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Offering Congratulation

Dead Fish

-Limp handshake
-No energy
-Low self-esteem
Dead Fish handshake
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Some for introductions, other times for a sort of good to
see you again type deal, for making deals, and for
business situations like introductions for a job. You are
completely free to decide whether you want to start a
handshake, but if you leave someone hanging there
without shaking their hand back its really disrespectful
and can make the person feel you are untrustworthy.
Other options besides a handshake is a wave (if its in
passing) a nod and a smile
The strong grip, full web-to-web contact, and length of
the shake (2-3 pumps)
A handshake is appropriate upon meeting. The Japanese
handshake is limp and with little or no eye contact.
Some Japanese bow and shake hands. The bow is a
highly regarded greeting to show respect and is
appreciated by the Japanese. A slight bow to show
courtesy is acceptable

unique combination of simultaneously shaking hands
and bowing that for me took some getting used to. You
should expect a relatively soft handshake with about 2-3
pumps, and at the same time a slight lowering of the
head and shoulders.

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