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Hills 7
Grade Social Studies
Chapter 4 India and Chapter 5 China Posters Project
What you need to know.
1. This assignment will be worth 400 points
2. The posters are worth 150 points each and there will 4 benchmarks worth 25
points each
3. The rubric is attached. Read it, follow it fully to get all 400 points
4. The lists below are the things that need to be on your posters. Have a picture and
description so you will be able to present it.

1. Map- Labeled with rivers and major landmarks
2. Climate
3. Caste System
4. The Buddha
5. Buddhism
6. Eight Fold Path
7. Four Noble Truths
8. Karma
9. Reincarnation
10. Mythology
11. Hindu Arabic Numerals
12. Metallurgy
13. Inoculation
14. Astronomy
15. Mohenjo Daro
16. Harappa

1. Map- Labeled with rivers and major landmarks
2. Climate
3. Writing
4. Social Hierarchy
5. Confucius and his teachings
6. Laozi
7. Daoism
8. Great Wall of China
9. Terra Cotta Soldiers
10. Mandate of Heaven
11. Silk
12. Silk Road
13. Seismograph
14. Paper
15. Compass
16. Gun Powder
17. Printing

Mr. Hills 7
Grade Social Studies

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