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Cover Page

Literary Identity
Makayla Estep

My goal for the reader of this paper is to understand where and how I received
my literary identity through the years by giving specific occurrences that changed my
views on literacy. My strengths will be my memories that are included, but conveying
them in the right context will be the challenge. Tying the memories to specific domains
will be difficult because so many overlap and converge together. I would like the reader
to focus mainly on the turning points of my views regarding literacy that happened
during my life. The people who guided my journey along the way should also receive
some recognition. My weaknesses through this paper are solidifying my thoughts to one
specific domain in my life as well as elaborating on them as much as they need to be
elaborated on. The writing style is also personal and informal, therefore, if the reader
has a problem with lax writing I hope that they can excuse this and focus more on the
story at hand.

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