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The Canterbury Tales Unit Abstract

Throughout this unit, students will examine the idea of a pilgrimage in a number different
ways in order to understand the frame provided for the unique storytelling experience that
Chaucer presents through his General Prologue and Tales. Students will examine the
elements of poetic narrative and analyze what Chaucers Tales reveal about medieval
society. They will have the opportunity to report and analyze this information, as well as
share this information with the class through the use of presentations both individually
and with a group. Throughout the unit, students will have the opportunity to reflect on
their findings through online and in class discussions. In addition to exploring the
meaning of pilgrimage, students will closely analyze Chaucers tales to uncover the
arguments he is making concerning the nobility, the church, and the peasantry. Students
will form opinions concerning Chaucers arguments and defend them through different
activities and writing exercises. There will be a number of different projects included in
this unit to meet the needs of all learners and to allow students to explore various types of
technology. Some of these projects include creating a video demonstrating satire, making
a Facebook profile for a pilgrim, and participating in Socratic seminar.

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