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MYP Design

Wear a Cause: Inquiring & Analysing

1. Use internet resources to complete the table below with as many
organisations/causes/campaigns as you can find;
Eg. Salvation Army homelessness Red Shield Appeal
Beyond blue Anxiety, depression
Cancer council Awareness of sun protection Slip, slop, slap
Prostate Cancer Foundation of
RSPCA Homeless dogs Million paws walk
Wild life foundation Sick/injured animals Great barrier reef
Make a wish Grants wishes of children Rope for hope
reach Homeless people Open book
hagar Trafficking
Cerebral paulsy People with cerebral paulsy STEPtember
ASRC Asylum seekers Hot potato
Orang-utan project Saves orang-utans in need TOP
greenpeace Peaceful action to global
Shark cull massacre

2. On one A4 sheet of paper, Create a collage of at least 12 cause related
logos. You may search for these on the internet and copy and paste them
into your page.

3. Upload all of this work onto your website in the relevant folder.

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