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Grumpy customer

Location: san Francisco clinic

Angie: receptionist
Lina: receptionist
Camilo: customer

1Customer: will you can give me an appointment with Dr. Jimenez?
Tatiana: (interrupts telling) good morning, and gladly parted and I attend the appointment.
Customer: "exclaims" wave but because he does not rush and I separated that appointment.
Angie: lady waits a bit that the system is down.

2Customer: but it does not have good things to meet people neglect.
Tatiana: yes ma'am and no fault atiendo pero not the not our fault that the system is so delayed.
Customer: But you are very inattentive or coffee offered one.
Angie: if not lady like, come I give him a coffee to calm.
Customer: No thanks that's very sweet ants is up by the jet, is that he wants to give me a stroke
here or what.
Angie: lady as it happens the only thing I want is for you to be well attended.

3tatiana: lady I have good news the system is already running at a time when the serve.
Customer: jum it was time him to take that junk with reason the country is like this and also send it
to lay truth is that no one consideration.
Angie: lady, sit, I can.
Customer: no! Not want the column and it hurts more but I am hurt that the doctor does not
come to assist me?

4tatiana: Lady Doctor comes at a time attend to besides your date is a little later
Customer: cannot not be if I came earlier to make an appointment and for their negligence'm
going out later
Angie: quiet lady, wait a bit the doctor that the delay is not
Customer is that you think I do not trade at home, is that you believe that everything is done only
Tatiana: "exclaims" look and came to the lady doctor to attend to
Customer: it was time to come
Angie :good may follow

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