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Leave lL 1o Cod

CP8lS1lAn u. LA8SCn

LLAvL l1
1C CCu


Pow Lhls remarkable and lnsplrlng
meLhod may be used wlLh effecLlveness
and undersLandlng, and for all Lhe needs,
Lhe problems and Lhe asplraLlons of llfe.


uLvC8SS & CC!" $%&'()*+,),
.C. 8ox 330
Marlna uel 8ey, CA 90294

CopyrlghL 1940, 1968


ChrlsLlan u. Larson

All rlghLs reserved

rlnLed ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes of Amerlca
!"#$" &' '( )(*

When we place our llves and our affalrs under Lhe dlrecLlon of lnflnlLe Wlsdom,
everyLhlng wlll be Laken care of perfecLly. 1hls we all can undersLand, and we
know, as an lnner convlcLlon, LhaL noLhlng could be more evldenL. lndeed, lL
could noL be oLherwlse. lL ls someLhlng we know wlLh a poslLlve assurance. lL ls
someLhlng we may depend upon absoluLely. Cur splrlLual dlscernmenL declares
lL, and experlence proves lL unmlsLakably. lL ls Lhe ouLsLandlng promlse of Lhe
hlgh Leachlngs of Lhe ages, and, we go far Lo do Lhls marvelous Lhlng, when we
Lhlnk and say, wlLh Lhe whole of hearL and soul, LhaL we leave lL Lo Cod."
1here can be nelLher mlssLep nor error aL such a Llme, and no lll can come nlgh
our dwelllng. lnflnlLe Wlsdom can gulde and proLecL Lo Lhe uLmosL. 1he besL wlll
come Lo pass, and all Lhlngs wlll work ouL ln


Lhe mosL harmonlous and mosL successful manner. Cur problems wlll be solved,
and we wlll accompllsh whaL we have ln vlew. We wlll flnd whaL we seek, and our
deslres wlll be reallzed. Cur needs wlll be provlded for, prompLly and adequaLely,
and whaLever our acLlvlLles and asplraLlons may be, Lhe ouLcome wlll be all LhaL
we could posslbly wlsh for. lL musL be so, for Cod ls noL llmlLed ln any way. Cod
does noL posLpone Pls goodness.
When we place our llves and our affalrs under Lhe dlrecLlon of lnflnlLe Wlsdom,
everyLhlng wlll change for Lhe beLLer, Lroubles and llls wlll decrease, and Lhen
vanlsh compleLely, obsLacles wlll be removed, and Lhe way cleared for Lhe
achlevemenLs and Lhe demonsLraLlons LhaL we have ln mlnd. AdverslLy wlll be
Lransformed, and LhaL whlch was agalnsL us wlll be for us. 1he crooked wlll be
made sLralghL, and all our acLlvlLles wlll be broughL lnLo ad[usLmenL wlLh dlvlne
law. All of Lhls and vasLly more of llke naLure, we may expecL when we leave lL Lo
Cod, when we place our llves and our affalrs


under Lhe care and guldance of Lhe SplrlL. We all have soughL ways and meLhods
Lhrough whlch we mlghL flnd freedom and peace, healLh and abundance,
harmony and sLrengLh, llghL and undersLandlng, ways and meLhods Lhrough
whlch we mlghL meeL llfe ln Lhe besL way, and reallze Lhe greaLesL measure of Lhe
good LhaL llfe has Lo glve. And, among Lhe many ways and meLhods LhaL have
been found, Lhere ls one LhaL excels Lem all: '+-.+ (/ /0 102. All oLher meLhods
have Lhelr servlce Lo perform, aL Lhe varlous sLeps and sLages of our developmenL,
and Lhey lead up Lo Lhls greaLer meLhod. We pralse Lhem all Lherefore, buL as
soon as we posslbly can, we should Lurn Lo Lhls one meLhod LhaL ls always
supreme, we should learn Lhe secreL of Lhls remarkable sLaLemenL: leave lL Lo
When we leave lL Lo Cod, we are dlrecLed by a power LhaL ls absoluLely good,
and aL always works for Lhe good. We are openlng our llves Lo Lhe Cne who
knows all Lhlngs, and can do all Lhlngs. AnyLhlng LhaL ls good and greaL and
wonderful may be expecLed,


