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Adjectives in the Garden

Focus: Students will brainstorm a list of adjectives from their visit to Dohertys EcoGarden,
then use their list to write descriptively.
Adjective worksheet
1. Review with students the denition and purpose of an adjective. Frame the idea
that we experience the qualities of people, places and things through our senses.
Example: an elephant. What does it look/sound/feel/smell like?
2. Pass out materials to each student and visit the EcoGarden. You may choose to
have them work with a partner to generate adjectives within the garden. If available,
students can taste plant leaves (some that may be present are mint, basil, oregano,
rosemary, lettuce, spinach, chard).
3. Once the list is generated, present a writing assignment that allows students to
use their adjectives. Examples:
descriptive: What did you experience in the garden?
narrative: You are a cricket in the EcoGarden. Describe an adventure that
you have.
persuasive: Write a letter to convince your parents to visit the EcoGarden
with you.
Were adjectives used frequently and appropriately to make the students writing
more effective?

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