance that everything we create and not only, to be liked
by at least a group of people.
Firstly, there are some of us who consider Modern Art a very remarkable movement
while others prefer Classic Art. The first one began just as the Impressionists were winding
down. The artists felt free to trust their inner visions, express those visions in their work, use
real life as a source of subject matter and experiment and innovate as often as possible. For
example, Vincent van Goghs work was notable for its rough beauty, emotional honesty and
bold colour and had a far-reaching influence on 20th-century art.
Opposing the view above, the art of classicism typically seeks to be formal and
restrained. Italian Renaissance painting is marked by its renewal of classical forms, motifs
and subjects. For example, Domenico Ghirlandaio was summoned by the Pope Sixtus IV to
paint a wall fresco in the Sistine Chapel, Vocation of the Apostles. Ghirlandaio's
compositional schema was simultaneously grand and decorous, in keeping with 15th
century's restrained and classicizing experimentation. His colour is more open to criticism,
but such evaluation applies less to the frescoes than the tempera paintings, which are
sometimes too broadly and crudely bright.
Secondly, we can refer to the difference between musicals and operas. A musical is a
play where both spoken dialogue and singing are used to further the story along.
Traditionally, most musicals are comical, though there are many that have serious themes.
Musicals are a much newer idea than opera, and are generally much more light-hearted and
humorous. Opera, however, uses nothing but singing to convey the story. The script is
flowing and poetic, just as lyrics to a song. When listening to opera, there will be full
company songs, but any dialogue that would normally be spoken by one character at a time
is sung.
In conclusion, each and everyone of us has a different beauty perspective which
makes us unique in our choices, just as the quote reinforces.

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