Lherefore, aL such a Llme. Surely, all our affalrs wlll be Laken care of, ln Lhe mosL
perfecL and mosL successful manner, when Plgher ower comes lnLo llfe, lnLo
LhoughL, lnLo consclousness. 1here wlll, lndeed, be a greaL LransformaLlon when
Lhe Supreme Lakes charge, when ulvlne Wlsdom becomes our gulde and
lnsplraLlon, when Lhe CreaL LlghL shlnes Lhrough. 1he clouds wlll pass, lllness and
weakness wlll dlsappear, we shall lack no good Lhlng, and llfe wlll become rlcher
and falrer Lhan we ever vlsloned before.
1o leave lL Lo Cod ls a marvelous Lhlng, when we do so ln Lhe rlghL splrlL, and
wlLh undersLandlng: when we know whaL Lhls remarkable sLaLemenL acLually
means, and when we can see clearly whaL Lakes place as we Lurn our llves and our
affalrs over lnLo Lhe keeplng of Lhe Supreme. We do noL leave lL all wlLh Cod ln
Lhe usual sense of LhaL Lerm. We do noL casL our burdens upon Lhe Lord wlLh Lhe
LhoughL LhaL now Lhere ls noLhlng for us Lo do. We do noL sLep aslde wlLh Lhe
hope LhaL Cod wlll aLLend Lo Lhls." no, we do noL sLep aslde,


nor do we enLerLaln Lhe bellef, for a momenL, LhaL Lhere ls noLhlng more for us Lo
do. 1here wlll be more for us Lo do Lhan ever before, and, lnsLead of sLepplng
aslde, we wlll go deeper and deeper lnLo Lhe work, Lhe power and Lhe glory of lL
all. no lL ls noL a maLLer of enllsLlng a hlgher power Lo do everyLhlng for us. 1haL
ls noL Lhe ldea. 1he Lrue ldea here lnflnlLely greaLer Lhan LhaL.
When we leave lL Lo Cod, we move Lowards Cod, and wlLh all Lhe purpose and
eagerness we possess, wlLhal Lhe soul and devoLlon LhaL we can awaken. We Lake
our affalrs Lo Cod, where Lhey can be acLed upon by dlvlne wlsdom and hlgher
power. We Lake ourselves Lo Cod, where we may come under Lhe guldance of
Lhe SplrlL and Lhe lnsplraLlon of Lhe AlmlghLy. We respond Lo Lhe prlnclple LhaL
Cod works wlLh Lhose who work wlLh Cod, and LhaL Lhe SplrlL enLers Lhe llves of
Lhose who enLer Lhe Llfe of Lhe SplrlL. Come unLo me, salLh Lhe Lord,


and l wlll come unLo Lhee."
When we say wlLh (33+, purpose and convlcLlon, LhaL we wlll leave lL Lo Cod,
we acLually go Lo Cod (3 our LhoughL, and we place our llves and our affalrs (3 Lhe
wlsdom LhaL knows all Lhlngs and ln Lhe power LhaL can do all Lhlngs. We Lake our
problems lnLo LhaL wlsdom LhaL can see /*,0%4* everyLhlng lnsLanLly, and glve Lhe
perfecL answer aL once. We Lake our own llves lnLo LhaL Llfe and love LhaL can
Lransform every llfe compleLely, and LhaL can enlarge, enrlch and perfecL every
llfe even Lo Lhe uLmosL degree.
1o leave lL Lo Cod, ls Lo go Lo Cod, and Lo leave everyLhlng wlLh Plm, and
especlally Lo leave 0%,)+'.+) wlLh Plm. lL ls Lo go lnLo LhaL sLaLe of 3+-,3+)) Lo Lhe
SplrlL where we can respond absoluLely Lo Lhe hlghesL. And how wonderfully well
everyLhlng musL work ouL when we fully respond Lo Lhe hlghesL. All Lhlngs 5(''
work LogeLher for good aL such a Llme,


and Lhe greaLesL and besL wlll come Lo pass-on all levels of llfe. We wlll flnd
more, secure more and reallze more, by far, Lhan we posslbly could Lhrough any
personal or merely human meLhod. lndeed, we wlll, boLh ln experlence and
accompllshmenL, go beyond anyLhlng we ever hoped for or vlsloned before.
1o leave lL Lo Cod, ls Lo go so far lnLo Lhe llghL of Lhe SplrlL LhaL we may open
our mlnds Lo LhaL llghL. 1hen, our LhoughLs wlll be dlvlnely creaLed. We wlll Lhlnk
Lhe good, Lhe Lrue, Lhe hlgh and Lhe perfecL, ln clearness and purlLy, and, as we
Lhlnk, so we become ln mlnd, characLer, consclousness and personallLy, so we
become ln our physlcal condlLlon, so everyLhlng works ouL ln our affalrs. Cur llves
and our affalrs, aL such a Llme, wlll be dlrecLed and lnsplred by dlvlne Lhlnklng,
and Lhe ouLcome musL be Lhe besL concelvable.
When we leave lL Lo Cod-whlch means golng lnLo Lhe presence of Cod-we
wlll be Laken up lnLo a larger and a brlghLer world, lnLo a hlgher and a more
perfecL world. We wlll Lherefore, see more, know more, undersLand more,


