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MYP Design

Wear a Cause: Inquiring & Analysing

1. Use internet resources to complete the table below with as many
organisations/causes/campaigns as you can find;
Eg. Salvation Army Homelessness Red Shield Appeal
Fairtrade Sustainability and producer
Fairtrade Chocolate
The National Alliance for
Media Arts and Culture
Independent Media Arts NAMAC Awards
Australian Red Cross Medical and humanitarian Give It Up
RSPCA Animals Live Export
Guide Dogs Australia Guide dogs for work Take The Lead
Vision Australia Helping kids Dont Trade Lives
The Alannah and Madeline
Keeping children safe from
Say Something
World Wildlife Fund Saving wildlife Save Tigers Now
Project Rockit Preventing bullying Stop Watching
The Gut Foundation Digestive health Kellys Champion Cancer
Cancer Council Australia Preventing skin cancer Skin Cancer Acton Week

2. On one A4 sheet of paper, Create a collage of at least 12 cause related
logos. You may search for these on the internet and copy and paste them
into your page.
3. Upload all of this work onto your website in the relevant folder.

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