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Assalamualaikum wr wb

On this time, our group umu tyan and rinta we will talk about Nursing Home
Care. Nggg..nursing home care? What is that? Did you know? Well..
Nursing home care is kind of simple caring from the nurses to the clients who
need the most, such as the old, the lemah, or the ones who dont have
enough money to pay the cost of the hospital.This home care also called by
visiting nurse. The interventions that given is such a curative and
When clients and family choose to use nursing home care, so they hope they
could get something they will never get in the hospital.
We pro in this case. Why? Because we got many benefits from nursing home
care. What are they? Ok, let me tell you.

1. Nursing home care gives such a safe feeling because the nurses give the
treatment of nursing home carein they own environment, so the clients
know exactly the situation there and no need to adaptation just like if they
on the hospital. (fasilitas)
2. Nursing home care gives the service for 24 hours to the clients, whereas
in the hospital, it cant focus to their clients because of the service be
divided to many clients there. (waktu )
3. Nursing home care gives the service that comprehensive
(biopsikososiospiritual) (fasilitas)
4. Nursing home care keep clients privacy, where all the interventions that
given only their family and the nurses who know exactly. (plus)
5. Nursing home care gives the service that the cost is cheaper than in the
hospital. (biaya)
6. Nursing home care gives the care giver to monitor all the clients habits
such as eating, drinking, tolieting, as well as sleeping. (fasilitas)
7. Nursing home care gives a fell of calm in the mind, families can while
doing other activities with no leaving clients. (plus)
8. Provide home care services more efficiently compared with hospital care,
where patients with complications can be given once in home care
services. (fasilitas)
9. Home care services further ensure the success of a given health
education, nurses can provide reinforcement or repairs made in the
implementation of family care. (Plus)

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