en[oy more and recelve more. We wlll also achleve more, whaLever our work
may be, for we are worklng under Lhe power and Lhe wlsdom of Lhe Supreme.
And we wlll be so near Lo Lhe llghL of Lhe llghL of LhaL wlsdom, LhaL we may see
clearly where we should go, how we should acL and whaL we should do. We wlll
sLep lnLo Lhe rlghL place, and we wlll do whaL ls besL for all concerned. 1he
greaLesL good musL come, whaLever Lhe slLuaLlon may be, and everyLhlng wlll
work ouL perfecLly aL Lhe rlghL Llme.
We can be poslLlvely assured LhaL Lhls ls how lL wlll be, and Lhere need be no
doubL, fear or anxleLy over anyLhlng LhaL may LhreaLen Lo dlsLurb or desLroy. lor,
whaL are we acLually dolng when we leave lL Lo Cod? We are placlng ourselves ln
LhaL poslLlon where Lhe Cne who knows everyLhlng may dlrecL our LhoughLs and
acLlvlLles, where Lhe Cne who can do everyLhlng may work for us, and for Lhe
purpose we have ln vlew. AnyLhlng, Lherefore, even Lhe greaLesL and Lhe mosL
perfecL concelvable, may be expecLed aL such a Llme. lndeed, we should expecL


Lhe uLmosL, ln every way, as we go forLh Lo use Lhls marvelous meLhod.
We can see clearly, as we examlne Lhls meLhod, LhaL lL may be used upon every
occaslon LhaL calls for added sLrengLh and wlsdom, and ln connecLlon wlLh every
lmporLanL evenL or clrcumsLance LhaL we may meeL ln llfe. 1he SplrlL can add
wlsdom and power Lo lL all. 1he llghL of Lhe SplrlL can clear lL all. 1he love of Lhe
mosL Plgh can brlng harmony and peace. We may know, Lherefore, LhaL
everyLhlng wlll be Laken care of when we leave lL Lo Cod: and lL wlll be Laken care
of ln such a manner LhaL greaLer [oy and greaLer good wlll come Lo everyone. 1he
SplrlL does noL brlng Lhe less of anyLhlng, buL always Lhe more. 1he SplrlL does
noL brlng paln or lllness, loss or sorrow. 1he SplrlL brlngs wholeness and llfe,
freedom and power, harmony and abundance. lL ls noL Lhe wlll of Cod LhaL
anyone should suffer, or be deprlved of anyLhlng LhaL ls good and deslrable ln llfe.
lL ls Lhe wlll of Lhe laLher Lo glve us Lhe klngdom." And Lhe klngdom means Lhe
aggregaLlon of every concelvable


good ln creaLlon -and ln llmlLless measure.
Such LhoughLs, and all slmllar LhoughLs, musL lead lnvarlably Lo Lhe concluslon
LhaL we have here a meLhod LhaL ls lndlspensable and lnvarlably Lo Lhe concluslon
LhaL we have here a meLhod LhaL ls lndlspensable and lnvaluable. And LhaL ls
Lrue, wheLher we are ln Lhe mldsL of pracLlcal affalrs, or lnLeresLed ln hlgher
aLLalnmenL. Many lllusLraLlons may be glven as Lo how and where Lhls meLhod
may be employed, and a few, among Lhose LhaL are especlally helpful ln our dally
acLlvlLles, may be menLloned ln brlef.

When you are undeclded as Lo when a cerLaln Lhlng ls Lo be done, whaL plan
you are Lo accepL, or whaL parL you are Lo play, remember, Lhere ls Cne who
knows. uo noL be fearful lesL you make a serlous mlsLake. uo noL rack my braln"
for Lhe answer. 6+-.+ (/ /0 102. Ay so ln deep slncerlLy, and ln Lhe 7++'(34 LhaL
you are dolng Lhls marvelous Lhlng. 1ake Lhose Lhlngs up lnLo Lhe LlghL. ?ou wlll
soon know, or someLhlng wlll occur LhaL wlll gulde you perfecLly ln your declslon.


lf Lhere ls delay, refuse Lo be lmpaLlenL. know lL ls for Lhe besL. lL musL be so, for
Lhe PlghLesL has Laken charge. Cr, lf everyLhlng develops qulckly, accepL LhaL as
Lhe way lL all should go. roceed calmly ln Lhe falLh LhaL Lhe enLlre slLuaLlon ls ln
Lhe hands of Lhe wlsdom LhaL know.
When we meeL whaL seems Lo be enmlLy or opposlLlon, we wlll noL become
alarmed. We wlll noL go ouL Lo baLLle, nor Lry Lo overpower Lhls Lhlng or Lhe
oLher. We wlll leave lL Lo Cod. We wlll noL be dlshearLened or dlscouraged when
Lhe world seems Lo be agalnsL us, when every frlend seems Lo be gone, or, when
adverslLy seems Lo have Lhe upper hand. We wlll know LhaL Lhe CreaL Love can
change all of Lhls. We wlll open our llves Lo LhaL Love. 1hen everyLhlng and
everyone wlll be for us.
When Lhere ls someLhlng LhaL oLhers may wlsh you Lo do-someLhlng LhaL you
would raLher noL do, or LhaL you Lhlnk would be unwlse refuse Lo be concerned or
dlsLurbed. uo noL say LhaL you hope Lhe maLLer wlll be dlsmlssed, or LhaL you are


