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Tableau Customer Conference 2013
Table Calculation Fundamentals

Jazmyn Li and Robert DuPont

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Example 1.1: simple quick table calculation: percent of
This aims to show attendees where they can find table
calculations to perform common business
Data source:
Step 1: SAT Math Scores by College
1. Right click and drag [SAT Math Scores] from
Measures pane, and place it on Rows shelf.
Point out right click and drag will show
different aggregation option/date hierarchy
option in a window.
2. Select CNT([SAT Math Scores]). Drag [SAT Math
Score (bin)] on to Columns shelf.
3. Click on icon to show label.

Step 2:
1. Click on CNT[SAT Math Scores],
2. Hover over Quick Table Calculation, and show
all menu items.
3. Select Percent of Total

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Example 1.2
This view shows how to use multiple quick table
calculations in a single view, with dual axis chart,
multiple mark types, and secondary calculation.

Step 1
1. Right click and drag [SAT Math Scores] to Rows
shelf, and select CNT([SAT Math Scores])
2. Select the third Marks card
pointing out multiple Marks card feature.
3. Select Line in the drop down menu.
Point out the change in mark type symbol on
each Marks card.
Also point out: difference between table
calculations and other aggregations,
delta/triangle on the pill.

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Step 2:
1. Select click on second CNT([SAT Math Scores])
2. select Running Total from Quick Table
Calculation menu.
3. In the same menu, select Edit Table

Step 3:
1. check Perform a secondary calculation on the
2. Select Percent of Total from drop down menu
of Secondary Type

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Step 4: in the drop down menu of the second
CNT([SAT Math Score]), select dual axis.
Make sure the second Marks card has the mark type
of bar
Explain the view: shows how much of the sample
scores in the range, and what percentile it is
relevant to other bins.

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Exercise 1

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Step 1: drag SUM([Sales]) on to Rows, right click drag
[Order Date] on to Columns. Select continuous
MONTH(Order Date)
Step 2: duplicate SUM([Sales]), either Ctrl and drag or
drag another SUM([sales]) on to Row.
On the second SUM([Sales]) pill, select Moving
Average under Quick Table Calculation

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Step 3: edit table calculation
There are a few ways to do a 6-month moving
average. Goal is for previous value (0-6) + next
value (0-6) + current value (0-1) = 6
Example shown is 5 previous values plus the current
Step 4: click on second pill of SUM([Sales]), select dual
Right-click on the axis on the right, select Synchronize
Axis and uncheck Show Header

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Table calculations provide a great way to increase the
value of your data in Tableau. Table calculations are
computations that are applied to all values in a table,
and are often dependent on the table structure itself.
Table Calcs can be easy, but depending on your analysis
there is a possibility they could become complicated.
The best way to learn them is by starting with the
Quick Table Calculations!
Start by dragging a dimension to the Rows shelf
Then Drag a measure to the Columns Shelf
Right click on the measure and select Quick
Table Calculation
Start with the first option, Running Total

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It is possible to change the way a table calculation is
calculated because they depend on the results in the

Take this example:

Notice that the default is set to Table (Across) which
indicates that we are addressing to compute along the
entire table, moving horizontally through each partition.
Because we are addressing across, the columns (Year and
Quarter) are the fields that we are partitioning by.

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Now let's look at some other ways we can address our
table calculation. Click on the pill and select Compute
Using and change the selection to Table (Down).

Table (Down) indicates that we are addressing to
compute vertically through each partition of the table.

Because we are addressing down, the rows (Product
type and Market) are the fields that we are partitioning

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Click on the pill and select Compute Using and change
the selection to Table (Across then Down).

Table (Across then Down) indicates that we are
addressing to compute across the table horizontally
and down the table vertically.
Because we are addressing all columns and rows, the
entire table is the partition.

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Click on the pill and select Compute Using and change
the selection to Pane (Across).

Pane (Across) indicates that we are addressing to
compute across the pane horizontally. However, fields
that separate the panes are now partitioning fields. In
this case, Market has become a partitioning field.

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Click on the pill and select Compute Using and change
the selection to Cell.

