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A color is not just a color. Each colors represent of their own meaning.

making short, I would like to explain the meaning of six colors: three primary
colors and three secondary colors.
Primary colors consist of red, blue, and yellow. Red is referring to love,
danger, brave or courage, enthusiasm, and erotic. Blue is a symbol for sharing,
protection, harmony, peace, and calm. Whereas yellow, that made reference to
sun, is symbolize loyalty, happy, imagination, cheerful, and social energy.
The second is secondary colors which formed by mixture of two primary
colors, they consist of purple (red + blue), green (blue + yellow), and geoluhread
or orange (yellow + red). Purple defined as: influence, mystery, magic, nobility,
and arrogant. Green is knowingly for balance, relax, cure, miracle, and cool or
chill. Then geoluhread, it relates to warm, close, excite, independent, and thought.

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