golng Lo ob[ecL. Say, lnsLead, LhaL you wlll leave lL Lo Cod. And, wheLher lL be
small maLLer, or someLhlng of vlLal slgnlflcance, Lhls wonderful sLep wlll clear lL all.
SomeLhlng wlll happen LhaL wlll change Lhe slLuaLlon Lo Lhe greaLesL good for
everyone. Cr, you may suddenly feel Lhe urge Lo do Lhls Lhlng-and be deeply
graLeful LhaL you were glven Lhe prlvllege. And, lf lL be someLhlng monumenLal,
or exLremely dlfflculL, you wlll be glven Lhe power and Lhe undersLandlng. We are
released from Lhe unwlse when we go up Lo Cod, and we recelve all necessary
help for LhaL whlch should be done.
When we meeL losses or reverses, and when all doors seem Lo be closed
agalnsL us, we wlll noL fall down lnLo gloom and despalr. We wlll remember LhaL
Cod can open all doors for us-even Lhose doors Lhe open everywhere lnLo
lnflnlLy. We may regaln our loss when we leave lL Lo Cod. We may enLer pasLures
green, and reallze more Lhan we ever vlsloned before. 1he doors of lnflnlLy open
Lo realms LhaL are vasL, and Lo rlchness LhaL ls llmlLless. And, we all


undersLand LhaL /*+ 89(,(/ '+-2) (3 /*-/ 2(,+:/(03.
When we seem Lo have losL our way, and do noL know where Lo Lurn, when
slLuaLlons are confuslng, and darkness enfolds our world compleLely, we wlll lnLo
be dlsmayed nor fearful ln Lhe leasL. We wlll remember LhaL Cod knows Lhe way,
and we may, even ln Lhe blackesL of darkness, be led by Lhe SplrlL. 1here ls a LlghL
LhaL ls sLronger Lhan all Lhe darkness ln Lhe unlverse. 1haL LlghL can clear Lhe way,
and lead us dlrecLly lnLo freedom and peace. lL ls, lndeed, remarkable how soon
darkness dlsappears, how soon Lhe clouds pass, how soon confuslons are sLllled,
how soon condlLlons ad[usL Lhemselves and adverslLles change lnLo blesslngs,
when we can say, ln perfecL falLh and slncerlLy of soul. Leave lL Lo Cod."
When you are LempLed Lo be dlsLurbed, dlsappolnLed or fearful over someone,
or, lf someone near you seems Lo be ln danger, do noL become alarmed. MeeL lL
all ln calmness and falLh, and leave lL Lo Cod. 1he SplrlL can gulde and proLecL-


even Lo Lhe uLmosL. 1he SplrlL can llfL and Lransform-even Lhe one LhaL seems
farLhesL down. 1he SplrlL can glve llfe and sLrengLh and lnLelllgence-even where
Lhese seem largely absenL. 1he SplrlL can heal and renew Lhe body, qulcken Lhe
mlnd, and seL Lhe soul on flre. We need never be concerned nor alarmed,
Lherefore, over anyone aL any Llme. We may expecL everyone Lo be gulded,
proLecLed and saved-and come forLh ln Lhe mosL remarkable manner-when we
leave lL Lo Cod. 8uL we musL say, agaln and agaln, LhaL we leave lL Lo Cod, and
acLually feel, as we make Lhls sLaLemenL, LhaL we are placlng lL all ln Lhe splrlL of
Lhe Supreme.
We need noL be anxlous, fearful or concerned, abouL anyone or anyLhlng,
when we leave lL Lo Cod. And, lndeed, how could we be fearful or anxlous when
we know LhaL lnflnlLe Wlsdom and Coodness ls ln charge of our llves and affalrs.
We wlll, lnsLead, develop a marvelous falLh-a falLh LhaL comes from LhaL
supreme assurance LhaL 305 all wlll be wlll, now, everyLhlng and everyone wlll be
cared for and proLecLed


Lo Lhe uLmosL. Surely, falLh musL grow and lncrease, Lo an amazlng degree, when
we reallze LhaL our llves are ln Lhe keeplng of Lhe Cne who knows everyLhlng and
can do everyLhlng. And, Lo have such a falLh ls enormous galn. As our falLh ls, so
shall lL be. A greaL falLh, Lherefore, can brlng resulLs beyond anyLhlng ever known
before-even resulLs LhaL may seem Lo be Lhe work of mlracle power.
When you feel concerned over Lhe llfe of someone who seems Lo be on Lhe
verge of passlng on, declare, ln hlgh falLh, LhaL you leave lL Lo Cod. 1he SplrlL can
heal and resLore anyone aL any Llme. 1haL man wlll noL pass on-when Lhe SplrlL
Lakes charge. Pe wlll, lnsLead, come forLh lnLo perfecL healLh and full sLrengLh.
Pe wlll Lake up hls bed and walk."
1here ls a general bellef among many LhaL Cod ls eager Lo Lake away, Lo
hlmself, Lhose whom we hold dear. 8uL, we musL Leach our mlnds, poslLlvely,
LhaL Cod does noL Lake anyone or anyLhlng away from us. Cod does noL deprlve
anyone of anyLhlng LhaL has worLh and reallLy. 1he only Lhlngs LhaL we lose,


