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Quick Tip: Create a
Cookie Text Effect in
by Michael Kruiswijk 5 Jun 2012 42 Comments

16 28 15
Quick Tip: Create a Cookie Text Eect in Photosh...
1 sur 26 28/10/2014 13:47
In this quick tip tutorial we will explain how to create a cookie text effect using layer
styles and textures in Photoshop. Let's get started!
Tutorial Assets
The following assets were used during the production of this tutorial.
Free Cookie Texture
Free Wooden Table Texture
Step 1
First make a new PSD document 1000 x 400 pixels resolution 72 Dpi. Now open the
free texture Wooden Table and copy and paste it into your new PSD document.
Command/Ctrl + T (transform) the texture and resize it until you are happy with it.
Quick Tip: Create a Cookie Text Eect in Photosh...
2 sur 26 28/10/2014 13:47
Step 2
Then we are going to make the texture for the Cookie style. Open the Chocolate
Cookie Texture in Photoshop. Go to Image > Image Size... and fill in the setting like
below. Now go to Edit > Define Pattern... name it Cookie Texture and press ok. Exit
this document and go back to your document from step 1.
Quick Tip: Create a Cookie Text Eect in Photosh...
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Step 3
Now make your text with a font of your own choice and write your text. I wrote
Cookie with Arial Black 220 pt.
Quick Tip: Create a Cookie Text Eect in Photosh...
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Step 4
Now we are going to apply some layer styles! Use the settings as shown below. We
start with the texture for the cookie - Double Click on the text layer to open Layer
Styles - Select Pattern Overlay - Click on the Pattern Box and choose the cookie
Texture we made in step 2.
Quick Tip: Create a Cookie Text Eect in Photosh...
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Now select Bevel and Emboss for the cookie style for a 3D look.
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Next select Inner Shadow to give some more realism to the emboss.
Quick Tip: Create a Cookie Text Eect in Photosh...
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Next select Drop Shadow to make it more real on the background
Quick Tip: Create a Cookie Text Eect in Photosh...
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Now select Outer Glow to give it dark edges
Quick Tip: Create a Cookie Text Eect in Photosh...
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Then select Inner Glow to make the cookie brighter
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Next select Texture under the Bevel and Emboss to make the cookie more real and
give it a grungy look.
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Quick Tip: Create a Cookie Text Eect in Photosh...
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Step 5
Now we are going to draw around the text to make it look more like a cookie. Select
the text layer, Right click on the layer and choose Rasterize Layer, Choose the
Brush Tool with size of 13 and a Hardness of 100%, Now draw around the text with
the Brush tool until you're happy with it (like below).
Quick Tip: Create a Cookie Text Eect in Photosh...
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Step 6
Now we are going to make some extra chocolate. Make a New Layer by going to >
Layer > New > Layer. Double click on the layer and use the Layer Styles as shown
Quick Tip: Create a Cookie Text Eect in Photosh...
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Quick Tip: Create a Cookie Text Eect in Photosh...
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Quick Tip: Create a Cookie Text Eect in Photosh...
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Quick Tip: Create a Cookie Text Eect in Photosh...
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Quick Tip: Create a Cookie Text Eect in Photosh...
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Step 7
Now draw some chocolate on the cookie with the brush tool - hardness 100%
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Final Image
Now your Chocolate Cookie Style is done!
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Quick Tip: Create a Cookie Text Eect in Photosh...
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Quick Tip: Create a Cookie Text Eect in Photosh...
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42 Comments Psdtuts+ Login

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Giokant 2 years ago glossy and shiny.
The cookie looks wet.
It looks some old 3D render from late 90's.....
L 2 years ago
MMMMM....I am all the sudden craving chocolate chip cookies! Great Tutorial.
One thing: On step 6 you have the 2nd color for the gradient and the color for the color
overlay as "e5c1a1" it is actually "3e1500"
Now to find some real cookies!
Designercow 2 years ago > L
Thanks! your right about the Color Overlay it's 3e1500
Jaywaii 2 years ago
Thanks. Great stuff.

Mara Esther Delacruz a year ago
Great Tut. Thanks. Here is mine


Quick Tip: Create a Cookie Text Eect in Photosh...
24 sur 26 28/10/2014 13:47
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Quick Tip: Create a Cookie Text Eect in Photosh...
26 sur 26 28/10/2014 13:47

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