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Cover Letter

Makayla Estep
Athletic Training Ethnography Paper

For this paper I would like the reader to examine the facts and the experience I
had throughout this experiment. My weaknesses throughout this paper will be the
overall flow and relativity to each part of a discourse community. The strengths in this
paper will be the connections that I can make to the threshold of this community. As an
outsider looking in, it was very educating to stand on the sidelines and be in the clinic
observing alongside the trainers. The field notes that I took were post observation due to
the fact that I was unable to take them while in the clinic or on the sidelines of the
womens soccer game. The quotes will be paraphrased to the best of my ability, but they
may not actually be the words that were spoken at that moment in time. I would like the
reader to focus on the content and not the method of how the paper is written. I would
like them to understand and receive a better insight to the discourse community of
athletic training.

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