when we go Lo Cod, are our llls and llluslons. lndeed, lf we would be safe and
secure, and reLaln our frlends and possesslons, Lhe one perfecL way ls Lo leave lL
Lo Cod. 1he wrong wlll be Laken away, buL Lhe good wlll remaln-and be
mulLlplled, agaln and agaln, wlLhouL end.
When we have obllgaLlons Lo meeL, and Lhe means are noL aL hand, we wlll noL
be fearful for a momenL. We wlll meeL Lhe slLuaLlon ln calmness and falLh-ln Lhe
full falLh LhaL every need wlll be meL lf we look Lo Lhe SplrlL, or, LhaL we wlll be led
by Lhe SplrlL Lo LhaL very place where we may flnd whaL we seek. We wlll leave lL
Lo Cod. We wlll place lL all under Lhe dlrecLlon of lnflnlLe Wlsdom. We wlll know
LhaL lnflnlLe Cod can Lake care of everyLhlng-prompLly and compleLely. We may
resL assured ln LhaL subllme LhoughL, for lL wlll be so. 1here ls enough and Lo
spare of everyLhlng ln Lhe vasL klngdom of Lhe CreaL Cood, and LhaL klngdom ls
here and everywhere-closer Lo us all Lhan llfe lLself. We become consclous of lL,
and parLake of lLs Lreasure, as we llve a llfe of lncreaslng nearness Lo Cod.


Pere we should conslder well Lhe greaL LruLh LhaL Cod ls noL llmlLed ln any way,
nelLher ln Lhe capaclLy Lo glve, nor ln Lhe deslre Lo glve. lndeed, lL ls Lhe ceaseless
deslre of Lhe SplrlL Lo glve ln fullness Lo everyone, everywhere, every momenL ln
eLernlLy. Cod need noL be urged nor lmplored. 8ehold, l sLand aL Lhe door and
knock." 1he glfLs of llfe are presenL -walLlng Lo come forLh and overwhelm us all
wlLh abundance. 8uL we are Lo open Lhe door, and Lhls we accompllsh Lhrough
lncreaslng nearness Lo Cod. And, lL ls mosL vlLal Lo noLe, LhaL Lhe more we look Lo
Cod, and leave lL all Lo Cod, Lhe closer we draw, ln LhoughL and consclousness,
Lowards Lhe presence of Lhe mosL Plgh.
When Lhe road seems hard, and you meeL dlfflculLles and obsLacles of every
naLure, know LhaL Lhe Supreme ls greaLer Lhan all of LhaL. know LhaL such Lhlngs
cannoL remaln, and are noL Lrue, where Cod relgns. 1he SplrlL can make every
paLhway peaceful and pleasanL. 1he SplrlL can remove every dlfflculLy, and make
noughL of every obsLacle. We wlll leave lL Lo Cod. 1haL wlll


change everyLhlng. And when your demonsLraLlons are noL made, and you do noL
succeed wlLh your purpose, Lake lL (3/0 Lhe Wlsdom LhaL knows, and Lhe ower
LhaL can. ?ou wlll poslLlvely have your demonsLraLlon when Plgher ower Lakes
charge. ?ou wlll accompllsh whaL you have ln vlew, however remarkable lL may
be. ?ou wlll flnd LhaL you see-even Lhe mysLerles of Lhe klngdom and Lhe deep
Lhlngs of Cod.
PerewlLh lL ls mosL lmporLanL Lo noLe, LhaL we acLually unlLe our mlnds wlLh
greaLer wlsdom and Plgher ower when we use Lhls meLhod, and Lhls ls
enormous galn whaLever Lhe purpose, Lhe problem or Lhe asplraLlon may be. We
can accompllsh more, see more and know more, by far, when we %3(/+ our mlnds
wlLh Lhe wlsdom and Lhe power of Lhe SplrlL. We can be gulded rlghLly, and
lnsplred wonderfully, aL such a Llme. lL ls lnevlLable, Lherefore, LhaL every
slLuaLlon wlll be meL, and everyLhlng Laken care of, when we leave lL Lo Cod.


