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Opinion Are you OK Mr. Boc?

After the last monitoring visit of IFM that were a lot of criticism regarding performances of M Mr. Boc.
I am coming now with arguments in his favor!
". Mr. Boc did not have any previous e#perience in governmental activities. $e was not prepared for this.
%o do not critici&ed him too much.'his is a pro(lem in )omania* in general spea+ing* to have people
prepared to lead at the highest level.,see how wea+ are -eoana. onta or 'ariceanu. Antonescu /ust to
compare him with similar politicians0.
May(e Mr. Boc imagined that M is li+e to (e a teacher in a 1niversity* or li+e a lawma+er in arliament. OK*
these assumptions are wrong.
M is one of the most difficult /o( in )omania* even if not the most difficult one.
M is under the pressure of wor+* under the lights of mass2media* from morning until night and indeed is a
tired /o(*nothing related with a teacher.
M is not a lawma+er is much more an implementer* must (e a pragmatic person* an unrested monitoring
individual* always prepared to adapt to new situations.
3. Mr. Boc faced a difficult situation in Romania* and I do not e#pect that are many persons a(le to
perform well under similar circumstances. %o again* do not (lame too much Mr. Boc.
4. Mr. Boc is not an economist* therefore the comple#ity of the economic situation is overwhelming him
and the tas+s are fare more a(ove his head ,(y the way* he is not too tall* he is rather small0.
'he agreement with IMF re5uested from the (eginning an e#pert* and here was the place for Mr. 6roitoru as
M or for another person with a similar professional career. If during the last winter* at the (eginning*
some(ody laugh a(out ina(ility of Mr. 6roitoriu to speech in front of camera* now he is remem(ered as the
person that drafted 37"7 (udget in less than "7 days.It was a performance. 8ot so many people in
:. 'he crisis imposed hard decisions and Mr. Boc seems not to (e prepare for them. $e is thin+ing more
with his soul that with his mind. lease* ma+e a switch Mr. Boc and you will see that you will feel more
comforta(le. I thin+ that this last point destroyed the M;s self2confidence.I am sure that he will pass on.
I honestly thin+ that no(ody was prepared for such difficult times* (ut we have no other way and therefore
we must go on and ta+e this responsi(ility and carry on.
At the end of my writing I would li+e to mention that each person is passing right now through difficult
moments* (ut fighting ma+es us stronger and more powerful. 'he good things always prevail over the (ad
ones* even it ta+es a little (it longer to (e demonstrated.
My message is an appeal to responsi(ility and understanding* /ust for the sa+e of peace! <hen a man is
down* please* stop to hit him again.

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