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By Paul Rooney

Special Subject

The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo

By Paul Rooney.

The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo has entertained audiences for over 60 years.
The Tattoo started in the summer of 1950 as a display of music and dancing with a
few rows of chairs at the Ross Bandstand under the castle rock in Princes Street
Gardens. Now for three weeks in August every night 9000 people climb the
cobbled stones of The Royal Mile to see the internationally renowned event. Over
the last 60 years performers from over 70 countries have appeared at the castle. In
this investigation we shall journey through time from the very beginnings of the
Edinburgh International Festival and the beginnings of the Tattoo. The Music, The
Participants, The Directors, and we shall end the investigation by talking about
Behind the Scenes at the Tattoo and Other Tattoos that have appeared to follow
in Edinburghs footsteps.
T H E E D I N B U R G H MI L I T A R Y T A T T O O C E L E B R A T I N G 6 0 Y E A R S O F V A L O U R ,
MA T E S H I P A N D G L O R Y .

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