When we have hlgher asplraLlons, and do noL see our way Lo Lhelr reallzaLlon,
or, when we feel lnadequaLe for Lhls larger aLLalnmenL, we wlll noL walL, nor
abandon our lofLy vlslon. We wlll proceed ln Lhe falLh LhaL Lhe mosL Plgh can glve
us Lhe wlsdom and Lhe power Lo reallze anyLhlng. We may, ln llfLed
consclousness, be LaughL of Cod. We may durlng momenLs supreme, be cloLhed
wlLh marvelous power. We may, as we draw very near Lo Lhe lnflnlLe, open our
llves Lo Lhe Lransformlng power of SplrlL, and all Lhlngs wlll be changed. We may
become channels Lhrough whlch Lhe llghL, Lhe perfecLlon and Lhe glory of Lhe
resence may shlne forLh. 1hen lL shall be on earLh as lL ls ln heaven, LhaL ls, lL
shall be ln our own ouLer and personal llfe as lL now ls ln Lhe splrlLual domaln.
Cur hlghesL asplraLlons wlll be reallzed, for all Lhlngs become posslble when we
leave lL Lo Cod.
We wlll use Lhls same marvelous meLhod when we are LempLed Lo become
concerned over Lhe problems and Lhe LrlbulaLlons of Lhe world. We wlll have no
fear. We wlll change our fears lnLo falLh. We wlll say Lo


ourselves and Lo everyone: LeL noL your hearL be Lroubled." We wlll know LhaL
Lhe Supreme ls greaLer Lhan all else ln creaLlon-and works eLernally for Lhe
hlghesL good Lo everyone. We wlll go where LhaL hlghesL good ls ln acLlon. We
wlll open our vlslon and see Lhe resence of Lhe ower-and )++ Lhe salvaLlon of
Lhe Lord." We wlll, before LhaL lofLy vlslon, calm our LhoughL and ralse our
consclousness. We wlll, Lhereby, be llfLed up, and become a power and an
lnsplraLlon wherever we go. And, when we are llfLed, many wlll be llfLed. When a
few come ouL of Lhe darkness, many wlll rlse lnLo Lhe llghL. 1hus we, who declde
Lo leave lL Lo Cod, and acLually go Lo Cod Lo demonsLraLe Lhls LruLh, wlll lead Lhe
way Lo peace and order everywhere. We wlll prove, LhaL greaL ls Lhe power, Lhe
lnfluence and Lhe lnsplraLlon of Lhose who abandon Lhelr fears, and draw nlgh
unLo Cod.

When we say LhaL we leave lL Lo Cod, we are noL maklng LhaL sLaLemenL ln a


negaLlve, dependenL or reslgned aLLlLude. lL wlll be Lhe very reverse, for, we are
enLerlng a sLaLe LhaL wlll mean greaLer sLrengLh for mlnd and body, greaLer
splrlLual power and undersLandlng. lL could noL be oLherwlse, for we are drawlng
nearer Lo Lhe Supreme, we are Laklng a much hlgher poslLlon ln LhoughL and
consclousness, we are ralsed up," and so, we recelve more, become more and
reallze more Lhan ever before. 1here ls no weak, dependenL or reslgned feellng ln
such lofLy and powerful consclousness. 1o Lhe conLrary, we feel and know LhaL
we are worklng wlLh Cod, and, Lherefore, we can go forLh and achleve Lhe
When we make Lhls greaL sLaLemenL, we make lL wlLh Lhe sLrengLh and Lhe
asplraLlon of Lhe splrlL, wlLh Lhe whole of hearL and soul-llfLed lnLo Lhe resence,
wlLh a deep feellng LhaL we are acLually enLerlng Lhe resence, and, wlLh a deep
knowlng LhaL Lhls amazlng Lhlng ls Lrue. We do noL make Lhls sLaLemenL ln Lhe
bellef LhaL Lhere ls noLhlng now for us Lo do, buL, wlLh undersLandlng LhaL now we
may do more


Lhan ever before, LhaL now we may work ln and wlLh Lhe Cne LhaL ls almlghLy.
And, furLhermore, we make Lhls sLaLemenL ln Lhe undersLandlng LhaL now we may
use, Lo Lhe full, all Lhe glfLs and Lhe powers LhaL we have recelved from Lhe CreaL
We have, accordlng Lo modern dlscovery, marvelous powers-even mlracle
powers-ln Lhe depLhs of mlnd and soul, and Lhey are Lhere Lo be used. We can
use Lhem, however, only as we deepen our LhoughL, ralse our consclousness, and
40 farLher lnLo Lhe splrlL, or, as we go Lo Cod, and place our llves (3 Lhe Llfe of Lhe
Supreme. 1here ls much LhaL we may do, Lherefore, conslderlng Lhe glfLs and Lhe
powers LhaL we have Lo work wlLh, and, we should alm Lo do our uLmosL ln every
way. 8uL Lhe quesLlon ls, lf we are Lo llve and work ouL here ln Lhe smallness of
Lhe personal, or Lake our llves, our affalrs, our acLlvlLles and asplraLlons lnLo Lhe
CreaL Wlsdom and Lhe LlmlLless ower. Surely, Lhere can be only one answer.
We wlll Lake our glfLs, our LalenLs and our powers lnLo Lhe SplrlL. vasLly more wlll
be accompllshed and


