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Allison Naiino
Public Bigh School 12S
Anytown, 0SA

}anuaiy 2u1S

As we stait oui semestei of wiiting, we will tuin to the eaily 2u
wiiting style that is a constant piesence in wiiting touay - stieam of
consciousness. While at the time, this technique was quite scanualous, touay
we finu it in many woiks of liteiatuie. This unit will exploie the histoiy anu
usage of stieam of consciousness wiiting fiom its beginnings to touay.

Stuuents will stait with the classic T.S. Eliot poem "The Love Song of }. Alfieu
Piufiock," one of the fiist examples of stieam-of-consciousness. We will also
ieau viiginia Woolf anu }onathan Safian Foei (a veiy contempoiaiy example)
to compaie stieam of consciousness' uevelopment.

Each uay, stuuents will engage in a vaiiety of wiiting exeicises as they uevelop
theii own stieam of consciousness wiiting. Exeicises will incluue many items
that will uiaw fiom peisonal expeiiences, anu stuuents will tuin in a jouinal
at the enu of the unit with theii woik. The stuuent will maik woik that coulu
be ueemeu "haimful" to the stuuent in some iespect with a sticky note, so that
I know not to use it as an example foi the class.

Stuuents unueistanuing of these canonical woiks will allow them to cieate
bettei naiiative thioughout the iest of the couise. Stuuents will also leain
while the majoiity of the wiiting uone thiough stieam of consciousness will
be unusable foi theii othei wiiting, it is a helpful technique to bieak uown the
baiiieis they inteinally place on themselves while wiiting.

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Become familiai with stieam of consciousness wiiting - what it is, how to
use it anu why it is useful
Exploie wiiting in the stieam of consciousness - what techniques can be
useu without ieally thinking about what you aie wiiting, etc.
Biscovei the oiigins of stieam of consciousness anu why it is continues to
this uay in liteiatuie, stuuying its evolution as well
Cieate a jouinal of stieam of consciousness wiitings peisonal to stuuents
as well as uo class woik togethei using technology to cieate stieam of
consciousness wiiting


T.S. Eliot, "The Love Song of }. Alfieu Piufiock" (191S)
viiginia Woolf, !"#$ &'(()*'+ (192S)
}onathan Safian Foei, ,-."+/0123 1# 4((5612'/.7 (2uu2)

Biscussion will incluue the uiffeiences in stieam of consciousness thiough
time, why the evolution exists, anu how the wiitei uses stieam of
consciousness to convey a point. It will focus highly on the stiuctuie of the
wiiting. Stuuents will also take note of the liteiaiy techniques useu anu
question the authoi's intentions in using them.

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Stuuents will ciaft a peisonal jouinal of stieam of consciousness wiiting. A
jouinal piompt will be given each uay at the stait of class. Theie will be little
guiuance on what to wiite about, as stuuents' woik will most likely uigiess
fiom the oiiginal piompt.

What is in youi backpack iight now. List eveiything that you will finu in it
anu how it uefines you.
Wiite about one peison you look up to in youi family. Why aie they so
impoitant to you.
What uo you want to be when you giow up. What type of peison uo you
envision youiself to be.
Wiite about something you uiu that you iegiet.
Wiite about something you wish you coulu tell youi momuauetc. but
can't foi feai of huiting them.
Youi geneiation faces many pioblems. Iuentify the most impoitant one anu
piopose possible solutions to it.
Wiite about something oi someone who influenceu youi life foi the bettei.


Stuuents shoulu have a fiim unueistanuing of the ieauings. They shoulu
engage in uiscussion about the ieauings, anu uiaw upon them in theii own
wiiting. uiaues will be given on a full, paitial, oi no-cieuit basis anu will
constitute one-thiiu of the unit's final giaue (2u points).

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Stuuents shoulu ielate in some way to the piompt (at fiist). Wiiting shoulu tiy
to employ techniques that aie uiscusseu in class. The entiies shoulu be at least
one page. Stuuents will be giaueu on a passfail basis, anu the jouinals will be
one-half of the final giaue foi the unit (Su points).

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Stuuents will have an oppoitunity to paiticipate in class woik, incluuing
online NauLibs using the piojectoi anu each peison wiiting a sentence of a
stoiy as they feel inspiieu (the stoiy will be piojecteu thioughout the class).
Stuuents will be giaueu on a full, paitial, oi no-cieuit basis anu this will be
one-sixth of the final giaue (1u points).


Liteiatuie listeu above

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