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Enseanza del valor posicional en el sistema de numeracin decimal para nios de Escuela
bsica usando las nuevas tecnologas


The research aims to identify whether the use of LMS platforms elementary students,
allows better acquisition of concepts, in this case, place value in the decimal numbering
system specifically in third grade educational institution Federico Carrasquilla.
For this in the group of 41 third grade students take two groups, the experimental group
of 20 students who are working with virtual platforms based group with 21 students who
do not work with platforms, but both cases are implementing a unit or teaching sequence
based on problem solving and some positional numbering systems for positional and
finally after the students identify the differences between a no positional system and one
positional, work the decimal numbering system.
The students using virtual platforms showed great conceptual advances in the field,
showing better results and increasing the level of participation and motivation in the
classroom and also higher commitment and attention of parents in the educational
process of their children.
Keywords: positional value, numeration systems, problem resolution.

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