reallzed Lhrough such a course. LveryLhlng becomes posslble as we move ln LhaL
dlrecLlon, sLep by sLep, as we make lL Lhe rule of llfe Lo leave everyLhlng Lo Cod-
5(/* Cod.
lL ls Lhe hlghesL way and Lhe greaLesL way, whaLever Lhe need, Lhe problem or
Lhe slLuaLlon may be, and lLs effecLlveness becomes more and more apparenL as
we use Lhls meLhod aL every sLep of Lhe way. lLs posslblllLles are lnnumerable and
unllmlLed, and we dlscern Lhe prlnclple when we noLe whaL can, and whaL cannoL
Lake place, where Lhe SplrlL ls aL work. We can see aL once LhaL Lhere can be no
evll or Lrouble, paln or loss, hurL or harm, where Lhe SplrlL ls aL work. 1here can
be no fear or fallure, darkness or confuslon, adverslLy or opposlLlon, ln LhaL place.
1here wlll, lnsLead, be harmony and peace, wholeness and sLrengLh, wlsdom and
power, vlcLory and abundance, undersLandlng and love. All ls well, ln every way,
and Lo Lhe greaLesL concelvable degree, where Lhe SplrlL ls aL work. And, when
we leave lL Lo Cod, we Lake our llves and our affalrs


lnLo LhaL place where /*+ 89(,(/ () -/ 50,;!
We can see, wlLh absoluLe clearness, LhaL Lhe besL, Lhe mosL deslrable and Lhe
mosL perfecL musL come Lo pass when Plgher ower Lakes charge, when ulvlne
Wlsdom ls Lhe guldlng llghL, and when Lhe CreaL Love rules Lhe way. lL musL be
so. 1hese laws are exacL, and Lhese Lhlngs are Lrue, wheLher lL be ln slmple
maLLers or ln monumenLal slLuaLlons. LveryLhlng works ouL ln Lhe rlghL way, and
ln Lhe mosL wonderful way, when we leave lL Lo Cod. And when we go far
enough, wlLh Lhls meLhod and prlnclple, we meeL mlracle power-where -3</*(34
can be meL, achleved, demonsLraLed and Lransformed.
1here ls never any llmlL Lo whaL Lhe wlsdom and Lhe power of Lhe mosL Plgh
can do-and seeks Lo do. We may feel weak, small or lncapaclLaLed ouL here, buL
Lhe SplrlL wlLhln can do all Lhlngs. Cod llves and works ln us all, and Cod :-3. Cur
clrcumsLances, condlLlons and obsLacles may seem Lo be Loo much for our
presenL sLrengLh, buL Cod can. We need noL Lhlnk, Lherefore, LhaL Lhls day wlll be
losL, or LhaL


our greaLer plans wlll have Lo be abandoned. We may leave lL all Lo Cod-ln Lhe
full assurance LhaL everyLhlng wlll be accompllshed. And, also, as we do Lake our
llves and our affalrs lnLo Lhe SplrlL, we wlll be cloLhed wlLh new sLrengLh. We wlll
arlse and go forLh ln vlcLory and Lrlumph.

When we say LhaL we leave lL Lo Cod, lL ls supremely lmporLanL LhaL we have, aL
Lhe Llme, Lhe greaLesL and Lhe hlghesL LhoughL of Cod concelvable. 1he more
perfecL and more brllllanL our vlslon of Cod, aL such a Llme, Lhe greaLer wlll Lhe
reallzaLlon-whaLever our purpose or prayer may be. We should Lhlnk of Cod as
absoluLely good: dolng Lhe good and creaLlng Lhe good everywhere every
momenL. We should Lhlnk of Cod as manlfesLlng Lhe good, every momenL, ln
every place LhroughouL Lhe whole of creaLlon. We should Lhlnk of Lhe goodness
of Cod as llmlLless and overwhelmlng, and we should Lhlnk of Lhe wlsdom, Lhe
power and Lhe


love of Cod ln Lhe mosL marvelous fashlon. We should Lhlnk of Cod as a glorlfled
resence-closer Lo us all Lhan llfe lLself. And we should know LhaL, as we come
near enough, ln LhoughL, Lo Lhls resence, we wlll be healed lnsLanLly, our llls and
Lroubles wlll dlsappear compleLely, our losses wlll be regalned, and we wlll enLer
lnLo reallzaLlons, of Lhe greaL and Lhe good, beyond anyLhlng ever known before.
lL ls such LhoughLs abouL Cod-and Lhe greaLesL and mosL lnsplrlng LhoughLs
abouL Lhe Supreme LhaL we can posslbly vlslon and creaLe-LhaL we should
enLerLaln when we make Lhls sLaLemenL, when we say we wlll leave lL Lo Cod. lor
Lhe LruLh ls, LhaL Lhe greaLer our LhoughL of Cod aL such a Llme, Lhe more falLh we
wlll have, Lhe hlgher our consclousness wlll rlse, and Lhe nearer we wlll draw
Lowards Lhe Cne Source. Cur LhoughLs, Lherefore, should Lake wlngs aL such a
Llme, so LhaL we mlghL see .-)/'< =0,+ of Supreme Coodness and Love, so LhaL
we mlghL look farLher lnLo Lhe Soul of lnflnlLy, and magnlfy Lhe Lord