Cell indicates that we are addressing the individual cells
in the table, and all fields in the view become partitions.
These types of calculations are most useful when
computing a Percent of Total.

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Exercise 2: Table Calculation

Take our previous examples, instead of finding the
percent of total; I want to find the Percent Difference
from the previous quarter in the table.

**Bonus - find the percent difference from Q1-2012.

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Step 1:
1. Select the Sum([Sales]) pill on the marks card, and
go to Add Table Calculation. Add a Percent Difference.

2. Then select the pill again and select Compute Using
-> Table (Down).

**Bonus, select the pill again and select Relative To -
> First.

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Table calculations: RUNNING_MAX()

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Drag [Sales] on to Rows
Right click drag [Order Date] onto Columns
Select continuous MONTH(Order Date)

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Create a calculated field, either through Analysis >
Create a calculated field, or right click in data pane

Type in SUM([Sales]) = RUNNING_MAX(SUM([Sales])
Title the calculation field: color-max profit

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It is also possible to write calculated fields that include
table calculations. Lets review some of the syntax that
can be used for them.

Helper Functions
First ()
Last ()
Index ()
Size ()
Primary Functions
Window Running
Previous Value

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Exercise 3: Max Profit

In this view I'd like to show the points on the chart
where we had record monthly profits. How would we
use a table calculation to accomplish this?

Hint: Use dual axis, and a table calculation!

Ready, and go!

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Step 1. Drag another Profit pill to the Rows Shelf,
select the second pill and make it a Dual Axis.

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Step 2. Leave the previous Sum([Profit]) set to a Line
chart, but change the new Sum([Profit]) to have
Circles for the marks.

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Step 3. Create a new calculated field, call it New
Record. The equation to call out the profitable records

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Step 4. At this point we need to write a new calculation
in order to represent this as colors on our viz.
Create a new Calculated field and call it New
Record KPI. The calculation is IF [New Record] =
SUM(Profit) THEN "Record Profits" ELSE "Normal
Profits" END

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Step 5. Place the final New Record KPI on the color
shelf of the second/circle Sum([Profit]).

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Exercise 3: Summary Card

The summary card is not available on Tableau Server,
but I would like to find a way to include the
information. I think the best place for it would be the
tool tip that appears when hovering over a mark.

Hint: Use multiple Table Calculations.

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Step 1. Create a Calculated Field for each value on the
summary card. For example, the
Window_Count(Sum(Sales)) for count; the
Window_AVG(Sum(Sales)) for Average and so forth.

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1. Calculations continued

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Step 2. Once all of the calculated fields are created,
place them in the Level of Detail in the marks card.

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Step 3. Next, select the Tooltip icon in the marks card
and clear the current selection.

Step 4. Use the Insert dropdown to add in the values of
the calculated fields and give corresponding labels to

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Exercise 4: Rank by Profit or Sales

In this example I would like to be able to sort my view
by either Sales or Profit via a Parameter.

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Step 1. Create two calculated fields called Profit Rank &
Sales Rank. Both will have the same equation: Index().

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2. Right click on each calculated field in the measure
pane and convert each to Discrete. Add both fields the
Rows shelf.

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Step 3. For Profit Rank, right click on the pill and select
Edit Table Calculation. In the Compute Using
dropdown select Advanced. In the new window add
Sub-Category to the addressing field and change the
Sort to Descending by Sum of Profit.

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Step 4. For Sales Rank, repeat the steps from Profit
Rank, but instead of sorting by Descending by Sum of
Profit sort by Descending by Sum of Sales.

Step 5. To add these into a parameter, right click in a
blank area of the Measures Pane and select Create
Parameter. Call it "Choose Rank" and change the data
type to a string. Next change Allowable Values to List
and insert "Profit Rank" and "Sales Rank" as list values.
Select "OK".

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Step 6. Next, create a calculated field called Master
Rank and write the equation:
Case [Choose rank]
When "Sales Rank" then [Sales Rank]
When "Profit Rank" then [Profit Rank]

7. Change this field to be discrete and add it to the view.

INTERNAL ONLY Copyright 2013 Tableau Software

Table Calculation Fundamentals

Jazmyn Li and Robert DuPont

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