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Nusayba Zahirasri IEP and Observations

September 2014
Belonging/Mana Whenua

Nusayba has a strong sense of belonging at
AnNur with her mother relieving and
cleaning for the centre, she has attended
since an infant.
Nusayba sometimes participates in
swimming outside of the centre, and family
has strong ties with the Malaysian families.
Well Being/Mana Atua

Nusayba is very independent with all of her
care needs, and like to help others. Nusayba
has started being more interested in eating
fruits and vegetables which her mother
encourages and is supported with our
healthy focus.
Contribution/Mana Tangata

Nusayba has very strong pro social
strategies and eagerly takes on phrases and
ideas to help her negotiate socially.
Communication/Mana Reo

Nusayba has an excellent grasp on the
English language and confidently expresses
herself and needs to peers and teachers.
Exploration/Mana Aotroa

Nusayba is very confident and has control
of her body in a range of gross motor, fine
motor balance and some eye-hand/foot co-
Nusayba has been focused on her social,
physical and material worlds .

Nusayba is a very sensitive, caring and kind
girl. Nusayba identifies herself as an older
sister and is very aware that her words and
actions can influence people to feel happy
or sad and takes care to ensure everyone is
having fun.

While Nusayba is interested in social
etiquette and developing her identity
through sympathy and empathy, enjoys
taking responsibility and is confident we
want to scaffold her ideas. Although young
Nusaybas understanding is deep yet
practical to her life at this time. Moral issue
which are age appropriate could be explored
through fables, fairy-tales and her strong
interest in dramatic play.

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