more and more-even Lo Lhe uLmosL. And so, we shall prove LhaL Lhere ls no llmlL
Lo whaL may be done-and whaL we may recelve, aLLaln, dlscern, and
undersLand-when we leave lL Lo Cod.
1he blesslngs LhaL come, as we always leave lL Lo Cod, are numerous and
remarkable, buL Lhe greaLesL of Lhem all ls Lhls: we wlll Lhlnk more abouL Cod, and
we wlll Lhlnk far more of Cod. We wlll look more Lo Cod for everyLhlng, and we
wlll llve closer Lo Cod. We wlll become consclous, ln lncreaslng measure, of Lhe
Supreme resence, and Lhls ls noL only greaL galn, buL enormous galn. lor,
lndeed, ln such a consclousness, anyLhlng LhaL ls good and greaL can happen.
1ruly, can we lmaglne anyLhlng amazlng, sLupendous or mlraculous LhaL could noL
happen when we are -:/%-''< consclous of Lhe Supreme resence.
When we look more Lo Cod, and Lhlnk more abouL Lhe lnflnlLe, we wlll enlarge
and perfecL our vlslon-our vlslon of Lhe Cne who ls Coodness and Llfe and Love.
1hen, we are on a paLh where someLhlng asLoundlng wlll come Lo pass. 1he way


we vlslon, LhaL ls how we wlll Lhlnk, and, as our LhoughLs are, so we become-so
everyLhlng works ouL ln our llves and ln our experlence. 8eLLer LhoughLs wlll
produce Lhe beLLer-on all levels of llfe. And, when we develop our vlslon of Cod
so far LhaL we Lhlnk only Lhe good. 1hls wlll mean LhaL we Lhlnk only Lhe good,
and accordlng Lo Lhe law, LhaL llke LhoughLs produce llke effecLs, only Lhe good
wlll happen Lo us. WhaL an amazlng prospecL. 8uL lL ls noL, necessarlly, a far-
away evenL. 1he LruLh ls, LhaL everyone who looks more Lo Cod, and goes more
Lo Cod, ls on Lhe way Lo Lhe reallzaLlon of LhaL very experlence.
When we draw nearer Lo Lhe MosL Plgh, Lhe posslblllLles of llvlng, knowlng and
aLLalnlng become remarkable. lor, lmaglne, drawlng nearer Lo Lhe Cne who
knows all Lhlngs, and who has Lhe power Lo do all Lhlngs, drawlng nearer Lo Lhe
Cne who ls perfecLlon-glorlfled perfecLlon, drawlng nearer Lo Lhe Cne who can
answer every prayer lnsLanLly-no maLLer how asLoundlng


or colossal Lhe requesL may be, drawlng nearer Lo Lhe Cne who does answer Lhe
prayers of everyone who comes :'0)+ +30%4* Lo Lhe presence of Pls goodness
and love.
We conclude, Lherefore, LhaL we have here a meLhod LhaL can do amazlng
Lhlngs. lLs powers and posslblllLles are, lndeed, wlLhouL llmlL or end-boLh ln
dally llvlng and ln hlgher aLLalnmenLs. lL ls a meLhod LhaL can help us ln every
way, every hour, ln our personal problems and acLlvlLles, and aL Lhe same Llme,
Lake us back Lo Lhe Source. And we all know LhaL anyLhlng, LhaL ls good and greaL,
can happen, or come Lo us, on LhaL ascendlng paLhway. lL ls a meLhod LhaL can
brlng us peace, wholeness, freedom and llghL, and, aL Lhe same Llme, lead us
farLher lnLo Lhe klngdom of SplrlL. lL ls a meLhod LhaL can glve us guldance and
lnsplraLlon, for every deslre and need, and also llfL our mlnds Lowards Lhe
Supreme. lL ls a meLhod LhaL wlll encourage and Leach our LhoughLs Lo keep Lhe
eye slngle upon Lhe mosL Plgh, and such Lhlnklng wlll, evenLually, lead us lnLo


03+3+)) 5(/* 102-Lhe deepesL deslre and Lhe hlghesL asplraLlon of Lhe soul. lL ls
a meLhod Lhrough whlch anyLhlng can be reallzed-from Lhe slmplesL Lo Lhe
greaLesL concelvable, and Lhls we all can undersLand, fro we are uslng someLhlng
LhaL moves Lowards lnflnlLy. And so, whaLever we may meeL, seek, or purpose ln
llfe, lL ls Lhe uLmosL of wlsdom Lo Lhlnk and say: We leave lL Lo Cod."


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