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Literature Creed October 27, 2014

Chris Hiscott

Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Viewing, and Visually Representing
Each important, each necessary for learning language.
Together they make the language arts, the core of humanity.
I will teach all, every day, for language is forever essential.

Listening, absorbing information, students listening, teachers listening.
Everyone needs to be able to listen so we all can understand.
Listening is the core of dialogue, an invaluable skill.
Listening must be taught and practiced, I will encourage both.

Speaking, communicating, connecting, expressing ideas through words.
A way to be heard, to discuss, to debate, to express love or disgust.
Students must learn to speak, increasing vocabulary, expressing themselves.
Speaking must be taught and practiced, I will encourage both.

Reading, learning, entering the mind of another person.
Exploring the words and knowledge of others, learning about the world.
Reading and thinking the thoughts of great minds, Aristotle, Shakespeare, Voltaire.
Reading must be taught and practiced, I will encourage both.

Writing, expressing ideas for others to read, ideas that can last forever.
Putting imagination on paper, where anything is possible.
Transferring speech miles away for anyone to read.
Writing must be taught and practiced, I will encourage both.

Viewing, a picture is a story, filled with meaning and beauty.
Art can make you think, and explore your own mind.
One picture, multiple meanings, different feelings. To look deeply,
Viewing must be taught and practiced, I will encourage both.

Visually representing, the expression of a feeling, a mood, an attitude, a story.
Anyone can create meaningful art, letting emotion flow through the pen, paint, or lens.
Telling an entire story with a single image, so beautiful, so meaningful. However,
Visual representing must be taught and practiced, I will encourage both.

Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Viewing, and Visually Representing
Each important, each necessary for learning language.
Together they make the language arts, the core of humanity.
I will teach all, every day, for language is forever essential.

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