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MYP Design

Wear a Cause: Inquiring & Analysing

1. Use internet resources to complete the table below with as many
organisations/causes/campaigns as you can find;
Eg. Salvation Army Homelessness. Red Shield Appeal
Cancer council Finding cure for cancer. Daffodil day
RSPCA Helping animals. Puppy farms
War child Stop war children happening. Child protection
Make a wish foundation Supporting kids with life
threatening diseases.
Prostate cancer To try and stop prostate cancer. Movember
Red cross Helping disadvantaged people
or countries in need
Even wars have wars
Shelter Try and give homeless people
homes. Charity for housing and
Fixing private renting
WWF Help protect the environment
and animals
Save waterfalls
CPEC To help kids with cerebral palsy. Fundraise iPad for Taylor
World orphans To rescue orphans and give
them homes
5k rescue run

2. On one A4 sheet of paper, Create a collage of at least 12 cause related logos. You may
search for these on the internet and copy and paste them into your page.
3. Upload all of this work onto your website in the relevant folder.

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