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Home Tutorials Windows 7 USB Installation
This tutorial is about Windows 7 USB Installation. Below are steps with screenshot. No CD is reuired. !ll "ou need is a usb #lash
dri$e o# atleast %&B and Windows 7 iso #ile.
Windows 7 installation #rom USB

Steps #or Windows 7 USB Installation
Download Windows 7 Ultimate IS' (% Bit ) *% Bit
I# "ou don+t alread" ha$e windows 7 ima,e then "ou can download #ree windows 7 ultimate IS'.
Windows 7 USB Tool
-irst o# all Download this pro,ram. This is .icroso#t ,enuine tool to ma/e usb dri$e bootable
!#ter "ou ha$e downloaded abo$e Windows 7 USB tool. Now #ollow below steps.
'pen this tool #rom "our pro,rams.
Step 0
Then Clic/ on Browse button and ,o to path where "our windows iso #ile is located.
Search Website
Windows 1 USB Installation Tutorial with
Windows 7 Ultimate -ree Download IS' (2
and *% Bit
How To Install Windows 7 3 Step B" Step
.ethod -or Be,inners
How to Use UltraIS' To .a/e Bootable CD
D4D and .ount IS'
How to Install Windows 56 With USB Dri$e
How To -i7 Selected -ile is Not a 4alid IS'
-ile 8rror
How To Use CCleaner To Speed Up
Computer and -ree Dis/ Space
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Windows 7 USB Installation | Get into PC
1 of 4 11/07/2014 15:55
Step 2
Clic/ on WIndows 7 iso #ile and clic/ on 'pen button.
Step (
Now #rom options clic/ on USB De$ice.
Step %
-rom Drop Down bo7 select "our USB 6en dri$e letter e.,. H9 or I9 or &9 and then clic/ Be,in cop"in,. !#ter the process is
completed the USB is now bootable. Turn o## "our computer and plu,in USB. Now Turn on 6C and boot #rom USB. Done. I# "ou
ha$e an" issues with this tutorial then please comment here.
This 6ost Was :ast Updated 'n9 !pril (; 2<0% B" !uthor9 -atima !#ridi
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Windows 7 USB Installation | Get into PC
2 of 4 11/07/2014 15:55

Nasir Javed
When i run window 7 usb tool and upload the iso file error msg show the selected file is not valid plz select a
valid file plz tel me what i do

Nicholas Ricci
download another iso =)

Fatima Afridi Mod
This one is now official untouched ISO. That error appears when you use some modified unofficial

You can just extract using Magic ISO. then send the extracted file to your flash..Works fine

Fatima Afridi Mod
Exactly. Well Said

rahat perveen
then how do i make it bootable

Fatima Afridi Mod
There are a lot of tools for making bootable USB. Use
Windows USB DVD tool
Universal USB Installer

Carl John Higuit
after booting your usb you can still use it for saving files,pictures,etc..?

p s murthy
Dear fathima, at present i am using windows xp sp2. I want to get windows 7. how can i instal. I have no dvd
or usb of windows 7.please tell me in detail step by step

hi fatima. downloaded the windows7 and the usb/ dvd toll but when i made the copy it didnt made the usb
bootable, i dont know why, it said for help to make usb bootable ask for help online help. please tell me
now i have both them but they are not working. thank you

Fatima Afridi Mod
What error are you getting?

Let me tell you something: This was the clearer, easiest, and perfect tutorial I have ever known or seen. It
solved my problem, of course I did not know it would be solved by a USB, but after I found this tutorial, life
went well, I feel like I love this. Thank you very much. Blesses.

Fatima Afridi Mod
Thanks David. Recommend my site to all of your friends.

Chris Silverstar
I am currently running Ubuntu on an Acer Aspire Series 5050 laptop which is old back in 05' and I am
turning it back to Windows XP since it wont run Windows 7. Will the program still work with XP?

Fatima Afridi Mod
Yup I hope it will run

Chris Silverstar
It ran smoothly. :D Thanks for some help.
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3 of 4 11/07/2014 15:55
%o&' A(out Conta)t Us Pi*a)+ Poli)+ Sit' #a! R'!ot , A(us' Fil' D#CA Ad*'tis'
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